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01:31, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Las Vegas, Nevada: Main Group.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 1
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 94 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2018
at 02:53
  • msg #502

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 501):

"Well I am not sure why you are set on burying the corpse even after what I have heard lately among the group, but I am game to help just so we can get a move on and no one should be alone at times like these.  Born and raised on a ranch so I don't mind shoveling much, my real question is where would you like to be digging this said hole."

Not super comfortable with this whole new un-dead thing TAB kinda pokes at all the bodies with his shovel as he makes his way to the corpse of the covered lady going so far as to push into the body lightly with the shovel also.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:26, Sat 10 Feb 2018.
Eddie Thomas
player, 55 posts
Mafia Enforcer
Tue 23 Jan 2018
at 08:02
  • msg #503

Re: After the rescue

Eddie walks to the M924A2  and climbs into the bed to use as a vantage point as he keeps lookout for enemies and others

00:01, Today: Eddie Thomas rolled 4 using 1d20 with rolls of 4.  perception.

00:02, Today: Eddie Thomas rolled 77 using 1d100 with rolls of 77.  Surveillance 60%.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 658 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Tue 23 Jan 2018
at 10:18
  • msg #504

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Tiberus Asimov Blackiron (msg # 502):

Having cleared the area, Laney holstered her pistol. "Thanks for helping, TAB. Don't worry, honey, she ain't gonna bite you." Studying the corpse for a moment, she composed her thoughts.

"Why we doin' this for her? You know, I guess I seen more death than all yall put together. Just a fact. At least "before". It's just what you do. Most folks could just ignore death, and now they can't they kind of, you know, confused. They don't know what the rules are anymore for anything, go a little crazy. I say let's make our own rules, and one of mine is we don't leave dead folks lyin' around like garbage. I guess that's all I got to say for now."

Surprisingly she didn't ask for help in moving the body. Instead she grabbed the corpse and expertly slung it over a shoulder in a fireman's carry. "Ooof! Up you go! TAB... honey... please... get the door?"
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 104 posts
Son of the South
Fri 26 Jan 2018
at 05:40
  • msg #505

Re: After the rescue

Cradling his injured arm against his chest Rob lays his head in the crook of his other arm resting on the machinegun. Only seconds later snoring can be heard coming from him.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 659 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 26 Jan 2018
at 09:30
  • msg #506

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Robert E. Lee Jessup (msg # 505):

Once she staggered outside carrying the body, Laney lumbered over to a soft spot. It would be nice if there was shade or greenery but it was all desert. A few scrub bushes was all there were, here and there. She lay the body down as gently as possible. "Looks as good a spot as any. Let's get diggin'."
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 95 posts
Sat 27 Jan 2018
at 06:08
  • msg #507

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 506):

Shrugging his shoulders in minor indifference at the location Laney picked, TAB hoists his shovel and sets to work.

"I am sure you are no foreigner to labor Laney, but why don't you let me dig the hole.  Just keep an eye on the surroundings is all I ask, those dead heads that seemed to be directing the other ones kinda  makes me even more cautious, well freaked out to honest.  First it sure as shit ain't natural what has been going on and them being so hard to kill, now we have smart ones, who knows what else the hell they can be."

TAB puts shovel to dirt and goes to town digging hole deep enough that when buried wild animals should have a hard time finding it.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:24, Sat 10 Feb 2018.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 660 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sun 28 Jan 2018
at 03:41
  • msg #508

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Tiberus Asimov Blackiron (msg # 507):

Having worked up a sweat, Laney gave way and stepped out of the admittedly shallow trench she'd scraped out of the sand. "Whew. Ok. Just tell me if you want to switch off."

She planted the shovel and started scanning the area, hand on the butt of her holstered pistol.

"So TAB, if you can spare the breath, mind telling me what you were up to before you came to Nellis? You sound like you are from somewhere north. Not from Nevada."
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 96 posts
Mon 29 Jan 2018
at 05:40
  • msg #509

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 508):

Not breaking rhythm when Laney asked her questions TAB keeps at the task at hand.

"No not from Nevada, from a little town in Idaho called Fairfield, probably not about twelve hours from here.  Family runs an alright ranch, but wasn't for me so I have been living in Los Angeles as a martial combat choreographer, mostly specializing historical accuracy of combat formations.  I was in Vegas just cause I was passing through to head home to share the news of a job I got on a TV show as a choreographer and minor cast member.  Mom will be pissed if I don't tell her face to face, they were alright last time I talked to them, when I tried at the base I kept getting the answering machine."
TAB paused for a moment while shoveling, made a sound disgust at himself shaking his head and then a short little laugh, with that he was back to shoveling.  Had to get this task done and move out as soon as possible.

"Guess with whats going on I am out a job."

TAB found the sandy ground a rather bit softer compared to the earth that was around his home, probably due to it's proximity to the mountains in the area.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 661 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Mon 29 Jan 2018
at 10:04
  • msg #510

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Tiberus Asimov Blackiron (msg # 509):

Laney chuckled as she scanned the surroundings. "Out of a job? I don't think so. Maybe the one you were hired to do, but now we can do whatever we want to and got the skills to back up. Ain't no one gonna tell us different any more. Besides, bonkin' folks over the head sure could come in handy!"
Darkside Trooper
GM, 773 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sun 4 Feb 2018
at 18:09
  • msg #511

Re: After the rescue

While Laney and TAB bury the dead woman, Joint finishes removing the CB from the blue pickup truck.

Once the two tasks are complete, the woamn with the sniper rifles asks to ride in the passenger seat of the cargo truck so she can point out directions to where they will be going.

Most of the route to where this 'safe haven' is off road, and for good reason. About a quarter mile is spent driving east along the shoulder of Hwy 147. The Highway itself is packed with stalled vehicles. There is also a number of Zombies present, but they are left in the dust.

The destination turns out to be a row of mansions on Hardrock St. Four of the mansions have people serving as look out. When they see the Cargo truck and MRAP a few begin to point weapons at the vehicles. The woman with the sniper rifle climbs up out of the turret hatch of the cargo truck and waves. At the point the weapons (rifles mostly, but a few pistols) are lowered.

The two vehicles pull into the courtyard of the 2nd mansion....

OOC: Refer to the game map for an idea of where your at.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 662 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Wed 7 Feb 2018
at 10:04
  • msg #512

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 511):

On the short trip over Laney checked that the NVGs were plugged in for charging. You never knew what the night would bring.

When they arrived she waved and held her hands up to show they were empty.

"Everyone, just be cool. Don't go pointin' no guns." She picked up the Motorola.

"Hey handsome, make sure no one's pointin' any guns at these folks. We don't want to start no fights here. Copy?"
Arani Vasingis
player, 207 posts
Bullets don't care
how dead you are
Wed 7 Feb 2018
at 12:07
  • msg #513

Re: After the rescue

- "Yep, no sense in going around making more enemies than we signed up for."

Arani nodded in agreement with Laney's message, and took a deep breath as she looked at the houses up ahead.

- "Hope they got ammo for trade, my gun's been running on fumes since we left Vegas."
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 105 posts
Son of the South
Wed 7 Feb 2018
at 15:43
  • msg #514

Re: After the rescue

Pulling up into the row of mansions Rob seems nervous, paranoid even. He sees the people in the lookout posts with their weapons trained on them so of course Rob swivels the machine gun up in their direction and begins going through a progression from left to right. His finger twitches nervously alongside the trigger guard as he prepares to fire at the first hint of aggression. When the lady waves her people off Rob will let the gun down to rest but still keeps it facing forward in the general direction of the mansion. Leaning down into the MRAP he says loud enough to be heard by those inside.

"If I was running this little compound I would welcome us in and then ambush us once we are out of the vehicle and our guard is down."
Player, 114 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2018
at 17:20
  • msg #515

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Robert E. Lee Jessup (msg # 514):

Joint had taken back the drivers seat from Luke as they drove to the mansions, arriving made Joint nervous they were on these peoples territory and they had the advantage of position.

"I agree Robert, anyone that can keep their eyes peeled keep them that way.  Trust needs to be hard earned right now and we are here to drop off the rescues and then get to task at the Major gave us.  Should things get hairy we will just punch it in reverse."

With that Joint stays twenty feet back from the cargo truck.
Eddie Thomas
player, 56 posts
Mafia Enforcer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 09:44
  • msg #516

Re: After the rescue

Eddie stay in the bed of the truck as he keeps a lookout for the truck and surveys the possible shitstorm brewing. He keeps his rifle lowered but held in one hand more for stability than non threatening

01:44, Today: Eddie Thomas rolled 10 using 1d20 with rolls of 10.  perception.
01:44, Today: Eddie Thomas rolled 92 using 1d100 with rolls of 92.  Surveillance 60%.
Arani Vasingis
player, 208 posts
Bullets don't care
how dead you are
Sun 11 Feb 2018
at 00:07
  • msg #517

Re: After the rescue

Arani shrugged, and followed suit by keeping an eye on the group they were now approaching as well. There were moments that she thought she saw something from the corner of her eye, but nothing shouted 'out of the ordinary' to her and some nervousness was to be expected.

01:05, Today: Arani Vasingis rolled 12 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 11.  Perception.
01:05, Today: Arani Vasingis rolled 56 using 1d100 with rolls of 56.  Surveillance 55%.

Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 664 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sun 11 Feb 2018
at 06:53
  • msg #518

Re: After the rescue

"If we were smarter we would have parked the MaxPro outside the perimeter so they could... intervene if we get into trouble. Too late for that now, and I guess if we are going to trust these folks to back our play at Hoover Dam, may as well start now.

"Handsome, keep the radio on. I'm goin' to keep transmittin' If I say "Baton Rouge" then yall will know we're in trouble and the shootin's about to start."

Laney set her Motorola to VOX so that it would transmit her voice without pushing the button (PTT) and dismounted.

She made sure the women they were transferring here were being let off all right. Then asked the women, "Nice place yall got here. So, uh, take me to your leader?"
Darkside Trooper
GM, 775 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Wed 14 Feb 2018
at 03:06
  • msg #519

Re: After the rescue

Lany, (and whom ever follows her) is led into the mansion by the woam with the sniper rifle.

Isabel Tsang helps the three battered women out of the MRAP and they too are led into the mansion.

Those left outside and in the vehicles watch as soem of the people they just rescued reunite with thier friends and loved ones. There seems to be a lot of gratitude going around. But the general population of this place (mostly women, children and old people) are kept from directly approaching the trucks and the exact reason why is "until things are figured out".

This of course doesn't stop some people from asking questions. Mostly along the lines of if the people in the MRAP in Cargo Truck are part of the military.

OOC: If you are following Lany into the mansion post here IC so I know that you are so I can add you to that thread.
Arani Vasingis
player, 210 posts
Bullets don't care
how dead you are
Thu 15 Feb 2018
at 02:57
  • msg #520

Re: After the rescue

Arani left the vehicle as well when Laney dismounted. A look over her shoulder told her that there were a lot of grateful people to see their loved ones return, which should make it at the very least somewhat contested should the situation turn ugly. She was pleased to see the local guards understood enough of their duty to ensure the people didn't get too close to the truck until the pending negotiations were over with too, it seemed like a pretty good setup here. She leaned closer to Laney, keeping her voice down.

- "Looks like we managed to save their main salvage party from the looks of it."

She'd continue walking and looking around, mostly checking for any weaknesses in the defenses. Whether they'd end up pointing them out or exploiting them would depend on what would happen next.
Eddie Thomas
player, 57 posts
Mafia Enforcer
Fri 16 Feb 2018
at 11:15
  • msg #521

Re: After the rescue

Eddie follows Laney, providing an escort as they move inside the building

Eddie keeps a lookout and alert as they move, keeping his rifle slung on his back

03:14, Today: Eddie Thomas rolled 6 using 1d20 with rolls of 6.  perception.
03:15, Today: Eddie Thomas rolled 70 using 1d100 with rolls of 70.  Surveillance 60%.
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 666 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 16 Feb 2018
at 22:15
  • msg #522

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 519):

Laney had gone in unarmed. It seemed there was enough people around to disarm them if they had a notion.

However, her radio was set to VOX, meaning it acted like a hands-free telephone, transmitting everything that was said around them.

"Handsome, the radio is set to hands-free. Yall should be able to hear everything we say. But if you transmit back everyone can hear that as well on the speaker."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:21, Fri 16 Feb 2018.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 251 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Sat 17 Feb 2018
at 03:03
  • msg #523

Re: After the rescue

J.P stayed seated as he did not want to bung his arm around anymore then had already happened. He watched what was going on from a window before he gets bored and turns to try and get some sleep.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:40, Sat 17 Mar 2018.
Annabelle Wright
player, 73 posts
Fastest Legs in the West
Sat 17 Feb 2018
at 03:09
  • msg #524

Re: After the rescue

After they arrive Annabelle dropped down from the truck and took in the surrounding compound and its inhabitants. She followed the others into the mansion keen to see what was going on and if they might be able to get some help.

As much as she could she tried to keep and eye out for trouble or anything out of the ordinary about the place.

Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 106 posts
Son of the South
Sat 17 Feb 2018
at 04:23
  • msg #525

Re: After the rescue

Leaning down so the people in the MRAP can hear he says,

"This place will be overrun anytime by the looks of it. Location is shit and its full of kids and old folks." 

Sitting back up Rob settles into the turret and prepares to wait for awhile. Before long he is once again asleep. His head nestled in the crook of his good arm while his injured one lays across his lap.
Player, 116 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2018
at 15:34
  • msg #526

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 522):

"Rodger dodger"

Joint sat back in the seat and kept an ear out for any ques of trouble while listening to Rob's blunt but know doubt accurate assessment of this locations defensive capabilities.
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