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01:36, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Las Vegas, Nevada: Main Group.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 1
Darkside Trooper
GM, 780 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sun 25 Feb 2018
at 17:46
  • msg #527

Re: After the rescue

Joint keeps an eye out and doesn't see any trouble brewing.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 108 posts
Son of the South
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 01:16
  • msg #528

Re: After the rescue

With deep bruising from multiple round impacts and a hole through his arm it is not long before Rob falls into a deep sleep. While his body tries to conserve energy so it can recuperate Rob lets loose a horrendous fart. The aftermath of which fumigates the cabin of the MRAP with odor that seems like a mix of sulphur, feces and tear gas.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:17, Wed 21 Mar 2018.
Annabelle Wright
player, 75 posts
Fastest Legs in the West
Wed 4 Apr 2018
at 05:15
  • msg #529

Re: After the rescue

Following the others out Annabelle moves towards the truck and the takes a seat near the vehicle if she is able. To no one in particular she asks "I wonder how long places like this can hope to last ? I mean if the army base ended up being over run how can some place like this with next to no fences manage to do it ?"

Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 677 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Thu 5 Apr 2018
at 06:17
  • msg #530

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Annabelle Wright (msg # 529):

Once she returned Laney explained the situation.

"Who knows? Depends on if the crazies move around or stay in one place. I heard some soldiers at Nellis say they could never hold it forever, it was just too big. Maybe this ain't permanent and these folks are planning on moving on? Either way, not our concern.

"Either way, the plan is to stay here for the evening. Then tonight have a look at the dam. If we can, go in before morning. They will make us food, they got water for showers and bed for us to sleep in.

"You all heard the rules. We can go around armed, just be careful. The stuff we have now is ours, anything we find later gets shared as long as we're here.

"The big man doesn't know anything about grenade launchers but we can ask his people if someone has training and can instruct us. I never specifically asked about if they want to join forces to take on the cultists at the dam but I think he'll go for it for an equal share of anything we find at the dam or take off the cultists. It's a good deal, we need all the help we can get."

Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 109 posts
Son of the South
Sat 7 Apr 2018
at 18:19
  • msg #531

Re: After the rescue

Rob stirs as the others return and he listens to what is going on. It goes against his better judgement to stay here any longer than is necessary but he is also wounded, filthy and in need of sleep. Gathering up his gear and favoring his arm Rob awkwardly climbs down from the MRAP.

"Sounds good to me. And ya know boss it may be our concern what these folks plan is. Might be one of us decides were better off with all these future zombies than attacking a bunch of cultists. Or it might be good to know where they plan on holing up eventually in case it becomes necessary to relieve them of their resources."

Rob gives Laney a wink. He turns to a group of some nearby gawkers and in a much more congenial tone than is his norm he calls out.

"Hey ya'll i'm Rob. I got shot up today out there with your people and I was hopin for a shower and a bed. Oh yeah and if ya know anyone who wants to trade for some ammo or something I could really use some nicotine, caffeine and weed in that order. Nice to meet ya'll and thanks for your hospitality."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 678 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 04:23
  • msg #532

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Robert E. Lee Jessup (msg # 531):

Laney hotly retorted, "no, damn it, we don't want to rob, we'll want to trade! Oh... you're just fucking with me. Very mature." She managed a chuckle at how efficiently Rob had pushed her buttons, an impressive feat. She also guessed he was mostly joking. Maybe.
Eddie Thomas
player, 59 posts
Mafia Enforcer
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 08:18
  • msg #533

Re: After the rescue

Eddie just follows and listens to the other's talk and plan

"I say we ask them if they want to help, since the worst they say is no. Who knows maybe we can clear the dam itself and make a fort but that best case"

[Private to GM: mental note keep eye on rob]
Darkside Trooper
GM, 786 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 04:11
  • msg #534

Re: After the rescue

Those who are interested are able to get a shower consisting of lukewarm water. Everyone is able to get a decent meal and while there are not beds for everyone there are few rooms set aside for people to sleep in if they want a few hours of rest.

Rob hooks up with some chick, smokes a joint with her and then the two fuck in some corner of the mansion away from prying eyes and ears.

Laney makes a few inquires and doesn't find anybody who knows how to use the grenade launcher. Of course it doesn't look too hard to use, just point and shoot.

Arani, having previous worked in law enforcement is able to show anyone who wants how to don and clear a gas mask.

Four people from the mansions compound volunteer to go back out with Laney and her crew. All four men were among those previously saved at the firing range.

OOC: Ok so now is the tiem for people to post and let me know they are still playing. Don't post and your character is going to stay behind (for some reason or another). A player could also decide to stay behind as their own choice.
Isabel Tsang
player, 42 posts
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 04:14
  • msg #535

Re: After the rescue


Isabel informs Laney that one of the three women who were rescued is in bad shape and needs constant attention. As such Isael states that as a doctor he skills are better put to use here at the mansion.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 252 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 04:20
  • msg #536

Re: After the rescue

J.P was happy being able to get a shower he had slept for what seem like an age in the back of the APC. Now he was clean and feed he was in a much better mood and even though the next task might be beyond his skills he at least wanted to come along for the ride.

He waits for the others at the APC cigarette in hand and a half smile on his face for when the rest of the group arrive.

Annabelle Wright
player, 76 posts
Fastest Legs in the West
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 04:24
  • msg #537

Re: After the rescue

Anabelle had spent the time getting the dust of the road out of her hair and a layer of it off her skin. She had also managed to get a few hours sleep which was strange as stress usually had her up all night, it was one of the reasons she had jacked her medical studies and found a more humdrum existence.

Perhaps it was that she was just that tired... either way she felt better for the rest and was now ready to go. She would take up the position in the gun ring in the truck if no one was there first or put their hand up when she asked.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 110 posts
Son of the South
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 01:11
  • msg #538

Re: After the rescue

Rob wakes up and is relieved to see the girl he hooked up with is elsewhere. He was happy to get high and relatively happy about getting laid but he has no interest in conversation. It takes him awhile to get all his gear back on with his arm still hurting but he manages. He makes his way back out to the APC and sits down next to it resting in the shade.

"Ain't it grand havin nothin but shit choices in front of ya? Oh well it beats havin to fill out fuckin student loan applications."
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 679 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 03:29
  • msg #539

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Isabel Tsang (msg # 535):

Laney nodded in agreement with Isabel's decision.

"I understand. Anyone gets hurt tonight, I reckon I can keep them alive until we get back here.

"Say, can you set up some kind of aid station or operating room here? In case someone gets shot or the hostages are in bad shape."

Isabel Tsang
player, 43 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 03:43
  • msg #540

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael (msg # 539):


"Yes, I can probably get something set up in case the worst happens." With that Isabel walks off to talk to the guy in charge.
Eddie Thomas
player, 60 posts
Mafia Enforcer
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 06:40
  • msg #541

Re: After the rescue

Eddie takes tyhe time to get a shower, food and some sleep without worrying about an attack
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 680 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 08:01
  • msg #542

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Isabel Tsang (msg # 540):

After her nap and actually pretty refreshing shower, Laney finished towelling off. She checked the walkie-talkies and NVGs to make sure they were finished charging.

"Cool. Good luck, let us know what the deal is. And find out if they got a CB radio here we can communicate with them on.

"Maybe me or Joint can wire that CB we salvaged back at the range to work in the armoured truck. Without instruction or a manual I don't see much hope in gettin' them military radios working.

"The way I see it we got two things we gotta do: rescue the hostages and then smoke as many cultists as we can. Probably gonna be a high priest or leader, we gotta make sure to zap 'im as well, the most important thing.

"So here's my idea. While it's dark we have a look, see where they're located. If there's any sentries, see if the honcho leaves to go outside so we can ice him. (See, I figured they could'a avoided the whole Waco/Branch Davidian thing if they grabbed Korresh when he went out for smokes or groceries, which he often did; and the FBI learned their lesson and jacked ol' Black prophet Dwight York after he left the Nuwabian compound when the Feds busted that African-American cult without a shot fired. True story.)

"When we're ready we send one group in the rear to locate and bust out the prisoners, and another waits with the trucks. Then we use tear gas to flush cultists out the front, mow them down with the machine-gun."

Player, 118 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 13:51
  • msg #543

Re: After the rescue

Joint had locked the MRAP up once everyone had left and went and had a quick wash and then head back to it.  He had slept on one of the benches and was good to go once everyone showed up.  He listened to her plan and no doubt had a squirrel look on his face as it sounded as she watched to many combat movies, but a plan was a plan.

[Private to GM: 07:50, Today: Secret Roll: Joint rolled 35 using 1d100 with rolls of 35. hooking up radio in vehicle Laney wants. Success]
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 681 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 04:09
  • msg #544

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Joint (msg # 543):

Laney paused to inventory the bag with the 6-shot grenade launcher, 40mm grenades and a dozen canisters. She also counted the gas masks.

"Oh, I asked Isabel to set up a kind of trauma centre here.

"Let's check around and see if any of these houses has a picture of Hoover Dam, where the cultists are at. I've been there a few years back and once on a call but it'll help to have something to look at to get our bearings. Maybe someone's got a library of coffee-table books, souvenir brochure, you never know. Maybe one will have a detailed inside or outside map."

Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 111 posts
Son of the South
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 15:12
  • msg #545

Re: After the rescue

Rob listens to the plan tight-lipped, eyes averted and with his typical on edge attitude that makes it seem like he is on the brink of an outburst. He nods and shrugs simultaneously sending ambiguous signals. Almost as if saying I understand and what the fuck ever at the same time. Getting up he wanders off to one of the backyards of a neighboring home for about five or ten minutes. He sees a few people but takes steps to avoid them. After pissing on a rosebush he absconds with a patio chair and takes it back to the MRAP. If anyone asks he says he was not able to find anything useful other than the chair which he intends to nap in until they roll out and the shit-show gets properly underway.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:25, Sat 14 Apr 2018.
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 97 posts
Sun 15 Apr 2018
at 04:23
  • msg #546

Re: After the rescue

TAB listens to the plan and like everyone else doesn't really give a shit anymore they had stuff to get done. He lightly jogs from house to house rummaging through whatever books he can find even asking a couple of the local people of they have anything.  Once done he heads back to the the MRAP.  TAB also if the opportunity presents itself fabricates him self a crude sword from a lawnmower blade.

[Private to GM: 15:41, Today: Secret Roll: Tiberus Asimov Blackiron rolled 35 using 1d100 with rolls of 35.  Literacy: English 82%.  Quickly scanning and reading the books that he came across
This message was last edited by the player at 21:45, Sun 15 Apr 2018.
Eddie Thomas
player, 61 posts
Mafia Enforcer
Sun 15 Apr 2018
at 06:55
  • msg #547

Re: After the rescue

Eddie listens to the plan "Kill the head and the snake will follow" then adds
"We could also use the cultist clothes in to get closer to the prisioners once we get some i mean"
Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 682 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Thu 19 Apr 2018
at 08:24
  • msg #548

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Eddie Thomas (msg # 547):

"There were a couple dead cultists, I think? I saw one or two at the range but it was dark in there, couldn't see much. I don't think they were wearing anything special. Small group, probably everyone knows everyone else. I could be wrong."

For her own search she checked out any living rooms, studies, personal libraries, kids rooms (homework) and so on for any maps of Hoover Dam, pictures, photos, floor plans, etc.

01:24, Today: Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael rolled 9 using 1d20 with rolls of 9.  Perception check.

Darkside Trooper
GM, 790 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sat 21 Apr 2018
at 20:28
  • msg #549

Re: After the rescue

Not much is found in the way of information for Hoover Dam. TAB finds an old pamphlet, while Laney finds an old cross section. Some kid shows up to the MRAP with a large framed picture of Hoover Dam.

Joint rips the military grade radio out of the MRAP, and hooks the CB radio up in its place. One of the working vehicles at the four mansions has a CB radio too and some radio checks are carried out. At the very least someone in the cab of the MRAP can talk to the Four Mansions Safe Haven.

TAB finds that one of the mansions has a small machine shop, so he tries to fabricate a machete out of  lawn mower blades.
[Private to Tiberus Asimov Blackiron: You got four lawn mower blades to work with. Roll Basic Mechanics @ -10%. A failed roll is a botched attempt and ruins the blade you were working with. So you got 4 chances/tries. The 'short machetes' you make will do 1d8 SDC. Hand them out to whomever you wish.]

Old pamphlet (also posted in equipment thread)

Old cross section (also posted in equipment thread)

Framed Picture (also posted in equipment thread)

OOC: I be putting up two posts, one for each vehicle. Please post with the vehicle you will be going in.

I don't know if you guys are taking both vehicles or just one. Also keep in mind that with the current plan of going at night, the only light you will have is moonlight. As an FYI there are only two sets of NVG's. Laney has one set and Rob has the other.

If you have two characters and decide one will stay behind have that character post in the Four Mansion Safe Haven thread.

Lakeisha 'Laney' Carmichael
player, 683 posts
Pragmatic Hero
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 08:40
  • msg #550

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 549):

Using the workshop alongside TAB, Laney fashioned a set of crude but effective lockpicks and a vehicle hotwire kit (some wires, alligator clips and duck tape).

"Ok. I guess Joint is taking the APC. I'll drive the 5-ton. We get close to the dam, we'll park and send a team on in.

"We stop on the near side of the ridge, masks the sound of our engines.

"Lookin' at this picture, there are some high-tension towers on the ridge overlooking the dam, on the Nevada side. Let's see if we can get up there without being seen, have a look if there's any lights."

Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 98 posts
Tue 24 Apr 2018
at 21:44
  • msg #551

Re: After the rescue

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 549):

After going from garage to garage TAB finds himself some lawn mower blades.  He had seen a couple guys while surfing Youtube make pretty functional weapons.  TAB was not a big fan of the guns, they drew to much attention from other survivors and it seemed like the undead but he was not sure yet.  They had not been able to do any kinda of research, something he thought he should bring up.

After five grueling hours in a pretty decent handyman's garage TAB had nothing to show for it, other then a couple nicks, cuts and a lot of frustration.  Looking outside the light was starting to go away it was time to leave.  Walking through the houses again TAB asks around if anyone has a bow or compound bow that they would be willing to part with or trade for also before heading over to the five ton truck.

[Private to GM:
15:35, Today: Secret Roll: Tiberus Asimov Blackiron rolled 35 using 1d100 with rolls of 35.  Machete's. FAIL
15:35, Today: Secret Roll: Tiberus Asimov Blackiron rolled 47 using 1d100 with rolls of 47.  Machete's. FAIL
15:31, Today: Secret Roll: Tiberus Asimov Blackiron rolled 36 using 1d100 with rolls of 36.  Machete's. FAIL
15:30, Today: Secret Roll: Tiberus Asimov Blackiron rolled 33 using 1d100 with rolls of 33.  Machete's. FAIL
This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Tue 24 Apr 2018.
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