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00:57, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 3
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 227 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Fri 5 May 2017
at 02:50
  • msg #10

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

In reply to Robert E. Lee Jessup (msg # 9):

"Yep, sounds good." J.P though on what Rob had said for a minute before adding.

"Yes that is why I was hoping the ranger station by the lake might be a good base, I also like fishing and that sounds like a great way to pass the time."

He followed Rob to the next target building.

Darkside Trooper
GM, 641 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Mon 8 May 2017
at 04:33
  • msg #11

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Just as they are about to enter the building Jon and Rob see TAB approaching the range....
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 228 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Mon 8 May 2017
at 04:38
  • msg #12

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 11):

"Looks like we have company." He gives a wave as TAB approaches.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 64 posts
Son of the South
Mon 8 May 2017
at 18:39
  • msg #13

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Robs head whips around at the proclamation of "company" and he seems relieved it is Tab approaching. Walking up to the shed he raps his knuckles loudly on the door then steps back a few steps to wait and listen a few moments before trying to gain entrance.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 644 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 9 May 2017
at 02:07
  • msg #14

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob knocks on the door and hears something abruptly move within the shed. No zombie moan is made, and there is no way to tell if the movement was from an small animal or a person.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 229 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Tue 9 May 2017
at 02:55
  • msg #15

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 14):

"I'll cover you if you want to pop the door." He hands Rob his claw hammer if he needs it.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 645 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 9 May 2017
at 03:01
  • msg #16

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

OOC: Let's wait for TAB to post before opening the door.

BTW the door opens outward.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 65 posts
Son of the South
Tue 9 May 2017
at 19:16
  • msg #17

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob nods and then looks back towards Tab. Stepping off to the side so he is not directly in front of the door in case someone inside decides to open fire. In the most authoritative voice he can muster he declares loudly.

Hey in there! My names Robert and I'm guessing you could see we are military. If you come out we will not harm you. If I have to breach this door I will shoot you in the fucking face. You gotta bout thirty seconds to decide."

He looks over at J.P. and kinda shrugs as if saying, I'm just winging it.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 230 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Wed 10 May 2017
at 23:37
  • msg #18

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

In reply to Robert E. Lee Jessup (msg # 17):

J.P shrugged his shoulders in response, to be honest he thought it might be an animal, either way he held his pistol ready.
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 57 posts
Thu 11 May 2017
at 03:16
  • msg #19

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

TAB softly jogs to where Jonathan and Robert, seeing that both have guns TAB indicates that he will open the allowing both Jonathan and Robert a clear shot.

Grabbing the handle on the door as quietly as possible, TAB also double checks that he can easily access he melee weapon.  He nods to Robert awaiting his command to pull open the door.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 647 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Thu 11 May 2017
at 04:06
  • msg #20

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Tab finds that the door knob is unlocked. All he has to do is continue holding the door knob. take several steps back and to the right open the door to allow Rob and Jon to enter.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 231 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Thu 11 May 2017
at 04:23
  • msg #21

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 20):

Once the door is pulled aside J.P will enter the building his handgun at the ready. He sweeps the building looking for any obvious threats or anything suspicious.

Jonathan Pembersley rolled 22 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 20.  perception roll.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:26, Thu 11 May 2017.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 648 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Fri 12 May 2017
at 02:27
  • msg #22

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Tab opens the door all the way so Jon and Robert can enter. Jon moves to enter the shed first. From the doorway the first this he sees is a row of four women directly in front of him (they appear to be in their late teens or early twenties) tied up (and gagged) to a large wooden table that is in the middle of the shed. The four women look terrified, scared, and there is a puddle of liquid under each woman.

On top of the table is a pile of metal target racks and stacks of paper targets. Jon is unable to see what's on the other side of the table.

From the materials lying about the shed's purpose seems to be the storage of metal target racks of various shapes and sizes along with stacks of paper targets. There are two other tables in the shed which also have metal target racks propped up against them and stacks of paper targets on top of them.

More metal target racks hang from the shed's rafters.

Jon begins to walk into the shed and immediately stops before going through the doorway.

[Private to Jonathan Pembersley: You see a piece of taunt fishing line running across the open door way at chest height. If you hadn't seen it (good thing for that nat 20!) you would have set off some sort of makeshift alarm or booby trap.]

OOC: I have a game map up for group three.

Please let Jon post first. Once everyone has posted please wait for me to get another post up.

Jonathan Pembersley
player, 232 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Fri 12 May 2017
at 02:34
  • msg #23

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

J.P raises his arm to show the others the fishing line at chest height before dropping down and going under it. He rises with his pistol pointed at the the table the woman are up against. He moves out of the way so the others can also go under the fishing line should they choose to.

Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 66 posts
Son of the South
Fri 12 May 2017
at 05:15
  • msg #24

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob kneels down into a defensive crouch. He reinforces to Tab where the tripwire is and then carefully moves under it. Once in the shed he will stay crouched and take up a partial cover defensive position behind the door. Raising his rifle he says to Tab,

"Maybe we ought to just cut one loose at first and see what the fuck is goin on. If the assholes who did this are in the range we could be in trouble."
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 58 posts
Fri 12 May 2017
at 05:52
  • msg #25

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

TAB acknowledges that he sees the fish line trip wire, it was a great catch by the Brit.  TAB holds the door to the shack all the way open with his back to it in a crouched position.  Taking up more of a look out position.  TAB's vain attempt at trying to keep an eye out for anyone coming from behind or from above.  TAB couldn't see everything that was going on inside due to his eye's not adjusting to the dark environment by staying outside.  But he heard what Robert said and agreed it was not a bad idea.

"Robert keep your hands clear of their mouths though, they might have been bit or something.  Better yet leave the gag on and just get them to nod yes or shake there head for no." 

TAB spoke in a audible but hushed tone.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 650 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Fri 12 May 2017
at 15:45
  • msg #26

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

OOC: The door opened outwards So there is no way for Rob to use it for cover unless he's practically under the trip wire.

Let me know if this is where everybody intends to be." data-lightbox="images-msg-26">" alt=''>
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 67 posts
Son of the South
Fri 12 May 2017
at 19:41
  • msg #27

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob covered the door from just inside the entrance to the shed until Tab took over. Once inside Rob stands approaches the female captives.

 "Okay ladies please try to stay calm. I'm gonna start by removing the gag from one of you and you can tell us what is going on. After that we can all get the hell out of here."

Rob chooses the woman who appears the most composed given their current predicament. He draws his bayonet from the sheath and moves to carefully cut the gag off.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:42, Fri 12 May 2017.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 233 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Fri 12 May 2017
at 21:27
  • msg #28

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Covering Rob as he worked J.P continued to train his gun on the barricade across the table. Moving to the left slightly so he is able to cover the while thing.

Darkside Trooper
GM, 653 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Fri 12 May 2017
at 22:33
  • msg #29

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Jon covers Rob as he leans down to cut the gag off one of the women. Before Rob can begin cutting the gag away a voice from the far right side of the shed speaks out: "A military man wouldn't have come in here after seeing my trip wire."

Three men then appear out from behind various places of cover within the shed.

One man peeks up from behind the wooden table the women are tied up to pointing a double barreled shotgun at Jon. The two men are less then five feet from each other and are pointing guns at each other's faces.

From the far right corner a man peeks out behind a stack of paper targets aiming an Uzi at Rob, Jon and the four tied up women.

From the far side of the far right table in the shed a man leans out (probably the one who spoke) aiming a military grade assault rifle that looks like its fully decked out like the soldiers had on the Air Force Base. The laser from the assault rifle sweeps across both Rob and Jon. This same man speaks again. "Put your guns down on the ground, no one needs to die here today."

OOC: If you want to start shooting please post a full melee's worth of actions in your next post.

[Private to Robert E. Lee Jessup: It will take you one action to get a gun trained on one of the bad guys.]

[Private to Tiberus Asimov Blackiron: You can't see the Uzi guy or the dude speaking. But they can't see you either.]
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 234 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Sat 13 May 2017
at 03:27
  • msg #30

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

"Well it did not take you fuckers long to go feral. Now put down your weapons and I won't have the M2 on the truck outside tear this place apart."

"You have fuck all time to make up your minds."

Jonathan Pembersley rolled 8 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 4.  Shot 3.
Jonathan Pembersley rolled 17 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 13.  Shot 2.
Jonathan Pembersley rolled 12 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 8.  Shot 1.

Jonathan Pembersley rolled 7 using 3d6 with rolls of 3,3,1.  Damage.
Jonathan Pembersley rolled 5 using 3d6 with rolls of 2,1,2.  Damage.

Jonathan Pembersley rolled 10 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 2.  Dodge.

More crap rolls.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:13, Tue 16 May 2017.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 655 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Mon 15 May 2017
at 17:38
  • msg #31

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

OOC: I'm waiting for Robband Tab to post.  Just want to make sure they seen the current situation and have a chance to respond or at least post some thoughts (probably along the lines of 'oh shit').
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 68 posts
Son of the South
Mon 15 May 2017
at 21:51
  • msg #32

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob freezes as he starts to reach towards his bayonet. His heart feels like it is about to pound through his chest. He closes his eyes only for a moment, long enough to take in a big deep breath, but it seems like much longer in his head. Everyone has heard of the whole life flashing before your eyes bullshit but for Rob its more like a couple of the "Greatest Hits" and they provide no comfort. Exhaling he opens his eyes and he is visibly calm. He speaks looking directly at the man with the tricked out AR, his voice is steady and lacks emotion. His facial expression is even close to lifeless looking. Rob is young and ignorant but he is not stupid. He can see these men have the proverbial "drop" on them.

"Ya'll can go ahead and put me outta my fuckin misery. Im from Texas and we don't give up our guns."

Provided the shooting doesn't immediately start Rob without changing stance, tonal quality or expression continues.

"I've had a couple 1st place finishes in three gun competition so the way I see this going down is if you dont put one through my brain with your first shot I will get ya. Shakey over there with the Jew gun will hose me and these bitches down. Jon and the farmer with the scattergun will probably kill each other and our buddy by the door will run off and im not sure why he ain't already."

Once again Rob pauses and if no one is yet shooting he will continue. This time with a little grit is his voice. Which is probably far less intimidating then his monotone sociopath voice.

"We was just lookin for supplies. I don't give a shit about ya'll or your little fuck-buddies here. My pops was on death row in Livingston for human traficking when all this went down so beleive me ive seen worse and couldn't care less. Im gonna back out of here, duck under your little booby trap and scoot. Or you can fuckin commence to shootin!"

Rob shows teeth in a rictus grin his whole body tenses in anticiaption of whats to come.

"OOC: If they let him go great if not Robs plan, if he doesnt die immediately, is to dive to the left firing wildly in the direction of the guy with the AR. Once on the ground he will roll and continue firing as fast as his finger will pull the trigger until he is dead or the mag is empty. He will enact his suicidal plan if at any point in the conversation things go south. I included two dodges and five shots to represent my full range of attacks using the house rules for firing wild.

20:38, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 9 using 1d20 with rolls of 9.  shot 5 burst fire.
20:37, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 3 using 1d20 with rolls of 3.  shot 4 burst fire. (MISS)
20:36, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 6 using 1d20 with rolls of 6.  shot 3 burst fire.
20:36, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 20 using 1d20 with rolls of 20.  shot 2 wildfire.(NATURAL 20)
20:35, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 5 using 1d20 with rolls of 5.  shot 1 ( wild fire).
20:33, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 10 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 5.  dodge.
20:32, Yesterday: Robert E. Lee Jessup rolled 10 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 5.  dodge

This message was last edited by the player at 22:00, Mon 15 May 2017.
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 59 posts
Tue 16 May 2017
at 02:40
  • msg #33

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

TAB had been thinking what would in the world would be good options in this situation and his brain was jammed up until Rob decided to let the cat outta the bag.  If they got of out this TAB was gonna punch Rob.  TAB's mind raced, almost panic stricken, collecting himself quickly and taking a calming breath TAB listens to hear if anyone is coming to verify his location.  TAB unsheathes his bayonet and machete and remains crouching weapons at the ready.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 661 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sun 21 May 2017
at 22:55
  • msg #34

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob is allowed to speak his peace of mind, but as soon as he backs up and tries to leave the shooting begins.....

Jon and the guy with the double barreled shotgun shoot each other simultaneously.  While the guy with the shot gun crumples to the ground, Jon is sent flying back four feet from the kinetic force of a pair of 12 gauge buck shot shells being fired into his upper body.

As Jon flies back he triggers the tripwire he and Rob had ducked under. The booby trap is an axe comes swinging down to hit a person at head level. But no person is there so the axe just swings back and forth. Jon lands on the ground and lies halfway outside the shed's doorway. Lying on the ground stunned for several seconds Jon's mind tries to register what just happened......

TAB armed with only a machete and bayonet moves away from the door as the shooting starts. Jon lands practically where TAB just was.  Not wanting to rush into the shed into a hail of gunfire TAB just hunkers down and waits.

Rob tries to avoid getting shot by the first shot fired but is stuck in the right side of his chest. The rifle round impact throws off Rob's aim and he puts a three round burst into the ceiling of the shed. The impact from the rifle round is such that Rob doesn't even feel the single bullet fired from the Uzi that hits him as well.

As Rob rolls towards the door and partial cover he's hits a second time by the guy firing the assault rifle, this time the bullet hit him in his back SAPI plate. But Rob does avoid taking a burst of fire from the guy with the Uzi. Unfortunately the burst from the Uzi hits one of the tied up women who spasms and kicks for a few seconds before going limp. Rob's second three round burst with his M16A2 hits the guy with the assault rifle center mass. The guy with the rifle lets out a shortened yell as he is slammed into the side of the shed.

With both Rob and the Uzi guy in partial cover consisting of stacks of paper targets, the two both fire at each other and miss. They then fire at each other again and hit each other. The guy with the Uzi takes three 5.56mm rifle rounds to the face which essentially disintegrates his head and skull. Rob on the other hand gets hit by a burst of 9mm slugs along his left side. The impacts knocks Rob on his back. The one bullet that his his helmet stuns him for a few seconds.

As Rob lies on the ground, he vaguely sees the guy with the shotgun get up from behind the table. As the guy with the shotgun moves to the side of the table he raises the shotgun at Rob's head one handed, with his left arm just kinda hangs down at his side.....

Jon comes out of his daze and sees the guy with the double barreled shotgun raising it at Rob. Jon in turn raises his right hand, still grasping the M92F Berretta and shots the guy with the shotgun in the head.

OOC: Well if Rob or Jon hadn't been wearing armor they'd be dead. I also hope somebody here has first aid....each of you does have an individual first aid kit.

Individual 1st Aid Kit
  • 1 Utility Pouch
  • 1 Tourniquet
  • 1 Elastic bandage kit
  • 1 Bandage GA4-1/2” 100’s
  • 1 Surgical adhesive tape
  • 1 Nasopharyngeal airway kit
  • 4 Surgical gloves
  • 1 Combat gauze dressing

Damage totals to Jon
06 SDC to left shoulder armor
03 SDC and 03 HP to left forearm (this is a bullet wound, you are bleeding, and will lose one HP per minute)
03 SDC to throat protector
11 SDC to vest
02 SDC to Face shield
06 SDC to Helmet
03 SDC and 02 HP to left forearm (this is a bullet wound, you are bleeding, and will lose one HP per minute)
02 SDC to right shoulder armor

08 SDC from the shotgun blast impact (this is just bruising)

Damage totals to Rob
05 SDC and 04 HP to Left arm (this is a bullet wound, you are bleeding, and will lose one HP per minute)
17 SDC to left shoulder armor
32 SDC to Torso armor
17 SDC to front SAPI plate
18 to back SAPI plate
07 SDC to helmet

23 SDC from the bullet impacts (this is just bruising)

Action 1
15:38, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 15 using 1d20 with rolls of 15.  Shotgun guy shoot Jon +4 (double buckshot).
unat 19
15:47, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 41 using 10d6 with rolls of 6,6,3,5,4,2,2,6,5,2. Shotgun dmg to Jon.
41 SDC

15:39, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 1 using 1d2 with rolls of 1.  Rifle guy shoot 1= rob 2= Jon.
15:45, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 5 using 1d20 with rolls of 5.  Rifle guy shoot rob +2.
21:13, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 17 using 5d6 with rolls of 2,4,6,3,2.
Unat 7 (17 SDC to front SAPI plate, 5 SDC to Rob from the impact)

15:38, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 1 using 1d2 with rolls of 1.  uzi guy shoot 1= rob 2= Jon.
15:39, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 15 using 1d20 with rolls of 15.  Uzi guy shot Rob +1.
15:49, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper rolled 11 using 3d6 with rolls of 2,5,4.  Uzi Dmg to Rob.
Unat 16 (11 SDC to torso armor, 3 SDC to Rob from the impact)

Action 2
21:12, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7.  Rifle guy shoot rob +2.
21:19, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 18 using 5d6 with rolls of 3,3,4,6,2.
Unat 9 (18 to back SAPI plate, 6 SDC to Rob from the impact)

Action 3-4
21:38, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 23 using 2d20 with rolls of 4,19.  Uzi guy shoot at Rob (bursts) +1.

21:45, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 54 using 18d6 with rolls of 1,3,5,3,4,1,3,5,1,6,1,6,3,1,4,1,3,3.  Uzi Dmg to Rob (6 rd burst).

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