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01:02, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nellis AFB: Stockade.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive C
Darkside Trooper
GM, 468 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 20 Feb 2016
at 23:59
  • msg #1

Nellis AFB: Stockade

This particular area of the Nellis Airforce Base brig/Stockade is simply a row of four jail cells situated along one side. each cell is able to hold one to four occupants, contains a toilet and a washbasin.

For some reason or another (probably lack of personnel) there are both men and women being housed in this particular cell block. But individuals of different genders are separated and placed in different cells. Of course this doesn’t prevent anybody from seeing others conduct their ‘personnel’ business as there are only bars separated adjacent cells

There is both a male and female USAF MP present to maintain order. Joint is placed in a cell that already has two men in it. One is a medium sized guy while the other is a little scrawny kid
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 05:53, Sun 21 Feb 2016.
Player, 1 post
Mon 22 Feb 2016
at 06:00
  • msg #2

Nellis AFB: Stockade

"Hey pretty little lady when are you guys gonna let me outta here, I gotta go check on your buddy and make sure that his jaw is okay.  Oh yeah and that other guy too, I am pretty sure I could rig up a nice little arm cast for him.  I mean with those crazy ass shitheads running around I don't want a dangling arm getting in the way of him keeping us all safe."

Joint had been busted on the airbase hot wiring a Cougar armored military vehicle.  They apparently weren't to busy to be doing some base patrols in one of the mechanics hangers.  The soldiers said some pretty rude things to Joint that he did not think were very kindly to a down to earth honest tax paying citizen of the United States of Merica.  So a broken jaw on one, broken arm on one and some serious bruises cut and scraps on the rest Joint had the shit kick outta him and kicked into the can.

"I mean I was gonna bring it back, when she fired up she seemed a little rough.  I was just gonna book it down to my yard pick up some stuff do a little work on the engine and body and zip right on back sweet heart.  I was even thinking I might pick you and me up some tacos, you like tacos sweetheart, I bet you have a real nice taco."

Hands grasping the gate bars Joint gives the gate a little jolt his voice was normal like he was having a normal conversation with anybody.  His wrists had cuts in them from the multiple large zip ties that they had used to secure his hands till they got him in the cell.

"I mean how about some first aid pretty lady, you guys chewed my wrists up pretty good getting me in here all your boys would have had to done was say please real nice."
Punk ass kid
NPC, 1 post
Street punk
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 04:41
  • msg #3

Nellis AFB: Stockade

The scrawny ass kid looks over Joint and comments about the number of buises all ove rthebig mans body. "They fucked you up real good huh?" The scrawny ass kids then paces back and forth within the cell head darting left and right. It's obvious he's high on some sort of drug, possible more then one.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:44, Tue 23 Feb 2016.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 473 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 04:47
  • msg #4

Nellis AFB: Stockade

The two MP's ignore Joint and the other civilians being detained. The door then opens and a black woman with a shaved head is brought in. Like everyone else she is wearing a set of blue coveralls and a pair of white socks. The black woman is placed in the cell adjacent to Joint, the medium sized guy and the scrawny kid high on crack/meth/whatever.

Laney finds that she has one cell mate, some red haired girl who obviously makes a living on her back or knees.
Player, 2 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 05:35
  • msg #5

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Punk ass kid (msg # 3):

Hands now resting on one of the cross members of the cell doors, Joint looks over his shoulder to the tweeker kid who was pacing like a jacked up race horse at gate time.  The other guy in Joints cell seemed pretty strung out but maybe was coming down.  Joint had seem similar side effects in his ma when he was a kid.

"Yeah Brownstar they got me pretty good, but that is what happens when you when you beat on someone.  Someone with a bigger stick comes along and swings back at yeah.  Now shut the hell up there is a Nubian Princess in our midst and I would like to get to under stand her since my other bitch ain't saying anything."  Gives the bald girl a little head nod and a wink.

Tweeker's, meth heads and all those crazy ass needle junkies made Joint nervous, they were trying to escape life and in doing so messed their lives up and the lives of those around them.  It pissed him off even more that he was in that cell with two of them.  Just reminded him a little of when he beat his dad down.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:46, Wed 24 Feb 2016.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 389 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 12:12
  • msg #6

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 5):

The woman perked up and smiled at Joint. Speaking with a Louisiana drawl she said, "hey sugar, I like your style! Flattery will get you everywhere. I'm Laney. But we already got a lady here, so I hope ya'll been proper gentlemen up 'till now, right?"

The MPs could be the waitstaff at an upscale restaurant for all the care she paid them. It looked like Laney had gotten beaten up a bit herself, with a puffy lip and a few bandages on her face. Aside from her looks, which seemed to be beside the point (she wore no makeup anyone could tell) the woman seemed to be possessed with remarkable self-assurance and ease despite the confinement of her surroundings.

Smiling over at her cellmate, she realised the woman was probably a prostitute. Which was fine, she didn't have a problem with honest sex-trade workers. However, this one probably had substance abuse issues or else she would be working at one of the legal brothels outside city limits. "Hey, how you doin'? You got a name, sweetie? Don't worry, I ain't gonna mess with you."

[Private to GM: 04:09, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 66 using 1d100 with rolls of 66.  Trust 60%.
04:10, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 11 using 1d100 with rolls of 11.  Streetwise 40%.

She attempted to get the woman to trust her, but failing that is giving off a sense of confidence and self-assurance with her streetwise knowledge.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:37, Tue 23 Feb 2016.
Player, 3 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 02:47
  • msg #7

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 6):

Proper gentlemen what the hell was that, Joint has seen all kinds of dudes but this proper gentlemen shit while that was myth.  Working at the casino's and clubs here and there as a bouncer, he had seen those well off cats dressed all fine, open doors for their slinky dressed ladies just like the one in Laney's cell only to beat the shit outta them or rape them.  Joint had to deal with those guys and clean up the messes.  Gentlemen what a bunch a shit, but whatever man.  This Laney chick was clearly one of those bleeding heart types, that he ran into when serving time in Clark County always telling him that the environment he grew up with was not this fault and his decisions were just a cry for help.  Just another ball of bullshit that the socialist minded crack pots threw out there.

"For sure Princess, I was just saying how these fine Military folks should just let me out and I will zip out and grab some Taco's."
NPC, 1 post
Con Artist
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 02:55
  • msg #8

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 6):

'It's Samatha, and im fine thank you.'
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 390 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 03:56
  • msg #9

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 7):

"Pleased to meet you."

If Laney could read the confused babble going through the man's mind, she would have found it absolutely hilarious. She didn't have any time for social workers or bleeding hearts either, although she supposed that if nothing else sympathy was better than contempt. Obviously not intimidated, she returned his tone with a laugh.

"Princess? No thanks, handsome, I work for a living. Good luck on them tacos. You can call me Laney. You got a name?"
She asked both the big guy and the kid.

OOC: My apologies if I somehow gave the wrong impression. She is far more streetwise and tough, not at all giving off a princess vibe or anything even close. If you misinterpreted this from what I posted, it was my fault. If you don't believe me, read her background and some of the RP that's gone on. True, Joint doesn't know this but I didn't think in my post I needed to go over ground that's been so thoroughly covered.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:06, Wed 24 Feb 2016.
Player, 4 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 05:27
  • msg #10

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Raising an eyebrow at Laney's quick retort and laugh caused a large grin to spread on Joint's face.  Reaching out to the tweeker kid in his cell Joint grabs him in like a joking uncle holding him to tightly for him to get away under his arm.  The kid looking like little more then a child beside Joint. There was a grimace from the ferocity of the jolt of being grabbed and held,  but it was clear that kid was in no real danger of being hurt.

"Come on Brownstar the Princess wants our names, she keeps spiting hers out like she thinks we are not listening and calling us handsome."
Punk ass kid
NPC, 2 posts
Street punk
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 06:11
  • msg #11

Nellis AFB: Stockade

When grabbed he struggled, once it became apparent they he wasn't going to be able to escape the Punk ass Kid did the only thing he could. "Fuck you." That is bite into Joint's forearm.

[Private to Joint: 21:58, Today:
Punk ass kid rolled 18 using 1d20 with rolls of 18.  bite Joints forearm.
-3 SDC from bite

Please don't kill this guy. Just put him in a sleeper hold.
Player, 5 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 06:32
  • msg #12

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Punk ass kid (msg # 11):

Letting the kid go and not showing any pain Joint gives the kid a slap on the back, giving him a large smile.

"Adda boy Brownstar, that's the spirit, showing us your cojone's.  You a crazy shit ain't yeah cabron.  Ever do something like that again though it ain't gonna go well for you."
Punk ass kid
NPC, 3 posts
Street punk
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 06:46
  • msg #13

Nellis AFB: Stockade

The Punk ass Kid retreats to a corner of the cell after being let go, but still maintains some bravado. "Yeah that's right let me go so I don't have to kick your ass."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 391 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 11:22
  • msg #14

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 10):

Laney sat down on the bed and shrugged to show she didn't care what slab of meat did.

<Brown>"You got me. Yeah, maybe neither is true. What is true is on the street, you tell people your name, unless you're just frontin'. It don't matter to me, I guess, 'cause if I seen one dead guy just like you, I seen a hundred. Ain't no big thing.

When the fight, such as it was, started she just sat back and let it happen. As he was biting the other man's arm, she looked him over for body ink, open sores on his face and/or missing teeth, all standard tweaker characteristics and somewhat true for junkies.

As for the girl, she wondered if they crossed paths at some point. MedicWest covered North Vegas, the poorer part of town. If she was a "frequent flyer", as they were known, Laney might well have had her on an RA (Roll Ambulance) call or two.
Player, 6 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 15:23
  • msg #15

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 14):

"Princess you got it backwards no one drops their name unless they feel the need to create cred and I guarantee I ain't fronting or needing to create cred. We both in the cell blocks right now Princess all we got is time."

This chick was gonna be fun man, she was wound so tight she seemed like a g-man or soldier girl.  The only reason someone like her was in the place like this is she didn't know when to keep her mouth shut.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 392 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 21:33
  • msg #16

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 15):

Relaxed, she put her hands above her head and smirked at his riposte. Regardless what she did to get in here, from the way he was acting he'd fucked up doing something far more stupid and avoidable.

"Nope. It don't work that way on the street, Skippy, but maybe you've done some time in the joint where it's different. Looks like they done jacked you up, good thing you let him go 'cause them MPs were gonna tune you up some more. It ain't like civilian jail in here."

Technically, both were correct about street names because they were simply familiar with different subcultures.

Laney was very familiar with the subculture of the street: low-level dealers, street hustlers and the homeless. They weren't afraid to give out their names, or at least a name (if not their real ones) because the street was far more social than most "straights" could imagine. And they called themselves whatever they liked because their social milieu was so chaotic and disorganised. Laney suspected that Joint maybe was a criminal but not familiar with the street. His criminal subculture was probably that of bikers, organised crime and even prison, all of which were a lot more structured, formal and hierarchical than the street. In those circles you didn't give yourself a name but it was bestowed upon you as a badge of honour and rank.

This possible insight into Joint's past was useful, and she filed it away for future use. As for him, it was obvious he had no clue who she was and what she was about, itself illuminating. It was also possible he had some developmental issues but she wasn't an educator.

OOC: Wouldn't Joint have a lot of ink done? Both in and out of prison? Just curious, as that's very common and also provides clues about his past.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:31, Thu 25 Feb 2016.
Player, 7 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2016
at 02:37
  • msg #17

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 16):

"You really are in the dark Princess, this ain't nothing like a real slam.  The only Mil prison you gotta worry about is the Gitmo, now that is a shit hole.  These base pussies have rules they go by and guards that follow em and actually give two shits about your safety.  Now a real slam that is a place of anarchy, fun though man you see some crazy shit.  This tweeker here would already be dead, but not in this fine little metal cage.  He's safe with me and those MP's you think so highly of you might wanna go help them out with your sweet soft heart girl, I got some bumps and bruises but they got shit on just gettin me in here."

Joint kept leaning on the cell door and started to whistle, sounded like shit but he didn't care.  He already had his outs stirring up in his mind the cell door would be cake to pick, hell a couple kicks and it would be open and the two guards well the guns were an issue but there were ways around that.

OCC: We are all wearing the nice coveralls with minty fresh white socks, can't see my tats
This message was last edited by the player at 02:39, Thu 25 Feb 2016.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 476 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Thu 25 Feb 2016
at 20:34
  • msg #18

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

OCC: We are all wearing the nice coveralls with minty fresh white socks, can't see my tats
Correct, unless you have tats on your hands, neck and head.

An airman comes in with a box of MRE's, followed by a second with a case of bottled water.

The two Airman on duty pick which MRE's they want to eat. They then hand out an MRE to each person in the cells alng with a bottle of water.

[Private to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael:
MRE: Meatballs w/ Marinara Sauce

[Private to Joint:
MRE: Sloppy Joe
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 393 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 26 Feb 2016
at 01:59
  • msg #19

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 17):

Laney chuckled as she took her MRE. Meatballs with marinara sauce. Not the worst, actually pretty good.

"True dat, Skippy. I may or may not have lived on the street, clocked me some OC and fent, but I never been fucking stupid enough to get caught, or do time."

She studied him. "Hmm. No face, hand or neck tats but your jumpsuit's closed all the way up. I'd say you if done some time, it was in Juvvie. Naw, we won't go to Gitmo, ain't gonna have now Qar'ans shoved up our asses. Leavenworth, maybe. What happens all depends on the jail. In Supermax there ain't no anarchy, of course. high Desert State Prison's not too bad. Ely State is a lot worse. So I hear.

"Military stockade isn't like real jail. For one thing, I heard of a dude doing 18months for raping two children, another guy in the same stockade was serving six years for possessing marijuana with intent to sell. No rhyme or reason.

"I'm sure the Air Force got their own "baby" medics to treat anyone you jacked up there, Skip. Not my job, not anymore. Anyways, it don't matter if this is a shithole or not. These folks are way off the reservation. They on;y gonna hold us for so long."

As she talked, she examined and started opening the brown MRE packet. It was labeled "Menu 8: Meatball Marinara". No coffee, dang it! Course 1 was a pouch of meatballs and gravy, small tortillas, seasoning packet and a tube of mayo(?) and raspberry drink base. She mixed the drink, then made tortillas with the meatball/sauce/seasoning, with some mayo mixed in (what the heck). It tasted pretty good! Course 2 (aka "Dessert A") was pouch of cherry blueberry cobbler, basically like a pie without all the boring stuff.Course 3/Dessert Menu B was a broken-up cookie, off-brand M&Ms with a vile-seeming fat and calorie-laden vanilla milkshake. She ate the former, saved the second and ignored the last. Finally, Course 4 (Dessert Menu C) was Tootsie Rolls and a pack of MRE gum.

"Anyone want to trade for coffee? I got cherry blueberry cobbler, I hear this stuff is legendary. Not a bit pie-eater, myself. Also, Tootse-Rolls and gum."

OOC: Last night cutting through a downtown park I stopped to help someone who had collapsed (likely an overdose of heroin cut with fentanyl, this is Vancouver) and found out his name was Jason. At the time, another street person named Mark stopped to assist. The evening before I chatted to a friendly tweaker (sores on his face, extensive body tats, a little problem balancing) as we waited for an elevator, he offered me a slice of pizza as he wasn't hungry (loss of appetite, of course). So, anecdotally, not too hard at all for street people to give up a name, if perhaps not their real one. That's always been my experience.

I once knew a guy who did some jail time. He described it almost as the opposite of anarchy, more like a corporation. Your life inside wasn't just regimented by the guards but by other prisoners. There was a hierarchy, everyone knew their place and everyone avoided trouble so they just do their time and get out. There was some random violence (fights over someone bumping into another inmate) but also planned retaliation for some transgression (five guys held down one guy, while two more dropped a 300-pound concrete chair on his hand). Then again, this could be more indicative of Canadian jail and not US jail.

[Private to GM: Any additional feedback on the kid r the other inmates? She can probably spot a druggie, and their poison, from a mile away. I can, and I'm not even a paramedic!

17:17, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 4 using 1d100 with rolls of 4.  Paramedic Medicine.
17:17, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 14 using 1d100 with rolls of 14.  Streetwise.

Darkside Trooper
GM, 477 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Fri 26 Feb 2016
at 02:57
  • msg #20

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 19):

[Private to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael:
Paramedic: The kid isn't high on anything. He's faking it.

Streetwise: The kid is a snake in the grass and a very dangerous individual. He isn't high but he bit into the arm of a guy twice his size so he's probably got mental issues. He's probably well versed in how to suvive amoung the criminal under belly of Las Vegas.
Player, 8 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2016
at 04:13
  • msg #21

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Taking his MRE and water bottle in one hand Joint puts one in each pocket, not really hungry and he would like to save his water for now.  He gives the Airman MP's a little wink and a fake kiss while giving them the finger.

"Princess you are stupid period, you seem to miss where you are and the point.  I run my mouth cause I can back it up, you keep running your mouth talkin like you lived hard at some time.  Sure maybe you did or maybe did not live on the street for a few and went all crazy got yourself jacked up.  But that just makes you like all those other dumb white bitches out there every weekend, thinking they are ghetto so they have a little sob story for there friends and family back home."

"And shit, where my ink is...sure as hell is none of your business.  My time was my time, you speculate all you want it just shows how dumb you are.  Hell I didn't say we were going to Gitmo, I said it was a shit hole.  And I don't know what the hell your flappin your pretty little gums about those other slams, we ain't going there either.  You weren't paying attention were you when some soldiers came and picked you up in a chopper and dropped you off along with a shit load of other folks on a base.  It sure as shit wasn't cause your pretty or had winning personality. Last time that happened, when was that....Oh yeah Hurri Kat, when it decided to take a little trip up to Orleans and wipe that dive out. Some crazy shit is going on out there and they don't know what the fuck to do."

Joint didn't need to speculate about why Laney was in her cell, her roughed up face told him a story he had seen a thousand times growing up when a women didn't know to keep her mouth shut.  Someone shut it for her but they didn't shut it hard enough, but shit this was passing the time.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 394 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 26 Feb 2016
at 21:01
  • msg #22

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 21):

Obviously having fun with him, Laney laughed as she ate. He didn't even react to being called "Skippy", like he didn't know what that meant. This dude was going to be fun, all right!

"Ha ha! Now, Skippy, only one of us got busted and sent to juvvie or jail, and it wasn't me. Again, real cons can't wait to talk about where they done time, but you ain't said nothin' so there it is.

"Some time I'll tell you all about N'Awlins. "Orleans" is in France, dumbass, and it's called "Katrina", only a moron would call it anything else. (Fetch ain't gonna happen, girl!) And it was a lot like what's happening out there, but this is turned up to Eleven.

"I'm guessing someone tuned you up 'cause maybe you were lookin' to take a shit on the floor and someone said "read the sign", and you got mad on account of you don't have your letters. That about sum it up? Shoot, no one laid a hand on me, even the crazies. 'Course I did pop a lot of caps in their heads. Now, I never been in an auto accident in my life and I drive fast for a living, but when all Hell broke loose some asshole T-Boned my ambulance and the airbag deployed. You want to know what an ambulance or an airbag is, I guess I can draw you a picture."

She sighed contentedly, enjoying her food. It actually had been a rough day and the high-calorie feast was helping.

[Private to GM: Trying to figure out the meathead, and the girl:

13:42, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 30 using 1d100 with rolls of 30.  Streetwise (60%).
This message was last edited by the player at 21:45, Fri 26 Feb 2016.
Player, 9 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2016
at 23:16
  • msg #23

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 22):

"Here you go again tryin to be all legit, scopin for info.  You have never been so you don't know shit about cons.  Caught or not I served my time and never been back till today.  And sure as you are gonna shit out that food there you ain't no one who I would speak to about what I do or did."

"N'Awlin's" Joint clearly mocking

"Acting all intelligent and like a bitch princess, you knew exactly what I meant, did I hit some sore spot.  That shit hole N'Awlins your home ain't it.  What went down in N'Awlins ain't even close to what is going down now.  Unless you were trippin on your OC fent bing then I guess you would think it is similar."

"Oh Princess you can draw? It would be great if you help me with mah letters Massa Princess.  I would love some picture's of whatcha call it an ambulance, I might have seen them once or twice taking broken bodies away but I don't know Massa Princess.  No need to draw me no airbag Massa Princess, I think if mah eyes don't deceive me I be looking at a black air bag right now.  But your right Massa Princess maybe you could draw me a real nice picture of one of them also just so I ain't confused.  You say you shot one of them crazies Massa Princess you must be real brave eh Massa Princess and you sound like a real good driver Massa Princess, maybe when we get out you could teach someone who don't his letters so well how to drive."

Not one person in the cells could miss his sarcasm.

"Now Massa Princess, you are so wise I know you have some more knowledge for me about the real world out there, I only hope you have the compassion to teach a dumb skippy like me the ways of life."

Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 395 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sat 27 Feb 2016
at 00:41
  • msg #24

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 23):

Looking for a moment like she was going to drive the point home, her face softened and looked thoughtful instead.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm the one who hit a nerve there. My apologies, that was uncalled for. Sure you don't want this cookie? I hear it's real good."

She offered the pouch, without apparent irony or sarcasm.

"But seriously, it is a mess out there, I agree."
Player, 10 posts
Sat 27 Feb 2016
at 03:49
  • msg #25

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 24):

Joint looked at Laney with a raised eye similar to "The Rock" and roared out laughing. The sound so loud and deep that it had a certain vibrato to it like deep thunder.

"Princess if I had nerves to hit, you would have missed by the distance of Orleans and N'Awlins if I can trust your geography.  As for the cookie you save em, cause I was right from the start, you may come across hard but you one them with a soft heart Princess.  You keep that shell covered heart though cause there are monsters out there."

Joint's face was in a big shit eating grin

"I give you cred and respect though you can bust some balls girl, bust them hard with dem looks and those spittin lips.  Name is Joint."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 479 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 27 Feb 2016
at 20:14
  • msg #26

Nellis AFB: Stockade

About an hour after food and water is passed out pillows and blankets are passed out.

[Private to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael:
Your cell mate hasn't given any indication of what she does, other then the fact that shes good looking. But her eyes show that like the kid there is more then meets the eye.

[Private to Luke Salem: MRE: Beef Ravioli]

OOC: The Punk ass kid is now being ran by a player.
Luke Salem
Player, 4 posts
Street punk
Sat 27 Feb 2016
at 22:48
  • msg #27

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke rolls his eyes, exaggeratedly, "Could you both shut the fuck up for a few minutes? I'll even say please. I'd like to enjoy this shitty ravioli and try to catch some sleep. Crashing is a mother fucker you know."

OOC thanks for having me guys!
Player, 11 posts
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 06:06
  • msg #28

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 27):

"Awe Brownstar do you have some real important place to be tonight or tomorrow.  Why don't you join in the convo or just hit the sack."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 396 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 10:39
  • msg #29

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 25):

Smiling, Laney nodded. "Hey, Joint. You really know how to jack someone up just by talking to them, you know?"

She saw that Joint was saving his food. Maybe hoping for a break. If and when he ate he'd guard it jealously, eating all the good stuff first. Her? She needed her strength.

"Sorry, man." She said to the young guy. "I hope we're not bothering you while you study for mid-terms or nothing. I'm Laney. Until a couple hours ago I was a Las Vegas paramedic. I lived through Katrina, so this ain't the first time I seen the military actin' like jackasses, pushin' folks around. 'Course, they weren't the worst."

She observed how the others ate, see if it looked like they'd been in jail as well.

OOC: Glad to have you in our little club!

Sometimes when my friend (who'd been in jail) ate it left an impression. When in a public place like a fast food restaurant he'd kind of hunch over his plate and even when relaxed would be wary. At McDonald's he'd pop the top off his milkshake and chug it down, then scarf everything else as fast as he could.

Luke Salem
Player, 5 posts
Street punk
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 15:42
  • msg #30

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke grunted acknowledgement of the woman speaking, "Yeah, midterms. Fuckin' shit. Everyone's got jokes." he shoveled the food down as fast as he was capable, eyes darting from the woman to the big man. Stopping on Joint, "Don't eye ball my food ass face." he seemed quite edgy and irritable, and he was. "Protect us by lockin' us up. I ain't sick, what the fuck am I doin' in here?" He paused, and gave a rather troubling smile to Laney, "Luke, if you give a shit."
Player, 12 posts
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 17:18
  • msg #31

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Giving Laney a nod

"Just my way of vetting people Laney, an old habit.  Came in useful more then a couple times."

"Hey Boy!, I told you once already and this will be your final warning.  Watch how you move your flapper there or it's gonna get busted. Best not to falsely accuse me or I will show you how easy it is for me to take your stuff."

Joint had turned and stood to his full height and size before addressing Luke. Hopefully getting the point across that the difference in physical capabilities was vast.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 399 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Mon 29 Feb 2016
at 09:30
  • msg #32

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 31):

Laney nodded at Joint, impressed but trying not to show it. It wasn't often that someone got under her skin like that so quickly. As well, he wasn't cute but had a certain masculine, if brutal, look and manner about him. Give him a shave and a bath and who knew where a bottle of wine and a nice dinner at Red Lobster might lead? Now the kid, Luke, it seemed like he had something going on she couldn't quite put her finger on. A little off-putting. Maybe it was just her nerves.

"Hey, Luke. Yeah, I give a shit. And I bet we all had a tough time today."

One thing was for sure, when Joint had been doing his time there wasn't anyone stealing his food! No wonder he seemed fearless in here. Someday they'd be let out of here, it just stood to reason. They were just useless mouths to feed in here and out there they could be doing something useful.
Luke Salem
Player, 6 posts
Street punk
Mon 29 Feb 2016
at 16:22
  • msg #33

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke held his hands out mock trembling, "Oh no, the big man thinks because he's big he can hurt us littler people... Maybe. Maybe not Tiny. Just don't start shit. And my flapper moves just fine, hoss. Can't help it you don't care for what I say." Luke stood now, to his much less impressive height of 5'6" and winked at the big man.
Player, 13 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 04:19
  • msg #34

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 33):

Joint moves in on Luke leaving no more then a foot between them, speaking so only Luke could here but there is clearly steel in his voice.

"Brownstar, before today happened I knew after a rough day I could go hit the gym, crack some skulls at some of the clubs and it would be all right.  Today like everyone else here has been a real rough day and I don't have a way to cope right now.  But the way you keep whispering sweet words of shit in my direction makes me think you are a real sympathetic soul that wants to help me unwind and basically be a light bag for me.  I also am a sympathetic soul and I hear you keep on whining about how tired you are, well I can help you with that also, you see I like helping people go to sleep.  They have a hard time waking up but they usually thank me for not killing them the next day.  Now I am sure my gruff behavior with you has put a tweaker piece of shit like you on edge and I get that, I have met people like you on the streets.  But these trained soldier boys barely got me in here, so they won't be able to get in here to save your ass if you keep traveling the road that your used to traveling with other people to get them to back down.  So again I suggest you change your tone and what you are saying and we will get along real well and hell I will even be your good friend and watch your back if we get outta this shit hole."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 491 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 04:23
  • msg #35

Nellis AFB: Stockade

OOC: You guys can continue the IC banter.

I will be getting individual posts up that will take place in the morning as you talk to some of the people in charge.

Luke Salem
Player, 8 posts
Street punk
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 10:29
  • msg #36

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke raised an eyebrow, "Whatever you say tiny. I'd wager, since you seem to be sooooooo smart. You'd watch our backs anyway, numbers and all that. And I promise you, sir, you haven't seen the type of shit I do to get people to back down. Now why don't you put those big pretty muscles to use and bend the bars to bust us out or some shit like that? Yeah?"

OOC lovin' this!
PS don't kill me joint. I'll behave I promise :)
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 404 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 20:13
  • msg #37

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 36):

You had to give the kid, Luke, some credit. He didn't seem to be backing down from the bigger man. Judging from the fact that he'd bitten Joint earlier when they tussled he probably also lacked a certain amount of fear. Which might not always be good.

Sitting back on her bunk with her arms behind her head she commented, "now, why don't you boys just give each other back rubs and call it a day?

"Hey Samantha, if you like, I braid a mean corn row. No foolin'."

Player, 15 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 23:33
  • msg #38

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 36):

"If you mean the type of shit where you nibble on someones arm like an S&M freak then yeah your right I haven't seen it.  But from what I can tell you would be on the receiving end, especially with you making "big pretty muscle" comments, for sure you are the catcher."

Joint looks up and down Luke

"As for busting out Brownstar let me educate you on finer things of holding cells.  You see what we have here is Bar Grillage it is used primarily in areas where full view of Inmate movement is required such as Holding cells and Corridors, like we are standing in. Bar grillage is either constructed of tool resisting, or mild steel or a combination of both. The Grating here consists of seven eighth inch diameter double ribbed round bars, three eight inch by two and half inch vertical and horizontal framing flat bars spaced twelve inches on center. The vertical rounds are interlocked at each intersection or horizontal bars. Again as you can see the grillage here is made with a lock pocket and food pass.  In other words I could use your wiry little body as a battering ram all day and nothing would happen to these bars other then get your blood all over them and me.  I mean if you are volunteering for such and experiment I am more then willing to oblige."
Player, 16 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 23:36
  • msg #39

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 37):

"I would give this young man a back rub but I am pretty sure he would think it is foreplay and well I just am not down with that, however if that fine female soldier girl would let me out I would rub her back all day."

Gives Luke a wink, his comment was laced with sarcasm and meant to get a rise outta the guard.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Tue 01 Mar 2016.
Luke Salem
Player, 9 posts
Street punk
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 14:50
  • msg #40

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke shrugged, "Looks can be deceiving big guy. And I certainly don't "catch". So what you're saying is you can't break us out? Fuck. Well, I guess we may as well all play nice. Laney, if you feel like handing out back rubs, my shoulders are a bit tense." he grinned and winked at her almost just like Joint had winked at him, showing humor. If they were stuck here, they may as well all get along the best they could.
Player, 17 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 22:56
  • msg #41

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 40):

"By breaking the bars, no probably not going to happen.  Now if we had some metal that I could fab into picks I could have that lock open in a minute.  Although I think the guards would notice although they do seem kinda dumb."

The Banter had died down a bit, but it was fun and it helped pass the time being caged up like an animal.  When the real animals were those crazy ass people outside killing each other for whatever reason.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 405 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Thu 3 Mar 2016
at 03:45
  • msg #42

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 40):

Seeings show they were in different cells a backrub might be difficult!  But not impossible.

"A back rub? Sure. Just stand with your back to the bars. See if I can reach."

She wondered if her arms would reach, if he would do it, and if the guards would allow it.
Luke Salem
Player, 10 posts
Street punk
Thu 3 Mar 2016
at 21:07
  • msg #43

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke shrugged, "Fuck it, it worked. HA." he stood up and edged over to the bars placing his back against them, "Be gentle, I'm delicate."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 407 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sat 5 Mar 2016
at 05:14
  • msg #44

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 43):

"Don't worry, I won't leave a mark." This was something of a gamble. If Luke wanted to he could grab her through the bars and she would be at a disadvantage. Sometimes it was worth it to take a risk.

Assuming the MPs don't intervene and the cell placement allows it, Laney slid her left hand through the bars and felt his shoulder Muscles. "Tense." She leaned in and whispered something into his ear.

[Private to Luke Salem: "Hey, Luke, I'm guessing you don't mess with drugs much, right? I've seen a lot of users. You got too many teeth left. Your skin isn't covered in sores. I could go on."]
Luke Salem
Player, 11 posts
Street punk
Sat 5 Mar 2016
at 13:25
  • msg #45

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke nodded, "Yeah, tense is the least of it."

He mumbled something quietly.

[Private to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael: "Good eye Laney, I don't touch the shit. Maybe weed once in a while. I figure if folks think I'm high or coming down they'll be more likely to piss off."]
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 408 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sun 6 Mar 2016
at 08:32
  • msg #46

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 45):

Laney chuckled as the put her other hand through the bar and started giving him an honest massage. "I can work out some kinks but I'm not an expert. Like all things in life, you want extra you gotta pay for it. Well, you want anything if and when we get out of here, let me know. I work with the good shit for a living."

00:29, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 20 using 1d20 with rolls of 20.  Back Massage.

Best Goddamn backrub of your life, Mister!

Luke Salem
Player, 12 posts
Street punk
Sun 6 Mar 2016
at 15:21
  • msg #47

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke smiled and took a deep breath, sincerely appreciating the shoulder rub. It wasn't what it could be, he could tell, but given the situation this was nothing to complain about at all. "Tell you what, hotness, we get outta these cages and we can make arrangements. You're awfully good for 'not an expert'."

OOC Luke is quite pleased with his massage lol
Player, 19 posts
Mon 7 Mar 2016
at 05:17
  • msg #48

Nellis AFB: Stockade

With Luke taking Laney up on the massage like a little puppy and it did look like he was enjoying it, it allowed a smooth transition outta the sarcastic banter that had passed the time.  Joint grabs the sleeping kit he was given finds what could be considered the most defend-able spot and sits down resting his forearms on his knees.  Once in while taking a sip from his water till it is gone.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 409 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Thu 10 Mar 2016
at 00:55
  • msg #49

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 47):

She chuckled. "My pleasure, Luke. I got some practice when my husband was alive.

"I hope we get out of here soon. Even if there have been some "misunderstandings" that led to us being here, it's better off if we're doing something useful. Even outside the wire, which would be my preference."

Luke Salem
Player, 14 posts
Street punk
Thu 10 Mar 2016
at 02:25
  • msg #50

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke nodded, "Don't much give a shit, as long as we're out of here. Fucked up out there, fucked up being stuck in here. Least I'm getting a back rub out of this mess."</Red Luke paused, as messed up as he was, she'd lost her husband, <Red>"Sorry for your loss Laney."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 410 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 11 Mar 2016
at 10:30
  • msg #51

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 50):

Laney replied, sincerely, "thanks, Luke. He died a couple years ago. Not because of the flu or one of the crazies. It was cancer." That wasn't completely true. The cancer hadn't actually killed Greg, he'd taken his own life. She wondered if the struggle against the disease had sapped his will to live, and along with the mental trauma he'd gone through, that was enough to push him over the edge.

"I hate to ask... did you lose anyone today?"
Luke Salem
Player, 15 posts
Street punk
Sat 12 Mar 2016
at 02:50
  • msg #52

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke shook his head, "Nah, no one that mattered like that. Never really had that sorta thing. Being the wild ass street kid kinda keeps folks at bay. Typically, I'm a loner. Since this shit went down today, I can see the validity in safety in numbers, plus, you give good back rubs." he grinned, trying to lighten the mood somewhat.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 412 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Tue 15 Mar 2016
at 09:37
  • msg #53

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 52):

She chuckled, pleased at the compliment.

"It did help to have people out there to watch my back, and I watched their backs. I wonder how Ace and Maria Delores are doing?

"But I'm glad you didn't lose anyone special today. No family? If we get out of here, maybe we could look for someone you want to bring to safety."

Luke Salem
Player, 19 posts
Street punk
Tue 15 Mar 2016
at 14:42
  • msg #54

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke shrugged, "Fuck em, they gave up on me a long time ago, any family I did have, I don't really remember. Bounced around, you know, troubled orphan... abandoned, whatever the term is now. Nah, I'm good. I'll take care of you and muscles here. But the rest of these assholes, well, they gotta earn that."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 415 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 16 Mar 2016
at 04:44
  • msg #55

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 54):

Laney chuckled. "True that. Everyone's gotta earn their way now. The people used to living on the streets, fighting for their meals, they gonna know what to do. Other folks that had it easy, the rich, the ones used to soft living, they gonna be in for a real shock. At least until things get better." If they ever do in our lifetime, she added to herself.

"I wonder how much things gonna change?"
Luke Salem
Player, 20 posts
Street punk
Wed 16 Mar 2016
at 11:48
  • msg #56

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke shrugged, "Way I see it, life goes on, just more people who are trying to kill me now. Either way, they got it to do, I ain't no bitch. And yes, the richies are gonna be in for a real mind fuck once this settles in on them. Would almost pity them, but they ain't worth it mostly."
Player, 21 posts
Wed 16 Mar 2016
at 19:47
  • msg #57

Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 54):

Joint was staring into space not paying to much attention to the prattling of the love birds until one of Luke's comments caught his attention.

"Boy you must have some pretty slick skills if you think that you can help me out ever with what we all saw going on today out there.  We get outta here best thing to do will be to bounce out then be tied up with as few people as possible.  Mobility is gonna be the key man, you seem like a crazy shit and I don't mind rollin with that or the Nubian princess there.  When you add more people you add more problems if yeah hear what I am sayin."
Luke Salem
Player, 21 posts
Street punk
Wed 16 Mar 2016
at 19:57
  • msg #58

Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke nodded, "I do in fact have some slick skills hoss. I've been on my own since I was a kid, streets, abusive foster homes, you know... the whole sob story. 'Cept it actually happened. I figure between the three of us, we need to know who can do what, so we know who we need to pick up along the way if we find anyone worth a shit. Crazy shit, describes me perfectly."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 416 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 08:52
  • msg #59

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke Salem:
Luke shrugged, "Way I see it, life goes on, just more people who are trying to kill me now. Either way, they got it to do, I ain't no bitch. And yes, the richies are gonna be in for a real mind fuck once this settles in on them. Would almost pity them, but they ain't worth it mostly."

Laney nodded, sadly. "I meant more there aren't gonna be too many people left lookin' like me if this goes on too long. Not necessarily because folks are racist, although I'm certain there's a few that are itchin' to try out their brand new rifles now they don't gotta be "politically correct" any more when it comes to black people too close to their houses. People see white people in a store, they think they're "scavenging", they see black folks and they think "looters". And I heard a lot of folks say they gonna take the law into their own hands when it comes to looters. Saw that during Katrina.

"The rich might be in for a surprise, but they got the money and resources to help themselves out, always have. They also the ones that pay the police. And where there's no law, they hire "private security". Also seen that during Katrina. It was Blackwater then, now it could be any cracker with a gun. The military I think is gonna be more helpful, God bless 'em, but but they ain't used to being in America and they might act a little heavy. But poor folks of all colours don't have strong houses to hide in, food to eat or cars to drive someplace safe.

"Big groups ain't too bad, I made it here with about fifteen or sixteen people. Only lost one after we found some trucks. But it is more trouble. Thing is, you get outta here, where you gonna go? Can't keep moving forever."

Luke Salem
Player, 22 posts
Street punk
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 12:15
  • msg #60

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

"And we can't stay here forever, hoping things will get better just as fast as they got worse. We don't know how bad it is out there this second. But I have a thing about being caged up like this. It ain't for me. But you're right, mostly, about the looting and scavenging comments, except I'd be considered a looter too, I'd wager. Tiny over there too probably." he indicates Joint with a nod of his head. "Color's a big part. Maybe. But poor white folks get looked at about the same."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 417 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 20:31
  • msg #61

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 60):

"Oh, I ain't arguing we should stay here. Once these people get their act together I suspect it'll be as safe as anywhere. But even if and when we get out of this cage this base won't be much better'n a prison because it's still military rule and civilians don't get a say. And regular folks aren't gonna like that after too long.

"As to where to go to... I think we need to think about relocating to someplace that's safe, far enough so that we're not under military rule, but close enough if we need help. Close enough to places we can salvage for supplies, far enough we won't get overwhelmed. Water. Food. I don't fancy being no farmer, and salvage only goes so far. But I think we have skills and training that other folks will find useful, pay us for.

"Poor folks gonna have it tough, no question. Poor city folks the worst. Poor folks in the countryside? Probably a little better off. At least if you look White, they gotta talk to you first before they decide they don't like your looks!"

She laughed a little, the lowered her voice so that it wouldn't carry to the MP guards.

"To lay my cards on the table, as you know I'm a paramedic. I ain't a surgeon but give me some tools and I can save lives. I'm a damn good driver and an all right mechanic. I hot-wired a couple of trucks to get everyone here, and let's just say locked doors ain't much of a problem for me. I'm familiar with radio communications, although I can't fix electronics."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:41, Fri 18 Mar 2016.
Luke Salem
Player, 23 posts
Street punk
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 02:30
  • msg #62

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke spoke quietly too, "As you probably guessed, most of my skills involve keeping me alive in the streets. Not the most marketable skillset, like yours. But I can fight. And I can find shit people don't want us to find."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 508 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 04:43
  • msg #63

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

The USAF MP’s abruptly end everyone’s conversations by stating lights out and then turning the lights off. Despite there being almost complete darkness, the conversations pick up again for a short time. Everyone eventually goes to sleep. The next morning the women are first let out of their cells and led to a showering facility. Once they return the men are allowed to do the same. Throughout the day each person in the stockade is taken into a room to speak with a USAF officer. Some return, and most others don’t.

Those who don’t comeback are those being released. Some of those being released (such as Joint and Luke) are given an orange set of coveralls to change into. Others (such as Laney) are not given a new set of coveralls. Everyone is then loaded up on a short white shuttle bus. As they travel from their part of Nellis Air Force Base to where the rest of the civilians are they can see that some areas are completely blockaded and guarded.

The civilian refugee area is a row of large aircraft hangers situated next to the flight line. The whole area appears to be barricaded by a line of HESCO barriers, topped with barb wire. A few breaks in the wall are obviously gates to allow access.

The former ‘detainees’ are dropped off at one of the hangers. They are given an MRE, a blanket, and pillow then told to find an empty cot.

OOC: I will soon open another thread for you to post in.
Player, 23 posts
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 05:42
  • msg #64

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 62):

Joint looks over to the love birds having confessional time with one another and adds his typical two cents.

"Well sharing is caring right?"

Giving them both a sarcastic grin

"Tell me what your dream house, car, or gun looks like and I can build it from scratch.  You want a vehicle that can quarter mile in nine flat consider it done, you want a precision semi auto long range three o eight set up in a min I am your spotter.   Hell looks like safe house business is gonna be booming for me.  And as for locks well just call me Mr. Smith.  I spent my time once I got in trouble trying to never get in trouble again only to learn a shit ton that gets me in trouble.  Now shut the fuck up and lets hit or racks for some shut eye."
Luke Salem
Player, 24 posts
Street punk
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 13:11
  • msg #65

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

Luke shrugs in the dark, "First smart thing you've said hoss," he chuckled, "Sweet dreams big guy."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 419 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 18:25
  • msg #66

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

In reply to Joint (msg # 64):

"Back at'cha, sleep tight." Laney settled back and closed her eyes.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 514 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 21:08
  • msg #67

Re: Nellis AFB: Stockade

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