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02:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow - and In Boltharrow.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 91 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 14:02
  • msg #107

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"If someone can do an illusion or glamor of some kind it would be better. I'm not in favor of using an animal as bait either, but I would sacrifice one if it were necessary for the survival of people. This I don't believe qualifies for such. No one is in immediate danger. No animal, dog, mule, or horse, deserves to be injured in such a manner.

"Master Forrester, can any of the paths out be blocked, or not? It could be difficult, if not impossible to do, but it should be considered."

Varick Forrester
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 14:40
  • msg #108

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Aye, you could block one of the paths with a goodly-sized log or fair bit of bracken, but all you'd need to do is scramble over the ruins to go around.  All blocking the path would do would be to cut off one easy route.  If yer wanting to do that, y'can, I suppose," he says with a shrug.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 22 posts
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 14:58
  • msg #109

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Volsh returns to his seat with a frothy new mug of ale in time to catch the shortsightedness boiling over. He didn't think his suggestion meant certain death for the critter if used as bait. Perhaps he worded it wrong when he spoke.

After a long swig that drains half his mug and leaves foam once again atop his lip, he speaks in a low manner, "It is clear to me once again why I live along the fringe and consort with very few." He picks his head up to see if he has gained the group's attention. "I may be seen as a monster, at times, by civilized folk, but it was not my intention to let the bait be slaughtered. That is my fault for not making myself clear."

Another small pull from the mug and he continues, "To solve this, allow me to present myself as bait and there will be no worries about a beloved creature meeting its demise at the hands of those devilish fiends. If in fact we decide that is the best course to take when the time comes."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 92 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 17:24
  • msg #110

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Ahh, I didn't realize that the 'walls' were rubble and could be so easily climbed over. I guess Volsh's idea would be best then, with others nearby for immediate support, and the second group to come in behind them to break them. The shaman should be trapped in the middle then."
Elf Archer, 78 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 18:10
  • msg #111

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Bait, by definition, lives under the risk of slaughter - sometimes the hook is set, sometimes the bait gets swallowed. That's how bait works, and why it works. And no summoned animal or illusion would last for the hours we might need for a proper ambush outside. Inside, perhaps a minute would be enough, if we had such - but I don't believe we do.

"But the problem with your offer, the question, Volsh, is - how would you present yourself?

"We cannot, as a group, stay hidden and wait outside their walls - we risk too much on chance, and do not have the skills to guard against counter-ploy.

"So where would you go? Down a main trail, and then keep walking forward until you're attacked? You don't strike me as a man to sneak, so perhaps calling a battle challenge?

"So the goblins are alerted to danger early, they throw as many at you from all sides as they care to, melee and missile, and our attack first must be a rescue mission.  Unless they have some trap waiting, a pit or a snare, and then it only gets worse.

"Now, if you wish to precede the 2nd group, or split off from them slightly and enter separately (in advance or just after), that could add more confusion to the goblins' perception of what is happening, and perhaps give you a path to rush the shaman himself."

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 93 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 18:33
  • msg #112

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"I think you have it Averdante. Group one gets in position on the far side of the temple. Group two on the near side. Volsh leads group two by perhaps 200 feet in from the near side, issues a challenge loud enough for all to hear. When the goblins attack, group two comes up from behind him in support, and group one moves in from the far side to hit them from the rear a minute later. The confusion will most likely break them and slaughter ensues. Goblins are not known for bravery and the surprise will even the odds quickly. Perhaps a volley of arrows from each direction right before we engage, or an area of effect type attack on a group of them."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 59 posts
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 19:51
  • msg #113

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Excellent. This seeming complete, I motion we each retire for the night, save for those whose inclination is to join the first watch. When shall we take leave tomorrow?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 94 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 20:31
  • msg #114

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Before first light if we can. That way we can get there right after sunrise. That might help us too, bright light in their faces."
Elf Archer, 79 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 21:53
  • msg #115

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Ah, with respect - it had been suggested that we wait until after sunrise to sneak out for our march. If goblins are watching the town, it will be less likely for them to notice us, and the closer toward noon we arrive, the brighter the day in general, and the deeper into their own sleeping time they will be.

"We don't know yet which direction we'll be attacking from - for all we know, the sun could be in our eyes, or not yet above the trees and the ruins still deep in shadow.

"They could even be planning their own attack just before dawn, and we'd walk blindly right into it, in the dark, when they have the most advantage and see us coming from a long way off.

"We pushed hard today exactly so we wouldn't have to risk meeting goblins in the dark - let all get a good night's rest, and we'll start with the first sun on our shoulders.  Besides, some had talked about caltrops - and we'll have time to get some then."

This message was last edited by the player at 21:57, Sat 05 July 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 95 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 22:53
  • msg #116

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Good point, we should get some sleep ourselves then and set out, what, an hour or two after first light?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 60 posts
Sat 5 Jul 2014
at 23:21
  • msg #117

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"Let us say an hour after sunrise. If we ask the blacksmith about caltrops this evening, that should allow enough time to acquire them."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 40 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Sun 6 Jul 2014
at 02:04
  • msg #118

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"I agree with the timing after sunrise.  I will retire soon.  Please send someone to wake me before the second watch.
Halfling Rogue, 26 posts
Sun 6 Jul 2014
at 05:19
  • msg #119

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"I am as well. Wake me for the third watch, then. Good planning everyone. Hope it work out well."
Dungeon Master
GM, 69 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 6 Jul 2014
at 10:08
  • msg #120

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Sir Aberlayne pauses long enough to speak with Bragun Smith about caltrops, and the man nods and says he can have six bags of them ready by morning.  He and his two apprentices retire to their shop as those taking first shift head to the wall.

The village guard on the wall is grateful to have additional sets of eyes and weapons with them as they patrol the walltops.  During the first watch, you hear wolf howls, and see the reflected eyes of a predator from the tree line at least once.

During the second watch, on edge because of the wolf sounds, everyone keeps their eyes peeled.  There are some sounds of night birds, but then around midnight, they go quiet.  Out in the distance north of town, you see a faint blue glow just under the trees.  When the wind is right, you hear the faint sound of singing.

When the third watch comes on, everyone is quite tense, expecting something to happen.  One of the villagers actually fires at something in his nervousness, but a very frightened fox just dashes away, limping from the wound he took.  The villager looks sheepish, but doesn't slack in his watching.

It's only when the sun crests the horizon that everyone is finally able to relax.


Alerik Feykin sets out a breakfast of oatmeal and honey and fresh bread at the Pickled Pig, and Bragun Smith is there not long after the third watch dismisses, setting a half-dozen bags of caltrops on the table for the party.

"Good iron nails, twisted so one point always adds up.  Enough to even stick in goblin feet.  Best of luck you," he says, his eyes red from staying up most of the night, working.

Varick Forrester is down quite early, stoking his furnace by shoveling down food at a prodigious rate.  He has a large bow, unstrung, at the side of his chair, and a full quiver of exceptionally fine-looking arrows hooked on the back.

"Well, we're not dead yet, so that's a good start to the day.  Let's see if we can keep it up," he says in greeting.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 41 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Sun 6 Jul 2014
at 18:57
  • msg #121

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Narthian finished his meal after preparing his spells for the day.  They might no be as powerful as the cleric or the 2 mages but he suspected that the ragtag group would need every advantage they could get in the coming battle.

OOC: I have updated my spells to for the new day.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 23 posts
Mon 7 Jul 2014
at 05:43
  • msg #122

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

As not much occurs while on the first watch, Volsh retires to the sleeping quarters at the Pickled Pig. He has a little trouble getting comfortable in an actual cot. His life for the past ten years has been spent on the road living and sleeping amid the waste and ruin of man. It was safer that way. It took him a while to begin to trust any living thing aside from his sister. He thought of all this as he lay in a state of sleepiness and restlessness all at the same time. I should have just made rack out behind the inn, He thought to himself just before sleep overtook him.

Volsh found his sleep restful despite not completely fitting in the bed. He awoke to the smell of bread and decided his gut needed abating. After a hearty, long breakfast, complete with all the fixings, he ambled out in full view of the rising sun. He practiced a bit with his blades, one at a time, drawing and discarding each in turn as if lost in battle. Swings and thrusts accompanied by unusually light footwork showed his readiness for the days' work to come. After his workout, he set upon caring for his gear, sharpening blades and greasing his leathers with a bit of the congealed fat of last nights' sup.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 35 posts
Mon 7 Jul 2014
at 05:56
  • msg #123

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Haazheel listened with great interest to the discussions about the strategy to attack the goblins. These debates around the table in the hall of the inn was very instructive for him. Evenif Haazheel traveled a bit and explored some abandonned temples, he never ended to take part in a battle. Most of his knowledge coming from books, he is a novice coming to real action. Hearing that his companions were considering the use of dog or horse as baits to distract the goblins, when retreated in his room, Haazheel prepared spells able to mimic the barking of a dog or the neighing of any horse as well as spells to stun or blind them expecting giving a strategic advantage to his comrades.
In the morning, Haazheel welcomed his Owl who was sleeping at his window after hunting in the night. Coming to the main hall, Haazheel sees Nathian having lunch and Forrester having breakfast. Bringing to the table his own meal "Good Morning Master Forester, Master Goodleaf, I hope you had a agreable night of sleep and rest. Oh, I see the blacksmith brought the caltrops, I will take a bag with your permission." says the Wizard before adding a bag of caltrops to his backpack. "I prepared some spells during the night to lure the goblins with barking sounds or to stun them. Hope it will help the party in the coming battle. Master Forester, i can sen Mystique, my owl, to scout the area if you find it useful to approach the goblins' lair".
OOC: Haazheel prepared spells are also updated
Halfling Rogue, 27 posts
Mon 7 Jul 2014
at 21:08
  • msg #124

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Drogo almost disappointed that he didn't see any goblins during his watch. That would have meant they could have taken care of a good batch of the right away. After his watch he retired to his room to get his sleep. When morning came he readied himself as fast as he could and went to join the others for a full breakfast. "Morning, everyone. Good luck and all that. Hope this plan pans out. If it does I'd have to say we should keep this group up for future jobs. We could build up to be the best group in the guild if we work hard at it."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 96 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 7 Jul 2014
at 21:33
  • msg #125

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Farian comes into the dining room and nods at all then sits and quietly breaks his fast now that his morning routine of prayer and ablutions were finished.
Elf Archer, 80 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 7 Jul 2014
at 21:55
  • msg #126

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Aver'e had roused from his trance early, despite being on the first half of the watch, and walked the aging pallisade in the pre-dawn gloom to ensure that nothing untoward had befallen during the night, waiting with patient understanding for those who needed sleep to gather around the table to break their fast.

Haazheel Thorn:
In the morning...

"...I see the blacksmith brought the caltrops, I will take a bag with your permission."

"Take more than one if you care to - they are not light, but each bag covers but a small area. Same with someone else - I'll take 2 for our group, and that still leaves a couple bags for the main body.

"Is everyone clear on the plan?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 61 posts
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 12:51
  • msg #127

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Bruenor, having not taken a watch, was up at roughly the same time as the elves that morning. After breaking his fast, the swordsman completed his morning training in preparation for the battle ahead.

When Averdante inspects the party's readiness, Bruenor responds, counting off points on his fingers. "One, there will be two flanks in this assault, one containing Nathanial, Haazheel, and yourself, and the other composed of myself, Farian, and Dellas, as well as a rear guard of Sir Aberlayne and Drogo. Two, at scouting distance, Volsh will be creating a distraction to rile the goblins and lure them out of their holes. Three, our group will move to assists Volsh, with our rear guard charging and flanking opponents in a bid to create further chaos. Four, your group will offer one last charge shortly there-after. Five, our primary target in this offensive is to slay the goblins' shaman, with secondary objectives to eliminate as many golbins as we can."

Finishing his recap of the current plan, Bruenor turns to Averdante and asks, "Is that not accurate?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 99 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 12:58
  • msg #128

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

"That sounds about right. Kill the shaman number one, kill as many others as we can two."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 5 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 14:23
  • msg #129

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Dellas raises his hand.  "I might not mind a bag of caltrops.  Most of my spells are kind of close, and the caltrops would keep the goblins from charging at me," he says with a nervous little smile.  And he reaches for a bag, making a small oof! noise as he hangs it on his belt.  It pulls tight against the leather, making him look a bit lopsided.
Elf Archer, 83 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 15:49
  • msg #130

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Bruenor Sedricson:
When Averdante inspects the party's readiness, Bruenor responds, counting off points on his fingers...

Finishing his recap of the current plan, Bruenor turns to Averdante and asks, "Is that not accurate?"

"As humans say, that is it, in a nutshell"

Aver'e looks the fire sorcerer

"We are not taking much on this assault - no need for everything we own. We can take our packs most of the way, but not into combat. Take two bags of caltrops, as you may be moving during the combat. Just be sure to call out where you're scattering them, so none others run over them."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 37 posts
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 16:26
  • msg #131

Re: [IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow

Haazheel takes a second bag of caltrop he hangs at his belt then takes a thrid one he puts next to the fire wizard.
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