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Changing the tone/feel of the game.

Posted by Vane66
member, 569 posts
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 19:21
  • msg #1

Changing the tone/feel of the game

I was wondering if you guys used the main setting for oWoD (mainly Werewolf) but gave it a different feel or tone instead of one of gritty survival and powerplay?

I had 2 game chronicles in mind that I really want to play sometime but they aren't the normal Werewolf game ideas.

The first is a pure action and high death rate game. The players start the game as Elder Garou on their death beds. They are given a second chance by a mysterious force for a suicide mission. Practically aged down to their prime with all of their abilities they are sent into the deepest part of the umbra in a suicide mission to battle the Wyrm at it's heart.

The second is a game of Hope, with the characters searching out and returning things that are lost. Giving the Garou and all the Changing breeds a fresh chance as they return the lost tribes and lost breeds to the earth again and strive to restore true balance to the world and purify the Wyrm.
member, 404 posts
AIM: Azraile
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 23:14
  • msg #2

Re: Changing the tone/feel of the game

yah I lighten it up a little and make it more like real life.... wich is funny to say but JEZE they made that world dark

also use these rules to make it more survivable.

[14 blank lines suppressed]

I'll be using a mufti sectioned health system

Basically this works that the head, torso, right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg all have there own health levels. Death being replaced by useless or lost for the limbs.

The overall health you have though is not affected the same by the limbs and such, and some creatures have vestigial appendages. (tails or the like, and vampires torso's are completely useless to them save there hearts.)

Physical RollsArea Type
HL 1BruisedBruisedBruisedBruised
HL 2Hurt -1BruisedBruisedBruised
HL 3Injured -1Hurt -1BruisedBruised
HL 4Wounded -2Injured -1Hurt -1Bruised
HL 5Mauled -2Wounded -2Injured -1Hurt -1
HL 6Crippled -5Mauled -2Wounded -2Injured -1
HL 7IncapacitatedCrippled -5Mauled -2Wounded -2
HL 8DeadIncapacitatedCrippled -5Mauled -2

Mental RollsArea Type
DamageHead TorsoLegsArmsVestigial
HL 100000
HL 2-10000
HL 3-1-1000
HL 4-2-1-100
HL 5-2-1-1-10
HL 6-5-2-2-10
HL 7Incapacitated-5-2-2-1
HL 8DeadIncapacitated-5-2-1

These tables show the overall heath that the health of any given limb affects you. The worst among them is taken.

So say one of your arms is cut off or lost, but you try and use the other one. But if your otherwise unhurt you would still be in bad condition (if lethal/agg probably in critical condition) but instead of being unconscious and dying you would be at -5 dice instead. (-6 if your tring to use an off hand)

That sucks, but your still alive.

On the bright side this makes combat more survivable (in particularly with body armor.) And each area will have it's own recovery rate. On the bad side this means trying to heal, being you can take a lot more damage you will have a lot more to heal too.   And some things will damage all the areas at once (explosions and the like).  Though some things will heal all areas at once too.

The other hand it takes an extra damage to kill you from torso damage, and you can only die from blood loss if you lose an arm or leg.
member, 405 posts
AIM: Azraile
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 23:16
  • msg #3

Re: Changing the tone/feel of the game

as an example something just did 5 damage at once... which would have been rather devastating to this mostly mortal char.... but it was to his leg.... so he will be ok, just his leg will be messed up for a while.
member, 394 posts
Sun 7 Sep 2014
at 00:06
  • msg #4

Re: Changing the tone/feel of the game

Interesting take on damage, Azraile. I'll give it a shot sometime.

My eldest likes the idea of OWoD, but doesn't like gritty horror. Games with her focus on problem solving and discovery. We have a long-running HtR game. Sometimes we play at the table and sometimes by email. This game is a little bit Pokemon and a little bit How To Train Your Dragon. She's playing a Hunter who is keeping a HunterBlog on how to identify, befriend and use "good" monsters to a Hunter's benefit.

It sounds kind of silly, but I've played with adults who have have nearly the same concept, except with the goal of trying to cheese their way through the sexier denizens of the World of Darkness.
This message was last edited by a forum moderator at 19:13, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
member, 866 posts
Fate, WoD
and Indie RPGs
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 07:12
  • msg #5

Re: Changing the tone/feel of the game

I used to run a rather optimistic, Matrix inspired, Mage: the Ascension war chronicle, where fighting and defeating Technocrats was a real possibility. I mean, Technocrats were too powerful to overthrow as a whole, but wasting individual agents, and even entire chantries was a possibility. I wish I had Scion rules available back then. Combat wasn't as spectacular as I hoped, but running over roofs and skulking in alleys just to throw vulgar as hell fireball at local agent or vampire was fun. And they were equally nasty towards the PCs.

Even when a player character died, everyone was so upbeat, that up to this day it remains our most memorable session.

Still, I wish we had Scion rules back then...
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