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3. Character Creation (Request to Join)

Posted by Guild MasterFor group 0
Guild Master
GM, 6 posts
Sat 3 Nov 2018
at 22:49
  • msg #1

3. Character Creation (Request to Join)

A clean character sheet will be provided at the end. Please read through everything first though, so you see the big picture first.

What Monster Hunter games have you played?
This is just so I'm aware of what monsters and stuff you're familiar with, so I can set things up accordingly. You can just list the games off.
I've played most of the games myself, and have some familiarity with those I haven't. MH1, MHF, MHF2, MHP2G/MHFU, MHP3, MHTri, MH4U, MHGen, MHW.

Portrait: It is preferred that you select a portrait once you get into the game. I feel it makes browsing through the threads a little bit easier, among other reasons.
I'm aware it can be hard to find a perfect match. (You might be able to use another game to browse portraits ahead of time.)
(If you're new to RPoL and don't quite know what I mean by portraits, just ask.)

Dialogue Color: In-game, I’d like everyone to color their dialogue. I think it makes things a little easier to read, and perhaps adds a touch of personality.
State your color. Bold (black) is acceptable. If you can help it, try to avoid what others have already taken.

I’m assuming character will have at least a first and last name.
Age: Early twenties and above are preferred, given your occupation and experience level.
Gender: Self explanatory.

There’s actually a few races available.
Human: The standard.
Wyverian: They’ll be treated like humans… The short old ones might get complicated (probably less physical ability, more knowledge based skills). It’s preferred we not have too many wyverians. NO GIANTS.
Felyne / Palico: They’ll be treated like little people with greater agility and senses, so expect a more specialized role.
Shakalaka: I’m not sure what advantage these guys would have over Felyne, but maybe someone can make it work.
Troverian: Basically stout humans, like dwarves. Preferred not to have too many. (From MH4U.)
Sea People: Basically human, maybe an excuse to be a good swimmer. Preferred not to have too many. (From MH3.)
Other?: Maybe there’s other races I was not aware of. (This is not an invitation to make up races however.)

Height: Pretty self explanatory.
We’ll say that palicos and shakalakas are on average HALF the height of humans, so use that as a reference if you want them to be relatively shorter or taller.

What your character looks like (without their armor). Their physical build should definitely be touched on. Other things might include hair, face, age, race, demeanor.  You could include a picture if you wish.
Try to give us a good solid paragraph here. More is certainly welcome though. (More than three may be overkill though.)
Note, your stature should make sense for the equipment you bring. If you’re a petite little thing wearing bulky armor and wielding a greatsword… You’ll make me sad. Bear in mind tradeoffs like strength, durability, agility and endurance.

The code is for images is [img src=""] but replace the [] with <>.
Pro tip, if you want to align something the code is [img src="" align="right"].


A little paragraph would be good, just so you have some personality, more would be fine though. Maybe touch on why they hunt, general mood, what excites them, likes and dislikes.
Remember this is a more easy going but team oriented game. Edge lords and lone wolves should be reconsidered.

Special Skills:
As a monster hunter, it is already assumed that you’re very athletic and know how to fight (whatever your style is), and that you probably know some basic first aid, wilderness survival and monster ecology.
To play up on the strategic part of this game though, and maybe give characters another dimension, I’d like them to have some "special skills." Maybe they’re a craftsman, maybe they’re a medic, maybe they’re a bookworm, maybe they’re a trapper.  (Palicos are already assumed to have better senses, so don’t bother listing it here.)
Try to list two or three special skills, with a sentence or two describing each one.

A preface on equipment…

You will be what I call “mid-tier hunters” or “medium rank.” (Not be be confused with in-game where there’s low and high rank.)
You’ve defeated stuff like Khezu, Barroth, or Tetsucabra, but not the harder stuff like Nargacuga or Rathian. I realize there may be some debate on what’s low, mid and high tier, so when in doubt, ask.
This will determine what level of armor and weapons you can have.
This level of hunter was chosen so you could have access to some of the cooler stuff, but I can still achieve difficulty without having to go crazy.
Note, you're welcome to take lower rank equipment, or be a lower rank hunter if desired (as some already have).

Within reason, you’re allowed to take custom equipment not seen in-game. Maybe you want ‘prey style armor, but made from Gypceros. Maybe you want a hook and chain weapon. Maybe there’s armor from another game you’d like to use. Maybe you’d just like to make some minor tweaks to existing equipment. We can talk.

With regard to progress, what equipment you start with may be what you’re stuck with for awhile. (Figuring out how to distribute limited monster materials, and realistic time to craft new equipment is a hassle I’d rather not dive into.)
You may get some useful stuff (like blango cloaks for the cold), but big stuff (new weapon/armor) is less likely to happen.
Progress will probably be more centered around rebuilding the town and how that benefits you in the field.

Elemental stuff (fire, thunder, etc.) will all just be cosmetic, don’t worry about it.
Also, bear in mind you and the guild did not have much time to prepare for this mission. Some minor preparation for the environment is probably a good idea (warm clothes), but it’s actually preferred you don’t come super prepared (full mountaineer set). Leave some room for progress.

I would prefer everyone just have one set of armor, for simplicity, but special exception may be granted if there’s a good reason (beyond just “I’d like to have light and heavy armor”).

Take into account the bulk and weight of your armor. We’ll say armor is either light (mostly clothe and hide), medium or heavy (large amounts of shell and metal). The trade off would be durability and agility. Please state what your intended weight is just so we’re on the same page, or ask if you’re uncertain where I think it would fall. I'm somewhat flexible.

This might be a good place to list any accessories, like how items are stored, any warm accommodations for the weather.
We're not really going to dive into armor skills and such, other than little nods.
Don’t worry about blademaster vs. gunner armor.

Since there’s usually several variations of armor for each monster (like normal, S, U, Alpha, Beta, and first and gen third gen), try to be clear which you’re referring to. Including an image would be great.
If you’re bringing something custom, a link to a picture would be especially good.

Instead of limiting you to just one weapon type, we’re going to follow the rule of “you can carry what’s reasonable.” So you might have a greatsword on your back with a short sword on each hip.
In addition, you will be able to leave weapons at town (or on the airship), so you can bring more than just what you can reasonably carry.

However, I don’t want to see people just bring like one of each weapon type. I don’t want to put an exact number, but three primary weapons is probably enough, not that you’d be carrying them all at once. (Weapon sets blending together, or secondary/tertiary weapons, might complicate things.)

Regarding gunners… I don’t want to be too restrictive on what ammo types you can carry, and I don’t want to keep track either. However, each bowgun should probably have some area(s) of focus, rather than just being able to shoot anything and everything. We can play it by ear.
Coatings and elements might get weird with bows… Having pre-coated arrows would make sense for stuff like ailments. Less so with certain elements or just damage buff coatings. We can talk.

Like with armor, please try to be clear what weapon you’re referring to. Links to pictures would be nice, especially with custom stuff.

A reminder that many in-game mechanics will be done away with. Some include (may change):
-Greatsword, ignore charging mechanics.
-Longsword, ignore spirit stuff.
-Dual swords, ignore spirit stuff.
-Gunlance, it’s preferred reloading be treated like a real gun.
-Hammer, ignore charging mechanics.
-Charge blade, I'm leaning away from all the energy phial stuff.
-Insect glaive, gonna ignore the power up stuff. Admittedly, I’d like to get rid of the kinsect too. (Someone has a kinsect, but it's part of their character setup.)
-Hunting horn, I’d rather do away with the buff and stuff. I realize that’s the main draw, but it only makes so much sense realistically, and it’s a pain to keep track of.
-Bow, might rethink some of the ammo type, coatings and element stuff.

Notable Equipment:
I already assume you have various potions (basically painkillers that promote healing) and basic first aid items, rations, whetstones, hot drinks, basic survival tools, some kind of binoculars, etc. Don’t bother listing stuff like that.
Stuff like smoke and flash bombs you should mention though.
Unless it’s a theme of your character (apothecary), I’d rather not get into buff items like demon drugs.
For the sake of realism and balance, we’re not going to have pitfall or shock traps. (Not to say you couldn't dig a real trap though.)

Getting past all the in-game stuff, this is the place to mention useful equipment beyond armor and weapons. Stuff like shovels, grappling hooks, bear traps, caltrops, rope, etc.
What you can carry reasonably is something to consider, and also that things can be left at the town or ship. Your character’s special skills are also something to consider.
I’ll say again, coming somewhat prepared for the region is alright, but it’s preferred you don’t come super prepared.
Besides all that though, you can get creative here.

For the record, I don’t intend to be a super stickler on what you did or didn’t bring. If it makes sense, I might allow you to to have it even if you didn’t mention it before. But I don’t want people suddenly pulling stuff out of their butts when it suddenly occurs to them.
Also, bear in mind the ship and town will have some supplies and tools of their own, and may be able to help you make new stuff in the future.

For the sake of having some history, give us a couple paragraphs here. More is welcome, but I’d caution against writing a book. A reminder that this game takes place loosely after the events of World.

Some things to maybe think about:
How was your character conceived, where were they born, and under want conditions? What was their childhood like and how did it contribute to their adulthood?
What caused them to become a hunter? Where did their special skills come from?
Where did their personality, values and fears come from? Key events, key people?

Final Notes:


We want some variety in our team. Try to skim over the current characters so you know what ideas have already been used (namely skills). Some overlap is okay, but you get the idea.
Below is a table of the current race, gender, weapon and armor weight counts.

Human: 3
Wyverian: 1
Palico: 2
Shakalaka: 0
Troverian: 0
Sea People: 0
Males: 4
Females: 2
Greatsword: 0
Longsword: 0
Sword and Shield: 1
Dual Swords: 1
Lance: 0
Gunlance: 0
Hammer: 2
Hunting Horn: 0
Slash Axe: 0
Charge Blade: 1
Insect Glaive: 1
Bow: 1
Light Bowgun: 1
Heavy Bowgun: 1
Light: 4
Medium: 1
Heavy: 1
Seem to have enough lightweights for now.

Draft Ideas First!
Before you write up an entire character sheet, please first tell me what the basic idea for your character is. A paragraph or two should be enough, maybe more if you feel the need.
This is so you don't spend a lot of time on an idea, only for me to shoot it down for some reason. It also saves me time trying to correct issues.
Again, please send me a summary of your character, then wait for my go ahead, before actually writing up a full character sheet.

GM Responding to Applications
If I do not get back to you right away, it is not because I am ignoring you. Out of principle, I will always get back to you eventually, even if I think your character needs a lot of work. I'm just busy with other things (real life, other applicants, the game), and I'll try to get to you as soon as I can.
If a week passes without a word, then poke me.

Also, I will not hound you for replies. If I reply, then a week goes by without hearing from you, I'll assume you've moved on. (If you come back after a week for some reason, that's fine.)
If you discover the game is not for you for whatever reasons, even if we've invested some time in discussion, that's fine, I won't take offense. A heads up that you're backing out is appreciated though.

Single character, for now...
For the foreseeable future, it will just be one character per player, and I will be the sole GM running things.
Either of these may change in future, but we'll cross that bridge later. Just figured I should mention it.

Clean Character Sheet:

When you submit your full character sheet (after I give the go ahead!), and when you transfer it to your character description, please do a little formatting and styling. Namely, bolding, coloring, and/or underlining the headers of each section. It makes things a little easier to read. (See character Cat A. Myar for an example.)

What games you've played:
Dialouge Color:


Special Skills:

Notable Equipment:


This message was last edited by the GM at 21:02, Sat 24 Nov 2018.
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