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09:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: Introductions.

Posted by Fujii SimaFor group archive A
Fujii Sima
GM, 18 posts
White Bolt Ninja
Tue 20 Oct 2015
at 21:37
  • msg #1

Chapter 1

Begin posting Konoha squad! Get acquainted, start a training session, acquire a mission. Do what you do best!
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:45, Tue 20 Oct 2015.
Nara Nanami
Genin, 1 post
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 04:31
  • msg #2

Chapter 1

The morning comes all to quickly for Nanami. She already threw a pillow at her father for trying to wake her up. But she knew she had to as Nanami was to meet her team formally for the first time. She had met them when they were assigned, but not yet gotten to know them. She gets up slowly walking into the bathroom. Nanami takes her time getting ready. She wanted a good first impression. But they had yet to tell her where to meet.

Nanami walks towards the door "Later Father." Shikamaru nods and watches her leave.

Nanami didn't grow up in the Leaf Village. She had moved there recently at her fathers request "I do miss the sun's heat." She said as she walked. Nanami hummed cheerfully as she made her way to the academies training yard. It had a small pond, she walks out into the center of it "I might as well get in a little chakra control practice." While not very proficient in Taijutsu, she did apply an aspect of it to her training.

Nanami takes a deep breath and with a single hand makes the signs and fire heats up the area around her. Then with the other hand she makes another series of hand signs and the wind picks up. She knew her elements worked in concert, she just hadn't figured out the best way to combine them. Her two jutsu however seemed like they were meant for each other. They wen't together seamlessly.

The aspect of Taijutsu she implemented was the movement, which was the only part Nanami really was proficient with. Dodging, ducking, weaving, dancing. Nanami used these movements and danced in-between the spaces the wind and fire had left open for her. She practices like this until someone appears.
This message was last updated by the player at 04:34, Wed 21 Oct 2015.
Akitoki Sigmund
Genin, 1 post
Get Scared
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 05:09
  • msg #3

Chapter 1

  "Sigmund wake up! It's your first day with your squad and already you're late!" a woman's voice could be heard from upstairs to his bedroom. Sigmund still laid sound asleep in his bed. All he really heard was a feint voice. He was too busy dreaming.

  Sigmund's dream:

 He wielded a bone sword, waving it around at bandits in front of his home. They had smug faces and his parents could be seen in the background, frightened. The first thug charged him with a blade of his own. Sigmund took a defensive position and blocked the attack and then swiftly countered just as quickly. He managed to not only slice the thug's arm off, but also managed to slice the other two bandits' arms as well. His parents looked at him with horror. They thought of him as a monster, but Sigmund felt good. He felt power...He felt...hungry?

  Sigmund had quickly woken up. His breathing was heavy, but lighten in seconds. That was the second time I've had thoughts about power...but why? he asked himself. His thoughts were interrupted when his bedroom door slammed wide open.

  "Sigmund! Your mother has been yelling at you for 30 minutes now! Get up and get ready! You're suppose to be meeting your sensei today!" his father scolded him for sleeping in.

  A groggy Sigmund leaned all the way up, his hair a mess and his eyes only half-way open. His father just looked at him and shook his head before he closed the door to Sigmund's room .

  He blinked a few times before swinging his legs over his bed. His feet touched the floor and he closed his eyes, letting the rest of his grogginess wash away. He rose to his feet and quickly striped his night clothes and dressed in his usual outfit: black tank top with a white button up and a black coat right over followed by his pants and ninja shoes. He combed his hair which fell a little over his forehead.

  He gave himself a quick prayer of luck as he headed downstairs and quickly ate breakfast. His father had already taken off to his usual farming job. His mother always stayed home and sometimes conversed with friends later that day. He gave his mother a quick kiss on the forehead and he was out the door with a pouch in hand. He tied the pouch to his back on his waist and quickly like a ninja, headed to the said meeting their sensei has sent out earlier that week.

  He came to the academy training grounds. Once he arrived, he finally took his time walking in and finding the actual grounds. From the distance, he could see a girl about his age 'dancing' around, or at least that's what it looked like to him.

  He didn't right away walk up to her. He kind of just made his way her way, his hands in his pocket and head down, his bangs falling over his eyes.
Kenji Akuma
Jonin, 1 post
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 15:52
  • msg #4

Chapter 1

Akuma woke with a jolt ready for the day to begin. He was going to be meeting his new students today. It was going to be an exciting adventure seeing as how they were his first Genin. Of course he wasn't going to let them know that. Or would he? All the what if's raced through his mind as he hurriedly dressed and groomed himself for the day. As he raced through the door he said a quick good morning to his mother.

When Akuma arrived at the training grounds he saw that two young ninja were already there.
'Two out of three' He thought to himself. 'It'd be best if I see how they interect with each other and what I can figure out about them first.'

With that thought he quickly jumped onto the top of the academy building to watch the two students. One seemed to be performing a personal training exercise. He had to commend her on the willingness to work diligently. He then focused his attention at the other young man. It appeared that he was keeping his distance. Akuma was sure that the young man would quickly warm up to his companions. He sat up and waited for his final student to arrive.
Akitoki Sigmund
Genin, 2 posts
Get Scared
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 16:47
  • msg #5

Chapter 1

[Secret to Kenji Akuma: Your last squad member will be late due to the player being at work currently, so try to continue without them. They'll catch up.]

  Sigmund just kept watching her with grace. It reminded him of himself with his own dance attack. He couldn't help but feel eyes on him though, but it was something he grew use to at this point in his life. Everybody had knew he was adopted and abandon. Usually people stared at him because he could be weird and odd, or for the simple fact that he was just a loner while females around his age stared at him to take in his handsomeness.

  He finally got closer to the girl, who he believed was probably his squad mate. Keeping that in mind, he wondered if the final member would be here anytime soon. A feeling of relief washed over him because he at least knew he wasn't entirely late.

  He tried to walk up to the girl, wanting to introduce himself so he can get it out of the way and then proceed to stay quiet after that.
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