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Cross-system Cross-version Merits and Flaws.

Posted by Azraile
member, 605 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:29
  • msg #1

Cross-system Cross-version Merits and Flaws

Going to be trying to put this together so figure I should be sharing this.

Using CoD for all new world of darkness settings.

Including backgrounds in here too, they will not have the dots before them however and will have them after.

Buying Merits

After char creation buying merits should be up to the ST, but generally should require that you do some work IC and spend the exp. This means ether using related skills, RPing, or spending down time working on it. STs may just allow spending EXP however and it is up to the ST.

Some merits, such as those related to owning things or having friends can only be bought at char creation and must be gained through RP in the game.

* marks Merits/Flaws I suggest only be bought at char creation.

Backgrounds -> Merits/flaws
The blue merits are backgrounds or where based of backgrounds and best taken at char creation. Many can not be taken after char creation can can only be gained after creation through RP.

Blue flaws are anti-backgrounds and likewise are best taken at char creation, and also may only be able to be picked up through RP. At story Tellers discretion they may allow you to take more backgrounds if you take anti-backgrounds and not count them torge your normal limit of flaws... however if you do this in CoD you will still be limited to how many beats you can gain from your flaws even if you have more than that limit)

Note on CoD and Flaws
In nWoD you are allowed a flaw that gives you exp when it comes up in a problematic away, with CoD they give you beats instead but very few have been updated.

The general rule set though is you get a beat in the following sort of situations, up to the ST:
The flaw or condition causes you or the group significant problems.
You intentionally take a failure on a roll involving the flaw to gain the beat.
You forgo an obligation because of your flaw.
In the case of some flaws, just when they kick in if they don't do so much.

Resolution is usaly up to the story teller however one that is generally a given is if the char regains a dot of Integrity, loses a dot of Integrity, or achieve an exceptional success on a breaking point. Otherwise it is up to the ST. Note many serious psychological and most physical flaws can't be resolved by normal means at all.
This message was last edited by the user at 17:10, Wed 22 Nov 2017.
member, 606 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:29
  • msg #2

Physical Merits and Flaws

Physical Merits

•• or ••• Catlike Balance / Perfect Balance - You have a trained or inate sense of balance that makes it unlikely you will ever fall.
  WoD Rules: For two points your -2 difficulty on all balance rolls, for three your -3 difficulty on all balance rolls and attempts to knock you over have there difficulties increased.
  CoD Suggested Rules: For two points your +2 dice on all balance rolls, for three your +3 dice on all balance rolls and any combat skill that would give you the Knocked Down tilt is at -2 dice.

• Poison Resistance - You have an innate ability to resist the effects of many toxins.
  WoD Rules: Roll Stamina to resist the effects of poison, level of difficulty 5 and up, depending on potence of the poison.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Roll Stamina to resist the effects of poison, Starting with a +1 dice bonus and decreasing depending on the potency of the poison.
This message was last edited by the user at 05:56, Tue 21 Nov 2017.
member, 607 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:29
  • msg #3

Social Merits and Flaws

Social Merits

••• Gifted Liar - You are so good at lying that you can sometime convince yourself you are telling the absolute truth. This means in every way you believe your own lie. Useful for questioning, interrogation, and truth-sensing abilities... not so much for remembering it's a lie later.
  WoD/CoD Rules: Succeed in a simple willpower roll to fool yourself.

• Animal Magnetism - You are especially attractive to others, regardless of normal preferences, however this may inspire jealousy in the people who view you as competition.
  WoD Rules: You are -2 in all diff on seduction and subterfuge rolls.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You are +2 dice on all applicable rolls.

• Ambidextrous WoD - You're equally dexterous, or nearly, with both hands. Ignore offhand penalties. (Diff to different with each hand are at +1 for both rolls, rather than +1 for the main and +3 for the off.)
••• Ambidextrous CoD - Ignore offhand penalties. Character creation only.

Social Flaws

•• Guileless / True Tounge Rather you can't bare to do it or you just lack the skill, you can't lie convincingly to others. Other attempts at subterfuge and guile are not affected, but bold face lies? You just can't pull them off.
  WoD Rules: Subterfuge rolls that involve telling a blatant lie are +2 Difficulty.
  CoD Rules: Can lie, but it is glaringly obvious in both blatant lies and lies of omission that the character is lying.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You are at -2 dice on social rolls when forced into a blatant lie.

• Shy - You're not a social butterfly, to say the least.
  WoD Rules: Many social rolls are at +1 difficulty, and if you're the center of attention, all rolls are at +2 difficulty.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Many social rolls are at -1 dice, and if you're the center of attention, all rolls are at -2 dice.

• Speech Impediment - Rather always the case or only in times of stress you have a speech impediment that makes it hard to understand you.
  WoD Rules: Difficulties on relevant rolls are +2.
  CoD Rules: Must be role-played. If forgotten, Storyteller may warn condition is curing.
  CoD Suggested rules: Give a 2 dice penalty to relevant rolls.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:02, Wed 22 Nov 2017.
member, 608 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:30
  • msg #4

Mental Merits and Flaws

Mental Merits

• or ••• Common Sense - With the one point version the ST may decide your char has the common sense to know there actions are about to cause problems. The three point version you can make a roll once per gaming session to ask the ST about the situation and discuses possible outcomes to actions you may take. This allows the use of OOC knowledge in this case and is a merit intended for people new to RPing.
  WoD Suggested Rules: Roll Wits + (academics or streetwise, whichever is higher).
  CoD Rules: Roll Wits + Composure, this can be an instant action as it is OOC.

• Concentration - You are able to concentrate through even the most distracting of circumstance
  WoD/CoD Rules: Penalties due to distracting or inauspicious circumstances is limited to two dice (WoD or +2 diff, can't be -2 dice AND +2 diff).

• Lightning Calculator - You have a natural affinity for numbers being good at working with them, even able to (at ST discretion) able to calculate the difficultly of an action.
  WoD Rules: all relevant rolls are at -2 difficulty.
  CoD Suggested Rules: all relevant rolls are at +2 dice.

•• Eidetic Memory - You can remember things seen and heard with perfect detail.
  WoD Rules: Roll Intelligence + Alertness to remember key details, 5+ success remembers everything in perfect detail.
  CoD Rules: Ignore rolls for recall or memory. +2 bonus to recall minute facts buried in other information.

••• Fast Learner -
You learn very quickly, and pick up on new things faster than most do.
  WoD Rules: You gain one extra experience at the end of each chapter/story (not game session)
  CoD Suggested rules: You gain an exstra beat at the end of every (or every other) game session.

••• Iron Will - Your mind can not be dominated into taking actions ageist your will and other mental manipulation or attacks on you are more difficult, particularly if you are aware of them.
  WoD Rules: Attempts to affect you with mental powers are at +1 diff. If you are aware of these attempts and resist you may spend a point of willpower to give them a +3 diff for one turn.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Attempts to affect you with mental powers are at -1 dice. If you are aware of these attempts and resist you may spend a point of willpower to give them a -3 dice for one turn.
  General Suggestion: Some particularly powerful and/or ancient beings are able to dominate the mind but with the penalty, and the general penalty is reduced for them.

•• Natural Linguist - You have a flair for languages. You do not gain any extra languages, however your languages skills are top notch.
  WoD/CoD Rules: You get + 3 dice to any language related rolls.

••••• Self-Confident - Your self-confidence gives you unwavering willpower.
  WoD Rules: If you spend willpower on rolls where you need confidence in your abilities in order to succeed (most) and the difficultly is 6 or higher, you do not lose that willpower unless you fail the roll. You will also not botch.
  CoD Suggested Rules: If you spend willpower on rolls where you need confidence in your abilities in order to succeed (most) and you have no other bonus or more penalties than bonuses, then you do not lose the willpower unless you fail the roll.

Mental Flaws

••• Absent-Minded / Forgetful - You don't forget things that have to do with your abilities, or things important to you. But things like names, addresses, what you had for luch, and just about everything else 'trivial' you have a hard time remembering.
 WoD Rules: You have to make a Wits roll to remember such things, or as a last resort spend a willpower point.
 CoD Rules: Doesn't forget everything, just small details that make things frustrating, such as names and short term goals.
 CoD Suggested rules: You have to make a Wits roll to remember such things, or as a last resort spend a willpower point.

•• Amnesia - You have no memory of your past, or at least are missing a significant portion of it. The reminder of your flaws, even how many you have, can be left up to the story teller. You may even be allowed more than the standard amount of flaws this way, thoughdon't expect any mercy from the ST in there nature.
  CoD Rules: Memories from past trauma surface unexpectedly. Sporadically forgets allies and enemies from past.

•• Confused - You have a lot of trouble focusing and/or making sense of the world around you. You can spend Willpower to temporarily overcome your confusion.
  General Suggestion: In particularly bad situations that would confused normal people, give dice penalties.
This message was last edited by the user at 05:21, Tue 21 Nov 2017.
member, 609 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:30
  • msg #5

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Attribute Merits

• Acute Senses - One of your five senses is incredibly sharp.
  WoD: Diff of related rolls are -2
  CoD suggested: +2 dice on all related dice rolls.
  General Suggestion: Can't be taken on more than two senses. If stacked with other sensory enhancements gives venerability to over stimulation.

Attribute Flaws

•• Bad Sight / Poor Sight - You have vision problems to bad to be fixed with glasses.
  WoD Rules: +2 difficulty to all vision related roles.
  CoD Rules: -2 dice to all vision related roles.

•••••• Blind - You can't see, and automatically fail all rolls involving sight.

• Color Blindness - You can see only in varying shades of grey, only a particularly portion of the color spectrum, or mistake two colors for each other. Ether way it leads to penalties on related rolls.

•••• Deaf - You can't hear and automatically fail all rolls involving hearing.

• Hard of Hearing -  Your hearing is defective, if your char archetype gives you sensory bonuses you do not gain hearing ones.
  WoD Rules: +2 to hearing related rolls.
  CoD Rules: -2 dice to hearing related rolls.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:07, Tue 21 Nov 2017.
member, 610 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:30
  • msg #6

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Aptitude Merits

• Ability Aptitude WoD - Pick a single skill, talent, or knowledge: you're a whiz at whatever this is. -2 to difficulties relating to this ability. Name is different for each ability and you can have this once for each skill, talent, or knowledge to as many as your ST allows.
  CoD: Most of this has been replaced by the ability to take specialties quite freely, and aptitude merits that provide more specific and interesting bonuses.

• Crack Driver WoD - Difficult driving rolls are reduced by 2. You can take similar merits for piloting or driving other vehicles if appropriate for the character and campaign.
•• or ••• Crack Driver CoD - (Perquisite: Drive •••) When not taking any non-Drive actions, add your Composure as a bonus to Drive rolls, and penalize attempts to disable your vehicle by your Composure. With three dots, you can take a reflexive Drive action once per turn.

••••• *Jack-Of-All-Trades - You have a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledges obtained.
  WoD Skills - You automatically have a dot in every skill and knowledge, this is an illusory level and if you wish to raise it you must still buy the first level before the second.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You do not take unskilled penalties for physical and social skills, and your mental unskilled penalty is only -1 dice.
This message was last edited by the user at 17:11, Wed 22 Nov 2017.
member, 611 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:31
  • msg #7

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Psychological Merits

• Code of Honor - You have a code of honor you strictly adhere to that gives you a bonus to resist temptations and attempts to make you brake this code. The code should be worked out when you take this merit.
  WoD Rules: ST's choice that you gain 3 dice to resist or your opponent's difficulties are increased by 2.
  CoD Suggested Rules: ST's choice that you gain 3 dice to resist or your opponent's loses 2 dice.

••• Daredevil - You like taking risks, and are even better at surviving them.
  WoD Rules: All difficulties are -1 when you try something particularly dangerous, and you can ignore a single '1' rolled .
  CoD Suggested Rules: You are at +1 dice when you try something particularly dangerous, and you can apply the 9-again rule to a single dice.

• Higher Purpose - You have a higher purpose that drives every action. This purpose must be worked out when taken and you may not take any merits or flaws that involve intentional contradiction of this purpose (IE a driving goal / code of honor that goes against it)
  WoD/CoD Rules: You gain 2 dice on any roll that has something to do with this higher purpose.

Psychological Flaws

• to ••• Addiction - You havean addiction to any one of a variety of things. A one point flaw would indicate a mild addition to a relatively safe and easily atanable substance or thing such as caffeine, nicotine, vedio games or alcohol. Two might be gambling, pain killers, sleeping pills, or something mild but illegal. Three would indcate something hard to get, illegal, and quite unsafe for you such as heavy street drugs or criminal activities.
  WoD Rules: For every day you go with out your addition you must make a willpower check (difficulty of 4 for the first day +1 for each additional day), if you fail you will forgo everything and actively seek the drug unless you spend a willpower.
  CoD Rules: ST will give you deprived condition if you are not partaking in your addition. 3 sessions without indulging means its beaten. Indulgence here does not count for Gluttony.
  CoD Suggested Rules: For every day you go with your addition your char gains the deprived condition and must make a willpower check (+5 dice - 1~3 for the level of your addiction, and - 1 dice every additional day), if you fail you will forgo everything and actively seek the drug unless you spend a willpower.

• Compulsion (mild OCD and Kleptomania too) - You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. This can be anything you are just driven to do.
  WoD Rules: You have to spend a temporary Willpower point to fight the compulsion for a scene.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You have to spend a temporary Willpower point to fight the compulsion for a scene

• *Dark Secret / Embarrassing Secret- There's something about you which you don't want people to know, and it would be very bad if they did (or at least you think it would be).
  CoD Rules: A secret in the past. Beat awarded for keeping it secret at the expense of allies. (If gets out may exchange for Notoriety or other appropriate Flaw)

••• Driving Goal - You have some goal which is at the basis of all your motivations, though it is of such depth or impossibility, it could probably never be achieved. Your obsession with your vision can temporarily be soothed by spending Willpower.

••• Flashbacks (PSTD) - When under pressure and/or in the presence of something which reminds you of something unpleasant in your past, you flashback to that past event. Whilst in a flashback, everything to you is as it was then.
  General Suggestion: Can rollor spend a willpower to keep self in the present.

••• Hatred - There is something (rather it be an animal, a class of person, a color, or a situation) that you absolutely loathe and would do anything to destroy. You constantly pursue opportunities to harm or gain power over it. The ST may rule a dislike is to trivial to count (such of a dislike of tissue paper) as it won't come up much.
  WoD/CoD Rules: You must spend a point of willpower to avoid seeking your subjects destruction if available to do so. The appropriate character types must make a frenzy check in the presence of there subject.

• Intolerance - There is something (rather it be an animal, a class of person, a color, or a situation) that you just have an unreasoning dislike of. The ST may rule a dislike is to trivial to count (such of a dislike of tissue paper) as it won't come up much.
  WoD rules: All rolls involving the subject of your like are +2 difficulty.
  CoD Sugested rules: All rolls involving the subject are at -2 dice.
  General Suggestion: Don't include combat rolls or rolls to damage the subject, or rolls such as intimidation.

••• Lifesaver - You revere all life and will not risking killing someone at all costs. (You may have no problem killing inhuman monsters or animals though, this only need apply to sentient being for the bonus though you can chose to include non-sentient.)

•• Masochism - You are excited by receiving pain, and will seek out situations to do so.
  WoD Rules: Your Soak rolls for any physical damage have there difficulty increased by one because you WANT to be hurt.
  CoD Suggested Rules: If you are at full health you are -1 defense in combat until you take damage.
  General Suggestion: Follow 1 point addition rules as well. (make this count 1 point more too maybe)

• Nightmares - You're constantly plagued by nightmares, which at the worst may indicate there's something nasty in your fate, and at the least will make you cranky and irritable most of the time.
  WoD Rules: A particularly bad night may cause you to lose -1 dice on all rolls for some time afterward.
  CoD Rules: Roll Resolve + Composure in order to gain willpower from nightly rest, otherwise your sleep is to uneasy for you to be restored.

• Overconfident -
You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.

• or ••• Phobia - You have a specific, incredibly powerful fear. The 1 point version you will not go near what you are afraid of, with the 3 point version you are paralyzed in fear of it (or if you are a race with a fear induced frenzy, you frenzy and run)
  WoD/CoD Rules: You must make a willpower roll and succeed to control your fear, otherwise you give in.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You gain the shaken condition if you fail the roll, if you have the 3 point flaw you gain it even if you succeed.

•• Obsession - You are completely obsessed with something to the point you disregard common sense, react positively to most anything related to your obsession even if it's not in your best interests, and can be quite emotional about it.
  WoD Rules: Up to ST if you are not RPing it well.
  CoD Rules: You gain 9 again on rolls related to pursuing you obsession, and lose the 10 again rule on anything unrelated to your obsession.

•• Sadism - You are excited by causing pain, and will seek out situations to do so.
  WoD/CoD Rules: You must make a willpower roll (WoD - diff 5) modified by how much you would normally want to hurt the person anyway to stop combat. Failure means you are enjoying yourself to much to notice anything else, even that they have died.
  General Suggestion: Follow 1 point addition rules as well. (make this count 1 point more too maybe)
This message was last edited by the user at 17:12, Wed 22 Nov 2017.
member, 612 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:31
  • msg #8

Supernatural Merits / Flaws

Supernatural Merits

•• Danger Sense - You have a sixth sense that warns you of danger.
  WoD Rules: ST will make a hidden Perception + Alertness roll, diff depending on the remoteness of the danger.
  CoD Rules: +2 bonus to detect an ambush.

•••••• *Guardian Angel - Someone or something watches over  you and protects you. Rather some force or being  in times of great need you MAY be supernaturally protected.

••• *Luck - You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per chapter/story, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.
  General Suggestion: One re-roll per gaming session.

•• Medium - You can sense the presence of ephemeral beings and hear them whispering. You can summon them and sometimes they may seek you out for favors.
  CoD Rules: You can perform a particular type of ritual or focus and roll Wits + Occult to progress Influence Conditions one step on the continuum from none to Controlled. Once per session, you may have to roll Resolve + Composure to avoid being Shaken or Spooked by the other side.

• to ••••• Past Life - You can remember one or more of your previous incarnations. This can be a simple sense of deja vu in places, flashbacks of strange places, to waking memories of being another person. ST can chose to give you insight based off your past lives and if you meditate you can try to access them. You may only meditate for a bonus once per gaming session.
  WoD Rules: Meditate first then roll Intigence + Past Life (diff 8) and each success adds one dice to a single subsequent roll. A botch may induce a flash back to past life trama's or cause a past life to take over.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Meditate first then roll Past Life and each success adds one dice to a single subsequent roll. A failed roll can cause a weak braking point that may lead inducing a flash back to past life trama's (and a harder braking point) or cause a past life to take over.
  General Suggestion: May use once per session for half the level rounded up.

••• *Spirit Mentor - You have a ghostly companion and guide. This spirit is able to employ some minor powers but really struggles when exerting itself (see haunted for an idea what little it's capable of) and is unable to manifest physically. It's most useful in giving advice.
  WoD Rules: It's able to use some of the affects from the haunted flaw, and give some advice that may lower difficulties on some rolls.
  CoD Suggested Rules: It's able to use some of the affects from the haunted flaw, and provide a services bonus to some rolls.
  General Suggestion: Set aside a list of what skills it is able to advise on and how well.

••• *Supernatural Companion) / "Special Friend" - You have a close ally/friend who is a supernatural being. You can call upon them in times of need (as they can you). Depending on the kind of being they are, there may be negative aspects to having this friend as well as positive ones (a Werewolf having a Vampire ally won't go over well with ether's groups...).

••••••• True Faith - You have a deep-seated faith in  and love for the/a God. You begin the game with one point of faith. You can add your faith to your willpower rolls and use your faith as you would use willpower. You regain faith based on your religious believes. The full affects of faith are a good deal lot and totally up to the story teller but should be allowed by any char and include such as repeling vampires just at the low levels, the affects of high faith should be decided by the ST.

•••• *Unbondable - No mater how much vampire blood you drink you can't be bonded.

Supernatural Flaws

• *The Bard's Tongue - 'Things couldn't possibly get any worse...' You just can't help but say the truth, uncannily so. The things you say tend to come true rather it's because you said them or you say them because there about to happen you don't know but you can't help yourself. At least once per story you will blert out such a truth though, to avoid speaking prophecy, you must expend a willpower point and take a bashing level of damage from the strain of resisting. (especially if you bite your own tongue) Warning the ST may take inspiration from what you say if you take this rather than telling you what to say.

• to ••••• *Cursed - You have been cursed by someone or something and it is a specific and detailed cure that cannot be dispelled without extreme effort, and doing so could be life-threatening.  Some example curses:
  • - If you pass on a secret that was told to you, your betrayal will later harm you in some way.
  •• - You stutter uncontrollably when you try and describe what you have seen or heard.
  ••• - Tools often brake or malfunction when you attempt to use them.
  •••• - You are doomed to make enemies to those you have become most attached to.
  ••••• -  Everyone of your accomplishments or achievements will inevitably become tainted or fail in some way.

••••• *Dark Fate - Your char is plagued with visions of there own demise, only willpower can overcome the malaise these visions inspire... and your char knows that one day, very soon, they will meet there end. They may not know exactly how or when but they sure know it's coming. (this could be a false fate or one that can be changed but your char is 100% sure they are doomed... that dosen't mean they can't shake off the vision with some willpower and find freedom in the fact they know there days are numbered)

• to ••••• Echoes - Your supernatural nature, or the nature people believe you to have, affects you and the world around you based on the local superstitions and customs. For example if people believe you to be a witch, milk may sour in your presence. The more points the worse these affects. See this flaw under each archetype for more details for them.

• and up - *Geas / Magical Prohibition / Magical Imperative - You swore, promised, or made a bargain that Someone (and with a capital S) witness and is holding you too it. Turning back on that would not be in your best interest. The exact details should be worked out with your ST.
  As for the promise the value of it comes down to how easy it is to live with, the harder a deal it is and the more often it might come up the more points it is with. Never brake bread with a red haired man would only be worth a single point, stop and pet every cat you see would be two, never back down from a fight would be three, and so on.
  As for the consequences the harsher they are the more points. Automaticaly botching the next time you use a power would be one, bad luck the rest of your life two, losing all your friends or wordily possessions three, dying four, losing your soul five.

••• *Haunted - You are haunted by a ghost that only you (and Mediums) can see and hear. It actively dislikes you and enjoys making your life miserable by insulting, berating and distracting you - especially when you need to keep your cool. It also has a number of minor powers it can use against you though (though can only do so every so often): hide small objects; bring a "chill" over others, making them very ill at ease with you; cause a loud buzzing in your ear or the ears of others; move a small object such as a knife or pen; break a fragile item such as a bottle or mirror; trip you; or make eerie noises such as chains rattling. Yelling at the ghost can sometimes drive it away, but it will confuse those who are around you.

••••• *Psychic Vampire - The spark of life in you is dying and must continually be feed from outside forces. The case with you is quite severe as well, with plants and buts withering away in your presence as you feed on there energies. Those in your presence find there normal healing processes stop, and there life slowly drain away. Should anyone spend more than an hour in the same room as you, they will take a health level of damage for each hour they do. If the emptiness in you isn't feed at least once a day (causing damage to some one) then you will start to slowly die.
WoD Rules: As you die you start to take health level damage as per lethal healing in reverse. One day, three days, a week, a month, and then one every three months till you die.
CoD Suggested Rules: Take damage after one day, then after two, then after four, then every week till death. (considering the much shorter time scale on healing)
General Suggestion:  Having this flaw gives a + 1 dice bonus to the Numina: Psychic Vampirism rolls, + 2 if you are 'well feed'. At ST discretion having the Numina may allow players enough control to get away with getting there daily feeding with out damaging anyone by feeding off a large enough a number of people at once... this will not stop them from damaging plant and insect life though, and some small animals.

•• *Surreal Quality - Though you seam mortal even if your not, there is something unnatural about you that mortals find fascinating. While this might seam like a good thing it's not. You attract to much attention to yourself, mostly that of the annoying and detrimental kind. This is particularly bad for some one trying to keep low key.

• to ••••• *Throwback (anti-Past Life)- One or more of your past lives still affects you... badly. You share it's fears, nightmares haunt your dreams, you have flashbacks of there worst memories. Worst yet a past lives personality could encroach on your own. The full affects of this are up to your ST.
 • - bad memories and a few nightmares, maybe the occasional flashback
 •• - flashs backs can happen at the worst of times and the nightmares are constant.
 ••• - Rather you know it or not you have a 'roommate' in your head.
 •••• - Your past life has taken over a few times.
 ••••• - Your past lives are a constant pestilence on your life.
 CoD Suggested Rules: When your char has a braking point, unless you get an exceptional success, roll Throwback VS your Resolve to see if it takes over.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:51, Wed 06 Dec 2017.
member, 613 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:32
  • msg #9

Social Ties Merits

Social Ties Merits
Due to the nature of these merits and flaws nearly all of them can only be bought at char creations and must be gained through RP afterwords.

• to ••• *Boon - Some one quite capable owes you a favor.  Regardless they are a big deal, and just because they owe you a favor they won't take abuse from you.
• Owes you a minor favor
•• Owes you several minor favors, or a rather large favor.
••• Owes you may favors, or owes you there life.

• *Prestigious Mentor - Your Mentor has grate status affording you some respect from their piers. This could provide you with a grade deal of aid as your Mentor's contacts approach you and offer aid, or they may see you as simply riding their coattails.

•• *Reputation - You have a grate reputation and are well liked and may add three dice to any social rolls with your own archtype's group or your chosen in-crowd.

• *True Love - You've found that One who makes your life complete. Automatic Willpower success when striving to protect, come closer, or remain close to your True Love. Other benefits as well, Storyteller's discretion, such as love protecting you from various powers. This is one of the most demanding merits to have, but your bond is pure and unbreakable.

Social Ties Flaws

• *Diabolical Mentor - Your mentor has engaged in some unforgivable acts. The mobs all up in pitch frocks and torches and just because you didn't do anything wrong (or did you?) won't stop some people from stringing you up too.

• to ••••• *Enemy / Enemies (anti-Allies)- You have an enemy or perhaps a group of enemies that want to harm you. Enemies near your own level represent a 1 point flaw, while those like kings or elder vampires who are vastly more powerful would be 5 point flaws.
• One enemy of moderate power.
•• Two enemies or one more powerful enemy.
••• Three enemies or a combination of more powerful enemies.
•••• Four enemies or a combination of more powerful enemies.
••••• Five enemies or a combination of more powerful enemies.

•••• Hunted - You have a fanatical hunter on your trail that seeks your udder destruction. They are beyond reason and have some sort of power, influence or authority that puts you at a disadvantage. This endangers you and your associates and family. The only way to deal with this is to put and end to this hunter. (if you are a mortal, you can still take this.... and it dosn't matter they are still convinced you are a monster!)

• *Infamous Mentor - Your mentor is not liked or trusted by their cohorts and this fairs poorly if you wish to get in good with them. At best they not think well of your choice in mentors, at worst they may see a likeness in you.

• *Insane Mentor - Your Mentor's grip on reality is long gone and they are dangerously insane. This reflects badly on you, and there insane schemes may draw you into danger as well.

• *Mentor's Resentment - While forced to teach you for one reason or another your mentor dislikes and wishes you ill will and seeks to harm you, and given the smallest opportunity will do so, they may even attack you if provoked!

••• *Notoriety - Lets face it, you have a bad reputation. What ever you did to earn it, you have a 2 dice penalty to all social dice rolls with the appropriate group for your char archetype or your social in-group of choice. (this has to be one you HAVE to participate in)

• *Twisted Apprenticeship - Rather your mentor didn't like you or they just had a weird sense of humor, everything they taught you was wrong. This is mainly intended for supernatural beings who's interactions with there own kind and knowledge about there world have been tainted heavly and there world turned upside down, only to be turned upside down again finding everything they thought they knew was wrong, is now wrong again..... what jerks these teachers be. Still it is kinda funny.

•• *Vengeance - You have a score to settle and are obsessed with wreaking it on the guilting party. Getting your revenge won't be easy though.
  WoD Rules: You must spend a point of willpower to overcome your desire for a scene.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You must spend a point of willpower to overcome your desire for a scene.

• ••••• Wards (anti-Retainer) - Wards are weaker NPCs that you care greatly about and take care of. Generally this indicates the number of wards, however individual wards can be worth more than one point. More 'valuable' wards come from those who attract more attention to themselves or bigger targets, are weaker or more venerable in ways, and/or are in general more trouble keeping safe (accident prone adventure seeking adenine junkies with weakened immune systems for all the points!)
This message was last edited by the user at 22:16, Fri 08 Dec 2017.
member, 614 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:32
  • msg #10

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Mortal World/Legal/Material Ties Merits
Due to the nature of these merits and flaws nearly all of them can only be bought at char creations and must be gained through RP afterwords.

••• *Church Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) You can use your ties to organize protest rallies, help the needy, and raise money. Though stealing from the funds can be risky.

••• *Corporate Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) Your ties allow you to understand the dynamics of money in the city and have links with all the major players. You can cause all sorts of mayhem in the financial system or raise considerable amounts of money (in the form of loans) in a very short period of time.

• to ••••• *Black Market Ties - You have ties to an underground, and quite iligal, shopping network that will help you acquire hard to find and often iligal equipment. This Merit may be added to your Streetwise rolls when trying to buy such goods. The story teller may not allow such connections if they feel they are unbalaching to the game even if they are fitting.
• Small items - Ammo, low-clerance ID badges, good software.
•• Average items - guns, hi-tech software, specialized ammo.
••• Fancy items - antique cars, explosives, automatic weapons.
•••• Hefty items - heavy weapons, high security ID or access codes.
••••• "Yah, right. Maybe next game" - hi-tech military weapons, high explosives, military vehicles.
General Suggestion: Requires three or more times the level wanted in connections/influence/allies/status/ect of underground backgrounds to gain this, or add serious penalties if you do not have them ("I don't know you, how I know your not a cop!?!?!")

••• or ••••• *Entertainment Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) You ether own or manage a good venue or site, or have some good influance among both peers and fans. You can use this to ferret out information or buy favors. With Five points this can be nationwide influence and fame.

•• *Judicial Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) You have influence over and contacts in the justice system. You can affect the progress of various cases and trials and though quite difficult you can even intervene on a case to influence the outcome. You can also use this to acquire such things are warrants and the like.

•• *Media Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) Your ties allow you to suppress and create news stories, as well as giving you access to the files and gossip of newspaper, TV, and various blog staffs.

••• *Police Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) You can take it fare enough to have people arrested for no reason, though abusing that particular trick to many times can draw some very unwanted attention on yourself.

••• *Political Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) You can manipulate politicians and bureaucrats of the city. You can arrange power or water to be shut off, and use many different bureaucratic means of harassment on your enemies.

••• *Underworld Ties - (This is replaced by Influence for the most part now) Contact with the Mafia and street gangs let you have some limited control over a large group of 'soldiers' and can control some local criminal activities.

••••• *Corporation CEO -
You ether are the CEO of a corporation, or maintain the same kind of control that a CEO would have held. You have access to a portion of the resources, allies, and contacts that the corporation dose. These are up to the storyteller and will be based on the corporation in question.

Mortal World/Legal/Material Ties Flaws
This message was last edited by the user at 22:07, Fri 08 Dec 2017.
member, 615 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:32
  • msg #11

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Location Merits
Due to the nature of these merits and flaws nearly all of them can only be bought at char creations and must be gained through RP afterwords.

••• Mansion - You own a large mansion, a home with 25 or more rooms, as well as the surrounding estate. The servants, if you have any, are provided by this merit. Though they will do nothing but take care of the place and there is nothing special about them unless you buy the particular merits. The mansion is assumed to have the most current security available and a fence around the place. You should decide the location and condition of the mansion as it will determine how much attention the place may draw.

•• Nightclub - You own a Moderate sized nightclub, maybe even one of the hottest spots in the city. The club brings in enough money to suport you in moderate luxury. ($1,000 a month, but it can grow if the place is taken care of well), but more importantly than money is the prestige.
This message was last edited by the user at 21:35, Fri 08 Dec 2017.
member, 616 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:33
  • msg #12

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Were-wolf Merits
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member, 617 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:33
  • msg #13

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Vampire Merits
This message was last edited by the user at 23:37, Tue 21 Nov 2017.
member, 618 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:33
  • msg #14

Changeling Merits and Flaws

Changeling Merits

•• *Faerie Eternity - After your Chrysalis you seamed to stop aging, and now age like fae of old. Your life span is ten times longer than the average person.

•••• *Iron Resistance - Cold iron don't cause you the slightest of pain, however it still causes Banality after extended contact.
  WoD Rules: Roll Perception + Intelligence (diff 7) to recognize cold Iron to avoid any accidents.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Composure + intelligence - 1 dice to recognize cold Iron to avoid any accidents.

••• or •••• Oracle - Cost 3 for House Beaumayn and House Scathach, anyone else it cost 4. A birthright from direct descendants of Morrigan herself, chars are true prophits and there use of the art of Soothsay is the best if the Dreaming.
  WoD Rules: -2 difficulty on all rolls involving the Soothsay art.
  CoD Sugested Rules: +2 dice on all rolls involving the Soothsay art.

••••• *Oath of the Honor-Bound Allies - A pact entered between a member of the house of Scathach and another house. This merit gives access to combat skills special to this merit (see bellow in combat skills bellow for full details) in addition it allows members of the house of Scathach to preform the rite to declare this oath and fae of other houses a permanent bonus of +1 dice to ether Melee/Weaponry or Brawl.
   When entering this oath the Scathach loses his house boon agenist all members of the kith to whitch he has sworn the oath, while the commoners new bonus will not work agenst members of the House Scathach. If a party should deliberately commit vile deed against any member of the allied house/kith they lose the benefits (including the skills gained) from the oath while the other party of the pact dose not lose anything.
   To cast the rite each member must exchange some of there blood and 1 point of glamour and the caster must spend a point of glamor as well (2 total if they are involved). The caster must have at least Fae 2 (lofty noble) and Gremayre 3 to learn it. (not sure how this would work for CoD)

••••• or ••••••• *Phantom Fate - If a Scathach survives the Trial of Shadows they gain this merit for free, some however are just born with it. It cost 5 for members of the house of Scathach and 7 for any other house. They taken up a contrarian relationship to Fate's design, and have become truly adept at camouflaging there patterns.
  WoD Rules: +3 difficulty to use Soothsay on them. This includes beneficial affects as well. They may not have Merits or Flaws pertaining to Luck.
  CoD Suggested Rules: - 3 dice to any attemps to use Soothsay on them. They can not have Merits, Conditions, or Tilts pertaining to Luck.
  General Suggestion: Expand this to all powers reading fate and manipulating luck.

••• Poetic Heart - You have a truly inspired soul within you and are destined to be a great hero and/or artist, and thus Glamour shields you from Banality. You are able to make a willpower roll to avoid gaining Banality once per chapter/story.

••••••• *Regeneration - Your faerie nature is very strong and you heal much faster than others. You heal one health level of chimerical damage any round you take no other action but resting, one physical health level every hour, and heal twice as fast as this in a free hold. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this merit.
  General Suggestion: Aggravated wounds take 3 hours to heal, or 1 glamour per wound to heal at this rate.

••••• *Seeming's Blessing - Your Birthrigh's affect your mortal body as well as your fae mien. Thus any attribute bonuses that would normally would only affect your fae mien now affects the whole of your being.

••••• *Sphere Natural / Art Adept / Contract Specialist -  You are able to utilize one of the arts with greater ease than other changelings can. Can only be taken once.
  WoD Rules: You way 3/4ths as much exp to raise your chosen art, and must be taken at char creation.
  CoD Suggested Rules: You gain +2 dice when using a chosen Art/Contract.

• to ••••• *Trod
You possess access to a trod that leads to other earthly destinations, or even to destinations, or even to destinations within the Dreaming. Trods are usually situated within freeholds, but not all freeholds have trods. Your trod may be situated in your freehold (if you have the Holdings Background), or it may stand on its own. Trods do not necessarily correspond in power tot he freehold in which they are situated. It is possible to have an immensely powerful trod within a minor freehold (or vice versa). Trods are tied to the cycles of nature (seasons, movement of the planets, etc.) and are only accessible at certain times. The player and the Storyteller should decide at which times the character's trod may be opened.

A trod that is open one half of the total time in a year may only be accessible at night, or on even numbered days, or from Beltaine to Samhain. Several very powerful trods, such as the one at Tara-Nar exceed the scale listed below.

The Legendary Silvers Gate trod was was rumored to lead everywhere. Any trod purchased with this Background is assumed to be relatively safe for the changeling at both ends (it doesn't lead to the Nightmare Realms, etc.). The only exception are trods which lead to the Deep Dreaming, which cannot be predicted.

Please note that mere ownership of a trod does not necessarily grant the ability to open it.
WoD/CoD Rules: Trods don't exist in CoD but if adapted they would have the same rules.
• 1 local destination, accessible one forth of the time.
•• 1 local destination, accessible half the time; or 2-3 local destinations, available one fourth of the time; or 1 local destination, accessible all the time.
••• 2-3 Local destinations and one regional destination accessible half the time; or 2-3 local destinations, one regional destination, and one Near Dreaming Destination, accessible one fourth of the time, or 2-3 local destinations, accessible all the time.
•••• 4-5 local destinations, two regional, one national (e.g., Concordia) and two Near Dreaming destinations, accessible half the time; or 4-5 local destinations, two regional, one national, one Near Dreaming, one Far Dreaming, accessible one fourth of the time; of 2-3 local destinations and one regional destination available all the time; or 2-3 local destinations, one regional destination and one Near Dreaming destination, accessible half of the time.
••••• 4-5 local destinations, 3-4 regional, two national, two Near Dreaming, one Deep Dreaming, accessible half the time; or 4-5 local destinations, 4-5 regional, four national, two Near Dreaming, two Far Dreaming, one Deep Dreaming (maybe as far as Arcadia Gate), accessible one fourth of the time; or 2-3 local destinations, one regional destination, and one Near Dreaming Destination, accessible all the time.

••• *Wings - You have beautiful chimerical wings, they need to be free or they will reduce your dexterity by one. You can fly for short periods of time (up to ST but at the very least your stamina and/or strength in rounds, at the most in hours) but not in the sight of mortals.... it would be a bad idea to do so where mortals might catch sight of you mid-flight!

Changeling Flaws

• Changeling's Eyes - Your eyes are a startling and strange color, maybe emerald green, violet, or yellow. This is a sign that you are a changeling, recognizable to those who know the ancient lore and/or old wives tales.

• to ••• *Chimerical Disability - Part of your Seeming is damaged and no longer exists due to a past altercation. Exsample flaws:
 • - Something with little affect on your life like a leg, you can still walk with your physical legs but trying to ride a chimerical mount would be hard and you might forget and try and kick a chimerical being with the wrong leg and do no damage.
 •• - Something more detrimental, like a missing eye causing you to have no chimerical depth perception as the flaw one eyed.
 ••• - A real pain like a missing hand meaning you can't hold chimerical items with that hand.

••••• *Chimerical Magnet - For some reason chimera notice you more often than usual, this dose not mean they like you. You attract chimerical creatures to you, and they follow you around all the time.... this can be good, though more often it's not.

••• Cleared Mists - The Mists make mortals forget seeing Kithain use there powers, but for some reason this don't happen for you, making you a liability to others and causing you to have to use your powers more carefully.

•• to ••••• Echoes - Your connection to the Dreaming is stronger than most Kithain. This gives you some benefits but it also exposes you to the affects of some superstitious believes. Some examples:
  •• - Salt or breath thrown over one's own shoulder for luck protects mortals from your powers for the scene. A mortal using your full name can command thre tasks from you, you need only follow the exact wording.
  ••• - You can't enter a home with out permission (not necessarily the owner) or preforming a small favor for the owner. Cold iron or religious symbols on an entrance keep you from entering. Sound of church bells pain you as much as cold iron bells do.)
  •••• - You (wod- gain banality / cod- have a mild braking point) when you hear church bells ring. Four leaf clovers protect mortals from your powers. Four leaf clovers you pick bring you luck so long as the petals are intact, it need not be on you. A mortal waring there coat inside out is invisible to you. Religious symbols repeal you and a symbol's shadow can harm you. Holy ground harms you when you do so (not contentiously but only to enter)
  ••••• - Mushroms grow into faerie rings around where you live. Glamor no longer hides your powers,. Chimerical creatures are more real to you and hurt you more but your chimerical weapons can harm mortals. Weak willed peoople will likely follow you simply by request, becoming hipnotized by your voice. You must make a willpower roll to enter holy ground, doing so still harms you. People waring cold iron or religious symbols are immune to your powers.

••• *Forsworn - At some point you where proven guilty as an oathbraker but avoided punishment by taking the Oath of the Forsworn. This not only damages your reputation and honor, but makes it hard to get others to believe your promises.
  WoD Rules: You are at +2 difficulty in all social rolls involving attempts to persuade others in the sincerity or validity of your word.
  CoD Sugested Rules: You are -2 dice in all social rolls involving attempts to persuade others in the sincerity or validity of your word.

••••• *Greedy Glamour - Only applicable when playing with Bunks. In this case you must preform an extra bunk with no benefit to cast a cantrip. In addition to spend a point of Glamour for extra success you must preform yet another bunk.

••• to ••••• *Iron Allergy - Most Kithain don't care to much for Cold iron, as it causes Banality and Pain, but to you it causes actual damage.
  ••• - You take a level of chimerical damage every round in contact with cold iron.
  •••• - You take one real level of damage every three rounds.
  ••••• - You take damage if you are just standing with in a foot of iron.
  General Suggestion: make cold iron do more damage or lower armor agents it.

• to ••••• Slipped Seeming - Your fae seeming bleeds into your mortal body making what you are obvious to those who know what they are looking for. The more points the more the features bleeding through stand out, the harder they are to explain away, and the more they give away what you are. A slight blush might be a one point flaw, while a pair of horns would be five. Regardless there is no bonuses given from these.

•• *Wings - You have beautiful chimerical wings, they need to be free or they will reduce your dexterity by one. They unfortunately are only good for looks (though the ST might reduce fall damage or let you glide a very short distance) and you can't fly. You do gain a one dice bonus for powers that would give you flight, or when something dose allow you to fly.

•• *Wyld Mind - Your mind is an extremely chaotic and unpredictable place. You have a hard time concentrating on any one thing for very long.
  WoD Rules: You must make a willpower roll (difficulty 4) for every extended action roll after the second.
  WoC Suggested Rules: You must make a willpower roll + 2 dice for every extended action roll after the second.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:52, Wed 06 Dec 2017.
member, 619 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:34
  • msg #15

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Mage Merits
This message was last edited by the user at 23:35, Tue 21 Nov 2017.
member, 620 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:34
  • msg #16

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Wraith Merits
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member, 621 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:34
  • msg #17

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Demon Merits
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member, 622 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:35
  • msg #18

Astrological Merits and Flaws

more other...
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member, 623 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:35
  • msg #19

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Astrological Merits and Flaws
This message was last edited by the user at 23:01, Mon 20 Nov 2017.
member, 624 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:35
  • msg #20

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Physical / Social / Mental Skill Merits
This message was last edited by the user at 23:00, Mon 20 Nov 2017.
member, 625 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
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Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 19:43
  • msg #21

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Combat Skill Merits

[6 blank lines suppressed]

Changeling Only Combat Skills

The Warrior's Halo (House Scathach Martial Arts) - Unarmed Feats

Scathach was a renowned martial artist and her fighting styles have been passed down to her descendants is a synthesis of mind, body, spirit and Glamour.
Prerequisites: House Scathach, and an equal number of dots in brawl to the level they are learning.
•Whirl of the Chariot Chief - This move is as ancient as it is simple: Grab, spin, throw.
    WoD Rules:  Roll Dex+brawl (diff 7, more if fairly larger), then Roll contested Dexterity + Athletics (Diff 6). If the opponent fails they lose there action that turn or are +2 difficulty to any actions next turn, at a success they are still +1 diff to there next action. They throw there target 5 feet for each success and deal there strength in damage.
    CoD Suggested Rules:  Attack as normal but add any size difference (-/+) to your targets defense. You may throw your oponate up to a Size + brawl roll's success  in yards in distance and opponent is Knocked Down. Deal Strength in damage.
••The Hero's Salom Leap - The Character can jump her maximum distance, carrying up to there strength's carry maximum. This can be combined with other skills and powers such as Hopscotch giving automatic extra success and may be broken up over multiple short leaps. - Cost 1 point of Glamour to use.
•••Running up the Lance - After a successful dodge, the character lands on, and runs up the attacker's weapon to deliver a counterattack.
   WoD/CoD Rules: After successfully dodging an attack, the char leaps onto the attackers weapon and gains two dice to a counter attack. The target must make a Strength + Melee/Weaponry roll and match/exceed the number of successes on this attack or lose there weapon. (dropped or kicked away.) - Cost 1 point of Glamour and last one turn, must be activated before the dodge (in CoD defense would still be doubled)
••••Hero's Twisting Around the Spear - Using the feat, the char charges those using ranged weapons, closing the distance and arriving close enough to engage in melee the NEXT turn.
   WoD Rules: Cost 1 point of glamour and last one turn. Roll Dexterity + Dodge (diff 6+1 per ranged combatant firing on them past 1st). The can make no other actions but the doge however there speed is boosted by +50% per success and they cover an additional x1 there maximum distance per success. In the physical (Autumn) world they 'only' move double there normal speed however.
   CoD Suggested Rules: Cost 1 point of glamour and last one turn. Roll Dexterity + Athletics. The can make no other actions and there defense is doubled, however there speed is boosted by +50% per success and they cover an additional x1 there maximum distance per success. In the physical (Autumn) world they 'only' move double there normal speed however.
••••Shaman's Fire Walking Feat - Gives Fire protection.
  WoD/CoD Rules: Stamina + Survival (dif 7 wod), Each success reduces fire damage by 1 point for 1 turn per success. Cost 1 glamour to use however exceptionally hot or supernatural fires (dragonfire, napalm, ect) may require an additional point(s) of glamour.
•••••Breaking the King's Crown - House Scathach gave up the right to use Sovereign however they where not willing to allow others to use them as pawns and learned to resist forms of mind control.
  WoD/CoD Rules: May spend a point of Glamour to roll Willpower to contest mind control rolls, even when otherwise one may not usually do so.  CoD only - some particularly powerful beings may require more than one point of Glamor.

The Warrior's Halo (House Scathach Martial Arts) - Armed Feats
Scathach was a renowned martial artist and her fighting styles have been passed down to her descendants is a synthesis of mind, body, spirit and Glamour.
Prerequisites: House Scathach, and an equal number of dots in melee/Weaponry to the level they are learning.
•Throw the Staff - The char throws a staff (spear, baseball bat. pool cue. ect), aiming low in an attempt to unbalance his target. This can be combined with cantrips like ensnare to knock down more than one foe at a time. (1 per success on cantrip)
  WoD Rules: Attack as normal +1 diff, Make a contested Dex+Athletics roll. If the opponent fails they lose there action that turn or are +2 difficulty to any actions next turn, at a success they are still +1 diff to there next action.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Attack as normal -1 dice, If success are more than opponents defense they are Knocked Down.
••The Shield Rim Feat - After a successful Shield parry the wielder may attempt a standard weapon attack plus an unsporting riposte with the hard rim of her shield.
  WoD Rules: Split your dice pool for two actions, however BOTH actions get the benefit from the House of Scathach boon.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Attack at -1 dice, then with shield at -2 dice. Lose defense for this round.
•••The Musket Duel Feat- When in a gunfight, the warrior may cloak themselves in gun smoke. This requires the discharge of some sort of firearm, the 'dirtier' the better. Helps to have an extra smokey flintlock to fire the round you use this.
  WoD Rules: Spend 1 point of glamour and roll dex+Stealth, each success reduces the dice an opponent has to attack them (can be divided amount multiple opponents). Difficulty is based off the firearms being fired and the number of them being fired. A cannon or flame through may be a difficultly of 4, a flintlock a 6, while a modern hand gun might be 8 or 9.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Spend 1 point of glamour and gain a bonus for the rest of the turn to your defense based off the gunfire in the area. single modern handgun might not be enough for a bonus, while a few firing may give 1, a flintlock may give 2, while a cannon or flame thrower might give 4... it's up to the ST.
••••The Thunder Feat - The char may throw a small weapon (club, rock, sling-stone) and the weapon will burst with a clap of thunder. May combined with cantrips that cause items to brake such as Primal's Holly Strike.
  WoD Rules: Cost 1 point of Glamour, attack as normal -1 diff, damage id dealt to everything in 5 feet per success, damage is not reduced by range.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Cost 1 point of Glamour, attack as normal +1 dice. Attack targets everyone in 5 feet per success and to the weapon used structure. (or just consider it destroyed to save time)
•••••The Scythe Chariot Feat - The char leaps into the air, spinning into a savage blur, and attacks with a weapon in each hand. Any Cantrip that gives extra action may be used however extra glamour must be spent on each extra action. However such remarkable acts of destruction has caused some to gain bedlam or reach a braking point.
  WoD Rules: Spend 1 point of glamor. Attack as normal, full dice with each weapon.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Spend 1 point of glamor. Attack once with each weapon, lose defense this round. If used to attack more than 2 times in one round, and at least one target is killed, this is a braking point.

The Warrior's Halo (House Scathach Martial Arts) - Commoner Feats

  By entering in an Oath of the Honor Bound Allies letting both of them develop or learn commoner feats. Any fae entered in this oath may teach/develop these feats with another who has taken the oath. (CoD - learning your own kiths feat is half cost if your a commoner)
Prerequisites: Oath of the Honor Bound Allies (see changeling merits for full details) and equal number of dots in unarmed or melee/weapondery (depends on feat) to the level they are learning.
• The Jaw Feat - An unarmed feat (very rarely) taught by Redcaps allows the user to stretch there jaws wide into a frightening visage. (and bite with it!)
  WoD/CoD Rules: Spend 1 glamor and roll str+brawl, lasts one turn per success. They gain +2 damage to bite attacks, +1 dice on intimidation rolls, and can damage structures with there bite. (CoD ignore 1 durability on bite, but not armor.)
•• The Long-Arm Feat - An unarmed feat taught by Sluagh, the char can stretch there body parts out to attack, and can be used with other feats.
  WoD/CoD Rules: Spend 1 glamor, roll dex+athletics (WoD - diff 7), last one round per success. This can not be used in the presence of unenchanted/unawakened/ect and the affects, besides incressed range, are up to the ST and based on the actions. Stretching out for a quick attack could give a boost to initiative, while give bonus dice to avoid grapple, stretching your legs could give bonus to speed and jumping.
••• The Charioteer Goad Feat - An armed feat taught by Nockers that lets one heap verbal abuse upon there weapon until, eager to prove it's wielder wrong, attacks or parries foes on it's own.
  WoD/CoD Rules: Spend 1 point of glamor. Roll Manipulation+Intimidation to attack or parry with a weapon (WoD - use manipulation instead of strength for damage). Your actions are at -1 dice while berating the weapon. Using this with Autumn World weapons require the character to call upon the wyrd. (non chimerical weapons require extra glamor)
••• The Disrespectful Left Side of the Chariot Feat - An unarmed feat taught by Pooka, one taunts a target so fiercely they make a mistake.
  WoD Rules: Roll Manipulation + Persuassion with a difficulty of targets willpower + 4 (max 10). Each success reduces there perception pool by 1 (to a minimum of 2) for there next action. Each future attempt against the same opponent losses efficacy by one success.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Roll Manipulation + Persuassion contested by the targets Resolve + Composure. Each success reduces there perception or ranged attack dice pools by one dice (to a minimum of 2 before penalties) for there next action. Each future attempt against the same opponent is at -1 dice.
  General Suggestion: Exspand this to include all the opponents dice polls.
••• The Tounge of the Satirist Feat - Counting as ether an armed or unarmed this feat taught by Eshu aims to apply the marial focus of the Scathach to the volatile arena of wordplay.
  WoD Rules: Spend 1 point of glamor and roll Manipulation/Charisma + Leadership/Persuasion diff 8, lasts for a half hour per success. lowers diff of persuasion and leadership rolls by 1.
  CoD Suggested Rules: Spend 1 point of glamor and roll Presence/Manipulation + Persuasion/Socialize - 2 dice, last for a half hour per success. Gives +1 dice on persuasion and socialize rolls.
•••• The Apple Feat - An unarmed feat taught by boggans, this feat allows the char to preform an extra noncombat action while engaged in combat. Developed by a famous cef Deuce "Hasty" Blancmange, was said to prepare a seven-course meal while holding off a coterie of hungry redcaps.
  WoD/CoD Rules: Spend 1 point of glamor, roll Dexterity+Athletics (WoD - Diff 7) last one turn per success. Story teller may raise diff/reduce dice for this roll or raise the glamor cost if the action is to complex or the situation to distracting, or they may rule it just impossible. In the human world and in the presence of unenchanted/unawakned can have an impact on this.
••••• The Respectful Right Side of the Chariot Feat - This potent armed or unarmed Troll feat allows the warrior to force an "honorable truce" with an opponent, temporarily forcing the adversary to cease hostilities.
  WoD/CoD Rules: Spend 1 point of Glamor and roll Manipulation + Empathy in a contested roll against the targets permanent Willpower. Success suspends hostilities for the remainder of the scene. Subsequent uses against an enemy give a -1 dice penalty per attempt. If anyone brakes this truce the Dreaming exacts it's revenge (woD gain 1 permanent point of Banality) (CoD this is a major braking point), and they lose 2 points of strength (to a minimum of 1) for the rest of the scene.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:32, Tue 21 Nov 2017.
forum moderator, 1881 posts
seek to understand before
you seek to be understood
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 20:17
  • msg #22

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Cool idea.

For the Vampire section, a lot of the work has already been done for you: link to a message in this forum
member, 626 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 20:37
  • msg #23

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

I wana get even the most obscure of them! lol

My friend gave me a computer that had a LOT of old cWoD pdfs on it so i have a lot to go through.

PDFs I don't have though from cWoD though if anyone has anythign from them it would help:

Chicago Chronicles Volume 1
Chicago Chronicles Volume 2
Chicago Chronicles Volume 3
Cities of Darkness Volume 1
Cities of Darkness Volume 2
Cities of Darkness Volume 3
Vampires Players Guide (2nd Edition) (have 1st)
Vampire Storytellers Handbook (Revised Limited Edition) (have non limited don't know if there is a differance)
Vampire: The Masquerade (1st Edition)
Vampire: The Masquerade (2st Edition)   (only got revised for some reason)
Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised Limited Edition)
War of Ages

Dark Ages: Brujah Chronicles  (;_;)
Dark Ages: Darkening Sky
Dark Ages: Hollowed Ground
Dark Ages: Inquisitor Companion
Dark Ages: Italy
Dark Ages: Vampire (Revised Limited Edition)

Rage Across the World Volume 2 (have 1 and 3)
Tribebook: Fianna (1st Edition) (got revised)
Tribebook: Glaswalkers (1st Edition (got revised)
Werewolf Chonicles Volume 1 (got 2)
Werewolf Players Guide (1st edition (got 2nd)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse (1st edition)  (got 2nd and revised)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Revised Limited Edition)

Mage Chronicles Volume 1
Mage Chronicles Volume 2
Mage Chronicles Volume 3
Mage: The Ascension (Revised Limited Edition)
Michael Kaluta Mage Portfolio (guessing it's art though so no big deal)
member, 627 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Fri 17 Nov 2017
at 20:48
  • msg #24

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

Merits/Flaws added from the following books so far (*had nothing in it):

Autumn People*
Book of Houses 2
Book of Houses*
Book of Lost Dreams*
Book of Lost Houses The Second Coming
Book of Storytellers Secrets*

Changeling Players Guide - up to physical catagory start (pg 34) - taking a brake This is my first players guide, where the bulk of merits/flaws are, this will take a while.
This message was last edited by the user at 22:16, Fri 08 Dec 2017.
member, 628 posts
AIM: Azraile - Dislexic
Dont take my text as mean
Thu 30 Nov 2017
at 06:27
  • msg #25

Cross-system Cross-version Merits

a little slowed by preparing things for an IRL game, once i have everything in order I will get back to working on this though.
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