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22:40, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 344 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 13:48
  • msg #45

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Polkitain nods to Ethan, "Can your shields keep out fog ?"

Polkitain then thought, "These vampires are like beasts do you think we could use blood to draw them ?"
PC, 167 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 15:06
  • msg #46

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Doc nodded approval of his brothers statement, "Gonna kill as many as we can, I reckon. Them villagers ain't gonna get in our ride, they made they minds up and that's what it'll be for them."
PC, 161 posts
sea titan
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 15:14
  • msg #47

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Kalista held up a hand, then closed all but one finger. "Vampires come in more than one variety. If these are wild, then they are little better than animals, hunting blood." She held up a second finger "They could be Secondary, meaning one generation removed from primary. These are cunning predators, who retain more of their faculty." She held up third finger, "Some of these are a third kind, wampires*, who are more like mutations that gain some of the powers of a vampire but are not bonded with the intelligence." Her fourth finger, "Then you have the primary vampire, there is only one of these per intelligence, and they are the most powerful vessel of the intelligence." Her thumb, "Then you have the actual intelligence, a mass of writhing flesh and tentacles. We have to kill the wild ones, catch a secondary and force it to lead us to the intelligence. That is how we fight vampires."

*Wampires are from the Nightspawn/Nightbane sourcebook

She turned to her husband, "Ethan's plan, while good, is flawed. These creatures will quickly overwhelm your field or tunnel under it. Now if we could convince them to let him go into the building with him, then we could perhaps defend the one building. He could use his field to block those that might get past us. This will not be as easy as luring them to one place, but that is a good beginning."
PC, 160 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 16:34
  • msg #48

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Ethan listens in amazement at the amount of knowledge his wife possesses on vampires. He was a fortunate man in having her as his wife, these villagers were fortunate that she knew so much about their enemy.

When a pause in the conversation came, he spoke again. "Alright so let's start with what we know. We know they can tunnel so I would have to protect the ground with a force field too. We know know what their objective is; feeding on the remaining villagers. We know their weaknesses." he grins in self-depreciation, "or to be more precise, some of us know them. We don't know how many there will be but probably more than us, meaning they can cover more ground and open more avenues of attack than we can effectively cover if we decide to hold them at the walls."

He looks at the western horizon where the sun will be setting before long. "We know they can't attack before sundown and have to leave before sunrise. That gives us a specific window of opportunity for them that is fast approaching but not unfortunately an exact time of attack. That means they will have the tactical initiative for this."

Ethan gestures at the village next. "We know all or nearly all of the remaining villagers are either too old or too sick to be combat effective. That means we can't use them as combat multipliers, even if we wanted too."

He looks at his companions, "If we can agree that is the situation and what we know, I think it becomes clear a forward defense is impossible. There is just too much area to cover and not many of us. We need to consolidate he villagers into one location and mount some kind of static defense there. While the static defense holds, we use a mobile force to attack them from their flanks. I think we only need to come up with the where to place the static defense and what form it will take."

Ethan becomes quiet, clearly lost in thought. He looks up after a few moment. "What about this; if the villagers agree to it, we move them to the river." he points at for emphasis. "Then I create a force field with them and me in it and we submerge. These vampires hate water right? Especially running water? Well where could possibly be better to hide them all? Even if somehow they figure out where they are, there will be damn all they could do to get at them."
Sir Arulas
PC, 212 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 16:47
  • msg #49

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"That is somewhat better, but not great. Leaves you open to infection not my first choice. In any case once I know more about the explosives and the walls we should be better off. If they are shaped charges then we have some really big wooden shotguns. If not and they aren't made to damage modern polymers then we are good too. If however they are made to damage modern polymers then we are no better off than we were before." Arulas says as politely as possible.

"Wasn't trying to confuse the issue Kallista which is why I didn't explain everything. More worried that it is mostly Secondaries. I seriously doubt we will see the primary tonight. Might not even see a secondary. Could just be ferals."
GM Zaboem
GM, 243 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 06:59
  • msg #50

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

The Behemoth -- Yes, it is water-tight.

Explosives -- an inspection of the bombs reveals that the explosives are an archaic variety. This is old fashioned TNT. Although conventional explosives, however, there is a lot of dynamite here. It's found packaged in both sticks and in small barrel casks. The charges are arranged to be well hidden from sight, not focused in any particular way. Charges are arranged all around the interior base of the town wall, within the wall itself in several places, and buried underneath wood piles or wooden structures within the town's interior. The dynamite is wired to electrical cords so that it may all be detonated simultaneously. Some of this dynamite is so old that it is sweating a white powder which means it is dangerously unstable stuff. All and all, the explosion should not pose too much of a threat to mega-damage grade structures, but there is enough quantity of dynamite here to effectively turn the entire settlement into a huge fire and wood shrapnel grenade.

Polk's Map
Polkatain feels confident that the grounds have been adequately cleared enough that he will be able to spot anything approaching the town from the forest. His nightvision is good enough that he can even spot bats in the dark of night so long as he is not distracted -- and provided that there isn't too thick of a fog tonight. The only structure inside the village large enough to hold everyone is the chapel.

The Strategy
The townspeople are willing to go along with basically anything. Having already been convinced to accept aid, they are likewise willing to follow the advice and lead of these adventurers. I just need a quick clarification of whether the plan is to keep the villagers in the chapel, in the river, in the Behemoth, or in the Behemoth in the river.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:00, Fri 28 Apr 2017.
Sir Arulas
PC, 214 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 12:49
  • msg #51

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

In reply to GM Zaboem (msg # 50):

ok with everyone's blessing here is the plan. Villagers in the Behemoth underwater. The giant Toothpick Bomb as a failsafe. The party in the town hall or similar structure waiting.
PC, 164 posts
sea titan
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 12:53
  • msg #52

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

do you want Kalista with you or with the behemoth?
Sir Arulas
PC, 215 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 13:26
  • msg #53

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Probably with us. Everybody needs helmets for the failsafe to be effective that or Ethan.
PC, 347 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 13:30
  • msg #54

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Hangs upside down as a bat from the rearview mirror along with the fuzzy dice.
PC, 348 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 13:31
  • msg #55

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"So where would you like me ?"
PC, 165 posts
sea titan
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 13:34
  • msg #56

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

OK that is fine.
PC, 149 posts
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 19:51
  • msg #57

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"You'll want me on the roof of the town hall, I suspect", offered the pointy-eared 'slinger, "I can snipe from there and warn of whatever is inbound"
PC, 352 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 12:49
  • msg #58

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"Hey, I think I can help out in the air."

Polkitain hops down and flaps to the floor.

"I could fly trough's full of water over the battle and dump them."
PC, 150 posts
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 16:43
  • msg #59

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"Good plan, Polk", smiled the elf sincerely, "You can be our artillery"
PC, 353 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 16:44
  • msg #60

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"So maybe I should stay outside the Behemoth then ?"
Sir Arulas
PC, 217 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 17:39
  • msg #61

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"Good plan indeed. Fill near the center of the river where they can't grab you." he pulls a knife and kneels down to sketch a rough plan.

"As I see it we have three rings of defense here at most. The wall, town square, and town hall. None are particularly fortified, but that works in our favor this time. I have two plans and we vote on which one you guys want to do. The rings or the bunker for ease of reference. The rings we set up a ring Defense eventually if needed blowing the explosives and turning the area into a toothpick bomb. Bunker we draw them in and kill them same failsafe. We would set sharpshooters on the wall to soften the vamps up a little and draw them in a few dead and they are more likely to want our blood for personal reasons. We fall back to a concerted stand, and if badly pressed those without helmets get close to Ethan for the failsafe. For the bunker to work we need fresh blood. A good amount at that."
PC, 354 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 17:43
  • msg #62

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"Would my blood work ? I heal pretty quickly."
PC, 167 posts
sea titan
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 17:54
  • msg #63

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Kalista nodded, "Combine them, use blood to draw them, but use the rings to kill them. Bomb is the weapon of last resort. My vote."
PC, 164 posts
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 17:56
  • msg #64

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Ethan listens to his companions as they discuss how to approach the impending battle. He doesn't know much about vampires, only what he has heard so far but he does understand modern battle tactics. The combat medic knows that allowing the vampires to retain the initiative and set the pace of battle is something to be avoided if at all possible. He decides to ask a question and offer a possible course of action.

"Just like the movies and stories, vampires like to drink blood right?"
he asks. "That's what I've been hearing your and what Anna say." He looks at Sir Arulas as the cyber-knight begins listing off possible courses of action. Ethan doesn't think they are bad and if there were more of them, he would support defending at the town wall. Sadly that isn't the case.

"So we need some fresh blood to lure them into one place, like you said right? We can't possibly cover all this area effectively so we shouldn't try. If we do it will give the vampires, which we are certain will out number us by a wide margin, the opportunity to defeat us in detail. Even if they only have the intelligence of a pack of wolves, that would be enough for them to know do that and we have to assume a pack of vampires is as smart as a pack of wolves."

He gestures at the town's wall and how large an area it covers. "We can't know when they will attack or from what direction or directions so they will have the initiative. If we bait a trap like Sir Arulas suggests, we become the aggressors instead of the defenders. We will get to pick the place and and to a degree, the time to strike. Now all we need is the bait right?" He holds up his left hand, "I'm not a fan of bleeding anymore than the next person but for this I will gladly donate a pint." The medic shrugs. "I heal very quick anyways so I should be just fine before they arrive. In addition to spreading my blood around, I could even be the visible bait. I'm no actor but I think I can play the part of a sick person pretty well. If all goes as planned, when they come to suck my blood, I drop a force field over them and another on me. It won't be one hundred percent safe but then what is?"
PC, 355 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 18:11
  • msg #65

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Polkitain listens to Ethan, "Smart yes, some smarter then others. They can fly so I don't know how much walls will help.

Polkitain paced a bit, "Could we use one of your forcefields to divert the river ? A kind of damn or wedge ?"
Sir Arulas
PC, 218 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 20:08
  • msg #66

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"How fast is it that you heal?" Arulas asks.

Looking his mentor in the eye "Anna is it? Really? Well that makes more sense now. Later of course."
Sir Arulas
PC, 218 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 20:08
  • msg #66

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"How fast is it that you heal?" Arulas asks.

Looking his mentor in the eye "Anna is it? Really? Well that makes more sense now. Later of course."
PC, 169 posts
Sat 29 Apr 2017
at 20:18
  • msg #67

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

Doc nodded along, "Splinters work good I reckon... Y'all want me up top with Nyx, you know to make sure someone actually shoots a vampire or two?" he nudges his brother and rolls an unlit cigarette around his mouth.
PC, 356 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 30 Apr 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #68

Scene 9: La Ciudad po el Rio

"I heal pretty fast in fact you might need to cut me again as the wound might seal up. Or were you talking to Ethan ?"
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