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Chapter 2.7: The Chunin Exams.

Posted by Fujii SimaFor group archive A
Hikawa Chisame
Genin, 85 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 21:48
  • msg #64

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Chisame smiled as she strolled into the meeting place.  Looking around, she saw that there were fewer teams than before and wondered what had happened to them.  I wonder what we're going to be doing next?  Humming to herself, she waited to see what would happen.
Doji Ebi
Genin, 6 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 22:11
  • msg #65

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Ebi rubbed at her shoulders to try and shake off the nerves making her muscles tense up, before her fingers came to her eyes, her main eyes, and wiped a little water away that had built up from the rather quick change in light. Cursing her still lack of full control over her dojutsu, she moved herself out of the way of the other land groups and went about locating her respective Earth Jonin.
Tsukino Yuuka
Genin, 56 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 23:25
  • msg #66

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Yuuka looked around nervously as she entered the meeting area with the other students.  Despite their initial failure, they had managed to come back to complete the remainder of the course, but it was probably only going to get harder from here.  No matter what happened now though, she hadn’t let her team down.  She just needed to keep going no matter what.
Shinji Kanzo
Genin, 79 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 00:40
  • msg #67

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Now that Kanzo was warm and dry, and had managed to have some food and rest, he was feeling much better.  No longer being threatened with drowning or hypothermia tends to improve your mood a bit.  He entered the meeting area and noticed there were quite a few less teams than they had started with and was genuinely curious which challenges in the tunnel they had failed at.

Kanzo moved over to where Chisame was strolling around.  "How's the recovery going?  I'm guessing we may have a fight coming up, seeing as we've done everything else so far"
Nara Nanami
Genin, 118 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 01:33
  • msg #68

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Walks up to Akuma "Yeah we had some difficulties acting like a team. We did what we could with what there was." Nanami was not happy with the outcome. But she was not going to speak badly about her teammates. Hearing Sigmund say that brought a small smile to her face "To be honest Sigmund-kun. There are some advantages to appearing to be the lowest. They won't realize we are the power house team."

Nanami looks at Sigmund "Good luck Sigmund-kun. I hope to see you in the finals." Regardless of how he felt, she shoulder bumps him and moves to talk to Akuma again "We won't let you down in the battles. The first round will probably be the only easy round. Since nobody knows what to expect from us."
Hozumi Mitsu
Genin, 19 posts
I'll fix you up,
right after this chapter.
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 01:44
  • msg #69

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Mitsu strolled behind Kanzo, pulling on her half-sleeved jacket, its pockets now re-packed heavy with her gear. She reached behind her head, pulling her loose, dark curls tight and squeezing the rest of the dampness out of her hair.

"We should be able to hold our own from this point on I'd think, though considering how quickly we seemed to blow through those last few challenges, it makes me wonder if they'll do something weird if we're actually going to get our fights set up."

She patted Kanzo on the shoulder. "Good work on dominating that last challenge, by the way. I was so cold, I forgot to thank you." She passed him and crouched beside Chisame as they waited. "Maybe we can feed Chisa-chan one of our opponents soon."

Opening a pocket, she again took out her small book, lips pursed as she sought the place she'd left off prior, simultaneously reading and absorbing everything else going on around her via osmosis.
Hikawa Chisame
Genin, 86 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 02:05
  • msg #70

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

“Hi!”  Chisame waved to Kanzo and Mitsu when they appeared.  “I’m fine!”   She stopped for a moment, staring at Kanzo when he announced his prediction of what was coming up.

“Really?”   Chisame leaned towards Kanzo excitedly, grabbing his shirt.  “You think we’re going to get to fight?”   A dreamy expression appeared on her face.
Kazoro Kurochi
Genin, 58 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 02:19
  • msg #71

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Kurochi walked up to Yuuka, glad that they were out of the tunnels. Looking around he saw the other students that were trying to become a chunins well. "Either were doing a group exam or were gonna be fighting," he pointed out as he looked around.

Getting lost in thought, Kurochi thought how he would pay Yuuka and Kai back for his mistakes one way or another, even if it took him forever. He was determined to pass this next exam making sure to prove himself to everyone else. Everything running through his mind currently was what was gonna be their next exam.
Suzuki Kai
Genin, 53 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 02:25
  • msg #72

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Kai wrapped the blanket tightly around him as he walked up to his group members. He wasn't happy of the turn out, but hearing the word 'battles' made him grow eager. Others were whispering battles as to what was next and that was what made him ready. He didn't have time to worry or reflect on their experience in the tunnels, but he thought as their leader, he might as well give them some words of encouragement since their sensei was no where to be found. He faced his mates. "Talk has it that it's battles so prepare yourself. I can't say what we will encounter, but it will be dangerous and not just sparing perhaps. Just be careful and give it your all. Whether we make Chunin or not, doesn't matter. What matters is representing our village," he explained. "Now get warm as fast as possible," he added, shivering a bit.
NPC, 8 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2016
at 02:34
  • msg #73

Chunin Exams: Exam #3

Raikage Darui had made his way to the open area where he scheduled the Chunin Exams to take place. The spot was only temporary for the first two exams. He had plans to move the final exam to an arena within the huge village. He was escorted by several ANBU members and other Jonin, which included Sima Fujii among them. He took his place upon the stage, waited for the young genin to settle down and give him his undivided attention. Once they did, he began to speak.

"I am very proud of those who have come to represent their village with pride. I am proud to see this turnout after the first two exams, but if you believe that was the hard part then you're in for a real treat," he began to explain. "It's a custome where balance is preserved by fighting and removing life. This is the friendship of the Shinobi World. The third exam is a fight for life with the pride of the village and one's own dream on the line," he paused as he allowed the genin to take in the new challenge.

"Now then, this is where I'd like to explain the third exam. But actually, I am here to explain that there will be preliminary rounds. Too many of you survived the second exam even though many squads were eliminated already. These preliminary rounds will determine who goes to the real fights," he explained and smirked. "Those who wish to drop out, speak up now," he remained silent as one student raised her hand and excused herself. She appeared in terrible condition and Darui did not expect much from her anyways.

With her departure, that left enough to evenly match others together. Once she escorted herself away from them and regrouped with her Jonin, Darui began speaking again. "Preliminary rounds will begin immediately. Winners will be determined with one-on-one sudden death battles. This is not an exercise so battles will be taken seriously. There are exactly 26 of you remaining so we will conduct 13 battles. The surviving canidates will advance to the final exam. As for the rules, you will fight until someone dies, collapses, or admits defeat," he further explained.

"And please...admit defeat right away if you don't wish to die otherwise the fight will continue. Our proctor, Fujii, will be the official judge of every battle. He will intervene if he witnesses a hopeless fight. We certainly don't want to have to deal with too many bodies for clean up," and with those last words, it shook some genin. Many had swallowed hard and were growing anxious.

"What holds the key to your destinies is..." he turns around and looks up at the old board. "Reveal the true panel!" he commanded and the center of the board opened up, revealing a computer screen. He turned back towards the group. "The names of each opponent will be randomly selected and displayed on this electronic signboard. Now then, let's get right down to it and announce the two names for the first battle," he finished and the board began shuffling many names of the remaining genin. It matched two opponents together and the Raikage announced each opponent. The first match was Deiren VS Kotatsu and that battles lasted only minutes. Kotatsu left no mercy to Deiren. Using some sort of advanced Dark Release techniques, Deiren didn't stand a chance. Kotatsu took victory after minutes of ruthless torture and he quickly escorted himself away from the area to stand with his Jonin. Deiren was immediately sent to the infirmary for immediate medical attention. It certainly set an example to the rest of the genin.

Exam 3 Match Ups - Preliminaries:

Match 1:

Hozumi Mitsu


Kazoro Kurochi

Match 2:

Yamada Nori


Harusame Sakuya

Match 3:

Doji Ebi


Hikawa Chisame

Match 4:

Shinji Kanzo


Akitoki Sigmund

Match 5:

Yoshinaga Takeshi


Nara Nanami

Match 6:

Tsukino Yuuka


Senju Katsumi

Match 7:

Hagane Jhinsokyo


Suzuki Kai

Match 8:

Deiren Isamu



Match 9:
Aniki Cho



Match 10:



Match 11:
Kalameet Rikki


Aorin Taesane

Match 12:



Match 13:



Dice Rolling System:

Taijutsu: 1d20 + speed + strength + Taijutsu    Defense: 1d20 + speed + strength +  Taijutsu/Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu: 1d20 + Ninjutsu + Handseals + Stamina   Defense: 1d20 + Ninjutsu + speed + Stamina

Genjutsu: Unless they have the Kai: Release technique there isn't a roll. If they do have the Release technique the rolls are: 1d20 + Genjutsu + Intelligence for both caster, and target.


Thread is now closed. Wait for your appropriate thread to show up and open. Allow the Proctor to speak first before posting about getting matched ect.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:06, Thu 03 Mar 2016.
Fujii Sima
GM, 337 posts
White Bolt Ninja
Thu 24 Mar 2016
at 03:53
  • msg #74

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

The preliminary battle winners are:

  • Akitoki Sigmund
  • Nanami
  • Yamada Nori
  • Hikawa Chisame
  • Hagane Jhinsokyo
  • Senju Katsumi
  • Kazoro Kurochi
  • Kotatsu
  • Kyo
  • Aorin

Battle after battle, win and loss for some. The battles had been interesting and intense and for some, completely one sided. Some ninja sustained terrible injuries, while others only came out with minor scratches and bruises. Sima intervened in some battles that he deemed fair enough while he allowed others to stretch and have them exhaust themselves. Once the final preliminary battle had finished, he stepped forward one last time to address everybody in the arena. "Today was a glorious day for some. While others, it will forever be a nightmare. Some villages will be officially represented by the chosen genin from today for tomorrow's finals. My words of advice for the those who lost," he paused for a moment. "Never give up on your dreams. Today's loss does not effect your skills as a ninja. Take this as a lesson to redeem yourself. Take this to your next training. Work your ass off. Hard work and dedication is what makes you a great shinobi," he encouraged all the genin who lost.

He cleared his throat, ready to announce the next instructions. "The finals will take place tomorrow in the main arena in the middle of the village. The Raikage will match the next battles personally. Remember, you will be representing your own nation and everyone within the village will be watching, including the five great Kages. Rest up and prepare. Tomorrow is the start of some of your dreams," and with that, he disappeared, leaving the winners to chat among themselves, get treated for their injuries if necessary, and regroup with their fellow mates if they won.

the Raikage had given the list to Sima the next day for the match ups, where they were announced the next morning on a projector screen for all to see. Kyo and Aorin are first to match. They both come from the Land of Snow and as such, they put up a deadly and ruthless fight. It was life or death between them. Kyo executed some foreign family jutsus to try to deal heavy and deadly blows to Aorin, but Aorin's Swift Release had been perfected enough for him to be too fast for Kyo. Aorin struck with simple kunai knives, using his speed to an advantage. He was able to deal a massive puncture to Kyo's chest, leaving him almost dead. By the time the proctor could get medical attention for Kyo, he was pronounced dead. The Kages were impressed, however they were shocked a young genin had the capacity to kill their own teammate. The crowd had been impressed and yearned for more action. The next battles were going to be tough.

Exam 3 - Final Rounds

Match 1:

Hagane Jhinsokyo


Yamada Nori

Match 2:

Kazoro Kurochi


Senju Katsumi

Match 3:

Nara Nanami



Match 4:

Akitoki Sigmund


Hikawa Chisame

New threads will be posted up shortly and combatants will be grouped appropriately. Please stand by. In the meantime, match ups post in here among yourselves. Get at least one or two posts in each and then threads will finally open.

Dice Roller System is still the same.

Genjutsu has been modified with a duration chart. Meaning, depending on what you roll will determine how long the genjutsu lasts. Remember, I know who does and doesn't have the Kai Release for simple genjutsus, so be warned. However, this becomes a problem because that means whomever gets caught up in a genjutsu cast, cannot defend themselves. So there will be rules for this as well. The first attack after the genjutsu is cast, becomes an auto hit. However, you cannot attack after that until the duration is over. This makes the fight fair instead of winning by simply trapping somebody in an genjutsu for an easy win. Secondly, the auto hit cannot be a finishing blow to end the match. That makes for an easy win. This is not allowed. If something like this attempted, you will be immediately disqualified. Lastly, you cannot cast two genjutsu attacks in a row. This also becomes problematic because it makes for an unfair fight and it will just become not fun and unfair. Punishment will be a penalty and/or disqualification.

The Duration Chart is below:
1-5  = 1 post
6-10 = 2 posts
11-15= 3 posts
16+  = 4 posts

If you happen to roll a small number for your Genjutsu, please describe how weak your cast was. If you roll high, then of course describe how strong it becomes.

I will still be monitoring the dice log chart. Secrets rolls will result in penalty immediately [this included forgetting to label it. If you forget to label what you're rolling, simply don't worry about it. As long as you state what it is in your post, you'll be okay. Otherwise, you will be punished.] Re-rolling will result in either a penalty and/or disqualification. At this point, everybody is familiar with the system and there should be no problems. If you screw up your dice equation [by forgetting a number mod, then you will use what you rolled. It is your job to make sure everything is correct before you roll those die.] If you roll giving yourself an edge [i.e. adding the wrong mod, or giving yourself extra mods towards your roll, you will be immediately penalized!] If there so happens to be a problem or concern, bring it to my attention right away so it can be resolved as soon as possible. If I see the battle is becoming one-sided at a certain point, I will intervene and declare a winner right away. Try to resolve issues by yourself before coming to me if you are unsure how to deal with it.

Please stand by.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:22, Mon 28 Mar 2016.
Akitoki Sigmund
Genin, 121 posts
Get Scared
Fri 25 Mar 2016
at 01:51
  • msg #75

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

   Sigmund was thrilled when he got to move on to the finals to represent Konoha. He also found out that his teammates, Nori and Nanami had advanced too. He wasn't too surprised Nanami won because she had her whole Genjutsu going for her, so he felt bad for the poor sap who got caught in her Genjutsu. However in Nori's case, he witnessed that entire fight and was shocked that the other girl gave in. Nori had completely lost that match and for whatever reason, she managed to win. Luck was truly on her side.

   They were able to take a rest for a day. He didn't speak to either of him teammates tough because he didn't want to be distracted. Once the next afternoon came, all the contenders were escorted to a different arena. It was more like a stadium. Nothing but an enclosed circular stadium with rows and rows of seats from above. The ground within the stadium was rock hard dirt. Several large boulders were scattered around, about the size of small shacks like in the village. The sky was completely grey, a small mountain breeze blowing in.

   They were all gathered down below as people all over began filling those seats, and eventually, he noticed a small "VIP" area where all the kages were to gather. He also noticed there were six seats, instead of the original five seats. He wondered who that last Daimyo was. He didn't look too familiar though. He didn't worry about it though. He waited patiently for them to be assigned their match ups and eventually the battles began.

   The first battle was between two Land of Snow mates and they versed each other. Unfortunately, the battle turned gruesome and one actually killed the other. Sigmund was in utter shock. It was a bit extreme for teammates to kill each other just to win the rank of Chunin, but Sigmund figured that was more of rivalry than anything. He kept cautious because he wasn't sure what his fellow opponents could be capable of, but he was sure he was able to kill someone for this title as well.
Nara Nanami
Genin, 135 posts
Fri 25 Mar 2016
at 02:27
  • msg #76

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Nanami would walk into the medical area. One of the medical ninja dropped her clipboard. Nanami was covered in her own blood, and had clear bruising all over the place. Yet she almost danced in there like she didn't feel any pain. This came from her mothers intense physical training. While not strong, she was more durable then most.

Several medical ninja rushed to her making sure she was okay. When it was clear that she was, they went to work healing her cuts and bruises. The cuts on her arms from the arrows she had them stitch up as reminders. These were to remind her of the future she would have. She stayed overnight and until the next morning. Everything seemed healed and Nanami was as ready as she could be. In the morning she went through her usual warm-ups and archery practice. She knew she had to be ready for her next opponent.

Nanami found out who her next opponent would be. She watched the first match as most of the finalists did. She was happy both Nori and Sigmund had made it, and looked forward to facing them if there was another round. As she watched, there was clear brutality showing from both the snow ninja. She took mental notes of everything she could. Seeing one of them kill the other was unexpected. Then she looked at her match-up, she was against the other snow ninja. Nanami realized she may end up fighting for her life against him.

Nanami would look for Nori to congratulate her. When she looked around for Sigmund he seemed to have vanished after the match ended. She would smile and say "Congratulations Sigmund." Just hoping he would hear it. Nanami knew they weren't on good terms, she hoped that aspect could be repaired..
This message was last edited by the player at 02:30, Fri 25 Mar 2016.
Yamada Nori
Genin, 121 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 00:33
  • msg #77

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

After the battle was over with Harusame, Nori was taken to the medical area where the genin were being treated for any injuries sustained in their fights. She didn't remember much as after she was taken there, she blacked out from blood loss. They ended being able to stop the bleeding and stitched her up before giving her a blood transfusion and treated her minor wounds. She woke up some time later and was told that she could go for the rest of the day, but would have to come back tomorrow for the final exam. Nori knew that she had to get plenty of rest and relax, but first thing in the morning, she was going to dedicate herself to training a little before the finals took place. She couldn't let what happened today happen again. She didn't know who she was going to be facing and she didn't know whether or not it would be her own teammates, but she wasn't going to let her determination to be a chunin waver. She had to give it her best. She was just lucky that she didn't bleed out.

The next morning came and Nori woke up. Today was the day. After showering and getting dressed, Nori made her way out of the room she was staying in and went to do some training. She hadn't seen Sigmund or Nanami to congratulate them on their wins, but she knew she would see them eventually. After she got to the stadium, she found out who she would be facing. Jhinsokyo Hagane. Her fists curled at her sides. She was going to do this. She had to do this. Her eyes soon wondered down to the first pair of fighters from the land of snow and watched as the battle began. There was sheer brutality between the two and it was hard to watch, but the risks in these exams could lead to certain...casualties and it did. One teammate killed the other in a way that had somehow sent chills down her spine.

Nori didn't know what to expect from her next opponent, but she knew it wasn't going to be easy. He made it to the finals, so he was obviously very skilled. She could already tell that this next battle of her's wasn't going to be like the last. She didn't know what the outcome would be. If she would survive and became a chunin or if she would end up a fatality just like that land of snow genin. Everyone was going to be watching her battle and all the rest of the upcoming battles that were to be taken place. She had to give it her all no matter what.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Sat 26 Mar 2016.
Akitoki Sigmund
Genin, 122 posts
Get Scared
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 00:38
  • msg #78

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

   Sigmund had heard Nanami's words of congratulating him. He was just in the middle of walking away when he heard her. He had stopped in his tracks and had turned around to face his rival. She was not only his rival, but his squad mate as well. He just looked in the eyes, giving her that rival edge between them. The events from exam 2 were still between them. He had no desire to apologize or even talk about that matter right now. All that mattered to him right now was to win, even if it meant life or death between a friend or a teammate.

   He hadn't been injured from his previous fight from yesterday. Some call it luck, but it was more of a one-sided battle and even though he was proud to have won, it wasn't much of a challenge. However, the scent of victory lingered around him. It being one-sided may not have been fun, but knowing he was just too powerful for somebody meant he did belong here and he deserved to take it all.

   The silence grew between them for a moment longer before he opened his mouth to speak softly. "Thanks, you too," he managed to get out before taking in a deep breath. "I can promise you that I will be winning and you better win too so I can beat you. I'm taking this title home, for me, for us, and for Konoha. I didn't come all this way for nothing. It's all or nothing, life or death. And if I have to, I will kill to get what I want," he told her. He wasn't threatening and he wasn't being smug or cocky about it. He was being honest, determined, and courageous as leader should be. These exams may have struck nerves with her and Nori with him, but it made him more wise and more hopeful for a better destiny. He didn't want to kill his team, but if he had to, he wouldn't hesitate to gain the title of Chunin. This was for him alone.
Kazoro Kurochi
Genin, 62 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 01:15
  • msg #79

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Kurochi was glad that he had won his battle, although he was saddened a bit since Kai and Yuuka didn't make it with him. Having a determined look on his face, he was gonna make sure that he represented his village and teammates in the up coming finals. Listening to the Raikage speak saying that the finals would take place tomorrow, Kurochi decided to go and walk around and plan for the finals, he would need all the chakra and rest for tomorrow. Although he wanted to check on his opponent in the preliminaries, Kurochi decided against it since he doubted she would want to see him especially after burning her book.

The next day Kurochi felt ready and rested, although he felt a bit lonely that his team mates weren't gonna be next to him. Kurochi looked on the projections of the next match-ups, he was ready to take down whoever he needed to.

Watching the battle at hand, he was surprised that they would kill each other just to win the rank Chunin. Although the ruthlessness of the Snow ninja was surprising, Kurochi was gonna make sure to watch his back if he ever battled one. They seemed to fight like it was a kill or be killed, which is often in the ninja world, but he was still shocked that teammates would do that to each other. Waiting for his match to come up Kurochi stood and watched.
Nara Nanami
Genin, 136 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 02:58
  • msg #80

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Nanami wasn't going to apologize. She knew Sigmund saw her as his rival. She smiled a little, so many thoughts raced through her head. She knew she had the snow ninja as her opponent, and she knew it wasn't going to be easy. Nanami had already drawn up her attack plan for the snow ninja. She listened to what Sigmund said "One of us will be chunin by the weeks end. I do hope I get a shot at fighting you. It will be one for the history books."

Nanami gives him a smile "I heard about your match, it was pretty one sided from what I was told. My match was difficult. I think it was because I took him to lightly. My next opponent is the remaining snow ninja. After watching the previous snow ninja, I know there won't be time for idle chatter. I already have a game plan set for him." She walks up and hugs Sigmund tight, then steps back "Good Luck!" She smiles and turns to go and get dressed for her coming match..

After Nanami changes, she sits there going over her game plan again...
Hikawa Chisame
Genin, 94 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 11:04
  • msg #81

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Chisame hadn't sustained any serious injuries during her rather short battle, so the medical ninjas let her go once they had checked her over.  She was disappointed that the proctor had intervened to keep her from killing her opponent - and that the fight had been so short - but it had been nice to actually fight someone for a change.

Having tasted the blood of one opponent put Chisame in a good mood as she arrived at the arena where the next rounds were going to take place.  There were several leaf ninjas already there talking amongst themselves, apparently their village had done well in the preliminaries.

With her own team-mates having been eliminated, Chisame approached one of the other young genin who seemed to be on his own.  "Hello!  My name's Chisame!  Who are you?  Are you excited about the next round?"
Kazoro Kurochi
Genin, 63 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 15:18
  • msg #82

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Looking around, he noticed that other teams have a the majority of there squad left. Focusing his next upcoming battle, the person he was gonna fight sounded familiar. Thinking, he remembered that it was the person that took down Yuuka. Knowing this now he was gonna make sure that he was gonna win for his teammates. After thinking this he heard a voice speak to him.

Kurochi looked to see who spoke to him, seeing another Genin she introduced herself as Chisame. He started saying,"Hey, I'm Kurochi, as for the next rounds of the tournament, I do feel a bit of excitement." smiling as he said this. "So what about you Chisame? How do you feel about the tournament?" asked Kurochi, wondering where her teammates were not that he didn't mind the company, but he was overall curious if her team made it with her or was she like him and was the only one that made it.
Senju Katsumi
Genin, 88 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 23:00
  • msg #83

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

When the fights had concluded he was escorted to have his cuts looked at. None of them were deep enough to require stitching. However, he still had to sit through the annoyance of having them healed by a medical ninja. Once they were done he saw Sakuya come into the infirmary herself. He sat with her whenever he could and tried to keep his mind off the fight for the rest of the night.

Then the next day came and all the previous victors met within the new stadium. It seemed that before the fights began they were to mingle with one another. The first fight started and he watched it with curiosity. Two teammates were squared off against one another. It was an intense battle. Up until the moment one of the genin ruthlessly killed the other. Katsumi looked away quickly when it happened. The death wasn't needed and he deread when it had to happen. If he learned anything from Sakuya it was that these fights should be called before a death occurs. He knew he would call his fight before he let his opponent die. His opponent didn't have to know that however.

As all the thoughts rushed through is head he realized something. He hadn't seen Jhin since the day before. He wanted to catch up and talk about their fights. They never got the opportunity. He quickly put his head on a swivel and looked around.
Hikawa Chisame
Genin, 95 posts
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 01:07
  • msg #84

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

"It's fun!" Chisame replied, waving her arms in the air excitedly.  "My first fight was kinda short though.  And the proctor guy didn't let me kill her."  She looked enviously at the victorious Snow ninja.  "Do you think it was because it was only the preliminaries?  Are we allowed to kill people now?  Do you think they'd get upset if I ate my opponent?  Even just a small piece?  My dad says people get upset even when you eat bits of other people.  I think that's why the proctor doesn't like me.  Have you ever eaten someone?  Or a cat?  Cats are fast.  I caught one once, but Kanzo wouldn't let me eat it.  Do you think it's because it wasn't cooked?  Meat tastes better when it's fresh.  Unless you have some really yummy sauce or something."  Chisame licked her lips.  "What's your favourite food?"
Kazoro Kurochi
Genin, 64 posts
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 02:22
  • msg #85

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Kurochi turned to look at Chisame with a shocked expression. Eating your opponent was not something he would expect at the current moment. Now not wanting to provoke Chisame in anyway since he newly learned that she had a strange meat loving habit, he cautiously replied saying,"I don't really have a favorite food, but if I had to choose one it would probably be curry." concentrating on something different to get his mind more focused on the battle.

"So what Village do you come from? I come from the Land of Wind," said Kurochi trying to get off the subject of food. Looking at the girl in a slightly different light, he still wanted to get to know her but was now more cautious.
Hikawa Chisame
Genin, 96 posts
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 05:43
  • msg #86

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

"I'm from the Land of Water!  Is the Land of Wind windy?  Is that why you're not wearing a hat?  I heard that the Land of Wind is covered in sand, like a really big beach.  Have you ever been to a beach?  I mean a real one with ocean?  Did your team-mates get beaten too or are they just running late?"  Chisame was practically bouncing with excitement as she waited for her turn to fight.
Kazoro Kurochi
Genin, 65 posts
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 14:54
  • msg #87

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

Kurochi smiled at the excitement that Chisame was showing, glad that the subject of food was gone. He thought about the answers to her questions before he replied. Soon Kurochi answered,"Well the Land of Wind is windy but there are some days when it is calm. As for the beach I have been there a couple of times but not often. ANd ya, my teammates didn't make it to hear, but I wish they did." looking a bit saddened. Getting his mind off of the thoughts he asked,"So what is the Land of Water like?" asked Kurochi curious on what other lands were like since he didn't go to them often.
Fujii Sima
GM, 346 posts
White Bolt Ninja
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 15:05
  • msg #88

Chunin Exams: Exam #3 - Finals

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