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The Test of the Faithful - 5.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 230 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2015
at 02:20
  • msg #273

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Good idea"Despite being not in the right mindset, Didit immediately grabbed the mandoline and began performing the right piece for the desired effect.

Cast fireball.
DM Heath
GM, 5559 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2015
at 19:07
  • msg #274

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shapfren casts fireball.  It doesn't go too far because the mirrors twist and turn throughout the maze.  But it goes far enough.  At first, you feel the heat from her fireball reach but not hurt you.  Then, there is a larger explosion as the green sulfurous smoke ignites.  Borimer's eyebrows are burnt off, and Shap has to cover her head.  The intense heat burns but does not damage anyone.

And they you stand and wait, the light from your magic crystal reflecting off the mirrors.

The clicking and insectoid noises stopped.  But now they start up again.  You see reflected in the mirrors what appears to be piles of dust, but looking closer, you see that they are piles of burnt insects.  What approaches seems to be a cloud of flying insects, a cloud so thick it is nearly solid.  It changes forms and coalesces, becoming more solid and then less solid.

It approaches, moving in what appears to be intelligence.  This is no normal swarm of insects.  Something seems to be in their center, something solid with two legs, but its form is obscured by the swarm of insects around it.  That is...

...that is, until an arm--a humanoid arm--comes out of the swarm and points in the mirrors toward you.  The arm is wrinkled and burnt and nearly skeletal.  Some powerful undead thing seems to be approaching you.  It does not talk, but it makes those strange insectoid clicking sounds.

It is about 30 feet from you (apparently), as it rounds the last corner of the mirrors.  The floor here is about 6 feet wide with a ceiling 12 feet above you (all covered in those metal mirrors).  You have very little fighting room.
player, 2641 posts
Ac 0 Hp 72/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Wed 19 Aug 2015
at 21:22
  • msg #275

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Borimer charges forward with eyebrows scorched and smoking, the ancient artifact Chianta in his grasp straining to lash out at the undead Thing that confronts them.  He slashes at it twice...
This message was last edited by the player at 21:24, Wed 19 Aug 2015.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 392 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 01:11
  • msg #276

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Tahldar looks at the swirling creature before them pensively.  He's not sure what to make of it and feels out of his element.  With such an amorphous shape he finds his repertoire of spells somewhat lacking.  And that is not even considering that it's likely undead too.

With a sigh he chooses a decidedly weak spell, but one that he hopes will work at least and leave his other more powerful spells in reserve.

OOC: Tahldar will cast the 0 level spell Disrupt Undead.  It does 1d6 of damage.

Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 18 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 07:00
  • msg #277

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Vuzyl rushes forward keeping as far from Borimer as the tunnel allows (he will move to the other side of the swarm if it does not mean pushing through the main mass), slashing with Ssapffyn  at the centre of the mass.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 231 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 14:47
  • msg #278

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Didit moved back readying an arrow on the recently found bow. She aimed towards the center of mass of the creature. The bugs were scary, but anybody could guess this guy was the one controlling them.
Kahan Singh
player, 1805 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 16:23
  • msg #279

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Kahan retrieves his holy talisman and attempts to turn the undead creature.
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 160 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 19:35
  • msg #280

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

With the stronger fighters already in the fray, Leo draws his dagger and looks for an opening to attack if possible.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 183 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2015
at 00:32
  • msg #281

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae says, "Kahan, can you turn undead on this guy?"

She then begins casting.

Shae casts repel insects.
Spell description:
When this spell is cast, the priest creates an invisible barrier to all sorts of insects, and normal insects do not approach within 10 feet of the caster while the spell is in effect. Giant insects with Hit Dice less than 1/3 of the caster's experience level are also repelled (for example, 2 Hit Dice for 7th- to 9th-level casters, 3 Hit Dice at 10th through 12th level, etc.). Insects with more Hit Dice can enter the protected area if the insect is especially aggressive and, in addition, rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell. Those that do sustain 1d6 points of damage from passing through the magical barrier. Note that the spell does not in any way affect arachnids, myriapods, and similar creatures--it affects only true insects.

Lukas Rimshank
player, 101 posts
Gnomish Locksmith
HP 42 (-12)
Tue 25 Aug 2015
at 21:29
  • msg #282

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Lukas readied some arrows for mista clicky
DM Heath
GM, 5563 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2015
at 22:46
  • msg #283

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You attack the bug enveloped undead creature en masse.

Kahan tries turning the creature, but it is not susceptible to his attempt.

Shae begins casting.  Tahldar begins casting.  Vuz begins moving behind the creature.

Shap and Lukas begin readying arrows.

Leo and Borimer attack.  They both score a hit, angering the creature and bellows in what cannot be described as anything other than a deafening clicking and high pitched scratchy squeak (like a fingernail down a blackboard).

Tahldar casts, further hurting the creature.  Shap and Lukas fire.  Both hit the creature with arrows, Lukas hitting twice while Shap hits only once.

Shae casts repel insects, and it has a profound effect.  The insects go flying, leaving you staring at an emaciated undead THING with bulging eyes, stringy hair, two long hands, and a bulging belly from which insects continually pour, as if through some magical portal.

It rushes Shae with clawed hands reaching...  Shae is hit and scratched by one of the claws.  (5 hp dmg.)  Shae feels a strange infection immediately eating away at her arm where it struck.  A rotting smell and dark putrefaction rises from her arm.  (Gangrene is now spreading up her arm and cannot be healed through normal healing.)

Your party has been spared by Shae's quick thinking from being attacked by the insects, but more of them pour from the creature.

(FYI, no critical hits on undead--Borimer.)

Vuz attacks from the rear, his short sword finding its mark.  (7 dmg.)

The creature is surrounded by you but is enraged.
Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 21 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Thu 27 Aug 2015
at 23:41
  • msg #284

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Kahan, can you do anything for her arm, I believe this thing killed me the same way we can not leave it unchecked.

Vuzyl Draws his Dagger and attacks, slashing with Ssapffyn while stabbing down with the dagger.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:56, Fri 28 Aug 2015.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 185 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2015
at 23:51
  • msg #285

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae looks in horror at her blackefied arm rotting at this monster's touch.  She casts another spell, attempting to turn two of the insects into giant insects that turn back against their master.

Shae casts Giant Insect and orders the two 3HD giant insects that should result from this to attack the undead monster
player, 2643 posts
Ac 0 Hp 72/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Fri 28 Aug 2015
at 01:05
  • msg #286

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Borimer slashes three more times at the foul Thing assaulting them...
This message was last edited by the player at 01:06, Fri 28 Aug 2015.
Kahan Singh
player, 1808 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Fri 28 Aug 2015
at 01:10
  • msg #287

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Kahan begins casting.

Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 395 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2015
at 01:13
  • msg #288

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Tahldar recoils in horror at the sight of the creature.

He begins to cast another spell.

OOC:  Cast Disrupt Undead again for 1d6.

Leogold Silvershaper
player, 162 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2015
at 01:15
  • msg #289

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Leo tries to slash at the thing again hoping to take another chunk out of it.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 236 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2015
at 03:21
  • msg #290

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Didit whispered the activation word, vowing to not surrender after this abomination and shot.
DM Heath
GM, 5565 posts
Thu 3 Sep 2015
at 19:31
  • msg #291

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You go after the strange undead bug emitting monster.

Borimer slashes, hitting the thing twice.

Its insects immediately fly to surround Borimer, engulfing his face and biting him.  (-4 hp; slow poison in face causing -1 hp per round until healed, blind fighting, and pain causing another -2 to the to hit scores.)

Shae casts a spell, and three of the insects grow to giant size, turning on the undead creature to attack it.

Kahan casts a spell, reaching out and touching Shae's arm.  The growth the disease and gangrene slows.  You are not sure if it will heal or not, but it stops expanding from her arm.

The thing slashes out with its claws at Kahan but one claw just gets his armor and the other misses.

Leo attacks but misses.  Vuz also strikes but misses, dropping one of his daggers in the process.  (1 is a critical miss.)

Tahldar casts another spell.  (3 hp damage.)

Lukas fires two arrows.  The second arrow finds its mark, embedding itself in the creature's skull.  (Critical hit.)  After all the damage taken by your group, including the initial fireball, the insect swarm spell, the damage from weapons and spells, and now the arrow, the creatures squeals in a deafening scream so loud your hands immediately cover your ears.  The bellow continues, a click and squeal and screech...and then you lose your hearing.  The creature then collapses to the floor, its body quickly being consumed by the insects that came out of it.  The blob is a mass of insects and bones.  It is regaining its strength but is currently incapacitated.

Your ears ring and then your hearing comes back.  You notice now that the mirror next to you shows that it leads into a dark corridor of rock.  To leave, you can go that way or follow the maze of mirrors back to the last intersection.

OOC: Sorry again for delays.  I've been extremely busy and am on vacation now.  Next post will probably be Tuesday unless I get some time.
player, 2644 posts
Ac 0 Hp 72/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Thu 3 Sep 2015
at 23:02
  • msg #292

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Borimer stumbles and scratches at all of the bites, blinded, poisoned and angry.  "Is it dead...?"  He still holds the Dogslayer ready to move against whatever his blind fighting skills give him opportunity to attack.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 396 posts
Fri 4 Sep 2015
at 00:31
  • msg #293

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"It's down but will be up again soon." Tahldar replies to Borimer.

Grasping his remaining arm he adds "But a way out of this maze has opened up.  Follow my lead and lets get out here."

OOC: Talhdar will lead Borimer out the stone corrider.

Leogold Silvershaper
player, 163 posts
Fri 4 Sep 2015
at 00:38
  • msg #294

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Yes, I think that would be wise", Leo adds as he follows the others out.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 237 posts
Fri 4 Sep 2015
at 01:21
  • msg #295

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"The sooner we get away from this thing the better" Shapfren walked following Thaldar's lead and seeking to help guide Borimer. "How do you feel Shae? will you resist?"

Didit will also help guide Borimer.
Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 22 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Fri 4 Sep 2015
at 06:59
  • msg #296

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Vuzyl picks up his dropped dagger and moves to follow the others.

How is the arm Shae? As soon as we are safe we should look into fixing it up, worst case I still have some Kashmandu Clerical Ointment, Dead Man's Glue, it may work to stabalise it until we can find someone who can fix it. Maybe the Cliarthur can help you as well if we can find them.
Kahan Singh
player, 1809 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Sat 5 Sep 2015
at 14:52
  • msg #297

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"I'm glad we won't have to go to Kashmandu to get more ointment. It really doesn't seem like a good place to go," the priest replies, looking at Shap's arm as they headed out.
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