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21:07, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bridgetown Follies.

Posted by 'Sam'For group 0
NPC, 7 posts
Administrator, Bridgetown
Human male
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 18:25
  • msg #34

Bridgetown Follies

Sam yells back, "Sorry, Laddie, I've got a fiduciary relationship with these fine folks!"

Thelev's not certain Sam in't being coerced. His voice seems to lack the forced exaggerated Scot's burr. It could be Sam, or it could be fake. Dr. Driveon scurries down the slope after McCurrvey and scans him. He applies the protoplaser to the head wound and gives him a hypospray in the carotid. The others scramble down to join them, leaving Thelev, Khendron and Boluri up top. Khendron's communicator beeps. Flipping it open, Driveon's voice reports, "Commodore McCurrvey is unconscious but his vitals are all within norms. Pupils are equal and reactive, O2 sat is 95%, BP is 120/70, pulse 75. No evidence of concussion or skull fracture."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:50, Tue 22 Sept 2020.
Commodore Bradron McCurrvey
player, 23 posts
Mission Commander
Centauran Male
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 22:14
  • msg #35

Bridgetown Follies

Semiconciously, McCurrvey says to whoever is closest: “Calista, heavy stun, NOW!”  “They’re linked so what happens to one may affect the other”. McCurrvey tries to get up.
Major Korran Bilgebottom
NPC, 4 posts
Marine Commandant
Ursan male
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 23:22
  • msg #36

Bridgetown Follies

Bilbebottom uses his helmet communicator to call Khendron and Boluri. "Commodore's awake! He says to target Calista with multiple heavy stun beams. She's probably linked psionically to this Verlegg character. Saavik, can you confirm this?"

Saavik replies, "Logical, Major. They both have a heavy mental shield! I don't think hers is natural. Sam's got some sort of psionic nullifier!"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:22, Tue 22 Sept 2020.
LCdr Winston Driveon, MD
NPC, 4 posts
CMO, USS Odyssey
Human male
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 23:33
  • msg #37

Bridgetown Follies

"Thank you, Commodore," says the doctor. "Now stay still! You may not have a concussion, but you're still my patient. You have a major gash in your scalp. I've stopped the bleeding, but you've got a massive bruise over half your face." He gives McCurrvey another hypo. "You've got people here who are used to watching your back!"

Bilgebottom scrambles rapidly up the slope, spraying rocks and dirt over the party. He adds his Assault Phaser to Boluri's and the two captains' fire. "Gentlemen, check fire. Resume on my command, all targeted on Calista—fire!"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:40, Wed 23 Sept 2020.
Captain Khendron Mercer
player, 40 posts
XO, USS Odyssey
Efrosian male
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 11:26
  • msg #38

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to LCdr Winston Driveon, MD (msg # 37):

Khendron hazards a glance at Sam, Jade, and Jasmine to see how they are reacting to the situation, and then takes aim at Calista and fires at heavy stun.
Commodore Bradron McCurrvey
player, 24 posts
Mission Commander
Centauran Male
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 12:00
  • msg #39

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to LCdr Winston Driveon, MD (msg # 37):

“Doctor, I’ve had worse.  Please take your tricorder and figure out where we are.  Are we in a real location or is this some form of mental projection?  What’s the soil like, what kind of biomaterial is around?”

McCurrvey tries to move to a better vantage point.
Odyssey GM
GM, 47 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 15:01
  • msg #40

Bridgetown Follies

The atmosphere is being roiled up by whatever it is that the Verlegg is doing to bring down the lightning. Sam and Jade are nowhere to be seen in the murky fog-scape. A cold hard rain begins to fall, like liquid bullets. The Verlegg and Calista stand close to each other. Just as the Verlegg pulls another double lightning bolt from out of the sky, Khendron, Thelev, Bilgebottom, Boluri and Harris all fire on Calista at the Major's command.

Five phaser beams converge on the slim figure in black and she drops to the ground, stunned. The Verlegg freezes, a ball of crackling energy in each hand. Suddenly, there is a terrific explosion, the two energy balls  merging into one and expanding out of control. When the flash dissipates, the Verlegg is nowhere to be seen. Calista lies inert, the wind picking up and howling like a Banshee. The rain becomes a deluge.

Meanwhile, at the mouth of the cave CPO Alexander scoops up McCurrvey's tricorder and begins scanning the vicinity, as the Commodore had ordered.
Odyssey GM
GM, 48 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 21:51
  • msg #41

Bridgetown Follies

The wind and rain pick up to a full-fledged storm. Lightning flashes and peals of thunder sound a recurring drum-roll.

Alexander reports back to McCurrvey. "There's nothing living out here, aside from fungus and lichen. I gathered some samples for the doctor to test. Obviously, there used to be some form of animal life as evidenced by the huge bones scattered all around the area. The water tastes like sulphur but is potable. "

Thelev and Khendron turn to Boluri and Bilgebottom. The Major reports that Calista is at the edge of their tricorder range and appears to be unconscious. "Five sustained blasts at heavy stun should keep her out for an hour or so. I'm getting faint life-signs from what I assume are Sam, Jade and Jasmine, but no traces of this Verlegg. We know he can come back seemingly from the dead, but we don't know his regeneration period."

Boluri adds, "Do you want to send out a patrol to Take Calista into custody? We don't know where the others are, or how they're armed aside from that illegal disruptor Jasmine has. The Major and I are in security armour which has a built-in PEWS. That may be enough to protect us, and once we get our hands on her I don't think they'll use that Varon-T for fear of kiling her."
Captain Thelev
player, 53 posts
CO, USS Odyssey
Andorian thaan
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 02:09
  • msg #42

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to Odyssey GM (msg # 41):

" Bilgebottom and Boluri, see if you can take Calista prisoner before Jasmine can get back into position. But don't put yourselves at risk.  We likely need Calista if we are going to try and get Dr. Marcus equipment and data back from her ship. There is some sensitive information there which we don't want to fall into the wrong hands. " Thelev orders.

Once again Thelev tries the ship "Thelev to the Odyssey can you pick us up. "
Odyssey GM
GM, 49 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 06:00
  • msg #43

Bridgetown Follies

As before, there is no Federation starship within range of the communicator. There's not even a carrier beam.

Harris flips her communicator open and says, "Harris to DS-6 Alpha, do you read me? Commander Theresa Harris to any Federation starship or station, please respond." Closing the antenna, she reports, "We seem to be out of range. Perhaps we've been teleported somewhere. This is like no planet charted in the Kellinan Reach. As you speculated, Captain Thelev, Calista may be our resource to make certain that Dr. Marcus's technology has not been compromised, but also to return to Bridgetown Station."

Bilgebottom and Boluri scurry across the intervening distance, splashing through mud-puddle along the way. a disruptor bolt flashes but misses. They grab Calista and the Major drapes her over one shoulder. Armed with both assault phasers, Boluri provides cover as the Ursan runs flat-out, seemingly unencumbered by the diminutive pirate.

Arriving back at the group, Bilgebottom suggests, "If that neural suppressor collar still works, I suggest we put it on this little bundle of joy for now. Maybe it'll prevent her from linking to that damned YAGLA!"
Captain Khendron Mercer
player, 41 posts
XO, USS Odyssey
Efrosian male
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 21:52
  • msg #44

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to Odyssey GM (msg # 43):

Khendron gestures to Driveon "Do you think you can get that neural collar on Calista here?" he asks.

To Bilgebottom, khendron asks "Did you spot any of our other friends while you were out there?"
LCdr Winston Driveon, MD
NPC, 5 posts
CMO, USS Odyssey
Human male
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 16:13
  • msg #45

Bridgetown Follies

Driveon grimaces, "Using that barbaric device goes against my grain, but if you think it's necessary and order me, I'll do it. Under protest, just for the record. Have Boluri assist me, just to be certain, though."

Bilgebottom coments, "No, sir, not as such. They obviously spotted us, 'cause one of 'em took a pot-shot at us with a disruptor. Missed by a parsec." He holds out an older model Type I phaser and a knife. "Took these off our prisoner, though..."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:56, Tue 29 Sept 2020.
Commodore Bradron McCurrvey
player, 25 posts
Mission Commander
Centauran Male
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 18:44
  • msg #46

Bridgetown Follies

Not sure if we’re all together now or not.  Assuming we’re all together:

McCurrvey turns to the Doctor.  “What was that thing on Sam’s head?  Is it some form of psionic shield or perhaps a command interface for a computer or device?”

As McCurrvey waits for a response, he checks his phaser and makes an assessment of the surrounding terrain and conditions.  He has concerns that the weather could be an illusion so he takes that into account as part of his assessment.  He’s looking for deffendible positions and taking into account that he’s dealing with a trained Andorian.
Odyssey GM
GM, 50 posts
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 19:16
  • msg #47

Bridgetown Follies

Khendron had gotten a scan of Sam's helmet back in his office. The readings are still in his tricorder's memory.

Driveon says, "I was assuming it could be some sort of Personal Energy Weapons Shield, like in security armour."

Carol Marcus releases her grip on Saavik and steps forward, somewhat shakily. "Even with the slave collar on, I could still see and process information. From what I could see, it appears to be cobbled together from old Starfleet medical technology. The coils around the head seem to be part of a surgical neuro-stabiliser from back in the 'fifties or 'sixties, but God alone knows what he's managed to modify it into."
Captain Khendron Mercer
player, 42 posts
XO, USS Odyssey
Efrosian male
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 19:53
  • msg #48

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to Odyssey GM (msg # 47):

"I have some scans of Sam's helmet, from his office," says Khendron. "It is a is definitely a field generator of some sort. Possibly a psi-shield, but I am not certain. Is this the first time anybody has seen him wearing it?

"Dr. Marcus, do you feel up to taking a look at my scan,"
Khendron asks, holding the tricoder for her. "Perhaps you can see something I missed."
Carol Marcus, PhD
NPC, 2 posts
Human female
Scientist, Dyson Institut
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 04:28
  • msg #49

Bridgetown Follies

Carol takes Mercer's tricorder and retreats into the cave to process the data. The storm blows itself out and darkness claims the night. Boluri and Bilgebottom pile large rocks in the cave mouth and set their phasers on low, heating the rocks enough to make the space comfortable.

Marcus makes a noise in the back of her throat and calls Mercer over to look at her results. "Look at this. It looks like he's modified the circuitry with an old life support belt. You remember, they tried in the late 'sixties to replace space suits with life support belts, but they didn't protect their wearers like a suit. And this energy signature... I'm certain it's a low-level thoron generator."

Various members of the party attempt to get some sleep. In the deeper reaches of the cave are beds of thick, soft lichen that can be gathered up and made into a sort of cushion. Eventually most of the team have managed to fall into a fitful sleep. Boluri and Bilgebottom take up guard positions at the mouth of the cave. As most of the group settle down, Thelev hears a low moaning noise from deeper into the cave/tunnel... Saavik, with her Vulcan sense of hearing, seems to hear it, too.
Odyssey GM
GM, 51 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 18:30
  • msg #50

Bridgetown Follies

After the storm peters out, darkness claims the area. Several large beasts can seen flying around, looking like wyverns of legend occasionally spouting bursts of orange flame. Their cries sound like those of eagles. There is no moon, nor are there any skies in the sky.

CPO Alexander continues his scans and notes that there appears to be a rocky ceiling about 1500m above ground level. The ambient temperature climbs steadily, going from 10°C to close to 40°C The standing water from the rainstorm begins to evaporate, causing a low-lying fog to form, and the humidity causes the apparent temperature climb even higher. Thelev and Mercer especially feel the heat. Saavik, on the other hand, feels the humidity, being raised on a desert world. Bilgebottom looks uncomfortable, his fur matted from the humidity.

The moaning from the tunnel continues. Thelev seems to be able to hear a pattern to the sounds, as if someone was chanting a mantra of sorts.
Captain Thelev
player, 54 posts
CO, USS Odyssey
Andorian thaan
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 02:56
  • msg #51

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to Odyssey GM (msg # 50):

Thelev turns to the party and says “ I hear something further down the tunnel, Commander Harris would you join me and the a Major and investigate.  Everyone else stay up here, and we will keep our channel open. “

He adds “ Saavik.  Keep alert for that creatures return, your psionics will likely be our first alert. “Dr. Driveon, make sure Dr. Marcus is okay. “

He figures McCurrvey and Mercer can handle Calista and the potential return of Sam and Jasmine.
The Least Spawn
NPC, 1 post
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 16:59
  • msg #52

Bridgetown Follies

Thelev, Harris and Bilgebottom begin to pick their was through the the rubble at the rear of the cave. Stepping around a huge boulder, they enter a tunnel; Bilgebottom's helmet scraping the tunnel ceiling. The moaning is now distictively low chanting. The words, "I am he... I am he who waits for you, beneath the trap door of your fears—whose fiery eyes gaze up at you when you gaze into the abyss of your despair..." echo in the tunnel. A dark shadowy figure sits in a grotto in the classic half-lotus, wrapped in a charcoal-coloured robe.

The figure's head lifts as it senses the approach of the Starfleet officers. The figure seems to have no face, as such. Indeed, the entire head seems to be a stack of clay slabs with no features sculpted in. Only at the very lowest part can be seen a mouth, surrounded by a curly black beard. Eyes glint out between folds in the clay.

"Oh, hello," asks the creature. "What brings you to the underworld?" The voice is bright and oddly cheerful, unlike the morose tone of the earlier chanting. The figure rises, easily as tall as the Ursan Marine officer.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:07, Fri 02 Oct 2020.
Captain Thelev
player, 55 posts
CO, USS Odyssey
Andorian thaan
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 13:00
  • msg #53

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to The Least Spawn (msg # 52):

" Good day, I am Captain Thelev of the USS Odyssey and we were taking protection from the elements outside in the cave at the mouth of this cave when I heard something done here so I decided we should investigate. May I ask you your name? " Thelev says making sure to be vague about the whole situation they are in.

He glances at Harris and Bidgebottom just to sense how they are taking this situation.
The Least Spawn
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 13:17
  • msg #54

Bridgetown Follies

"Good sir, I am called the Least Spawn. I have the honour to serve my Lord Dhark, the Dark Lord of the Outer Spaces. If you would seek shelter from the elements, pray accompany me. If this humble one may inquire, pray tell how many are in your party, m'lords," says the creature in a cultured, well-modulated voice. "Do you hunger, m'lords?" He holds up a canvas bag. The bag proves to hold a loaf of coarse bread, a chunk of cheese and a small joint of cold, greasy meat, wrapped in oilcloth.

As the Spawn steps away, beckoning Thelev, Harris and Bilgebottom to follow him, they note a "clop, clop, clop," sound to his steps. Looking down, they note that Spawn has digitigrade legs ending in cloven hooves. The legs are heavily furred with curly hair much like that of his beard. The barbed end of a pointed tail can be observed waving around his hooves. "Come, m'lords and m'lady, I'll present you to my Dark Lord at the Chateau d'Amber. Visitors to his realm are scarce indeed."

The Least Spawn turns to face Thelev. "How many are there with you m'lord? I believe I heard several others conversing with each other down the tunnel during the storm."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:52, Wed 07 Oct 2020.
The Least Spawn
NPC, 3 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 16:09
  • msg #55

Bridgetown Follies

The Least Spawn calls out, "Halloo! I'm taking your companions to the surface to meet my sovereign liege lord and master!" He moves toward the cave, his hooves clopping on the scattered rocks.

"Halloo, is there anyone there?" the voice echoes up the tunnel and the Least Spawn's lumbering form enters the cave, stepping around the boulder into the cave proper. At the sight of his disfigured features, Dr. Marcus screams. Plessio Boluri steps forward, assault phaser extended. Spawn chuckles, "Please put your weapon away. It'll do you no good. I come in peace—merely to escort to the upper world, where it is light and welcoming, and so much more comfortable than this gloomy underworld."
Captain Thelev
player, 56 posts
CO, USS Odyssey
Andorian thaan
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 02:00
  • msg #56

Bridgetown Follies

In reply to The Least Spawn (msg # 55):

Thelev steps forward and says " Weapons down, I believe if he had planned to harm us he would have already harmed Bilgebottom, Cmdr. Harris and myself. He would like to take us to his sovereign liege lord, it might be the only way for us to get back to our ship. "

Thelev is hoping if he just refers to a ship the The Least Spawn will not know what type of ship.

Turning to The Last Spawn he state "He says he can take us to a place that is safe from the elements."
The Least Spawn
NPC, 4 posts
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 17:18
  • msg #57

Bridgetown Follies

The Least Spawn beckons and says, "And now, if you'll all follow me. Prithee watch your step, as the footing in the underworld can be most treacherous." He leads the party down the tunnel for several hundred metres. Stopping in front of a huge pillar in the centre of the tunnel, he extends a clawed finger and begins tracing a pattern in the air. As his claw moves, it leaves an afterimage of tiny sparkling golden motes in an incredibly complex geometric shape which twists and turns, shimmering. After a few seconds, he seems satisfied with the energy construct hovering before him and plunges his claw into the very centre of the pattern, intoning "So mote it be!"

With a grating noise, a slab of the pillar slides out of the way, revealing a portal of swirling energy. "Come," he beckons, stepping forward into the golden swirl, which reminds the group of nothing so much as an older-style transporter effect, "You've naught to fear save fear itself!"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:19, Fri 09 Oct 2020.
Odyssey GM
GM, 52 posts
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #58

Bridgetown Follies

Stepping through the ersatz transporter effect, the party feels an electric tingle and suddenly it's as if they'd walked though a sonic shower—where their clothing was soiled and stiff from clotted mud and damp from the torrential rain, it now feels dry and clean. Looking at each other, they can see that the splotches of mud have disappeared and their uniforms look freshly donned, while their hands and faces look freshly scrubbed. Even their hair looks neatly combed. Major Bilgebottom gives an all-over body shudder at the sensation—Brad, Thelev and Khendron can only imagine what the hulking bear-like Marine had felt like wearing the combat armour over wet grubby fur...

[Continued in Strangers in a Strange Land...]
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