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19:17, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

The BortaS, part 2.

Posted by Lt (jg) 'Fast Tony' GazzoFor group 0
Lt. Nathan Pierce MD
Medical Officer, 13 posts
Betazoid male
Sat 18 May 2019
at 21:14
  • msg #89

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Lt Nathan moves forward.
I am Lt Nathen.  Medical officer of this ship.  He addresses the Romulan.
I am going to look over your two unconscious Romulan crew members first.  As they are more likely to have fatal wounds being unconscious.  As soon as I know they are stable I shall attend to your wounds Optio Rokon.  I hope you understand.

Lt Nathan does his best to look over the two unconscious Romulans and stabilize them before returning to Optio Rokon and dealing with his swounds.
Relic GM
GM, 703 posts
Sun 19 May 2019
at 03:01
  • msg #90

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Rokon relaxes and says, "My thanks. Please help them."

The centurion's right leg has a compound fracture. Slitting the trouser leg, Nathan discovers that a shard of bone has penetrated the skin and is oozing olive green blood. Nathan is relieved, as this indicates there is no severed artery. He applies a spray dressing and immobilises the leg. Tricorder readings indicate a heart rate of 300 (60 beats above normal) and a blood pressure of 60/35 (80/40 is normal) with a body temperature of 29.6°C (32.78°C is normal), indicating shock. He has minor plasma burns on his face and hands, showing a close encounter with an exploding console. A splinter of plastic is stuck in his left shoulder, but the wound is minor. Nathan leaves it in place for now, packing is with the spray dressing. The other is a female subcommander, bleeding from a scalp wound and also suffering plasma burns to the face. Something about the burns looks awry—closer inspection and a deeper scan reveals that she's had extensive reconstructive surgery in the past several months. Her vital signs are similar to the centurion's.

Meanwhile, Tony keeps his phaser on Optio Rokon. As Nathan moves to inspect him, his plasma burns appear to be minor, though he is suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation. Nathan secures a breathing mask to feed him a higher percentage of O2 than normal.

Back in the cockpit, Billy's Jon's and Talja's scans all reveal that some of the natives, whose life-signs superficially resemble those of the Finorii, are carrying some of the wounded to the nearby park-like area while other seem to be organising an impromptu bucket brigade in a vain attempt to put out the flames. This is a futile task, as sensors reveal the inferno to be a plasma fire, impervious to such measures.

The communications panel lights up. "Cdr M'Rel to Thames. What is your status? We've noted the Romulan crash—do you require assistance?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:03, Sun 19 May 2019.
Lt Zedrick Sloane
player, 132 posts
Centauran Lieutenant
Flight Control
Mon 20 May 2019
at 15:24
  • msg #91

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 90):

Tapping the console Zed replies “Cdr M’Rel, Lt. Sloane here, we have beamed out the Romulan’s and have them disarmed and captive. Our doctor is treating the injured Romulans and we are waiting to interrogate them. We are also assessing the situation on the surface.”

Turning to Jon, “What is the status on the surface, relay any info to Dyson Base so they can provide support. “
LCdr M'Rel
NPC, 1 post
Catian male
Chief Flight Control
Mon 20 May 2019
at 17:31
  • msg #92

Re: The BortaS, part 2

"M'Rel to Sloane. Do you require assistance with your prisoners? We can beam them over and convey them to Dyson Station for processing by Cdr Talbot's intel team. Things look pretty hairy on the surface. There appear to be a large number of indigenous people at the crash site. They'll probably need your assistance. Lt Leiliri has some medical training and is standing by to beam over if needed."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 17:31, Mon 20 May 2019.
Lt. Nathan Pierce MD
Medical Officer, 14 posts
Betazoid male
Mon 20 May 2019
at 18:07
  • msg #93

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Lt Nathan works out if beaning prisoner over to another ship would be safe.
If it is he suggest they do so as he only one person and there are three badly injured Romulans.  Also prisoner are harder to deal with than normal people and the crew of runner round it limited in number.
LCdr M'Rel
NPC, 2 posts
Catian male
Chief Flight Control
Mon 20 May 2019
at 20:03
  • msg #94

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Beaming patients is almost always safe. Nothing in the condition of the Romulans seems to contraindicate beaming them over.

M'Rel contacts Nathan directly, "Dr. Pierce, the Lena can take the three stunned prisoners off your hands. Aquaal Leiliri is a Haliian, a psionic species. She may not be a fully qualified doctor but she has nearly completed her MD studies at Starfleet Academy and is a qualified field medic. She is currently awaiting her transfer back to the Academy to complete her studies, which were interrupted by the Dominion War, so we're also able to take the three wounded Romulans once they've been stabilised and transport them to Dr. Adonidas. This will free you up to deal with any wounds suffered by the inhabitants of the city. Would you like Lt Leiliri to assist you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 20:06, Mon 20 May 2019.
Lt. Nathan Pierce MD
Medical Officer, 15 posts
Betazoid male
Mon 20 May 2019
at 20:54
  • msg #95

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Lt Nathan make sure the three wounded Romulans are stable before having them beaned away.
He answers M'Rel.
If you can take the prisoners, then that would be great.  It would give me time to deal with the problems the inhabitants have.  I will send Dr. Adonidas what I done in quick report.  So Dr. Adonidas can carry on the treatment and check I have not make any mistakes.
I would also be very happy to have Lt Leiliri help.  A good doctor knows even when you leave the Medical Academy you never complete your studies.  That however junior another medival officer is you can always use another pair of hand and learn something new.  Please inform Lt Leiliri that I am Betazoid with reasonable psionic abilities.   Tell her I happy to link minds if is she likes.  But be purely on platonic bases.  I already have two wives.  Such links between species sometime can have a cultural misunderstanding I have learn.  I do not wish to make that mistake again.

Clearly another great story of Lt Nathan's past.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:04, Mon 20 May 2019.
Lt (jg) Jonathan Clare
player, 100 posts
Human male
Tue 21 May 2019
at 13:45
  • msg #96

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Lt Zedrick Sloane (msg # 91):

Jon responds to Zed's query about the conditions on the surface: "Sir, the indigenous people on the surface appear to be taking care of their wounded. There are so many wounded, however, that I am sure they could use some help. And they are going to definitely going to need technological assistance to put out that plasma fire."

Jon scans to see if he can find the source that is feeding plasma fuel to the fire. If he can localize it, perhaps he can figure out a way of cutting the source off from the fire.
Relic GM
GM, 706 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 15:10
  • msg #98

Re: The BortaS, part 2

The source of the plasma fire is the EPS system and warp nacelles of the crashed ship itself. The Thames has extinguishers specifically designed to fight plasma fires, but M'Rel is having Leiliri bring a couple from the Lena as well, just to make certain.

Leiliri beams directly to the aft section to assist Nathan with the wounded, while the extinguishers materialise on the transporter pad beside the Romulans' weapons.

"Good day, Doctor," Leiliri reports. "I'm Aquaal Leiliri. How can I assist?" She is a slim brown woman of average height, with the obligatory alien forehead. The has a fist-sized crystal in addition to her medkit. "This is my canar. It's a psionic focusing device—a sort of resonant amplifier," she says, indicating the crystal.

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:13, Tue 21 May 2019.
Lt (jg) Jonathan Clare
player, 101 posts
Human male
Wed 22 May 2019
at 14:10
  • msg #99

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 98):

Can the extinguishers be used remotely, or does somebody have to be on the spot?

Also, have Jon's scans shown anything about the stability of the warp core of the crashed ship? Is it still intact?
Relic GM
GM, 708 posts
Wed 22 May 2019
at 21:52
  • msg #100

Re: The BortaS, part 2

The extinguishers are hand-held units designed to be used while wearing an environment suit for protection.

Romulan ships use a forced quantum singularity to produce power to their warp drives. Readings indicate that the safety backups on the fields containing the singularity are still functioning. The likelihood of their failing is less than 24.6% within the next 52 hours, and a stasis field would be able to stabilise the situation by that deadline.
Lt Zedrick Sloane
player, 133 posts
Centauran Lieutenant
Flight Control
Thu 23 May 2019
at 17:36
  • msg #101

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Relic GM (msg # 100):

“Lts Gazzo, Clare, Groen, Xelox,  you are with me.  Grab those extinguishers and a stasis’s field generator and we will beam to the surface.   Doctor once you have transferred the patience’s assembly a medical team to provide assistance on the surface.” Sloane says.
Relic GM
GM, 709 posts
Thu 23 May 2019
at 20:37
  • msg #102

Re: The BortaS, part 2

The Thames lands in the open field where the natives are evacuating their injured. The natives move away from the runabout as it lands. Climbing down to the lower module in order to use the lower access doors, the crew notices that all the bedding from the bunks on the level as well as several items of unsecured equipment are piled by the portside airlock, pushed there by the escaping atmosphere when the hull around the airlock was breached during the Romulan attack. Since by their very nature due to their training Starfleet personnel tend to be neat and tidy, only a few items had not been stowed, this is restricted to a few PADDs, a single tricorder and a handful of small items like styluses. The starboard airlock is intact and unblocked. All environment suits are in their stowed locations. Donning the suits, the crew move to the airlock. As someone with tactical training, Billy is wary of exiting the airlock one at a time. Tony suggests that maybe transporting all at once might be a solution.

Meanwhile, on the upper level, Nathan and Leiliri are in the finishing stages of prepping the wounded Romulans for transport. Moving to the forward Transporter, Leiliri informs Nathan, "Doctor, I'm ready to energise."
Lt. Nathan Pierce MD
Medical Officer, 18 posts
Betazoid male
Fri 24 May 2019
at 18:35
  • msg #103

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Lt Nathen welcomes Lt Aquaal Leiliri aboard.
Welcome Lt Leiliri thank for coming across and helping me.  We have to unconscious Romulans and third one that aware.  All are badly burned.

Lt Nathen work with Leiliri.

Once ready.
Lt Leiliri please send the Romulan on to where they need to go.
Then we both needed to help with the wounds of the local natives.  I would be most grateful if you stay and help with this as well.

Lt (jg) Aquaal Leiliri
NPC, 3 posts
Haliian female
Fri 24 May 2019
at 22:38
  • msg #104

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Leiliri comms back, "Very well. Energising." With that, the three wounded Romulans dematerialise in a shimmer of sparkling light.

Seconds later, M'Rel acknowledges receipt of the Romulan crew and notes he's departing for Dyson Station.
Lt (jg) Talja Groen
NPC, 25 posts
Human female
Sat 25 May 2019
at 19:03
  • msg #105

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Talja does a scan with her suit's wrist-mounted tricorder. "Zed, there are a large number of natives gathering around the Thames!"

Tony asks, "Billy, you're the sociologist. Ya think they're hostile or friendly?"

Talja moves to a console and enables the exterior pickups. The native chatter in a series of high-pitched chirps, which the universal translator renders as speech, "What is it?" "I think it's a building." "A building that flies?" "Like the other one?" "This one is not on fire." "It didn't crush us like the other one did." "Are there people inside?"... and so on.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:03, Sat 25 May 2019.
Lt (jg) Talja Groen
NPC, 26 posts
Human female
Sat 25 May 2019
at 20:01
  • msg #106

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Talja taps another icon on the console, activating the external video. An image appears on the screen over the console, showing several dozen small, lizard-like beings dressed simply in rough garments, many holding long, pointed spears. They roughly resemble Finorii, but are varying shades of green and are somewhat shorter.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:05, Sat 25 May 2019.
Lt (jg) Jonathan Clare
player, 102 posts
Human male
Sun 26 May 2019
at 11:40
  • msg #107

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Lt (jg) Talja Groen (msg # 106):

Jon looks at the images on the screen.

"They have wings! Have we noticed any of them flying?" he asks.
Lt (jg) Talja Groen
NPC, 27 posts
Human female
Sun 26 May 2019
at 13:35
  • msg #108

Re: The BortaS, part 2

[OOC: The lower image is for comparison to the Finorii only. The natives are only the smaller green ones.]

Talja says, "I think not. The wings are to small for flight in this gravity. They must be vestigial."

Tony asks Zed, "So boss-man, we gonna step outta the door or beam out? Those spears may be kinda primitive, but I'll bet they work OK."
Lt (jg) William 'Fast Billy' Xelox
player, 24 posts
Iotian Lt (jg)
Tue 28 May 2019
at 00:52
  • msg #109

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Lt (jg) Talja Groen (msg # 108):

Wow, this is an interesting problem.  But we're already borked in Prime Directive terms.  Billy will arrange a universal translator with a loud speaker

"Lieutenant Sloane, we have a universal translator lock. We can talk to 'em.  I propose sending me out first, I'll explain why we're here and what we mean t' do. Dat way, if they get spear happy, you only have to rescue me and not the whole party.  Once I tell 'em what we're here to do, if they agree, we can go put out da fire.  Is day okay?"
Lt Zedrick Sloane
player, 134 posts
Centauran Lieutenant
Flight Control
Tue 28 May 2019
at 02:41
  • msg #110

Re: The BortaS, part 2

In reply to Lt (jg) William 'Fast Billy' Xelox (msg # 109):

“Billy, you are with me. Clare, Groen stay in the ship until you know it’s safe.   Crickets only, keep all tech concealed.  This is a first contact.” Zed says.

He grabs his cricket concealing it under his jacket and his tricoder in a pouch.  Then quickly replicas a throwing knife with a similar look to the natives weapons and clips it to his belt.  And steps up to the door waiting for Billy to signal that he is ready.  Once Billy is ready he taps on the door to open and carefully steps out accessing the situation and trying to determine who is in charge.
Relic GM
GM, 712 posts
Tue 28 May 2019
at 15:53
  • msg #111

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Zed and Billy step into the airlock, Talja, Tony and Jon remaining in the main area of the module. As the outer door opens, there is a collective gasp from the natives immediately outside. They withdraw a step, several of them lowering their spears into a defensive posture. One native steps forward and chirps, "My name is Chiree. I am chief of this flock. Who are you and what do you want with us? Did you bring down the fire from the sky?"

He (if it is a he—there seems to be very little sexual dimorphism in these natives) holds a metre-and-a-quarter long staff in his right hand. He is dressed in a blue cloth garment with a brown leather pouch on his left hip and a golden torc around his neck. His skin is a light green with tiny scale-like pin-feathers over all the exposed areas on his body and he has large compound eyes like those of an insect. When his mouth opens to speak, he exposed many tiny, very sharp-looking teeth and a pointed tongue. Each hand has three fingers and an opposable thumb with sharp claws. At a metre in height, he is dwarfed by the two Starfleet officers.
Lt (jg) Aquaal Leiliri
NPC, 4 posts
Haliian female
Wed 29 May 2019
at 14:53
  • msg #112

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Having sent the Romulans on their way, Nathan and Leiliri climb down to the lower module. They note Jon, Tony and Talja standing by the airlock wearing EVA suits and holding a number of helmets. The extinguishers sit on the deck next to them, awaiting use. A monitor screen shows Zed and Billy conversing with a horde of small lime-green aliens wearing homespun clothing and holding spears in a non-threatening manner. Zed appears to be negotiating with one of the aliens. Beyond the group the two Starfleet officers are dealing with can be seen a makeshift triage area, and in the built-up area is a conflagration of green plasma fire where the crashed Charon class runabout sits burning among the rubble. The "sky" is dark from the disruption to the polarising field at the upper levels of the atmosphere, so the green flames cast the whole scene in an eerie flickering light like something out of a holodeck horror programme.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:54, Thu 30 May 2019.
Lt (jg) Aquaal Leiliri
NPC, 5 posts
Haliian female
Thu 30 May 2019
at 23:36
  • msg #113

Re: The BortaS, part 2

As the crew watch Zed and Billy negotiate with Chiree, Leiliri says to Nathan, "Doctor, do you sense that? The leader of the natives seems to have an inherent trust in our officers, apparently born of familiarity." Nathan senses the same thing. The thoughts and emotions he senses are a whirl of hope tinged with fear.

Indeed, this is borne out when Chiree says in his chirping voice, "Can you help us, as we have helped your brother? Though his sorely wounded and his mind is damaged, he yet lives."

Tony says, "Ya hear that? Seems they've got some poor goomba who's hurt! Wonder who he is? None of our guys are missing."

Chiree continues, "We have hidden him from the elder brothers who wish to do him harm, lo these many eights of eights of days."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:38, Thu 30 May 2019.
Lt (jg) William 'Fast Billy' Xelox
player, 25 posts
Iotian Lt (jg)
Thu 30 May 2019
at 23:57
  • msg #114

Re: The BortaS, part 2

Billy stays quite and lets Sloane work.
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