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Campaign specifics.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:12
  • msg #1

Townboard - Infoboard for skills etc.

Fortune Points:
Equal to your fate point characteristic, these points are refreshed on a daily basis, equaling your CURRENT amount of fate points.

With these points you can do the following:
*Reroll one failed characteristic check or skill check. Can be used any time.
 Only one point can be used if used for an extended test.
*Gain an extra parry or dodge. Meaning you can dodge or parry more than once.
*Gain an extra d10 on initiative, meaning you roll 2d10 and add to your agility characteristic, instead of 1d10 as normal.
*Gain an extra half action to use during your turn.

These points are renewed as you awaken each day.
(See also page 135 of the core book).

Using colors for words etc.
When you speak in character, please pick a color and stick to it.
Start a sentence with " and end it with ", to indicate a spoken line.
All thoughts should be used via italic.
If you wish to leave me a note, either use the private line option or send me a PM.
If using OoC, as in combat(see above), use orange.
If shouting, use caps or bold lettering, whichever suits you the best.

Fate points:
Used to avoid the following.
*When about to die, regardless of the cause.
*Avoiding maiming or loosing limbs.

When using a fate point, evoke so upon reaching the status where you might incur above situation.
Write in the bottom of your post, indicating that you are using a fate point to avoid said event.

Magic sense/Witch Sight:
Used as a skill, this skill like all other skills has to be used to be effective.
Use is not automatic.
While one magically inclined might sense something, he or she can not determined which wind it belongs to nor how strong.
They can however get sensory tastes,smells,sights and such that would indicate the presence of magic.
GM, 3 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:13
  • msg #2

Townboard - Infoboard for skills etc.

Casting roll with more than one dice:
Please check "record each die" when doing so in case of doubles/triples or worse.

"Career advancement"
As per RAW you need to complete a career before you can go to a Career Exit for 100XP.
Completing means:
1) Purchasing all advances in the Advance Scheme.
2) Purchasing all the skills of the career unless you already have them. In cases of or you must only purchase one of the options.
3) Purchasing all the talents of the career unless you already have them. In cases of or you must only purchase one of the options
4) Acquire all the trappings of the new career
5) Make sense in the grand scheme of things. Storywise/RP wise.
6) The above can be voided in rare cases if a skill/talent etc. required makes no sense, and this will be sorted between the Storyteller and Player via PM.

Career outside exit selection:
Alternatively to that procedure you can always, i.e. at any time, switch to any Basic Career for 200XP and which case you only must comply with 4. and 5 above.

Highlighted for importance!

XP cost for all skills/talents etc. are found on page 28 in the core book.

Note: In such case, its a matter of finding teachers etc, which is the same case when, learning new talents and skills. This may add further cost in coins.

Basic skills/skills in general:
As stated in the OoC thread, everyone can use any basic skill, even if they don't have it.
Having the skill allows you to use the full amount of the characteristic for that skill and allows for mastery(+10/+20%).
If you don't have the skill, you are allowed to use half the associated characteristic associated with that skill rounded up.

You wish to use haggle to buy a new blade but lack the skill.
Checking your sheet you find that you have 33 fellowship, the characteristic associated with the haggle skill. If you had the skill via career or such, you would be allowed to roll versus 33%.
Assuming you don't you would have a base haggle of 33/2 equaling 16.5 rounded up to 17. So 17% without the skill.

Rolling against a skill is voiced by the Storyteller, who will ask you to roll a test against a said number.
This will be portrait as following:
Player x: Please roll a routine(+10) swim check.

This means you check your swim score, add 10% to this and roll versus that number.

Player x has 24% swim and is asked to roll a routine check. This is against a number of: 24 for his skill, and +10 for the difficult level of routine.
Player x rolls versus 34%.

GM, 4 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:13
  • msg #3

Townboard - Infoboard for skills etc.

Actions in combat:
Every person has access to 1 full action or 2 half actions per combat round or rephrase, initiative phase.

Basic actions:
Half actions
Aim(+10% ws/bs for one attack)
Cast(Without channeling)
Move(Difficult terrain halves move)
Ready(Draw weapon or item)
Stand or mount
Standard attack

Full actions
Charge attack(+10% ws, must be >4 yards away)
Cast(With channeling)
Disengage(No attacks of opportunity vs. you when leaving combat this way)
Swift attack(Can use more than one attack, must have 2 or more attacks/round)

Reload(based on weapon)
Using a skill in combat(Check description)

Advanced actions:
Half actions:
Delay(Saves a half action for later use, before next turn)
Feint(Opposite WS check, if successful, next attack can not be parried/dodged)
Maneuver(move opponent 2yards/1sq in any direction, opposite WS check)
Parrying stance(Can attempt to parry one attack, shield/offhand = free action)

Full actions:
All out attack(+20% to ws, but cannot parry nor dodge)
Defensive stance(No attacks, but all who attack gains -20% WS to hit)
Guarded attack(-10% to all attacks, +10% to parry/dodge)
Jump/leap(Jumping down or leaping across something)
Run(-20% BS,+20% WS versus runner. Allows full speed movement)

Free actions during combat:
Dodge blow(Agi skill check) or Parry(if in stance or having shield/offhand).
Only one of these skill can be used versus one attack, not both.
This means in short, that you can declare either dodge or parry against one attack, but not do this more than once a round.
If you are hit by a foe using more than one attack(via swift attack for instance), you can use parry on one, dodge on the second, but not both parry and dodge on the first attack.
GM, 5 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:13
  • msg #4

Townboard - Infoboard for skills etc.


Several ways this can be done.

Heal Skill
Type: Advanced.
Characteristic: Intelligence
Description: Use this skill to provide medical attention to the wounded.
A successful Heal test restores 1d10 Wounds to a lightly wounded character or 1 Wound to a heavily wounded character.
A wounded character can only receive such healing once during or after each encounter (battle, trap, fall, etc.) in which Wounds are lost. The next day, and once each day thereafter, the wounded character can receive the benefits of another Heal Test.

An example of magic:

Blessing of healing
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A sprig of holly (+1)
Description: Your touch heals an injured character of 1 Wound.
A wounded character can only receive such healing once during or after each battle or encounter in which Wounds are lost.
This is a touch spell and you can cast this spell on yourself.

The bolded is to underline the rules.
In short - one check of heal skill, and one of magic(both are available), but only once per encounter.

For reference - P. 133 Core rulebook:
• Lightly Wounded: More than 3 Wounds remaining but
fewer than the character’s Wounds Characteristic. Without
medical attention, the character recovers 1 Wound per day
through natural healing.
• Heavily Wounded: 3 Wounds or fewer remaining. Without
medical attention, the character recovers 1 Wound per week
through natural healing.
• Stunned: The character cannot take any actions (even free
actions like dodge). Opponents gain a +20% Weapon Skill
bonus when attacking.
• Helpless: The character cannot defend himself due to
wounds, incapacitation, or some other circumstance. Attacks
against the character automatically hit and inflict an extra
1d10 damage.

GM, 6 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:13
  • msg #5

Townboard - Infoboard for skills etc.

Change to Frenzy talent:
As per Dark heresy errata, since the current Frenzy talent is less than desirable.

New talent description:
You incite yourself into a frothing rage. You must spend one Round psyching yourself up (howling, beating yourself, or the likes.)
The next round, you lose control and go berserk, gaining a +10
bonus to Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but
suffer a -20 penalty to Ballistic Skill and Intelligence.

You must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat if possible.
If you are not engaged with the nearest enemy, you must move towards that
enemy and engage them if possible.
You will not take obviously suicidal actions such as leaping off a building in order to engage someone on the ground, but you will take any actions that have
a reasonable opportunity to engage in melee with the nearest enemy.
While Frenzied, you are immune to fear, pinning, stunning effects, and the effects of fatigue, and you may not parry, retreat, or flee.
You must use the All-Out Attack Maneuver(or swift attack if more than 1A) in melee combat if possible.
You remain Frenzied for the duration of the combat.

Some creatures, particularly certain types of daemons, do not need to spend a Round inciting the Frenzy— they are either permanently Frenzied or can Frenzy at will. Unless you have a Talent that allows you to do so, you may not use magic powers while Frenzying.

For the last bit, there will likely be introduced a talent allowing casting while in Frenzy. This is currently being worked on, so bear with me.

Composed fury:
Prerequisites: Frenzy.
You channel your madness and hate into your spellcasting.
You may use spell casting whilst in a Frenzied state.

Death and fate points usage.
In the event of dying, which does occur, but hopefully won't, players can waver the right to use it, choosing death as an option.

By doing so they are allowed to create a new character, with the usual one advancement.

Further advancement may be introduce, but they are on a case to case basis.

Skill advancement, XP usage and the likes:
Highlighted for importance.
Any character can buy a skill, class wise or not, assuming there is roleplay viable reasons for it. This is sorted via PM's as is the price of it.
This goes for talents as well, and selecting careers not normally available.
See it as an expansion and slight moderation of the core rules which stands for all else.

Gaining XP:
Will be sorted via PM.
Desires to spend XP is handled via this PM as well. As are career advancements and the likes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:14, Mon 18 Nov 2019.
GM, 7 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:14
  • msg #6

Campaign specifics.

Change to knight Career:
Using sub-rules from Tome of Salvation.(Page 208)

Add the following skills available to the knight/knight of the inner circle careers:

Templar of(Order name) - Gained:

Templar of(Order name) - Gained:
Manaan(Any) - Row, Sail, Swim
Morr(Black guards)- Academic. Knowledge (Necromancy), Menacing, Perception
Myrmidia(Order of the Blazing Sun) - Common Knowledge(Estalia or Tilea),
Seasoned Traveller, Specialist weapon Group(anyone)
Myrmidia(Order of the Righteous Spear) - Common Knowledge(Estalia or Tilea), Specialist Weapon Group(any one), Warrior Born.
Sigmar(Any) - Command, Intimidate, Etiquette.
Taal & Rhya (Longshanks)- favoring Scout and Targeteer career; they gain
no additional benefits.
Ulric(Any)- Intimidate. Frenzy. Menacing and Specialist Weapon Group (White Wolf Hammer)*
Verena(Any)- Perception. Secret Language(any one),
Speak Language(any one}, Strong-Minded.

White wolf Hammer
Errated - Has impact. As it has tiring, in accordance to old world armory(page 36.), it should also have impact.

As stated - Tiring: Impact only works doing the first round of melee.

For Priests, use the following:

The Cult of Manann
Initiates of Manann start with the Swim skill in addition to their normal
career skills. Priests of Manann can, at their option, learn the following skills
as part of their careers: Row, Sail, and Trade (Shipwright).

The Cult of Morr
Initiates of Morr start with the Intimidate skill in addition to their normal
career skills. Priests of Morr can, at their option, learn the following skills
and talents as part of their careers: Academic Knowledge (Necromancy),
Menacing, and Trade (Embalmer).

The Cult of Myrmidia
Initiates of Myrmidia start with the Strike to Injure talent in addition to
their normal career skills. Priests of Myrmidia can, at their option, learn the
following skills and talents as part of their careers: Command and Specialist
Weapon Group (any three).

The Cult of Ranald
Initiates of Ranald start with the Sleight of Hand skill in addition to
their normal career skills. Priests of Ranald can, at their option, learn the
following skills and talents as part of their careers: Concealment, Luck, and
Silent Move.

The Cult of Shallya
Initiates of Shallya start with the Heal skill in addition to their normal
career skills. Since the Initiate career already has the Heal skill, this means
Initiates of Shallya get it twice, giving them a +10% bonus (see Skill Mastery
in Chapter 4: Skills and Talents of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core
Rulebook). Priests of Shallya can, at their option, learn the following skills
and talents as part of their careers: Resistance to Disease, Trade (Apothecary)
and Trade (Herbalist).

The Cult of Sigmar
Initiates of Sigmar start with the Common Knowledge (Dwarfs) skill in
addition to their normal career skills. Priests of Sigmar can, at their option,
learn the following skills and talents as part of their careers: Command,
Speak Language (Khazalid), and Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed).

The Cult of Taal & Rhya
Initiates of Taal and Rhya start with the Outdoor Survival skill in addition
to their normal career skills. Priests of Taal and Rhya can, at their option,
learn the following skills and talents as part of their careers: Charm Animal,
Navigation and Orientation.

The Cult of Ulric
Initiates of Ulric start with the Strike Mighty Blow talent in addition to their
normal career skills. Priests of Ulric can, at their option, learn the following
skills and talents as part of their careers: Intimidate, Frenzy, and Specialist
Weapon Group (Two-handed) + Specialist Weapon Group (White Wolf Hammer)*

*Storyteller add. Makes sense for the clergy to have access to it.
GM, 8 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:16
  • msg #7

Campaign specifics.

Mounted Combat House Rules:
Borrowed due to making sense from - kind regards to LPC.

A rider and mount move as one unit. The rider essentially substitutes the mount's Movement score for his own; the mount acts as an extension to the rider at the rider's Initiative.
Mounts are split into two categories: trained for combat, and not trained for combat.

Failure Modes: Ways To Fall Off Your Horse
In combat, when riding a mount not trained for combat, making any of the following actions requires a Ride Check:
- Charge Attack
- Disengage
- Jump/Leap

If the check is failed, the desired action may not be taken, and a half action is lost. If the check is failed by three degrees or more, the mount throws its rider and bolts: he will require a Stand action to get back to his feet, and may suffer falling damage if the mount is tall enough.
A rider who does not have Ride trained must test Ride (Ride being a Basic Skill) to perform the following actions, regardless of whether his mount is combat-trained:
- Run (test at +30)
- Jump/Leap

If the check is failed, he falls from the saddle, as described above. If the check is failed by 3 degrees or more, the mount also bolts.
In a situation where an untrained rider is riding an untrained mount, the second list takes priority over the first (i.e. should the rider fail a Ride check to induce his mount to Jump/Leap, he will fall from the saddle regardless of his degrees of failure).
Should a mount be killed while still being ridden, the rider must make an Ag test. A pass means he falls freely to the ground, exactly as if he had been thrown; a failure means he falls under the mount's body. Freeing himself is a full action, requiring a successful Strength test – he cannot stand or move from the spot where he has fallen until he is free.

Fighting From Horseback
A mount counts as another friendly character for the purposes of Outnumbering.
Opponents in combat with a mounted combatant may choose freely to target either the rider or the mount.
One may not use the Dodge Blow skill while mounted.
When making a Charge Attack, a mounted character may make the attack at any point in his movement. The two squares before the attack is made must still be in a straight line, and there must still be at least two squares between the start of the move and the target for the move to qualify as a charge. Using the remaining movement to move on and out of contact does not trigger a free attack from the target.
If the rider made a Charge Attack, a combat-trained mount may make a Charge Attack alongside him. Otherwise, if the mount and rider have moved no further than would be allowed by a Half Move, it may make a Standard Attack; if it has not moved at all, it may make a Swift Attack.
Untrained mounts will not attack alongside the rider.
While mounted, the following actions may be combined with a Half or Full Move:
- Aim (missile weapons only)
- Standard Attack (missile weapons only)
- Cast
- Ready
- Reload
- Use a Skill

Should any of the above be taken as extended actions (e.g. a casting or reload time of more than one Full Action), they require a successful Ride check to avoid automatic failure.

This following skill will be taking into account:
Ride P.95: However, tests may be called for when galloping, racing, guiding a steed through treacherous terrain, leaping onto a moving mount, and the like.
Terrain features can and will be imposed going forward, for rough terrain(-10%), obstacles etc. which may effect the ability to effectively charge.
GM, 9 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 12:16
  • msg #8

Campaign specifics.

Insanity Points:

A point of insanity or IP is attained whenever:
*You receive a critical hit. Points remain after being healed.
*Failing a terror check.
*Truly horrible event - Torture, clawed by mutants, stuck in dark hole etc.

Upon receiving 6 points of insanity(unless the character has the strong minded talent, in which case 8 is the limit), players roll a will power test.
If successful, they avoid the disorder until another point is achieved, if failing they lose 6/8 IP and develop a disorder.
Auto disorders have been removed, and will not affect the players.

Curing this can be done as below!

The first is surgery. This is a crude experimental process that is quite
dangerous for the patient. To even attempt it, the medical practitioner
must have the Heal Wounds skill and the Surgery talent. The process
takes 1d10 hours, at the end of which a Heal Wounds Skill Test
must be made. The Test Difficulty is either Challenging, Hard, or
Very Hard, depending on what the surgeon is trying to achieve.
Actually curing an insanity is Very Hard. Table 9-2: Insanity Surgery
summarizes what tests and what can be achieved with a successful Heal
Wounds Test. All surgery of this type reduces the patient to 0 Wounds
(they are operating on the brain after all!). Normal healing can take
place once the surgery is complete.
Should the test fail, no matter the difficulty, the GM should roll on
Table 9-3: Botched Surgery to find out what happened.

Herbal and chemical concoctions can’t actually cure insanity. At best they
can suppress the madness for a short time. Drugs that affect the mind
are hit or miss to say the least. Each one must be specially crafted for its
recipient, so it can properly counteract the insanity. Making a drug requires
Trade Tools (Apothecary), 2d10 gold crowns worth of ingredients, and
takes 1d10 hours. If a successful Very Hard (–30%) Trade (Apothecary)
Test is made, the drug works and can suppress the character’s madness for
one week. If the test is failed, the mixture is off and potentially dangerous.
The GM should roll on Table 9-4: Quack Medicine to find out what sort
of effect it will have on the imbiber. The maker of the drug always believes
he’s gotten it right, unless the table result says otherwise.


Table 9-2: Insanity surgery
Heal Difficulty Effects of Successful Test
Challenging Patient loses 1 IP
Hard Patient loses 1d10 IPs
Very Hard Patient cured of 1 insanity
Table 9-3: boTChed surgery
Roll Result
01-20 A Surgical Triumph: Whilst the surgery was ineffective,
neither did it damage the patient.
21-40 You Won’t Feel a Thing: The patient gains 1d0 Insanity
41-60 Whoops!: The unfortunate patient loses 1d10 Intelligence
61-80 I Hate It When They Thrash: The patient must make
a Toughness Test or die under the knife. Even if he
survives, he loses 1d10 Intelligence permanently and
gains 1d0 Insanity Points.
81-100 We’ve Got a Bleeder!: The patient dies on the operating
table from severe trauma and blood loss.

Table 9-4: quack medicine
Roll Result
01-20 Sure-Fire Cure: The drug is useless and the apothecary
knows it.
21-40 Whim and Tonic: The drug is useless but counts as an
alcoholic drink.
41-60 May Cause Drowsiness: The drug knocks the imbiber out
for 1d10 hours.
61-80 Tincture of Mercury: The drug causes the imbiber to gain 1
Insanity Point.
81-100 Medicinal Purge: The drug is poison. The imbiber must
make a successful Toughness Test or lose 1d10 Wounds,
regardless of TB.

There are several spells that can help the insane, most notably the
Shallyan spell cure insanity (see page 165). Transmutation of the
unstable mind (see page 157) also may help (or not!). The main
difficulty with magical cures is not side effects, but finding those
sufficiently powerful to cast the spells. Only a handful of priests and
wizards in the entire Empire are powerful enough to use magic such
as this. Finding them and convincing them to help would be an
adventure in and of itself.

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