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House Rules.

Posted by DragondogFor group 0
GM, 3 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2009
at 18:57
  • msg #1

House Rules

General rules for character creation
Templates: The most common racial templates are listed later in this thread. Other templates, including less common racial templates, will not be listed. If you want a specific unlisted template, racial or otherwise, you will have to accept or reject that template based only on its cost and the description I will provide. Some templates are provided in Basic Set, Dungeon Fantasy 1, and elsewhere.

Dungeon Fantasy: Even though this is not a Dungeon Fantasy game, the templates, advantages, powers, and gear listed in DF1 can be used. Though powerstones and power items are not available. Assumptions regarding what creatures are repelled by in DF1 may not be entirely accurate. But this is still a player focused game and it is up to the players to decide how much time is spent in dungeons and how much time is spent elsewhere.

Extra Points: The detail of your character background may give you up to 10 additional character points.

TL: The Tech Level of this game is generally TL3.

Modifiers: The Multiplicative Modifiers Optional Rule (Powers 102) is used. That means that you may have at most -80% limitations to any trait (that allows modifiers) and that this limitation is applied to the total cost of advantage + enhancements. An advantage costing 10p with +20% enhancements and -80% limitations would then cost 3p (rounded up from 2.4) instead of 4 points.

Trading Points for Money: You will get at least $500, but you cannot do this after character creation.

Character Creation Limits: The following limits are in place at character creation: basic attributes lower than 18, basic attributes + talent lower than 22, and skills lower than 19.

After Character Creation: All traits available for purchase at character creation are available for purchase with points awarded during play.

The traits listed below are all found in Basic Set and what list a trait belongs to may be changed. Traits not in the Basic Set are approved on an individual basis.

Spending Awarded Character Points: If you want to improve something you already have, just PM me for my approval. If you want to learn something new, you have to find a teacher first and you have to spend money. You might also have to spend some time, up to a day per point.

Required Advantages
You must have these advantages.

Cultural Familiarity: You must have at least one cultural familiarity other than your native one. One of these must be Cultural Familiarity (Solamnic).

These include: Abanasinia, Balifor, Blöde, Blood Sea Isles, Centaurs, Desertfolk, Draconians, Ergoth, Estwilde, Gnomes, Goblins, Gully Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Hobgoblins, Horselords, Icefolk, Junglefolk, Kagonesti Elves, Kender, Kern Ogres, Kharolis, Khur, Lemish, Minotaurs, Mountain Dwarf, Mountainfolk, Nordmaar, Ogres, Plainsfolk, Qualinesti Elf, Seafolk, Silvanesti Elf, Solamnic, Taman Busuk, Thanoi, Wildfolk

Language: You must have native fluency in at least one language other than your native tongue. One of these languages must be Common. Most people on Krynn know how to read. You need a good backstory to not be able to read.

Common Languages include: Common, Abanasinian, Dwarven, Elven, Ergot, Gnome, Gullytalk, Kalinese, Kenderspeak, Kharolian, Khur, Kothian, Nerakese, Nordmaarian, Ogre, Solamnic, Sylvan.

Desirable Advantages
Consider spending a portion of your points on these advantages.

Alternate Form, Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense, Acute Senses, Animal Friend, Blessed, Charisma, Claim to Hospitality, Clerical Investment, Combat Reflexes, Cultural Adaptability, Cultural Familiarity, Danger Sense, Eidetic or Photographic Memory, Sensitive or Empathy, Enhanced Defense (any, max 3 levels), Extra Attack, Fearlessness, Fit or Very Fit, Gizmos, Hard to Kill, Healer, High Manual Dexterity, High Pain Threshold, Indomitable, Intuition, Language Talent, Languages, Luck (max 5 levels), Legal Enforcement Powers, Magery (max 5 levels), Medium, Night Vision, Oracle, Outdoorsman, Patrons, Perfect Balance, Power Investiture (max 5 levels), Rank, Rapid or Very Rapid Healing, Rank, Resistant, Smooth Operator, Social Chameleon, Sorcery (max 5 levels), Spirit Empathy, Status, Trained by a Master, True Faith, Unfazeable, Versatile, Voice, Wealth, Weapon Master, and many perks.

Restricted and Forbidden Advantages
Forbidden advantages are not available. Restricted advantages are not generally found in the general public, though some of them are available in approved templates, including racial templates. But as this is a cinematic game, advantages restricted as exotic and supernatural are available to the heroes.

Restricted as Exotic: 360° Vision, Affliction, Altered Time Rate, Amphibious, Arm DX, Arm ST, Binding, Brachiator, Breath Holding, Catfall, Chameleon, Claws, Clinging, Compartmentalized Mind, Constriction Attack, Damage Resistance, Dark Vision, Detect, Discriminatory Hearing, Discriminatory Smell, Discriminatory Taste, Doesn’t Breathe, Doesn’t Eat or Drink, Doesn’t Sleep, Duplication, Elastic Skin, Enhanced Move, Enhanced Time Sense, Enhanced Tracking, Extended Lifespan, Extra Arms, Extra Head, Extra Legs, Extra Life, Extra Mouth, Filter Lungs, Flight, Fur, Growth, Healing, Hermaphromorph, Hyperspectral Vision, Infravision, Injury Tolerance, Innate Attack, Insubstantiality, Invisibility, Lifting ST, Metabolism Control, Microscopic Vision, Mimicry, Mind Control, Mind Probe, Mind Reading, Mind Shield, Modular Abilities, Morph, Neutralize, Nictitating Membrane, Obscure, Parabolic Hearing, Payload, Penetrating Vision, Permeation, Possession, Pressure Support, Protected Sense, Puppet, Racial Memory, Radiation Tolerance, Regeneration, Regrowth, Sanitized Metabolism, Scanning Sense, Sealed, See Invisible, Sensitive Touch, Shadow Form, Shrinking, Silence, Slippery, Speak Underwater, Speak With Animals, Speak With Plants, Spines, Stretching, Striker, Striking ST, Subsonic Hearing, Subsonic Speech, Super Climbing, Super Jump, Teeth, Telecommunication, Telekinesis, Telescopic Vision, Temperature Control, Terrain Adaptation, Tunneling, Ultrahearing, Ultrasonic Speech, Ultravision, Unaging, Universal Digestion, Unkillable, Vacuum Support, Vampiric Bite, Vibration Sense, Walk on Air, and Walk on Liquid.

Restricted as Supernatural: Clairsentience, Insubstantiality, Invisibility, Magic Resistance, Psychometry, Reawakened, Supernatural Durability, Terror, and Wild Talent.

Restricted as Cinematic: Chronolocation, Dominance, Jumper, Security Clearance, Snatcher, Warp

Forbidden as too Cinematic: Cybernetics, Digital Mind, Enhanced Defense 4+, Gadgeteer, Gunslinger, High TL, Illuminated, Luck 6+, Magery 6+, Mana Damper, Mana Enhancer, Power Investiture 6+, Psi Static, Rapier Wit, Sorcery 6+, Temporal Inertia, and Zeroed.

Desirable Disadvantages
Charitable, Chummy or Gregarious, Code of Honor, Duty (anything suitable to the job), Fanaticism (anything suitable to the job), Honesty, Intolerance, Overconfidence, Pacifism (anything suitable to the job), Selfless, Sense of Duty (anything suitable to the job), Truthfulness, and Workaholic.

Restricted and Forbidden Disadvantages
These disadvantages are generally not available, though some turn up in approved templates, including racial templates.

Inappropriate for Adventurers: Amnesia, Blindness, Cannot Learn, Cannot Speak or Mute, Combat Paralysis, Compulsive Behavior (not compatible with job), Chronic Depression, Confused, Cowardice, Deafness, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Flashbacks, Hemophilia, Indecisive, Lame (Missing Legs, Legless, Paraplegic), Low TL, Maintenance, Manic-Depressive, Megalomania (not compatible with the job), Mundane Background, Neurological Disorder (Severe, Crippling), Non-Iconographic, Obsession (not suitable to the job), Pacifism (not compatible with the job), Paranoia, Phantom Voices, Phobias (not compatible with job), Quadriplegic, Restricted Diet, Sadism, Short Attention Span, Slave Mentality, Terminally Ill, Vow (not compatible with the job)

Irrelevant to the Setting: Space Sickness and Timesickness

Restricted as Exotic: Bestial, Cold-Blooded, Decreased Time Rate, Dependency, Electrical, Fragile, Horizontal, Increased Life Support, Invertebrate, No Fine Manipulators, No Legs, No Manipulators, Nocturnal, Reprogrammable, Self-Destruct, Semi-Upright, Shadow Form, Short Lifespan, Sleepy, Slow Eater, Stress Atavism, Unhealing, Unusual Biochemistry, Vulnerability, Weak Bite, and Weakness

Forbidden as Supernatural: Cursed, Destiny, Divine Curse, Draining, Dread, Frightens Animals, Infectious Attack, Lifebane, Revulsion, Supernatural Features, Supersensitive, Uncontrollable Appetite, Unique, and Weirdness Magnet.

Required Skills
Each skill must at least be at skill level 12.
Evryman Skills: As listed in the Skills post
Area Knowledge: As listed in the Skills post
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:30, Thu 26 June 2014.
GM, 4 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2009
at 19:01
  • msg #2


A list of changes to existing advantages and a description of new advantages.

15 points/level
Luck can be used level times per Scene, despite what the Basic Set says.

Moon Magic
5 points
Prerequisite: Survived the Test of High Sorcery, Magery 1+
All wizards who have past the Test are bound to the moons of Krynn. This means that you have extra levels of Magery. You have one extra level of Magery when your moon is in High Sanction. You have one extra level of Magery for each of the other two moons that are in alignment with yours. And you have one less level of Magery when your moon is in Low Sanction.

This does not deal with previous lives, but with a connection to your direct ancestors. But it still works as listed.

It is expected that anyone of Status 1+ in Eastlund lives as if at least one level of Status lower and pay the rest of their normal cost of living to the rebuilding of Kalaman.

10 points
Prerequisite: Kender
You can use the Fast Talk skill to taunt others. If you succeed, your target will lose their temper and if they attack, which they are likely to do, they will attack you and you alone. If you fail, nothing happens.

Sorcery is to those that use Ambient Arcane Magic what Magery is to those that use Focused Arcane Magic.

You won't keep your loot long term unless you pay for it with character points. What you get for the loot you sell will depend on your Wealth.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:40, Tue 12 Aug 2014.
GM, 5 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2009
at 19:03
  • msg #3


Code of Honor
Qualinesti: Always pursue good, the end doesn't justify the means [-5]

-10 points
Based on Kleptomania
Prerequisite: Kender
You pick things up, with every intention of giving it back to the owner, but forgetting to do so. Most would call it stealing, but you’re just curious. This absentmindedness can make others call you a liar as you use one of your excuses to try to explain. But you’re totally sincere and believe your own excuse.

Make a self control roll anytime you have the chance to handle something, at up to -3 if the item is especially interesting to you (not necessarily valuable). If you fail, you must try to handle it.

You always return handled items to the rightful owner when they discover you have something of theirs. You may trade what you have handled with other kender or use it for yourself, but it cannot be sold or traded for other resources.

Slow Processing: You take your time when making up your mind.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:36, Thu 05 Nov 2009.
GM, 6 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2009
at 19:05
  • msg #4


Area Knowledge
Four points need to be spent on Area Knowledge for Kalaman, Eastlund, Solamnia, and Ansalon. While a fifth point should should be spent on Area Knowledge for some other place in which you have lived.

Everyman Skills
These are suggestions from Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch, the GURPS Line Editor.

Each character must comply with these suggestions by having the suggested skills at skill level 12 or higher. The only exception being wizards who only are allowed to use daggers and staffs, they are thus trained in both instead of fulfilling the ranged weapon requirement.

Relying on defaults -- whatever the game system calls them -- is rarely fun. In GURPS, I hint that certain skills are necessary for adventurers, true action heroes or not, to keep the story flowing without annoying breaks caused by PCs being incompetent at tasks that adventure fiction commonly treats as "everyman" skills:

* Carousing, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, or Interrogation -- Eventually, everybody wants to interrogate NPCs. I'm generous about what skills work, but some skill is required.

* Climbing, Hiking, and Stealth -- The party is only as good at these things as its worst party member, and nearly every party has to move around as a unit at some point.

* Driving or Riding -- Travel is vital to adventure, and while "every hero can drive/ride a horse" is often assumed, it isn't automatic in games that have skills for these things.

* First Aid -- Effective bandaging isn't an unskilled activity, AD&D notwithstanding. Non-action heroes often want to do this to "contribute" to party combat effectiveness, so they especially need this skill.

* Gesture -- Sooner or later, communication without making a sound will be vital to almost any party's survival.

* Observation, Scrounging, or Search -- Noticing interesting things takes training, and finding clues and useful items is so central to adventures that no PC should lack at least basic training here.

* Savoir-Faire or Streetwise -- Everybody came from somewhere. It's passing annoying when a player just assumes that her PC would "get on with folks in her element" without having any practical social skills to back up the assumption.

I further suggest -- strongly -- that action heroes have this list as well:

* Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Knife, Shortsword, or Staff -- Wielding a stick, knife, or heavy tool to any real effect requires practice. These common improvised weapons are not idiot-proof, trivial, or safe to use without training.

* Beam Weapons, Bow, Crossbow, or Guns -- However easy "point and shoot" looks, it's quite tough in reality. No credible action hero lacks competency at all ranged combat.

* Boxing, Brawling, or Karate -- Fisticuffs are the worst place to be untrained. Your fists are the only weapons you always have, so learn to use them.

* Forced Entry -- No, it isn't easy to kick in a door. Actually, unless you know how, you'll hurt yourself.

* Holdout -- "Concealable" equipment only works if you have skill at concealment, and frustratingly few players realize this.

* Judo, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling -- The number of people who think they should be able to grab others automatically is astounding. In fact, this is a difficult feat, trickier than hitting people, and absolutely requires training.

* Throwing -- Whether you're tossing spare magazines to friends or grenades at enemies, this is a trained skill, so it pays to know it.

I think that players would be far less unhappy about surprises if more GMs made lists like this and did everything possible to get players to take them seriously. A PC with Brawling, Fast-Talk, Forced Entry, Holdout, Knife, Scrounging, Stealth, and Wrestling should be able to make and conceal a shiv, overpower a guard, steal his clothes, sneak away from the scene, talk his way past the other guards, and leave through an inadequately bolted back door.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:15, Thu 29 July 2010.
GM, 7 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2009
at 19:45
  • msg #5


Arcane Magic
* Metal type spells are the only available Technological spells
* Teleport type spells are not available at character creation, but they might become available later
* Time travel is not available
* By tradition, wizards don't use armor
* By tradition, the only weapons wizards use are staffs and knifes/daggers

Wizards, who use Focused Arcane Magic, use the standard GURPS Magic System, though certain spells and colleges are off limits. Modular Abilities, spells only, is available. Recover Energy is the only Healing spell a wizard can know. And Plant and Weather spells are off limits.

Sorcerers, who use Ambient Arcane Magic, can either use Ritual Magic or Syntactic Magic.

Ritual Magic sorcerers use Sorcery instead of Magery and cannot learn the Healing, Plant, and Weather colleges. Recover Energy is considered to be a spell based on Wild Sorcery directly. They generally focus on 1-4 colleges.

Syntactic Magic sorcerers use Sorcery instead of Magery and cannot learn the Heal, Food, and Plant words. To recover energy, they must use a combination such as Strengthen Magic. Standard, Cantrips, and Words of Power scale can all be used.

Most people in Krynn use the terms wizard and sorcerer interchangeably. But when it comes to game mechanics, the two terms are quite different.

Divine Magic
* Divine magic cannot use spells that do damage (hp loss), but spells that cause afflictions (e.g. blindness) are fine
* Divine magic cannot use Enchantment spells, Gate spells, Technological spells
* Clerics cannot use Animal spells, Plant spells
* Druids cannot use Illusion and Creation spells, Making and Breaking spells

All holy type characters that use magic, use divine magic granted to them by one of the gods of Krynn. And as divine magic has access to so many spells, characters need to follow spell prerequisites just like wizards do.

Druids follow Habbakuk, Chislev, or Zeboim. They may be standard druids or more cleric like in their ways.

Holy Weapon: Similar to Icy Weapon, but it does +2 holy damage
Ice Jet: Same as Water Jet, but with ice. Prerequisites are Water Jet and Freeze.
Steal Energy: Prerequisites are Magery 1.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:36, Thu 24 Nov 2011.
GM, 8 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2009
at 19:46
  • msg #6


Only the final cost of a template is added to your character cost. Thus if the cost is 0+ points, nothing in the template count towards the  -50 point disadvantage limit. And if the template costs less than 0 point, only that final cost count towards that limit.

Racial Templates
This is a list of the most likely races for PC characters, in addition to human.

With GM approval, some racial traits may be removed or changed to a different level or grade of severity. Though all these changes will directly count towards your character cost.

Hill Dwarf
71 points
Attribute Modifiers:  HT +1 [10]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Move -2 [-10]; Perception (Stonework only -40%) +2 [6]; SM -1
Advantages: Absolute Direction (Detect Depth +30%, Underground only -30%) [5]; Dark Vision [25]; Extended Lifespan: 1 [2]; Longevity [2]; Magic Resistance: 2 [4]; Payload (External -50%) 60 [30]; Resistant to Poison +3 [5]; Talent (Armoury (Body Armor, Melee Weapons), Jeweler, Masonry, Merchant, Metallurgy, Smith) +2 [10]; Alcohol Tolerance [1]; Unusual Training (Immovable Stance) [1];
Disadvantages: Greed (12) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Friends) [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]; Intolerance (Race) [-5]; Aversion to large bodies of water [-1]; Cannot Float [-1]; Covets gems and precious metals [-1]; Fair and Honest Trader, but haggles to the last copper [-1]; Proud about hair/beard [-1];
Skills: Immovable Stance at DX [4]
Language: Dwarven [0]
Appearance: Short and stocky. 4-4.5 feet, 150-200 lbs, females somewhat lighter. Often dark tanned skin. Wrinkles are common. Predominantly dark brown eyes, with some hazel or green. A tendency for nearsightedness. Dwarven hair is a source of pride and may be a sign of social status. Beards are often braided, but ornamentation would be gaudy. Hair color ranges from blond to black and turns silver gray with age and then white. Many become males become bald. Females often keep their hair in buns while working.

Despite their intolerance to all races, Hill Dwarves still trade widely with everyone and have even gotten along with some, so I only give them half the point cost.

Qualinesti Elf
51 points
Attribute Modifiers:  DX +1 [20]; HT -1 [-10]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Perception +2 [10]
Advantages: Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Dark Vision [25]; Detect (Hidden/Concealed passages; Precise +100%, Reduced Time 20%) [11]; Extended Lifespan: 2 [4]; Immunity to Sleep Effects [10]; Longevity [2]; Night Vision: 5 [5]; Resistant to Mind Control +3 [5]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Qualinesti) [-5], Intolerance (race) [-5], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Sense of Duty (Nature) [-15]
Language: Elven [0]
Appearance: Pointed ears, almond shaped eyes, prominent cheekbones, slender and willowy. Rarely reach 5.5 feet tall. They don't have facial hair or any hair below the head. Many wear their hair in extravagant arrangements. Complexion light color of sun bleched oak. Thick and full hair from rich walnut to golden fall aspen leaves. Many women wear their hair in luxurious and complex braids. Eyes are chestnut brown or sky blue. Earrings are common with women and some men.  Bracelets, necklaces, and pendants are frequently worn by men and women.

Despite their intolerance, they do deal with others quite well, so I give them only half the point cost.

-8 points
Attribute Modifiers:  DX +1 [20]; ST -2 [-20]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Will -1 [-5]; SM -1
Advantages: Enhanced Dodge [15]; High Manual Dexterity +2 [10]; Immunity to Fear [15]; Taunt [5]
Disadvantages: Compulsive Handling (9) [-15], Curious (9) [-7], Short Attention Span (9) [-15], Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]; Attracted to magic and gadgets [-1]
Language: Kenderspeak [0]
There is a Fearlessness trait in GURPS, but it only makes it harder to succumb to fear. But tweaking the Resistant trait, I think this might be close enough.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:55, Sat 16 Apr 2016.
GM, 13 posts
Wed 4 Nov 2009
at 19:51
  • msg #7


Active Cinematic Combat Rules: Flesh Wounds, TV Action Violence
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:38, Sat 05 Dec 2009.
GM, 23 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2009
at 18:12
  • msg #8


Hardened Silver: Weapons of hardened silver have the wounding multiplier of solid silver weapons, the breakage properties of steel, and cost 20 times listed price.

Silver: As steel costs more than silver, solid silver weapons only cost 10 times listed price. This has less to do with the value of silver than with the desperation of the customer.

Steel: With the conversion of money and costs from standard Dragonlance to this campaign, one pound of steel now has the value of $1,250 and a one pound steel weapon costs much less than that. Melting weapons and selling the metal would seem to be a quite profitable enterprise. But it is not. If we call it GM prerogative, the difference in cost for pure and weapons grade steel, because weapons aren't really made of steel at all, or something else, melting weapons is bad business as you will lose money doing it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:19, Sat 05 Nov 2011.
GM, 592 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2011
at 20:57
  • msg #9

Social Engineering

Complementary Skills: You, or someone else, may attempt a skill roll with a suitable skill (feel free to be creative)to help you succeed. Success on the complementary skill gives a bonus and failure gives a penalty. E.g. if your speech was written ahead of time, by yourself or your speech writer, Writing would be a complementary skill to Public Speaking.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:26, Fri 30 Nov 2012.
GM, 712 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2012
at 20:27
  • msg #10

Re: Social Engineering

All of GURPS Social Engineering is now available in play.
GM, 1213 posts
Wed 27 Sep 2017
at 17:37
  • msg #11

Streamlined Rules from Dungeon Fantasy RPG

Falling Damage
1 yard1d30 yards5d
2 yards1d+135 yards5d+2
3 yards1d+240 yards6d-1
4 yards2d-145 yards6d
5 yards2d50 yards6d+2
10 yards3d60 yards7d
15 yards3d+270 yards7d+2
20 yards4d80 yards8d+1
25 yards4d+2100+ yards9d+1

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