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11:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Here There Be Giants 4.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
DM Heath
GM, 5029 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 17:02
  • msg #170

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

OOC: In your posts, when you attack, it would be helpful to me if you indicate the following:  THAC0, number of attacks (if more than 1), damage, and anything else special I should know.  For example, lightning is 7d6 dmg for 7th level caster, fighters sometimes get 2 or 3 attacks, and THAC0 will be needed if I am doing the rolling (or even if I don't, in case there are modifiers you don't know about).  This helps save time because otherwise, each round in battle, I have to look up every individual's stats individually.

Lukas begins sneaking behind.

Kahan pulls out a scroll and begins casting.

Borimer rises to his feet, losing time but able to strike in the next round, if there is one.

Tahldar begins casting again.

Shapfren also begins casting.  Magic missiles fly out and hit the spear wielding giant.  (17 dmg.)

Donovan attacks again, hitting once.  (8 hp dmg.)

Hatchman attacks, striking the clubbing giant.  (13 hp dmg.)

Shae's ape strikes the giant with the club, hitting with one of its powerful fists.  (3 hp dmg.)

Shae strikes with her spear, missing.

The giants attack.  The spear strikes one of Tahldar's mirror images, dissipating it as the giant looks on in anger.  The second giant attacks Hatchman.  The club hits Hatchman hard in the chest, knocking the paladin backwards with massive damage.  (34 hp dmg.)

Lukas strikes, making a backstab on the club wielding giant's achilles heel.  (22 dmg.)  The giant falls to its knees. (Disabled; -4 to hit; 1/2 dmg.)

A lightning bolt sears through the center of the two giants.  (26 dmg each--amazingly rolling the exact same damage--both missed saving throws.)

Kahan casts a magical flame in his palm, which he hurls up at the spear wielding giant.  The flame bursts upon impact, setting the giant on fire. (3 dmg; giant incapacitated next round and must put out the fire.)

[Language unknown: "Eau! Tho o acek!"] the giant screams as he begins patting at the fire.

The other giant says in horror and anger, [Language unknown: "Heac ta sithce setnceith?"]

Giant 2 (spear): 42/123 hp (incapacitated in round 4 as he puts out flame)
Giant 3 (club): 6/123 hp (1/2 dmg; -4 to hit in round 4)
Kahan Singh
player, 1588 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 19:15
  • msg #171

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Kahan draws his mace and gets ready to strike the spear-wielder unless Tahldar translates a surrender.
DM Heath
GM, 5030 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 19:28
  • msg #172

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

They do not give the appearance of surrender, but of anger and pain.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 117 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 19:52
  • msg #173

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"Finish them!" Tahldar says as he draws his dagger and attempts to stab a Giant.
[Language unknown:  "Fo oun he itheou e and!"] Tahldar yells to the Giants in a mocking tone.

OOC:  Tahldar will try to occupy Giant 3 in melee.  He hopes to see if he will attack him rather than someone else.  He has 4 images left.

Player, 23 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 20:42
  • msg #174

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Hatchman focuses his attacks on the spear giant.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 52 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 21:34
  • msg #175

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"We have them!" Shae shouts as she attacks with her spear from behind.
DM Heath
GM, 5031 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 21:49
  • msg #176

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

With Borimer now able to fight and the others using melee, the last two giants (one of which is incapacitated) are easily brought down.

You look over their giant dead bodies in awe at the might and strength they showed, each one two to almost three times the size of you and your companions.

You hear a gasp from the darkness ahead.  A familiar voice says in awe, "You mighty strong.  Kill giants and visperillion."  The gnome Junar steps out.  "But you very loud.  Echoes fly in tunnels like bats."

The gnome is as he was before, thin with tattered clothes.  His beard and hair are somewhere between blonde and white, masking his age, and he carries that crude stone knife in one hand that appears to have been made by chipping its edges out of rock.

"You help Junar escape?" he asks.  "I show you exit."  He points in the southern direction.  "But we go past much giants to..."

He then notices Borimer and Borimer's sword.  "Godslayer?  You be the Godslayer?  The Scrolls say one armed godslayer come to save the world with allies.  You hold the sword."  He then talks more excitedly, again pointing down the hall.  "You want healing?  I know healing that way."
player, 2402 posts
Ac 0 s-1p-2b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Wed 15 Jan 2014
at 03:18
  • msg #177

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Borimer looks skeptically at the gnome before sheathing Chianta.  "Gods are best left to their own ends," he murmurs, looking over the fallen giants.  The warrior slowly nods and readies to follow the little fellow towards whatever healing may be found in this dark and lowly place.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:19, Wed 15 Jan 2014.
Kahan Singh
player, 1589 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2014
at 05:02
  • msg #178

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Kahan nods and prepares to follow the gnome, making sure all of his companions will make it to what he expects to be another magical mud puddle of healing. "Will the healing come before, or after the other giants, Junar?" the priest inquires.
Lukas Rimshank
player, 13 posts
Gnomish Locksmith
Wed 15 Jan 2014
at 18:07
  • msg #179

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"Healing sounds good"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:09, Wed 15 Jan 2014.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 118 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2014
at 19:50
  • msg #180

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"I assume there is another healing pool somewhere?  And yes we should heal prior to escaping.  I do not like the sound of more Giants we'll have to pass.  We should heal first."
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 80 posts
Thu 16 Jan 2014
at 03:43
  • msg #181

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"You mean we have to face even more of these ugly scaring monsters?" Didit was heartbroken from hearing thr news "I guess we have no other choice. So what is your name? I'm Shapren Diditlew, last princess of the fallen elven kingdom and keeper of the memory and tradition of my forgotten tribe, which reminds me, Thaldar, in all this time it is obvious your magic is way stronger than mine, perhaps it would be better if I shared some pages from my book with you?, it could improve our chances to get out of here alive"
DM Heath
GM, 5034 posts
Thu 16 Jan 2014
at 21:40
  • msg #182

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Junar says, "Healing be before giants.  I know the Earthsilver that flows.  It heal the pain."  He waves you to follow him as he begins going south.

You follow him through the tunnels, and he knows he way through them well.

OOC: As an aside, by going the way you did, you averted two alternate pathways:  one had some traps and the other was the way that Junar went to escape the giants and visperillion.  The latter required you to temporarily stop up the water flow and then go down to the west of the stream (or to hold your breath and swim under for a ways).  Had you gone down, you would have found an underwater tunnel/path that Junar uses to stay clear of the giants.

He eventually leads you to another crack in the wall (similar to the one that led down to the Visperillion eggs).  It is narrow and vertical but easy enough to traverse.  But it would be far too narrow for the giants or the visperillion to go across.

On the way to the crack, you pass a number of vestiges of the giants living in this area, broken things that were left behind when they had to flee the caves--jars, bowls, blankets, and tools, all of very large sizes but many now broken and covered with dust.

After following Junar through the narrow crack, it opens into a rocky area about 20' x 20'.  Silvery water like the stuff you saw before -- the one that heals miraculously -- falls from a further crack in the wall, pools onto a collection of rocks, and then falls down far below.

"Earthsilver," Junar proclaims, forming his hands into a cup and making drinking motions.  "You heal here."
player, 2403 posts
Ac 0 s-1p-2b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 02:45
  • msg #183

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Borimer moves to the pool and without a word drinks deeply of the silver liquid.  He wipes his mouth with the back of his one remaining hand.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 119 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 03:17
  • msg #184

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Tahldar sits and rests while the others heal.  He beckons for Shapfren to sit near him "Once we have found a way to prevent this disease that threatens to sicken us and we have a proper place to study and work, I would be happy to swap spells with you.  My book is rather lean and could use fleshing out.  At the very least it would be nice to know your fireball, and you my lightning bolt.  But it may be some time until we can do this, so we'll have to make do with what we have."

Shifting his weight he adds in the Elvish tongue [Language unknown: "Pautol Ac ha ckanei nti siest i essmenica.  Enctioess verinemen Leekus rutcomwil buttheugh fi.  U ad po is illvirone day i ncect ent n o ill arhat inero ol.  Ame atmorebe pleswh m to latel utthst th Tr estthowhi wh e ncom ilusas sa.  Poare m ortwilich naek o ll pe.  Il mickwe our le ouleauintund he acolio lin u meset polaan alur ngai."]
Donovan Redmond
player, 31 posts
THAC0:15 Two-Handed
Dam d8&d6 / d12&d8 (M/L)
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 03:20
  • msg #185

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Redmond silently moves to the healing water to sooth the pain of his massive injuries from the giants.
Kahan Singh
player, 1590 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 14:46
  • msg #186

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Kahan lets the others heal first, only getting his own chance if there is enough room since he didn't get battered like the others did. Walking up to the water, he scoops some in his hands and tries applying it to Borimer's arm, hoping (likely in vain) that the waters will heal him, before drinking some himself.
DM Heath
GM, 5037 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 17:22
  • msg #187

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

The waters are enough to heal all of you.  (Everyone is back to full hit points, though it does not restore the use of lost body parts, so Borimer's arm is still useless -- "destroyed".)

Junar appears slightly nervous.  "Giants come soon now.  When patrol not come back, they go searching.  If find the dead bodies, they go looking for you.  On the hunt.  Then all halls be covered with giants and we have hard time getting by.  We leave soon?"
Player, 24 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 18:28
  • msg #188

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Hatchman says, "I suggest we get moving and get past these giants while we've still got some time.  No need fighting any more than we have too.  It looks like we are invading their territory anyway, even though it was accidental."
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 121 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 18:47
  • msg #189

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"Yes we should get going.  The sooner we leave this place the better.  How far is it Junar?" Tahldar says to the Gnome.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 82 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 18:57
  • msg #190

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

"The sooner we leave the better"
Shae Shadowglen
player, 53 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 19:11
  • msg #191

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Shae has been leading her newly summoned ape along, though she knows it will vanish in just 10 minutes or less.  She says good-bye to the ape in soothing tones and lets it know her thanks.

Then she follows the party to the healing pool, ensures she is not hurt anywhere, and agrees to go to the giants as soon as possible.

She says, "I suggest we sneakily approach and look at what we're dealing with.  Then we can formulate a plan about getting through with the minimal risk possible.  No use shedding blood where there is no need, even these brutish giants."

SHe checks her spear and her gear and offers to transform into an animal when they get there if that will help.
player, 2404 posts
Ac 0 s-1p-2b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 19:23
  • msg #192

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Borimer waits for others to decide before he takes his usual place in front, his eyes watching the area for danger while his mind sits elsewhere.
Kahan Singh
player, 1591 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 19:24
  • msg #193

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Kahan offers an apology to Borimer, saying, "If I were a bit more powerful of a healer perhaps I could fix your arm, but for the time being, perhaps we should craft a sling of sorts when we have some free time. But yes, I agree with Junar completely. Time is of the essence."
player, 2405 posts
Ac 0 s-1p-2b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 19:31
  • msg #194

Re: Here There Be Giants 4

Borimer breaks his mood for a moment and gives a wolfish grin to his friend.  "You're keepin' me alive,"
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