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04:26, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nellis AFB: Stockade.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive C
Darkside Trooper
GM, 468 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 20 Feb 2016
at 23:59
  • msg #1

Nellis AFB: Stockade

This particular area of the Nellis Airforce Base brig/Stockade is simply a row of four jail cells situated along one side. each cell is able to hold one to four occupants, contains a toilet and a washbasin.

For some reason or another (probably lack of personnel) there are both men and women being housed in this particular cell block. But individuals of different genders are separated and placed in different cells. Of course this doesn’t prevent anybody from seeing others conduct their ‘personnel’ business as there are only bars separated adjacent cells

There is both a male and female USAF MP present to maintain order. Joint is placed in a cell that already has two men in it. One is a medium sized guy while the other is a little scrawny kid
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 05:53, Sun 21 Feb 2016.
Player, 1 post
Mon 22 Feb 2016
at 06:00
  • msg #2

Nellis AFB: Stockade

"Hey pretty little lady when are you guys gonna let me outta here, I gotta go check on your buddy and make sure that his jaw is okay.  Oh yeah and that other guy too, I am pretty sure I could rig up a nice little arm cast for him.  I mean with those crazy ass shitheads running around I don't want a dangling arm getting in the way of him keeping us all safe."

Joint had been busted on the airbase hot wiring a Cougar armored military vehicle.  They apparently weren't to busy to be doing some base patrols in one of the mechanics hangers.  The soldiers said some pretty rude things to Joint that he did not think were very kindly to a down to earth honest tax paying citizen of the United States of Merica.  So a broken jaw on one, broken arm on one and some serious bruises cut and scraps on the rest Joint had the shit kick outta him and kicked into the can.

"I mean I was gonna bring it back, when she fired up she seemed a little rough.  I was just gonna book it down to my yard pick up some stuff do a little work on the engine and body and zip right on back sweet heart.  I was even thinking I might pick you and me up some tacos, you like tacos sweetheart, I bet you have a real nice taco."

Hands grasping the gate bars Joint gives the gate a little jolt his voice was normal like he was having a normal conversation with anybody.  His wrists had cuts in them from the multiple large zip ties that they had used to secure his hands till they got him in the cell.

"I mean how about some first aid pretty lady, you guys chewed my wrists up pretty good getting me in here all your boys would have had to done was say please real nice."
Punk ass kid
NPC, 1 post
Street punk
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 04:41
  • msg #3

Nellis AFB: Stockade

The scrawny ass kid looks over Joint and comments about the number of buises all ove rthebig mans body. "They fucked you up real good huh?" The scrawny ass kids then paces back and forth within the cell head darting left and right. It's obvious he's high on some sort of drug, possible more then one.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:44, Tue 23 Feb 2016.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 473 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 04:47
  • msg #4

Nellis AFB: Stockade

The two MP's ignore Joint and the other civilians being detained. The door then opens and a black woman with a shaved head is brought in. Like everyone else she is wearing a set of blue coveralls and a pair of white socks. The black woman is placed in the cell adjacent to Joint, the medium sized guy and the scrawny kid high on crack/meth/whatever.

Laney finds that she has one cell mate, some red haired girl who obviously makes a living on her back or knees.
Player, 2 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 05:35
  • msg #5

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Punk ass kid (msg # 3):

Hands now resting on one of the cross members of the cell doors, Joint looks over his shoulder to the tweeker kid who was pacing like a jacked up race horse at gate time.  The other guy in Joints cell seemed pretty strung out but maybe was coming down.  Joint had seem similar side effects in his ma when he was a kid.

"Yeah Brownstar they got me pretty good, but that is what happens when you when you beat on someone.  Someone with a bigger stick comes along and swings back at yeah.  Now shut the hell up there is a Nubian Princess in our midst and I would like to get to under stand her since my other bitch ain't saying anything."  Gives the bald girl a little head nod and a wink.

Tweeker's, meth heads and all those crazy ass needle junkies made Joint nervous, they were trying to escape life and in doing so messed their lives up and the lives of those around them.  It pissed him off even more that he was in that cell with two of them.  Just reminded him a little of when he beat his dad down.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:46, Wed 24 Feb 2016.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 389 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 12:12
  • msg #6

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 5):

The woman perked up and smiled at Joint. Speaking with a Louisiana drawl she said, "hey sugar, I like your style! Flattery will get you everywhere. I'm Laney. But we already got a lady here, so I hope ya'll been proper gentlemen up 'till now, right?"

The MPs could be the waitstaff at an upscale restaurant for all the care she paid them. It looked like Laney had gotten beaten up a bit herself, with a puffy lip and a few bandages on her face. Aside from her looks, which seemed to be beside the point (she wore no makeup anyone could tell) the woman seemed to be possessed with remarkable self-assurance and ease despite the confinement of her surroundings.

Smiling over at her cellmate, she realised the woman was probably a prostitute. Which was fine, she didn't have a problem with honest sex-trade workers. However, this one probably had substance abuse issues or else she would be working at one of the legal brothels outside city limits. "Hey, how you doin'? You got a name, sweetie? Don't worry, I ain't gonna mess with you."

[Private to GM: 04:09, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 66 using 1d100 with rolls of 66.  Trust 60%.
04:10, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 11 using 1d100 with rolls of 11.  Streetwise 40%.

She attempted to get the woman to trust her, but failing that is giving off a sense of confidence and self-assurance with her streetwise knowledge.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:37, Tue 23 Feb 2016.
Player, 3 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 02:47
  • msg #7

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 6):

Proper gentlemen what the hell was that, Joint has seen all kinds of dudes but this proper gentlemen shit while that was myth.  Working at the casino's and clubs here and there as a bouncer, he had seen those well off cats dressed all fine, open doors for their slinky dressed ladies just like the one in Laney's cell only to beat the shit outta them or rape them.  Joint had to deal with those guys and clean up the messes.  Gentlemen what a bunch a shit, but whatever man.  This Laney chick was clearly one of those bleeding heart types, that he ran into when serving time in Clark County always telling him that the environment he grew up with was not this fault and his decisions were just a cry for help.  Just another ball of bullshit that the socialist minded crack pots threw out there.

"For sure Princess, I was just saying how these fine Military folks should just let me out and I will zip out and grab some Taco's."
NPC, 1 post
Con Artist
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 02:55
  • msg #8

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 6):

'It's Samatha, and im fine thank you.'
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 390 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 03:56
  • msg #9

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 7):

"Pleased to meet you."

If Laney could read the confused babble going through the man's mind, she would have found it absolutely hilarious. She didn't have any time for social workers or bleeding hearts either, although she supposed that if nothing else sympathy was better than contempt. Obviously not intimidated, she returned his tone with a laugh.

"Princess? No thanks, handsome, I work for a living. Good luck on them tacos. You can call me Laney. You got a name?"
She asked both the big guy and the kid.

OOC: My apologies if I somehow gave the wrong impression. She is far more streetwise and tough, not at all giving off a princess vibe or anything even close. If you misinterpreted this from what I posted, it was my fault. If you don't believe me, read her background and some of the RP that's gone on. True, Joint doesn't know this but I didn't think in my post I needed to go over ground that's been so thoroughly covered.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:06, Wed 24 Feb 2016.
Player, 4 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 05:27
  • msg #10

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Raising an eyebrow at Laney's quick retort and laugh caused a large grin to spread on Joint's face.  Reaching out to the tweeker kid in his cell Joint grabs him in like a joking uncle holding him to tightly for him to get away under his arm.  The kid looking like little more then a child beside Joint. There was a grimace from the ferocity of the jolt of being grabbed and held,  but it was clear that kid was in no real danger of being hurt.

"Come on Brownstar the Princess wants our names, she keeps spiting hers out like she thinks we are not listening and calling us handsome."
Punk ass kid
NPC, 2 posts
Street punk
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 06:11
  • msg #11

Nellis AFB: Stockade

When grabbed he struggled, once it became apparent they he wasn't going to be able to escape the Punk ass Kid did the only thing he could. "Fuck you." That is bite into Joint's forearm.

[Private to Joint: 21:58, Today:
Punk ass kid rolled 18 using 1d20 with rolls of 18.  bite Joints forearm.
-3 SDC from bite

Please don't kill this guy. Just put him in a sleeper hold.
Player, 5 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 06:32
  • msg #12

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Punk ass kid (msg # 11):

Letting the kid go and not showing any pain Joint gives the kid a slap on the back, giving him a large smile.

"Adda boy Brownstar, that's the spirit, showing us your cojone's.  You a crazy shit ain't yeah cabron.  Ever do something like that again though it ain't gonna go well for you."
Punk ass kid
NPC, 3 posts
Street punk
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 06:46
  • msg #13

Nellis AFB: Stockade

The Punk ass Kid retreats to a corner of the cell after being let go, but still maintains some bravado. "Yeah that's right let me go so I don't have to kick your ass."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 391 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 11:22
  • msg #14

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 10):

Laney sat down on the bed and shrugged to show she didn't care what slab of meat did.

<Brown>"You got me. Yeah, maybe neither is true. What is true is on the street, you tell people your name, unless you're just frontin'. It don't matter to me, I guess, 'cause if I seen one dead guy just like you, I seen a hundred. Ain't no big thing.

When the fight, such as it was, started she just sat back and let it happen. As he was biting the other man's arm, she looked him over for body ink, open sores on his face and/or missing teeth, all standard tweaker characteristics and somewhat true for junkies.

As for the girl, she wondered if they crossed paths at some point. MedicWest covered North Vegas, the poorer part of town. If she was a "frequent flyer", as they were known, Laney might well have had her on an RA (Roll Ambulance) call or two.
Player, 6 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 15:23
  • msg #15

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 14):

"Princess you got it backwards no one drops their name unless they feel the need to create cred and I guarantee I ain't fronting or needing to create cred. We both in the cell blocks right now Princess all we got is time."

This chick was gonna be fun man, she was wound so tight she seemed like a g-man or soldier girl.  The only reason someone like her was in the place like this is she didn't know when to keep her mouth shut.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 392 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 21:33
  • msg #16

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 15):

Relaxed, she put her hands above her head and smirked at his riposte. Regardless what she did to get in here, from the way he was acting he'd fucked up doing something far more stupid and avoidable.

"Nope. It don't work that way on the street, Skippy, but maybe you've done some time in the joint where it's different. Looks like they done jacked you up, good thing you let him go 'cause them MPs were gonna tune you up some more. It ain't like civilian jail in here."

Technically, both were correct about street names because they were simply familiar with different subcultures.

Laney was very familiar with the subculture of the street: low-level dealers, street hustlers and the homeless. They weren't afraid to give out their names, or at least a name (if not their real ones) because the street was far more social than most "straights" could imagine. And they called themselves whatever they liked because their social milieu was so chaotic and disorganised. Laney suspected that Joint maybe was a criminal but not familiar with the street. His criminal subculture was probably that of bikers, organised crime and even prison, all of which were a lot more structured, formal and hierarchical than the street. In those circles you didn't give yourself a name but it was bestowed upon you as a badge of honour and rank.

This possible insight into Joint's past was useful, and she filed it away for future use. As for him, it was obvious he had no clue who she was and what she was about, itself illuminating. It was also possible he had some developmental issues but she wasn't an educator.

OOC: Wouldn't Joint have a lot of ink done? Both in and out of prison? Just curious, as that's very common and also provides clues about his past.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:31, Thu 25 Feb 2016.
Player, 7 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2016
at 02:37
  • msg #17

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 16):

"You really are in the dark Princess, this ain't nothing like a real slam.  The only Mil prison you gotta worry about is the Gitmo, now that is a shit hole.  These base pussies have rules they go by and guards that follow em and actually give two shits about your safety.  Now a real slam that is a place of anarchy, fun though man you see some crazy shit.  This tweeker here would already be dead, but not in this fine little metal cage.  He's safe with me and those MP's you think so highly of you might wanna go help them out with your sweet soft heart girl, I got some bumps and bruises but they got shit on just gettin me in here."

Joint kept leaning on the cell door and started to whistle, sounded like shit but he didn't care.  He already had his outs stirring up in his mind the cell door would be cake to pick, hell a couple kicks and it would be open and the two guards well the guns were an issue but there were ways around that.

OCC: We are all wearing the nice coveralls with minty fresh white socks, can't see my tats
This message was last edited by the player at 02:39, Thu 25 Feb 2016.
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