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, welcome to Monster Hunter - Restore the Outpost!

12:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

1. Concept, Rules, Attendance.

Posted by Guild MasterFor group 0
Guild Master
GM, 4 posts
Sun 28 Oct 2018
at 23:34
  • msg #1

1. Concept, Rules, Attendance


This RPG is set in the world of the Monster Hunter video game series (loosely after the events of World).
It is preferred, but not required, that you’ve played the game(s). If you haven’t, you should make some effort to become familiar with the games.

The basic idea of this RPG is that there’s an outpost town that deploys monster hunters into the surrounding area (tundra) to complete quests. These quests will be based around protecting the town and getting its facilities back in order after disaster has struck. There will be some of the usual “kill monster,” but quests will have other objectives (delivery, escort, etc.) that require more strategy. To facilitate this, I hope to make the environments more interact-able, and allow equipment and approaches not usually in game. Also, some objectives may be going on at the same time, requiring some choices to be made on what to pursue.

I hope the game will be somewhat episodic in nature with each quest, allowing us to refresh the cast and assess how the game is going, what can be improved. We’re trying to be flexible and adaptive.

For the sake of approach-ability, and so I don’t feel the need to be fussy, we’re going to keep mostly to Monster Hunter's generally more lighthearted tone.
Still expect some gore and seriousness once the action kicks in though.

To keep things manageable (and to fit my style), we’re going to play things a little more down to earth and realistic than Monster Hunter usually is. You’ll still be fighting giant monsters with giant weapons, but some of the crazier stunts and in-game mechanics will be done away with. Reality will be given a nod where we can
For example, you wouldn’t jump off a ledge, unsheath and swing your greatsword, then rodeo a monster. Or you wouldn’t just walk off a hundred foot drop. Probably all the spirit stuff, charging and hunter arts with weapons will be disregarded.
I realize it might be hard to see where I’m setting the bar, and I might not be entirely consistent, but hopefully you get the idea. It could be a case by case basis. When in doubt, ask.

Challenge, Character Death

Simply put, I hope to provide some challenge, rather than easy objectives and pushover enemies. Be ready to be knocked around, and you might fail some objectives.

While I won’t be going out of my way to kill you, character death (or crippling) is possible. I say this to maintain a sense of threat and keep people on their toes. There’s a few ways this might happen:
-You effectively drop out of the game, and death is the easiest way to remove your character.
-Your character does something really foolish and gets themselves killed. I will try to be clear with danger, but when in doubt, ask.
-Circumstances may just be that I can’t reasonably fudge things to save you.

To put the pace of the game in perspective, the first quest/day took a few real-life months to complete. While this pace might fluctuate some, I expect it'll stay somewhat the same.


1. Mature Rating
This is a mature rated game, so be aware of what you’re getting into (crude language, mild gore, bullfangos). At the same time, try to stay within the bounds, it’s not an adult rated game (no showing sex or torture).
See the RPoL help section for more specific rules. (Help > Site Policies > Adult and Mature Games Policies.)

2. No God-Modding
Usually, when your character tries to do something (like attack something), the GM is the one who decides if you succeed/fail/etc. Not you.
There might be times where I leave it to you, but I'll let you know. (E.g. "Finish this monster however you want.")
There is some leeway with this, but hopefully you get the idea. When in doubt, ask.

Also, do not control other people's characters unless clear permission is given.
For example, your giant scary guy walks into the hall, but you can't just presume other players are scared of him.
There may be exceptions with minor stuff, but some discretion is required. You may want to send the player in question a quick PM to confirm. (E.g. You hand them a piece of paper and assume they take it. You ask where the bathroom is and assume they tell you.)

3. Be Polite
Pretty self explanatory.
In general, if you have a problem with another player, please see the GM first via PM. Even if it's something minor, just to clue me in.

There’s a chance some player characters won’t get along, which is fine, it’s roleplaying.
However, if a player is genuinely upset, a "cease fire" of some kind may need to be put in place. (I will say, there may be cases where the player just needs to buck up though. It's a mature rated game.)

4. Minor Stuff
I admit I'm being picky with these, but:
Time: Please do not make any posts indicating the time of day, like "the sun is setting." If people do this without keeping track, you can end up with some time-continuity issues. Plus it can mess with my plans.
Location: Similarly, please avoid any posts that specify where things are relative to one another, like "the cave is west of the river." Basically I like to keep things open and flexible.
Leaving/Entering: Lastly, when entering/exiting a thread, please make a little note at the beginning/end like:
Leaving to Your Mom's Bedroom.
Entering from Your Dad's Funeral.

This helps keep track of where people have been and where they're going.

5. Other Threads, Spoilers, OOC Knowledge
You're welcome (but not required) to read threads your character is not in presently. Just try not to use any knowledge if your character shouldn't know it.
If someone uses a spoiler, please don't read it unless it's meant for you. After the event has passed though, it might be okay to read it later.
This is a cooperative action game so secrets aren't that big of a deal, but keeping you (and your characters) in the dark a little can be fun.

6. When in Doubt, Ask
If you're unsure about something, I'd prefer you ask me just to be safe, even if it's little. I think I'm fairly quick with responding.
I say this because having to go back in fix something can be a nuisance.
That said, if you do make a presumption and end up being wrong, I'll try not to freak out or anything. Try.

Constructive Criticism and Ideas
Just to go on record, I'm always open to constructive criticism and ideas, even if I'm not explicitly asking for them.
Maybe you don't like the way something is going and are hoping for a change. Maybe you have a suggestion for a better way to do something.
Maybe you have a plot idea you'd like to pursue or introduce.
That said, I can't promise I'll actually act on your criticism/idea, but I'll at least listen.

Rules may be added or modified.


Minimum Posting

I intend to keep this game going at about one post a week (game posts, not OOC).
If I sense you’re dragging, expect to be contacted, skipped over or botted, and possibly removed if bad enough.
Obviously extenuating circumstances happen, but you get the idea.
(As GM, once a week will probably be my upper limit, and more likely to post on the weekends.)

Going on record, I'd like posts to have some substance to them. This can be hard to define, but if you're frequently only posting a couple lines, I may take issue.
(I understand some situations might warrant small posts, like back and forth conversations.)

Posting Order
I don't care too much about posting order. Giving people a chance to post is good, but don't feel the need obey the order just for its own sake, especially in larger groups. I find it just slows things down.

If you're going to be busy or away, please (for the love of felvine) try to let us know. An OOC post would be fine, or just PM me.
Any information you can give on your absence is appreciated (namely how long you'll be out).
If you're absent, I may bot your character as needed (likely minimally). You're welcome to turn your character over to someone else if you want (if they're willing).

If you decide to leave the game, for whatever reasons, please (for poogie’s sake) let me know as soon as you can. I understand that people get busy suddenly, and real life takes priority. Or you might just not be enjoying the game. I will not take offense.

Under most circumstances, there shouldn't be an issue getting you back in the game, should you decide to return.
However, I do reserve the right to do as I see fit with your character. I might just have them fade out, I might bot/adopt them. Worst case, I might kill them off.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:01, Sat 24 Nov 2018.
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