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19:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Out of the Wreckage.

Posted by DMFor group 0
player, 101 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 11:14
  • msg #915

In the catacombs

Panatix is visibly disappointed when there is no boat or goods to be seen anywhere outside. Then and idea hits him and he moves back over to the bricked up area to inspect it closer.

Speaking to nobody in particular, "Klei mentioned grave goods yet there is nothing in the open with the king and queen of the island. However, the grave goods should be buried with them in order for them to be of use in the afterlife. I think we should check in here."

The gnome uses his dagger and begins to dig at the mortar between the bricks. Not being strong enough to break a hole in the bricked up wall, he will attempt to remove enough mortar in order to remove bricks.
player, 161 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 7/8
CLW, Light, Light*
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 11:22
  • msg #916

In the catacombs

Telemachus sighed when Storm simply pulled the lever.  It worked out in the way was clear to the sea but it was a decision he made that could have had dire consequences and as such he moved over to where Panatix was working the mortar and he lended the tip of the spear and its haft as additional leverage to work out stones, "When we work some out don't rush in the off case the son is in there and animated the same way, eh?  Easier to thrust this in and poke him till he stops moving...again...if that's the case."
player, 279 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 12:23
  • msg #917

In the catacombs

Seeing his intelligent friend move to prise the mortar off, Storm moves in to help as well.'he takes his dagger out and begins using his strength and natural dexterity to help.

Before that he will try to wake the half elf up to ask him
This message was last edited by the player at 12:23, Thu 13 June 2019.
player, 61 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 12:36
  • msg #918

In the catacombs

Wick, seeing the wall now opened, moves in that direction to see what there was to see.  If there wasn't a ship, or at least a boat, available, then they'd have to get wet.  Or maybe stay in the crypt and hope to avoid whatever befalls the rest of the island.  Or swimming, there was always that option, though most of what they salvaged would need to be left behind.
player, 299 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 13:17
  • msg #919

In the catacombs

Angus isn't nice or polite to Klei, but doesn't TRY to harm him. He waits behind the others as they dig out the grave of the child. He breaths in the sea air deeply!
This message was last edited by the player at 14:18, Thu 13 June 2019.
player, 123 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #920

In the catacombs

Eager to catch some salty but fresh air, Odelia opts for following Wick in his search for a way out.
GM, 345 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 15:37
  • msg #921

In the catacombs

After some effort, a few bricks are removed, and it was dark inside the bricked up area.  Dak and Angus had not yet returned.
Koga na'Kana
player, 92 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 16:44
  • msg #922

In the catacombs

Koga gasped at the sight of the sea, his heart leaping at the prospect of getting off this accursed island. It sank just as fast, however, when he saw that there was no ship.
player, 162 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 7/8
CLW, Light, Light*
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 16:57
  • msg #923

In the catacombs

Collecting up his torch that he'd laid down for the digging he brought it closer so that the light would permeate the darkness and hopefully give them some inkling of an idea if they should keep working...
player, 300 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 17:01
  • msg #924

In the catacombs

"I can feel and smell the sea, we need to hurry Dak!"
GM, 346 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 17:25
  • msg #925

In the catacombs

player, 163 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 7/8
CLW, Light, Light*
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 17:32
  • msg #926

In the catacombs

"Bingo!" chuckled Telemachus with a level of unreserved giddiness in his exclamation.

A grin split his face as he added, "I don't know about you all but I rather want to take this wall down cause there is a single masted boat on the other side of this!  Now either the grave goods are in the boat or somewhere else but close at hand..."
player, 102 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:15
  • msg #927

Re: In the catacombs

"When we work some out don't rush in the off case the son is in there and animated the same way, eh?  Easier to thrust this in and poke him till he stops moving...again...if that's the case."

Panatix glances up at Telemachus and grins. "Don't worry about me. I'm not overly brave," he says under his breath.

As the bricked up niche entrance begins to get crowded, Panatix removes a brick that's about two feet from the floor and moves back out of the way to set it down and wait for the hole to be opened wider.
player, 301 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:18
  • msg #928

Re: In the catacombs

Angus and Dak approach the party with Klei, light visible in the short distance. "Gold? Or Body?" Angus asks in a loud voice.
player, 164 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 7/8
CLW, Light, Light*
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:29
  • msg #929

Re: In the catacombs

"Neither...yet.  But I've got a single mast boat behind here." and he grinned to Angus, "Was there anything past the pitfall did you check?"

Looking down to Panatix he nodded, "Just be careful..."
player, 302 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:31
  • msg #930

Re: In the catacombs

"I haven't been out there yet, Dak and I went back for Klei."
player, 137 posts
HP : 8/10
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:35
  • msg #931

Re: In the catacombs

"Let's set him down again," Dak said to Angus as he lowered the old man gently.

"We didn't get a chance to check beyond the floor trap before Panatix called us back," he explained to the others, "but if the boat's here, we'll be all set."

Though the others seemed intent on looting the crypt, the young fisherman just wanted to get out alive to see his family again.
GM, 347 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 02:47
  • msg #932

Re: In the catacombs

Klei had been a relative dead-weight on the trip back through the tunnel, and was either unconscious or perhaps feigning sleep.

While the others worked at opening the sealed crypt, there was now a wide enough space that one of the smaller in the group might be able to squeeze through.  It also seemed that the wall could also be brought down by hitting it with something stronger than bricks, and perhaps such a tactic could widen the way more quickly.
player, 165 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 7/8
CLW, Light, Light*
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 03:15
  • msg #933

Re: In the catacombs

"Take a look with the torch Panatix.  If all looks clear we'll have Storm here use that magical mace on the remains of this wall..." remarked Telemachus as he offered the torch he had in hand to him.

"Just remember, first trouble if any, get out of there."
GM, 348 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 03:48
  • msg #934

Re: In the catacombs

player, 103 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 11:27
  • msg #935

Re: In the catacombs

Panatix looks into the hole and then at the torch. "Let me get through the hole first, then hand the torch through."

Once through, he takes the torch and, holding it as high as possible for anyone looking through the hole to see, he eases up to the side of the boat and carefully looks over the side. A whispered, "Wow!" is all anybody might hear as he looks up and down the length of the boat a couple of times.

It seems almost irreverent to speak out loud within the burial chamber so Panatix quickly walks back to the entrance and, speaking in hushed tones, says, "C'mon inside. There is a body wrapped in burial cloths in the boat but it is not moving like the others. And it's surrounded by armor, weapons, chests and food. More importantly, the boat is large enough to accommodate all of us. Let me move back before you try to open the hole larger and I will keep an eye on the boat to make sure the body doesn't stand up on us."

As they prepare to open the hole wider, Panatix moves back over toward the boat and takes a closer look around but he's careful not to touch anything around the body.
GM, 349 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 11:29
  • msg #936

Re: In the catacombs

player, 104 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 11:42
  • msg #937

Re: In the catacombs

As they are getting ready to open the hole more, Panatix trots back over to the others and informs them, in hushed tones, "You'll need to open the entrance all the way up. The boat definitely has to come back out this way."

He quickly moves out of the way again and back to the boat. Trying to decide if he would be safe to board the boat and look it over, he holds the edge like he wants to vault over the side.

At the last second, he stops and puts his foot down on the floor adopting a respectful attitude. Then he bows to the prince and quietly asks, "Permission to come aboard, your highness?"

If there is no response after a few seconds, he will take that as an affirmative answer and will climb aboard to have a closer look.
player, 303 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 11:52
  • msg #938

Re: In the catacombs

Angus gives them more light to open the hole by standing directly behind them with the torch.
player, 280 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 14:09
  • msg #939

Re: In the catacombs

Hearing that his friend has found the boat with burial goods and body, Storm rushes over. His instincts tells him that the dead is probably a member of the sea king royalty. He approaches the body and uses his detect evil skill to see if there is any dark or undead magic coming from the body.
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