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Log 2-8.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
player, 78 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2004
at 06:44
  • msg #23

Re: Log 2-8

Jade yells back to Laz, Lot and Mitose, "There's a door in the front and the back.  That gives them two openings.  Make sure both doors are held open."
player, 67 posts
HP= 5/10
Tue 26 Oct 2004
at 17:54
  • msg #24

Re: Log 2-8

Almost as an after thought Lot hollers as he runs to the other end of the train.  "Laz, Mitose, bring your ropes.  One for each door.  If they dont make their first jump they can use the ropes to climb in, or at least steady themselves.
player, 126 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2004
at 23:07
  • msg #25

Re: Log 2-8

Laz does not wait to see if his shot was solid or not but instead heads but heads to the door with rope in hand.
GM Heath
GM, 206 posts
Wed 27 Oct 2004
at 05:48
  • msg #26

Re: Log 2-8

Snow aims and fires twice at the two nearest mutants.  He knocks the first back to the ground as he hits its torso.  The second is hit in the shoulder.  It rises to its feet, shaking off the stun.

Snow turns to face the stairwell and the descending mutants.

Fault, meanwhile, is drawing symbols in blood on the ground.

Ted fires at the mutant that rises.  His sniper rifle aim is dead-on, and it falls dead to the ground.

Suddenly, a mutant launches itself at Elle.  It had sneaked up and remained unseen in the shadows.  It hits Elle and the unconscious Viper.  They both topple forward over the platform and onto the tracks.

The chaotically blinking lights of the train are getting closer.

The mutant begins viciously attacking Viper.  Its talons are extremely sharp, and Viper surely will not survive.  Elle climbs to her feet and backs away from the mutant before it can move on to her, but she is still on the train tracks.

Laz shoots.  It is unclear whether he hit or not.

Jade is unsuccessful with stopping the train, although she manages to slow it down slightly and hold it steady at about 30 kph.

The mutant in front of her on the window begins hitting its claws on the window.  It begins to crack.

Laz gives Mitose a rope.  Mitose runs to the back with Lot toward the back door.  Laz stays near the front door by Jade.

A clunk above you lets you know that another mutant has dropped onto the traincar from above.

10 seconds to station 1 -- again
Note that I extended the time to station 1 because the train decelerated.  It is now 10 seconds at the current speed.  Make preparations accordingly.
player, 40 posts
HP= 2/10
Wed 27 Oct 2004
at 05:58
  • msg #27

Re: Log 2-8

 Fault looks a bit baffled as the mutant appears, then quickly levels his handgun at it and fires. "Damn it, Kitimur, I said banish!" he shouts over the shots.
GM Heath
GM, 207 posts
Wed 27 Oct 2004
at 06:02
  • msg #28

Re: Log 2-8

If anyone is going to jump on the passing train or take any other actions before it gets there, please post exactly what your character will do.  The next major GM post will be when the train passes station 1.  Do you jump in the front door?  Back door?  Any other precautions?  Try anything to save those in the train tracks?

You have ten seconds...

player, 41 posts
HP= 2/10
Wed 27 Oct 2004
at 06:10
  • msg #29

Re: Log 2-8

 "Worthless dead gods..." Fault hisses.
player, 68 posts
HP= 5/10
Thu 28 Oct 2004
at 03:56
  • msg #30

Re: Log 2-8

Lot stands in the doorway and holds the door open with foot pressed into the safety bumper of the door.  He stuffs his pistol into his belt and accepts the coil of rope from Mitose.  He would need both hands to manage the rope and help pull the others into the train.  When they draw near to station 1 he throws the rope out and lets it drag along side of the train, keeping a length of coil firmly in hand.  He wasnt sure how the injured were going to make it into the moving train but perhaps the rope would give them something to pull themselves in with.
player, 31 posts
HT -4/11
Thu 28 Oct 2004
at 07:14
  • msg #31

Re: Log 2-8

Snow slings his shotgun quickly , then jumps down to where Elle has fallen. He will quickly andunceremoniously help her up onto the platform before trying to help the other programmer,

Dammit Fault, quit with the mumbo jumbo and give us a hand!
Ted Chung
NPC, 5 posts
Sun 31 Oct 2004
at 10:04
  • msg #32

Re: Log 2-8

Ted also jumps into the pit to help Elle out, looking quickly to the left since he only has 10 seconds until the train will wipe them out.

[OOC:  the train tracks are recessed about 6 feet down in the ground.]
player, 42 posts
HP= 2/10
Sun 31 Oct 2004
at 10:16
  • msg #33

Re: Log 2-8

 Fault lowers his hand to help Ted out once he has assisted Elle.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:16, Sun 31 Oct 2004.
GM Heath
GM, 208 posts
Mon 1 Nov 2004
at 02:00
  • msg #34

Re: Log 2-8

player, 52 posts
Mon 1 Nov 2004
at 17:52
  • msg #35

Re: Log 2-8

Mitose positions himself to make certain anyone that makes the leap of great faith gets in, and stays in. He will also take not of anything that can be used to lend last ditch assistance if the need is there.
player, 43 posts
HP= 2/10
Mon 1 Nov 2004
at 22:53
  • msg #36

Re: Log 2-8

 Remembering Snow's injuries, Fault shifts his footing to help the pale-skinned man out of the trench, ready to help Ted once Elle and Snow are back up onto the platform.
GM Heath
GM, 209 posts
Thu 4 Nov 2004
at 05:26
  • msg #37

Re: Log 2-8

10 seconds to arrival at station 1
Snow and Ted jump in the pit after Elle and Viper.  Since Viper is irrecoverable and the mutant is currently distracted with the body, they grab Elle and hoist her up...

5 seconds to station 1

Mitose and Lot are at the back of the train (which is actually the end moving forward toward station 1), ready to help Elle, Snow, Ted and Fault jump in, a rope extended for them to grab if they need it.  They notice the figures on the tracks scrambling to get up.

With a crash, the mutant breaks through the train windshield where Jade is still trying to stop the train.  He lands on the brake stick, breaking it off and knocking Jade to the ground.

Laz is at the back door about 7 feet from Jade and the mutant.  He is waiting to help the others in the train as well.

Elle makes it onto the platform.

The mutants are awake and converging.  At least 12 have pulled themselves onto the platform and begin moving toward Fault and Elle.

Fault holds out his hand for Snow...

The train lights nearly blind you.  It is seconds away.

Ted jumps to climb up...but the mutant on Viper has spun and grabbed him by the leg.

Snow is pulled up just as the roaring of the train is there and...

Lot and Mitose watch in horror as the train hits Ted full on, dragging his body.  They reach out their arms as Elle and Fault jump...

Snow is still picking himself up after the close call with the train.

Fault jumps in the quickly moving train at the same time as Elle.  Their bodies press together as they are slammed as though from a wall.  Elle hits her head on the pole...and is knocked unconscious.  Her body has padded Fault, and he merely loses his balance and stumbles, helped by Mitose and Lot.

Snow jumps in the rear door.  He makes a miraculous jump, grabbing onto the bar and completely maintaining his balance.

You hear the splattering as mutants are hit by the moving train.  Your only fear is derailment...and the fact that it is still moving.

Jade has a mutant on top of her.  She is near Snow and Laz.

The rest are in the back of the train.

More mutants appear to be dropping onto the roof of the moving train.

And still it moves on...

player, 127 posts
Thu 4 Nov 2004
at 05:38
  • msg #38

Re: Log 2-8

Laz makes a run towards Jade, gun drawn as he sees them wrestling.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:45, Thu 04 Nov 2004.
GM Heath
GM, 210 posts
Thu 4 Nov 2004
at 05:47
  • msg #39

Re: Log 2-8

player, 32 posts
HT -4/11
Thu 4 Nov 2004
at 14:19
  • msg #40

Re: Log 2-8

Snow will make a grab for the mutant and try to use his Judo expertise to throw it away. Hopefully off the train or at least into a corner that they can all shoot at it.
player, 69 posts
HP= 5/10
Fri 5 Nov 2004
at 18:58
  • msg #41

Re: Log 2-8

With a blank expression Lot watches as Ted is slammed by the train.  Setting his horror aside he focuses on protecting the researches that he still had.  Quickly he kneels down next to Elle and wraps her arm around his neck.  Holding her firmly around the waist with his right arm he moves her towards the front of the train where Sam is resting.
player, 79 posts
Sat 6 Nov 2004
at 01:29
  • msg #42

Re: Log 2-8

Jade tries to get her hands on her pistol and shoot the mutant on top of her.
player, 53 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2004
at 17:06
  • msg #43

Re: Log 2-8

Mitose moves to check on Elle's health, and calls out, "Someone get that thing off of Jade!  We'll have more on our hands soon enough!"

Once he's certain Elle will live, he esenntially shoves her out of the way, under one of the bench seats, figuriung that's where she'll be teh safetst.  Then he readies his weapon, and fires on the first Mutant he sees trying to get in...if no one has helpoed Jade, he dashes over, and kicks the thing off of his friend.
player, 128 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2004
at 18:30
  • msg #44

Re: Log 2-8

Laz aims for three seconds and fires when he sees the backside of the mutant.
GM Heath
GM, 211 posts
Mon 8 Nov 2004
at 05:10
  • msg #45

Re: Log 2-8

The party has no time for reunions.  Above you, several of the creatures are clawing away at the roof of the train car.  And one of the mutants attacking Jade.

Laz begins to aim.

Jade tries to ward off the creature while grabbing her pistol.  She gets a grip on it.

Lot and Mitose are moving Elle toward the front of the train car.

The mutant swipes at Jade, hitting her with sharp claws.  Luckily, she twists and pushes and suffers only a minor gash in her side. (2 HT dmg).

Snow steps toward the mutant on Jade and grabs it to throw it.  He missteps, falling directly into the mutant...just as Laz pulls the trigger.  (Critical miss for Snow...roll of 18.)

Laz is unable to pull back, his bullet sailing directly into Snow...

Lot and Mitose reach the front of the train car and begin to put Elle on the seat.  They unfortunately cannot put her under the seat because it has heating and cooling units and other mechanically sealed equipment.  They settle for placing her next to

Jade has scrambled for and finds her pistol.  Firing at point blank range, she hits the mutant in the chest. (14 dmg)  It squeals and turns to Snow.

The bullet from Laz's gun pierces Snow's left arm, grazing the bone.  (6 HT damage).  He falls unconscious to the floor of the train.

(GAME RULES: At minus your health score, you must make a HT roll or die immediately.  1 more HT damage will put Snow at -HT.

Apparently thinking that Snow is dead, the mutant turns toward Laz next.  A dark red, almost black, ooze, is dripping from the wound where Jade hit it.

Elle is starting to mumble.  It looks like she is coming out of unconsciousness.

Fault has gotten up and moved to the front of the train with the others.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:13, Mon 08 Nov 2004.
player, 129 posts
Mon 8 Nov 2004
at 05:39
  • msg #46

Re: Log 2-8

Laz curses at what happens to Snow and fires at the mutant, taking no time to aim.
player, 44 posts
HP= 2/10
Mon 8 Nov 2004
at 10:46
  • msg #47

Re: Log 2-8

 Fault snaps out his daze after seeing Ted crushed by the train. He grabs his pistol, levels it at the mutant attacking Lazarus, and lets out as many shots as he can.
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