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02:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by The GrandmasterFor group 0
The Grandmaster
GM, 683 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 15:10
  • msg #140


Goodwill pummeled the flying Chemical Man.

It was still flying, but one more attack ought to do it. It didn't seem as resilient to physical damage as the others.

But for now, it could still attack...

(09:43, Today: The Grandmaster rolled 6 using 2d6 ((2,4)).)

If it could hit him. But Goodwill could fly, too...

(White Lynx, I got nothing special. Go ahead and you tell me what you find that could be useful. (A nice big branch or something, maybe...? That's the best I've got))

Cosmic Girl blasts the water, vaporizing it. It seemed to hurt the white Chemical Man, too.

She even seemed to have melted the pipes feeding the fountain-- no more water would be coming out soon...

(10:08, Today: The Grandmaster rolled 8 using 2d6+1 ((6,1)).)

Since Goodwill and Cosmic Girl were flying, the white Chemical Man had no one else close enough to dole out punishment to but White Lynx. It tried, specifically, to cover her mouth and nose... But she was just barely able to keep it from doing that...

(White Lynx takes 2 new stress)
White Lynx
player, 101 posts
Stress 9
XP 9
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 16:15
  • msg #141


Oh gods, this was going poorly. She had to get this thing off! Lynx’s eyes darted around, trying desperately to find something that could help. There were some branches that looked promising, but were a little too far away. Blackjack’s unconscious frame was closer, but she couldn’t think of anything to do with him. But then...the pipes. Melted the way they were, the edges looked like they had just formed relatively sharp and jagged edges. That had to be her ticket. Thank you, Cosmic Girl! It was this, or probably die, considering just how hard this thing was squeezing her. Determination rising, Lynx limped over to the pipes, throwing the chemical man onto the pipe, hoping that the force would leave it impaled.

White Lynx rolled 7 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,5.  It’s Clobbering Time w/ +1 Forward, courtesy of Looking Before this Leap. Fingers crossed.
--You avoid most of their retaliation (-1 Stun)

player, 381 posts
Stress / Stun: 7
Experience: 2
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 17:30
  • msg #142


Goodwill was getting his stride now. The aerial blobby-guy was almost down now. One more good punch ought to do it.

Meanwhile, it was a pity about the fountain. Still, better the fountain than any onlookers, right? Nobody knew how controlled these blobbos were. The one that tried to attack Scraps was still somewhere about...!

Goodwill rolled 11 using 2d6+3 ((3,5)).
--Hit Hard
--Avoid collateral damage

The Grandmaster
GM, 685 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 14:56
  • msg #143


The flying Chemical Man just falls apart, chunks of yellow-brown foam-rubber falling harmlessly to the ground. Two down...

White Lynx manages to impale the white Chemical Man on an upturned damaged pipe in the now-dry fountain... but since he doesn't seem to have any internal organs (or if he does, they are not as we understand them), it only slows him down. He's still holding onto one of White Lynx's ankles with the end of one of his legs, and he's going to get up off the pipe in just a few more seconds...
White Lynx
player, 103 posts
Stress 9
XP 9
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 16:31
  • msg #144


Why was this thing so persistent?! If she could just get it off of her, she could get away, maybe help take down the one going after Scraps, but she was dead meat until then. For now, it was on the pipe, but it wouldn’t be for long. Hopefully, it being on the pipe would make it easier to detach. Plus, it was only on one of her ankles now! If she just pulled hard enough, she’d have to come free! Maybe. Could she use her super speed possibly? It was only one leg now, and it wasn’t just stuck on her, so... If she tried to channel energy into her leg...the chemical man would likely just absorb that energy. Whatever. Just pull, Ch’rava.

White Lynx rolled 9 using 2d6-1 with rolls of 5,5.  Forceful. To pull away from the Chemical Man on the pipe.
The Grandmaster
GM, 686 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 17:44
  • msg #145


White Lynx:
Why was this thing so persistent?! If she could just get it off of her, she could get away, maybe help take down the one going after Scraps, but she was dead meat until then. For now, it was on the pipe, but it wouldn’t be for long. Hopefully, it being on the pipe would make it easier to detach. Plus, it was only on one of her ankles now! If she just pulled hard enough, she’d have to come free! Maybe. Could she use her super speed possibly? It was only one leg now, and it wasn’t just stuck on her, so... If she tried to channel energy into her leg...the chemical man would likely just absorb that energy. Whatever. Just pull, Ch’rava.

White Lynx rolled 9 using 2d6-1 with rolls of 5,5.  Forceful. To pull away from the Chemical Man on the pipe.

White Lynx pulls herself from the Chemical Man's grasp... but he pulls himself off of his pipe, pulls himself together, and comes after her, as he was apparently instructed to do...

(12:43, Today: The Grandmaster rolled 5 using 2d6 ((4,1)).)

No, it just takes him too long-- White Lynx backs out of his reach, this time...
player, 382 posts
Stress / Stun: 7
Experience: 2
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 18:06
  • msg #146


...two to go.

Lynx seemed to be having trouble with the grabby one. It seemed to Goodwill that his next target ought to be that one, since the hexapus wasn't doing much of anything yet.

Hopefully catching the thing by surprise, Goodwill dropped out of the sky next to Lynx and decked the blobbo.

Goodwill rolled 7 using 2d6+3 ((3,1)).
--Avoid collateral damage (i.e., don't hit Lynx)

White Lynx
player, 104 posts
Stress 9
XP 9
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 19:19
  • msg #147


“Thank you...Thanks for the help there. I’m going to on the other one...if I don’t collapse first...”

Moving away from the white chemical man, Lynx looked around for the hexapus.
The Grandmaster
GM, 687 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 15:31
  • msg #148


The white Chemical Man might have been destroyed by Goodwill's attack if the fountain hadn't initially healed it some.

(10:27, Today: The Grandmaster rolled 8 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,6.)

The white Chemical Man tried to both attack Goodwill, and to get past him to get to White Lynx, at the same time. Neither was really successful-- it would have hurt a weaker opponent, but not Goodwill.

About all it did was slow him down.

(Goodwill gets a -1 to his next Forceful or Agile move, but takes no damage.)

White Lynx found Scraps squaring off with the hexapus. It would crawl toward him, and he would hop and scrabble away from it, and it would change direction and move toward him again, in a repeating cycle.

He would growl a little at it now and then, but other than that, he might have been playing with it for all White Lynx could tell.
White Lynx
player, 106 posts
Stress 9
XP 9
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 18:44
  • msg #149


Well that looked almost...adorable. She almost didn’t want to intrude. Maybe the chemical man took more out of her than she thought. She was feeling a bit tired. Taking a moment to take in her surroundings, Lynx felt good for once tonight. Goodwill and Cosmic Girl has managed to get between her and the white chemical man, Scraps seemed relatively fine with his charge, the other two were down for the count, and Blackjack was even out cold!

Standing guard for now and waiting for her breath to catch up to her, Lynx shouted out an encouraging “You don’t really need me to tell you this, but we’ve almost got it! They’re on the ropes! We’re going to win the day! Er...night!”

White Lynx rolled 12 using 2d6+2 with rolls of 5,5.  Inspire the Team, with inspiring words.
--No one got distracted and missed something important
--Everyone else on your team takes +1 Forward

Cosmic Girl
player, 123 posts
Stress/Stun: 4/0
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 22:45
  • msg #150


Cosmic Girl knew that White Lynx was right. All it took was one more huge surge of power, and that hexapus thing was going to be so much goop! She vaulted up to be above it, and let rip with one might eye-blast right at the creature, a final super-blast to seal the deal!


23:43, Today: Cosmic Girl rolled 10 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 3,4.  Clobberin' Time with some +1 forward!

+1 Stun
Avoid collateral damage!

The Grandmaster
GM, 692 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 15:08
  • msg #151


Cosmic Girl:
Cosmic Girl knew that White Lynx was right. All it took was one more huge surge of power, and that hexapus thing was going to be so much goop! She vaulted up to be above it, and let rip with one might eye-blast right at the creature, a final super-blast to seal the deal!


23:43, Today: Cosmic Girl rolled 10 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 3,4.  Clobberin' Time with some +1 forward!

+1 Stun
Avoid collateral damage!

The hexapus quivers, obviously badly damaged... It starts to emit steam, or smoke... it's making a hissing noise which gets increasingly loud...
player, 384 posts
Stress / Stun: 7
Experience: 2
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 15:17
  • msg #152


Aw, nuts! This thing was about to do something nasty, wasn't it?

"Stay back," he said to the others, mostly to Cosmic Girl who could also fly. He grabbed the hexapus and flew straight up to get it out of range of the park, and to protect the others from whatever was about to happen....

Hold them off!
Goodwill rolled 13 using 2d6+3 ((5,5)).
--They can’t attack anyone they weren’t already attacking
--You draw them away from people you choose

The Grandmaster
GM, 694 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 15:34
  • msg #153


Aw, nuts! This thing was about to do something nasty, wasn't it?

"Stay back," he said to the others, mostly to Cosmic Girl who could also fly. He grabbed the hexapus and flew straight up to get it out of range of the park, and to protect the others from whatever was about to happen....

Hold them off!
Goodwill rolled 13 using 2d6+3 ((5,5)).
--They can’t attack anyone they weren’t already attacking
--You draw them away from people you choose


The hexapus exploded!

Goodwill's body, limp, plummets from the sky...

Honestly, it looks like he's going to hit the white Chemical Man that's lurching its way toward White Lynx...
player, 215 posts
Stress: 0
Experience: 1
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 05:12
  • msg #154


Seeing Goodwill plummeting, the Super Pup (unable to do anything else) ran howling towards that spot where his human was going to land.
YES, he fully intended to be directly under Goodwill, to break Goodwill's fall.
Cosmic Girl
player, 126 posts
Stress/Stun: 4/0
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 23:26
  • msg #155


Oh, no! Not on this girl's watch! Nobody was going to let that really dishy... er... really BRAVE Goodwill person fall to splat himself, his dog, and any nearby innocent bystanders!

Cosmic Girl launched herself skyward with a PHTOOM!!! noise! She caught the tumbing hero with not only accuracy and excellent timing, but she managed to do it with a twirl and swirl of her cape, to boot! And she carried him down to the ground carefully, making sure he was all right, and not dead, and other important things!


00:21, Today: Cosmic Girl rolled 13 using 2d6+1 with rolls of 6,6.  Romantic Idiot! Saving that Goodwill fella..


player, 386 posts
Stress / Stun: 7
Experience: 2
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 23:34
  • msg #156


Unfortunately, Cosmic Girl hadn't quite realized the force of the blast, nor reckoned that the blobby hexapus was filled with nasty micro-edged shrapnel. As she landed with Goodwill, she realized that his chest (oh god, were those his lungs?) looked more like ground hamburger than his usual rock-hard pecs. He was barely alive.

"Take care of Scraps," he gasped. "And tell... my mom... I'm... sorry."

...and he died, there in her arms.
White Lynx
player, 111 posts
Stress 9
XP 9
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #157



What was that? We’re those his insides?! They should’ve brought back-up. She should’ve insisted. For a moment, all Ch’rava could do was stare. Then she spotted that hfrenting bag of chemicals inching toward her. She couldn’t approach. She would have to back off. Now, of all times. No. She didn’t have to run away at least, even though every fiber of her being was screaming at her to. She just had to stay beyond its reach. Should be easy enough to do with her super speed. She could just speed away to make sure she was at a safe distance or put something between them. She’d be fine. Cosmos though...

Dashing over to the other side of the fountain and out of harms way, White Lynx shouted, “We’re not finished yet, Cosmic Girl! Same to you too, Scraps! We need to take that thing down, fast! Blast it with everything you have!”
Cosmic Girl
player, 129 posts
Stress/Stun: 4/0
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 13:38
  • msg #158


Cosmic Girl looked at the dead Goodwill with an expression of horror and regret and disbelief. Her own outfit was smeared with blood. She wailed! "No! Goodwill - NO!" But he was gone. And there was naught that she could do about it. If only she had got to the hexapus first!

White Lynx broke through her horrified grief, and just before she hurled a bolt of fearsome power, she held back. "But... if I hit this one, doesn't it heal from Cosmic rays? If I attack it, it will only grow stronger!"
player, 217 posts
Stress: 0
Experience: 1
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 14:04
  • msg #159


As White Lynx and Cosmic Grrl turn their attention to the remaining goo-monster, nothing could wrench Scraps’ attention from the still body of his soul-buddy.
Unable to completely comprehend what was happening before him ... why Gil was unmoving ... Scraps tried desperately to lick his human back into consciousness.

Soon enough, a confused, sad whine began to grow deep in his chest, and the manic energy wagging his hopeful tail faultered.
White Lynx
player, 112 posts
Stress 9
XP 9
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 14:49
  • msg #160


“You’ve hit it before, haven’t you? Each of them were keyed to one of us. This one’s got my number. You’re more than capable of sending it to the other side!”

Stopping to cough, Lynx looked down to investigate her body. She was in very poor shape, bloodied, bruised, one arm was mangled. Luckily her legs were fine enough to work properly. She couldn’t look at her head, but there were odd wet spots here and there and Ch’rava felt a bit on the woozy side. This, looking herself over, was a mistake. Adrenaline had been carrying her, but knowing how she was doing kinda hurt that a bit. Oh well, it’s not like she’d have been capable of more fighting anyway.
Cosmic Girl
player, 130 posts
Stress/Stun: 4/0
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 19:26
  • msg #161


Cosmic Girl registered Scraps, and his little doggy whine of dismay. That was what tipped her over the edge. She leapt up a couple of feet and floated there. From her eyes, and her hands, and even her mouth, she poured forth a torrent of energy, and turned it all onto that remaining monstrous non-person!


20:23, Today: Cosmic Girl rolled 10 using 2d6+2 with rolls of 5,3.  Kill That Blobby Swine!!!

Let's hit it! +2 Stun!

The Grandmaster
GM, 698 posts
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 15:52
  • msg #162


Cosmic Girl:
Cosmic Girl registered Scraps, and his little doggy whine of dismay. That was what tipped her over the edge. She leapt up a couple of feet and floated there. From her eyes, and her hands, and even her mouth, she poured forth a torrent of energy, and turned it all onto that remaining monstrous non-person!


20:23, Today: Cosmic Girl rolled 10 using 2d6+2 with rolls of 5,3.  Kill That Blobby Swine!!!

Let's hit it! +2 Stun!

The white Chemical Man, writhing, seems to boil away under Cosmic Girl's stellar assault until there is little left but bits of foam.
White Lynx
player, 115 posts
Stress 0
XP 2
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #163


Cautiously moving around the fountain, Lynx rushed to Goodwill’s body. It was over, and while Blackjack was down for the count, it felt like they were the ones that lost. Still, she had noticed earlier that Goodwill had picked up the paper that the other man dropped. Carefully, she searched his pockets for the note. Maybe something could be done yet.
The Grandmaster
GM, 703 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 14:17
  • msg #164


White Lynx:
Cautiously moving around the fountain, Lynx rushed to Goodwill’s body. It was over, and while Blackjack was down for the count, it felt like they were the ones that lost. Still, she had noticed earlier that Goodwill had picked up the paper that the other man dropped. Carefully, she searched his pockets for the note. Maybe something could be done yet.

The paper turns out to be an envelope... On the back of the envelope, someone (guess whom) has scribbled very complex chemical formulae, with notes on the ways that certain molecular compounds should interact and react together...

The envelope itself is from a firm in New Jersey ("SciLabCo") that apparently sells expensive laboratory equipment... It's a reminder of payment due on a shipment (of a variety of stuff, but especially a lot of transistors)... Billing, specifically, a "Dr. Norwood."

The envelope is the kind with the see-through cellophane window. The piece of paper that went inside, with Dr. Norwood's mailing address, is gone. An itemized list of stuff being billed for that the letter refers to is also missing (maybe they were on the front and back of the same sheet?) Only the original letter itself remains.
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