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00:37, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Out of Character thread III.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 436 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 31/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 13:48
  • msg #9

Re: Out of Character thread III

And all because of the word 'inability'.
Just call it anything that prevents one to not know when it is one's turn.
GM, 584 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 14:09
  • msg #10

Re: Out of Character thread III

What this tells me, is that we could clarify initiative, to basically be as obvious as possible.

I do sense that this means I have to be a tad more active as to constantly check who has posted, who is lacking, and PM when it is their turn. I must admit, part of me feels annoyed by this. I agree it could be more obvious, but I will not babysit a game - to a point where I have to ask everyone constantly to act. They should be able to do so.
If not, because they are in doubt, then the issue is mine, but if they choose to not act, or not ask if in doubt, then I insist on pointing some blame and lack of effort at players who do not show effort here. Simple as that.

I am, and have always been solution orientated however.
So perhaps running a precombat check for initiative as now, split it up into players -> monsters -> remaining players, along with bolded and bumped threads would cause it to turn red, and opening said thread would have a bold line detailing that:
Initiative -> Player X and Y, It is your turn to act now.
Once done, it would be first players again, whom would get same line. Hell, even the last player could do this, if the order is obvious enough, or?

Would this work? Or would a step by step PM system be needed?
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 318 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 14:31
  • msg #11

Re: Out of Character thread III

I do sense that this means I have to be a tad more active as to constantly check who has posted, who is lacking, and PM when it is their turn. I must admit, part of me feels annoyed by this. I agree it could be more obvious, but I will not babysit a game - to a point where I have to ask everyone constantly to act. They should be able to do so.

And they are able to do so. It's not a "lack of ability." Thinking of it that way makes thinking about it unnecessarily fraught and confrontational. "Blame" is not a helpful concept here. In all probability, it's just life getting in the way, and if we knew what was really going on with people, we'd be completely understanding. But we can't always know that, or expect them to tell us.

A game that is moving is more fun than one that isn't, but let's not take it too personally, or make it too personal, when it's not. I know I have been guilty of doing exactly that, but I'm trying to mellow out.

Once done, it would be first players again, whom would get same line. Hell, even the last player could do this, if the order is obvious enough, or?

I'm not sure I follow your description, but this last part is a good point. Knowing who comes after us (or who has yet to go) and highlighting that at the end of our turns would be helpful and help people grasp the overall order of things better.

Would this work? Or would a step by step PM system be needed?

I think PMs are worth sending only after 24 hours. And not just to say "It's your turn, please go," but to find out of the player is held up by anything.
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 437 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 31/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 14:36
  • msg #12

Re: Out of Character thread III

Would this work? Or would a step by step PM system be needed?

IMHO that would be excessive and utterly contrary to my approach to support the GM whenever I can

It's fairly easy to put the current initiative as a copy-paste to each post instead of placing it on the map (indeed, now that Stahl mentioned it, it is understandable that you look at RPoL more oftenthan you do on the map, espcially if you're not moving much really)


|Vynthear     |^ 16
|Stahl        |^ 15
|<b>Foes</b>  |^ 15
|Ignatz       |^ 11
|Warfryn      |^ 10
|Saskan       |^ 6

And edit slightly with a shade (by putting = in front of one's name) to indicate that one has completed one's turn:


|=Vynthear    |^ 16
|Stahl        |^ 15
|<b>Foes</b>  |^ 15
|Ignatz       |^ 11
|Warfryn      |^ 10
|Saskan       |^ 6

We have discussed "Us-Them" previously and unless two players post at the same time (or near to anyway) it's probably the easiest way to do.
If one knows that xyz is capable of moving foes and one's current situation is unfavourable, it's probably best to wait until that player has posted.
Of course vice versa.
It would thus simply turn out as a "Bonus Turn" for those who initially act before the foes:


=> Bonus Turn for Vynthear and Stahl, then adjust to


If there is no possiblity to Change Initiative during a fight (I don't know 4E enough to evaluate that), we can skip the numbers after the Initial determination and skip making it a table, too.

We could also skip Initiative after the original determiantion of "Bonus Turns" and just list the names according to the Alphabet and everyone just posts when he can
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 319 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 14:45
  • msg #13

Re: Out of Character thread III

I have thoughts, but not until after I make my move.
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 321 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 15:01
  • msg #14

Re: Out of Character thread III

The enemies are up.
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 322 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 17:06
  • msg #15

Re: Out of Character thread III

I just got a new message flag, but I don't see any updates. Did anyone else get that?
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 438 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 31/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 17:52
  • msg #16

Re: Out of Character thread III

In reply to Stahl Tropfstein (msg # 15):

Only yours, mate, since I last checked... about 3h ago
This message was last edited by the player at 17:53, Tue 26 June 2018.
Paladin-Warlock, 260 posts
AC18;Ref 17;Fort14;Will17
HP 36; Surges used 0/8
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 18:06
  • msg #17

Re: Out of Character thread III

I think I sometimes get confused when Vynthewr posts 'corrected' posts.  A very quick glance makes me think it is his turn and therefore I am waiting for the DM to post before I take my turn.  This has happened at least once.  This is entirely my fault for not reading carefully!

I also see that Vynthear have posted without waiting for Ignatz and Saskan.  Is that what we are to do now?
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 439 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 31/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 20:31
  • msg #18

Re: Out of Character thread III

STAHL AND VYNT - Init 15+, monsters are after you two, so this is just a current update.
Your turn!

GM made Ignatz' and Saskan's turn.

As for corrections... what would you prioritize... map or table... one is wrong... which one?
Paladin-Warlock, 261 posts
AC18;Ref 17;Fort14;Will17
HP 36; Surges used 0/8
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 20:45
  • msg #19

Re: Out of Character thread III

Dont get me wrong, I have no problem with your corrections at all!  It is just me.  With being on holiday and with scattered wifi access I have not had time to read things properly.  I would suggest that you carry on as you are doing.  All fine by me.
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 440 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 31/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Wed 27 Jun 2018
at 05:08
  • msg #20

Re: Out of Character thread III

In reply to Warfryn (msg # 19):

No worries, I wasn't gulping that down the wrong way ^^.
I open to suggestions how to make everything easier on everyone.
For example: that table can be a real pain to update, I am aware of that. I don't know a better way though.

GM, Tue 26 Jun 2018 at 10:50:
I will require here and now, to know where every player stand and I require it to be within the next 24 hours.
Challenge here is: neither Ignatz nor Saskan reistred that rally call. They have not been on since that post...
Did you also PM them ? A purple flag might be better than a red one ^^
GM, 585 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2018
at 07:32
  • msg #21

Re: Out of Character thread III

Saskan is out. I have tried three times and npc'ed roughly the same. He is gone.

As for Ignatz, he was on, but then something happened.
I have despite this PM'ed them. But again, I want things to move on somehow and in a manner where I don't have to NPc half the players.

I would rather replace, once combat is over if it comes to that and make lessons learned.
What has been discussed is really vital - And I am happy to bold and make obvious bumps is needed.
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 323 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2018
at 13:31
  • msg #22

Re: Out of Character thread III

As for Ignatz, he was on, but then something happened.
I have despite this PM'ed them. But again, I want things to move on somehow and in a manner where I don't have to NPc half the players.

There are some other options. I've GMed games and lost players too, and I never NPC any character, in the sense of taking actions for them. Let me know if you want to discuss options.

I would rather replace, once combat is over if it comes to that and make lessons learned.

That's perfectly reasonable. I wouldn't recommend thinking of it as a "lesson." People get it, and it's not like Saskan would come back suddenly and wonder why the game had moved ahead without them or why they had been replaced.

What has been discussed is really vital - And I am happy to bold and make obvious bumps is needed.

Cool. I'm happy to read more closely and ask when I'm not sure.
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 324 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2018
at 18:38
  • msg #23

Re: Out of Character thread III

Yes, weakened applies to spell damage. It applies to pretty much all damage except ongoing damage and flat damage.\

So, magic missile wouldn't be reduced, but neither would damage from the fighter's rain of steel.
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 441 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 31/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Thu 28 Jun 2018
at 06:52
  • msg #24

Re: Out of Character thread III

So who is doing Ignatz' and Saskan's turn ?
GM, 587 posts
Thu 28 Jun 2018
at 07:05
  • msg #25

Re: Out of Character thread III

Vynthear Klayde:
So who is doing Ignatz' and Saskan's turn ?

I had an emergency at work(Yes, it is a thing we use here lol), so I will within the next hour or so.
GM, 589 posts
Thu 28 Jun 2018
at 14:32
  • msg #26

Re: Out of Character thread III

Seems the new warning system means quick turn around.
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 326 posts
Thu 28 Jun 2018
at 14:36
  • msg #27

Re: Out of Character thread III

In reply to Storyteller (msg # 26):

Well, you got our attention.
Paladin-Warlock, 263 posts
AC18;Ref 17;Fort14;Will17
HP 36; Surges used 0/8
Thu 28 Jun 2018
at 23:00
  • msg #28

Re: Out of Character thread III

I am off to a folk festival in the Scottish Borders tomorrow.  Considering there is barely a phone signal there, I doubt I will have much chance of posting.

If I am needed please NPC Warfryn.  He was planning on staying hidden as far as possible and sniping with Eyebite.  That gives him Invisibility AND the -5 to attack him from more that 5 squares away.  If Kalarel moves closer, Warfryn will move away.
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 327 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 00:25
  • msg #29

Re: Out of Character thread III

In reply to Warfryn (msg # 28):

Have fun.

Can we have Warfryn place his curse on Kalarel?
Paladin-Warlock, 264 posts
AC18;Ref 17;Fort14;Will17
HP 36; Surges used 0/8
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 01:11
  • msg #30

Re: Out of Character thread III

Already done .  Msg 436 of IC
Stahl Tropfstein
Ranger, 328 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 03:34
  • msg #31

Re: Out of Character thread III

In reply to Warfryn (msg # 30):

Oh, okay. I wasn't sure because it's not on the table and you didn't roll the extra damage for him when you hit him. I'll list the curse on the table when I post my next turn, if no one else does it on theirs.
Vynthear Klayde
Eladrin Wizard, 443 posts
AC16 / F14 / R17 / W18
HP: 25/31 Surge:4/7 AP1/2
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 12:34
  • msg #32

Re: Out of Character thread III

I will indeed use a free HS to gain a total of 14 hits back
Barbarian, 532 posts
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC19 F18 R16 W13 PP17
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 20:09
  • msg #33

Re: Out of Character thread III

Okay I have my computer back, and I have internet at my new place! There was something of a mess with movers and stuff missing. Time to catch up on everything!
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