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12:22, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

May...time  to meet the new folks.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Nathan Lewis
player, 10 posts
Defensive Coordinator
Defensive Coach
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 01:47
  • msg #116

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Nathan called out to the defense as they started to line up, "I expect stops boys. A turn over would be nice, but I'm not happy giving up first downs. So put them in their place, and on their backs!"

Nathan walked a bit to the side so he could see their line up stance. He needed to know their weaknesses so he would work on them. This was going to be a building year like none other and he needed to know what he was working with.

Payne lined up as MLB , Williams and Rodgers both lined up opposite sided as CB and Jones was at FS with Heart at SS. These were his boys and Nathan didn't want much to get past them.
Draon Player-Coach
player, 3 posts
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 03:04
  • msg #117

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

   Steele bent into  the Huddle. Sims standing  not far behind. he watched how Steele handled the the guys reacted.

  Amota  and his wife watched eagerly. They seemed to be as drawn into this as the fans and players were.

  The first play seemed too Easy, Adam running a hard out, his seperation on his cut was outstanding, and  Steeles  pass was head high, Adam could have danced out of  bounds, but  turned up instead, lowering his pads into the belly of the Corner who was  tring to recover from the break.

 FIRST DOWN! yelled fry  as he tossed the ball over to the ball boy who set it  down on the 32,

  The next play was a quick snap throw to Stalls for a gain of 5...2nd  and 5............
Marcus Payne
player, 3 posts
Middle Linebacker
No. 51
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 06:17
  • msg #118

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Stalls reached out and pulled the ball in securing it against himself as Payne bent his knees and wrapped up up driving him into the ground.

2nd and five, he thought. He looked over at the wide outs watching their push off foot. He took notice of the arch or their backs to see if they were turned for the cut. Looking over to the left he noticed the receivers foot slightly turned.

"Watch him the cut!"

Payne waited, he watched the centers hand on the ball, as his knuckles turned white to grip down on the ball Payne began to move forward. The center snapped the ball and before he could look up Payne had leveled him stepping across his chest as he slapped his hands down on the QBs red jersey. "Tell you center to wear gloves, it hides the snap read." Turning and walking back to the center of the field he stops and lends a hand to the center still looking up at the sky. "Don't take it personal, reading is one of my specialties.

Looking at his defense he called out and held up three fingers. "One more stop boys, one more is all we need!"
Nathan Lewis
player, 11 posts
Defensive Coordinator
Defensive Coach
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 06:22
  • msg #119

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Smirking Nathan couldn't help enjoy the reading ability of Payne, the kid could read an offense and he seem to want to step into the leadership role on this defense. That is either really good, or really bad.

 "Looks like I have a Defensive Captain. He had a voice and he uses it, nice to see that this early. Someone that doesn't making taking charge out their."
Mikhail San-Guigerre
player, 5 posts
Half Back and Utility
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 19:39
  • msg #120

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Mik made sure that he was protecting the QB first off and then making a late break if free to catch the short pass. Playing this way was totally new to him but he found that it was really just a test of his mental strength - and that he had plenty of. He didn't mind taking the hits if he had to - but nobody was going to get to the QB or stop him from getting first downs.
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 16 posts
19 WR
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 22:46
  • msg #121

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

    they broke the Huddle, Third  and  5. Adam  said something  in the Huddle  before they came out..he lined up wide  Right. His eyes looked to the sticks, then he looked away quickly..but not  quickly enough   for the Coner who smiles  just a bit.
 Steele took the shot gun snap  and rolled two steps to Right, Mik circled in to get behind the Linebacker who had  just ruined thier last play...he smiles, it looked like he would be open.

  Adam brole again, a sloppy fake inside  then out...just a little seperation as he broke  for the sticks..... Steele's  arm snapped forward, the Corner stepped in front Of ASdam...but...the ball was still in Steel's hand,

  Bronk  Turned up Field Just as Steele reloaded and let fly./..It got there fast  Bronk caught the Ball , with Only the free sfatey to try and  stop him from scoring..the  Saftey never had a chance as Bronk seemed to add another gear and cruised downfield  into the endzone. The  Little Wideout Jumped into the air as he crossed the goaline, but came out with the ball palcing it on the PAT line.

  He pointed Up filed at Steele and pumped his fist. The Corner was crouched at the 37...he was thier 2nd round pick that they recieved  from Carolina for 3 vet players..he had just been toasted by a freeagant..he kept shaking his head.

  Hennar Grinned,been a long time since i seen a Square out-n-go like that..woooooiiieeee!"

Kat! Extra point..let's looking  for an Invite?"

Mikhail San-Guigerre
player, 6 posts
Half Back and Utility
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 23:29
  • msg #122

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Mik smiled as the ball was taken in by Bronk. That was close eh, he thought to himself, only 5 yards to grab a first down and still going longball - this will be an interesting season that's for sure!

He turned to Ivan, "That was ... interesting, eh? Looks like there are the makings of one heck of a team here, let's just hope the coaches see enough to give me a shot eh? Be disappointing to be cut now"
Ivan Chevaleir
player, 9 posts
Fullback #24
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 23:49
  • msg #123

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Ivan grins sheepishly,been looking over  at Hebner's  clipboard..we got checkdowns, swings, and wraparound draws...not to mention screens  and  hotreads...going to be a race to see which dragon gets the most passes.."

 He points to La Roi who held his helmet as he looked down at the turf, scuffing it with his foot,"'cept for that one...everyone  will catch more then him, if he stays on the team...
Bart (Bar None) Sims
player, 10 posts
Head Coach
Thu 29 Apr 2010
at 23:55
  • msg #124

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  As  they wait for  Kat and her team to set up for an uncontested PAT. Sims  shouts outCoach ! Your  guys took the bait...lets see what they do against the second team...Cept Mik and Ivan stay out there...

 #17 steps into  a huddle wit  La Roi at left...Randle  at right..Briggs  at  TE  , Mik at the H-back  and Ivan at the slot.

 The first play...#17 gives a wraparound draw to Mik.......
Nathan Lewis
player, 12 posts
Defensive Coordinator
Defensive Coach
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 01:14
  • msg #125

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Trent Rodgers stepped back with his receiver then did his best to recover as he saw the draw start to unfold in front of him. Moving around and heading in to make the hit he was blindsided with an amazing block that sent him sprawling forward to the ground and sliding. The HB leaped over him as Rodgers found himself on the ground.

 Payne rolled out putting his sights on Mik as he came down to the ground. He needed to make up some time if he was going to get there.
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 28 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 06:58
  • msg #126

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat tilted her head slightly, then snapped on her helmet and jogged onto the field. She'd been watching and basking in the glow of being a starting NFL kicker. She didn't figure they'd be doing PATs as well...

Hey, more practice! Kat lined up and waited for the ball to be snapped...
Draon Player-Coach
player, 4 posts
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 07:17
  • msg #127

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  The snap came and the uncontested kcik went through the Uprights....As they set up for the next series Sims grinned at her, Good kickers is always ready to kick...right?"
Mikhail San-Guigerre
player, 7 posts
Half Back and Utility
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 15:43
  • msg #128

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Mik had set up with an angle designed to fool the defence into thinking that he was protecting the pocket but had burst out with speed when he got hold of the ball. he kept his head on a swivel as he crossed the scrimmage line to see who'd be coming for him and made a split-second judgement that he could probably burn them for pace rather than needing to dog-fight.

He put leaped over a defender as a nice block made a gap, and then put his head down to gun for the line with the linebackers in hot pursuit. This was Mik's speciality - he could clear traffic pretty well, but it was once he had open field in front of him, he'd open up his stride and power to the line.

One chance to prove my worth as another option, he thought, one chance to make the NFL. He held nothing back and focused on the endzone.
Draon Player-Coach
player, 5 posts
Fri 30 Apr 2010
at 19:30
  • msg #129

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Ivan got  to his feet after the block he had  made from the slot, he started to go down filed, noting he  wasn't going to catch Mik or the closet defender, he turned to make sure no pursuit when get him, He slammed into the Corner that had covered La Roi...La Roi was  just watching the play from near tghe sideline..never made an attempt to block.

    Briggs, the TE was trying to catch Mik as well aiming  for a spot between him and the Apporaching  Linebacker that had " sacked" Steele a few plays before........

  Hebner was beside himself,DAMMIT LA ROI! you didn't buy a ticket so ya can't  watch the game! do somehting! he turned to Sims,That lazy, gutless bum gets one of my backs hurt...i will kill him!
Bart (Bar None) Sims
player, 12 posts
Head Coach
Wed 5 May 2010
at 12:26
  • msg #130

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 Sims  watched the play from the backfield. moving  abit  to try and catch the way the players were reacting to this"light contact" drill.

 Bronk stood with the others  as he yelled for Mik to turn it on, other players  hollering  and shouting  for thier teammates on thier side of the ball..........
Mikhail San-Guigerre
player, 8 posts
Half Back and Utility
Wed 5 May 2010
at 15:10
  • msg #131

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Mik snuck a glance over his shoulder and saw the angle that his pursuers were taking. Time to light the fires, he thought to himself and he took a new angle designed to avoid contact and make the endzone.

He tucked his head in and started the mental drills that allowed his to remain calm whilst his body was pounding, allowed him to ignore the pain and strain. From the sidelines it seemed as if Mik had been shot forward as he stepped up a gear and drove on. As he approached the line he could 'feel' someone close so he spun closer to the sideline and dived over just as he felt someone's hand touch his back.

Mik leapt up and pumped the air, he'd made it but it was far closer than he'd expected. He'd misjudged the speed that the Linebacker could perform and had almost waited too late to step on the gas - he filed away that information for future use. He helped him peruser up, "Nearly there, good chase eh?" he said with a grin.

He turned and jogged back to the line where he sought out Ivan, "Hey man, nice block - you opened up the perfect hole on that one." he said giving Ivan a high-5, "Damn that back was fast though, eh? With him on the team I think this place had better get used to a bit of success." He gave a little laugh and turned towards the coach to see what the next play would be.
Draon Player-Coach
player, 6 posts
Wed 5 May 2010
at 15:23
  • msg #132

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  the  rest of the  7-7s went well...La Roi got less and less time, and bronk had been on the field  for most of the Runs. One of the freeagent DBs was helped  from the filed after he gave Ivan a late  hit on a swing pass...Adam seemed to be the enforcer as he laid the fellow out...and  never looke d back  at him as the trainers came.

 while they waited for thim to stumble towards the sidelines Adam said,folks need to know we take car of things on our own,,,and  our defense is not the only fist they have to watch for...

  As They left the  Filed  after the Horn sounded,  Mrs Amota  approached  Sims, Who called Steele, Kat, Mik  and Adam over.Mrs Amota  wants you 4 here around 8:00am tomorrow. Seems  ESPN's  Mag wants tyo do a photo op and story on the  new Dragons...look pretty for them Adam..." he snaps his  fingers as he said,"oh...that means you 4 are going to camp..." he grins  as he  and Mrs  Amota turn to leave  Nilie gives Adam  a nod  and smile, as he retunes it with a slight bow.

     They head out  to the lockers..folks planning what they need do.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:24, Wed 05 May 2010.
Mikhail San-Guigerre
player, 10 posts
Half Back and Utility
Wed 5 May 2010
at 22:12
  • msg #133

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Mik nodded when he was told to report tomorrow and broke out into a grin when he heard that he'd made the camp. NFL is a step closer, and this team is going to be a tough nut to crack if people look this good this early<, he thought.

He headed for the lockers with the rest of them with a grin on his face.
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 30 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Thu 6 May 2010
at 03:10
  • msg #134

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat grinned from ear to ear, pumping her helmet in the air to no one in particular. There was excitement coursing through her veins. Facebook, twitter, and the 'rents, not necessarily in that order, were all to be updated. Kat practically sprinted off the practice field, twirling gleefully as she gather up her gear to change in a women's bathroom.
Draon Player-Coach
player, 7 posts
Thu 6 May 2010
at 03:15
  • msg #135

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  As  Kat scampers  by as fellow with  " Dragon STAFF" oeralls stops her and explains to her where her partof the locker romms is. He winks,yer in the big time more phone booths  and closets for ya...ya got a proper locker room.."
Brutus (Shadow) Tibbs
player, 2 posts
#23 Cornerback
Penal League star
Thu 6 May 2010
at 16:32
  • msg #136

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

When Brutus arrived it was a shock to him. They were already doing the 7-7's. The info he got had been wrong. Just another excuse probably to keep him from playing. He felt sure that this time would be different. Maybe he should've went to Detroit instead. They were probably the most desparate for players afterall. But he still felt he had a shot here.

He goes to one of the people who was in charge and gave them his name and position and they look at him then hand him a uniform. They said once he was dressed he should report to the DC.

So Brutus slides his shades into his bag then goes to the locker room tossing his bag down in a locker that had the number he was assigned over it. It's when he looks at the number he laughs. The Shadow still earn 23. What were the odds? Every time he played he got the number even when he didn't pick it. It must be destiny or something. As he changes some may note the tattoos. Others may notice one scar on his side. Mostly they may note the tone of his body. He places the pads on trying to readjust to the feel. Brutus hadn't got the opportunity to wear em in the Penal League. Only the guards were give pads afterall. He feels the helmet also noticing it was regulation. Good thing.

Then he goes back out to the field and looks around for the DC. He asks someone and they point the man out to him. So Brutus goes over and introduces himself."Excuse me sir. My name is Brutus Tibbs and I'm here to try out for Cornerback sir."
Draon Player-Coach
player, 8 posts
Thu 6 May 2010
at 18:05
  • msg #137

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  As Brutus  suits up. He sees another player changing into  shorts and putting on spikes...he still has  pads on. The  fellow looks down the lockers at him,and nods. Don't  worry about  being late... he says in a low voice,as he turns his head Brutus  can see the fellow has a split upper  lip with a butterfly  holding it together.

  Names Byron Worth....he points up at his locker. Unlike some of the others. his hame was on adhesive tape ( Worth, Bryan 41)One of the Last Jags left...they seemed to want to clean house...The DC Nathan Lewis..he's the man ya want to impress..him and the Jap who runs the company...The Head Caoch..Sims..him too..but if Lewis  don't want you? You'll never get to talk to Sims...

  he ties his  spikes as he says,7-7s are more offical practice  'til tomorrow..i'm gonna  do some drills on my own...  he grins  just a bit,lotsa young guns  like you out there...

  If  Ya  don't  see Lewis on the filed...go to his you introduce yerself....
Brutus (Shadow) Tibbs
player, 3 posts
#23 Cornerback
Penal League star
Thu 6 May 2010
at 21:23
  • msg #138

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Brutus moves forward extending his hand."The name's Brutus Tibbs though most call me Shadow for the way I played. So what happened to Mathis? Did they cut him...or more likely traded away. Nice to see you made it though. Think I'll check the field first. If the DC ain't there maybe I at least can do some sprints or something. Hate to think I missed everything without hitting the field."

He turns heading out of the locker room and goes to the field. He looks at it then decides to do what he did best. He goes to one endzone and acts as if he's catching a punt then runs it out. He makes a few moves but his speed is what is really shown. Before long he's standing at the opposite end in the endzone. It was a great feeling but he could do better. Still had to get use to wearing pads again.
Draon Player-Coach
player, 9 posts
Thu 6 May 2010
at 21:45
  • msg #139

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  I think Mathuis  was  sent to the Bucs for a midround next year  and  a punter...they cut the punter today..."

  he gets up  following  Brutus, holding his helmet in his hands.
Brutus (Shadow) Tibbs
player, 4 posts
#23 Cornerback
Penal League star
Thu 6 May 2010
at 22:02
  • msg #140

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

As Brutus starts doing suicides he looks around invisioning the crowd chanting. The funniest feeling crept over him. Mathis was traded for a PUnter and the Punter was cut. Hope that wasn't how this organization did things. Course Mathis had been with a losing team. This would hopefully change now. Time for a new team...the Jags...never won a Super Bowl. But with luck...the Dragons would. And Brutus was determined to be one. If this was the only chance he would have at this field though...he would make the most of it. At least he had a chance here. Unlike Dallas, Houston, Carolina and....well Oakland did watch him...but they couldn't get past his prison record. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case here.

He looks into the stands thinking he saw a familiar face. Then he knows he did. He runs to the sidelines as she comes down to the railing. She smiles at him then looks at the cheerleaders. She looks down again and he can see she looked...whoa...well it had been a few months since he got out and they had hooked up."Take it that's why you're not going out for the cheerleaders."

She smiles again."Brutus the reason is....I'm in love with you. Cheerleaders can't be involved with players and I want to be everything for you. Hopefully you make it. But if not...we will find a team that wants a hard worker like yourself. I heard Miami is looking but I hope you make it here. They seem nice enough anyway. I saw a girl earlier...must've kicked like crazy too."

Brutus laughs at this."So they drafted Dawlish.Never knew who did it...but she earned me some money inside. On her games...and on being drafted. Glad to know it's here. Now I know I want to be on the Dragons. No way would I bet against a leg like hers. After I finish here I'll take you out so we can celebrate Brenda."

As he runs back to the field he is a little misty eyed. NOw he had a new reason to make the team. A woman and a child to care for. It was what being a man was all about. Time to turn it up.

The next time he runs end zone to end zone it's much faster. In's the fastest he's ever ran. As he makes the opposite endzone though he feels a pain in his side. As he reaches down he can feel some blood. He pulls up the Jersey then notices that wound he took before getting out had busted open. Not too bad though. He goes to the sidelines and asks for some tape which he applies to the wound then he goes back to the field. Just another game in the pen. You either played injured...or you never played again. Just part of the fun as the guards would say.
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