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03:48, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Stockade Interview: Joint.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive S
Darkside Trooper
GM, 493 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 05:01
  • msg #1

Stockade Interview: Joint

In the morning the women are first let out of their cells and led to a showering facility. Once they return the men are allowed to do the same. Throughout the day each person in the stockade is taken into a room to speak with a USAF officer.

The room is quite simple and looks like the interrogation room from any one of the Law & Order TV shows. There is a single table and two chairs across from each other. There is also the mirrored wall, obviously a one way mirror. The only real difference from the TV show is a pair of USAF Airman in each corner behind the ‘detainee’.

Joint is sat down with a his hands in handcuffs, behind his back, and a pair of shackles around his ankles.

Across from Joint is a USAF Officer wearing a pair of gold oak leaves on his ABU’s (Airman Battle Uniform, ). He has a number of file folders in front of him.

“I’m Major Peterson, you must be Markus Jones Juarez.” The military man is looking a a file with Joint's driver's license paper clipped to it.

"So I have to ask what possessed you to try and steal an MRAP?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:04, Tue 01 Mar 2016.
Player, 14 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 05:43
  • msg #2

Stockade Interview: Joint

Feeling refreshed after the shower, Joint had waited while talking everyone's ear off in the cells.  I sure they were thankful for the break they got when they finally took him and sat him before a very well cared for Major Peterson.

"Well Sir....Can I call you Sir?, why I was looking to borrow an MRAP was I shooting a pimp your ride tv show and some of the boys here on the base said there was one you wouldn't mind me borrowing."

Pausing for a moment Joint waits for just the right moment when the Major was going to speak

"Sorry, sorry, sorry that was wrong, I came to the base cause I never had driven one and I was in the market for a new vehicle with really low mileage and I heard great reviews.  Just I was having a hard time cause you don't have one in Silver with the wheels I like.  You know low profile and all."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 496 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Thu 3 Mar 2016
at 04:26
  • msg #3

Stockade Interview: Joint

“Mr. Juarez, sarcasm is going to get you nowhere.”

You do know that we can hold you indefinably if we so desire?”

Player, 18 posts
Thu 3 Mar 2016
at 05:35
  • msg #4

Stockade Interview: Joint

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 3):

Joint knew he was in the shit right now, not just cause Major boring was interviewing him, but the base boys were really wound up right now.

"Ah fuck it I had my fun with the Princess and Brownstar last night.  This ain't gonna be no confession of guilt or anything.  I made my way onto this fine military base to get the MRAP cause I have seen what those hopped up people will do to get to someone.  I was gonna grab the vehicle and some gear and get the hell away from here.  You guys have guns and all the other fun toys to keep you safe, I mean I am big your injured boys know that.  But it don't mean I don't wanna be safe behind some bullet glass and clippin on it outta here.  Also I figured since that one was in the mechanics shop you wouldn't be using it, purrs like a kitten now doesn't it."

Joint spoke normal not really nervous or anything just wanting to get the hell off the base.  These soldier boys were still playing cops and robbers, even with all the shit going down out side.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 499 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 12 Mar 2016
at 18:04
  • msg #5

Stockade Interview: Joint

As Joint responds the Major begins to run a digital recorder. "Ok so you wanted to use it for your own safety?" The Major writes down some notes before asking a few more questions, these aimed at trying to get a better idea as to why Joint had tried to steal the MRAP. "Do you have any family trapped in the city?"

"Have you given any thought that maybe here is the safest place to be right now?"
Player, 20 posts
Tue 15 Mar 2016
at 03:38
  • msg #6

Stockade Interview: Joint

Breathing out a exhausted sound of exasperation well leaning back and tipping his head further back looking at the ceiling to the soldiers shitty questions.

"Man you and these people don't get it do you man, there is not a safe place to be right now.  Now I know a good soldier like you don't know this but if you are trying to get away from something be it the cops, gang members whatever.  You get yourself on the move and you keep moving, that is how you stay hid.  Hell yeah I wanted to use it for my own safety, I watched my crew get cut down by those things and then my boys got up and joined whatever the hell they are man.  As for family man I don't have none.  And you keep talkin this crazy talk like this is some safe place, but all you keep doing is flying your planes and choppers to this fancy air base.  Shit even a dumb ass kid would be able to follow the amount of air traffic you got going on in the skies.  You military boys are pointing big freaking arrows right at yourself's.  Forget even those crazy people, you are gonna have tons of whatever it you consider normal people and they are gonna be even less behaved then I am.  I saw disturbances in the pen and on the street man and this is like that but a thousand times worse.  So nah I don't think your fancy base here is safe, no doubt you and your boys with toys could put up a hella fight.  But you know and I know that people can suffer a lot of physical pain and still get within arms reach.  So how bought you let me bounce and if you ain't gonna let me bounce let me earn my way off your base.  So I ain't jammed in some fuckin cage when shit hits the fan, hell I might even grow to like you and save your ass."

Joint voice was pretty calm still but there was some edge, the situation he got himself into was shit and he needed an out.  If it meant tightening some nuts for soldier boy here well he could do that while scoping out better equipment for future reference.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 507 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 03:36
  • msg #7

Stockade Interview: Joint

"Yeah we know this place isn't on-hundred percent safe. The short term plan is to build up defenses, the long term plan is to evacuate. We've got plenty of transports to airlift everyone out of here. Once we know where the U.S. Military is consolidating it's forces we'll start getting people out of here."

"Anyhow we're not going to force you to stay here. If you want to go you can go. But we can only give you what you showed up with. If you don't want to be airlifted out of here I'm pretty sure enough stuff is going to be left behind."

Player, 22 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 05:25
  • msg #8

Stockade Interview: Joint

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 7):

Although cuffed with his hands behind him, Joint's body language is clear as his head comes forward eyes locked on the Major.  Joint's face is one of total shock and bewilderment at the word's that just rolled outta the Major's mouth.

"What the fuck did you just say?, you are gathering people here and you have no idea what your  the higher ups are doing.  You are waiting for some dick head to tell you to head somewhere else and you are gonna drag all these people around?"

Joint takes a calming breath, his head down looking at the table in front of him.  To much information going through his head to really get a handle on it.  In most cases like this he would just beat the shit outta someone but that was not going to work in this scenario.  Letting out a deep sigh Joint looks at the Officer again.

"Awww fuck man, you are bringing all these people out here.  I am not a rocket scientist, let's assume your chain of command says you can only go one way with your planes, trains and automobiles.  How many people can you get out if that call came now.  What I am getting at is put me in a shop with some helping hands, the skinny turd in my cell, the dark beauty and a couple of her pals.  She said something like they can handle themselves.  I will get as many of your broken pieces of shit up and running so if that worst case scenario happens people will at least have something that runs."

Joint's brain was busting up he was not sure if what he was saying was making any sense.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 513 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 21:08
  • msg #9

Stockade Interview: Joint

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