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21:19, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

At The 300 Club.

Posted by Relic GMFor group 0
Relic GM
GM, 433 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 05:50
  • msg #1

At The 300 Club

At supper, Tony says to Argent, "You gotta check out the lounge on this ship. It's called the 300 Club and it's based on what they used to call a Speakeasy back on Earth during what they called Prohibition! That's the era The Book chronicles! You don't know The Book? It's only the basis for the entire culture on my home planet. Y'see, when the Feds made First Contact with Sigma Iotia II way back in 2168, it was before the Prime Directive and the USS Horizon, well they left a book called Chicago Mobs of the Twenties behind, which they kinda weren't s'posed ta. Back then, my people were kinda stodgy old farmer type, an' they found The Book so excitin' and innerestin' that they kinda started reenactin' all the cool stuff the old Earth gangsters did, formin' mobs an' such! By the time the Enterprise reestablished contact a hunnert years later, we'd completely switched over to what The Book described. At first, Cap'n Kirk  worked out a deal where the Feds pretended they were a bigger mob takin' us over, but then the Federation slowly cut us in on the gag an' now we're on the straight'n'narrow—mostly like. This is really neat! Wanna check it out, buddy?"

Although they are only what Argent thinks of as comrades-in-arms and crewmates, it is clear that Tony thinks of Argent as a friend. Humans seem to make friends, and sometimes enemies almost at first sight, unlike Caitians, who are somewhat more conservative in their relationships.

"Plus," continues Tony, "Shione'll be there with her mom and stepdad. Maybe we can get the skinny of what's happenin' with Lt. Dul."
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:01, Sat 15 Apr 2017.
Relic GM
GM, 434 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 06:00
  • msg #2

At The 300 Club

Shione arrives at the 300 Club for her 1830 dinner with Nyle and Melissandra. The Club is dimly lit and Commander Riker is on the small stage playing the trombone backed by a holographic jazz band. They're playing an old jazz standard called As Time Goes By. A steward shows Shione tro her table. Nyle and Melissandra are already there waiting. Nyle stands up to pull Shione's chair out for her and the steward pours her a glass of champagne. Melissandra says, "It's the real thing, from France on Earth. The captain must think highly of you, dear."
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 272 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Engineer,USS Kitchissippi
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 14:22
  • msg #3

At The 300 Club

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 2):

She nods in appreciation to Commander Riker and thanks Nyle for the chivalrous gesture.

She sips and raises her glass" To the future, as a combined family"

She orders and then smiles at them both "I can honestly say I never saw this day coming.

But here we are and there is news that I will share now, so that we can continue with our evening.

I spoke with Captain Picard, and the XO Commander Riker this morning.
I have accepted the Captain's offer to become the new Chief of Security on the Enterprise."

She clasps hands with her mom, but waves off their questions for the moment.

" Assuming Cassiadora recovers, she too will be given a position here, as a flight officer.
Her recovery will be undertaken here on the ship, but I will be gone for 9 weeks to upgrade my training for my new position.

I leave at 0600 the day after tomorrow"

Relic GM
GM, 435 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 22:53
  • msg #4

At The 300 Club

Melissandra smiles and says, "Of course you never saw it coming—we're telepaths, not precogs. But yes, we're together, for better or worse. And Nyle and I have been talking—we want to get to know your adoptive family, the Kurasas. On your next leave, you must introduce us all, now that Nyle has met Dr. Sormok. It's gotten so we need a PADD to keep everyone straight!" She reaches across and takes Shione's hand. "So... Another new assignment so soon? And as a Department Head, no less."

Nyle speaks up, "Captain Picard informed of Cassy's prognosis and transfer. Dr. Crusher says the surgery went well but she's still under sedation and can't have visitors until tomorrow afternoon. I guess you'll get to speak to her before you go."
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 274 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 23:07
  • msg #5

At The 300 Club

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 4):

"Yes it's soon but I wanted to be back here. This ship is my Starfleet home, mom.
I will miss my crew ,but I have literally dozens of close friends here.

Yes Nyle. I certainly will. I hope she will want to speak with me.

And thank you for wanting to know my family. They would appreciate the support after all they have been through.

It is very tough to be a.....well you know the foul word. It is so unfair, but prejudice always is"

Lt (jg) Argent Merawdr
player, 77 posts
Caitian Science Officer
Lt (JG)
Sun 16 Apr 2017
at 18:17
  • msg #6

At The 300 Club

"Sorry, Tony," Argent replied, "never read The Book. Heard of it, of course, in the Academy's History of the Federation class."

"I've discovered that the history you remember is that which catches your fancy, which is not only based on your personality, but your interests at the time. So this Prohibition and speakeasy aren't particularly familiar to me, but it sounds like it might be fun exploring this lounge."

He follows Tony to this Mecca he was excited about.

"I never quite grasped why a partial brain transplant was necessary for Cassie. Was there some sort of parasite that destroyed part of her brain?"

He looked around the speakeasy lounge and tried to get a sense of what it was supposed to be conveying.
Relic GM
GM, 439 posts
Sun 16 Apr 2017
at 20:16
  • msg #7

At The 300 Club

In reply to Lt (jg) Argent Merawdr (msg # 6):

Tony replies, "Yeah, some sort of fungal infection that damaged part of her brain, causing some sort of dementia. It's all beyond me..."

He continues, "A speakeasy was a night club or bar that sold illegal hooch during the Prohibition days. A lot of the hooch they sold was bathtub gin and had poison wood alky in it, an' there was always the possibility of a raid by the coppers. This club, they simply sell synthehol, 'cause they don't wanna go so acc'rate as to poison their customers."

They arrive at the 300 club lounge on Deck Nine Aft and enter. The lights are dim and there is a dance floor in front of a stage where Will Riker is playing trombone with a holographic jazz band. At this point, the band is in the midst of a rousing rendition of Chatanooga Choo-Choo. Argent has no idea what a 'choo-choo' is, but assumes that Chatanooga is a place on Earth.

"Geez," says Tony, "all this joint needs is a bunch o' flappers!" He points—"Hey, there's Shione and her folks!"
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 282 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 21:18
  • msg #8

At The 300 Club

Relic GM
GM, 450 posts
Thu 20 Apr 2017
at 19:11
  • msg #9

At The 300 Club

Nyle says, "Go. Talk to your friends."

Tony drags Argent by the arm. "So, Boss, what's the deal with Lt. Dul? How'd the surgery go? How long's she gonna be off duty? Oh, hi, Mr. 'n' Mrs. Dul. How'zit goin'?""
Relic GM
GM, 452 posts
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 00:17
  • msg #10

At The 300 Club

Shione has a brief conversation with Argent and Tony, Bringing them up to date on Cassy's condition and her plans for her reassignment. She informs them that once more they would be transporting her to Starbase 21 where she would belaving them for her training courses and that they would be picking up Lieutenant Swann in her place. They are also scheduled to take Lt. Nivran along to get acquainted with the new XO of the Thames II.

In the morning, they all report to the Enterprise-E's sickbay where they anxiously wait to be admitted to Cassy's ICU room.

After waiting for a half hour, Nurse Ogawa pokes her head out and indicates that it's okay for them to visit Cassy three at a time. Shione, along with Melisandra and Nyle, will be allowed in first.

The room is dimly lit and Cassy lies in the bed with a sterile dressing about her head.
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 285 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 00:56
  • msg #11

At The 300 Club

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 10):

Shione will follow them in and allow them to speak with Cassy first.
She stood back , but in sight of Cassy, so she wouldn't be surprised.

And she listens
Dr. Athena Adonidas
NPC, 7 posts
CMO Dyson Base
Human Female
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 22:53
  • msg #12

At The 300 Club

Dr. Adonodas takes Shione aside. "She's still confused. She remembers being briefed at Starbase 21 and the trip here in the Kitchissipi, but that's about it.She does not presently remember the physical or the confrontation and the fallout. We've decided to allow your mother and her husband to break the news to her. Hopefully, that will reduce the feelings of betrayal and ease her into a relationship with you. Take it slowly and don't be confrontational. Please, Shione."

Melisandra is saying to Cassy, "Dear, I have some news for you. Many years ago, before I net your father, I had a baby girl and had to give her up for adoption. In a bit of a small universe coincidence, it appears you already know her. We'd like you to meet your half-sister, Shione."

Nyle turns to Shione and says, "Shione, I'd like you to meet your younger sister, Cassiadora. I guess you met her at the Starbase, but nobody knew you were related then."

Cassy looks up at Shione with wide eyes. "Lieutenant Kurasa? You're my... sister? That's a... surprise. I always wondered what it would be like not to be an only child." She squeezes her eyes shut and a tear trickles down her cheeck. "Sorry, my... head... hurts. Doctor Crusher say I'm going to need to stay on the Enterprise for physio and such, so thay're transferring me to the Flight Control department. I've always wanted to serve on the Enterprise! Didn't you serve on the old Enterprise-D?
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 288 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 23:05
  • msg #13

At The 300 Club

In reply to Dr. Athena Adonidas (msg # 12):

Shione nodded to Dr Adonidas. She didn't like the woman. Always telling people the obvious, but she outranked her, so she nodded, embraced her Mom, and then leaned over, and gently kissed her sister's forehead.

Shione too, had tears in her eyes"This is a dream for me too little sister," and she gently squeezed the betazoid girl's hand.

"Yes I did, about 6 years ago, before the war. You will like it here, and once I finish the training I need, I will be picked up at Stabase 21.

You are a terrific officer Cassy, and the officers, and crew here, will get the chance to know that. You have earned this position Sis"
and she smiled happily at her own use of the word.
" I will sit here with you as long as they let me. I ship out tomorrow early, for nine weeks. But when that is done, we will be able to work together. And I am excited to be with you."

Shione stayed close, leaning on whatever was available, to give her line of sight for Cassy's benefit.
Relic GM
GM, 456 posts
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 23:52
  • msg #14

At The 300 Club

Cassy closes her eyes and leans back onto her pillow. Opening her eyes, She continues, "Good. I'd like that. Dr. Crusher says I shouldn't stay up too long, so could you send in my crew?" She squeezes Shione's hand and says, "Bye now, Mom, Dad, Shione." <I love you all.>

Nurse Ogawa shows Shione and the Duls out. Gian, Sosal and Prashanthi hurry past her to enter the room. Tony and Argent are still waiting. "So," says Tony, "How's she doing?"
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 290 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 23:56
  • msg #15

At The 300 Club

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 14):

<I love you too. Be Gentle with yourself Sister>
Relic GM
GM, 457 posts
Thu 27 Apr 2017
at 01:33
  • msg #16

At The 300 Club

Tony says, "Boss? You okay? You went blank there for a moment. How's Cassy doing?"
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 291 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Thu 27 Apr 2017
at 21:42
  • msg #17

At The 300 Club

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 16):

Shione pats Tony's head. "Yup, it's flat. I thought so."

She grins and makes him wait a second or two before adding<I was talking to Cassy>
" And that is why I was silent.
She is recovering. Her memory is incomplete and they won't know full details for a while.But she will remain on the Enterprise until then and take a flight posting here."

She turns to Argent. "The Three of us and Nivran will be leaving 0600 tomorrow for starbase 21, where you will meet your XO. THe CO will bring the ThamesII with him and then you will all likely be involved with the BortaS mission.

I will be on the Starbase for nine weeks for training upgrades, and then the E., will drop by and get me.
My Father will travel with us as well as he wants to spend some time with me. "

She shrugs,"It only took him 40 years to realize that, but I guess better late than never hmmn?

She taps her comm badge"Computer: Current location of Sormok of Vulcan, please"
Relic GM
GM, 458 posts
Thu 27 Apr 2017
at 23:18
  • msg #18

At The 300 Club

Tony mutters "Why, I oughta..." with a smirk and mimes a swing at her.

The computer replies, "Councillor Sormok is in conference on Freeman's Island and cannot be disturbed."
Relic GM
GM, 472 posts
Mon 1 May 2017
at 23:24
  • msg #19

At The 300 Club

An hour later, Sormok calls Shione on her communicator, "I understand you wished to speak to me. I am about to retire, but I am available at ten hundred hours tomorrow. Unless, that is, it is both important and time-sensitive."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:25, Mon 01 May 2017.
Lt Shione Kurasa
player, 302 posts
Betazoid/Vulcan female
Security USS Enterprise
Tue 2 May 2017
at 00:35
  • msg #20

At The 300 Club

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 19):

"Yes Father I am going to Starbase 21 for upgraded training for my new position on the Enterprise. I will be leaving at 0600. I understand that you can't travel there with me tomorrow, but I thought you might wish to spend some time with me at the Starbase.
Once you have your schedule worked out I am sure you will be able to find me there."

Relic GM
GM, 474 posts
Tue 2 May 2017
at 05:12
  • msg #21

At The 300 Club

[OOC: Nope! by fracturing the narrative, you've lost track. By the schedule you yourself specified, you leave on the morning after next. You're still on the day before Cassy wakes up. This is why I don't particularly like running parallel lines of the plot. Please don't jump back and forth in the adventure. I'll carry on as if you'd said 06:00 day after tomorrow.]

Sormok replies coldly, "06:00 the day after tomorrow is acceptable, but this notice was neither terribly important nor time-sensitive. I bid you good night, Lieutenant."
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