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10:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet.

Posted by DMFor group 0
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 242 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 11:17
  • msg #240

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Katala Windstrom (msg # 238):

Albrecht took a gulp of his drink before responding, "We found a small bandit encampment earlier today, and we are going to report our findings to the Baron in the morning. One of the bandits made it back to town alive, and I assume someone is interrogating him for information, so that could prove fruitful. If not, then we would likely do whatever the Baron requested, perhaps to find more bandits to put down. There was also a young dragon that we happened upon, but he flew off before we could finish it off. Tracking it back to its lair might also be an option. What about you?"
GM, 7 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 17:07
  • msg #241

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

As Gora stepped outside of the Inn, she could hear the clang of the blacksmith's hammer a few buildings away.

Also, while many of the people who helped put out the fire are still inside drinking... for free, a few of them are hanging around outside. Gora realizes that's probably because the Inn is rather crowded at the moment.

The five men and one woman outside are leaning against a tree or the hitching post, and Gora, without intentionally eavesdropping, easily overhears local gossip.
Augustae Cawliga
player, 18 posts
Human Illusionist/Fighter
AC: 12/12/10; HP: 11
Fri 31 May 2019
at 20:45
  • msg #242

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Only half paying attention to the conversations going on around him, Augustae can't help overhearing Albrecht's comment.

"There's no baron in Hommlet," he advises Albrecht. "If you mean the Viscount who posted the reward for bandit scalps, well, he's not here, either. He's back in Verbobonc."

"Unless you can teleport, I don't think you can make it back to the city by morning."

He pauses a moment as he thinks of something else.

"Or did you mean Burne, the local wizard? He's not a baron yet, I don't think, but he is building a castle on the edge of town."
player, 97 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 31 May 2019
at 21:35
  • msg #243

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to CO-DM (msg # 241):

So the little community is in trouble.  Not too surprising as it gets around like Politics.  Sparing a gaze inside before she heads off to find someone in Authority.  Surely the Smith Blacksmith could give her some information.  If asked for in the right way
GM StarMaster
GM, 8 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 22:14
  • msg #244

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora has no problem following the clanging of the hammer on anvil.

It's a barn a few buildings east of the Inn.

There's a blacksmith busy working on what appears to be a sword. An apprentice is busy tending the forge.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:57, Sun 16 Oct 2022.
player, 98 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Fri 31 May 2019
at 23:52
  • msg #245

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

watching the Smith for a few minutes Gora turns her attention to his shop trying to determine if he is capable of working on arms and armour.  It would be good to know where such items could be obtained or repaid if needed.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:01, Sat 01 June 2019.
player, 100 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 6 Jun 2019
at 14:00
  • msg #246

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

after spending so much time looking at the Smiths store Gora has come to the conclusion that anything worth seeing is held elsewhere.  with a sigh she turns her attention to the Smiths themselves

"Many pardons for the intrusion Sirs but I was wondering if you might be kind enought as to direct me to where I may be able to find any member of your communities bosses?"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 243 posts
Sun 9 Jun 2019
at 12:24
  • msg #247

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Augustae Cawliga (msg # 242):

"Yes, sorry, Burne. Perhaps I've had too many already," Albrecht responded, shrugging off the accidental slip-of-the-tongue as a dumb player who can't remember important story details. "He was the one who offered the bounty on the bandits, and we still have to collect," he added.
Brother Smyth
NPC, 11 posts
Hommlet Blacksmith
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 00:50
  • msg #248

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Hello, there!" the blacksmith calls out to Gora but he doesn't stop his hammering.

Gora can now see that there are parts of armor scattered around the smithy. There doesn't appear to be any complete suits of armor, though.

"Oh, you'd want to talk to Vadik. He's in that walled building next to me. He's the village Elder. If he's not in the inn, that's where he'd be."

"You are new in town; so, what brings you to Hommlet?"

Gora gets the impression that he's just trying to be friendly.
GM, 10 posts
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 00:55
  • msg #249

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Meanwhile, Shemi wanders into Hommlet and makes his way to the only inn/pub, the Welcome Wench.

It's a bit late in the day (early evening) for a stranger to show up, so everybody that's still in the inn casts a glance at Shemi to see who it is. When they don't recognize him, they pay a bit more attention to him.... sizing him up.
player, 101 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 03:58
  • msg #250

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brother Smyth (msg # 248):
"Strangely enough Kind Sir I am here to help with some kind of trouble I have heard the Village has been suffering under... Bandits or some such untenable thing?"
player, 103 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 04:49
  • msg #251

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

As a decent period of time has ensured that a sudden departure on her part would not be taken as rude, Gora will head off the see this Vadik person.

Naturally starting in that walled building next to the Smithy.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:49, Sat 15 June 2019.
Shemi Aeindrex
player, 2 posts
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 21:35
  • msg #252

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to CO-DM (msg # 249):

Seeing the denizens of the Welcome Wench sizing him up, Shemi smiles and takes the smallest of bows, really just leaning in the waist for a moment before closing the door behind him and searching for a free table or booth.
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 245 posts
Sun 16 Jun 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #253

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"I wonder what that interesting fellow is doing here," Albrecht comments, waving him down to come sit with them if he seems to have any interest in doing so.
Shemi Aeindrex
player, 3 posts
Sun 16 Jun 2019
at 22:10
  • msg #254

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Thank you for the seat. It's been a long day on the road and a rest and conversation would be welcomed." Shemi sits with a sigh, relaxing for the first time in hours. "I'm called Shemi Aeindrex, but you can call me Shemi. What's this town I stumbled into?"
Katala Windstrom
player, 40 posts
Mon 17 Jun 2019
at 04:27
  • msg #255

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Kat, about to tell Albrecht a tale of her coming to town, saw the man as Albrecht turned. She smiled at the man, warmth and intelligence in her eyes, and nodded as he sat. She raises an eyebrow at Albrecht, him already admitting himself a little drunk. Kat, wisely, nursed the same drink, having little of it only.

She put her elbows on the table and hands on her chin as she leaned in, inadvertantly exagerating her chest and cleavage, and looked at the man. "Well, can one so articulate and intelligent wander into a town and not know the name."

She looked at Albrecht and smiled, giving him a small wink.

"My name is Katala, but most call me Kat"
Albrecht Delmorn
player, 246 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 01:42
  • msg #256

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Albrecht made no effort to hide his gaze at Kat's bust, as he assumed she was intentionally showing off. "And I'm Albrecht. This place seems to be plagued by bandits, and a fellow of mine seems to think there is much worse than that around too," he shrugged, clearly unsure of what he had said. "What brings you to town?"
player, 106 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 04:20
  • msg #257

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Gora continues to seek out this Vadik person and chatting to the locals
Occasionally popping her head in to see if Lady Kat is still entertaining potential suitors.
Brother Smyth
NPC, 12 posts
Hommlet Blacksmith
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 00:39
  • msg #258

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"Yes, I guess we have been having some trouble with bandits," Brother Smyth replies to Gora.

"They stay away from the town proper, but you never know when they might attack someone on the road."

"Safety in numbers, I say. Anyone heading out on their own is in more danger... unless they can run very, very fast!"

player, 107 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 02:37
  • msg #259

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to Brother Smyth (msg # 258):

"By any chance have you or your fellow Priests sort divine aid for information or have the people not been very forthcoming with devotions making it too questionable or difficult a task to preform?

I know so very well how hard it is to interpenetrate the signs.  But you might have been desperate enough to do so.  I and thus the Village could use any information that may be available."

This message was last edited by the player at 02:37, Wed 26 June 2019.
Brother Smyth
NPC, 13 posts
Hommlet Blacksmith
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 17:27
  • msg #260

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

"The gods move in mysterious ways," Brother Smyth replies.

"It's never seemed like a problem for the clergy, but for the local sheriff. Anyway, perhaps they sent you to help us."
player, 114 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Thu 1 Aug 2019
at 22:20
  • msg #261

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

wandering the streets of Hommlet still waiting for something to happen.

  "Ah ah ah stayinggg a live staying alivve."
GM, 15 posts
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 19:41
  • msg #262

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

===== Inn of the Welcome Wench =====

Regrouping the next morning, everyone manages to make it to the inn, even if that means just stumbling down the stairs.

The innkeepers wife, Eleanora, and her two daughters (Miranda and Miriel) manage to cook a sumptuous breakfast.

There is only one traveling merchant already up and eating breakfast.
player, 117 posts
We are our own Masters
Till the Gods take a Hand
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 20:20
  • msg #263

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

In reply to CO-DM (msg # 262):

Oh gosh the alluring scents draw Gora to the Kitchen entrance.
"Good Morrow Gentle beings I hope the day sees you all well?  By chance is there any need for assistance that I may provide in appreciation for what smells to be a sheer delight in the offing?  Water to fetch? pots to watch or millstones to put my nose on?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:26, Thu 08 Aug 2019.
Katala Windstrom
player, 47 posts
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 08:06
  • msg #264

Prelude: Verbobonc to Hommlet

Katala emerges from her room, her clothes changed but equally as tight, sporting a top of scarlet red that looks to be a size too small, sleaves cut off below the shoulders and a little of her midriff showing. Her breeches also look a little on the tighter side, though she  shows no signs of discomfort. Her dark grey leather boots make little noise as she walks. The main difference was her hair, worn out and a little messy as she wrangled it with a piece of copper wire and a sleepy look.

She smiles at the innkeeper as she walks in. "By the gods....that smells great." he looks at the two girls and gives them a smile and wink, then makes her way towards Gora.  "I trust you had an eventful night. Me...i was left entertaining the 'young man'. Seems his offer of possible work with himself and the old fart may be legitimate"

She sat at the table with a sigh, rubbing an eye. "Should've had an earlier night though, i think."
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