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Homebrew Artifact/Equipment/Fetish/ect Archive.

Posted by Azraile
member, 457 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Wed 4 Feb 2015
at 05:23
  • msg #1

Homebrew Artifact/Equipment/Fetish/ect Archive

Post your home made items for all to share!!!

I'll come back every so often and update the OP for a nice list of them organized with links!

If you post multiple items in one post, please keep them sorted by game.  So if you got a bunch of mage artifacts and werewolf fetishes please post the two grouping separately.

NOTE - By posting you are allowing ANYONE to use your ideas freely.
This message was last edited by the user at 05:24, Wed 04 Feb 2015.
member, 458 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Wed 4 Feb 2015
at 05:45
  • msg #2

Re: Homebrew Artifact/Equipment/Fetish/ect Archive

From my Mage space game:

Standard Issue Rifle
<level 2 divice, 4 arete, 20/20 quintessence, 500 range>
*various forms of fire:
  Tracer shot - no damage, reduces the diff on all following shots by up to 2 (depends on circumstances)
  non lethal - uses 3 arete, dose stun/pain damage.
  lethal - uses 3 arete, dose lethal damage.
  high energy - uses 2 quintessence instead of one, uses 4 arete or users force rating dose agg.
*uses 2 standard tass energy clips.

*<Dex + Mele, Difficulty 6, Range cc, Strength + 3 leathal, clip 10>
*Doing aggravated damage uses up 1 quintessence (from "clip") per scene of use use.
*reroll 9's while activated.

Vibroblade Daggers with monomolecular edges.
<Dex+melee, Difficulty 6, strength+3 leathal, CC, 5/5 quintessence>
*using vibroblades increases damage to aggravated but uses 1 quintessence a scene
*Botches can be dangerous.
*reroll 9's

Rail hand gun
*<Per + Firearms, Diff 6, Range 60, 5 damage, rate 3, clip 10>

Vibro edge garotte monomolecular wire.
<Dex+brawl, diff 7, strength +1 lethal. CC, 2/2 quintessence>
*VERY dangerous to use and has a fragile power supply, and probe to braking and HORRIBLE TERRIBLE botches.
*works like normal garotte wire save activation allows aggravated damage and cutting through hardened armor.
*reroll 8's

Yah that one is ridiculous, I was like... really?  .... your going to kill yourself.... x.x

Full auto rail pistol
<Perception + firearms, base damage 4 leathal, diff 6, range 45, fire rate 4, clip 22/22>
*Firing 3 round burst incress diff to 7 but adds 3 dice to attack roll (including for split actions).
*Firing full-auto incress diff to 9 but adds 10 dice to attack roll (including for split actions).
*must be half a clip or more to fire full auto.. doing so empties the clip

Nano Repair Net <level 5, Arete 4 Quintessence 10/20>
*Internal network of tubes and storage chambers in bones contain a large number of repair nanites.
*Acts as a foci for life/mater magic
*Normally limited range of about 5~15 yards (also limits the size of area can be worked)
*Nanites need to be programed for anything other than repairs.
*Capable of braking down mater and storing it's pattern for reproduction later.
*Also acts as a trinary computer hard wired into his brain.

Nanite whip
<Dex+melee, CC, Str lethal for strike, Str + 1 for strangling>
*In an exstream emergency the Repair Networks strands can be used as a whip.

4 Hermetic Point Defense Shields
<Dex+Piloting, diff 9 - computer skill, Durability 5, Shielding 6>
*Computer guided armored plates with a Hermetic ward of protection.
*Can only block as much as it's unfolded dimensions permit.

Starmetal kusari-gama, 'Kish'
*kama <Dex+Melee+1, diff 6, str+2 lethal, CC/10 yards>
*Weight strike <dex+melee, diff 6, str + 1 bashing/leathal, 10 yards>
*When using as a chain +2 diff if not using chain-weapons secondary skill.
*When using chain +1 dice to disarm.
*Weight can be used as a dagger, no need for chain-weapon skill to throw it.
*Double damage to corrupted beings. Near imposable brake by normal means

Note: star metal is just the common term given to the alchemicaly pure iron from Rog that is fond in meteors that hit the earth. It is very hard to prossess correctly but becomes incredibly durable and a bane to corrupted/wyrm.

Silver Scythe's Steam-tech Pistol
Level 6 device, Level 6 fetish 7 Gnosis
<Base damage 2, diff 7, range 35 yards, firing rate 1, 'clip size' 5, accuracy -1>

This particularly odd device is an antiquated but heavily modified version of an old blunderbuss flintlock pistol once owned by an allegedly dimension hopping Munchhausen, and self proclaimed Pirate Prince, Silver Scythe. He claims to have once been from another realm where he was a raven-man who stole the souls and years of those who lives where wasted, and in his travels came across the gun, before he was drawn here and into the form he is now. How the Raktin got the gun though is a completely mystery, how nearly a dozen of the seam to have come into existence no one dares try and guess. However what is clear is he wants two more, one for his off hand and another for his tail, and that the ones that have been showing up have some very very dangerous and unstable charges from what ever created them.

The guns are a marvel and seam to store various types of energy in highly pressurized fluids contained in ten small chambers along the top of the gun, five off to ether side of the barrel. When fired two of them empty nearly instantly as the contents feed into the inner workings of the gun and form a single crystal shot which is then fired from the gun. The crystal shot usually shatters after impact and always eventually decays into pure energy leaving no trace of any ammunition being used to mundane eyes. The interesting thing about the gun is that it seams to work for nearly anyone, even mortals, and drawing on nearly any time of energy to fuel it's mechanisms while remaining immune to the affects of said energy. Who ever or what ever created this gun designed it to be extremely versatile in it's use. It also seams immune to the ware and tare of every day use, never seaming to need cleaning or maintenance.

The gun seams quite odd and is considered to have the flaw 'Otherworldly Taint' and it is especially obvious sense most all of the fuel in the cambers seams to glow. However most will pass it off as some sort of movie prop, and be unable to fire the thing. Actual managing to work the gun requires at least an understanding of it's nature and a successful attunement roll. Being able to understand the nature of the gun isn't easy though and always involves an Intelligence + Enigmas roll of some kind. Just being able to understand that this gun is intact really an actually fictional firearm requires one at a difficulty of 7, being able to charge it requires a difficulty of 8 with research 9 with out. The attunement roll is always a difficulty of 7 for some one that knows the gun's nature, for some one that dose not the roll is 9, for mortals the difficulty is +1. See bellow for information on what dice to use for attunement and what ways the gun can be charged.

Attunement polls.

Fera: Gnosis
Changelings: Glamour
Mage: Arete
Hunters: Primary Virtue
Kuei-Jin: Primary Chi rating
Mummy: Balance / Ka
Demon: Torment
Wraith: Highest Passion left
Others: Willpower - 2

Mostly Clear (willpower): Cost 2 willpower to charge, shots do base lethal damage.
Somewhat Luminescent (willpower): Costs 4 willpower, shots do base aggravated damage.
Swirling Purple (Quintessence): Costs 1 quintessence, shots do base aggravated damage, produces no paradox. However magic may be cast through shots, affects from magic infused shots do produce paradox.
Black Bubbling with Storming lighting (Paradox): Cost 3 paradox, atument roll is made each day with the difficulty increasing by 1 every day while gun is charged this way any failed rolls mean the gun vents a charge as a paradox (while charged each charge counts as a paradox, your three have now become 5). Shots do base +4 aggravated, firing the gun itself produces no paradox however 2's while using the gun count as 1's and you can botch on the damage roll. Botches on this produce exstreamly chaotic affects. Like with quintessence you may immune magical affects into your shots with this, however doing so causes your 3's to count as 1's as well.
Light Blue(Mana): Costs 1 mana, shots do base aggravated damage.
Silvery Swirling (Sekhem): Cost 1 Sekhem, Shots do base aggravated damage.
Manny Colors, or to some just white light (Glamour): Cost 1 Glamour, Shots do base lethal damage to most and base aggravated damage to other fae, chimera's, and enchanted.
White (Yin): Cost 3 yin, shots do there damage first as healing (even aggravated wounds) then base damage with no extra dice from accuracy is rolled as lethal damage to the same target.
Black (Yang): Cost 3 yang, shots do double the base damage (with no bonuses from accuracy) with any success taking away points of physical damage, this damage is healed the same way levels of aggravated damage are.
Churning twisting black (torment /demon chi): Cost 2 points torment / demon chi, Shots do base +2 aggravated damage, will taint targets that live. Other affects depend on the nature of the demon.
Shining Gold/Burning Black Flames (Conviction): Cost 5 conviction and ammo is dubbled as only one chamber is empted pure shot instead of two. Shots do base aggravated damage, however conviction can be risked when firing this weapon.
Blood Red (rage): Cost 2 rage, dose base +2 aggravated damage.
Gnosis: Varies depending on source: Cost 1 gnosis, dose base aggravated damage. Other effects may be bough on by especially pure energies. Example: Gnosis drawn from a wyrm caren may taint anyone shot by them or take more gnosis to power and do bailfire like affects.
Faith:Varies depending on Faith: Cost 1 faith (will return at end of gaming session), dose base aggravated damage. Depending on level of faith extra effects may follow with story tellers discretion.
Pathos: Color depends on emotion: If gun is taken to dark umbra or if wraith is skin riding they may spend 1 pathos to charge it, affects of a pathos powered weapon however are entirely up to the story teller though they would likely do lethal damage to other wraiths.
Violent Red and Black (Angst): If gun is taken to dark umbra or if wraith is skin riding they may spend 2 angst to charge it, shots fired from it will do base +2 aggravated damage, any other affects from an angst powered weapon are left up the the story teller.
?Blood?: While the gun is not designed to work that way an inventive Tremire may possibly find a way to build an attachment to let the gun draw blood as fuel, or it may be possible the player found an already modified gun. However tampering with the gun this way risks permeate damage. If successful however the gun would fill with vitae from the vampire taking 5 blood points to charge, shots doing base aggravated damage. Unlike other shots though trace amounts of the vampires blood would be left in the wound. Lower generation vampires require less blood to charge the gun.

Anarchist's Lighter
<Gnosis 7, Level 3>
*Never lights something accidentally, always works and is full, gives 1 Rage for twitcher fire based gifts up to five times per story, and acts as the 'natural' fire sorce for the start of such gifts when required.
*Rage left in it: 5/5

Death Mauler, auto hatchet made by glitch
<Dex+auto hatchet skill, diff 10, Damg: Str+1 (speshal) , Close Combat only>
*reduce difficutly by one for each point of skill in auto hatchet, can only be reduced to 7
*reqires a strength of 4 to wield properly add one difficulty for each level of str bellow the required amount, str 6 to weild with one hand.
*ALL success on damage roll are re-rolled untill no success are made.
*Prone to damage, faller, and horrible horrible botches.
*Requires gasoline to run, takes a full action to rev up. (no re-rolls if not reved up yet)
*Can be hidden in a trench coat, but not very well...... >.>

Back spike, spiked and explosive fist weapon made by glitch
<To hit: Dex+melee, diff 6, Damg Str+1 To arm: Dex+demolition, Diff 8, damg 15~25 agg>
*Unpredictable, hard to use, clumsy, can be hidden in jacket.
*Use: Punch target, expand spikes lodging it in place and arm the explosives, RUN!
This message was last edited by the user at 04:19, Fri 13 Feb 2015.
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