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Posted by Lord of NapsFor group 0
Lord of Naps
GM, 2 posts
Sun 10 Mar 2019
at 03:34
  • msg #1


Just because we don't have stable game details yet doesn't mean we can't have character ideas at the ready. In fact that might get creative juices flowing!

Please propose characters if you have any neat ideas, long as they fit the following guidelines:

1) Tradition or Disparate (new or having abandoned another faction is welcome, long as you are not some deep spy/Manchurian candidate UNLESS we decide that would be a fun course for the whole group/game to go for).

2) Higher power level (while details are TBD, we are starting out a lil higher than what Core suggests. Arete 4 will be available if not default.)

3) You are not suddenly Awakened (unless you have some damn good explanation).

4) Time frame (80s-2019 is what we are likely aiming for. Given Time Magick, being from the past is possible, but very rare. expect to play that up, have a suitable backstory to explain)

5) No Revenant or Possessed Mages. (kinfolk and ghouls MIGHT be allowed. depends on group consensus more than anything else. expect Fera/Vampiric complications if you do)

6) Sorcerers who are a card carrying member of a Trad or Disparate group (I do allow Static/Hedge Mages and I assume all Traditions/Disparates to have them in some number. They will probably bit a bit boosted in power, given their inherent disadvantages to full Mages. Sorcerers later Awakening and converting Path dots to Spheres/Arete is possible, but full details are unknown. Likely going with Sorcerer Revised rules as a starting point.)

7) Some of the above is negotiable given a compelling enough backstory. (if you are having trouble with this, please ask me or other players for advice.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:20, Sun 10 Mar 2019.
player, 1 post
Sun 10 Mar 2019
at 14:33
  • msg #2


Note - the following is just an idea and subject to deletion, change etc.

I have a Cult of Ecstasy idea  - Montana Wells. He's a gambler by nature. His Avatar appears to him as 'Lady Luck'. Sex, alcohol and drugs which were once his path to enlightenment are now potential obstacles in his path. (foci that he is dependent on for his magic).

Monty grew up in Las Vegas, the son of a drunken, wife beating, good for nothing bastard and his co-dependent wife.  He ran away at age 17, hitting the strip in search of a new life. He hooked up with Frank Garcia, a professional gambler and a major player in the casinos, and became his apprentice.  Monty assisted Frank in card counting, looking out for pit bosses, and generally being his gopher. In return, Frank took care of him and passed along his considerable expertise at gambling. Frank eventually retired as the number of casinos that allowed him to play at got smaller and smaller. Monty struck out on his own, but he took a different approach to gambling. Rather than try to mislead the casinos concerning his skill at cards, he was honest with them and earned their trust. He played only in the exclusive 'high stakes' poker games, designed for professionals and the idle rich who fancied themselves gamblers. The house took 10% of all pots, and the casinos didn't care who wa splaying as long as the house got their rake of the table. Over the next several years, Monty built up quite a reputation on the pro circuit and amassed a small fortune (mostly from rich fools coming to Vegas for a chance to play a 'real' game of poker).  He enjoyed this lifestyle for many years, but soon got bored with the mundane routine, and craved greater thrills and excitement.

His wanderings and subsequent delving into Vegas' seamier side led to his discovery by Ravynn, his mentor with who he shared Diksham and who introduced him to the Vegas Pleasuredome. Ravynn noticed Monty's latent potential and her teachings, along with the other Cultists in the Pleasuredome provided Monty with his strong Tradition background and helped cultivate his commitment to the Cult and helping the sleepers towards Ascension. He spent years in the Vegas Pleasuredome, working with his cabal to bring peace, love, and wonder back into the world.

That was until a few years ago when the Technocracy, for no apparent reason, raided the Pleasuredome and killed all of the Cultists in a mass execution. Monty wasn't home at the time (he attributes this to the warnings of his Avatar, "Lady Luck"), so was spared this fate. It was likely that the Pleasuredome's activities were becoming too threatening to the Technocracy. Monty vowed to avenge the deaths of his friends, or die trying.

So, Monty allowed himself exactly one year to exact retribution. During this dark period, Monty's obsession was a relentless pursuit of the Technocracy. During his 'cleansing' as he likes to remember it, he indulged Hate and Rage. He moved to Los Angeles in an attempt to seek out a technocratic stronghold. He used his talents to make contact with the New World Order, hobnobbing at a variety of Hollywood social scenes, seducing women and bribing men.  Over the course of a year, he was able to identify a group of NWOs in Hollywood, mages obviously of the Technocratic bent, but whos' purposes were unknown to Monty. He didn't care. They were the enemy, and he was going to make the Technocracy pay for the deaths of his friends After earning their trust, partying and spending months cozying up to them, Monty struck. A well payed stunt man set the explosive charges which leveled the cabal's headquarters, burying 4 of the 5 members under tons of rubble. Only one member of the 5 person group, a beautiful redhead named Roxanne Winter, was spared this fate. Monty manipulated here initially to gain her trust, the two eventually became lovers. He became conflicted as it was clear that Roxanne's motives were not at all driven by power and a hatred of the non-scientific paradigm.

Monty believed that Roxanne was being duped by the Technocracy. He spared her life, keeping her away from the destruction of her cabal as he confessed everything to her. He begged her to leave the NWO and run away with him. Roxanne was appalled and said that from her perspective it was the Traditions who were the terrorists - the ones trying to tear down the peace that the Technocracy had brought to the world. She spurned Monty, though it was evident that she still loved him. Monty regrets his blind quest for personal vengeance and he's determined never to let his darker passions control him as tightly as they did.

He returned back to his pursuit of Ascension through pursuit of the Passions. He does not avoid his darker side completely, but has learned how to let those Passions flow through him rather than letting them take control. Monty is quick to let his emotions of the moment express themselves as he feels them. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and has found that as the cult says, all passions are sacred, there is a time and place for each.

Monty has recently moved to wherever the game takes place, looking to hook up with a group of mages so he can continue his work on helping sleepers towards Ascension, and continuing the war for self determination and freedom from oppression.
player, 1 post
Sun 10 Mar 2019
at 17:56
  • msg #3


GOod grief, I feel kind of lacking.  So far my concept is a master of life magic that feels gender/species is completely fluid.  They used to be Iteration X but felt that the technocracy in general was holding back humanity's medical capabilities.
player, 2 posts
Sun 10 Mar 2019
at 17:58
  • msg #4


Hey...I was just inspired to come up with a backstory. I had too much time this morning ;-)
Lord of Naps
GM, 6 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2019
at 11:56
  • msg #5


I am thrilled with both character concepts. Both have equal weight for acceptance into a game, regardless of detail. However, the more detail we have, the more we have to work with. And as a player, I myself have started lots of characters with only a few lines of concept.

That being said, I really enjoyed reading about Montana wells.
player, 1 post
Wed 13 Mar 2019
at 02:16
  • msg #6


I have always wanted to play an Ahl-i-Batin. I am willing to be flexible if needed, but that is my starting point. I have a couple character concepts that are starting to form, but nothing too solid until get a chance to dig in the book again.
Lord of Naps
GM, 10 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2019
at 02:27
  • msg #7


I do love Ahl-i-Batin. And there is room for them still in a modern Trad game since some were sheltered by the Hermetics. Speaking of: Nephandi having conquered Mus and Mercury doesn't need to be a fact. I am friendly to both interpretations. This is a metaplot -lite game.
player, 3 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2019
at 03:27
  • msg #8


Bah, I'm a dunce.  Progenitor, not Iteration X.  Although character creation method really will determine what I want to play when the time comes.  One thing I hate about WoD is when I feel like I am pinching every point to try to make the character.  Min maxing sucks and always leaves me disgruntled with my character.  I think WW could have done better by giving out "everyman" skills, don't have to take them but you get them if you feel like your character would have them.  Like drive, computer, etc at 1.  Things that it just doesn't make sense for a period character to not have.

I also have an idea for a Hollow One/Orphan in a band.
Lord of Naps
GM, 12 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2019
at 03:34
  • msg #9


All good. I have liked everyman kinda stuff in other game systems. i could be convinced to do everyman kinda skills that would apply to most characters. also, i plan on giving you plenty of dots. it kinda makes me think of that old merit jack of all trades. if i recall, it gave you a pseudo dot in all abilities of one category whatever it was. I think if i do an everyman kind of thing, it would be a few free fake dots. like to actually increase the skill you would still have to buy the first dot, but you count as having the first dot for most basic rolls either way.

Hollow Ones are allowed in either group. In setting they have an extensive history with both traditions and whoever they want really.
player, 1 post
Thu 14 Mar 2019
at 20:36
  • msg #10


Is it ok if I quite literally have NO idea what you lot are talking about? :-)
player, 9 posts
Thu 14 Mar 2019
at 20:44
  • msg #11


Absolutely!  Its much better to know nothing than to know a lot and be grumpy about not following the cannon....:)
player, 2 posts
Thu 14 Mar 2019
at 21:15
  • msg #12


I guess I fall in to that category in a big big way :-)
Lord of Naps
GM, 20 posts
Fri 15 Mar 2019
at 02:24
  • msg #13


@Gabrielle: it is fine! we can provide you what information you need once we get the ideas flowing and you pick a group to belong to. :) And what Spvnky says is very accurate, sometimes it is good and fun to be brand new to a setting more or less. Besides a lot of mages don't really care about their groups deep and detailed history, just like in real life.
player, 17 posts
Sun 31 Mar 2019
at 21:42
  • msg #14


I'm working on my character and thinking of playing an artist/fashion designer Hollow One. Her main focus for magic is putting effects into art, binding spirits to tattoos and clothing. She's definitely going to be more of the good relationship with spirits type and only make them like talens so they are one use unless a spirit wanted something more permanent to be manifest in the world. Extremely charismatic but painfully honest. I'm thinking of having some sort of curse that makes it so she literally can't lie which could be interesting. Add some Bard's Tongue and it's a good time.

That said, would anyone like to have some pooled stuff. Especially a sanctuary or node or something?
Lord of Naps
GM, 37 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2019
at 04:40
  • msg #15


ooooo i like this idea. i encourage the development of this character.
player, 26 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 01:11
  • msg #16


Okay, so more details on my current idea.

As a young child she lived in some strange places. It seemed her father's job involved working with some of the places that had been most harmed by nuclear accidents. It was his area of expertise and, in WWII, he traveled to Japan where he met a woman who would become Megumi Smith's mother. It was just after the war when they married and she was born. As a child she was different. Always playing with invisible friends, she was far older than she should have been doing so. Still, they humored her.

As a result was great, though the travel was odd. Going to remote places where the first reactors were being built, other strange places.

Often returning to their home outside of Hiroshima, though, she was under the torii at the age of 20 when there was a tear in the fabric of reality. This wouldn't be her awakening but it would certainly change her life. Two spirits fighting, a spider and something she can't describe. And the power washed over her. Creative power, stasis power. From that day on she was unable to lie without losing her voice, she was unable to age, her art was more inspired. Actually she didn't do anything artistic before that day but it became the focus of her life. The energy of the wyld and the weaver in her. She became the most noticeable person in a room, the center of attention even when she didn't want it. And those damned spirits still wouldn't stop coming around either. All the time.

It was another 10 years before she awakened, though. And her life changed again. Art, spirits, they became central to everything she did and would do. Designing clothing. Making works of art. She got into tattooing with spirit magic soon after, taught by one of the many spirits who stayed around her. They weren't good mentors but she still picks things up from them.

This is just a stream of consciousness thing, but it might work. It can still change.
Lord of Naps
GM, 41 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 07:32
  • msg #17


so far it sounds fine. rather interesting backstory.
player, 16 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2019
at 10:18
  • msg #18


I’m going with my Ecstatic, who is In Israel because he was studying in India and frankly his wandering sent him to Tel Aviv. Where should we post our character information?
Lord of Naps
GM, 48 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2019
at 01:28
  • msg #19


for now send to me in PMs for final approval. however feel free to show individual bits of what you are planning here. and honestly you can post the full thing here if you want, but i still want a version in PMs so i can more easily reference it outside this thread.

an Ecstatic wandering around from india east makes sense to me. they got to experience life somehow.
waiting List 1, 4 posts
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 17:45
  • msg #20


Ok. Revised character concept. Already shared with DM

Sheikh Tariq Abd al-Ahad is the leader of a Sufi community centered in Jaffa. While his spiritual lineage includes a Batini Dervish who changed traditions a hundred years ago, he is a member of the Celestial Chorus.

His home base is a Kafe Merhaba, a coffee shop with his Khanaqa (Sufi hall) in the back.

Outwardly, he is a bearded, kindly older uncle figure in the community. People approach him to cure their illnesses, perform exorcisms, and provide guidance in difficult times.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:46, Sun 14 Apr 2019.
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