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09:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 446 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 11:20
  • msg #1

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Aspiring adventurers you are you traveled where the whispers carried you through forests, hills and plains to the relatively unremarkable city of Verbonbonc, located just north of the Kron Hills and west of the Gnarley Forest.

Some have come to seek fortune, some to seek power, some to seek fame. But regardless of motivation you've all been led to this same place. The city is bustling with activity. Gnomes are more numerous here than almost any city of the Flannaes. Wood Elves are also in the city in numbers enough to notice, more so than their normal city dwelling kin the High Elves.

You hear whispers of the Battle of Emridy Meadows that occurred nearly a decade ago, and of recent banditry along the southern roads towards Hommlet. You also hear that Viscount Wilfrick has endorsed the construction of a castle in Hommlet under the control of Rufus and Burne.

Rufus and Burne themselves gained notoriety for removing bandits from the area just north and west of Verbobonc in recent years. Rufus is a holy warrior in the service of St Cuthbert. Burne is also a faithful follower of St. Cuthbert, reportedly both wizard and monk.

A new notice was just posted in the town square and you have gathered to read it. The city having sapped your gold and silver to the point you need a little adventure.
This message was last updated by the GM at 11:20, Tue 12 June 2018.
NPC, 2 posts
Viscount of Verbobonc
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 11:23
  • msg #2

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Getting to the posting you see the following posted:

The Viscount Wilfrick does hereby call upon adventurers and fame seekers to travel along the south eastern road towards Hommlet and to remove the threat of banditry from the area. The Viscount has authorized a sum of 25 gp for every bandit scalp claimed and returned to him by season's end.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 6 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 12:30
  • msg #3

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The dwarf reads this message with great interest. He is eager to prove his worth and skills in the name of all that is good. There is just a tiny bit of information that disgusts him: killing someone is one thing but to claim a person's scalp is something completely different. He wonders if he can do this. Probably not.
player, 2 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 12:46
  • msg #4

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx had been in this small hovel for  only a day, yet the Dwarf realised that his journey to date had sapped what little money he had left. So when he heard of the prospect of money and adventure.

...a good mix to keep Brankx out of trouble.

So when he turned up to the town square and saw the posting he was happy.  Seeing a fellow kinsman in this place made him feel that much better. He walked up towards Grollo with a chuckle. "I didn't expect to see another of our kind in this place." He looked at the sign and quickly read it. With a whistle, he shook his head. "Scalps...messy business. I guess it's to get the point across to bandits."

He looks at the fellow dwarf and holds his hand out. "Brankx Ironmourne....Of the Frostaxe clan."
Grollo Ironfist
player, 7 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 13:05
  • msg #5

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Welcome, brother, my name is Grollo Ironfist of clan Stoneskin. Good to meet you. I was just looking at this here, wondering if I am up to take scalps but  I am afraid not. Maybe there are others who can. Time will tell."
player, 3 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 13:25
  • msg #6

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx couldn't help but wince a little at the greeting. A few years ago he wouldn't have hesitated with the greeting, even followed suit, but with his history the use of 'brother' was still a hard point for him. Brankx sniffed as he looked at the notice, his demeanour more serious. "I'll not sleep less for the death's of bandits and murderers cousin...i will do what i must. And I'm sure this Wilfrick has his reasons for the display." He looks at teh dwarf, his eyes seem a little darker, haunted now than before.

"If ye can't stomach the scalping, so be it. But these men rob honest folk....hurt and kill family, people that need protecting. If they want a sack full of scalps fer proof, then who am i to argue." Brankx came across as callous as if teh fact of scalping was one of nessesaty, like it was something that he had seen before, buta small catch in his voice showed the truth....he was uncomfortable with the idea.

....but it wouldn't stop him if it meant getting paid.

The dwarf smiled at Grollo, looking at him with arms crossed. "Maybe he has something less 'visual' on hand." He looked at the sign and mused.

<OOC: A brief description of brankx. He's a little smaller than average height for a dwarf and a lot less muscular. He borders on lean even though he is still broad. He has short cropped brown hair and beard, and a scar running from his forehead, sown his left eye to the base of his left ear. He wears grey studded leather armor, a black cloak and dark grey boots, with his breeches grey and a sleeveless tunic of black, and has a hand axe on each hip as well and throwing axes on each thigh. His right arm has a tattoo of ancient dwarfish symbols.>
Augustae Cawliga
player, 3 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 14:23
  • msg #7

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A young man with a timid expression strolls up to the board, not wanting to push others out of the way but staying content behind them. "Twentyfive, huh. That... that's a generous price." he mumbles to himself.

As he's finished speaking, he can't help but overhear the conversation between the two dwarves. A gentle smile spreads on his face as he opens his mouth. "Ah, I hear two people with similarly heavy hearts and empty purses. I don't suppose I can talk you out of taking the job, so what say you we work together, eh? Name's Agustae." He extends his hand. "Are you fine fellows related or is it simply the world that has grown smaller yet?"
This message was last updated by the player at 19:38, Fri 31 May 2019.
player, 4 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 17:53
  • msg #8

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

As fate would have it trouble looms Gora thinks as she also approaches the Job Board.  Two Dwarfs.  Keeping her hands free of her weapons she indicates the notices they seemed to be perusing.
"Excuse me Gentle-dwarfs I just wish to read these proclamations. If you will permit?
 I have no intent of causing a ruckus."

This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 17:54, Tue 12 June 2018.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 8 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 19:01
  • msg #9

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Well, young man, we all come from rock, stone and earth but in the way you mean it, no, we are not related, I guess." He returns the handshake. "And yes, the purse is empty. I think it is wise to form some kind of travelling party. These bandits won't be an easy prey to catch."

When suddenly the orcish woman approaches Grollo feels the urge to reach for his weapon but hearing how politely she asks to look at that message he nods:" Sure, sure, I apologize for my misbehaviour, please have a look for yourself."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:03, Tue 12 June 2018.
player, 5 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 19:28
  • msg #10

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Adventurers and fame seekers it is such a pity! I seek neither.  But I can not just idly standby while people are being down trodden.  Are any of you thinking about taking on the task of subduing these bandits? If so would you care to ally with me till the task is done? My name is Gora a humble seeker and servant of the Greater Good"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:28, Tue 12 June 2018.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 9 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 19:33
  • msg #11

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo stands still with a deep expression of total astonishment written on his face. "Um, well, it's not up to me to decide, I am not the Party leader but I guess the more the merrier."
player, 6 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 20:23
  • msg #12

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Grollo Ironfist (msg # 11):

"It matters not the where with all Master Dwarf, I team up with you, you team up with me? Either way the task gets done. But as you have a team already it behoves me to ask your leader if an extra participant would be of use.  Allow me to introduce myself I am Gora Gallant Acolyte and apprentice trouble shooter."
Grollo Ironfist
player, 10 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 20:49
  • msg #13

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Grollo Ironfist, at your service. This team has not yet a leader, so it is up to you if you would like to join."
player, 7 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 21:04
  • msg #14

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Grollo Ironfist (msg # 13):
"Well met sir and as for my being here! it is more like a moral obligation than a want.  It behoves me to aid the not so evil down trodden of any kind... Gosh busy busy busy.  If you know what I mean.

There is a phrase I once heard "No rest for the wicked" you should try being in my shoes, not that I am complaining. It was all my choice to take the path I am on.
But I think you know that, being on the path of an adventurer yourself. If I am not mistaken"

This message was last edited by the player at 21:06, Tue 12 June 2018.
Agustae Caligo
player, 4 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 21:36
  • msg #15

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae turns to the Orc woman, his smile not faltering in the slightest. "A half-orc and two dwarves. Strange, though I must admit I have seen stranger bedfellows." Like before, he extends his hand. "Name's Agustae. You're welcome to join our newly formed band of scalp-hunters-" this he says with a dry chuckle "-and with an attitude like yours I reckon we'll get along just fine."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:37, Tue 12 June 2018.
player, 4 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 04:14
  • msg #16

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx stands by as the three talk, a smile on his face. "The more of us tehre are, the more opertunity of bringing home more scalps without us being injured. Welcome M'lady, Brankx at ye service. And to ye goodman Agustae, also welcome."

He shifts his gear as he looks at the group of four now, his gaze settling on Gora. "Had the pleasure of traveling with one of your kind lass....a beserker. Good fella. Drank a lot and was  a madman in a fight, but a good man to have by ye side." It was clear that from his tone, he had no ill will towards the orcish race.

He again looks at the board. "And as fer the job, my limited experience is this.....Bandits can be unpredictable. Some are good at heart, but to put such a price on their head, i'd say these are not them." He looks at the group, clearly judging that most have a clear tendency towards religious ideals. He himself had less of that ambition and more for money.

"Besides, bandits often have loot. I'm sure that those who have lost would be grateful...perhaps a meal or an ale." The dwarf winks with a smile.
player, 8 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 05:16
  • msg #17

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 16):

"Alas I am no Berserker having no such rages. Indeed I do not think I would ever been able to become a Paladin if I had. Nor am I very happy with the idea of taking scalps.  If it was a sign of desecration of a persons spirit and thus to a God, I would baulk at the practice.

However I do see the reasons behind it and they are valid.  No good comes of paying coin to charlatans claiming kills with no proof. It is also a practicable method of keeping an accurate tally.  But as it is often said the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
I just hope that the Lord is not just collecting the scalps to sell as spell ingredients to some Wizard or other.  Umm don't I get a handshake also?" 

This message was last edited by the player at 05:17, Wed 13 June 2018.
player, 5 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 05:30
  • msg #18

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx sniffs at the mention of spellcasters, and spits to the side. "Eh...wizards. Cowards who mess with powers beyond their knowledge. Give me a sharp axe any day." he shakes his head at the small rant and smiles and shakes Gora's hand.

"Don't be sad about not having th' rage lass. He was a good man, but when the rage hit him, he was more animal than man...even turned on his friends. Killed a halfling, the poor fella. didn't even see him comin' until it was too late. That was the day we parted. Gar was heart broken he killed his friend, and so ashamed. He fled for the mountains. We looked for him but couldn't find him." The dwarf shook his head at the thought.

He looks again at the woman. "Scalps are a good tally, but i find ears easier to carry. once had to have proof of killin' a certain orc warrior. Had to return his left ear....very distinct. But i digress. If it is what the lord wants, then he shall have it."
player, 1 post
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 05:47
  • msg #19

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Nickalus had been talking to a group of young men, getting an idea of what was going on around the town.  He walked up to the notice board, shaking his head at the notice about the payment per scalp brought in.  Money was not a big motivator for him, but protecting the innocent people of Hommlet was.  There was a group discussing it, and he turned to them with a soft but sad smile.

"Pardon my interruption, I do not mean to intrude, but I would ask you this; how does the scalp of a bandit differ from any other scalp?"

There is no recrimination in his voice, it is posed as a sincere question.
player, 9 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 06:15
  • msg #20

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Nicklaus (msg # 19):

"That is a simple enough question to answer Sir.  A quick inquiry from one of the Clergy can assay if any of the scalps turned in are from another source other than one of the Bandits.  If his Lordship is willing to payout such fees for the scalps would he also not be willing to confirm that they are indeed what he is paying for?  But that answer is just speculation.  Just like the idea that he watches with a crystal ball or magic mirror, or he asks for the facts of people under a truth spell or even more simply he has one of his men assigned to each of the groups sent out to report later on what conspired.  Lets face it none of us or at least some of us do not know anyone here... yet.

Gosh some of my childhood still seems to have clung to me even after all the years of training.  How sad.  In any case I Prefer to trust someone until they prove themselves too be  untrustworthy.  Nor do I think it is worth the trouble it could cause to test his lordships sense of fair play.  But we all make our own destinies do we not?"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:28, Thu 14 June 2018.
player, 6 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 12:49
  • msg #21

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx chuckled at the mans question, and with Gora's answer, he smiled, but he looked at the man and his smile dropped. "Oh...your serious. Damn me boy." The dwarf scratched his beard and shook his head.

Brankx sighed, but continued. "Anyone around here are either honest folk, merchants or bandits. The lord and the rest would notice any of their kind being slaughtered, and merchants being killed is bad fer business, so that leaves the bandits." He looked at the man with an upraised eyebrow. "Why....looking to boost yer coins with teh scalps of some innocents? Wouldn't recommend it'd be found within a day, and your fate would be far worse than the bandits!"
Grollo Ironfist
player, 11 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 13:26
  • msg #22

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"If we decide to travel as a group I will support our deeds in the best way I can. I have no problem with killing monsters and murderers but even in death there should be some decency. But this is only my opinion, just to let you know, don't worry."

The dwarf seems a bit troubled, choosing his words carefully.
player, 2 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 01:23
  • msg #23

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Nicklaus shakes his head.  His hand unconsciously goes to the simple, wooden holy symbol of Heironeous that he wore.

"Greed is not a motivator for me.  I go to Hommlet to tend to the people there, my concern is for their well being.

He looks at the half orc woman and gives a slight nod and sad smile.

"Low power divination spells are not always effective and more powerful means of magical divining can be expensive.  Either way, it would be too late for any innocent person's whose scalp was turned in for a bounty."
player, 7 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 04:26
  • msg #24

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx snorts, hoping the obviously statement wasn't entirely serious. "Don't misjudge my meenings. I intend to help the people of Hommlet, but if there's coin in the deal, i am for it."

Brankx shrugs at the man, neither at his comments of the following of the gods, or the limits of magic.

he again focuses on Grollo. "Do not fear cousin. If we talk to the lord and come to an arrangement, the literal 'scalps' may be avoided. For now, let's see what information we can get on these bandits and the job at hand."
NPC, 7 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 04:53
  • msg #25

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A middle aged human approached the square seeming to watch who was reading the sign. His face showed the signs of battle and weather. His head was bald. One thing stood out though, a holy symbol of St. Cuthbert around his neck. His robes though seemed to indicate some member of the aristocracy though, fancy embroidered robes that only the well to do could afford.
player, 10 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 05:24
  • msg #26

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Tymak (msg # 25):

Approaching the fellow I give him a friendly nod before I address him.
"Greetings and Salutations Sir my name is Gora and I could not but help but notice your presence.  Did you desire to get in and peruse the Notices posted by the Lord of this Township?  I would not presume to offer to assist you in this task, but if you would care to give a young and rash Half Orc the benefit of your insight and wisdom on this matter?

Perhaps  even a hint of where I might be able to get a Map of the local area?  If it is not too much of an imposition of me to inquire. "

This message was last edited by the player at 13:59, Thu 14 June 2018.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 12 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 13:36
  • msg #27

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Right, Brankx, let us do that and worry later, after one or two pints of beer, haha."
player, 8 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 21:55
  • msg #28

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx gives a huge smile and pats Grollo on the back. "Now your talking my language long as the first round is on you. But maybe the ale's can wait. Let us see the lord and get a feel for this job. Then we can celebrate our upcomming success." He looks at Gora and Auguste. "Come on lass, laddie.....lets get us a job and some food before we set of to save these good people and earn some coin"

He indicates Nicklaus to come too.
Agustae Caligo
player, 5 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 22:04
  • msg #29

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 18):

Agustae stiffens at the comment about wizards, but turns to Brankx and keeps his smile. From seemingly out of nowhere, he conjures  a red rose with a flick of his hand. "An unfortunate disposition, but I trust it won't get in the way of us working together? Wizards get a bad rap from abusing their power, but I know many skilled wizards who have done good for the world." He flicks his hand again and the rose is now gone.

After the exchange between Grollo and Brankx, he nods. "Let us not dwell on the details, but rather the handsome reward. An odd group to be sure, but we'll be sure to get the job done."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:08, Thu 14 June 2018.
player, 3 posts
Sat 16 Jun 2018
at 03:11
  • msg #30

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Nicklaus turns towards the priest of St Cuthbert, he notes the robes, not only robes of office but robes of a noble man.  He glances down at his own rough spun robes, simple linen, and he had worn the same robes for the past few years.

He turns to the dwarf and gives him a slight inclination of the head.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I am afraid that I must stay out here."
player, 11 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 16 Jun 2018
at 06:18
  • msg #31

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

still waiting on a reply from the elderly Gentleman Gora rises a finger to him as an act of apology before answering Brankx.

"Alas I have found Taverns and ale to be cause of much misunderstandings, often leading to confrontations.  Though it behoves me to put a stop to such activities, I have also noted that so many people do not give me due credit once I claim my calling or nature.  I have found it best not to test their credulity.

Thus it is with regret that even though your invitation was well received and most welcome, I too must decline and remain out side. If only to ease the concern of the Tavern-keep."

This message was last edited by the player at 06:26, Sat 16 June 2018.
Agustae Caligo
player, 7 posts
Sat 16 Jun 2018
at 11:49
  • msg #32

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae looks at the two remaining behind and chuckles. "I feared I would be alone in not drinking, but it seems like that is not the case. How's the saying go - misery loves company? Regardless-" he looks at Brankx and Grollo "-I'll be happy to join you once you're... finished."

Noticing the fancily clad man only now, he starts. "Yes? Is there something you need?"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:27, Sat 16 June 2018.
player, 12 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 16 Jun 2018
at 14:53
  • msg #33

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

returning my attention to the Elderly Gentleman, Gora tilts her head in apologies.
"I thank-you for your patience Kind Sir.  My attention is now all yours, if it so pleases you."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:54, Sat 16 June 2018.
NPC, 8 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Mon 18 Jun 2018
at 07:14
  • msg #34

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Tymak reponds "Oh no, my days of adventuring are long past, I am the Lord Mayor of Verbobonc and merely wished to see who might be going to take on the evil the day. My duties to the city prevent me from delving into dungeons and exploring these days. In my youth I was part of the force that stood against the Temple of Elemental Evil. The recent increase in bandit activity lately worries me that the evil could be returning."

He looks over your meager possessions "You seem to be starting much as I did in my youth." A look of perhaps regret or sadness crosses his face a moment "The adventuring path can be a quick path to fame and riches, but it also leaves many dead. For everyone you've heard tales about there are dozens perhaps hundreds who died in dark paths that no one knows of their triumphs or failures. The key though is to pick a good set of comrades to join with your adventures. It is like a bundle of wood a group of adventurers. A single stick of wood is easily broken, but if you take and bundle them as a group they become much harder to break. You will need to lean on one another if you are to be successful."
player, 13 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 18 Jun 2018
at 07:31
  • msg #35

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Tymak (msg # 34):

"What you say sounds wise and full of common sense Your Lordship. Still there is just one tiny but insurmountable problem with that,  I will not in all consciousness work with anyone bearing the stigmata of Evil. I do not mean someone who has done some not so nice things from time to time nor do I mean someone who thinks they are evil but are not.  Daresay it is pesky for some.  But it against the Moral and Ethical standings of a Priest and Paladin in the service of The Greater Good to do so.  I hope your Lordship and my fellow team members understand"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:39, Mon 18 June 2018.
player, 11 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2018
at 09:37
  • msg #36

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx listened to teh old man with a smile, and when Gora spoke, he smiled a wistful smile. "Th' line's of good and bad can often be blurred girlie, but true evil is obvious." He holds his hands up, his hands raising. "I am the first to admit that my life, training and skills can fall into the less reptuatial of things, even uncivilised at times, but i rest assure you me girl, and any of ye otehrs, i am not evil."

He looks at the others "But i will say this....i will do what is needed for the saftey of myself and me kin...wehter they be family, clan or teammates. And i expect nothin' less from them." His voice was stern. "I don't expect all of ye to agree with my methods, or my outlook...i know that i won't with some of ye, but that is what makes a good team. Each person has their own strength and skills, and we rely on others."

His gaze finished on Gora with again a wry smile. "But i'll assure you, i am not evil. My motives may seem dark to ye, but they are for the good of kin, and you, me girl, if ye have my back, you are Kin....and I will have yours."
player, 14 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 18 Jun 2018
at 10:24
  • msg #37

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 36):

"Rest assured Kind Sir I know that there are blurred areas for most 'people'. There are less who are good or evil than one would credit.  People simply going about their lives. I also know only the simplest of evil show themselves to be such publicly." 
player, 12 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2018
at 23:05
  • msg #38

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The dwarf smiles at the woman. "Too true me girl, but it's often those blurred lines that can test a man to become better than he is. THAT is how they fight against the evil in their heart. My mentor told me that bad men are not always evil....just deluded, misguided or plain too stupid to know right from wrong. I am the first to say that I have done bad things in the eyes of the law, but even i and my kind have our own laws, and me more so than any. I will fight, hurt and if need be, kill anyone or anything that threatenes me of my kin. I don't abide the torture of innocents, expecially children, and i will fight any who harm them."

He looks at the sign with a stern look. "....and though the gold will help, my motive for these bandits is simple. They hurt people, children in their pirsuits. They have skills I have, but not my views. THAT is why I have no issue following what must be done here."

He stares into space, and mumbles.

"...fer the children"
player, 15 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 19 Jun 2018
at 03:03
  • msg #39

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 38):
"Law is not always right either.  Law like the people who make them can be corrupted.  Just look at societies that Lawfully accept Slavery. Even there good can still function.  Owners may become friends with their Slaves and with time even give the slaves their freedom, or if that is not allowable under the Law then treat the slaves as if they were free.

As a counterpoint there are Slaves who out of fear of freedom cling to their chains.  It is my understanding that such a thing can and does happen... Like prisoners who have become institutionalised.

Still there is the other extreme.  Freemen who have learnt how much power Slaves can hold in a society full of Slaves and fear what the Slaves can do to them.  It is amazing just what people can get used to."

player, 4 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2018
at 03:53
  • msg #40

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Nicklaus steps before the lord mayor of the town and gives him a slight bow.  He picks up a good amount from the conversation between the half orc and the dwarf but for now, focuses on the elderly priest and statesman.

"Thank you for your words of advice sir.  I am Nicklaus, priest of Heironeous.  I am on my way to Hommlet to tend to the needs of the people there.  If I might intrude on your time, is there more that you could tell me of this corrupt temple?"
NPC, 9 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Tue 19 Jun 2018
at 07:31
  • msg #41

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"It was about a decade ago that the Temple rose to such power that it had to be put down. The elves and humans stood together. It was a time of great cooperation, and great sorrow. I was on the field of battle when Serten fell. He had called upon the rest of the Circle of Eight to come and join him in the battle but pursued by their own selfishness they did not come. He was slain by a demoness named Zuggtmoy. She is the mother of the old wicked. It is safe enough to speak her name as she was banished at the conclusion of the battle from my understanding. The great battle was on the 5th of Patchwall a decade ago, called the Battle of Emridy Meadows. Many great souls died there and that is where Serten died. I myself almost succumbed to my own wounds that die, I did not see the end of the battle myself. Since I fell at Emridy Meadows I never made it to the temple proper and cannot tell you where it lies. I do know it lies west of Emridy Meadows, which is north of Hommlet." Tymak tells you.

"The people of Hommlet still mostly follow the Old Faith. Though we have established a chapel to St Cuthbert in the village. Canon Terjon heads the chapel in Hommlet with his assistant Calmer. Burne and Rufus are building a castle in Hommlet however it has experienced a number of delays in construction. The disruption of supply materials makes me think the castle may not be ready for another two to three years if it continues. If it worsens it may never be completed. That's why Viscount Wilfrik posted the bounty on the bandits, he has invested considerable resources into Hommlet and does not wish to see his efforts wasted." He continues.
player, 5 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2018
at 03:52
  • msg #42

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

There is a nod of agreement as Nicklaus listens to the mayor.

"I look forward to meeting Canon Terjon.  Are you saying that bandits have raided the supply wagons?  Do they depart from here sir?  That may be an excellent way to reach Homllet and if these bold types wanted to go along as well, they may be able to lure out some of the highway men."
Grollo Ironfist
player, 15 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2018
at 18:13
  • msg #43

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo nods, too:"That is a great idea, Nicklaus. We should do that!"
Agustae Caligo
player, 8 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2018
at 21:18
  • msg #44

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae also nods in what seems like acknowledgement at the Mayor's words, but speaks first to Nicklaus. "A sound idea, good man. Although I have nothing but the utmost respect for Rufus and Burne, I feel the Viscount might be more inclined to reward them than us. Let us discuss strategy afterwards, though."

He then turns to the mayor. "The Viscount seems like an astute businessman, for sure. Say, good man. Would a meeting with the Viscount be in order, should we complete this job for him?"
player, 13 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2018
at 23:16
  • msg #45

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx stretches his back and smiles. "Sounds like walk to the castle and an explore is in order." The dwarf winked at Grollo. "My speciality. I have skills tracking to some degree....not as good as a ranger mind you, but have some skill. We find where the goblin-kissers stole them, i may be able to pick up a trail. Go explore and take a few heads if need be."
NPC, 10 posts
Lord Mayor of Verbobonc
Mon 2 Jul 2018
at 04:30
  • msg #46

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"The bandits indeed have been attacking shipments. Not so much from Verbobonc but some of the materials come from the gnomes in the Krom Hills and others come from eastern trade routes. The eastern routes are almost cut off completely my sources tell me." he says.

"I believe a caravan of supplies will leave today, if you check with the quartermaster. He'll be over near the Temple of Cuthbert checking the list about now. The Viscount though a busy man could well be overseeing the shipment as well. If you hurry you might catch them. To my knowledge though no caravan from here has been attacked yet, but I'm sure a few extra hands would not be unwelcomed." Tymak suggests.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 16 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2018
at 17:30
  • msg #47

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Well, consider it done, Master Tymak." Grollo gives the man a sincere bow and then makes haste to get to the quartermaster.
player, 19 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 7 Jul 2018
at 11:23
  • msg #48

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Tymak (msg # 46):

"Hmm? I would rather offer my sword in defence of the Caravan than lend a hand loading the caravan. Not that a little healthy exercise would be a bad thing so long as no muscles were puled or crates fell on my feet... accidently of course.

Well Master Tymak I will also take my leave of you to try obtaining a place as a guard for the Caravan.  May the Light of Mercy favour your days."

With a bow I depart after Master Ironfist.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:24, Sat 07 July 2018.
player, 16 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 17:44
  • msg #49

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, not as formal as the two others, nods. "No stranger to caravan guarding here....usually good group, though some masters can be a little tight fisted." He shoulders his pack and nods a farewell to tymak, catching up to Grollo and gora. He looks at the half orc with a smile. "This could be fun....the merchant guards faces seeing you save their asses that is."

He walks along humming a dwarven tune.
player, 20 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 21:29
  • msg #50

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 49):

"Master Brankx that is a nice tune... but why may I ask do I get the impression of mounds and chests of Gold and Jewels dancing in my head as you hum it?"
With a great smile on my face I try to convey to Master Brankx that I am speaking in jest with no intent of stereotyping a member of his kind.
GM, 460 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2018
at 08:28
  • msg #51

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

You make your way over to the Temple of Cuthbert and find that there are a three wagons, mostly loaded at this point. A man with a scroll seems to be looking at the scroll and looking at the wagons. He seems to be muttering to himself from time to time. There is a carter ready to go on each wagon and they have one person that looks like a guard in the first wagon with a crossbow.

An older man is standing to the side looking at the proceeding. He has a silver symbol of St. Cuthbert about his neck, and his robes would indicate someone of importance.
player, 17 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2018
at 16:45
  • msg #52

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx chuckles at the jest of Gora. "You know my kind well lass, but gems and ore are not our only love. This tune is well known in our village of a maiden waiting her husband and sons return from a battle."

He looks forward at the caravans and indicates to the scroll holding man. "He must be our guy.....cousin, will you do the honours....I have been known to lack some tact. Again something common in our kind."
Grollo Ironfist
player, 18 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2018
at 17:27
  • msg #53

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo can't help but smile. "If I may, cousin, I will introduce us both."

As Grollo gets closer he waves his right hand:"Forgive us, friends, we are looking for the quartermaster. Master Tymak sends us over to accompany the caravan. This here is my good friend Master Brankx and my name is Grollo Ironfist. We came to protect and serve if one can say so."
player, 22 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 9 Jul 2018
at 21:47
  • msg #54

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Me Protect too... Me is Gora" I quickly add myself to the introduction before the man addressed has time to respond.
Agustae Caligo
player, 11 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2018
at 23:12
  • msg #55

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Ahem." Agustae clears his throat. "We have all decided a caravan could use all the protection it could get, and so we will all be escorting you. Is there anything in particular we should be wary of?"
NPC, 3 posts
Viscount of Verbobonc
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 04:37
  • msg #56

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The older man moves his gaze from the caravan to you and seems to look each of you up and down. He points to the man with the scroll and then says "That would be the quartermaster. I am Wilfrick, Viscount of Verbobonc. Your hearts seem well enough, but you are a bit poorly equipped for mercenaries. What sort of pay do you require for the caravan and do you plan to see it there and back or just there?"
player, 23 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 05:21
  • msg #57

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Wilfrick (msg # 56):

bending my knee and bowing my head to one of Higher Station.
"My apologies Your lordship, if I had known of your rank and title I would not have addressed thee is such a familiar manner.  My only excuse is that most do not acknowledge the fact that I am what I say I am.  Please forgive my manners.  I am Gora a lowly follower and warrior of the light.  Not having the opportunity or herewith all to afford gear.  Thus my desire to obtain lawful work to gain such monies.

With your permission Your Lordship I will adjourn to attend the Quartermaster for a post in the Caravan and if all is well and that worthy Gentleman wishes it? for the return journey as well.  Nor do I seek more than what is expected of any such guard. Whatever that may be?"

Agustae Caligo
player, 12 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 15:03
  • msg #58

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae cocks his head at the Viscount's comment. "Looks can be deceiving, good sir. We are more capable than we seem at dealing with thugs. As for pay, I suggest you pay us whatever you would wish to be payed for this kind of work."
player, 18 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 15:09
  • msg #59

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx couldn't help but sniff at the man's words. "Heed th' boy's words...we may have little equipment, but our skills are sure enough. And as for pay, a few coin, a meal in our bellies and maybe a stout ale around the fire and we will be happy" The dwarf couldn't help but want to haggle for coin, but the mission was the bandits....the caravan was a means to an end
Grollo Ironfist
player, 19 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 15:09
  • msg #60

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"My apologies, good Sire." Grollo turns to the man with the scroll. "Greetings. My fellow-men and my person well included shall be your hired swords in protection of the caravan."
player, 24 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 14 Jul 2018
at 20:49
  • msg #61

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

continue to await His Lordships permission to withdraw.
NPC, 4 posts
Viscount of Verbobonc
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 13:38
  • msg #62

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Of course go on and speak to him." the Viscount says to the young paladin.
GM, 462 posts
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 13:41
  • msg #63

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The group moves over to the man examining the scroll and looking at the wagons. He seems to be nodding his head negatively and muttering to himself. He doesn't seem to notice you at first but as he moves to one wagon to the next he notices the group.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
OOC: Anyone wanting to perhaps eavesdrop on his mutterings might make a Listen check :)

"Can I help you?" he asks.
player, 25 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 14:15
  • msg #64

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 63):

"Indeed Kind Sir you may indeed be of assistance, expediting your and our task of trying to protect this Caravan.  I and these I am with have come to determine if you are still in need of Guard-persons willing to stand watch and to enquire as to the value you place on such work?  But first I do believe introductions are required.  If it pleases thee I am known as Gora"
GM, 464 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2018
at 06:57
  • msg #65

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The man looks over at his crossbowman and then back at you. "Well it's good to meet your acquaintance. I have already hired Bert to cover the wagons. I suppose we could hire on a few more. 1 sp a day to guard the caravan there and back. It's a 10 league drive. We drive there, stay at the Welcome Wench 1 night meal included, then unload the next day and return the day after that. So for 3 days work you'd earn 6 sp, plus have a place to sleep and two good meals, the evening meal when we arrive, and morning meal before we leave. There are rations to eat on the way and we will take an hour break to rest and water the horses at the halfway point on the way there and back."

The Quartermaster is not evil.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 20 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2018
at 07:45
  • msg #66

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Sounds reasonable, Sire, I am in, and I guess my cousin as well, but I don't dare to speak for him in such a matter."
player, 8 posts
Tue 17 Jul 2018
at 18:55
  • msg #67

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Nicklaus had stopped to talk to some children, they often knew as much of what was going on as any adult and were more ready to speak of it, but there was nothing of great interest.  He steps up and gives a bow to the Viscount and the wagon master.

"If you need assistance in loading, I would happy to do so.  If you don't mind, I would like to travel to Hommlet with the wagon, but need no pay.  I am headed there anyway and company on the road is always good."
player, 26 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 19 Jul 2018
at 22:09
  • msg #68

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Nicklaus (msg # 67):

"alas I have not always found it to be so.  You have been most fortunate to be so blessed."

turning back to the Caravan Master Gora inquires

"Wagon Master how say you? Do you care to have one of my Kind along as part of this caravan for the stated wages?  I would also like to know what is the stance on loot?  Does the spoils of Combat belong to the guard who fight, all the guard employed for the trip, the caravan owners ad-infinitum?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:17, Thu 19 July 2018.
GM, 470 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 04:39
  • msg #69

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Good to have you with us Master Dwarf, if you wish pick yourself a place on one of the wagons." the quartermaster tells Grollo.

He turns to Nicklaus "Ah we've already loaded the wagons lad but thank you for offer."

Another robbed figure approaches "There you are Nicklaus I have an errand for you to run my apprentice."

Nicklaus turns and moves towards the robbed figure "I've completed my apprenticeship though and was about to make my own way."

"I can still teach you more my boy, and I still need your help. Far safer than adventuring." the other robbed figure says.

"Well what did you have in mind?" Nicklaus asks.

The two men then wander out of earshot as they discuss their future.

The quartermaster looks over Gora "That is an excellent question, we shall divide any loot into shares, I shall get 2 shares and everyone else shall get a share. I see no problem with you coming, I mean the people in Hommlett are not used to seeing your kind but you seem civilized enough and I don't think it will cause any major problems."
player, 27 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 11:13
  • msg #70

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 69):

"well it could, seeing I can not know-ably or readily abide bad beings without running the risk of compromising my station. That being said I am not stupid enough to commit manslaughter of my fellow travel companions by drawing them into a fight with a warband of blood thirsty marauders who have not even noticed the caravan yet. Suggest that a warning to be sent in the direction that they seem to be going yes! But one must look at the big picture which is often made up of lots of little ones.  Or to put it another way no Army would stand a chance for long in the Pits of Hell"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:40, Mon 23 July 2018.
Agustae Caligo
player, 13 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 15:58
  • msg #71

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae waves as Nicklaus's back grows smaller and smaller in the distance. After he's too far away to discern properly, Agustae turns to the quartermaster. "I would be more than willing to forgo any coin acquired to get a first pick of any rare objects we may or may not find, provided you don't object, of course."
player, 19 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 17:36
  • msg #72

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, listening to the chatter, nods and smiles. "A good meal, come fair coin and some fresh air....count me in." The dwarf began walking back with his cousin, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I will travel with the rear guard, watch our backs. You, cousin, watch the left flank, and gora the right. Between our thee eyes we may catch movement. Then we can investigate. I'm sure the caravan owner would appreciate us stopping any damage before it's done."
player, 28 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 23:29
  • msg #73

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 72):

"I Gora will of course take your advise into consideration Branks.  Still do you not think the Wagon Master will have a say in our Deployment? He has after all had more experience in Guard disposition.  As to loot has the Wagon Master not already stated"

"We shall divide any loot into shares, he shall get 2 shares and everyone else shall get a share."

"Master Agustae would it not serve the expedition better if any rare object we may or may not find be put to use in the hands of someone who could best use such?  Not that I could tell the difference between a Relic an Artefact or an object of Dwarven design

Surely if we came upon a healing relic of some kind would it not be best to be put into the hands of a Priest rather than a Mage like you appear to be.  That being said if we came on a Mystic Staff or Dagger I am more than willing to admit the Wagon Master or you would be the logical person to use such an item.  That being said I must also point out we are but Caravan Guards and surely any such booty is by right the property of the Caravan Master.  At least until that worthy individual says otherwise. After all we are not a band of Mercenaries or Thugs for Hire we are Employees of a Merchant Caravan are we not?

In any case until notified otherwise I am under the impression that it is up to the
Wagon Master as to what, where and to whom such booty will be distributed too.  May have been better to have finessed the fellow first?  But what do I know."

This message was last edited by the player at 17:57, Tue 24 July 2018.
GM, 474 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2018
at 15:15
  • msg #74

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

player, 29 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 26 Jul 2018
at 21:32
  • msg #75

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"If memory serves though everyone has already agreed to work for 3 days at 1sp a day to guard the caravan there and back with board and meals included.  No mention was made for division of loot until now so I do not see any reason to bother ourselves with the division of anything that may not even arise.  If is by rights property of the Merchants.  If anyone had wanted a different arrangement it should have been brought to them before now.  with the likely result of that person not being hired.  Lets face it there are so many people out there who would just jump at the chance of some work."
Fri 27 Jul 2018
at 12:13
  • msg #76

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"I believe that 6 sp would not cover perhaps choice items of loot. Still I think we can do by shares. I think my offer was very fair, I'm also paying for lodging and meals." he says "Perhaps if we do find something of particular worth we can work out an arrangement, I doubt any bandits would have much of worth on them unless they'd already hit someone else."
player, 30 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 27 Jul 2018
at 21:34
  • msg #77

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Quartermaster (msg # 76):

"Sir I took the Job for 6sp and meals. I for one have no qualms with the remuneration you first offered. If I had then I would not have taken the job. Which I again must point out did not include any mention of loot or plunder. The payment offered is and was a straight up payment and is fine by me.

Miners employed to mine do not get any of the wealth they dig up at work now do they?  It is the same kind of situation here.  We the Guards have been hired to guard a Caravan not to go on a Raid for loot and plunder.  So I see no reason for you to have to renegotiate payment with anyone by offering shares in anything.

That does not mean I would be adverse to gifts of generosity if the situation developed that inclined you into such a mood. However on the matter food and drink if it is no bother to you, I do prefer Non alcoholic beverages

That being said if you continue with your intent of giving me a share other than the 6sp and meals you first offered I will bow to your decision and accept such and depending on what it is as a gift for the less fortunate or as a gift for the Greater Good."

This message was last edited by the player at 05:37, Mon 30 July 2018.
Mon 30 Jul 2018
at 04:38
  • msg #78

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

What of the rest of you are you willing to go with the share division I outlined, I believe it more than fair. he asks
Agustae Caligo
player, 14 posts
Mon 30 Jul 2018
at 15:27
  • msg #79

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A nod. "It is fair. Perhaps I shall find some artifacts of the arcane persuasion later on in life. I'm ready to head out when you are."
GM, 477 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2018
at 04:21
  • msg #80

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Was waiting for others to post, but since none have we'll assume they are along for now.

With the division of spoils set and wages set, the caravan leaves Verbobonc towards Hommlet. The going is pretty easy so far. At the halfway point the caravan breaks to rest the horses and give folks a chance to stretch their legs.

Looking about you can tell this is a typical rest stop used frequently. There is little that one could hide behind here thus making ambush and surprise attacks unlikely.
player, 31 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 3 Aug 2018
at 08:42
  • msg #81

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 80):

Unless someone took the time and effort to dig pits to hide in... but why go to the bother of doing that?  Bandits are often Bandits because they are too lazy to do some real work... oh and they are nasty blood thirsty brutes that like to hear people scream in pain.

Keeping my thoughts to myself I keep a watchful eye out. Strolling amongst the wagons and taking in the scenery.  I ponder briefly if I could get someone to spar with me just to... ease my other muscles? Probably not, so I settle for a few Martial training techniques, away from the pachyderms so I do not startle them any.
player, 20 posts
Mon 6 Aug 2018
at 19:34
  • msg #82

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx at the rest stop, finds a perch on a caravan, looking over them, and using a dagger, cuts at an apple. The trip so far had been uneventful, with guard duty, sharing stories with gora and Grollo, as well as the caravan driver.

But the rogue always pondered his next move out of habit. He was a forward thinker and with the quietness of guarding the caravan, his mind raced. When he saw gora wandering around, he smiled. "Don't worry lass....being quiet isn't always a bad thing. Though even I'll admit to some excitement, this gives us time to think on what to do next" He cut a hunk of apple and tossed it to the woman.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:42, Tue 07 Aug 2018.
GM, 483 posts
Tue 7 Aug 2018
at 04:52
  • msg #83

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Note: There are no trees at the rest stop and it's spring so even if an apple tree was here the apples would not be ripe :), we'll assume you just had an apple with you, where you purloined it I do not know, maybe in the Verbobonc market before leaving :). Thank you for posting though.

The rest stop goes off well. The horses are fed and watered. About an hour after the rest stop you are underway again.

You can make spot and listen checks :)
player, 32 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 7 Aug 2018
at 15:05
  • msg #84

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 82):

"Master brankx put your mind at ease.  I am not worried at all! I am only being watchful while enjoining the view hereabouts.  If you prefer I could sit a spell and try to convert you to the Order to which I serve? Rest assured I would not be upset if you rather I did not though, Most people do not get it.  In any case it would be more beneficial if I got in a little sparing exercise.

Would you care to assist with that endeavour?"

player, 22 posts
Tue 7 Aug 2018
at 17:08
  • msg #85

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx chuckles at Gora. "Nay'd be wasting your breath trying to convert a stubborn fool like me. I enjoy my ale, gold and sin too much. Besides, my view of things is less regimented than yerself...allows me to do what my st be done when all else fails."

The dwarf stands and brushes his hands. "...but if Ye want some friendly sparing, that I can help Ye with girlie.
player, 33 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 7 Aug 2018
at 17:45
  • msg #86

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 85):

"Indeed Master Brankx at our next stop let us do that.  Which kind of melee weaponry do you prefer Sir Piercing, Bludgeoning or Slashing?"
GM, 486 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2018
at 16:10
  • msg #87

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Your party is now approaching the Village of Hommlet, having taken a caravan from Verbobonc. You are poorly mounted, badly equipped, and have no large sums of cash. In fact, all you have is what you wear and what you ride, plus the few coins that are hidden in purses and pockets. What you do possess in quantity, though, is daring and desire to become wealthy and famous. Thus your group comes to Hommlet to learn. Is this indeed a place for adventurers to seek their fortunes? You all hope, of course, to gain riches and make names for yourselves. The outcome of this is uncertain, but your skill and daring, along with a good measure of luck, will be the main ingredients of what follows, be it for weal or woe.

     The small community at the crossroads is a completely unknown quantity. What is there? Who will be encountered? Where should you go? These are your first explorations and encounters, so chance may dictate as much as intelligence. Will outsiders be shunned? Are the reports true — is the whole community engaged in evil practices? Are the folk here bumpkins, easily duped? Does a curse lay upon those who dare to venture into the lands which were once the Temple's? All of these questions will soon be answered.

     The dusty, rutted road is lined with closely-grown hedges of brambles and shrubs. Here and there it cuts through a copse or crosses a rivulet. To either hand, forest and meadow have given way to field and orchard. A small herd of kine graze nearby, and a distant hill is dotted with the wand stone chimneys with thin plumes of blue smoke rising from them. A road angles west into the hill country, and to either side of the road ahead are barns and buildings — Hommlet at last!
player, 34 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 10 Aug 2018
at 21:34
  • msg #88

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 87):

there is just no accounting for some peoples attitudes.
Agustae Caligo
player, 15 posts
Sat 11 Aug 2018
at 21:33
  • msg #89

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae had been playing with some magical sparkles while he walked, not glancing up much save to keep himself from straying off the path. "Well, we're here. A right pleasure." he mumbles, still not looking up
player, 35 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 14:34
  • msg #90

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 87):

an orchard of what kind? apples, oranges, pears cherries, coconuts... can you even have an orchard of coconut trees?  It would be a little bias if you can't but never ever even heard of one.

"Oh? Master Caligo I was here years ago.  I always am where ever I am at any particular moment... Or something like that.  May I ask are those sparkles of yours fireflies? "
GM, 490 posts
Tue 14 Aug 2018
at 15:36
  • msg #91

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

It's spring and they are just getting some blooms on the apple trees, you also think you see some cherry trees which have already bloomed and a couple of pear trees.

"I believe the locals call them lightning bugs" he says.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 23 posts
Wed 15 Aug 2018
at 14:06
  • msg #92

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo has guarded the left flank of the caravan. Now that they made it safely to the village of Hommlet he sighs:"First part of our journey is over, my friend, and we are still doing fine. Let's see what is next. Don't you think so, Brankx?"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:29, Tue 21 Aug 2018.
GM, 496 posts
Tue 21 Aug 2018
at 05:48
  • msg #93

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The caravan continues into town as you drive through town you see what is obviously the church of St. Cuthbert on the left side of the road, a stone structure it sticks out against the primarily wooden structures of the town. Across the road from the church is a wooden structure, perhaps a farmer or herder's home.

You continue along the road and then just before crossing the bridge you see a trading post on the left and on the right is a nice wood structure, a bit fancy with a jewel on the sign.

You pass a few more structures, one a small dwelling with no sign up and another looks to be newer and possibly a town hall. You see a footsoldier patrol past and wave to the caravan master.

You finally pull up at a structure:

The square wooden sign shows a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. This must be the Inn of the Welcome Wench, a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink! Passing merchants make a point of stopping, as do many other sorts of wayfarers, and it is said that the place is always filled with patrons.

"This will be where we stay for the night. You'll have to arrange watches to watch over the wagons until morning. Though we've never had any trouble here in town. Ostler is a good sort. A bit brusque in his manner but he's got a good heart."
the caravan master tells you.

Two young men approach the horses seem to know them.

"Enos, Mavos good to see you, the horses shall need grooming and stabling the next two days." the caravan master says.

"Yes, sir" one of the men replies as he gives a curious glance to your troupe. "A bit more protection than normal sir."

The caravan master nods "Times are becoming more dangerous, They were looking for work and it never hurts to have a few more hands."

The young man as he starts to unhitch the horses nods "There was another group that arrived yesterday. Seems more and more are coming to seek their fortunes. They'd do well to speak to Jaroo before venturing far."

The caravan master laughs a bit "Ah yes I do hope Jaroo is well though these have hired on for the return trip as well, so I don't think they'll have much time for the druid's errands."
Grollo Ironfist
player, 25 posts
Tue 21 Aug 2018
at 07:33
  • msg #94

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"So far, so good, I will stay with the wagons for the next 4 or 5 hours, I doubt that anything will happen while we stay in town, so one guard should be enough. I am looking forward to be replaced when time is up."
player, 37 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 21 Aug 2018
at 10:29
  • msg #95

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

After the Caravan Master has finished his conversation with the two young men, Gora will approach them and ask "Pardon me Sirs but I would like to inquire as to the health and welfare of the citizens of Hommlet... are all fine and healthy?  I heard mention that a Druid is established here.  But there is no harm in having an extra bit of aid in Healing now and again.  I am still able to tend some maladies today so if you happen to know of anyone needing such assistance. I would be honoured and happy to oblige."
Augustae Cawliga
player, 16 posts
Tue 21 Aug 2018
at 21:46
  • msg #96

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Agustae nods at Grollo and motions toward the inn. "Come inside when you feel like it and I'll take over. Suppose I might as well get some entertainment if we're staying here."
This message was last updated by the player at 19:46, Fri 31 May 2019.
player, 24 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2018
at 21:09
  • msg #97

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, on the outside, seemed unimpressed with the town, but in reality he had seen few towns beyond his family and kin. When they approached the inn, the dwarf smiled. "Now we're talkin'" He rubs his hands, but listens to the talk of the other group with interest. Brankx looks at Grollo with a smile. "Let me fill my belly with a warm meal and a mug of ale, and I will replace Ye cousin."

He looks at agustae with a sniff. "Ye rest yer bones boy and relieve me when your ready. I'll follow Grollo."
player, 38 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 25 Aug 2018
at 10:01
  • msg #98

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Having made her offer Gora is not surprised by the response... or lack thereof.  She has seen it all before.

Following the rest of the crew into the depths of what is most likely the site of a brawl just waiting to happen.  It should not be long now she figured before one or the other of them suggested that she take the midnight shift, even thought she needed to get a full nights rest to replenish her prayers and meditations for all that they were worth.  But perhaps not? Time would tell.
GM, 498 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2018
at 13:28
  • msg #99

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

This large place is bright and cheerful. It contains several rough-hewn tables and
chairs, boards, and benches. Natural tree trunk pillars support the ceiling overhead, all dark with smoke and age. A motley group of people is here.

To the right along the wall with windows are a number of tables with benches. There are tables between you and the bar which is straight ahead. These tables have chairs there is one between here and the bar, three along the middle of the room perpendicular to the bar, and one in the corner to the right and back of the room. There is a large fireplace in the center of the opposing wall.

A large balding man looks up as you enter from behind the bar, but doesn't say anything. You notice over a dozen patrons in the area, two barmaids and two pot boys making rounds. The tables along the windows are largely full right now mostly look to be farmers or builders along there. Along the tables in the middle appear to be a few people of finer dress.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 26 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2018
at 13:59
  • msg #100

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo stands guard, circling the wagons now and then.
NPC, 1 post
Sat 25 Aug 2018
at 16:46
  • msg #101

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Ah there is a clear table there in the corner, move over there and I'll secure our lodging for tonight." the Caravan Master tells the heroes pointing to the corner table.

He calls to one of the barmaids "Cyna a round for my friends."
NPC, 1 post
Sat 25 Aug 2018
at 16:47
  • msg #102

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Yes sir" the maiden says with a smile as she heads behind the bar to get the drinks ready.
NPC, 23 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2018
at 16:49
  • msg #103

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Ostler is a large man and he seems to grunt some as Helmon approaches. "You've brought more than usual, I'll only have enough room for the lot in the common room. Are the roads getting so dangerous as to need so many guards?" he says with a stern look.
NPC, 2 posts
Caravan Master
Mon 27 Aug 2018
at 09:50
  • msg #104

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"One can never be to careful, they hired on cheap enough. I'll need a common meal for each for tonight as well and in the morning. Lodging tomorrow night in the common room as well." Helmon says looking about "Where's Elmo isn't he normally drinking about this time."
NPC, 24 posts
Mon 27 Aug 2018
at 09:52
  • msg #105

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Ostler shakes his head disapprovingly. "He went with that party out to see about the Moathouse. Jaroo's probably got them all killed. They went to look for the missing aspirant. Haven't seen any return yet today. To much of Otis in Elmo if you ask me, they took that flippant gambler with them too, that's at least good. Folks spending more money on booze and food tonight than losing it to that no good."

OOC: Feel free to talk and interupt the NPCs :)
player, 25 posts
Mon 27 Aug 2018
at 19:12
  • msg #106

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, his pack on his back, takes a seat and smiles at the conversation between he caravan master helmon, and the bartender ostler. He nodded to the bartender. "An ale and a meal fear me if Ye can. " He listened to the story, and looked at them both.

"Ye got some trouble around here?"
player, 39 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 27 Aug 2018
at 20:02
  • msg #107

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

taking a seat Gora watches the Barmaid with interest.  It always amazes her to see how many Pitchers and goblets a person can manage to carry.  She has often wondered if they have a Collage somewhere that teaches the skill?...
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 22:58, Fri 31 Aug 2018.
player, 40 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 2 Sep 2018
at 04:16
  • msg #108

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

thank the Woman gratefully as she delivers the drinks and toast Helmon for the repast.
"May the road ever rise to meet you... No matter how scary that thought actually sounds like, It is sort of meant to be a good thing"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:25, Sun 02 Sept 2018.
NPC, 25 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2018
at 11:42
  • msg #109

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Not hear in town the bandits wouldn't dare strike here with Rufus and Burne building their castle. Burne's Badgers are a strong enough force to hold the town. Outside town though can be dangerous." Ostler calls out to you.
NPC, 1 post
Mon 3 Sep 2018
at 11:50
  • msg #110

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A voice comes from the top of the stairs as you see a Bakluni dressed in robes, carrying a pair of daggers and a quarterstaff. He speaks to you "They're probably dead, I offered my services to them but they did turn me down. Shame really they seemed like a pretty good bunch of adventurers."
NPC, 1 post
Mon 3 Sep 2018
at 11:52
  • msg #111

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

A hulking man is just behind the man who just spoke. He is dressed in banded mail. A longsword and a dagger hang from his belt.
GM, 507 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2018
at 11:52
  • msg #112

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Make Listen checks
Grollo Ironfist
player, 27 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2018
at 12:14
  • msg #113

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo remains outside, guarding the caravan.
GM, 509 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2018
at 13:09
  • msg #114

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

player, 26 posts
Tue 4 Sep 2018
at 12:39
  • msg #115

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo Ironfist
player, 28 posts
Tue 4 Sep 2018
at 14:24
  • msg #116

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

16:23, Today: Grollo Ironfist rolled 10 using 1d20+3.  spot.
16:23, Today: Grollo Ironfist rolled 13 using 1d20+3.  listen.

player, 41 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 5 Sep 2018
at 08:06
  • msg #117

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Turuko (msg # 110):
Turning at the strangers input, all Gora sees is another apparently bald Human.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Thu 06 Sept 2018.
player, 42 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 9 Sep 2018
at 06:01
  • msg #118

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

oblivious to any aberrant activity Gora continues to study Turuko as she waits for the inevitable bar fight.  One is certain to be on the Horizon.
NPC, 2 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2018
at 07:08
  • msg #119

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Turoko continues down the steps "The roads have become quiet dangerous to the east of town. Why Kobort and I were part of a caravan that got struck just half a days ride to the east of town. We were lucky to escape with our lives, we probably wouldn't have been if we hadn't left our merchandise behind."
player, 43 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 10 Sep 2018
at 07:49
  • msg #120

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Please miss if I may order a meal and drink for my travel companion the Dwarf named Grollo who is currently standing watch over some wagons outside?" I ask of the Barmaid and waiting for a response before tuning to the Bald man.
In reply to Turuko (msg # 119):
"So Sir, will you be trying to form another party to reclaim your property?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:26, Mon 10 Sept 2018.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 29 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2018
at 07:54
  • msg #121

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Without any hesitation Grollo enters the tavern, looking for his fellows:"Guys, maybe there is some trouble east of here, we should take a look, hurry."

After this warning shout he follows the guardian.
NPC, 2 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2018
at 07:56
  • msg #122

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Cyna looks over at Gora then back to Ostler and Helmon. Helmon gives a nod and Ostler nods back at the barmaid "Of course I'll take your friend a meal right away."

She gets a mug of ale and a plate of meat and potatoes ready to take outside just as Grollo bursts inside.
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2018
at 08:12
  • msg #123

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Alas I have no funds to hire on adventurers. I would welcome to lead a group to reclaim my lost items, but I can promise no pay only a share of the treasures." Turuko responds to Gora. "Kobort of course is on board to reclaiming the goods as well."
player, 44 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 10 Sep 2018
at 14:51
  • msg #124

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Grollo Ironfist (msg # 121):

Maybe some trouble?  How rash and impulse a manner Master Ironfist was displaying?
  It seemed to be a little at odds with what Gora had come to expect from the stoic fellow.

"Ahh Master Turuko... it seems that some event is alarming Master Ironfist.  If we could continue this conversation later?...  Not all treasure comes as material gain."
 Gathering my gear before I follow in the wake of the Dwarf... if I can still see him outside.

Slowing to a stop Gora re-evaluates the situation... Due to the nature of the Dwarf, we agreed to take the positions of Wagon Guards.  As that task has not yet been completed, could this new trouble just be a diversion to draw us away from the Wagons? Turning back towards the Tavern Gora returns to her current Duty
This message was last edited by the player at 03:11, Tue 11 Sept 2018.
player, 27 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2018
at 01:19
  • msg #125

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, about to eat, listens to Grollo and groans. He pushes himself as he mutters. "Why do these emergencies happen at meal or drink times.....damnit." He looks a the barmaid with a wink. "Keep it warm for me girlie...."

Then, runs out the door, still muttering. "By moradins beard Grollo, this better be good..."
player, 45 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 11 Sep 2018
at 03:14
  • msg #126

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 125):

"And what happens if these troubles reach this Tavern while we are not present.  That I figure is tantamount to breaking our word.  But to each their own"
player, 28 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2018
at 03:58
  • msg #127

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx waves a hand at the half orc woman. "If these troubles reach the tavern, then pity them all for disturbing a dwarf and his meal!" Brankx chuckles as he walks beside the woman. "Come girl.....lets see what trouble we can get into."
player, 46 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 12 Sep 2018
at 00:47
  • msg #128

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 127):
"As Grollo has already left the tavern there is no reason to assume anyone is going to be disturbing his meal, it has already been disturbed.  Sorry Branks but my current duty is to guard the Wagons and I can not with good conscience leave it unguarded just to risk alienating our Employer or the Local Town Guard.  I am funny that way.
However do feel free to indulge yourself"

Grollo Ironfist:
Without any hesitation Grollo enters the tavern, looking for his fellows:"Guys, maybe there is some trouble east of here, we should take a look, hurry."

After this warning shout he follows the guardian.

OOC do not even know who this Guardian fellow is so...
This message was last edited by the player at 07:34, Wed 12 Sept 2018.
player, 29 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2018
at 00:19
  • msg #129

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx shrugs. "I'll try not to have too much fun without ye girl."

With that he hurried after Grollo
player, 47 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 13 Sep 2018
at 00:59
  • msg #130

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Well Master Turuko it seems that at the moment I am alone in doing the job you hired us for.  So it seems we may have time to discuss the possible attempt of regaining your goods and sundries.  As for payment that can be negotiated on the terms and concept of carrying the assist onward.  Like a pebble in a pond the ripples can carry further than the original event.

Or looking on it another way... If you go out of business how many others as in workers, family or associated businesses would suffer from your liquidation?"

This message was last edited by the player at 17:34, Thu 13 Sept 2018.
GM, 512 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2018
at 13:39
  • msg #131

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

OOC I'm pretty sure he meant he was following the Burne's Badger he saw running that way......

I'll give it another day before I post IC :)
Grollo Ironfist
player, 30 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2018
at 14:27
  • msg #132

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

ooc: Yes, I did. This is some kind of guardian, isn't it???
GM, 513 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2018
at 14:29
  • msg #133

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

OOC: Burne's Badgers are mercenaries in the employ of Burne, His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlett, they are led by Rufus.
player, 30 posts
Thu 13 Sep 2018
at 23:38
  • msg #134

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

<OOC: I'll just follow Grollo...>
player, 48 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 14 Sep 2018
at 08:15
  • msg #135

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Hmm?" at the door to the Tavern I ask of the Patrons in general.  "Kind Persons all! Have any of you sentients heard some form of General Public Alarm calling for any sort of assistance?"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:24, Tue 18 Sept 2018.
GM, 517 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2018
at 08:23
  • msg #136

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora addresses first their employer who seems to be eating "So long as someone is guarding it that'll be sufficient."

She then addresses the crowd and folks look over at her but don't seem to be in to much of a hurry at the moment and some seem weary of bad news.

The rest of you follow the Burne's Badger east along the main road between the Welcome Wench and the Castle under construction. As you look ahead just along the road there is a group of three Burne's Badgers (based on their shields) a large strapping man with an axe and another man who is tied up. It appears the tied up man is being turned over to the Badgers. A robed figure with the cowl down is approaching the group from the completed Tower.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 31 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2018
at 08:42
  • msg #137

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo gets closer to have a better look, he wants to know what happens.
player, 49 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 18 Sep 2018
at 10:32
  • msg #138

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Turuko (msg # 123):
"So Master Turuko just what sort of goods are we talking about here, who are the robbers lastly when and were were the items stolen?"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:35, Tue 18 Sept 2018.
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2018
at 10:39
  • msg #139

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"We were transporting spices with the hopes of reaching Verbobonc to sell them. We were attacked about a days ride to the east from here. We lost our wagons and our supplies and goods. We escaped with just us two making our way here just last night." Turoko tells you.
player, 50 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 18 Sep 2018
at 22:03
  • msg #140

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Turuko (msg # 139):

"It seems to me that there is a chance it was an inside job, a matter of Commercial Espionage. Why would a load of Brigands want to be burdened with a batch of consumables that need to be sold off in market to make the trouble of getting the stuff worth the trouble in the first place? Or a bunch of poor starving wretches who need the spices to hide the taste of there Rat Tartar. I suspect at least a chance that the criminals were put up to the heist by some of your competitors.

But then... I have also been told I see nefarious plots where there are none"

player, 31 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2018
at 07:57
  • msg #141

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, following Grollo, walks forward. He looked at the tied up man with a sniff. "Looks like the fun's over Cousin." He looks at the robed figure and scowls, but still edges forward to get a better gauge of the situation
player, 51 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 15:15
  • msg #142

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Looking around to see if she can see someplace to be seated.  Gora passes the time crowd watching.
player, 52 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 04:41
  • msg #143

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

hmm that mans boot laces are loose.
GM, 532 posts
Sun 3 Feb 2019
at 21:56
  • msg #144

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala is in the Welcome Wench and sees Gora sit down, and Gora begins to become bored it seems.

The man looks aghast at Gora "Well it certainly wasn't anything on our part, we barely got out with our lives, you should be more careful with your accusations!"
GM, 533 posts
Sun 3 Feb 2019
at 21:57
  • msg #145

Re: Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Grollo Ironfist:
Grollo gets closer to have a better look, he wants to know what happens.

I'm waiting to see what that group is doing :)
player, 61 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 3 Feb 2019
at 23:52
  • msg #146

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Da Man (msg # 144):

"Me tinks if Gora was making accusations Gora would sure to be having Town Guards present.
Gora just making speculations, big difference"

speculations the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Katala Windstrom
player, 3 posts
Mon 4 Feb 2019
at 00:30
  • msg #147

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala sat at the table over from agora, hearing the conversation. She couldn't help but smile at the irony....the two women always attracted attention it would seem, but where the warrior woman had scorn and accusations, Kat always had admirers.

...she wasn't sure which was worse.

The woman spoke, her voice musical. "What she said is true....simple observation. Even the little I heard I'd agree with her." The woman stands, her tight fitting leather breeches and short cropped tunic showing her toned midriff and shoulders. The beauitful (because she was indeed beauitful), sat down next to Gora with a smile, and placed her tankard down on the table

"Besides, I think if she wanted to threaten you, you would seriously know about it."

She took a slight drink, then looked at Gora. "Call me Kat."
player, 62 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 4 Feb 2019
at 05:55
  • msg #148

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 147):

"Greetings and Salutations Kat.  Self is known as Gora and me rather threaten and dispose of evil then to get in the way of innocent bystanders in any case.  Me guess me just make people nervous.  It is rather hard to get them to believe Gora serves Good and Just Laws. "    Reaching out a hand to be shaken as a symbol of peace.

"Miss Kat have you ever considered having a couple of plated dreadlocks in your hair?  Me tinks tis easier to don helmets dat way?"
Katala Windstrom
player, 4 posts
Mon 4 Feb 2019
at 06:16
  • msg #149

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat takes the outstrched hand, her handshake light. "I've learnt not to take things at face value, lady Gora." Her face becomes serious for a moment as if worried about something, then her smile comes back. "Protecting those who can't protect themselves is a noble cause, one I agree with, though I believe our views of 'innocence' may differ."

At the offer of dreadlocks, the woman laughed a musical laugh, causing a few of the male patrons look at her with appraising eyes. "I don't think they will suit me, but thanks for the I don't wear helmets. You strike me as a warrior of ferice skill. My talents lie.....elsewhere." She looked at some of the appraising eyes with an eye roll.
player, 63 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 4 Feb 2019
at 06:34
  • msg #150

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 149):
"The straight and narrow is always so."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:37, Mon 04 Feb 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 5 posts
Mon 4 Feb 2019
at 06:42
  • msg #151

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The young woman smiled at the warrior woman....a woman who was strong of body, mind and spirit. Kat could appreciate that. She was not physically strong, but neither was she weak. She guessed this woman could wield a sword or axe with great skill, and where Kat could hold one, her skills were more about speed and skill. She had a dagger, Andy though not something that could cleave a man in two, a well placed shot with a dagger could prove fatal.

She nodded to Gora. "Never a true word was spoken. Now what, pray, brings you to this place?"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:02, Mon 04 Feb 2019.
player, 64 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 13:11
  • msg #152

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 151):

"Pardon Miss for the abruptness of this, but your words have reminded me I must leave on personal business.  I do hope you forgive my sudden departure."

Getting up Gora leaves to go Pray & Meditate at The Temple.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:16, Tue 05 Feb 2019.
GM, 534 posts
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 14:31
  • msg #153

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

OOC: Note you would not detect as evil even given your heritage, as you do not have an evil alignment and are not a cleric or other thing with an aura :), I realize you trying to play it up, there might be something unnatural about your beauty and charisma but it might not be associated with evil :)
player, 65 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 17:44
  • msg #154

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Just before Gora leaves an idea springs to mind.  With half a turn she addresses Katala Windstrom

"Mi-lady Windstrom would you care to join me in Prayer?  It would not upset me if you would rather not, but I could say a prayer on your behalf... if you like."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:49, Tue 05 Feb 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 6 posts
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 21:16
  • msg #155

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat smiles at the woman, again suprised by the contrast of her physical and spiritual characteristics.

"Why don't you pray on my behalf....."She was about to finish with some hip about the gods, but stopped herself. If it had have been anyone who knew her, they would expect such, but Gora just met her, and she wasn't about to tease a warrior on her faith.

The woman smiled at Gora.
player, 66 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 22:48
  • msg #156

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 155):

"Ah it is good to see your not one to test chance.  Who knows when someone is listening? Be it a City Official or a Pious Follower.  Your Discretion is to be admired Mi-Lady...  Will you be staying at this Tavern overnight?  Perhaps we can meet later and converse further."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 22:48, Tue 05 Feb 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 6 posts
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 00:54
  • msg #157

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat smiked at Gora's warmth. "i will be here later, and please call Me Katala or Kat....i am no lady." she sniled at the warrior.

"and if you need a companion, or just someone to share a meal with, i will be waiting"
This message was last updated by the player at 00:54, Wed 06 Feb 2019.
player, 67 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 00:47
  • msg #158

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brankx (msg # 157): smiling mysteriously
This message was last edited by the player at 00:51, Wed 06 Feb 2019.
player, 68 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 13:22
  • msg #159

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 157):

"Mi Lady Windstrom the salutation is not only for the High Born, it is a show of respect to all social classes.  Nor will I be going far. Temple can be held anywhere I am.  In this case I will be holding Temple near some wagons I have been commissioned to guard and protect. Along with a band of others who seem to have been briefly drawn off on some other task"
Katala Windstrom
player, 7 posts
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 22:56
  • msg #160

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat smiles at the woman. "No offence meant mistress Gora, but in my circle, lady can me something different from what you meant it. In any rate, I like to keep things casual, so please just call me Katala or Kat." The woman stood, indicating to the warrior.

"If you have no objections, I would come with you....things have been boring and bored men tend to get ideas. Besides,when you are done I would like to hear of your caravan guarding....perhaps they have room for another?"
player, 69 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 8 Feb 2019
at 04:32
  • msg #161

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 160):

"No objections at all Katala as the wagons are just located in the stables of this establishment.  Not far to travel at all.  I do wonder though where the others have got too?  I fear they may find their jobs lost by the time they get back."

Gora wanders over to check on the Wagons inside and out, over and under and even beneath the drivers seats
This message was last edited by the player at 15:28, Sun 10 Feb 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 8 posts
Sun 10 Feb 2019
at 09:11
  • msg #162

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat walks up to the caravan and jumps up, sitting. To the casual eye, she was relaxed, like a child playing, but her instincts were much different. Her eyes quickly scanned the area for dangers, noting exit points. She sat down and smiled."Others....seems they have left you for some reason. Let you to guard on your own. "

Thecwoman hangs her legs over the side, and swung them. "Anyone comes Gora....I've got your back."
GM, 537 posts
Mon 11 Feb 2019
at 06:23
  • msg #163

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora and Katala go outside to the stables. There is only a single torch lit near the entrance of the stable. You note that most of the stalls are full, the wagons are in the middle. It seems quiet and peaceful in the stables.

Meanwhile Grollow and Brankx....

Grollo you watch as the prisoner is transferred over. The robed man, who you gather to be Burne looks over him and you hear him ask "Elmo you've done a great service for the town ridding it of this evil. Thank you, I'll make sure your father knows of your contributions."

The rather large lug who brought in the prisoner "I didn't do it alone, Albrecht, Velox, Milander and several others had a part in it."

Burne nods "Well they are to be commended, where are they?"

Elmo "They were chasing the last of the bandits into the swamp, I should return and make sure they are well."

Burne "Well you should be off then. Bring them to see me in the morning."

Elmo nods and heads back out of town towards the roads to the east and north.

Burne then turns to the prisoner "Now we will find out what you've been doing."

"I'll not be answering any of your questions wizard!" the man replies.

Burne almost seems to laugh "Oh I think you'll find that I have ways of loosening men's tongues.". With that he casts a spell directed clearly at the prisoner.

The man's face seems to soften as though he had found a long lost friend. Burne motioned to the tower, "Come let us eat and discuss your recent travels my friend."

"That sounds like an excellent idea old friend." the man says cheerfully.

OOC: Even without Know Arcana you can clearly tell the fellow has had a Charm cast on him :)
player, 40 posts
Mon 11 Feb 2019
at 08:04
  • msg #164

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx, standing next to Grollo, listens to the conversation with a smile. When burne cast a spell, the dwarfs demeanour changed to a serious scowl.

The dwarf leans closer to Grollo and whispers."Damn spellcasters. Sure he was a criminal an deserves what he gets, but to take free will away is wrong."  The dwarf snorted, shaking his head. "...not right"
player, 71 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 18 Feb 2019
at 04:18
  • msg #165

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 162):

"What is more Lady Kat as far as I know they departed without the ok of the Caravan owners or being conscripted by the Town Guard.  Now if either of these things have happened then I could still see them getting paid.  But to go off leaving the wagons short of guards?

Who knows what trade commodities are inside or who on the streets wants to check the contents for themselves?  Still there is a chance they could get back in time if any trouble arises."

Katala Windstrom
player, 11 posts
Mon 18 Feb 2019
at 06:05
  • msg #166

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala sat on the wagon, looking at it with a smile. A few years ago, she would not have hesitated to steal the wagon and gear, but recent events had caused her to be less a follower in her life. She had learnt that her skills were useful, but her mind, thoughts and opinions were equally important. She grimaced at the thought of her former 'master' and the things she had to do.

She shook the thoughts away and looked at Gora.....if she had half the muscle tone of the woman she could have achieved lots, but she recently discovered a new talent that had saved her more than once.

She smiled at Gora. "I'm sure they had their reasons, but I see your point. I myself have lived a less structured life than what you may be used to.....I rely on my instincts to survive. I can't say I would stand and fight for mere items, but for friends, people I trust, I would stand by their side and fight with everything I have"

The woman sighed and took out her dagger, throwing it and catching it in mid air. "Never had many I could really trust....some I thought I could but who betrayed me. " Her gaze was to the ground, but clearly she thought of her past. She snapped out of it, smiling at Gora.

"As long as you guard, I will remain....I don't know you well Gora, but I like you. And I don't want to see you harmed. So until your team returns, I'll stand by your side. Not much with a blade, but I'm a fair shot with a have a few surprises up my sleeve."
She jumps down, sheathing her dagger. "In return, maybe you can put a good word in with the caravan master...this place is getting dull and some coin could help."
Grollo Ironfist
player, 36 posts
Fri 22 Feb 2019
at 10:15
  • msg #167

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"You are damn right, Brankx. But maybe we should ask to join their meal, I am interested what this is all about. What do you think? Ask bluntly?"
player, 72 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 22 Feb 2019
at 11:40
  • msg #168

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 166):

"Ah Katala betrayal comes in many forms and even Paladins can be accused of it sometimes.  For example if I found out one of my companions was guilty of Murder I would be bound by Law and Good to see them face justice.  That been said I would try to get to the truth of the Matter and if they were indeed innocent I would work as hard as I could to prove that.  That includes a divination to the Gods with a simple question.  Is this person innocent of the charge against them.  Got to be very careful with divination though, why if I ask a Deity if I was innocent I am almost certain that the answer would be no.  I was not born a Paladin after all."
player, 41 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 02:26
  • msg #169

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx looks at his cousin with a sniff. "If ye want to, go right ahead cousin...i want nothin' ter do with magic users." The dwarf spat on the ground. "Dang cowardly bunch, hiding behind tricks and stuff that shouldn't be meddled with!"

The dwarf shifted his gear, shaking his head.
Katala Windstrom
player, 13 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 02:42
  • msg #170

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala sat on the wagon, twirling a dagger with a smile. "None of us choose what we want most of the time. I was raised as a thief, and though must of my kind has, what you would call a distinctivly altered morale compass, I myself see things less black and white and more shades of grey."

The woman shrugs her shoulders. "How i was raised, i saw good people do bad things for good reasons, and saw evil men do acts that  rival the kindness of holy men. I see that all of us have good and evil in us, and it falls to us to decide the way we use it."

The woman, a serious look for the first time, looked at the dagger in her hand. "MAny a person thought me evil where i grew up....mainly because of my step motehr and her children. My uncle, who i consider my father, was the most kind and devout man i have yet to meet...." The woman smiled at the memory. " would have liked him, have much in common. But our paths have led different ways. Because of this we see things different....not wrong in either case, just different."

She sighed, and looked at Gora. "But, like you, i was not born a thief. So i strive to use my skills for those who need help instead of the greedy and dark minded." the woman shivered, remembering her time as a slave, the manipulation and deception she was forced to do...and more.

Katala's eyes cleared, then looked again at the warrior before her.

"That is why i ask if i can join you.....because you are a strong woman and i think, someone i can trust. And though our views may differ, i think that my skills, though very different from yours, may compliment each other. "
player, 73 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 05:09
  • msg #171

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 170):

"Lady Katala I must point out that for the most part Good and Evil are a matter of choice not a matter of birthright.  A Demon becomes so due to the choices they made in the past as is that of an Angle or a Spirit.  Even though You are a Thief you can make an honest living by working as a Locksmith.  Have you not ever thought that people do loose keys and need someone with lockpicking skills to get into their houses or locked chests?  There are spies who work for the State who sneak around gathering intelligence for their Lords I could go on but I think you may get the idea.   What is more if everyone was the same then that is a sure sign of no free will, is it not?  Morals and Ethics can be weird and confusing.

As for seeing things as Grey... I will let you on in a little secret that is not very well kept.  Most Humans see things as Grey or Neutral.  Most Dwarfs see things as Gold and Red which identifies them as Lawful and Chaotic while most Elves view things as Silver or Good while Drow view things as Black as in evil.  But it is all part of some greater plan and every choice in life matters.  No matter how small.

Lastly a Good action made for selfish reasons is not a Good action.  Giving a coin to a pauper just to make yourself feel generous cheapens the act of generosity.  Better to be true to ones Nature and ones self than to damn oneself with false actions.  That is the true Power of a Neutral being they can adapt more easily to circumstances.  Or put another way a Paladin like Myself would rather die on a hill surrounded by evil foes that submit to their way of life.  Not that we would throw away our lives on a grand pointless gesture if given an acceptable alternative.  Better to live and fight another day than to throw a life away.

Lastly I do not see why my talking on your behalf to the Wagon Master would be of any use.  You see I feel that most people don't believe I am a Paladin when I tell them so.  It is a little bit strange concept for most to accept at first.  Still no harm in trying."

Grollo Ironfist
player, 37 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 08:29
  • msg #172

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"I'll see what I can do. Be right back." Grollo hurries after the two men. "Sire, Sire! May I have a word. Forgive my bluntness but my friend and I just overheard what happened and we would like to offer our help in any, let's say possible adventures 'cause we are in need to earn some good money. May I join you in your .. evening meal. Name is Grollo Ironfist by the way, your Lordship."
GM, 548 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 10:08
  • msg #173

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat and Gora

A couple of patrons come out and move towards the stables, they are a bit unsteady on their feet. They do not seem to have noticed you yet and they are not traveling with anything resembling stealth.

Their mutterings are to themselves and almost unintelligent. They seem to be headed to a stall nearby that has a single horse in it.
NPC, 7 posts
His Most Worshipful Mage
of Hommlett
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 10:14
  • msg #174

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The robbed figure turns to look upon you. "Ah master dwarf, it is good to see you." he seems to visually inspect your holy symbol then continues "A follower of Moradin. You are more than welcome to adventure in the area. We do offer a bounty of 25 gp a bandit scalp currently. I have no specific missions right now, others in town might have something. I may have something on the morrow if you return then. Depends what our friend here has to say. I do hope you will not be to put off but I'm afraid the table is full this evening, being that much of the castle is still under construction I do not yet have the power to entertain as I would like to do. Come check with me in the morning and perhaps we'll have more work for you."
player, 74 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 10:44
  • msg #175

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 173):
"Take these two for example Kat. Drunk unsteady and most likely feeling a little carefree due to their current state. The poor pair are victims and victimise-rs in one bundle"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:45, Sat 23 Feb 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 14 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 11:24
  • msg #176

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, looking at the men, couldn't help but agree with the woman to a certain extent. "Believe me, lady Gora.....I have men like this before." The woman had obvious diets in for the male sex and their drunken habits.
GM, 550 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 14:44
  • msg #177

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The two men get the horse and start to lead it out. One of them runs into the stall post and knocks over the lantern....which breaks. However due to their drunken nature they don't seem to notice it. There is a fire starting on the straw. The horse looks to be a plow horse rather than a riding horse.
Grollo Ironfist
player, 38 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 14:57
  • msg #178

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Such will it be, my Lord Burne. I will visit you in the morning!" Grollo bows shortly and then Returns to Brankx.
player, 75 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 17:16
  • msg #179

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 177):

the fire must be stopped before it gets out of hand. "Kat" I call "If you can get that horse out before it panics I will try and douse the fire with blankets soaked with some water from the troughs." Setting words into actions.  A general call of alarm to any who can hear in the Tavern is sounded.  "FIRE"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:37, Sun 24 Feb 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 15 posts
Sat 23 Feb 2019
at 21:37
  • msg #180

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, cursing the men and their incompetence, sheaths her dagger and goes for the horses. She grabs reigns and begins leading them out. She cursed herself for not allowing her mentor to help her with horses she led the horses out, clearly having trouble with the animals, she mutters. "Sure, humans I can get them to do anything....horses."

She pulls on the the reigns of the horses. "C'"
GM, 551 posts
Sun 24 Feb 2019
at 12:40
  • msg #181

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora finds some saddle blankets and soaks them in a water trough and moves to douse the fires.

Kat despite her lack of training in handling animals manages to coax the horse out of the stables without it getting scared.

The two drunks walking their plow horse are heading up the road, they don't seem to be aware of the ruckus they caused.
player, 76 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 24 Feb 2019
at 20:41
  • msg #182

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to DM (msg # 181):

All in all it looks like a case of sabotage to Gora.  But her hands are too full at the moment to confront the two louts about it.  She will however take specific note of their direction of egress, for later reference.  The Tavern Owner should at least be entitled to some reparations for the damage caused.
Katala Windstrom
player, 16 posts
Mon 25 Feb 2019
at 00:25
  • msg #183

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Once Kat has secured the horses, she run's into the bar, going to the innkeeper. She leans in close and speaks softly"fire in the barn. Myself and another are working to put it out but can use help."

She then returns, grabbing a blanket from Gora and started dousing the fire with her, cursing all the while at the two men, ignorant of their actions
This message was last edited by the player at 07:04, Mon 25 Feb 2019.
GM, 552 posts
Mon 25 Feb 2019
at 06:25
  • msg #184

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Is Kat sure she wants to do that it might cause a panic?
Grollo Ironfist
player, 40 posts
Wed 27 Feb 2019
at 21:36
  • msg #185

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

After leaving Lord Burne Grollo returns to Brankxs to inform him what just happened. "So, I'd say we check the wagons and horses and then go for a beer or two. Your opinion, my friend?"
player, 42 posts
Thu 28 Feb 2019
at 04:58
  • msg #186

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Brankx smiles at the idea of Grollo. "I'm not one ter refuse a meal and drink....let's go"

He starts making his way back o the inn.
player, 77 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 2 Mar 2019
at 09:23
  • msg #187

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

fire fighting across the stable floor, bravely going at it before the beams do try to fall.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:23, Sat 02 Mar 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 17 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 11:00
  • msg #188

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, after telling the owner of the tavern of the fire (calmly), she returned to the barn, helping Gora put the fireout
GM, 2 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 15:18
  • msg #189

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

No sooner than Katala has informed the owner about the fire than he shouts out: "FIRE IN THE BARN!" and runs out of the inn and heads for the barn.

Somewhat surprisingly, most of the patrons in the inn also rush out. Another barn-raising isn't out of the question, but better if this one can be saved.

Gora has been fairly successful at smothering the blaze with wet blankets, but the straw is so dry that the fire easily spreads faster than she contain it.

Although not likely to give up, Gora is probably relieved when Katala returns with reinforcements.

As it turns out, there are several wooden buckets of sand hanging around the barn in several 'strategic' places. Some of the new people know to grab them.

Others grab a pitchfork and try to get the burning or smoldering straw out of the stalls and out of the barn.

Dumping sand on small burning spots on the floor works best, but water and wet blankets are needed for the wooden sections of the stall that caught fire.

It takes about 15 minutes of effort to put the fire out to everyone's satisfaction. Can't let anything remain smoldering.

As Gora and Katala exit the barn with the others, they can see the two men that caused it standing off to the side, mouths agape and with wide-eyed wonder... clearly still not aware that they caused the fire.

"Thank you everyone!" the innkeeper calls out to all those that have helped avert catastrophe. "A free round of drinks for all of you!"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 230 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 18:51
  • msg #190

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht looks over the smoldering ashes, wondering what had happened. "Did we miss something?" he asked, looking to Milander.
player, 82 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Mon 13 May 2019
at 19:30
  • msg #191

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Albrecht Delmorn (msg # 190):

"From what I have seen I do believe those two men there"
pointing towards two men that were the cause of the blaze
standing off to the side, mouths agape and with wide-eyed wonder...

"are the Unintentional perpetrators, innocent or not however I still feel they owe some sort of retribution to the Tavern owner.  Perhaps we can get them to apologize to him and the Patrons as well."

This message was last edited by the player at 01:18, Tue 14 May 2019.
Augustae Cawliga
player, 17 posts
Human Illusionist/Fighter
AC: 12/12/10; HP: 11
Mon 13 May 2019
at 20:25
  • msg #192

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Augustae had been sitting at a table in the Welcome Wench when the alarm had been given for the fire, and, like most of the others, he'd rushed out to help put it out... but not before casting a glance to see if anyone seemed like they might stay behind to rob the innkeeper. Fortunately, none had.

The efforts had been successful and the fire had been contained before it had spread too far. Not surprisingly, the innkeeper had offered a round of drinks on the house to everyone... even the two that may have started it.

"Are you certain they weren't in cahoots with someone else?" he directed his question at the woman who'd spoken.

"Don't mean to poke my nose into someone else's business, but setting a barn on fire is everybody's business."

"Hello. My name is Augustae Cawliga."

Milander Vos Drago
player, 202 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 00:06
  • msg #193

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man looks at Albrecht sourly and says, "I wouldn't say we 'missed' it. Unless you think idiots playing with tinder twigs is amusing... which is fair." he says, moving quickly toward the person offering free ale with a singular intent.
Katala Windstrom
player, 22 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #194

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala stands beside Gora, despite the soot on her face and her leather armor and dagger at her hip, she is an image of beauty. He look on the men, however, is less than serene. "My friend here put it too nicely....Those idiots started the fire, and i think they owe the innkeeper more than an apology." She allows a slight smile that would normally seem seductive if not for the dangerous gleam in her eye. "....I think he needs two able bodied voluntters to clean the barn and inn for a bit, Don't you think lady Gora?"
player, 83 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 14 May 2019
at 16:00
  • msg #195

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 194):

"What I think is of little importance MiLady.  We all make our world based on our own understandings and attitudes.  But yes Lady Windstrom I also feel that a couple of faithful if not dedicated volunteers could be useful to the establishment at the moment."
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 231 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 20:13
  • msg #196

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Are you sure they accidentally started it?" Albrecht asked as he looked around for any signs of foul play. He had unfortunately missed what had happened, so he didn't know for sure. "But anyway, nice to meet you both. I am Albrecht Delmorn, and that crabby old man is Milander," he introduced, pointing out the man chasing down the free alcohol.
Katala Windstrom
player, 23 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 20:53
  • msg #197

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

<OOC: For those who have never seen her i'll add a description>

The slight woman to Gora's side looked at Albrecht with a slight raise of her eyebrow. Standing before them was a woman who looked barely in her 20's was unusually beautiful bordering on striking (even by elven standards). Her skin, smooth and unblemished, was milky white with a slight hint of brown...though now had soot on the parts where her skin was seen. It was clear this woman, though not a fighter like the intimidating Gora, could hold her own....where the warrior was muscly, the woman was slim but lean, hinting that her abilities relied more on speed rather than strength.

Her hair, black with a hint of red hue, was tied up with a leather strap, though wisps of it strayed from the incident with the barn.. Her blue eyes showed a hardness not normal for her age.

The woman wore dark brown leather armor which was unusally tight, showing off her curves....even the cut of the armor left little to the imagination with the armor cut off at the sleeves, low cut around her chest and short showing her mid rift. On her hip, a dagger could be seen, and at her side was a shortbow with a quiver.

The woman looked Albrecht over with a smile. "Albrecht....hmm." She placed a hand on her hip and looked him over. She looked at Gora with a playful smile. "....friends of yours?"
player, 84 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 14 May 2019
at 23:00
  • msg #198

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Albrecht Delmorn (msg # 196):
"Sir.. If the two individuals in question deliberately started it. They are very good at deception. The way they stumbled and staggered out the Tavern and over to the horses after getting themselves so thoroughly and convincingly inebriated at the establishment.  If it was intentional I would just have to doff my helmet to such a thoroughly professional example of acting.

For you see I was there and saw
The two men get the horse and start to lead it out. One of them runs into the stall post and knocks over the lantern....which breaks. However due to their drunken nature they don't seem to notice it. There is a fire starting on the straw. The horse looks to be a plow horse rather than a riding horse.

and though I admit I may be fooled as easily as anyone else, I do try to take things at face value.  At least until I find out otherwise.

No Lady Kat to answer your question I do not have the privilege nor the honor of having been introduced to this individual. But you may already know how I am happy and willing to be on friendly terms with almost all kinds of beings... well at least the ones who are not very bad."
The Half Orc grumphs in reply
Milander Vos Drago
player, 203 posts
Wed 15 May 2019
at 00:05
  • msg #199

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man, for his part, mumbled an unintelligable growl at the mention of his name as he was walking back, sipping the drink and making a face before drinking some more. He had managed to push his way towards the bar for his free drink. Once it was placed in front of him, without so much a word of thanks, he had snatched it up and had moved back towards the more familiar faces of Albrecht.

As he stood there, in time to hear the tail-end of Gora's reply, he offered a loud, drawn out belch followed by a sneezing hack of a cough before saying, "Bad. Good. Pointless labels. Push comes to shove, mortal principles vanish as quickly and easily as their brief lives do. Like the flame of a candle in the face of so much as a breath of inconvenience, principles and the lives that hold to them don't last very long."

"But gold... hmmmm...." he says, his eyes lighting up as he takes another, probing sip, " lasts forever...." he says, chuckling into his mug lustily.
player, 85 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 15 May 2019
at 17:28
  • msg #200

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Milander Vos Drago (msg # 199):

"Of course if you think that it is so then it must be so.
I wonder though what the opinions of the dwellers of Heaven or the Abyss would have to your point of view.  I do however have one question for you sir. If good and evil are just labels as you put it, what is it that I detect when I find an abundance of evil in a persons nature?

No need to answer that question stranger it was and is rhetorical, your views and others of similar nature have been held by many down the centuries.  Some of whom later learned to their regret that they were wrong."

turning her attention back to Lady Kat
"In answer to your query Miss Kat It saddens me to say it seems not.
 An associate perhaps?"

This message was last edited by the player at 19:03, Wed 15 May 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 24 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 13:35
  • msg #201

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The woman, crossing her arms, couldn't help but smile at the half orc's view. Most of her kind were less disciplined than fact most people the woman met were. But despite the short time she knew the warrior woman, she judged her a good heart and worthy woman. And while her views and the orc warriors of the world were different, Kat learnt quickly that it was each persons views that held them together, and that no matter what, they can't be forced on others.

no....though the two women were opposites in many ways, they were also similar, like two sides of the same coin

"Associates indeed my lady. But perhaps they have similar goals as us....and though usually i work alone, in recent times i have found that where 2 people fighting side by side are better than one alone, four are better than two."

she looks at the old man with a smirk.

"....well, perhaps three and a half."
Milander Vos Drago
player, 204 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 15:19
  • msg #202

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man harrumphed into his drink and said, "Don't sell yourself short l, hatchling. I'm sure with a few summers of practice you'll be able to keep up." he says with a crocodiles grin, before muttering, quietly to himself "Besides, I know a killer when I smell them..."

Then with a loud belch he asks, "So what are these goals. You another fool seeking glory in places best forgotten?" he says squinting at her as if he already knew the answer.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 232 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 19:35
  • msg #203

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"I think the law here can handle any punishments for the two firestarters, and if they indeed started it by accident, then maybe the law will be lenient," Albrecht shrugged. It wasn't his place to decide guilt, after all, even if he wanted to.

The young man couldn't keep his eyes off the beautiful woman in front of him, and the fact that she looks like she'd be at least half decent in a fight only furthers his interest. "Yes, Lady Kat, what are your goals? Perhaps they are similar to ours, or at least one of ours," he grinned, looking at Milander as the two didn't quite see eye to eye on all issues. "We aim to go see the Baron* in the morning, perhaps you two would like to accompany us?" he asked the pair of women.

*I think. I can't really remember (it's been awhile lol).
Katala Windstrom
player, 25 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 08:35
  • msg #204

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala looked at gora with a grin, then slowly walked up to Albrecht so she was a mere inch from his face. when she spoke, it was softly, seductively and clear. "What my intentions, or goals are, my hansome young man...." She paused as she made an exaggerated attempt looking at the man up and down thoroughly. " something you will have to earn. For now, lets just say i'm looking for a job, some fun and maybe a little trouble."

She turned her head towards Milander, and though she still smiled, it wasn't as warm. "Now that, old man, is a matter of perspective. Have i taken life....yes. But only when needed, as i am sure you have. And trust me, i can keep up with your old bones!"

She turned and returned to Gora's side, and winked at the woman, whispering in her ear as she turned.


she shook her head with a smile and stood with one hand on her hip, her head slightly tilted.

"So, what glory is being seeked, and what was forgotten old man?"
player, 86 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 17 May 2019
at 12:08
  • msg #205

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 204):

Hearing Lady Kats words Gora looks once more at Albrecht and proclaims a different point of view. "Lady Kat? dat man not handsome, he not even got tusks like a real man should."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:08, Fri 17 May 2019.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 205 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 13:13
  • msg #206

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man scowled at being referred to as such, but merely shrugged, saying with a grin, "A killer is a killer, death is the only perspective that makes it so." he says, taking in a deep  and closing his eyes, before letting out a wistful sigh.

Then, his eyes snapping open, he locked eyes with her, his gaze carrying no lust or warmth, no different from that of a predator seeing prey, he added, "What you are learning, I am forgetting, but in time you will learn what I speak of hatchling. You may not survive it, but you will come to know what has been forgotten. You all will. Fortunately for you all, your inevitable foolishness intersects with my interests, which has greatly increased your odds of survival."

His stare then snaps back to Albrecht and he scowls once more, saying, "All this talking tires me. I will get my own room, I recall your type is shy about mating. Be sure to come get me before we go see the Baron... or if anything amusing is happening. Or if there's gold involved." he says, before turning on his heels as he finishes the last of his free ale and begins to noisily demand a room and complaining about the cost.
Katala Windstrom
player, 26 posts
Sat 18 May 2019
at 00:32
  • msg #207

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat smiles at Gora. "Your right, there is no tusks.....but his innocence in Kinda sweet" She smiled at the man sweetly.

Then when Milander went on his rant, the woman stood by without a word. As he walked off, she spoke up, a slight edge in her voice. "Don't lecture me like a father old man on death and the wrongs of this world." She narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at the man. "When you've been sold as a slave to do things as a child that shouldn't be done, to withstand horrors for other amusements, then stand by and let it happen, that's not murder.....that's preservation. And I don't give a damn on your views. When your facing an army, if I'm at your side,  just remember that when I do what must be done to save your old bones, I'll be telling you I told ya so."

She let the man leave. Looking at albrecht, she shrugged. "Your friend is self inflated and opinionated...."
player, 87 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 18 May 2019
at 01:05
  • msg #208

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 207):

"Kat don't you feel That elderly man who just left is a very generous individual?

Did he not just offer to stand in the vanguard and put his very life before ours? I do recall him saying something like and I am quoting him here as best I may
Fortunately for you all, your inevitable foolishness intersects with my interests, which has greatly increased your odds of survival."
Or is that just my interpretation of his statement?

Of course there are other ways of increasing our odds of survival but none that get the job done safer and faster then direct actions. Still I think he should have rethought his assumptions that we all will inevitably be foolish.  Who is the greater fool? The fool or the people who willingly accepts The fool?

His discourse does raise one question though.  Who here was born from an egg?"

Katala Windstrom
player, 27 posts
Sat 18 May 2019
at 01:29
  • msg #209

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, despite her temper, couldn't help but smile at Gora. "Egg? Oh...hatchling. It's supposed to point out how young I am compared to that dinosaur!" She looks at Gora, her face completely serious, but shakes her head. "Nevermind....."

She looked at albrecht and had a serious look. "What did he mean about things best left forgotten.....what are you boys up to" She sounded more intrigued than anything
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 233 posts
Sat 18 May 2019
at 02:29
  • msg #210

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht couldn't help but grin when Kat looked him over, almost relishing the attention but trying not to let it be too obvious. He let her bicker with Milander, she would find out soon enough how much of a grumpy old man he was most of the time. "We are hunting bandits, and have been told they may be hold up in an old abandoned temple. Milander makes it sound like something awful happened there, but he hasn't really gone into details, though," the young man explained. "He might be a pain to listen to, but he's proven useful in a fight with his magics, something that I never had the aptitude for," he added with a shrug.
Milander Vos Drago
player, 206 posts
Sat 18 May 2019
at 02:43
  • msg #211

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The old man was either hard of hearing, or he simply did not bother to reply. He had some sharp words some folk who jostled him, and just as if it seemed he might have gone to far and was going to get his fool head knocked in... a snake that was thicker than all of the creaky bones that made up his whole body quickly slithered up and coiled around him defensively. Snarling angrily at the snake, he seemingly began taking his anger out on the snake as he disappeared towards what would undoubtedly be a cantankerous sleep interspersed with intentionally spiteful snoring.
player, 88 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 18 May 2019
at 03:21
  • msg #212

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"You know Lady Kat I think I just might go up and see if that Gentleman could use a massage

To help him with what ever ails him?  A nice calming easing of tensions and all.  I hope he would not mind the company nor the assumption of his need for care.  Most people do snap out when they are in pain after all.  I am a trained healer and seeing anyone suffer is just not right."
Gora adds as she looks at Albrecht Delmorn.

"Sir if you would not mind, I could use your presence as chaperone and to show him I bare no ill will. How say you?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:22, Sat 18 May 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 28 posts
Sat 18 May 2019
at 03:29
  • msg #213

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat looked at Gora to see if she was joking about the massage towards the obstinant old man, but when she saw the serious look on her face, Kat eyes went wide with surprise and mirth. She tried to hide a smile, but didn't succeed well as Shen spoke.

"A know I think it might help him but given his attitude he may be a little worked up. You can try my large friend, but I expect he will decline your offer....though I don't see why anyone would." As Gora asked albrechts help, Kat was behind Gora and it took all her willpower not to laugh out loud for fear of offending the warrior woman she had befriended. She however covered her smile with her hand as she looked at albrecht, a twinkle of humour and mischief in her eyes.

<OOC: LOL....this is so much fun!>
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 234 posts
Sat 18 May 2019
at 05:59
  • msg #214

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Gora (msg # 212):

Albrecht likewise wasn't sure if Gora was joking or not, until she asked if he would accompany her to get Milander's permission for the massage. As much as he wanted to see what would happen, he also didn't think either of them would appreciate the repercussions. "No, I think we'll just have to leave Milander be for the night. Maybe in the morning you could ask him?" he suggested with a shrug, knowing that the orc woman was just trying to help and not wanting to completely shut down an otherwise decent idea. "Speaking of, what were your plans for tomorrow? he asked the two ladies, trying to change the subject inconspicuously.
player, 89 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 18 May 2019
at 11:18
  • msg #215

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Albrecht Delmorn (msg # 214):

"Sir, Like you I am planning to attend the Baron in the morning and so was initially thrilled with your invite to accompany you and your company. Naturally I will be guided by your advice regarding Master Milander?  Not knowing him as you do I am indeed thankful for your intervention. I go by the name of Gora.

Miss Kat I would not presume to speak for you without your permission?"

 baring her tusks in the Human custom of friendliness.

Now how such an innate aggressive action can be taken as friendly by anyone Gora finds bewildering??? But then she has heard that Minotaur butt heads as a sign of social domination... Or is that Goats?
This message was last edited by the player at 00:49, Sun 19 May 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 29 posts
Sun 19 May 2019
at 08:45
  • msg #216

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat looks at the two of them with a smile and shrugs. "I'll tag along with you....sounds like some fun." She looks at albrecht with a playful smile and twinkle in her eye. "...a change of scenery will be good"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 235 posts
Wed 22 May 2019
at 19:01
  • msg #217

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Master Milander is... an ornery old coot, to put it nicely," Albrecht chuckled when asked about advice. "I would best advise you leave him to his own devices and do what he asks lest he get even more ornery," he added with a nod. He was a frustrating man to work with, but he was useful... at times.

"Yes, then, we should get some rest to be ready for the morning. Do you two have a room, or should I get you one?" he asked, jingling a sizable coinpurse on his belt. Clearly this land had been good to him recently.
Katala Windstrom
player, 30 posts
Wed 22 May 2019
at 20:30
  • msg #218

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat smiled at the young man. "Can't speak for my friend here, but i have no room. I'm new to the town yesterday and just stayed in the common room last night. Not the best i've stayed in, but not the worst either."

She held her hands out with a small pout. "Clearly you've been doing well, but watch yourself in the open....there can be unsavoury people about."

She walked up to him and threaded her hand through his arm. "What you can do is buy myself and Gora a nice hot meal and tell us of yourself and the sour stick in the mud, and how you two came to be a team."
player, 90 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 23 May 2019
at 23:46
  • msg #219

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"As well as informing us of any malady or harm you may have encountered, a burn or wound that has lingered perhaps?

Lady Kat are you certain about the unsavory people about? There has yet been any sign of such nor of the Bar Room Brawl that I have been expecting?  Indeed I go so far as to say the very lack of such, it goes against any Tavern customs or rules that I have ever heard of."

Katala Windstrom
player, 31 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 13:47
  • msg #220

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

The woman placed her hand on the warrior's back, leading her into the tavern with a smile. "You, my friend Gora, are an intriguing enigma....I'm sure we will have mush fun in the days to come." She indicated with her hand. "The mere presence of such a formidable woman as yourself has surely scared them into behaving....much to the relief of the good bartender here. It may be disapointing, but give it time, and you may yet see what you expect."

She leads the two to a table, and waves the bartender. "Some ale and a meal thank you" She sits and smiles as the two others sit with Kat
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 236 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 19:32
  • msg #221

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht smiled as Kat looped her arm in his, and pulled her up against him as they walked into the tavern. "Actually Lady Gora, I have yet to sustain any real injuries, other than companions lost to their own travels," he responded to her offer of healing. "Follow me around long enough, though, and I'm sure you'll have plenty of wounds to bandage," he laughed.

Sitting down with the girls, he placed the necessary coin for their meals atop the table and laced his fingers together as he looked at his new comrades. "So tell me about your selves. What am I getting myself into working with the two of you?" he asked, serious at first but breaking into a playful smirk. He had a feeling about Kat, at least he thought he did, but the orc was a bit more of a mystery.
Katala Windstrom
player, 32 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 19:47
  • msg #222

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat looked at the man and sighed, a serious look on her face. "What are you getting in for....trouble of course." The woman then smiled as she looked at the man. "In all seriousness i have lived outside of what many consider 'the law', though mostly to protect myself and's a life i'm not entirely proud of, but I did what i had to to survive." The woman had a shadow pass over her eyes, remembering her past, but quickly dismissed it with a smile.

"Let's just say i learnt skills from bad people and put them to good well as some skills i'm just coming into. As ashamed as i am to admit it, your moody friend may help me with some insight to this....magic is something i'm struggling to understand"
player, 91 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 24 May 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #223

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 222):

"Lady Kat have you ever wondered about Locksmiths? Quite an honorable profession in most peoples eyes, as is scouting and we all know the stories about the Military using scouts of different kinds to their benefit from time to time... a lot."

In reply to Albrecht Delmorn

"Master Delmorn in answer to your queries I am what in the distant past would have been known as a Gallant Acolyte.  In service to the Greater Good thus I am totally against anyone taking candy from babies of any kind.  Yes before you ask, that even includes Kobold babies.

Ahh Kobold babies now they look so cute! even cuter than Human babies.. even cuter than Half Orc Babies for that matter.  Funny thing that Lady Kat, from what I have heard Kobolds are Hatchlings.  Nature is a very odd thing at times.  It almost seems to have a sense of humor at times" 

This message was last edited by the player at 20:33, Fri 24 May 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 33 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 20:48
  • msg #224

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat couldn't help but smile at Gora. "I have wondered about locksmiths, and though my skills with locks could be used with that, I never liked that kind of thing, and yes, being a scout is something I could be good at. What I am saying is that though I have had a checkered past due to a unorthodox upbringing, I strive to better myself and if it means using the skills I've learnt, then I'm all for it."

She shrugged and smiled. "But suituations, until I met you lady Gora, had been limited. Perhaps you are my turning of the tide."

She listens to Gora's description of herself Andy the kobold children and she shook her head and smiled. "Never met a kobold hatchling....or a half orc child. And though I would never steal anything from children, I am sure a kobold child, given instinct would take my face rather than candy." She raised her eyebrows at thethought. "Not one for nature.....more a city girl myself."
player, 92 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 24 May 2019
at 22:29
  • msg #225

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 224):

"Thus arises the controversial subject of nature and nurture.  From my understanding only beings who exist on other planes are set in outlook and attitude. Devils are Lawful Evil for by definition any Lawful Evil Spirits are Devils of some kind.  They end up in Hell for that is where they belong due to their own choices in life as in how they behaved.

It is said that every Intelligent species have a choice in how they act. Is than not what Free Will is all about, people may stumble along the way but it is what they do after that which counts.  Alas so many just take the easy path.  However you Lady Kat are working to become who you want to be.  That is no small task."

Katala Windstrom
player, 34 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 12:53
  • msg #226

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat scrunches her nose at the topic and praise from Gora, and smiled. "'s far too early and we have had nowhere enough drink for that kind of topic, my new friend. Lets just agree that i am trying to overcome my past, and leave it at that."
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 237 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 13:29
  • msg #227

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht listens to the philosophical discussion with about as much interest as a child watching a mathematician work. "Good and evil is subjective. Stealing is wrong, and unlawful, but if it is to save a life, is it evil?" he asked rhetorically with a shrug. "It matters not. We are not the judge of righteousness, we can simply aim to be as righteous as possible and hope for the best. On that note... let's get drunk," he grinned, ordering more beer for all of them.

OOC: Maybe we should skip forward, or perhaps start another morning after thread for Milander so he's not left behind?
Milander Vos Drago
player, 207 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 14:43
  • msg #228

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Don't rush on my account! Milander is aloof. I am enjoying lurking for now. :p

Katala Windstrom
player, 35 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 16:50
  • msg #229

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

<OOC: .......Not disturbing at all!>
player, 93 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 25 May 2019
at 20:39
  • msg #230

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Albrecht Delmorn (msg # 227):

ooc subjective as in based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions?

"Really? So Heaven, Hell, Deities, Demons, Devils, Undead, Clergy, Druidism and Paladin-hood are just theoretical or conceptual ideals?  You know that makes me so happy, knowing that I do not actually exist.

Ever heard the phrase the ends does not justify the means or the road to Hell is paved with good intentions?  Stealing may not be evil but it is unlawful.

Go ahead and get as Drunk as you want Sir, but just as a matter of personal choice I prefer to avoid the deliberate use of poison."

Getting up to leave Gora leans in close to Lady Kat and whispers.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:41, Sat 25 May 2019.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 238 posts
Sun 26 May 2019
at 01:57
  • msg #231

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"I never said you didn't exist. Hypothetical and subjective are different. If you feel what you're doing is good, so be it. If what Kat did felt the same, then it is no different," Albrecht responded as Gora left. If she didn't want to drink, oh well. More for him.
Katala Windstrom
player, 36 posts
Sun 26 May 2019
at 09:49
  • msg #232

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat listens to Gora with a smile, and places a hand on her arm. "Again, very deep for this time of day. Lady Gora....I will entertain our friend her. Don't worry, I won't corrupt him......much."

She winks at the woman and leans in and whispers in return.

She looks at albrecht with a smile and shrug. "The religious kind tend to focus on the strictness of law and the absolutes of good and evil. I know there is good and evil, and in most of us a battle of both." She nods at Gora, acknolging her faith and views, but also showing her views. "I will admit that at times I have flaunted the law, and will do again if need be. But, I know that law and structure has its place. And I know that most have the voices of good and evil. We all strive to better ourselves....just don't deny each persons views to be different."

She stood up and kissed Gora on the cheek, then sat. "How boring we would all be if we were the same!"
player, 94 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sun 26 May 2019
at 15:09
  • msg #233

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 232):
at her touch, Gora stops and turns to face Kat
"So true Lady Kat so true. It would also put many people out of Jobs"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:12, Sun 26 May 2019.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 239 posts
Tue 28 May 2019
at 08:17
  • msg #234

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albtecht nodded along with the conversation, unsure of what had set Gora off so easily. Why did she feel the need to defend herself so quickly against his feelings on the matters of good and evil? If she felt what she was doing was good, then she should be happy with that. Oh well.

"I could use a little corruption, honestly," he grinned devilishly at Kat, somewhat glad that it seemed the orc girl was going to leave the two of them to their own devices. He had a feeling things would get... interesting after they were alone. Or at least he hoped they would.
player, 95 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 28 May 2019
at 21:06
  • msg #235

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

From her position at the Tavern entry, Gora looks over these people with whom she was supposed to work with?
"Corruption is an odd thing Sir. From the stance of Law! becoming Chaotic is corrupt while from the stance of Evil! becoming Good is corrupt and also viewed by many Evil beings as naive.  That been said the reverse is also true. Personally I believe that everyone has the right to choose and follow their own Morals and Ethics, with all the repercussions resulting from their choices that may occur.

Master Delmorn have you ever wondered what the term corruption means? Do be careful of what you ask for... You just might get it."

With these final words Gora departs
This message was last edited by the player at 00:05, Wed 29 May 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 37 posts
Wed 29 May 2019
at 00:47
  • msg #236

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, holding a mug of ale, watches gora depart with a smile. She looked at albrecht and shrugged. "paladins and holy warriors are a stuffy lot, but gora's heart is in the right place....she just wants to protect herself and her friends."

The woman took a sip of ale, crinkling her nose. " for me, law and chaos, good and evil aren't so black and white. probably why i like her so...shes nothing like me."

She closed her eyes a second, thinking onnwhat she said. The woman hadn't had many friends in her life, and though gora she only recenly met, she was on the path of becoming a friend.

The woman sighed, then opened her eyes looking at the man. "so....what is it the old man talked about....things people shouldn't mess with?"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 240 posts
Thu 30 May 2019
at 20:22
  • msg #237

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Protecting people and making them feel inferior because of your higher moral standards are two different things," Albrecht commented with a groan. "Maybe we should stop talking about this before she starts praying for my soul..." he chuckled. "And don't let this fool you, I want to protect people as much as her, but I won't rub it in their face or judge them for their morals as long as it isn't directly effecting me or breaking the law," he smirked.
Katala Windstrom
player, 38 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 06:17
  • msg #238

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat held up her hands in moc defeat. "Consider the topc dropped. Tell me what you and your friends plans are next."
player, 96 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 31 May 2019
at 07:28
  • msg #239

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Looking up and down the street Gora ponders on where to start? The Lords of this area would most likely be busy as would the shop keepers and tradesmen.  If anyone had spare time on their hands it would be easier to find a hub of social interaction.

Say like a Tavern?  Turning on her heel Gora steps back into the Inn to see if she can join another table for some quiet hobnobbing.  Giving Miss Kat a cheerful thumbs up when and if possible.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 242 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 11:17
  • msg #240

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 238):

Albrecht took a gulp of his drink before responding, "We found a small bandit encampment earlier today, and we are going to report our findings to the Baron in the morning. One of the bandits made it back to town alive, and I assume someone is interrogating him for information, so that could prove fruitful. If not, then we would likely do whatever the Baron requested, perhaps to find more bandits to put down. There was also a young dragon that we happened upon, but he flew off before we could finish it off. Tracking it back to its lair might also be an option. What about you?"
GM, 7 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 17:07
  • msg #241

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

As Gora stepped outside of the Inn, she could hear the clang of the blacksmith's hammer a few buildings away.

Also, while many of the people who helped put out the fire are still inside drinking... for free, a few of them are hanging around outside. Gora realizes that's probably because the Inn is rather crowded at the moment.

The five men and one woman outside are leaning against a tree or the hitching post, and Gora, without intentionally eavesdropping, easily overhears local gossip.
Augustae Cawliga
player, 18 posts
Human Illusionist/Fighter
AC: 12/12/10; HP: 11
Fri 31 May 2019
at 20:45
  • msg #242

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Only half paying attention to the conversations going on around him, Augustae can't help overhearing Albrecht's comment.

"There's no baron in Hommlet," he advises Albrecht. "If you mean the Viscount who posted the reward for bandit scalps, well, he's not here, either. He's back in Verbobonc."

"Unless you can teleport, I don't think you can make it back to the city by morning."

He pauses a moment as he thinks of something else.

"Or did you mean Burne, the local wizard? He's not a baron yet, I don't think, but he is building a castle on the edge of town."
player, 97 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 31 May 2019
at 21:35
  • msg #243

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to CO-DM (msg # 241):

So the little community is in trouble.  Not too surprising as it gets around like Politics.  Sparing a gaze inside before she heads off to find someone in Authority.  Surely the Smith Blacksmith could give her some information.  If asked for in the right way
GM StarMaster
GM, 8 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 22:14
  • msg #244

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora has no problem following the clanging of the hammer on anvil.

It's a barn a few buildings east of the Inn.

There's a blacksmith busy working on what appears to be a sword. An apprentice is busy tending the forge.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:57, Sun 16 Oct 2022.
player, 98 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 31 May 2019
at 23:52
  • msg #245

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

watching the Smith for a few minutes Gora turns her attention to his shop trying to determine if he is capable of working on arms and armour.  It would be good to know where such items could be obtained or repaid if needed.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:01, Sat 01 June 2019.
player, 100 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 6 Jun 2019
at 14:00
  • msg #246

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

after spending so much time looking at the Smiths store Gora has come to the conclusion that anything worth seeing is held elsewhere.  with a sigh she turns her attention to the Smiths themselves

"Many pardons for the intrusion Sirs but I was wondering if you might be kind enought as to direct me to where I may be able to find any member of your communities bosses?"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 243 posts
Sun 9 Jun 2019
at 12:24
  • msg #247

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Augustae Cawliga (msg # 242):

"Yes, sorry, Burne. Perhaps I've had too many already," Albrecht responded, shrugging off the accidental slip-of-the-tongue as a dumb player who can't remember important story details. "He was the one who offered the bounty on the bandits, and we still have to collect," he added.
Brother Smyth
NPC, 11 posts
Hommlet Blacksmith
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 00:50
  • msg #248

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Hello, there!" the blacksmith calls out to Gora but he doesn't stop his hammering.

Gora can now see that there are parts of armor scattered around the smithy. There doesn't appear to be any complete suits of armor, though.

"Oh, you'd want to talk to Vadik. He's in that walled building next to me. He's the village Elder. If he's not in the inn, that's where he'd be."

"You are new in town; so, what brings you to Hommlet?"

Gora gets the impression that he's just trying to be friendly.
GM, 10 posts
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 00:55
  • msg #249

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Meanwhile, Shemi wanders into Hommlet and makes his way to the only inn/pub, the Welcome Wench.

It's a bit late in the day (early evening) for a stranger to show up, so everybody that's still in the inn casts a glance at Shemi to see who it is. When they don't recognize him, they pay a bit more attention to him.... sizing him up.
player, 101 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 03:58
  • msg #250

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brother Smyth (msg # 248):
"Strangely enough Kind Sir I am here to help with some kind of trouble I have heard the Village has been suffering under... Bandits or some such untenable thing?"
player, 103 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 04:49
  • msg #251

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

As a decent period of time has ensured that a sudden departure on her part would not be taken as rude, Gora will head off the see this Vadik person.

Naturally starting in that walled building next to the Smithy.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:49, Sat 15 June 2019.
Shemi Aeindrex
player, 2 posts
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 21:35
  • msg #252

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to CO-DM (msg # 249):

Seeing the denizens of the Welcome Wench sizing him up, Shemi smiles and takes the smallest of bows, really just leaning in the waist for a moment before closing the door behind him and searching for a free table or booth.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 245 posts
Sun 16 Jun 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #253

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"I wonder what that interesting fellow is doing here," Albrecht comments, waving him down to come sit with them if he seems to have any interest in doing so.
Shemi Aeindrex
player, 3 posts
Sun 16 Jun 2019
at 22:10
  • msg #254

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Thank you for the seat. It's been a long day on the road and a rest and conversation would be welcomed." Shemi sits with a sigh, relaxing for the first time in hours. "I'm called Shemi Aeindrex, but you can call me Shemi. What's this town I stumbled into?"
Katala Windstrom
player, 40 posts
Mon 17 Jun 2019
at 04:27
  • msg #255

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, about to tell Albrecht a tale of her coming to town, saw the man as Albrecht turned. She smiled at the man, warmth and intelligence in her eyes, and nodded as he sat. She raises an eyebrow at Albrecht, him already admitting himself a little drunk. Kat, wisely, nursed the same drink, having little of it only.

She put her elbows on the table and hands on her chin as she leaned in, inadvertantly exagerating her chest and cleavage, and looked at the man. "Well, can one so articulate and intelligent wander into a town and not know the name."

She looked at Albrecht and smiled, giving him a small wink.

"My name is Katala, but most call me Kat"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 246 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 01:42
  • msg #256

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht made no effort to hide his gaze at Kat's bust, as he assumed she was intentionally showing off. "And I'm Albrecht. This place seems to be plagued by bandits, and a fellow of mine seems to think there is much worse than that around too," he shrugged, clearly unsure of what he had said. "What brings you to town?"
player, 106 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 04:20
  • msg #257

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora continues to seek out this Vadik person and chatting to the locals
Occasionally popping her head in to see if Lady Kat is still entertaining potential suitors.
Brother Smyth
NPC, 12 posts
Hommlet Blacksmith
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 00:39
  • msg #258

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Yes, I guess we have been having some trouble with bandits," Brother Smyth replies to Gora.

"They stay away from the town proper, but you never know when they might attack someone on the road."

"Safety in numbers, I say. Anyone heading out on their own is in more danger... unless they can run very, very fast!"

player, 107 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 02:37
  • msg #259

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brother Smyth (msg # 258):

"By any chance have you or your fellow Priests sort divine aid for information or have the people not been very forthcoming with devotions making it too questionable or difficult a task to preform?

I know so very well how hard it is to interpenetrate the signs.  But you might have been desperate enough to do so.  I and thus the Village could use any information that may be available."

This message was last edited by the player at 02:37, Wed 26 June 2019.
Brother Smyth
NPC, 13 posts
Hommlet Blacksmith
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 17:27
  • msg #260

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"The gods move in mysterious ways," Brother Smyth replies.

"It's never seemed like a problem for the clergy, but for the local sheriff. Anyway, perhaps they sent you to help us."
player, 114 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 1 Aug 2019
at 22:20
  • msg #261

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

wandering the streets of Hommlet still waiting for something to happen.

  "Ah ah ah stayinggg a live staying alivve."
GM, 15 posts
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 19:41
  • msg #262

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

===== Inn of the Welcome Wench =====

Regrouping the next morning, everyone manages to make it to the inn, even if that means just stumbling down the stairs.

The innkeepers wife, Eleanora, and her two daughters (Miranda and Miriel) manage to cook a sumptuous breakfast.

There is only one traveling merchant already up and eating breakfast.
player, 117 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 20:20
  • msg #263

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to CO-DM (msg # 262):

Oh gosh the alluring scents draw Gora to the Kitchen entrance.
"Good Morrow Gentle beings I hope the day sees you all well?  By chance is there any need for assistance that I may provide in appreciation for what smells to be a sheer delight in the offing?  Water to fetch? pots to watch or millstones to put my nose on?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:26, Thu 08 Aug 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 47 posts
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 08:06
  • msg #264

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala emerges from her room, her clothes changed but equally as tight, sporting a top of scarlet red that looks to be a size too small, sleaves cut off below the shoulders and a little of her midriff showing. Her breeches also look a little on the tighter side, though she  shows no signs of discomfort. Her dark grey leather boots make little noise as she walks. The main difference was her hair, worn out and a little messy as she wrangled it with a piece of copper wire and a sleepy look.

She smiles at the innkeeper as she walks in. "By the gods....that smells great." he looks at the two girls and gives them a smile and wink, then makes her way towards Gora.  "I trust you had an eventful night. Me...i was left entertaining the 'young man'. Seems his offer of possible work with himself and the old fart may be legitimate"

She sat at the table with a sigh, rubbing an eye. "Should've had an earlier night though, i think."
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