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11:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet.

Posted by DMFor group archive Z
GM, 44 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 07:24
  • msg #1

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Aspiring adventurers you are you traveled where the whispers carried you through forests, hills and plains to the relatively unremarkable city of Verbonbonc, located just north of the Kron Hills and west of the Gnarley Forest.

Some have come to seek fortune, some to seek power, some to seek fame. But regardless of motivation you've all been led to this same place. The city is bustling with activity. Gnomes are more numerous here than almost any city of the Flannaes. Wood Elves are also in the city in numbers enough to notice, more so than their normal city dwelling kin the High Elves.

You hear whispers of the Battle of Emridy Meadows that occurred nearly a decade ago, and of recent banditry along the southern roads towards Hommlet. You also hear that Viscount Wilfrick has endorsed the construction of a castle in Hommlet under the control of Rufus and Burne.

Rufus and Burne themselves gained notoriety for removing bandits from the area just north and west of Verbobonc in recent years. Rufus is a holy warrior in the service of St Cuthbert. Burne is also a faithful follower of St. Cuthbert, reportedly both wizard and monk.

A new notice was just posted in the town square and you have gathered to read it. The city having sapped your gold and silver to the point you need a little adventure.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:07, Sat 22 July 2017.
NPC, 1 post
Viscount of Verbobonc
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 07:27
  • msg #2

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Getting to the posting you see the following posted:

The Viscount Wilfrick does hereby call upon adventurers and fame seekers to travel along the south eastern road towards Hommlet and to remove the threat of banditry from the area. The Viscount has authorized a sum of 25 gp for every bandit scalp claimed and returned to him by season's end.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:29, Thu 20 July 2017.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 11 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 15:12
  • msg #3

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht wearily approached the posting, reading it over with about the same enthusiasm as one shovels manure. Anyone nearby can likely tell that was his profession before he came to the city. "Well, this might be worth taking into consideration..." he mumbled to himself, tapping on the hilt of his greataxe. He could really use some money, even if that bounty wouldn't cut it for his family, it would let him buy better equipment for the future.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Sat 22 July 2017.
Cyrinelle Wolfsfang
player, 5 posts
Sat 22 Jul 2017
at 18:20
  • msg #4

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Cyrinelle stalked alongside the road.  She was a shadow wrapped in the leaves and branches and her eyes swept the road.  Bandits were a particular problem for the people she and her kind looked after so any reward to hunt them was welcome.  Blood and earth was what they deserved and Cyrinelle was planning on plenty of both.
Oren Stonebreaker
player, 7 posts
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 09:56
  • msg #5

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The lone dwarf looks over the posting, rubbing his beard slightly.  His brilliant blue eyes mark him as slightly different from your average dwarf, but it is more the blue sheen to the whites of his eyes that stand out.  As he rubs his bronze colored beard, he looks around to see if any others were taking an interest to the bounty.  He had seen definite better days, or so one would expect from a dwarf.
NPC, 1 post
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 09:26
  • msg #6

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Oren Stonebreaker (msg # 5):

A middle aged human stood on the square just off to the side, seeming to watch who might be reading the sign. His face showed the signs of battle and weather. His head was bald. One thing stood out though, a holy symbol of St. Cuthbert around his neck. His robes though seemed to indicate some member of the aristocracy though, fancy embroidered robes that only the well to do could afford.

As Oren looked around he gave the dwarf a nod of his head. There was a sadness in the human's eyes. He did not yet approach the group content just to see who might be thinking about going to face the bandits.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 5 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 16:19
  • msg #7

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

An old man spryly moved towards the notice board, his hawkish face set in a scowl as he pushed through. "What's all the commotion about? Something interesting finally get posted up? Probably not. You morsels wouldn't know interesting if it was the size of a building and bit you on the leg." And with that, he stood in front of the board and scowled at it for a few moments.

Then he grunted, and turned around to face the folks now arranged around him. "Fine. I'm in. I'll take a stealthy archer type and a crunchy meat shield with me." he says, looking about.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 13 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 16:52
  • msg #8

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht watches the others gather around the posting, his hand absently gripping his axe hilt as he waited for the group up disperse. "I am going, and I will gladly accept the assistance. I will assume that, regardless of your age, you will be able to... keep up?" he asked the older man, eyeing him up to see what he could deign from his appearance.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 6 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 17:07
  • msg #9

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man wore little. He carried a tall walking staff, and his clothing appeared to be nothing more than pelts roughly stitched together. He did have a nice belt, with various pouches, but beyond that, he carried nothing else. "Well, there's the meat shield. And yes boy, in spite of this inferior body I'm quite certain I'll be able to keep up with a spry hatchling like you. More than likely I'll be teaching you a thing or two, so be sure not to slow me down." he says, walking forward and poking him with a bony finger before looking around... presumably for the stealthy archer type he mentioned earlier.
player, 5 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 20:51
  • msg #10

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Faerrash had come into town just that very day.  He hadn't done much of anything a of yet, but he did notice a crowd gathered by a board with some papers on it.  Faerrash was a sight to be hold.  Standing over 6ft with a huge unusual hammer that seemed to be made of a horn from some animal.  That may have been unusual, but what stood out more were the wings which sprouted from his back and any flesh that could be seen were filled with pearly white scales.  His face looked reptilian, but it was quite clear he wasn't a reptile more like a dragon or at least half a dragon.

He made his way up to the group and heard the older man and the other male with an axe talk about going somewhere.  A space opened up and he too made his way to the board and read about the need for adventurers.  Thinking this may be exactly what he needed he turned to the old man.  Make that two meat shields.  Name is Faerrash.
Oren Stonebreaker
player, 10 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 21:05
  • msg #11

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Oren nodded back, and moved towards the middle aged man who had been watching the board.  He was a simple dwarf, with a simple steel shield and warhammer not at the ready, though he wore his studded leather armor under his dark grey cloak.  As he neared him, he spoke softly.  "Ah lad, I see ye lost someone dear to ye heart.  I know that feeling, it ain't a pleasant one.  I take it ye posting the reward for these bandits, or know who has?  I am but a simple dwarven warrior, but if I can help bring the rule of law back to these parts, then I am willing."  He spoke, kinder than most would expect a dwarf to.
NPC, 1 post
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 07:13
  • msg #12

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Tymak though aging for a human gave a hearty laugh and responded in dwarven [Private to group Dwarven: "I long for the road my dwarven friend. Ten years ago it was me answering the call, but I've gotten older in the days since and my duties prevent me from adventuring these days. They might tell you that settling down is the thing to do, but I miss the life of the road."]

He looks over to see the dragonborn arrive. "Oh I'll have to warn the guard probably not to harm that one, they might mistake him for a winged lizardman." he muses aloud in common.

He then introduces himself to Oren in dwarven, [Private to group Dwarven: "I am Tymak, Lord Mayor of Verbobonc, and servant of St. Cuthbert. The posting was by Wilfrick, Viscount of Verbobonc. He controls the Viscounty while I control the city proper." ]

He seemed to laugh at some long past memory and resumes in dwarven [Private to group Dwarven: "I remember when I was like you and went from town to town seeking fortune and fame. Good news is I found the fortune and fame, bad news is with it comes responsibilities. Problem is evil is always on the rise. It always takes new folks to keep evil at bay. Rufus and Burne helped clear up several of bandit camps west of the city, now the east rises again. With the Viscount having last year approved their request to build a castle in Hommlet they are to busy for such matters now, they have a small force that can defend the village itself, but not to seek out the cause of the troubles. Ensuring trade routes remain open is vital to the Viscounty, well worth 25 gp a scalp."]
This message was last edited by the player at 07:13, Tue 25 July 2017.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 7 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 23:45
  • msg #13

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man looks over Faerrash and actually smiles approvingly. "A hatchling that might prove half competent. Some ranged, sneaky types and we can hunt them down and collect as many heads as we can carry."
Oren Stonebreaker
player, 11 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 02:10
  • msg #14

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Oren laughs heartily.  "Aye to that lad, perhaps ye have lost someone dear to ye heart...adventure!  But they say adventure is for the young, and administration for the older!"  He joked, before turning serious.  "Aye, if ye reckon it that way, 25 gold pieces a scalp is a reasonable price.  Well, it is an honor to meet ye, Lord Mayor Tymak.  Names Oren, of the Stonebreaker Clan.  I would be glad to help, if ye happen to know anything that is useful?"  He spoke, wiggling his eyebrows.
player, 3 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 02:19
  • msg #15

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A tall, young man entered the town square and saw the others gathered about the posting, hearing the back and forth he said, "My flail may come in handy. I'm assuming these bandits are up for reform and could be interrogated for information getting back to their leaders. In my experience most bandits are just poor men, doing what they've learned to survive. Their actions aren't good, but they aren't necessarily evil either."
NPC, 2 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 07:32
  • msg #16

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Oren Stonebreaker (msg # 14):

Tymak nods as the dwarf talks about losses and then responds again in dwarven [Private to group Dwarven: "We lost many brave souls at the Battle of Emridy Meadows. That was a decade ago on 5th of Patchwall. It was a terrible day. Young men slaughtered before the forces of evil. I was one of the lucky ones who lived through the battle. Because of the great sacrifice the Viscount declared the 5th of Patchwall the Feast of Emridy Meadows so as to celebrate those who lost their lives and also the defeat of the Temple of Elemental Evil."]

He pauses a moment. Then continues [Private to group Dwarven: "The rise of evil again this decade later is concerning to us in the east. We've not had the forces to keep an eye on the ruins of the old Temple. If someone new is working to once again build from it's ruins it could be detrimental to our work for the last decade. I myself never made it into the Temple proper so I can't give you details about that. I was busying myself with taking care of the wounded and dying upon the field while the other forces pushed forward. My own wounds were grievous at the time." ]

There is a bit of sadness in his voice. [Private to group Dwarven: "The folks of Hommlet largely follow the Old Faith, though there is a chapel to St. Cuthbert in the hamlet that was built in the year following Emridy Meadows. They are mostly decent folks, farmers and hunters mostly. They might could provide you with information about bandit movements and where they might think the bandits are holed up."]
This message was last edited by the player at 07:33, Tue 25 July 2017.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 16 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 17:25
  • msg #17

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"That is where I will have to disagree with you, good sir. If a man willingly commits evil acts, he is either an evil man, or a pawn of one, which is arguably just as bad. Any of these bandits that do not surrender need to be put down," Albrecht argued, looking around the group to see what their general reactions were to the ethical discussion.
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 17:29
  • msg #18

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Velox's typically happy demeanor shifted visibly and he responded, "I fear you misunderstand me. I would have them brought to justice but what good does killing a man for his crimes do? There should always be an opportunity for reform and then, if that is rejected, then, and only then, can a more permanent punishment be determined."
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 17 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 17:31
  • msg #19

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht shakes his head with a sigh. "Well, when you're talking to a bandit to try to reform him, I'll be standing behind him with my axe waiting for him to try to kill you," he responded simply.
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 17:55
  • msg #20

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Faerrash listened to the banter back and forth between the two men.  He was more in line with Albrecht naturally and so he said so, Not if my hammer doesn't smash his head first.  He said with a hearty laugh while thrusting his hammer high into the air.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 18:09
  • msg #21

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"So long as this leads to the pay I need to continue my research, I don't care if you kill them or lay with them. Little point in hunting down bandits if there's no reward. And if you disagree then you can donate your share to a good cause. Me. It seems we'll have a strong front line, just need a scout. Any of you any good at hitting things at range, or do you expect me to do that too?" the old man said, still looking about for the stealthy type it seemed.
Oren Stonebreaker
player, 14 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 20:27
  • msg #22

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Oren nods his head in thanks.  "Well, thank ye for the information.  Perhaps if I return, it will be with some gold to offer ye a drink and a few tales in the future.  It looks like the group over there is getting ready to move off, might go and see if they have room for me.""  He spoke, turning going back to the posting.  As he overhears the last remarks of the old man, he speaks.  "I am sorry lad, just an old hammer and shield type myself.  If yer interested, I have talked to the Lord Mayor, and he has a few suggestions."  He spoke.
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 20:32
  • msg #23

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Velox can see that his beliefs on the matter of reformation and restoration are not shared by those he may begin traveling with and he doesn't have the stomach to further the conversation. He won't stop these men from killing bandits, but he wonders when or if they will realize that they are becoming a bandit of a sort all their own.

"So be it." He says hoping to put the matter to bed.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 18 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 22:24
  • msg #24

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht could tell it was a sore subject for the other man, and he responded, "I won't stop you from trying, but I will be there to save you when it doesn't work."
Ailishi Urcmon
player, 3 posts
Go ahead, say
that I have a girly name.
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 10:46
  • msg #25

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Ailishi waits for the others to arrive. The "exile" is not going good at all and he fears that they will soon learn hot to starve to death than improving their respect to the elders. The man has read the post and he has told the others in the tavern. Hopefully they would arrive soon. In the meantime he keeps himself at short distance of the group gathering around the post.
NPC, 3 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 10:54
  • msg #26

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

[Private to group Dwarven: "As you wish master dwarf."] Tymak tells the dwarf as Oren heads to those looking more closely at the posts. [Secret to group Dwarven: "May St. Cuthbert be with you."]
This message was last updated by the player at 11:38, Thu 27 July 2017.
Larmiun Dol'Uten
player, 9 posts
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 23:05
  • msg #27

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Larmiun joins his friend. "That hot bread was very tasty. You should have ate some more." he tells to Ailishi. The "sailor" gets clost to the post, reading it. "I am in. My friends too. We need the money." He says to the man that seems to be gathering the adventurers.

One thing is sure, he won't exasperate his elders anymore. Life in the continent is not so good.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 10 posts
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 23:18
  • msg #28

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man squints at Larmiun, and then looking back at the others in front of him. "You or your friends good at sneaking around or using arrows and the like? There had better be a lot of bandits if there's going to be enough money to go around." he says crankily.
Larmiun Dol'Uten
player, 10 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 01:32
  • msg #29

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"And if they are few, one only has to be lucky enough to find them first." Larmiun simply shrugs.
Seralessa Vadmal
player, 5 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 05:04
  • msg #30

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Seralessa rushes after her friends. "Hey! You will pay next time!" They better will because she doesn't have a single piece of copper right now.

She sees they are reading something. "mmm... Time for us to finally earn some money, I guess. I don't expect to find any pirate here on land, though. Maybe bandits are not so different."
player, 1 post
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 07:37
  • msg #31

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A Wood Elf wearing a Chain shirt and Large Shield bearing the symbol of Corellon Larethian walks up and examines the posting. On his hip is a Katzburger (A Longsword with a distinctive S shaped Guard and just a slight bit shorter then a standard Long Sword)

"Hmph. I'm quite likely to kill bandits anyway, might as well get paid for it."
player, 7 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 09:20
  • msg #32

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Some inside Faerrash ignites and then fades away as he sees the elf approach.  It was too fast for him to grab hold, but it was there.  Perhaps it was something of his former life, or something to come he didn't know for sure, but it was real.  He looks over the elf and the others gathered.  There seemed to be quite a few gathered.  With all that look to be accepting the challenge there won't be much of a share on the booty.  I do hope the one who is asking for help takes that into account.
player, 2 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 23:46
  • msg #33

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Are you planning on eating me? I notice you were staring at me a bit....."

Himo glances up and down Faerrash
Milander Vos Drago
player, 11 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2017
at 00:55
  • msg #34

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

[Language unknown: "Asne ntesse t pousri u as."] the old man mutters to himself.
player, 8 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2017
at 10:29
  • msg #35

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

With a slight giggle and a look of shame, Faerash turns back to the elf, no that was not it.  I had a flash of memory and was trying to fetch it in my memories, but alas it flitted away on wings too fast for me to catch.  I would not eat you elf.
Ailishi Urcmon
player, 4 posts
Go ahead, say
that I have a girly name.
Sat 29 Jul 2017
at 10:46
  • msg #36

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Nah,  I don't want to travel with a heavy stomach." He notices the faithful of St Cuthbert and decides to talk to him. "Greetings, my lord. You seem troubled even when a large group of problem solvers have gathered to your pest problem."
player, 6 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2017
at 11:27
  • msg #37

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Velox overhead others talking about killing bandits and knew that this would be a difficult group to settle in with. He sat down for a while and bowed his head contemplating how to reconcile his beliefs in redemption and freedom with the beliefs he'd heard espoused. After a few moments he rose and remained at the ready for any movement towards the beginning of this journey.
player, 3 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2017
at 18:24
  • msg #38

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet


Himo seems quite satisfied with the answer.

"I am Himo, servant of Corelleon Laratheian. And future slayer of bandits."
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 19 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2017
at 19:05
  • msg #39

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"If introductions are in order, I am Albrecht, with no specific godly affiliation," the young man responded to nobody in particular.
NPC, 4 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 06:02
  • msg #40

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Tymak takes notice of the young human who addresses him after the dwarf left. He chose to speak in common this time. "Adventuring is a dangerous path. Still I miss the days when I was an adventurer. There was the thrill of the road. But I also buried many friends in those days. For every adventurer who may get to wealth and fame such as I have there are dozens who die in the halls of dungeons or in the wilds of nature."

Tymak's gaze seems to lesson in severity as he gives some advice to the young Ailishi "If the evil we suspect has returned. Beware, it will take all your power to face what is ahead. Remember Serten died the last time the evil came. He trusted in his friends, Mordenkainen and his Circle of Eight, and they chose not to stand with him at the last hour, thus he perished. Remember to choose ones friends wisely. If a friend will not stand with you on the eve of death, then they are no friend."
Ailishi Urcmon
player, 5 posts
Go ahead, say
that I have a girly name.
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 08:01
  • msg #41

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Ailishi nods. If he is lucky, he will be old like him, remembering his younger years where he could kill a bunch of pirates without droping a sweat.

"Honestly? When a dragon comes after us, I fully expect them to trip me so the dragon eats me and not them." He tries to put a smile on the old face. He hopes that someday, a young man will try to put a smile on his face too.
player, 9 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 08:31
  • msg #42

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Himo nice to meet you.  I am Faerrash and though our gods may not feel affinity towards each other it will not deter me from doing what must be done here.  Faerrash doesn't name his god at this time and has no holy symbol for he isn't a holy man.

Faerrash nods towards Albrecht as well with his introduction.  The other warrior of like heart is someone he has more affinity towards.
NPC, 5 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 13:38
  • msg #43

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Ailishi Urcmon (msg # 41):

Tymak looked at young Ailishi managing a small grin "There are no dragons in that area. A bit north and east in the Gnarley perhaps but not there. Some of them may do better than you expect. Good Luck."

Tymak then turns and departs the area heading back towards his house.
Seralessa Vadmal
player, 6 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 15:40
  • msg #44

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Thanks Aili! I will do my best to keep up to your expectations! I am honored!" Seralessa holds her hands on her chest as she says those sweet words with the most sarcastic tone she she can develop.

"So, where do we find the viscount? He needs bandits to be killed, we need money. We can solve each other's problems."
NPC, 6 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 16:10
  • msg #45

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Seralessa Vadmal (msg # 44):

Hearing the enthusiastic Seralessa as he was turning to lead Tymak points to the road. "The Viscount will see you when this is over. Follow the road south to Hommlet. There you should be able to find out from the locals where the bandits might be holed up at this time, then take out their base. Return here with the proof and the Viscount will see you." Tymak says "Oh and remember to return by the end of the season for your reward."

He then turns to return to his home.
player, 4 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 17:44
  • msg #46

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Albrecht Delmorn (msg # 39):

"have you got any Elf lineage in you by good turn of fate?"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 20 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 18:01
  • msg #47

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht turns to the elf and shakes his head. "No, both of my parents are human, as far as I know," he answered, curious as to why he asked. The young man shrugged it off, looking at the rest of what was going to be his companions for the next while. "If we will be on the road for a long time, we should make sure we have enough supplies," he stated to nobody in particular.
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