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01:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Back to the Sphere.

Posted by Relic GMFor group 0
player, 189 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Mon 13 Mar 2017
at 19:53
  • msg #4

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 3):

"On our way. Kurasa out"

She turned to Lt Gazzo "You heard our orders, proceed to Freeman's Island"

Returning her gaze to her own stations, Shione appeared lost in though

Wow, the Commander kept his word. Well this is going to make saving Cassy's butt even harder.  How the hell am I going to accomplish that?
Commander Delilah Samson
NPC Dyson Base XO, 9 posts
Human female
CO Dyson Base
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 00:35
  • msg #5

Back to the Sphere

When the Kitchissippi arrives at Freeman's Island, Commander Samson is waiting to see Nivran and Shione. "Welcome aboard, Mr. Nivran. I'm Commander Delilah Samson, the CO of Dyson Base. This is Lieutenant Commander Thoma, my XO." Samson is a tall well-built Human, while Thoma is an Andorian woman.

Thoma steps forward and says to Nivran, "If you'll come with me, I'll runyou through your check-in. Dr. Adonidas has been reviewing her files on Mirak physiology." She ushers Nivran into the turbolift and they depart.

Samson dismisses Argent and Tony, "Gentlemen, please do your post-flight routine. I'll have the engineering staff go over the Kitch with you." She turns to Shione, "Mrs. Dul has arrived and is speaking to Cassiadora back at Dodge City. I take it that it's not going smoothly. Doctor Sormok is due to arrive at 1700 hours, in about six hours. I'd appreciate it if you'd join me for luncheon and we can go over the developments which have occurred since you left."
player, 190 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 16:25
  • msg #6

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Commander Delilah Samson (msg # 5):

She nodded to the Commander " I am ready whenever you are Ma'am"
Commander Delilah Samson
NPC Dyson Base XO, 10 posts
Human female
CO Dyson Base
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 05:34
  • msg #7

Back to the Sphere

Commander Samson leads Shione to her ready room on the ground level of the building. There she orders herself a light salad and lemonade and offers Shione her choice of anything in the replicator's data banks. "I have entered into Lt. Dul's record a formal reprimand for refusing to accept Commander Olivaw's identity as a diplomatic representative from the Kapecki in a formal First Contact situation. No further action will be taken on that count since our initial contact with them last year indicated that the Kapecki were a belligerent power. In her defense, Cdr. Olivaw does admit that he was rather harsh in the way he dealt with her at first. He does, however, credit you with salvaging the situation and I've placed a commendation in your jacket to that effect. Commander Olivaw has ceded Starfleet exploration rights to the entire Sphere and has granted me Command level access to the Sphere computer. He has further identified several installations that will be of great interest and has turned over all twenty of the Gamma Research Stations to us. He has identified the Finori prisoner Farl as a mid-level leader in the Sons of the Grandfather, a breakaway faction of the Finori who tried to take over during an absence of Yaskoydray, the Grandfather and apparent creator of the Dyson Sphere some one and a quarter million standard years ago. The head of Starfleet Security and the Federation Council are debating whether to accede to Olivaw's request for custody of Farl, who currently remains in our brig. The Kapecki are withdrawing their presence from the Sphere, but will be available to help out with any further confrontations with any Sons of the Grandfather who may remain in the Sphere and its environs."

Having finished her salad, she offers Shione a dish of English crumpets, which turn out to be a small, thick toasted pancake with marmalade or strawberries and clotted cream. She takes one with strawberries and refills her lemonade.

"Lieutenant Atek can fill you in on the details when you return to Dodge. Lieutenant Dul has been recalcitrant about your supposed status as a spy for the Romulans. She has rebuffed any attempts by your mother to defend you, much to your mother's distress. We have supplied her with genetic scans showing that you lack any of the genetic markers for the Gene drift since the Romulan Exodus, and have presented her with the formal findings of Starfleet Security and Starfleet Intelligence, but she is... stubborn. We're hoping that when the Enterprise gets here with Ambassador Worf and Dr. Sormok that Commander Troi may have some luck sorting out the reason for her stubbornness."
player, 191 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Fri 17 Mar 2017
at 00:29
  • msg #8

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Commander Delilah Samson (msg # 7):

Shione sat listening to the litany about her sister's moodiness and silently wished that she could throttle the man who separated them in the first place.

"Did Cassy's Dad come with Mom?. He's the reason for this whole mess. I don't suppose I could get away with  giving his daughter a demo of my Vulcan nerve pinch to her bastard of a father!"

Commander Samson can see that she is holding back her temper and is in fact more hurt than angry.

She stands, nodding in respect.

" Thank you Ma'am I won't take up more of your time with this.

When does the Enterprise arrive/ And am I still forbidden to see Cassy?"

Commander Delilah Samson
NPC Dyson Base XO, 11 posts
Human female
CO Dyson Base
Fri 17 Mar 2017
at 10:42
  • msg #9

Back to the Sphere

Commander Samson gives Shione a wry look and says, "Yes, Mr. Dul is here as well. He seems not to be a big fan of Starfleet in general, but he says—somewhat grudgingly—that he's 'willing' to meet with you to 'negotiate these difficulties'. And, yes, you may indeed meet with Lt. Dul, but Dr. Adonidas advises you to take it slow. Cassy seems to have some deep-seated issues and they won't be resolved in one hour like they are in the holonovels." She takes a deep sip of her lemonade. "The Enterprise will be arriving in three days—there's been a scientific crisis on Vulcan and Dr. Sormok has been delayed slightly, but Captain Picard assures me that he'll be here and your father seems actually to be looking forward to meeting you."
player, 192 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Fri 17 Mar 2017
at 22:03
  • msg #10

Back to the Sphere

Taking the Commander's suggestion and with her assistance, Shione will go in search of the Dul's. Hoping to find Cassy's father alone or perhaps just with her mother.
Commander Delilah Samson
NPC Dyson Base XO, 12 posts
Human female
CO Dyson Base
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 21:59
  • msg #11

Back to the Sphere

Cdr. Samson says, "Nyle Dul is here at Freeman's Island, but Melissandra is back at Dodge City with Cassiadora. Mr. Dul is in the Officers' Lounge on level two." She speaks to the ceiling, "Birana, would you please show Lt. Kurasa to the Officers' Lounge?"

A voice comes from the intercom system, "Aye, Ma'am. On my way." A young woman in Ops gold with Crewman first class insignia comes in a new moments later. "Crewman Shol reporting, Ma'am." The woman bears three 1cm horns in a vertaical row in the centre of her forehead, marking her as a Ktarian. She l;ead Shione to the turbolift and up to the second level Officers' Lounge. Opening the door, she anounces, "Mr. Dul, Lt. Kurasa is here to see you," and leaves.

A tall, lanky Betazoid man in his mid-sixties with sandy hair and a trim moustache unfolds himself from a reclining chair and faces Shione. "Good afternoon, Lieutenant. I'm Nyle Dul, Cassiadora's father. You would be Melissandra's daughter, Shione," he says with a slight grimace. His tone is precise and clipped, but not unfriendly. He puts you in mind of a business executive meeting a representative from a rival company. "Please be seated," he gestures to a chair.
player, 193 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 22:40
  • msg #12

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Commander Delilah Samson (msg # 11):

" Thank you Crewman, that will be all"

She faces Nyle with an appraising look on her face, then nods towards his seat and sits opposite. "You look just like I imagined. It's good to put a face on the man who stole my life from me" her face expressionless.

< I hope you are aware that your hatred of me has poisoned your daughter's mind, and she is now in danger of throwing her whole career away, thanks to you. But since you also have little use for Starfleet I guess that will make you happy.
Cassy is an excellent officer, with a great future, which your actions have now put in great jeopardy>

Relic GM
GM, 371 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 23:37
  • msg #13

Back to the Sphere

Nyle Dul scowls at Shione. <I took nothing from you. Your very existance is a matter of supreme indifference to me. You are a remnant of Melissandra's juvenile indiscretions while at the University. Her participation in that immoral experiment  has nothing to do with me or Cassiadora. You were adopted by a perfectly good family, 'Gammazoids' though they may have been. What right do you to spring the news of a half-caste half sister she never knew  on my daughter like this? My daughter has worked for her whole life to be the exceptional person she is, while you're a jumped-up enlisted rating who, if my daughter is correct, is a traitor to the Federation.> His thoughts betray a deep resentment of your very existence. Suddenly, his mind snaps shut.

"Let us continue this aloud, so your precious Starfleet can heard of your perfidy from your own lips. When did you become a spy for the Star Empire. Did you resent Betazed so much that you decided on a whim to sell the Federation out?"
Relic GM
GM, 372 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 23:51
  • msg #14

Back to the Sphere

Nivran is shown to a door marked Medical Inspection Room. Inside is an olive-skinned Human woman of about thirty in a blue medical lab coat. She has curly dark hair pulled back into a bun. "G'day, eh?" she greets hir. "Take two ASA and call me in the morning." At the confused looks she undoubtedly gets from Nivran, she explains, "Sorry, medical humour. I'm Dr. Athena Adonidas. Please have a seat." She takes out a medical tricorder and looks over the readout on her console. "Hmmm. You're something of a unique case—a genetic mutation; a fully-functioning hermaphrodite. I've met Lieutenant Burgoyne 172, a Hermat stationed on the USS Excalibur, whose species is naturally hermaphroditic, and I understand that Starfleet has used their life scan readings as a base-line for your own medical reports., but there do seem to be some differences evident."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:55, Sat 18 Mar 2017.
player, 194 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 00:17
  • msg #15

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 13):

Shione does not react to his outburst, nor to his emotions, but sits there with a slight smile on her face.

" So that's it after all." she opined, sitting back and crossing her legs in a relaxed fashion, her voice betrayed no emotion.

" You are ashamed of your own wife! It is an embarrassment to the Dul name that she had an illegitimate child, and that has you so filled with loathing for me that you would throw Cassy's career away to protect your Family name."

Shione uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, only slightly, not trying to intimidate, just close the distance.

"I have fought hand to hand and either defeated or killed Borg,Jem Haadar, Cardassians, Romulans and traitors to Starfleet to defend the Faderation in my 22 year career. When the Flagship of the Federation arrives here, we will deal with this once and for all."

She stands, towering over him." Captain Picard, The Klingon Ambassador to the Federation, my Birth Father; Sormock of Vulcan and myself are all that stands between my Sister and some VERY serious charges. She has defied scientific proof and all attempts of reason to dissuade her from this suicidal and fruitless course of action, BUT"

She crouches, her expression and tone plaintiff "If you don't assist in stopping her I might not be able to save her.Hate me all you like.Loathe my mother's actions if you must, but do not allow stubborn pride to destroy what she has worked for"

She stands, placing a small(chip?) on the arm of his chair "This is all the non classified evidence that you are permitted to see.
But even that should be enough to disprove her assertions and hopefully motivate a truly loving father to throw away his pride and try to save his daughter from ruin.

Because right now you might still be able to make a difference."
she half turns, preparing to leave " Time to choose Nyle Dul; your pride or your Daughter's future.Your choice.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:52, Sun 19 Mar 2017.
player, 195 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 16:14
  • msg #16

Back to the Sphere

If Nyle has more to say Shione will answer to it, but afterwards she heads down to the Medbay looking to speak with Dr Adonidas.

She will wait patiently for her to finish and then ask to speak privately.

"Advise me on how to proceed with Cassy, Please?"
Dr. Athena Adonidas
NPC, 1 post
CMO Dyson Base
Human Female
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 19:55
  • msg #17

Back to the Sphere

[OOC: Worf is the Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, not the other way around. As for continuing the game; as we discussed on the phone, we'll just continue with the two of us for the foreseeable, which will keep the game active from an administrative point of view, and will allow us to develop Shion's background more fully. I'll semi-NPC Tony, Nivran and Prashanthi until the players return (not sure if Prashanthi is coming back—how are things going with John's Mom-in-law?), and I'll nudge Steve S,. and Dave I. to hurry up, again!]

Dr. Adonidas sighs. "It's easy to see why Cassiadora Dul has emotional problems. I understand you're trying to save her career—so far she's not done anything irreversible, but she's close to the edge. Senior Administrator Nyle Dul is a bit of a hard-ass; pardon my French. However, Cassy's misinterpretation of the Hippocratic Oath is not unusual for laymen, and Mr. Dul seems to share it, though what he really thinks is a matter for speculation. Career bureaucrats always plan two or three steps ahead and play their cards very close to the chest." She sighs again, more deeply.

"What's more important is how you're holding up. From the look on your face, I take it as read that your encounter with Cassy's father did not go particularly well, and I'm given to understand that her discussions with her—your mother are... heated. She's a very headstrong and, I think, somewhat confused and conflicted, young lady. She's seized on this unfounded belief that you are somehow a Romulan spy merely as a reason to hate you. As a telepathic species, you and your mother may be able to get into her mind although neither of you is a trained therapist, but Counsellor Troi will definitely be able to help along those lines. I would suggest that you be conciliatory for the next couple of days and do not push her, as that will certainly cause her to react negatively and push back. She is, as they say, likely to cut off her nose to spite her face. I'd also be surprised if she's not indulging in self-harm. I'm monitoring her food intake to see if she has any inclinations toward developing an eating disorder which is a common stress reaction.
I'd advise you to be professional and non-confrontational. Don't go too far the other way, though. Stand up for yourself and treat he with courtesy. Your mother seems to be pretty together, but she's between a rock and a hard place, and I'm staying in touch with her to guide her in her dealings with her daughter."

She stands up and runs her fingers through her black curls. "Of course, there's also the question of how your birth father will fit into this volatile mix. I know you have a lot of resentment toward him which has resulted in a distrust of male Vulcans. Would you like to share any misgivings you may have as regards seeing him for the first time in a couple of decades?"
player, 196 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 20:31
  • msg #18

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Dr. Athena Adonidas (msg # 17):

"Nyle is an uptight,bigoted,narrow-minded racist. Or in simpler terms he's an asshole.
Sadly there is no cure for it and it seems contagious, and Cassy has what might be a terminal case of it. So much for me getting a Sister,sigh"

She is calm and really quite resigned to the opinions of the two Dul's,but"I am looking forward to spending time with Mom. I'm gonna see if I can take her out in the Kitch and show her some of the dome.

As to Sormock, Commander Samson says he is excited to see me, so perhaps there is something positive coming out of this. I'm hoping he can advance my control with MInd-melding and maybe we can use it to show Cassy the truth"

What do you think?"

Dr. Athena Adonidas
NPC, 2 posts
CMO Dyson Base
Human Female
Mon 20 Mar 2017
at 20:41
  • msg #19

Back to the Sphere

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. She'll probably see him as a threat and possibly extend her suspicions about you to him. That will kill her career immediately—the Vulcans will see to that. Counsellor Troi, though only an Empath with other species, is a full telepath where Betazoids are concerned and is intimatey familiar with betazoid psychology. Further, as the daughter of a high-ranking Betazoid official, she will be poltically immune to Cassiadora's accusations. As I understand it, advanced Betazoid telepathic techniques can induce a mental sharing almost as deep as the Vulcan mind meld. Doctor Sormok may, however, be able to help you with your own emotional control... I haven't met him in person yet, so I can't speak to his deeper intentions, but the messages I have exchanged with him seem to indicate his willingness to to consider a deeper relationship with you, so long as you are willing."
player, 197 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Tue 21 Mar 2017
at 00:02
  • msg #20

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Dr. Athena Adonidas (msg # 19):

" Ok you know best I'll leave it to Deanna, But I will need to be involved in that part!

As to my dear, life long absent Father, I guess better late than never."

She gets up sighing " All this infighting is giving me a headache. I think I'll go looking for the old fashioned headache cure."

She adds with a grin as she leaves "And if you didn't understand me, Yes. I am going to try and get laid

G'Night Doc"

Shione will head to the main Starfleet bar and hope to run into someone interesting.

Tapping her comm badge [Kurasa to Lt Gazzo. Looks like we're gonna give Nivran the night to get straightened away with Medical. See you at the ship at 0900. Enjoy the evening Kurasa out}
Relic GM
GM, 373 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2017
at 17:10
  • msg #21

Back to the Sphere

"Gotcha, Boss. See ya in the mornin'," replies Tony.

Shione head for the crew lounge. There, she finds Lt. Nicholas Tate, pilot of Eagle One, one of the Peregrine class Light Attack Craft. He motions her to take a seat a,d askes in a broad Australian drawl, "G'Day. C'n I interest you in a cold one? And we can always throw 'nother shrimp on the barbie.. You look like yer havin' a bad day." Tate is a tall, blond Human male with a weathered, suntanned complexion and a ready snile. He holds up a frothing glass of amber liquid.
player, 198 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Tue 21 Mar 2017
at 19:42
  • msg #22

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 21):

" Well you could say that. How about a pitcher and I'll pay for the second one?

Family troubles abound and no , I don't wanna talk about it. So what's it like flying one of those speedy attack craft Nick?"

Her smile is an engaging one and she leans forward keeping their conversation private

"I've got no plans for tonite, how about you?"

Fade to black.............................?
Relic GM
GM, 374 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2017
at 01:20
  • msg #23

Back to the Sphere

In the morning, Nick and Shione have breakfast and he escorts her to the Kitchissippi, where Argent, Gazzo and Nivran are waiting for her. Tony raises an eyebrow and says, "Have a good night, Boss?" with a smile. "You look in a better mood."

The crew boards the Runabout and Gazzo contacts the Tower. "Kitchissippi requesting departure clearance and a vector to Outpost Three, over."

The Tower replies, "Wait one, Kitchissippi. You have a passenger. Please stand by for him to board."

There is a sharp rap on the hatch. Gazzo opens it and in steps Nyle Dul. "Your Commander Samson has ordered you to take me to my daughter," he says bluntly. "Please do so."
Noticing that all four seats in the cockpit are occupied, he proceeds to the aft lounge for the flight.
player, 199 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Wed 22 Mar 2017
at 23:16
  • msg #24

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 23):

The others notice Shione gives him a once over and returns to her station
"Please inform Commander Samson that the passenger is aboard. Kitchissippi out"

Shione is quiet throughout the flight, until about a half hour before landing, she stands
"The bridge is yours Mr Gazzo. Take us in, I will escort our passenger, once we land"

She heads back and takes a seat with Nyle "I want to apologize for my rude behavior last night Mr Dul.
As a Starfleet Officer I have been trained to set aside personal and racial prejudice and treat all sentient life equally. But I allowed my anger to cloud my judgement, and for that I am sorry"
and she extends an open hand to Nyle Dul
Relic GM
GM, 375 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2017
at 01:06
  • msg #25

Back to the Sphere

Nyle looks at Shione with a sour look on his face. "I've been reading this," he gestures with the isolinear chip she'd given him last night. "It would seem that my daughter is... mistaken... about your being a Romulan spy. How did she come to that conclusion? To be sure, you're obnoxious and abrasive, but so are a lot of people. Make no mistake—I may not particularly like you, but I do love my daughter, and I'd do anything for her. Where do we go from here?"

He stands and walks to the replicator. "Sparkling water, cold, with a twist of jakarine, and a plate of hilrep with espra." Nyle turns to Shione. "Shall we declare a truce? would you like some? You're not allergic to hilrep, are you?"

OOC: Reference on Betazoid Foods:
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:09, Thu 23 Mar 2017.
player, 200 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Thu 23 Mar 2017
at 22:15
  • msg #26

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 25):

"No I am not allergic to anything, that I am aware of.
And Yes. A truce sounds prudent,especially as we are on the same side with regards to Cassy"

She takes a sip, and settles down in her chair. "A few things you should know. I have chosen to not press any charges, which I would have the right to do, just so you know. And I have called in every favor and debt that I can to assist her. *Sigh*"

As far as I can figure, when she realized that we shared a mother she was shocked.

Your Caste seems to feel anyone not born like you is trash, but she is Starfleet and therefore such prejudices are forbidden.

So, I think her mind rationalized another reason to hate me, and she invented the Romulan Spy story"

She takes a few bites before going on " Amongst those who are coming with the Enterprise is an old friend. Commander Deanna Troi. I am hopeful that she can help"
Relic GM
GM, 376 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 02:00
  • msg #27

Back to the Sphere

Nyle winces at Shione's "caste" remark. "My reference to your adoptive parents as Gammazoids was insensitive. It's not their fault that they were born handicapped. However, I agree that an armistice is in order. Is this Counsellor Troi any relation to Lwaxanna Troi? You do have friends in high places, don't you?"

[OOC note: Gammazoid is a very rude word for Betazoids who do not develop psionics and are therefore considered to be handicapped. The word is of Terran origin, and plays on the similarity of the name Betazoid with the Greek letter beta. Many Gammazoids emigrate off-world to avoid prejudice.]

Not long after, the Kitchissippi lands at Dodge City. Shione's mother is waiting on the pad for them to arrive. She gives her husband a perfunctory peck on the cheek and embraces Shione. "My poor dear, I'm sorry I didn't contact you, but I wanted to find out from Cassiadora what her problem is with you. Let's have lunch before we have our... confrontation, shall we?"

[To be continued in the thread Back at Dodge.]

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:04, Fri 24 Mar 2017.
player, 201 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 16:30
  • msg #28

Back to the Sphere

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 27):

"Yes she is her Daughter. I've known her for close to 15 years now"
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