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23:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Castaways:  This Old House.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 581 posts
Tue 10 Dec 2019
at 02:25
  • msg #1

Castaways:  This Old House

With the assistance of those above, Karel's body was brought back to the surface, and soon thereafter Telemachus and Panatix re-emerged from the well.

Dak's investigations did turn up a dagger on the ground, probably the one that Karel had used.

The visible injury on Karel's body seemed rather minor for having been so deadly, it looked as though he had been bitten twice.  Of course, having been swallowed (partially, to be sure) head-first also did not bode well for survival.

For now, there was no sign of the snake returning.
player, 425 posts
Tue 10 Dec 2019
at 10:21
  • msg #2

Castaways:  This Old House

"Shall we give him a proper burial? He died a sad death, bitten by a snake," Storm says. He then proceeds to use his waterskin and a cloth to wipe the wound and clean his comrade a little.

Thinking to himself, he asks," or shall we try to bring him back to church and see if he can be saved? Those people may charge a lot though."
player, 291 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Tue 10 Dec 2019
at 16:58
  • msg #3

Castaways:  This Old House

"It's more than simply money Storm.  First there needs to be devout enough to have the blessings of their Deity to potentially return someone from the afterlife.  Then there is the question of Karel's faith...was he a true believer?  Bringing someone back needs the willingness of the devout to perform the rare magics and the Deity choosing to answer the devout prayer.  Beyond that I've heard that the things you need to put together to do so are quite expensive." remarked Telemachus.

He looked around for a moment before adding, "We should bring him inside and see if we can craft a simple litter to bring him back after we do a quick lookover the rest of the house to make sure we didn't miss the book or clues of where it might have gone."
player, 244 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 11 Dec 2019
at 05:17
  • msg #4

Castaways:  This Old House

"Does anyone know any of his people?" Dak asked, recoiling the rope.  "What they want for him."

Most of them had just met him at the festival and didn't know anything about him.
player, 76 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 00:47
  • msg #5

Castaways:  This Old House

"It is as Telemachus says.  Restoring the dead to life has many facets which much be considered, and accounted for.   The odds of it all ideally lining up are small.    Still, unless anyone can say that Kerel practiced some other faith, I vote to transport his remains to Father Niall's church.   It won't hurt to speak to Niall, just in case."      After a pause, she added-

"I wonder if the serpent just happened to take residence here?  Or if it was lured or placed by Ric's employers.   Which would put Karel's blood on their hands."
Westin na'Belva
player, 70 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 03:32
  • msg #6

Castaways:  This Old House

"Ric's employers!" Westin says sharply. "Who are they and where has Ric gone to?" he adds looking about.

"I know you said and agreed to what was needed to keep him from cutting my throat, but I wouldn't trust anything that malefactor had to say," he says, his hand rubbing his throat.
player, 245 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 03:58
  • msg #7

Castaways:  This Old House

"Can we just go and check the cellar before we leave?" Dak asked, handing the coiled rope back to Wick.

"We just need a few torches or a lantern if we can find one."
player, 293 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 04:17
  • msg #8

Castaways:  This Old House

"Ric may have been a malefactor but he was honest in the bargain in not harming you and he confirmed what I had already guessed even if he gave misinformation.  The people he works for, or worked for if he was being truthful and will want him dead now that he may have cost them their endeavour, use the home here to facilitate a smuggling operation.  The room upstairs where we found him has a window the oversees the bay perfectly and with the use of a lantern from that window could signal ships in the bay as well as read signals from ships to know when and what to do." remarked Telemachus as he looked over to Westin.

"If we want to befoul that operation, catch bigger fish so to speak, we can."

Looking over to Dak he nodded in agreement, "Cellar below and a room above at least before we head back.  First to Father Niall and then later to the individual who hired you to retrieve the tome."
player, 77 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 21:24
  • msg #9

Castaways:  This Old House

"Who they are remains to be discovered," she said to the mage. "That they do exist I doubt very little.    A one man smuggling operation would be unlikely.    And I don't credit friend Ric with the brains.  I for one am in favor of a little fishing."     
player, 246 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 22:58
  • msg #10

Castaways:  This Old House

"What did he say they were smuggling?" Dak asked.  It seemed the others had a chance to interrogate this fellow Rick before he fell through the floor and took Westin hostage.
player, 153 posts
Fri 13 Dec 2019
at 00:36
  • msg #11

Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix nods in agreement, with searching the house more before leaving.

As for the body,  "My kind don't much go in for bringing back the dead, seems disrespectful to the life led.  If we are to travel together long, maybe we should make our wishes known, so we don't have to guess.  If I die, please don't try to bring me back.  A decent simple burial will do, and if its in some ridiculous or embarrassing manner, please make up something better to tell people".
player, 427 posts
Fri 13 Dec 2019
at 00:40
  • msg #12

Castaways:  This Old House

"Yes indeed it is hard to raise the dead. For a start the person performing the dead must be of high standing. Still it is only right we try to raise our comrades. As for the house I suggest we split into groups to search the area thoroughly for a moment. Anyone has a light?" Storm asks
player, 106 posts
Fri 13 Dec 2019
at 23:13
  • msg #13

Castaways:  This Old House

Taking back the rope, Wick listened to the others talking about the potential of trying to have Karel raised from the dead.

"Just so you all know should it come up, I'm not beholden to any gods in particular and if I get killed, you might as well loot my remains for all I'm worth and focus on keeping yourselves alive instead of figuring out what to do with my carcass.  If there's enough coin for it, maybe you can hoist a mug or three in my name next tavern you find."

When his mates died back before his being enslaved, they were to a man tossed overboard, their money going to whoever was quick enough, smart enough or strong enough to take it and keep it from the rest of the sailors.  In his mind, he hated that Karel was dead, but his focus would be on keeping the living alive, not what to do about those that were beyond his help.
player, 247 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 04:38
  • msg #14

Castaways:  This Old House

Dak looked through Karel's pack to see if the man had brought torches or anything useful.
GM, 602 posts
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 16:08
  • msg #15

Castaways:  This Old House

Dak opened the pack that Karel had left behind, finding that the man had had a fairly practical bent--within, wrapped in the spare clothing, were several useful items: a crowbar, flint and steel, a hooded lantern, a flask of oil, thieves' picks, and a small hammer.  Also in the pack was a coil of rope, and a rather worn blanket.
player, 154 posts
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 01:46
  • msg #16

Castaways:  This Old House

"I agree we should stay in teams,  I'm good for the cellars, there will be no natural light down there to rely on, and I don't need it, let's finish searching this place and get back, who is coming down with cellar dwellers!!".
player, 248 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 04:40
  • msg #17

Castaways:  This Old House

"Karel had a lantern," Dak announced as he closed up the pack and headed for the back door to the kitchen.  "I'm headed for the cellar."

He'd pull out the lantern and light it up once he reached the kitchen.
Westin na'Belva
player, 71 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 19:34
  • msg #18

Castaways:  This Old House

"Does anyone want to go back upstairs?" Westin asks hopefully. "If the book is here, I would think or at least hope it would be upstairs. Basements aren't too kind to books."

Despite the encouraging note in his voice, he was beginning to think looking for the book was a mistake. Rogues, smugglers, giant poisonous snakes. No wonder Malachy's servant - or what that Malachy himself - didn't want to come take it. He must have known it would be trouble. Westin also felt bad about Karel. Even though Karel had volunteered and knew the risks, he still felt some level of responsibility. But for his suggestion, Karel would probably still be alive and well. He fervently hoped no one else would die.
player, 78 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #19

Castaways:  This Old House

"What they're smuggling is anyone's guess," she said to Dak.    "All the props are in place to suggest that is what's being done."  She shrugged.   "But, there's no proof yet."

She understood Wick's take on the matter of Karel.  It was practical thinking.   The odds of him being returned to this life were tiny.    Still, she would see him given proper last and final rites, regardless of whether he practiced Atuan faith or no.

"The upper level is not safe," she reminded Westin.    "With the floors in the shape they're in.    To saying nothing of other risks.    Snakes sometimes nest indoors. I know you wanted to get the book, but.." she looked to the others, to see what their opinions might be.
player, 428 posts
Tue 17 Dec 2019
at 13:52
  • msg #20

Castaways:  This Old House

”I believe it can be done: we need to be very careful and plan well. Perhaps an anchor at the edge with strong ropes while a light footed one advances to grab the book," Storm suggests l. He knows among his friends are some stalwarts and some who are fleet of foot.
player, 249 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 04:52
  • msg #21

Castaways:  This Old House

In the kitchen, Dak lit the lantern and adjusted the wick.  With lantern in one hand and javelin in the other, he opened the cellar door he'd discovered earlier and descended the stairs.
player, 429 posts
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 13:00
  • msg #22

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm seeing Dak moving up the cellar l, offered to go with him to serve as an extra pair of eyes and arms in case of danger. Eager as always to protect his friends and comrades and rush into danger.
GM, 607 posts
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 02:18
  • msg #23

Castaways:  This Old House

As the group began to make their way down the stairs, there arose a rather ghastly sound, a melding of screams like that of one under torture and groans of agony.

The stairs opened into a room which was lined with wooden shelves which had the curved openings suggesting that this might have been a wine cellar in the past.  Across the room, there was a door with a symbol chalked upon it.

The room appeared to have been unused--dust and spiderwebs seemed to coat the surfaces, even that of the corpse--a man, presumably, dressed in ringmail lying alongside the wall in the corner opposite that of the door.
player, 79 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 02:41
  • msg #24

Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle likewise followed these brave comrades -- The ghastly sound was blood curdling; were they to discover the house plagued by restless dead at last?

The corpse was a sickening sight --  but she pried her attention from that, and tried to make sense of the symbol chalked upon the door.

Lenelle rolled 17 using 1d20.  religion proficiency.  would normally succeed with my wisdom stat --  check to see if it's any symbol familiar to me -
player, 430 posts
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 02:58
  • msg #25

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm quickly draws his mace and advances towards the noise.’while advancing, he concentrates to detect residue of evil in the place. Seeing the corpse, Storm feels pity and tries to identify the cause of death and The length of death.
player, 250 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 04:54
  • msg #26

Castaways:  This Old House

Dak let the others push past him and held up the lantern for all to see what was there.  He half expected that one of them would be carrying Karel's body.

"Doesn't look like anyone's been down here in a long while," he pointed out.
player, 295 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 11:40
  • msg #27

Castaways:  This Old House

Having rescued Karel's body from the snake, there was no reason to leave him outside where the snake might return and resume its attempt at a meal.  Telemachus carried the body into the house, leaving Karel's body near the door they entered.
player, 431 posts
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 16:29
  • msg #28

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm approves of Telemanchus act of carrying the body of a comrade! As a paladin, he is loathe to leave his comrades behind and he is glad a friend is carrying the body so he can focus on the more important task of protecting the living. It is always a dilemma a warrior of light face! To carry the body of a fallen comrade protect the bodies of the living.
GM, 610 posts
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 18:38
  • msg #29

Castaways:  This Old House

Nothing overtly evil appeared to be present in the wine cellar.
player, 155 posts
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 00:54
  • msg #30

Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix keeps telling himself it was just the stairs squeaking and their heightened nerves and not some ghoul waiting below.  He does perk up when he sees an old wine cellar, perhaps, some very old well aged bottles have survived!  That is worth checking for, and he does.
player, 432 posts
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 01:18
  • msg #31

Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to DM (msg # 29):

Storm approaches the body slowly. He draws his mace and shield as he walks towards the body. As he nears it, he uses his mailed boots to gently prod the body and to visually examine the body for signs of life.
player, 296 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 02:41
  • msg #32

Castaways:  This Old House

With the body safely inside he decided to bring it a little further in so that if some random person happened to walk on by, as unlikely as that would be, they wouldn’t see it and cause a scenario that could turn quite poorly.  Remembering the pack that Dak had left behind after having removed the lantern he collected it up to bring inside and remove the blanket so as to cover Karel's body for the more squeamish.  The sound that came from the others momentarily startled him and his head turned to look towards the stairs but the lack of living screams or the sound of battle eased his mind from rushing to them as of yet.  He then began looking for a length of wood among the broken furniture that would suffice for creating the sled he mentioned earlier and got to work cobbling it together.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:46, Fri 20 Dec 2019.
player, 80 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 02:45
  • msg #33

Castaways:  This Old House

"That symbol appears to be a warning,"  offered Lenelle, as Storm did his inspections.

"But of what is hard to say."
player, 107 posts
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 03:30
  • msg #34

Castaways:  This Old House

Wick followd behind Telemachus, keeping his eyes peeled on the undergrowth for snake sign.  Once Keral’s body was inside, Wick moved on down the stars, headed to rejoin  the others.  “Find anything interesting?” He asked of Lenelle, having noted the chalked symbol.
GM, 612 posts
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 05:02
  • msg #35

Castaways:  This Old House

Moving through the house, Telemachus found, by turning up the hall back towards the front of the house, that the room on the right had been a dining room, with considerable broken furniture that might be used to his purpose.  He could see, too, several items and moldy cloth shoved against the underside of the door to his left.

Panatix began his inspection of the racks, finding that those that were at the level he could reach were rather disappointingly empty.

Storm moved over to the body lying on the ground, nudging with his toes the form.

As Storm prodded at the body, the toe of his mailed boot turned bright green.
player, 82 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 20:26
  • msg #36

Castaways:  This Old House

"That depends -- how are we defining interesting?"  she responded, casting her eyes on Storm's boot.
player, 299 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 20:34
  • msg #37

Castaways:  This Old House

Finding what he was looking for Telemachus placed Karel onto the board and removed the rope from his pack.  He then carefully went about binding the body to the makeshift sled with the blanket covering him for modesty so that when they were ready to go that they could.
player, 251 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 21 Dec 2019
at 03:30
  • msg #38

Castaways:  This Old House

"Can you wipe that off?" Dak asked, indicating the splash of green with a gesture from the lantern.
Westin na'Belva
player, 72 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 21 Dec 2019
at 15:49
  • msg #39

Castaways:  This Old House

Westin jumps at the ghastly sound. He looks at Telemachus but keyed by his reassuring response, calms down. He starts searching with him for materials to make a sled. As he enters other rooms with Telemachus, he can't help to do a little searching of his own for any place where a book might be found.

Does he find anything?

player, 433 posts
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 00:10
  • msg #40

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm jumps back and rubs the green spot on the ground while moving away from the body. He deftly removes the boot without touching the green spot.

"I hope it doesn't spread! These traps!" He says
player, 83 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 20:18
  • msg #41

Castaways:  This Old House

"If it seems to be spreading, then please get that boot off, quickly. I think this man died trying to leave a warning of whatever claimed his life. Maybe this was it -- some unnatural mold, or wizardly experiment gone wrong."
player, 301 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 21:26
  • msg #42

Castaways:  This Old House

"Thank you Westin and certainly lets double our efforts up to see if the book happens to be in these rooms." remarked Telemachus quietly as they moved.

"I feel foolish saying to you to step lightly...especially in the middle of the rooms, being what you are, but if I can spot any weak spots in the flooring, walls of ceiling I will let you know."
player, 252 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 23 Dec 2019
at 02:12
  • msg #43

Castaways:  This Old House

Dak gave up waiting for Storm to die of poison and helped Panatix check the higher of the wine shelves for interest.
GM, 620 posts
Mon 23 Dec 2019
at 14:50
  • msg #44

Castaways:  This Old House

Scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor rubbed some of the green away, though some remained, prompting Storm to remove the boot altogether.

Dak joined Panatix in examining the wine racks.

A thin beam of light came into the cellar.
GM, 622 posts
Mon 23 Dec 2019
at 14:57
  • msg #45

Castaways:  This Old House

Upstairs, Telemachus and Westin continued their task of getting Karel's body ready for a transport back to Monteci, and Westin began searching through the ruined dining room, and while there was a heap of broken dishes in one corner and broken furniture throughout, no books were to be found.
player, 156 posts
Mon 23 Dec 2019
at 19:32
  • msg #46

Castaways:  This Old House

Panatax takes a step back and looks at the room, tilting his head as if thinking.  Something is odd here to be certain.

Closing his eyes, then his mind, he clears it, as he was taught to do before casting any basic illusion, in this case though, it is resist the same.  Reopening his eyes, he tries to look beyond what is meant to be seen, in fact, to disbelieve what is easy and look deeper.
GM, 623 posts
Mon 23 Dec 2019
at 20:08
  • msg #47

Castaways:  This Old House

player, 253 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 24 Dec 2019
at 00:43
  • msg #48

Castaways:  This Old House

"Is that light coming from upstairs?" Dak asked, looking for the source of the thin beam.  He tried to shield the lantern light with his body to see where the other light was coming from.
player, 157 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2019
at 00:50
  • msg #49

Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix took a deep breathe,  "Um, there is an illusion cast on this room.  There is no corpse, but there is a puddle of green gloop over there, I"d stay away from it.  Plus, there aren't cobwebs or much dust, someone just wants to make this room look un-used, I think we are onto something here.  I can't dispel the magic but if you concentrate real hard, now that you know, you might be able to cast it out of your mind, I have".
GM, 624 posts
Tue 24 Dec 2019
at 03:14
  • msg #50

Castaways:  This Old House

((Dak, Lenelle, Storm, and Wick may roll vs spell if believing Panatix))
player, 254 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 24 Dec 2019
at 03:50
  • msg #51

Castaways:  This Old House

Dak nodded at the gnome's revelation and wondered what an illusion was.  His takeaway was that he shouldn't stand near the dead body.

Now if he could figure out where th
player, 434 posts
Thu 26 Dec 2019
at 12:05
  • msg #52

Castaways:  This Old House

Wiping away the green slime, Storm pondersover the words of his friends. Indeed, green slime despite their ability to hrm and kill, are not evil. Like lions and bears, monsters are at time devoid of evil desires but they can and are still deadly.
player, 158 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2019
at 19:16
  • msg #53

Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix, now seeing through the illusion, will recheck the room to see if anything was being hidden by it that is important.
player, 84 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 27 Dec 2019
at 19:19
  • msg #54

Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle furrowed her brow, did her best to focus her will, and see beyond the apparency of what seemed to be there...

Lenelle rolled 8 using 1d20. +4 wisdom = 12 save to disbelieve., probably not..

"Very well, so this is some scheme to keep people away.   It does let us know that those running this operation have at least one mage working with them.   Or perhaps masterminding it."
GM, 626 posts
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 02:10
  • msg #55

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm was able to wipe away the green from the mailed boot, though clearly the metal looked as though it had suffered from the contact.  Try as she might, even with the knowledge that Panatix had shared, Lenelle still was unable to see past the apparent dead body and signs of dust and spiderwebs suggesting decades since anyone had been in this wine cellar.

As Dak did his best to try to find the source of the light, he became increasingly certain that the light was coming from a space on the wall between the marked door and what seemed to be a corpse.

Upstairs, Telemachus had completed his task of binding Karel's body to the makeshift sled.  Westin had searched the dining room without finding anything that looked like a book.  Jade, meanwhile, seemed to be batting at a rather large spider in the hallway.
player, 255 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 02:58
  • msg #56

Castaways:  This Old House

"Panatix," Dak said to the gnome, directing his attention at the spot between the door and corpse, "what do you see there?"

He wasn't sure where it was safe to step, so he let the gnome figure out what the spot was.
Westin na'Belva
player, 73 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 12:49
  • msg #57

Castaways:  This Old House

"Jade," Westin says in an annoyed voice. "Leave the spider alone. Spiders can be poisonous, even small ones like that."

A bit later...
"Wonder why it's taking them so long," Westin says worriedly, towards the door to the cellar. "Do you think we should go down and check on them?" he asks Telemachus, the memory of Karel's death fresh in his mind.
player, 303 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Sun 29 Dec 2019
at 05:02
  • msg #58

Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus nodded his head, "Let's do so carefully now that Karel is ready to go when we head back."

Taking one last look around he added, "I doubt they are in trouble but they might have found something.  No way that a small cellar would take so long to search."  He then led the way back to the cellar door and carefully began down the stairs to find out what his comrades were up to.
GM, 628 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2019
at 05:47
  • msg #59

Castaways:  This Old House

Leaving off from the spider, Jade gave an audible sniff, and started walking toward the cellar with tail erect and with the stiff-legged strut of having been deeply offended.

Jade led the way down the stairs, but as Telemachus and Westin followed, the ghastly  melding of screams like that of one under torture and groans of agony were heard once more.

Westin and Telemachus could see the be-webbed and dusty cellar, the body in one corner, and apparent light coming from a space between the body and an obvious door with a symbol marked on it in chalk.  Storm stood, holding one mailed boot, in the cellar.
player, 435 posts
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 01:28
  • msg #60

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm examines his boot carefully to see if theres any sign of corrosion. He prepares to clean the boot with spare cloth andget ready to continue the journey/ Seeing his companuons, he says,"Be careful, theres some powerful slime here"

He will when he can draw his mace and attack the 'body'.
player, 304 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 01:53
  • msg #61

Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus held his ears as the screams rebounded against the walls yet his eyes didn't find any torture victims or seeming ghosts.  His brow furled slightly, "Slime?  What slime?" Looking back to Westin he sought to see if the elf had seen something differently in what they had seen and heard coming down the stairs.
player, 6 posts
Westin's familiar
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 02:25
  • msg #62

Castaways:  This Old House

Jade's ears flattened at the sounds of screaming and groaning, but continued down the stairs.  Coming into the cellar, he stopped short of the corner which seemed to be filled with dead, armored body, and arched his back, tail high and expanding.
GM, 629 posts
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 18:22
  • msg #63

Castaways:  This Old House

The thin beam of light that had appeared to come from the wall disappeared, though the lantern light remained.
Westin na'Belva
player, 74 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Tue 31 Dec 2019
at 00:06
  • msg #64

Castaways:  This Old House

Westin stops, his dagger before him. He shakes his head negatively when Telemachus looks back at him.

"It must be on the body," he adds hesitantly. He stares at the body looking for signs of slime.

"What is the source of the screams?" he wonders aloud, looking around a bit looking at the other party member's faces, aware there might be more than one danger in the room.
GM, 635 posts
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 00:45
  • msg #65

Castaways:  This Old House

As Storm cleaned his boot, those in the cellar could recognize that the sounds heard when Telemachus and Westin descended were identical in every respect to the sounds heard when the larger group had descended into the cellar.
player, 256 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #66

Castaways:  This Old House

"I think the screams happen every time someone comes down the stairs," Dak said.

"Is that part of the illusion, too?" he asked the gnome.

That beam of light from the wall reminded him of something, but it was probably just part of the illusion Panatix was talking about.

"Would it help if I put out the lantern?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 75 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 02:54
  • msg #67

Castaways:  This Old House

"Illusion?" Westin asks. He looks about the room, trying to discern if there are any illusions and what they might be.

Save vs spell - normally needs a 12.
21:53, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 15 using 1d20.  detect illusion - save vs spell.

player, 305 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 04:50
  • msg #68

Castaways:  This Old House

"A remnant of the other individual that lived here or the people using this place..." remarked Telemachus to Westin before he closed his eyes and concentrated on the stairs beneath his feet.  They were there, solid and ever-present and not an illusion.  Focusing on the basics he opening his eyes again and looked around with a shake of his head.

"So there is an illusion in the room.  Any hidden doors?  Levers?  Other things out of place to tell why someone would go the the effort of making a permanent illusion in this room?"
GM, 636 posts
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 11:56
  • msg #69

Castaways:  This Old House

Though Telemachus did his best to logic his way through, his eyes still told him that the room appeared as it had when he first descended the stairs--dirty, filled with webs and the body that occupied the corner.  Panatix seemed to be concentrating on a spot on the wall between the body and the marked door.
player, 159 posts
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 16:20
  • msg #70

Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix whispers, "I believe that light was coming from the corner of a door hidden in the wall, I will try to find and open it, but be ready, someone seems to have pulled it shut".

Moving to where he saw the corner of light, he will seek a way to open the door, hopefully so he is not directly in front of it when it opens.
player, 108 posts
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 20:51
  • msg #71

Castaways:  This Old House

Wick looks around, keeping a healthy distances from the area where the green stuff was encountered.  After Panatix reported there be illusions here, Wick squints and tries to see the truth of them....

Wick rolled 14 using 1d20.  detect illusion - save vs spell.

"Are you sure, I don't see anything."
player, 306 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 20:55
  • msg #72

Castaways:  This Old House

Despite not seeing or hearing differently Telemachus comes down off the steps and slips the small shield from his back and the scimitar from its sheath and keeps it in a slightly protective stance.  He didn't enjoy fighting but if he had to...
player, 436 posts
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 01:12
  • msg #73

Castaways:  This Old House

Storm begins to use his mace to hit the green body gently and then see if the mace has any green ooze.
He is unwilling to risk his friend’s lives but he knows green slime can be dangerous. He asks,”who is powerful enough and evil enough to cast a powerful spell to mislead us?”
GM, 637 posts
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #74

Castaways:  This Old House

As the mace came down, it was immediately covered with the bright green which had adorned Storm's boot a moment before.
player, 437 posts
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #75

Castaways:  This Old House

“Something strange here guys! There is no body here! My mace didn’t strike any body but the floor!” Storm says hoping to convince those who still think there is a body to disbelieve the illusion
Westin na'Belva
player, 76 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #76

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

... "So there is an illusion in the room.  Any hidden doors?  Levers?  Other things out of place to tell why someone would go the the effort of making a permanent illusion in this room?"

"The body is NOT a body but a bright, green slime!" Westin says to Telemahus tensely.

"Be careful Storm!" he calls out to the cleric. "You are almost standing on a green slime!"

Turning back to the druid, Westin asks, "Do you have any oil? Perhaps we could burn the thing. This room has an illusion over it as well. The cobwebs and dust are part of the illusion. They are not real. I hanker someone is trying to deter further investigation of where exits from here go though that is just a guess on my part. Did you say that you had oil?"
player, 109 posts
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #77

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

“I don’t have any oil, anyone find anything around here that burns well?”

Wick could not make himself see through any sort of illusion.  The body looked real to him, the cobwebs and such making the room look like it hasn’t been touched in a good, long while.  But Wick wasn’t going to go poking and prodding for traps if he couldn’t trust his eyes.
player, 307 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 04:06
  • msg #78

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Yes, there was oil and a lantern in Karel's pack.  Dak took the lantern and it's in use over there but I've got the oil flask and rest of his packs contents with me.  Left pouch on the outside, open it up and take it..." he replied to Westin while trusting him especially since Panatix had already seen through whatever he could not.

"Don't use too much or else it'll burn the entire house down and with it any chance of you finding that book..."
GM, 638 posts
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 15:25
  • msg #79

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

The end of Storm's mace remained covered with the bright green substance named as a "green slime" by Westin as though the designation meant something more than mere description.
player, 160 posts
Mon 6 Jan 2020
at 15:41
  • msg #80

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix explains what he can see:

there were two things present--the empty wine rack hinged  to pull away from the wall to the left (toward the obvious door in the room) while the other portion was the wall which was a "pocket door" sliding toward the right (toward the pool of green slime).  As such, to open the door would mean either being in the doorway or stepping into the slimy pool.

"Let's see what is behind this wine rack..." Panatix will try to open it and if he's too small enlist one of the others to help him.
GM, 639 posts
Mon 6 Jan 2020
at 19:49
  • msg #81

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

The winerack, being empty, was relatively light, and with a little effort, Panatix was able to move it away to the left as they faced the wall.  The wall itself was fairly nondescript in appearance, with little to suggest a doorway, even in the absence of the wine racks.
player, 258 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 01:50
  • msg #82

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Dak held up the lantern to examine the wall behind the wine rack.
player, 438 posts
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 02:43
  • msg #83

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Is thegreen slime moving?" Storm asks his friend. He wonders if it is jus a pool of slime to guard an exit or n active guardian placed to defend the exit more vigourously.
player, 161 posts
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 21:04
  • msg #84

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix will search the wall for a door, secret or otherwise.
GM, 641 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #85

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Dak brought the light to bear on the wall and Panatix looked carefully, they were able to discern the too-regular cracks which marked off the door just moments before the door slid away, slamming into a pocket behind the "body" or the puddle of green goo.

On the other side of the door, they could see that there was a well-lit chamber, though perhaps of more immediate interest was the fact that there was a gnoll, dressed in what appeared to be several pieces of leather poorly sewn together, with the point of a spear leading into the doorway.  Behind the gnoll was another person dressed in mis-matched clothing holding a dagger.
Westin na'Belva
player, 77 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 02:07
  • msg #86

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Oh my gosh," Westin says, startled. He quickly raises and starts waving his hands, sounding an incantation. When complete, he adds softly, "have nice dreams".

Westin casts a sleep spell on the gnoll and person.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:09, Wed 08 Jan 2020.
GM, 642 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 02:33
  • msg #87

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

With little more ado, the gnoll dropped to the ground, the spear clattering against the stone of the floor.  Inconveniently, the gnoll seemed to have landed squarely in the middle of the doorway.  Behind the gnoll, the person who had come up behind the gnoll also dropped to the ground in apparent slumber.
player, 439 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #88

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"That was certainly fast!" Storm grins. Moving forward, he takes out some rope nd secures the two captives tightly. He is very disinclined to kill them and the best way is to tie them up.
AFter doing so, he tells his friends,"Let us guard him well," before moving forward to explore the new room.
GM, 643 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #89

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

The room was a rather miserable place, with an unkempt appearance and a rather less-than-wholesome odor: a torchlit room with ten crude beds in a row, each with a wooden locker at its foot--two of these beds were notably larger than the other, and arrayed to the left end of the row.  The center of the room was dominated by a long trestle table ringed by rickety stools.  Piled atop the table was the metal cutlery, cups, and dirty plates.

A cookstove stood near the table, the pot still holding the remnants of what was likely the last meal eaten in the room. Hanging from a loop of twine near the stove was a large ham. A sturdy set of stairs led to the trapdoor in the ceiling above, and there was a wooden door at the end of the room to the left from the wine cellar.
player, 110 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 04:39
  • msg #90

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick had watched things move on, concerned about moving when he couldn’t trust what his eyes saw.  But when the gnoll and the other one were revealed, his dagger practically flew into his hand.  But he managed to keep from making it fly again towards the gnoll.  As the collapse, Wick moved forward to help Storm tie them up.

Afterwards, he moves forward to look at the revealed room, seeing if there was anything to catch his attention.
GM, 645 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 15:33
  • msg #91

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As the group took time to investigate the room and take a closer look at the person, they could tell that despite the mismatched and rather masculine-style clothing, the person was, in fact, female with signs of half-elven heritage.
player, 86 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 21:03
  • msg #92

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle was minded briefly of Odelia, the half-elven girl who'd been in the groups's company when she'd first encountered them.    But, it was not her, she could tell, in looking at the features.

"Gnolls are unfriendly sorts, to put it mildly.  I wonder if she was with him, or sneaking up from behind to put a blade in his back?   Westin, once they're bound, can they be woken up as from normal sleep?"       If they could quicken this investigation by getting some answers from this pair, she was all for it.
GM, 646 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 22:28
  • msg #93

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

A colorful parrot was now flying in graceful circles around the room, just under the ceiling level.
player, 440 posts
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #94

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Well I think it is a good ide if we can secure the room, check for traps or danger and then wake the captives up to find our answers," Storm says to his friends.

He looks at the parot and wonders if it is a familiar of the captives.
Westin na'Belva
player, 78 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #95

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"...Westin, once they're bound, can they be woken up as from normal sleep? ..."

"Yes, they can be woken by shaking them as you would wake someone from a normal, deep sleep," Westin replies. "Let's be sure to disarm them first though, and..."

"Lenelle, would you mind searching the half-elven woman for me? I may been hasty it sleeping them both," he admits, looking a bit pained. "Perhaps she was sneaking up on the gnoll to attack. Maybe something on her person will indicate who she is and what her intentions might be.

"Is there someone who can discern or detect evil?"
player, 111 posts
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 04:01
  • msg #96

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

“Or maybe you saved her from getting the business end of my dagger buried deep in her eye socket.  Good, bad or something in between, I’d say you put them down with as little damage and pain as possible.  They should thank whatever gaurds the are beholden to for their good fortune.”
player, 259 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 05:03
  • msg #97

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Dak moved around the others to the wooden door.  He still had the lantern in one hand and javelin in the other.  He carefully tried to open the door to see what was behind it.
player, 441 posts
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 23:34
  • msg #98

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm moves to take a cloth to clean the goo off the mace before searching the captives to remove any weaponry. He will be careful when searchin the female.
player, 87 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 10 Jan 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #99

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle nodded at Westin's request, and would perform a search of the other half-elf.  Or, if Storm is already doing so, she stands aside, and lets him continue, confident one who's taken the vows of paladinhood won't do anything he should not.

"I already used the spell," she said concerning the topic of detecting evil, "but that's his specialty," she added, meaning Storm.
GM, 649 posts
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 03:31
  • msg #100

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Storm cleaned his mace before the strange green goo ate it away, Lenelle moved to search the female captive.

A search of the gnoll uncovered a dagger in addition to the spear that had been in his hand.
GM, 650 posts
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 17:05
  • msg #101

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Dak opened the door at the end of the larger room and looked inside.
Westin na'Belva
player, 79 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sun 12 Jan 2020
at 00:31
  • msg #102

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin takes and stows the gnoll's dagger. He will then take the spear and prop it up in a corner of the room, away from the exits.

"Did you find anything that indicates who the half-elf is and why she might be here?" he asks Storm and/or Lenelle.
player, 260 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 12 Jan 2020
at 01:17
  • msg #103

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Leaving the wooden door open, Dak moved to try the trap door at the top of the stairs as he reported what he'd found.

"Room with no exits. Looks like maybe the leader's room."
player, 88 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 13 Jan 2020
at 01:32
  • msg #104

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"She bears only the dagger as weapon," Lenelle reported, after searching.

"But, hm, there is a pouch."     Lenelle did a check of it, not by reaching in, but just by opening and looking, if possible.
GM, 651 posts
Mon 13 Jan 2020
at 02:46
  • msg #105

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 442 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 02:13
  • msg #106

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Shall we open the pouch? Be careful though. This place isnt what it seem," Storm cautions.
player, 308 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #107

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Perhaps it would be better to waken her and ask some questions," said Telemachus.  "Then we can waken the gnoll and can try talking to him.  I don't know gnoll, so we'd have to hope he speaks some Calandian."
player, 162 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #108

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan raises an eyebrow, "Gnolls are as evil a race as has ever case you've never met one.  Just sayin'"
player, 112 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 14:19
  • msg #109

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Seeing nothing to draw his interest, though remembering that seeing isn't necessarily a trustworthy thing around here, Wick leaned back against the wall in what he thinks is a safe corner and waits to see how things play out.

"I don't see a book here, but that doesn't mean much.  If I was going to hide a book by a bunch of magicks, I'm thinking put it under that green slime thing.  Think we can get rid of it by burning it?"
player, 163 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 15:22
  • msg #110

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

If they could illusion one room, perhaps they did more than that.  Pan will go into the "leaders?" room and search it, trying to see if anything is hidden by illusion.
player, 310 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 22:49
  • msg #111

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Evil or not they may have information that we can use.  Either in warning the town or thwarting what is going on here." remarked Telemachus with a simple nod. Returning his weapon to its sheath and tying the shield back to the pack he stepped over the sleeping gnoll to get to the half-elvish woman.  Looking over to Lenelle he added, "I'll lift her over to that bed, be close so when I shake her awake so she sees more than perhaps just another ruffian, eh?"

Kneeling down he ever so gently put his hands underneath the half-elvish woman to lift her up and place her just as carefully on one of the beds to not waken her from the magically induced slumber.  Once ready he then firmly grasped one of her shoulders to wake her...
player, 443 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #112

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Make ure she remains tied," Storm says. In the meantime, he turns to Pan and says,"Let us stay together as a team. We shall be safer together. It will be sad if anyone is detached and attacked."

He stands with his weapona nd shield ready when Tele wakes the girl.
GM, 653 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 01:56
  • msg #113

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix went into the next room, finding that indeed, it did look like its resident lived in a manner finer than the crude furnishings of the larger room suggested.

As Dak made his way up the stairs toward the trapdoor, the parrot started flying in circles around him, squawking "Password".  At the top of the stairs, he saw evidence that the trapdoor opened upwards--which was little surprise, but that somehow the whole seemed to be bound so as not to open.

Jade jumped onto the table, and was nosing into the pile of dishes.

Meanwhile Wick looked about the room, taking the whole place in, while the others had started to gather around the bed where Telemachus had moved the bound woman and had started to try to waken her.
player, 261 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 03:01
  • msg #114

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Stupid bird," Dak grumbled.  "There's no one here to tell a password to, anyway.

"Is this somebody's bird?" he called down as he tried fruitlessly to push open the trap door.  It probably opened into one of the rooms above, but he wanted to see where it was.  It might be easier to leave this way than back through the cellar.
player, 164 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #115

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix sticks his head out of the "leader's" room.

"Hey, its nice in here, nice stuff, nice bed, desk, several books, and a chest, a wardrobe, lots of nice things.  I'm going to start searching the closed footlockers and whatnot...anyone good at detecting traps or breaking locks?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 80 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #116

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"She might be a spell caster and that pouch might contain spell components," Westin comments. If no one else opens it, he will come over to the woman and open the pouch, peering in to see what appears to be inside. However, when he hears Panatix, he will closes the pouch.

"Books? Did I hear you say books?" Westin says quickly, momentarily losing interest in the half-elvish woman. He moves over to join Panatix, looking to find the books he is referring to.

What does he see inside the pouch. Does he spot the book he's looking for?

player, 89 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 21:05
  • msg #117

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Sorry, I had looked and the GM informed me, but didn't get back before now to make the reveal:   

"It's merely some coins and a whetstone," Lenelle supplied, as regards the belt pouch.

She nodded at Telemachus' good sense suggestion, and followed him over and awaited for the sleeper to awaken.   Once she had, Lenelle addressed her politely:

"Apologies for the sleep magic.  It was the gnoll whom our mage meant to target.  You just happened to be there too.  You've come across us at something of a stressful time;  we've some reason not to trust random strangers, so we took the usual precaution.   We aren't dangerous, not to those who don't mean harm, at least.  May I ask what brought you here, standing behind a gnoll?"
player, 113 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2020
at 22:04
  • msg #118

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick gave a nod.  "I'll take a look, I'm fairly good at finding traps and the like, and I've been known to break a lock or two in my time, those I wasn't able to open some other way at least."

Wick moved over to follow Panatix into the room.  Besides, looks like several of the others were already focused on the prisoners, so one more sharp blade probably wouldn't be missed.
player, 11 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 16 Jan 2020
at 18:50
  • msg #119

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

 The young woman awoke slowly, and took in the scene through drowsy eyes. Magical sleep was not quite the restful nap you would expect it to be. She slowly took her bearing.

 First she looked at the bold man and the half-elf woman, then noticed the small crows behind them, and glanced at the doors —just in case. Only then did she notice she was bound, wrists and ankles.

 She stretched her jaw open and said softly: "I thank you for your kindness, I am glad you gave me sleep not steel..."
 Her calandian was flawless, with some intonations that suggested some Tanasi influences.

  As it was obviously not enough of an answer, she carried on: "Those creatures took me in when I was in need, and I've been playing housewife and lookout for them since. And by creatures, I don't mean the gnolls, they're arguably the nicer of the lot. I'm not going to pretend I was a prisoner here, but I couldn't build up the courage to leave."

 Her eyes dropped, avoiding eye contact with anyone as realised she was being shown more sympathy than she reasonably deserved.
player, 444 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 00:15
  • msg #120

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I am sorry for what you have gone through. I am Storm. Are you injured in anyway?'Storm asks, before continuing,"When you said you were taken in here, any idea who were the nastier than gnolls who took you in? What do they need a housewife and lookout for? Something evil i presume?"

He looks at the lady and told his friends that they should perhaps, untie her bonds. If tere are no objections, Storm will unbind the lady and help her to her fet once she is ready to stand.
GM, 656 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #121

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Dak pushed on the unyielding trap door, the bird stopped flying, coming to rest on one of the beds--a bed which was about as untidy as any of the others, although a lurid book My Life at Sea could be seen atop the covers.

In the smaller room, described as a "leader's" quarters, Wick found that the light from the larger chamber did not quite reach into the room, leaving it seeming to be furnished by shadowy shapes, although the glint of the metal of the three-armed candlestick atop what looked to be a table was notable in the gloom.

Westin, drawn by the mention of books, found his way into the room, finding the lack of light not much problem for him as he looked amongst the books for the one that had been put as a task for him.

In the main room, the bound gnoll slumbered on as the others considered the woman who had been awakened and Panatix found that the footlocker in the nicer room was both closed and locked.
player, 114 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 03:23
  • msg #122

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

“This’d go faster if we had some light.  Got a lantern handy?”

Wick didn’t want to risk much without being able to see, so he stays in place as his eyes try to pierce the dimness.
player, 262 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 03:44
  • msg #123

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Abandoning the trap door, Dak backed down the stairs to see how they were doing with their interrogation.

"She know about the book?" he asked Telemachus as he came up behind the man.
player, 312 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 03:54
  • msg #124

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Don't know yet, pass that lantern along to Wick so they can see things easily in the other room if you could and we can use the light from in here..." responded Telemachus to Dak. Looking to the girl and then Storm while gauging her words he nodded his head mostly, "Remove the bonds of her feet, just for awhile longer keep the hands bound.  I'd rather she get away if she's false than borrow a weapon and have a repeat of what happened upstairs."

He seemed to be pondering what she said a bit longer before he added some clarification to Storms questions, "So you can tell us what they were smuggling in?  And do you know his tongue?"

Looking back to Storm he added, "Why don't you move that gnoll to the first large bed there and use the rope you just untied from her to bind his arms to the frame and be close if it decides to be unwise."
player, 445 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 09:48
  • msg #125

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

“Yes that’s a good idea to bind the gnoll. Too bad we haven’t gotten the ability to read thoughts,” he says. Storm concentrates for a moment to detect evil before saying, “now watch the lady please,”

He goes over to the gnoll, binds his hands and feet and searches him again for any item.
Westin na'Belva
player, 81 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 10:42
  • msg #126

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin looks with interest at the first book. He flushes a bit as he hastily glances at and then quickly puts down the next several books. He sets the next book aside, while scrutinizing the piece of parchment he found inside.

"What do you make of this?" he asks Panatix, holding up the parchment. "Do you understand the language? Not Calandian, the other one?" Afterwards, Westin will continue examining the books, shaking his head with a confused look when glancing through the last book .

As he puts down the last book, he sighs. "No Ars Mathematica," he says disappointingly. None-the-less, he will stow two of the books  in his knapsack, but keeping the piece of parchment out to show the others. He then returns to the main room where the other are at with the new awake female half-elf.

"Hello," Westin says to the half-elf, the rolled parchment in his hands. "Sorry to sleep you but I was startled when I saw the gnoll. So whatsoever are you doing here and how did you get here? Were you actually going to attack that gnoll?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:00, Sat 18 Jan 2020.
player, 90 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 18:31
  • msg #127

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

She watched as Storm moved the bound gnoll over to the other bed, then asked the awakened woman "What is the gnoll doing here, if I may pose another question? Awfully far from his own people, isn't he?  But then, you said Gnolls -- implying there are more of them here?"
player, 263 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 22:46
  • msg #128

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Dak moved back to the room and held up the lantern.
player, 12 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 20 Jan 2020
at 13:34
  • msg #129

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

 The young woman was a bit overwhelmed by the questions, and suffered from a want of understanding. Or at least she feigned it very convincingly.

She tried her best to answer truthfully and without detour, in no particular order:
 “There are two gnolls, this one and his cousin or brother I’m not sure. I was not going to attack him, or anyone else tor that matter. I’ve only ever used my dagger for defence...”

She seemed surprised that anyone had the impression she was about to strike.  Relieved when the group decided to untie her feet, though nothing indicated she had any intention of running away. She sighed and resumed talking: “They run a smuggling gig, Brandy and the like... it seemed pretty harmless when they described it.”

 “I was doing the dishes when I heard a noise, so I called for help. Usually the gnoll just roars and people run away...”
player, 165 posts
Mon 20 Jan 2020
at 20:52
  • msg #130

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix quickly comes to Westin, curiosity always at the front of his motivations, and takes a long look at the parchment.
player, 313 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Mon 20 Jan 2020
at 21:19
  • msg #131

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus piped up with some explanation to her surprised look, "We crossed paths with a man tied up above who when freed produced a blade from somewhere and took Westin hostage.  There are also illusions around the place.  So perhaps you can understand we wouldn't want a repeat of the hostage taking nor freeing a potential practitioner of illusion magic that could befuddle our senses."
GM, 658 posts
Mon 20 Jan 2020
at 22:38
  • msg #132

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In the room now given light again by the lantern Dak carried, those within could see a finely furnished room--at least, definitely by comparison with the larger room where several of their number were yet speaking with the woman who had come up behind the gnoll, while the bound gnoll still slumbered abed.  In this finer room, they could see a comfortable-appearing bed was in the far left corner of the room, a wooden footlocker (which had proven to be closed and locked) at its foot just like the less-comfortable appearing beds in the other room.  In the corner opposite the bed was a closed wooden wardrobe.  Nearer the door was a table with a three-branched candlestick, candles currently unlit and looking neither new or nearly spent.  A padded leather-covered chair was at the table.  Above the table was a bookshelf with several volumes visible, these having been checked over by Westin who had placed two volumes in his knapsack.

As Panatix and Westin pondered the paper found within one book, they did not find that the non-Calandian text was familiar to them.
player, 446 posts
Tue 21 Jan 2020
at 02:20
  • msg #133

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

After binding the gnoll securely, Storm searches him again before bringin him along to the elven lady. He tells her,"We will certainly free you once we have solved the mystery. For now please consider yourself to be in our ptotective custody. We will protect you."
player, 13 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 14:47
  • msg #134

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

 “My name is Vendavel,” the young half elven woman eventually says by way of introduction.

 “I understand you,” she responds to Telemachus. “You have no reason to trust me, and I was not exactly a prisoner here. But I’m glad this episode comes to an end this way... let me know if I can help or guide you — though I understand you would receive my guidance with a hint of distrust.”

 “Protective custody sounds better than imprisonment, or death...” she add with a glance to Storm.
player, 115 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 15:12
  • msg #135

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick turned his attentions to the wooden footlocker, first looking for any nasty surprises and if not finding any, turn his efforts to picking the lock.  People had a way of putting interesting things behind lock and key, which always tugged at Wick's curiosity.

He also looked at the wardrobe, to see if it as a lock and key, and to see if it holds any nasty surprises that could be detected before opening it up.
player, 166 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 15:46
  • msg #136

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix looks over the scroll, "I don't understand this one column, or even what language it is in, perhaps whatever these vile gnolls speak, but its clearly used as a translation to give commands.  Mind if I hang onto it, I might be able to make sense of it given time".
player, 447 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 22:59
  • msg #137

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Vendavel (msg # 134):

“As a warrior sworn to protect light and truth, I cannot kill for no reason. Yet I have my friends lives to guard. So the best I can do for you is to guard you in this manner my lady. With trust, we will certainly free you. Are you injured in anyway?”storm
player, 167 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #138

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix sticks his head in the door where the discussion with the woman is going on, "Excuse me, chance to earn some good faith, do you know where the key to this lockbox is kept by any chance?  Also, is that bird just a friend, or are you more familiar with it?".  The small gnome raises an eyebrow, curious to judge the answers.
GM, 659 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 01:05
  • msg #139

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick's examination of the wardrobe revealed that it was locked, though no key seemed to be in immediate evidence.

Of the footlocker, just as he managed to pick through the lock he felt a needle prick one finger.  Rapidly, a vivid blue spread from the finger and began to discolor his entire hand.
player, 264 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 04:01
  • msg #140

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Is that normal?" Dak asked as he watched the other man's hand turning blue in the light of his lantern.
player, 116 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 04:37
  • msg #141

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick pulled back at the sense of the needle.  “No, it’s not normal.” He said with a bit of heat.  But after a moments consideration, “I don’t feel anything, maybe it’s a dud.  Can one of you healers check me out.”
Westin na'Belva
player, 82 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 13:57
  • msg #142

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

...Mind if I hang onto it [parchment], I might be able to make sense of it given time".

"Sure, though let me know when you figure out what language it's in," Westin replies. "Maybe we should show it everyone in the group and see if anyone recognizes it?"

"...Protective custody sounds better than imprisonment, or death..." she add with a glance to Storm.

"I'm sorry I cast a sleep spell on you Vendavel," Westin says a bit guiltily. "I saw you standing there with the gnoll with a dagger in your hand and suspected the worst..." He pauses, while thoughts rolled in his head.

"But then you said you weren't going to attack it, you called for it...," Westin mulled. "You said they took you in and you initially thought they were smuggling Brandy or stuff like that, which isn't so bad. I'm guessing it's much more serious than that because you mentioned imprisonment or death. You said you wanted to leave but were afraid to. Was it because you were afraid to be on your own again or was it because what they might do if they found out or caught you or maybe some other reason?"

As he waits for Vendavel's reply, he hears Dak's and Wick's conversation and looks over at Wick's discolored hand. A look of shock encompasses Westin's face.

"Uh, uh," he says loudly in distress. "I think that's poison! Someone best apply a tourniquet and stop the spread before it's too late! Did something byte you? Does someone know what to do?" he asks urgently, looking over at Lenelle and the other party members.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:03, Thu 23 Jan 2020.
player, 448 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 15:10
  • msg #143

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Hearing the commotion, Storm rushes over, saying aloud, "look after the lady and gnoll.! Check our friends."

He rushes over and examines the companion trying to see if it is poison or disease. He prays very hard that it is some disease
player, 91 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 16:08
  • msg #144

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Hearing the mentions of 'poison', and Wick's possible peril, Lenelle's attention redirected swiftly from other matters, and she made her way over to him.

"Let me look," she requested of the hand.    And used the training she had in medicine to try and assess how serious this was, and if indeed a tourniquet was appropriate.

Lenelle rolled 12 using 1d20.  healing nwp @ wisdom -2. - would normally make it.

While she looked, one thought did occur to her, and she commented -  "If I were poisoning devices and traps in my own home, I think I'd keep an antidote on hand.   If our new friend happens to know if her employers had such, this would be a good time to say."
player, 314 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Mystical Magical Spells
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 16:32
  • msg #145

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"It also may not be a poison to injure or kill," he tilted his head as he remarked in that direction and saw the strangely colored hand, "it may be just to identify who stole from them."

With Lenelle tending to Wick he stayed back by Vendavel and added to Westins questions, "There is no reason to kill you, unless you try and harm us, and while what I know about gnolls isn't much different from my small friends experience I find there are few that are truly evil for evils sake.  To add to Westin's questions...what did you do before you fell on hard times?"
GM, 661 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 00:22
  • msg #146

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 449 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #147

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm examines his friend by checking his vital signs such as pulse, heart rate and other signs. Whether it was due to his inexperience or the lack of such symptoms, Storm could not find any signs of poison or disease.

"I cant find anything wrong with him. Perhaps another healer can,"Storm declares. "or he is really not ill."
player, 92 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 03:21
  • msg #148

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle rolled her eyes and smiled a little bit at Storm, with the 'another healer' bit, as she was standing right there.

"I have a name, sir Storm. It's Lenelle.   Anyway, I can't fault your diagnosis.  The hand is not swelling at all, no sign of toxins,"  she assured Wick.

She shrugged, addressed the group, "My strong guess is that Telemachus is correct."
player, 265 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 03:35
  • msg #149

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"So what's in the chest, then?" Dak asked the obvious question now that Wick was going to live.  He also wondered how many more people they could fit in this room.
Westin na'Belva
player, 83 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #150

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin quietly breathes a sigh of relief. No one else was going to die today, at least not yet. So glad I didn't come here alone. He picks up Jade, petting her and scratching behind her ears.

"You might want to wear gloves until your hand turns back to normal color," he says to Wick.
player, 117 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 18:51
  • msg #151

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick wasn't so sure.  It was good enough that they all thought he was fine, but they weren't the ones with a hand turning blue.  Still, curiosity tugged at him and he looked through the chest.

"There's some clothes in here, and a book.  Also a small pouch."  He decided to look in the pouch, see if there was anything worth mentioning in it.  If nothing else, he half-unconsciously wanted to distract himself from thinking about his discolored hand.
GM, 662 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 00:51
  • msg #152

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick looked through the box which had been secured under the bed.  The clothing was clearly high-quality--perhaps too nice to be wearing in such a location as this.
player, 450 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #153

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Lenelle (msg # 148):

"Apologies my lady. I am unsure how many people are skilled healers here and thought there might have been more than one," Storm says, abashed.
player, 266 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #154

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Dak was tempted to ask Wick if there were any gloves his size in the chest, but it would have let Storm off the hook.  The woman was right there next to him and he was asking for another healer!  She'd even been examining the hand at the time.

Dak wasn't sure if the man was prejudiced against the woman, her faith, or if he had a really bad memory.
Westin na'Belva
player, 84 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 11:10
  • msg #155

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Book? Did you say book?" Westin asks Wick, peering around the others. He tentatively moves forward til he spots it. After staring at it for several moments, he musters up the courage and reaches in. He grabs it be the edge and carefully retrieves it. Once he has it, he will take a few steps back and starts leafing through it.

What does he find?

This message was last edited by the player at 11:17, Sat 25 Jan 2020.
GM, 663 posts
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 16:37
  • msg #156

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

XP Line
player, 93 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 18:59
  • msg #157

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle waived a gauntleted hand in good humor, "No matter, I was just giving you a bit of a bad time," she said to Storm, though she would have appreciated Dak's respectful sentiments had she heard them.

"You make a dedicated and admirable paladin.    Well.   It seems we finally have a book, after all of this..."

She stood and awaited to see what Westin would make of it, once he concluded leafing through it.
Westin na'Belva
player, 85 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #158

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"This appears to be a spell book," Westin says distractedly while perusing it. He looks up and smiles. "A magic-user's spell book!" he says excitedly. "I would need to cast a Read Magic spell to know its exact contents but there is no doubt in my mind it is a magic-user's spell book. I would guess it was Máelodor's which would mean he died here or nearby as I can't imagine a magic-user going anywhere without their spell book. If he had apprentices, though, I suppose it could be one of theirs. While it's not the Ars Mathematica it certainly is valuable!"

After a few moments, he takes off his pack and carefully places it inside, adding it to the other 2 newly acquired books. With a deep breathe he hefts his pack onto his back.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:00, Tue 28 Jan 2020.
player, 267 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 28 Jan 2020
at 02:45
  • msg #159

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"So, still not the right book," Dak concluded before summarizing his own findings.  "The trap door at the top of the stairway is stuck good or locked somehow.

"Did anyone ask the servant girl where everyone else went?  And when they might be back?"

With as many people stuffed into the room, one of them had to have been around when she'd been questioned.
player, 118 posts
Tue 28 Jan 2020
at 21:58
  • msg #160

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Digging through the contents of the box, trying his best to ignore the discolored hand, Wick called out the contents.  "Here's a pair of gloves, I'm going to keep them for now.  Some clothes, here's a belt which has five little bottles.  Here's a pouch, about a dozen asil and a couple of stones, both dark.  Will need better light to do a better job of identifying them."
player, 14 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 29 Jan 2020
at 02:06
  • msg #161

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I was working as an apprentice, learning navigation and astrology," replied Vendavel, realizing that the attention to the caught blue-handed of their number was not sufficient to keep attention away.  "Then I lost my berth."
player, 451 posts
Wed 29 Jan 2020
at 05:47
  • msg #162

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I thank thee for your kind words my lady. I am bginning to think you are an swesome lady," Storm replies.

Hearing Wick cling out the contnts of the pouch, he asks,"Do the bottles look like they contain some potion or something? Perhaps you could open one and smell its contents to see if it is just ordinary liquid or something?"
player, 316 posts
Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Bless, CLW
Wed 29 Jan 2020
at 13:44
  • msg #163

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus listened and nodded, "If the footlocker seems like a good one we can use it to transport anything of use with us back to town.  Between it and your hand Wick the good Brother at the Church may be able to help identify what was done to your hand and how long it might last.  We can also let the authorities in town know about the smuggling ring so they can put a stop to it if they so choose.  They may be complicit and ignore the warning from us but that's for them to decide."

Looking over to Vendavel he continued, "Depending on how this business concludes we may be able to point you in the direction of a new berth."
player, 119 posts
Wed 29 Jan 2020
at 19:18
  • msg #164

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Maybe."  Wick responded.  He pulled up one of the bottles and worked out the stopper.  Putting it to his nose, he took a bit of a sniff.
GM, 666 posts
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 02:03
  • msg #165

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 269 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 02:40
  • msg #166

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

His arm getting tired and the room overcrowded, Dak set the lantern on the table and shifted through the crowd into the main room.

He looked over the gnoll to make sure he was still secure before facing the young woman.

"How many more of them are there and where are they now?" he asked her, waving in the direction of the other bunks.
player, 452 posts
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 11:29
  • msg #167

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

While waiting, Storm turned to the captive lady and ask,” Are you hungry and would you like something to eat or drink?” He was worried that the lady could be hungry or thirsty after being kept in this place and may not have sufficient nourishment.
player, 168 posts
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 19:51
  • msg #168

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix looked excited when 'spell book' was mentioned.  When it turns out to be mage spells, he sighs.  Illusionist items are hard to come by.
player, 15 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 02:00
  • msg #169

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I'm fine, thank you," she replied to Storm as the parrot settled onto her shoulder.  "The others ... they're all downstairs, working."  She flushed, and said, "There's the other gnoll, and Eliphas, and the rest of the group."
player, 454 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 02:59
  • msg #170

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Oh thats good to hear. Can you tell me who are the others, how many of them and what are they working below?"Storm asks, not wanting to overwhelming her with questions.
player, 270 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 03:00
  • msg #171

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"And where's the door to get downstairs?" Dak added.
Westin na'Belva
player, 86 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 20:08
  • msg #172

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

..."Do the bottles look like they contain some potion or something? Perhaps you could open one and smell its contents to see if it is just ordinary liquid or something?"</Blue>

"Probably not ordinary bottles," Westin says. "I wonder if there is a way..." He pauses as he watches Wick sniff the potion.

"You doing ok?" he asks Wick. "Do you notice anything different?"
player, 16 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 02:07
  • msg #173

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"The door is here," said Vendavel, moving to the corner of the room just past the row of beds on the end farthest from the small room.  She set her hand on the wall, fingers splayed, and seemed to give just a little push while sliding a piece of wall into an apparent pocket behind the beds.  The other side was relatively dark, although there was enough glow to the left as one faced this opening from the room that told of some sort of activity in the area.
player, 318 posts
Human Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Bless, CLW
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 03:32
  • msg #174

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Quick two here..."

"How many in the group?  What are the working on?" questioned Telemachus as this entire thing got more and more dangerous.  While he waited he did his best to orient himself and see if he could guess.  Two options that came to mind were a back way into the mine to take the resources and a tunnel into town so that they could avoid any taxes or oversight on what they were smuggling in.
player, 272 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 04:53
  • msg #175

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Dak pulled a torch from the wall of the barracks room and approached the new opening Vendavel had revealed.  He still held the metal javelin in his right hand.

He kept in mind her evasiveness in responding to how many more there were.  More than a few by a count of the beds in the room and at least one of magic by what the chest had revealed.
player, 456 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 10:47
  • msg #176

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm peered into the darkness and tries to determine the distance of the passageway. He thinks that it will be dangerous to plunge into the unknown.
“Anyone else hiding under the passageway? And how dangerous are there? Also what other stuff are in fhere milady?”’Storm asks politely. He prepares for throw something into the passageway to test if anyone will investigate and casts his eyes around for something suitable.
player, 17 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 16:54
  • msg #177

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"If they're still doing what they were when I came back up," said Vendavel, "two of them were drinking up some of the brandy and Eliphas will really have it in for them if they're caught at it.  They were playing cards, too.  The others were down in the storeroom."  She sighed.  "Eliphas and the other gnoll, and five other guys."
player, 273 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 01:00
  • msg #178

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Before he got hit in the back of the head with whatever the big man was about to find, Dak ducked in through the now unsecret door with his torch and tried to move quietly in the direction of the glow.  He turned his head from side to side in an attempt to discern if there were any noises up ahead.  Any clue that might give him an idea of how close any of these bunkmates might be.

And whether they were close enough to hear what was now going on behind him in the barracks.
GM, 676 posts
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 01:19
  • msg #179

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 94 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 01:26
  • msg #180

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle bit her lip faintly in thought, wishing she'd prepared her spells with an eye toward facing living adversaries.    Though she was trained to fight, she liked the idea of striking fellow humans with a mace less than animate skeletons.   Hopefully, it needn't come to violence...
player, 319 posts
Human Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Bless, CLW
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 02:20
  • msg #181

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus quietly added to Dak as he left, "If it'll be a fight try and let me know right before and I can call on the earth to grant us her favor for a short while."

ooc: Bless Spell, only works for those not in combat and lasts 6 rounds
player, 457 posts
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 14:14
  • msg #182

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I guess we can overpower a group of drunkards and gambling addicts,"Storm smiles thinking of smiting his first evil
player, 274 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #183

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

GM, 677 posts
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 02:40
  • msg #184

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

((If you're following Dak, please indicate a march order (single file), since group composition has changed considerably since the last time there was a formal march order.))
player, 458 posts
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 04:37
  • msg #185

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

OOC: Marching order but i guess we need the composition of our members and I am lost as to who and what we have.
player, 169 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 00:58
  • msg #187

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Panatix watches as the bird lands on the capture ladies shoulder.

"Storm, if you don't sense any evil about this woman, I say we untie her.  In case things don't go well if we confront the men below, we shouldn't leave her tied up so."

ooc: if there is a marching order, Pan will be at the back.
Westin na'Belva
player, 88 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 02:43
  • msg #188

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Storm, if you don't sense any evil about this woman, I say we untie her.  In case things don't go well if we confront the men below, we shouldn't leave her tied up so."

"It's actually safer for her to stay here tied up with the gnoll. If they spot her with us, they'll assume she betrayed them and likely seek revenge."

"The other option," he says turning to Vendavel, "is for you to flee this place. The town isn't for, only an hour or two walk. If there are spies in town you could travel the other way on the road, only a couple of days if that to the nearest town. We could even give you some supplies," he says thinking of Karel's pack. "Which would you prefer?" he asks Vendavel.

When it comes time to join the line, Westin will opt to be 2nd further in the back, reluctantly agreeing to be in front of Panatix.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:44, Wed 05 Feb 2020.
player, 323 posts
Human Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Bless, CLW
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 18:44
  • msg #189

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

While the others decide how they want to enter the passageway to where there was drinking and gambling going on Telemachus made his way over to where the sleeping Gnoll was and used some of the sheets to put together a gag for the unconscious one.  Tying it carefully in place so as not to wake them he shook his head at the predicament they were in.  Ideally Westin could make more of them sleep and lessen the chance they would resist but it wasn't likely meaning capturing the rest was going to be more difficult if not impossible.
player, 120 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 21:52
  • msg #190

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick shrugged at Weston’s question.  “As far as I know, doing okay, at least I feel okay.”
player, 18 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 7 Feb 2020
at 03:15
  • msg #191

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I suppose," said Vendavel, her voice rather soft, "if I were allowed to, I'd just take my own things and flee the place.  Maybe I'll have better luck in a different town."
player, 277 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 7 Feb 2020
at 03:59
  • msg #192

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 95 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 9 Feb 2020
at 19:59
  • msg #193

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle considered what Vendavel had said, she nodded.

"I'm not in favor of leaving her here bound up, either.    There's too much going on, it isn't safe.   No more death today, if it can be avoided.  If she wishes to depart, that solves both issues." She began moving to untie the rogue, unless anyone made to stop her.
player, 171 posts
Sun 9 Feb 2020
at 23:25
  • msg #194

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan nods and moves near Lenelle, "I agree, however, milady, rather than run, I might suggest you join up with us.  We are not all as charming or educated as myself, but a decent bunch of explorers, we are newly formed but seem to have excellent long term prospects."
player, 459 posts
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 02:42
  • msg #195

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"She doesnt emit evil,: Storm says. "Well Let us go forth. I can take the van."
GM, 685 posts
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 03:30
  • msg #196

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus managed to get the sleeping and bound gnoll gagged without awakening the gnoll, whose response to the gag was a bit of snoring.

Meanwhile, Storm prepared to follow Dak down the stairs, while Panatix and Westin had determined to take the rear, and Lenelle had begun completely untying Vendavel.
player, 278 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 04:08
  • msg #197

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 20 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 16:08
  • msg #198

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel was not quite sure what the others meant by sending evil or emoting evil, so she chimed in:
 “I have not evil intents towards any of you, I can assure you of that. I feel like I need to make amends before I set out on my own, so at least in the short term I’d rather stay with you...”

 “And given a chance, there is one particular drunkard I’d like to reprimand myself...” she added.

Before Dak went further into the secret passage, she offered a quick description of the layout ahead so he would know what to expect.
NPC, 1 post
Tue 11 Feb 2020
at 01:34
  • msg #199

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 280 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 11 Feb 2020
at 05:03
  • msg #200

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

GM, 688 posts
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 05:09
  • msg #201

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:10, Wed 12 Feb 2020.
player, 281 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 23:50
  • msg #202

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 460 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #203

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Vendavel (msg # 198):

"Let us go forth,"Storm says to Vendavel. "I shall witness your reprimand while protecting you."

Storm moves carefully into the unknown guided by the light his party used.
GM, 690 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 04:17
  • msg #204

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm started down the stairs, noting the way simply sloped with some rough matting in place in some parts, while cut stairs in others, the narrow way turning right before the final descent.  Here, torches could be seen in brackets leading off to the left, a dark opening to the right.

((Unless otherwise stated, I'll presume you do go with the "height order" I'd joked about.))
player, 282 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 05:19
  • msg #205

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin na'Belva
player, 89 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 12:42
  • msg #206

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin picks up Jade and follows the others down the stairs/slope. Silently he wonder if this is really necessary. The Ars Mathematic, after all, is probably on the ground floor or upstairs not underground in a basement. At least he would hope so, otherwise condensation and moisture might have ruined it.

The group, for some reason, seems to have been very taken by what seems to be smugglers. Not quite sure why, but humans act in strangely ways sometimes.

Well, this house is far to dangerous for me to explore alone, he says to himself. Maybe there will be another chance later. Even if nothing else is found, this outing has already been quite profitable in terms of books so even if nothing else turns up, it has already been worth it.
player, 174 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 23:42
  • msg #207

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As the others move forward and down, Panatix pulls a bit of folded up cloth from a pouch at his belt.  Unrolling it slightly, he pulls out a small, thin plate of fine smooth metal.  Putting the cloth away, he then holds the bit of metal in his right hand, and traces a pattern over the palm with his left hand and speaks softly.  The metal dissolves into a fine powder.  Satisfied, he follows the others.

ooc: cast phantom armor
player, 461 posts
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #208

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm proceeds slowly, weapon and shield in hand, ready for action.
GM, 692 posts
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 03:18
  • msg #209

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Storm led the way down the stairs, those descending could hear what sounded like soft conversations, though the words were indistinct.  Moving down the lit hallway, as it seemed to both slope slightly downward and curve, there was a hallway carved leading off to the right.
player, 283 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 04:44
  • msg #210

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin na'Belva
player, 90 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 17:34
  • msg #211

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As they pause at the intersection, Westin puts Jade down. Go up near the front but stay quite and out of the way, he silently ordered his cat. He drew has dagger and then paused, waiting for the leaders of the group to decide which passageway to go down next.
player, 7 posts
Westin's familiar
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 17:39
  • msg #212

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Having been set down, Jade turns and gives Westin a look. He then softly pads the way down the passageway immediately adjacent to the wall until only one person is in front of him. He pauses, listening and smelling.
GM, 693 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #213

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Jade made quick steps down the corridor, getting a little past Storm.  As Storm reached the juncture with the passageway to the right, a man came out of the passageway with a rather aggrieved expression.

"Clank, I done ...  Who are you?"  His eyes passed beyond Storm to see Vendavel in the group, and he said, "Ya worthless bit ... What, you gonna let a whole town come in 'ere?"
player, 462 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 11:06
  • msg #214

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm advances with his weapon," foul despoiler of women and kidnappers of children. Yield or face my righteous wrath you evil doer!"
His righteous anger roused, storm moves to attack if the man refuses to yield.
player, 284 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #215

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 21 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 11:32
  • msg #216

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel looked to the man with a casual expression, and simply said:
 “It’s over Toran... give up easily and no one will be hurt. I’ve send them drop the gnoll like he was a old towel.”

She purposefully doesn’t make it clear whether she is captive or had switched sides, knowing well that a bit of psychological warfare could go a long way.
player, 96 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 22:31
  • msg #217

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle had advanced along with the others, mace in hand, shield at the ready.    Personally, she still hoped this needn't come to violence.   But, these scoundrels needed to be rutted out of this place, that was for certain.     She waited, ready, seeing what would come of Vendavel's suggestion of surrender...
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 22:44
  • msg #218

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Whatcher talkin' about?" said the man, looking rather befuddled by Storm's pronouncement.  "I ain't despoil no one what didn't want despoiling."

A second man bolted out as Vendavel made her appeal for surrender, "Eliphas, we gots trouble here!"  He started to run down the passageway, around the bend.

"What'dya mean?" said Toran, looking past Storm to Vendavel.  Perhaps it was notable that he had not gone for the sword at his waist--but then he might well have decided against it upon seeing the direcion of numbers for his side and the opposing side.
player, 463 posts
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 09:49
  • msg #219

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm moves in to block the man and attacks if the man puts up resistance. He informs them that they should yield
player, 285 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 13:12
  • msg #220

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 175 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #221

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Pan listens to Storms words, he slowly also draws out his own dagger.  Storm was so confident and, well, possibly aggressive.  He taps his finger on the side of his dagger as he thinks.  What it must be like to be that big and physical that you could speak thus, trusting to your blades and bulk.  Pan has never had that, small, and relying on  wit alone to navigate the world.  Even so, his thought drift elsewhere, tap, tap, tap, finger on knifeblade....what to do, he wonders.
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 03:19
  • msg #222

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"What kind o' lunatic you takin' up with, Vendavel?" said the man who remained in the passageway.  He still had not gone for his sword, the hint of brandy on his breath enough to suggest where his nerve came from.
player, 464 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 09:43
  • msg #223

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm informs the man that he is here to find out the truth and asks the man to introduce himself.
player, 286 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 14:19
  • msg #224

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin na'Belva
player, 91 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #225

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Uh, I think he's stalling us while the other man alerts the others," Westin says nervously. He really didn't want to fight an armed group smugglers. For one, he wasn't sure his group would win especially if it was a large group. But just how big and threatening of a group was this smugglers group? He looks over at Jade.
player, 8 posts
Westin's familiar
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 15:47
  • msg #226

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Staying as far away from the stranger as he can, Jade casually trots past the man arguing with Storm. Once clear of that man, he runs down the hallway where the other man bolted until he can see what's beyond the bend or spots people coming his way. He will slow down before approaching any doors or rooms.
player, 121 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #227

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick keeps to his place in the line, not having much of anything to add.  In truth, his focus is on his stained hand than the rest.  Having snagged a pair of slightly over-sized gloves to cover both hands.
player, 9 posts
Westin's familiar
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 11:38
  • msg #228

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Jade, being small and gray in the dark, easily by-passed the man in the passageway to continue around the bend out of sight.  Even though there were torches lit across the way, there were still plenty of shadows.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:40, Wed 19 Feb 2020.
NPC, 5 posts
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 11:43
  • msg #229

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Ain't naught fer yer worryin' about down here," said the man, who had not bothered to provide his name since Vendavel had identified him only a short time ago.  "Ye might as well go back the way ye came, and take her wit' ya."
Westin na'Belva
player, 92 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #230

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin telepathically orders Jade to return back. "Four men and a gnoll," he says out loud. "They do appear to be staying put which is just as well. Maybe we should return to town and forget about exploring any more of this house. We've found some useful things already and we can always notify the authorities what we found."
player, 22 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 07:07
  • msg #231

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She was not much of a fighter, and from the few skirmishes she had seen at sea, and the few tavern brawls she had experienced on land, she’d rather not be involved.

 This being thought though, she didn’t want to seem like she was working for the ruffians still... so she kept quiet about it.
player, 465 posts
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 13:56
  • msg #232

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Crewman (msg # 229):

“I am thinking of clearing this place out if it is used for nefarious purposes,” Storm says. He tries fo ascertain the man’s intent and see if he is evil by focusing on him.
player, 10 posts
Westin's familiar
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 16:02
  • msg #233

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Jade padded back toward the group, eyes shining from the shadows in the torchlight.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:58, Thu 20 Feb 2020.
NPC, 6 posts
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 16:06
  • msg #234

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Toran glared at Storm and the rest of the group. "Ain't none yer bizness," he said.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:58, Thu 20 Feb 2020.
player, 287 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 02:51
  • msg #235

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 466 posts
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 04:24
  • msg #236

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Seeing the man action as dishonorable. Storm will try to subdue him. He keeps his mace and attacks by giving the man a punch to subdue him so that his party can proceed. He will not attack with weapons as it goes against his Paladin code.

Ooc: rolls a 1!
This message was last edited by the player at 23:08, Fri 21 Feb 2020.
GM, 695 posts
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 04:40
  • msg #237

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

NPC, 7 posts
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 04:52
  • msg #238

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

NPC, 8 posts
Sat 22 Feb 2020
at 02:05
  • msg #239

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

It was perhaps with more zeal than skill that Storm threw the first punch, the swing wild and telegraphed such that Toran was fairly easily able to evade the connection of fist-to-face, and instead fist met wall.

Toran drew his blade at last, holding it to give himself room as he took two quick steps backward before turning to run down the hall away from the group.
player, 289 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 23 Feb 2020
at 02:03
  • msg #240

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

GM, 698 posts
Mon 24 Feb 2020
at 15:25
  • msg #241

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

The group led by Storm stood at the juncture of a path leading to the right and a torchlit passage leading a curving path forward.  The walls, in the torchlight, appeared to be wet or slimy, the path seemed, judging by the torches, to have a downward slope.  They had not seen any sign of Dak though they knew that he had moved down the stairs before them.
NPC, 9 posts
Mon 24 Feb 2020
at 15:29
  • msg #242

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 290 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 25 Feb 2020
at 01:18
  • msg #243

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

NPC, 3 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2020
at 19:32
  • msg #244

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Storm seemed to be pondering how the rather stubborn man had turned into a wall, or whether it was just that his righteously angered fist had gone astray, a gnoll came just close enough around the bend for the group to see.  This gnoll, like the one that they had encountered previously, was armed with a spear.

[Language unknown: "Pl u ble tollbe."] said the gnoll, and then it vanished back behind the curving passage walls.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:34, Tue 25 Feb 2020.
NPC, 10 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2020
at 19:35
  • msg #245

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 176 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2020
at 21:36
  • msg #246

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan, having already encountered one illusion in this place, concentrates on the corridor.  See no tracks from either Dak or the cat or anyone else, it just doesn't add up.

In the meantime, he puts his knife away and instead pulls out a tidbits from a pouch.
player, 467 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #247

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Gnoll (msg # 244):

"Anyone knows what the gnoll said?" Storm asks. He wonders if he should chase after the strangers.

Turning to the ex-captive, he asks her,"Is that the gnoll who captured you?"
player, 122 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 17:08
  • msg #248

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick remains up against the nearest wall, dagger in gloved hand, waiting to see what results.  He wasn't going to start a fight, but he wanted to be ready if it starts without him.  He shakes his head slightly when Storm asks if anyone speaks the Gnoll.
player, 326 posts
Human Druid, AC5, HP 8/8
Bless, CLW
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 17:16
  • msg #249

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus shook his head, “No one does or we would have asked the other one above questions Storm.  If we are going to follow we should before they have time to fortify or set traps against us...”
Westin na'Belva
player, 93 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 22:29
  • msg #250

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"That was odd," Westin says to himself out loud, wondering about the gnoll's behavior and fidgeting. He felt increasingly uneasy about the waiting in the corridor.

He nods in response to Telemachus. Follow them or leave and return to town. I could go either way.
player, 291 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 22:38
  • msg #251

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

This message was last edited by the player at 22:39, Wed 26 Feb 2020.
player, 177 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2020
at 19:30
  • msg #252

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan nods to the big guy,  "Storm, if you go after them, I'll be right behind you.  I'm not much use in a hand to hand fight, but I have a spell that might take one or two of them out"
player, 292 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 29 Feb 2020
at 01:27
  • msg #253

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 468 posts
Sat 29 Feb 2020
at 10:07
  • msg #254

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm nods to Panatix. He says he is curious to find out the truth and is sorry that he has to strike the man as he was obviously stalling for time . He follows
player, 24 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 1 Mar 2020
at 10:15
  • msg #255

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel offers some insight. She points to the corridor to the right and says;
 “This is where the guys have their breaks.  Ahead is a storeroom, and before that a corridor thats leads to the water.”

She also implied that she did not quite understand what the gnoll said - even though she will claim to have some rudiments of their language.

 To Storm she succinctly clarified: “I wasn’t exactly captured...”
 That wasn’t too much of an explanation, but she felt the full story would have to wait.
player, 98 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 1 Mar 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #256

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Do you know how the gnolls came to be working with these people?" she asked of Vendavel.

"Just a matter of mutual profit?  Or something more to the story?"
player, 293 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 2 Mar 2020
at 00:41
  • msg #257

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 469 posts
Mon 2 Mar 2020
at 05:03
  • msg #258

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Vendavel (msg # 255):

"Oh thank you for telling me that. I should have clarifired that first. In other words, perhaps we shall proceed with less haste and more surety," Storm says, saddened.
GM, 703 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 00:29
  • msg #259

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

After taking some time to consider things, Storm led his companions down the curving passageway, whereupon they saw a thick veil of gray mist utterly obscuring the area which Vendavel had told the others would be a storeroom.
NPC, 1 post
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 00:34
  • msg #260

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Perhaps you might wish to explain yourself," came the voice from beyond the mist.  The voice sounded pleasant and rather cultured.  "Why is it that you come and invade our home?"

Barely a beat passed before the voice continued, "My dear Vendavel, if your employment was not to your satisfaction, I give you leave to depart.  But take only that which is yours and nothing more, lest I be forced to hunt you down to retrieve that which is not yours."
NPC, 11 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 00:38
  • msg #261

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 295 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 03:34
  • msg #262

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 25 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 21:16
  • msg #263

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

 Vendavel murmured: "That is Eliphas... the leader and a bit of a magician."

 One near her could tell that she was torn — leaving did seem like a good idea. A heavy drop of sweat rolled down her forehead and to her chin.

 "You know I am a free spirit... and I have no intention to harm anyone," she replied in a voice that tried to be stern, but quivered ever so subtly.
player, 296 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 05:51
  • msg #264

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 123 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 14:16
  • msg #265

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick sighs.  "Okay, I'm going forward to scout.  If I don't come back in a couple of minutes, come after me."  He says the last with something of a smirk as he pushes lightly off the wall and starts to move around others to go forward (into the fog).
player, 179 posts
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #266

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Wick moves forward, the small shadow of Pan follows, right up next to Storm,

"Eliphas, er, nice name by the way, I must imagine the illusions in the house are your doing, and they were well constructed I admit.  Almost fooled me for a moment.  Many men fall prey to wicked ways by sheer ignorance, and it can almost be excused, but someone able to learn the ways of magic, well, surely there must be legitimate dealings going on here...yes?  Although, dealings that include gnolls, I've never heard tell that were not dark.  Intelligent and still willing to use ones talents for darkness...not as easy to be excused.  Please set my mind at ease, explain away my misgivings that I may greet you as fellow practitioner and we may leave in peace".
player, 298 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 03:22
  • msg #267

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin na'Belva
player, 94 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 12:05
  • msg #268

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"If it's their house, maybe we should leave," Westin says to himself, crossing his arms. Jade, go check behind us and make sure no one is sneaking up on us, he silently communicates to his familiar. If I had known there were people living here, I wouldn't have come.
Westin na'Belva
player, 95 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #269

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Though some others continue, Westin comes to a stop. His elvish ears listening for sounds as his eyes are unable to pierce the fog. The fog can't last forever, he says to himself as he waits for it to dissipate.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:36, Mon 09 Mar 2020.
player, 11 posts
Westin's familiar
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 04:37
  • msg #270

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Jade padded away back up the stairs.
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 04:39
  • msg #271

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I am not the one who comes into another's house, steals from him and then demands explanation," said Eliphas, still hidden behind the fog.  "I suggest all that you have taken, you put back and leave here."
player, 26 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 17:31
  • msg #272

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel whispers to whoever is closest:
“Did you have a plan, walking in here? I assumed you were here to stop the smugglers, did I misinterpret something?”

She starts having second thoughts about the whole situation— these adventurers seemed very keen to take her and the gnoll down, but now hesitant to carry on the “home invasion”...
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:34, Mon 09 Mar 2020.
player, 299 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 10 Mar 2020
at 05:19
  • msg #273

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 180 posts
Tue 10 Mar 2020
at 15:52
  • msg #274

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan is unimpressed with the answer, leans near to Storm, "Let's go put this to rights".
player, 470 posts
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 10:40
  • msg #275

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm nods at Panatix. "Let us find out more."
He speaks to Eliphas,"Does this house belong to you? May I ask who are you? I have some friends who are injured here and I too almost got into trouble. Please speak plainly."
player, 100 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 16:08
  • msg #276

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"As well, the matter of a large serpent that happened to kill someone.   Your own pet, perhaps?   Or, do serpents that size just happen to wander this area?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 96 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 21:58
  • msg #277

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Hearing the others helps Westin find some courage. “Wait a minute. I was told this was... someone else’s house. Would you care to tell me who you bought this house from?”, his voice tinged with suspicion.
player, 300 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 04:49
  • msg #278

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

NPC, 4 posts
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 10:25
  • msg #279

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Enough," said Eliphas.  "I will not be questioned by you--let the rest of you band of thieves come forward."

The fog in the passage melted away, leaving the way clear and the torchlight undimmed, though there was yet another bend before they would come to the chamber Vendavel had told was at the end.
player, 181 posts
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #280

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan agrees, time to see what's around the corner.  He won't be first in the line but he's happy to follow close behind.
player, 471 posts
Fri 13 Mar 2020
at 07:52
  • msg #281

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm cautions his friends to be careful, saying there has to be a trap since he so willingly invited the party forward. M
“Anyone got a mirror or plan?”he asks
player, 301 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 02:52
  • msg #282

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 27 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 11:18
  • msg #283

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

“Actually I do,” Vendavel replied. She reached for her belt, where she kept a few pouches of various sizes and makes.

“Here,” she handed Storm a small metal mirror, simply adorned with a leather trim.
Westin na'Belva
player, 97 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 12:06
  • msg #284

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

He wants us to come forward but doesn't want us to talk, Westin says to himself and shakes his head. Having had a dagger at his throat once this day already, he wasn't eager to repeat the experience. Nor would he even consider asking Jade to go down the hall, not that Jade do so anyway. He wasn't dumb. Eliphas was up to something, something wicked. That he felt certain.

"Do you know of any other way in," he quietly asks Vendavel. That there was an exit and perhaps another way he, he felt confident of. That Vendavel know of it or that they would be able to find it, that seemed much less certain.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:09, Sat 14 Mar 2020.
NPC, 5 posts
Sun 15 Mar 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #285

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Either leave--and leave anything that does not belong to you, or come forward, you cowardly bunch of thieves," said Eliphas.
player, 302 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 16 Mar 2020
at 01:37
  • msg #286

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin na'Belva
player, 98 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 16 Mar 2020
at 10:38
  • msg #287

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Wish I had memorized Charm Person," Westin says to himself quietly. "but I wasn't expecting this ruined house to be inhabited, at least not by living people."

"We can always come back in a hour or so," he says to no one in particular. "Any spells that might have been cast should have been dispelled by then..." He knew, though, that humans didn't like waiting. If not Storm, then probably someone would charge in and take whatever had been prepared for them. Well, if that is the case, I won't be left behind. He prepares himself to move in should someone in the party charge in. Maybe not with the first wave but soon thereafter.
player, 472 posts
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 05:46
  • msg #288

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Eliphas (msg # 285):

“Who are you calling a cowardly bunch of thieves? What have we stolen from you and who is the coward who ran away?”Storm asks in his measured voice.

Taking the mirror from the lady, he thanks her and advances using his mirror to check for traps or ambushes around the corner. “If you are brave and honorable, show yourself for a parlay instead of running away and insulting us,”Storm continues.
NPC, 6 posts
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 10:47
  • msg #289

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"You are the cowards who will not come forth," said Eliphas.  "We have been at work, and you sent forth your man who has clearly stolen from me.  The color of his hand tells all."

"Of course," and here Eliphas' tone turned more gentle, "you may always leave the thief behind and depart, making sure to take naught but what belongs to you.  Either way, come forward and explain your thievery or disavow the thief and leave.  Stop dithering about like gormless cowards."

The mirror revealed plenty of light around the corner, but was not distinct enough to tell anything about who might be standing in the end chamber.
player, 303 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 18 Mar 2020
at 03:44
  • msg #290

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

NPC, 4 posts
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 01:36
  • msg #291

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As the group stayed in the middle of the passageway, neither moving forward nor back, suddenly a gnoll came running around the bend.

[Language unknown: "Nde, oneherard!"] and the gnoll stabbed at Storm with the spear, and just as quickly backed away around the corner, once more out of sight.

((-2hp Storm))
NPC, 13 posts
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 01:40
  • msg #292

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 473 posts
Fri 20 Mar 2020
at 02:41
  • msg #293

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Gnoll (msg # 291):

Storm has his weapon already and attacks back in retaliation. If he cannot attack he will say to the man,"do u call sending your gnollw to attack us as not a cowardly act? You claim out man stole from you. What did he steal?"
player, 304 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 20 Mar 2020
at 04:38
  • msg #294

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

GM, 711 posts
Tue 24 Mar 2020
at 10:29
  • msg #295

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

The gnoll had moved too quickly for Storm's response to be of effect.

Telemachus, behind Storm had been seemingly distracted as he studied the walls and ceiling with great concentration.
NPC, 8 posts
Tue 24 Mar 2020
at 10:32
  • msg #296

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"You think I would not recognize my own possessions?" said Eliphas, scorn in his tone.  "Or the mark of the thief set upon him?  Now, I am being generous to allow you to leave--but I warn you to take nothing what does not belong to you.  Or you can come forth and show yourself no coward."
player, 305 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 24 Mar 2020
at 17:23
  • msg #297

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

player, 182 posts
Tue 24 Mar 2020
at 23:43
  • msg #298

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan whispers to the others, "They have Dak, we have no choice but to make a stand, be ready to fight, back up a little, I"m going to try to draw them to us".

"Well, I guess we leave, and since we can't take things with us, let's burn these items we found so they don't fall into evil hands.  I'll start with the spell book." Pan will tear out one of the blank pages from his own book, and light it on fire so the smell and sound is real.
Westin na'Belva
player, 99 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 25 Mar 2020
at 02:05
  • msg #299

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Wait. Don't burn that!" Westin starts to say to Panatix, but then stops as Panatix sets a page on fire. "I would have carried that." he whines doing his best to sound convincing and proceed with the narrative Panatix is attempting.

He thinks about for several moment and then has an inspiration. He looks at Panatx and says, "No, you need to stay down here to burn things. Otherwise, you might set the whole house on fire."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:06, Wed 25 Mar 2020.
NPC, 9 posts
Wed 25 Mar 2020
at 11:45
  • msg #300

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Kill that thief," said Eliphas, his voice coming clearly to the group which still hesitated in the hallway to go forward or back.  His tone sounded almost bored, as though ordering death was part of a normal day's work.

The group might well recall that Wick had gone forward to scout, confident in the group following after him if he had not returned--and now, the words that had come from Eliphas suggested that his group had taken Wick prisoner, and were now planning to kill him.
player, 183 posts
Thu 26 Mar 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #301

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Something takes hold of Pan, unlike anything much he's felt before, and before he knows it, he has slipped past Storm, and dashed forward.  As he moves, quiet as his small body and soft boots allow, he begins to cast a spell so when he turns the corner, the first enemy he sees gets a spray of bright colors in their faces.

ooc: color spray
player, 474 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 00:31
  • msg #302

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

In reply to Eliphas (msg # 296):

Storm is a noble and he walks forward abiet his shield and weapon drawn.

"I am no coward like you,"
he says to Eliphas calmly. "I have stepped forward and you should too, to parley. I will not attack you underhandedly."

As he speaks, Storm moves forwardly boldly, gesturing his companions to keep a distance in case of an ambush.
GM, 714 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 02:56
  • msg #303

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

As Storm and Panatix, followed by the rest of the group--Telemachus, Vendavel, Lenelle, and Westin--emerged around the corner, they saw the well-lit large chamber where a group of people seemed to be waiting for them.  In a corner of the room, they saw one man--one of the two who had been in the passageway before near a bound Wick, clearly intent on slitting Wick's throat.

A burst of colorful light came from the hand of the diminutive Panatix, and that man slumped down, his weight crushing down on the still-bound Wick.  It was at that moment, too, that the ground seemed to turn to ice beneath their feet, not from the cold but from the effort it took not to slide and fall upon the suddenly very slick ground.

(Storm, Panatix, Telemachus, Vendavel, Lenelle, and Westin--make a save vs spell; if you succeed you'll be able to continue forward; if you fail, make a DEX check to avoid falling)
Westin na'Belva
player, 100 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #304

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin, displaying the litheness and nimbleness of his race, rushes over the slick ground, nearly effortlessly, herded straight for Wick.  A shadow of pain covers Westin's face as he charges forward while a dagger is held firmly in his hand, ready to free Wick from the bonds the moment he is able. He knows all to well what it's like to have a dagger at his throat, to have ones life held in balance, to wonder if this will be the end.

23:18, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 20 using 1d20.  sav vs spell.

Order of actions
1. Free Wick (or fight to protect him, if need be)
2. Disarm  man holding Wick hostage.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:46, Fri 27 Mar 2020.
player, 184 posts
Sat 28 Mar 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #305

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan made the turn, cast his spell, and then nearly slipped but made a nice adjustment to just slide a bit and keep to his feet.
GM, 715 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 17:45
  • msg #306

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

The group, now moving quickly into the room found that the way was far more treacherous than expected.  Storm made his way into the room, just able to hold his footing before Telemachus entered, sliding and falling and knocking into Storm in a tangle of limbs and possessions, bringing the larger man down as well from the impact.  Vendavel managed to keep her footing, easily skimming across the way and getting to more certain ground.  Lenelle, making her way in, struggled but just managed to hold her footing.

As Panatix's spell lit the space, the man threatening Wick collapsed, unconscious, atop Wick.  Westin now had to decide whether to permanently end the threat of the man or just move him off Wick to free his ocmpanion.

Then, from behind the group, they could hear more men coming from behind them with swords drawn.
Westin na'Belva
player, 101 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 22:15
  • msg #307

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin frowns at the sight of the large form of the unconscious man lying on top of Wick. He sheaths his dagger and deftly takes the weapon the man had at Wick's throat and quickly disarms him of any other obvious weapons. He probably deserves to have his throat cut, but no, I'm not going to do it.

He rolls the unconscious man off Wick and begins freeing him. If Wick is blindfolded or otherwise can't see Westin, he will whisper to him, letting Wick know it is Westin. He will then remove any blindfold first and then cut the bonds tying his hands and/or arms. Once Wick is free to hold a weapon, he will offer him the unconscious man's weapon.

If Wick wants to loosen the rest of his bonds himself, Westin will let him do so. However Westin will help unless Wick lets him know otherwise. If Wick wants to kill the man, or anyone else wants to kill the unconscious man for that matter, Westin won't stop them.

player, 125 posts
Tue 31 Mar 2020
at 13:48
  • msg #308

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick is happy to let Westen cut him free.  Maybe Wick could do so himself, but slipping bonds had a way of leaving skin behind and no reason for that if it could be avoided.  Once his arms are free, Wick takes the offered blade with a grim nod.   He turns at the sound as more armed men approach.
player, 28 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 31 Mar 2020
at 22:25
  • msg #309

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel came to regret but having any weapon with her. She understood that the adventurers, or intruders, didn’t trust her yet. She got that they would rather protect her themselves rather than equip her with tools she could potentially use against them. But still at the moment, she thought she would feel a lot more comfortable with her dagger or short bow.

She walked in, kept her footing, helped Lenelle keep hers, and stayed out of the “danger zone”, at the back of the group.
player, 478 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 00:23
  • msg #312

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Falling down, Storm tries to stand up and help Tele up as well. After helping his friend up, Storm will proceed cautiously with his weapon drawn and shield raised.
player, 310 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 01:02
  • msg #313

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

NPC, 10 posts
Mon 6 Apr 2020
at 05:36
  • msg #314

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"The time for talk has ended," said Eliphas, the man in the center of the group in tawny robes.  "You are putting us behind schedule, and perhaps a little exercise is needed."  With a chopping gesture he stepped back, allowing the men in his group to move more freely, his form seeming almost indistinct around the edges somehow.
player, 187 posts
Tue 7 Apr 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #315

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan answers, "Mom always said not to die with a spell still on your lips...".

With that, Pan takes a small pearl and tosses it directly at the gnoll.  Gnomes hate gnolls, so he grins, despite the bads odds of the fight before them, when it squarely hits the creature.

19:27, Today: Panatix rolled 2 using 1d4.  damage.

19:27, Today: Panatix rolled 17 using 1d20+4.  orb toss. (hits AC: 4), creature that fails it save will also be blinded for duration of the spell.
player, 479 posts
Wed 8 Apr 2020
at 03:01
  • msg #316

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

OOC:Are we in combat?
Westin na'Belva
player, 104 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 10 Apr 2020
at 10:39
  • msg #317

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Having freed Wick, Westin moves quickly back over to the unconscious man who had been threatening Wick. Pulling out some rope, he swiftly ties the man's hands and arms, tying them behind his back. He then ties his feet as well, hog tying his tied hands and feet together if he has a chance. "No entering combat for you," he says quietly.
player, 313 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 11 Apr 2020
at 00:44
  • msg #318

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

From the back, Dak closed in to engage Storm with his sword.
GM, 723 posts
Sun 12 Apr 2020
at 23:08
  • msg #319

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

On the edges of the room, Vendavel and Lenelle seemed nearly forgotten as they stood ready, while on the opposite wall, Westin was concerned with tying up the unresisting crewman who had been rendered senseless by Panatix's first spell, and with dagger in hand Wick began pondering where his skills might best be put to use.

In the center of the room, however, there was a flurry of swords and clashing.  Panatix released another spell, this time centering a light into the eyes of the gnoll who stood, armed with a spear, ready to attack again, the spell bursting into its light just before the gnoll stabbed at Storm.  Perhaps it was the sudden blindness that caused the tip of the spear to just  barely catch Storm.

As Storm and Telemachus tried to regain their feet, Dak and the men with Eliphas were not about to stand still when Eliphas had suggested otherwise.  Toran, now standing near Eliphas, struck out with his sword to stab at Storm ((-3hp)) and a heartbeat later, Anrai from behind struck into Storm's back ((-5hp)).  Dak struck out with his new sword, just missing Storm as the large man was falling to the floor again.  From near the gnoll, Tad and Ivar pressed the attack against Telemachus, though the druid managed to bob and weave away from the sword points in front, although as Cadan and Osgar came from behind, Cadan managed to just draw blood ((-1 hp))

Status:  Storm at 0 hp and bleeding, Telemachus -1
player, 30 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 12 Apr 2020
at 23:27
  • msg #320

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel was still torn between inaction and engagement... but seeing Storm drop to the floor spurred her into taking action.

She stepped forward and ignored the swordsmen— she took it they wouldn’t aim their attacks at her anyways.

While she was no healer, she knew how to apply pressure and stop a wound from killing — at least temporarily.

stabilise Storm
player, 314 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 12 Apr 2020
at 23:52
  • msg #321

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Flee now that your thieving leader has been vanquished!" Dak shouted, trying to kick the woman away from the prone body.
player, 481 posts
Mon 13 Apr 2020
at 02:31
  • msg #322

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm lays unconscious. Before he falls, he reflects on his life so far, wondering if he will see the light of day again.

OOC: I was unable to attack?
player, 127 posts
Mon 13 Apr 2020
at 16:07
  • msg #323

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick looks about to see which of the enemy are closest, at least those that are on their feet, with an aim to sneak up on them and take them out with the dagger.
Westin na'Belva
player, 105 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 13 Apr 2020
at 16:44
  • msg #324

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin's eyes go wide as he watches Storm go down. He hastily starts casting a spell to protect himself.

Cast Shield Spell.

player, 1 post
Thu 16 Apr 2020
at 18:56
  • msg #325

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus draws his scimitar to defend himself, the situation had spiralled out of control!

He strikes at the closest foe in frnt of him, intent on moving toward the spellcaster if possible.

"Get the wizard!" he shouts as he swings his weapon in vain.

11:55, Today: Mac rolled 4 using 1d20.  base attack roll - a miss, I'm sure!

player, 1 post
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #326

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Nell seems overcome by the enemies and  battle around her,
She seems near tears,  overcome she staggers and falls, her hand
Brushing the prone Storm.

Ooc: cast cute light wounds on Storm

See dice roller for results
GM, 727 posts
Sun 19 Apr 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #327

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel hurried to the side of the fallen Storm, trying to stanch the bleeding for the moment.  Dak kicked at her, but the nimble woman managed to slide away from contact, though it certainly had the effect of disrupting her attempt at helping Storm.

Anrai, one of the men from the rear, stabbed toward Telemachus, though the druid's fluid movement to his feet allowed him to avoid the point of that sword.  Pleased with his efforts, Panatix looked at the gnoll as the light in the gnoll's eyes winked out.

From beside Eliphas, Tad took note of Wick—who had just determined that either the gnoll or the man who now faced him was the most likely target—and with intensity, the man fighting beside Eliphas pushed his sword deep into Wick's right thigh ((-3hp Wick)).

Ivar stabbed Telemachus, jabbing well into the man's right side ((-4hp Telemachus)).

Cadan and Osgar, having taken notice of Panatix and perhaps taking Telemachus' cry to heart, both jabbed at the little magician, though neither were able to cause him harm, thanks to the phantom armor he wore.

As Lenelle dropped beside Storm, the warm touch of Atu's healing roused the man ((+3hp Storm)), Toran buried his blade well into Telemachus' belly, causing the druid to fall to the ground again, though this time insensate ((-4hp Telemachus)).  The gnoll, meanwhile, blinking rapidly stabbed his spear in what seemed to be a random direction as nothing was struck by the point of that spear.

“We do not need kill you,” said Eliphas, his words smooth.  “Surrender, and you may live.”

Final tallies:

Wick  -3hp

Telemachus -8 hp (0 and bleeding)

Storm +3 hp (total 3hp)
player, 2 posts
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 00:41
  • msg #328

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Lenelle, still on the ground from where Storm was just healed enough to rise up and hopefully wreak holy vengeance on these people, Nell sees Telemachus drop down.  She pivots and works her best healing on him, not much but enough to revive him, hopefully long enough to get at least one spell off.  Thought things are looking down, Nelly is filled with her saviors spirit, calm in the midst of it all.

20:37, Today: Nell rolled 1 using 1d3.  healing check Telemachus.

20:37, Today: Nell rolled 1 using 1d20-2.  healing check Telemachus.  (although with a PERFECT healing check roll of 1, maybe it should be more like 10 :-).
player, 484 posts
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 02:12
  • msg #329

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm stirs from the aid given by his companion. Sensing that something is not right, he rises to his feet and scans his surroundings.

Seeing his old companion on the ground, Storm dashes over and using his divine energies, tries to staunh Tele's bleeding.

OOC: Laying of Hands on Tele
player, 315 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 14:43
  • msg #330

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Seeing that the thieves weren't interested in accepting their generous offer of surrender, Dak slashed at the big man he felt the most threatening.

OOC: Dak rolled 10 using 1d20.  Thaco 20 Slash Storm.
Westin na'Belva
player, 106 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 16:17
  • msg #331

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin leaps forward and stabs at Toran while the others work to revive Telemachus.

12:14, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 20 using 1d20.  to hit Toran.
12:15, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 4 using 1d4.  damage to Toran.

Does natural 20 provide any critical?

player, 128 posts
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 17:43
  • msg #332

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick flails about with the little blade, just trying to keep Tad from drawing too near.  A knife was not much use against a sword and a thief wasn't much of a warrior when facing a swordsman.  Wick's plan, such as it is, is avoidance as he tries to circle around and rejoin the others and he keeps one eye out for anything that can be used as a makeshift missile.

With a wound to the leg, running isn't Wick's strongest talent at the moment, but feet were still the thief's best defense if it comes to that.
player, 192 posts
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 18:50
  • msg #333

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan, with little else to do, will try to charge Eliphas, and attack him.
GM, 730 posts
Wed 22 Apr 2020
at 12:22
  • msg #334

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

While Panatix and Vendavel started to maneuver toward Eliphas and Storm and Lenelle turned their attention to the fallen Telemachus, it seemed that Eliphas' companions were not intent on just standing by and allowing the group to fully regain their footing.

With a barking laugh, the gnoll stabbed its spear at Panatix--the armor disappearing with a pop as the spear continued its way into the gnome.  ((-5hp Panatix, -1 to the armor))

Toran, seeing Westin's moves attempted to meet that mage, though Westin was just able to dodge through to come through unharmed and bury his dagger deeply into Toran, the blood pouring over Westin's hand, making the blade difficult to retain a grip.

Wick and Tad seemed to be feinting with each other, neither able to land a blow as Wick edged back to the rest of the group.  As healing went on in the middle of the room ((+3hp Telemachus)), one sword flailed near Vendavel--Ivor being far from able to strike her, while from the rear Osgar plunged his sword into Lenelle ((-10 hp Lenelle)).  Dak slashed toward Storm, though the blow just failed to connect--perhaps, though, it was enough to help Cadan, who now managed to stab Storm once more ((-2hp Storm)), while Anrai's blade seemed to do little more than continue to herd anyone thinking of backing into the corridor from leaving the room.

Eliphas said, "Why do you reject my generosity?  Surrender, and you will not die."

One of Eliphas' men is injured (Toran)

Telemachus: now at +3 hp
Panatix: -5hp (1 hp remaining)
Storm: -2 hp (1 hp remaining)
Lenelle: -10 hp (-2hp, dying)
player, 5 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 01:41
  • msg #335

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"WE SURRENDER!" Telemachus shouts above the din of he clashing swords, as he tosses his scimitar to the ground.

"THROW DOWN YOUR WEAPONS," he shouts to his companions, "This is over."

He turns to Lenelle and casts Cure Light Wounds on her.

Doing a miserable 2 points of healing!

player, 485 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 03:04
  • msg #336

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm has no wish to see his companions die and puts aside his weapon.

"To attack us while parleying isnt honorable. But you have the advantage, We yield."
player, 317 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 03:14
  • msg #337

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Confident in Eliphas' victory, Dak stepped back to interpose himself between the thieves and his leader.  This outcome had been inevitable.  It had just taken them a while to understand how far outmatched they were.
player, 31 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 10:43
  • msg #338

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel is still a bit dumbfounded, and tries to understand what happened and how bad it really was. There was still a chance she could twist this in her favour —maybe.

For the time being she remained quiet— she had no weapon to put down to signify a surrender or anything else anyway.
player, 193 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 15:00
  • msg #339

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Pan sheathes his dagger and turns and heads for the exit,

"The man said we could leave unharmed if we didn't steal anything, since I never took a thing, I'm going to take him up on that, I'd suggest the rest of you drop anything you took and follow me back to town".

He tried to walk confidently but fully expected a spear in the back, but, in the gentry classes, even evil men sometimes held their word of honor as sacred.
NPC, 11 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 15:15
  • msg #340

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

With a gesture, Eliphas indicated that his men in the entrance to the chamber should make a gap, allowing Panatix to continue, along with any others who seemed willing to follow the gnome's lead.

Telemachus' spell had stabilized Lenelle, who was still unconscious but at least not getting any worse ((now at 0 and stable)).
player, 129 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 21:29
  • msg #341

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Wick, anything he'd claimed already reclaimed aside from the little knife, sets it down gently and limps over the fallen Lenelle.  He was bleeding a bit, but that was pretty minor compared to some of the others, so he's ready to help move the wounded and unconscious allies out of harms way.
Westin na'Belva
player, 107 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 21:50
  • msg #342

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin leaps back from the man he had just stabbed and lowers his dagger. In a quick motion, he wipes the blood of his dagger and sheathes it. He then hastily wipes the blood off the front and back of his hands, unconcerned at the moment with ruining his tunic. He's simply glad it's not his blood and hopes it stays that way.

Westin smoothly takes off his pack, putting it on the floor. He quickly pulls out down the 3 books he found upstairs and starts walking for the exit, slinging on his pack as he goes. Once his pack is on, he holds out his empty hands to show he is not holding any weapons while silently telling Jade to scout ahead the passageways and rooms to the outside. Though he walks nonchalantly, is anyone verbally or physically moves to block his way, he will immediately run as fast as he can.
player, 486 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #343

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm rases Lenelle and supports his companion while leaving the room. He will be sure to guard his friends.
NPC, 12 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 03:09
  • msg #344

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Watching several of the group leave, Eliphas looked at Vendavel and said, "Of course, you may leave, too, if you wish--and take your things with you."

"[Language unknown: Chen k latmi.]" he added, and the gnoll leaned his spear against the wall and began to work to stanch the wound that Toran had suffered in the fight.
player, 6 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 05:34
  • msg #345

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus, nods to Eliphas, acknowledging that the wizard is keeping his word.

He picks up his scimitar and sheathes it [drops anything that he may have picked up in the house], and throws Lenelle's arm around his shoulder and helps to walk her out with Storm.

He pauses, and turns to Eliphas, "You have ensorcelled our companion Dak, will you free him too?"
player, 32 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 07:11
  • msg #346

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Vendavel was still uncertain about the outcome, and dreaded being left here after she had clearly betrayed the smugglers. When Eliphas clarified, she slowly walked out without a glance back.

She did not have anything that did not belong to her, in fact she did not even have her own weapons with her.
NPC, 13 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 11:10
  • msg #347

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"Dak," said Eliphas in reply to Telemachus, and then glancing toward the young man. "Hmm--seems to me, he is a free man, to choose his employment as he wishes.  I rather hope that he wishes to continue in my employ, of course.  He is a fine, strong lad."  Then, seeming to more directly address him, he said, "And what is your wish on such matter, Dak?"
player, 318 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 14:50
  • msg #348

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

"I'll stick with you, sir," Dak replied without pause to Eliphas' question.
player, 104 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 15:58
  • msg #349

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

She did her best to focus, but found it largely impossible.   The world was perceived through a haze of distorting pain, unclear shapes and sounds; some of which did register enough to give the impression her comrades were mostly okay.   It was enough for the moment.
GM, 735 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 18:52
  • msg #350

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Once the group had exited the chamber at the end of the hall, it was a bit narrow for Telemachus and Storm to try to move side by side with Lenelle between them, but she was in no particular shape to be walking on her own strength.

Otherwise, there was nothing stopping them from continuing up to the room which had been barracks, where one footlocker held Vendavel's belongings.

((Of course, Storm can easily carry her, armor and all.))
player, 194 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 19:20
  • msg #351

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Unless something or someone stops him, Pan leaves out the door of the house.  He walks slow and steady, though his face begins to perspire and is somewhat ashen by the time he manages to leave.   The wound he took was nearly enough to bring him down and the pain is wearing on him, but his wish to live is strong.
Westin na'Belva
player, 108 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 13:04
  • msg #352

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Westin follows Pan up the stairs, occasionally glancing back nervously. As he exits the house, he begins trembling with relief, glad to be outside with the sky and grass, birds and trees. He looks back anxiously to see if everyone made it outside.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:05, Sun 26 Apr 2020.
player, 487 posts
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 15:15
  • msg #353

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Storm informs Tele that it is easier for him to carry the down companion and slings her over his shoulder while keeping a hand free for fighting if necessary. If need be he can help carry vedevel’s items
player, 7 posts
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #354

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Telemachus nods to Storm, and lets the paladin lift the unconscious half-elf over his shoulder.

The druid, lets the entire group pass before following them, keeping an eye to the rear as he expects treachery from Eliphas.

Once the group has exited the house, he breathes deeply, as if to remove the air from the house.

"We must plan a return, to rescue Dak. There is no doubt in my mind that Eliphas has ensorcelled him. In essence he has been made into a slave."
GM, 736 posts
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 20:36
  • msg #355

Re: Castaways:  This Old House

Moving outside, the group made their way outside.  Vendavel had paused to empty one of the footlockers, which contained her own things--which Eliphas had said she could take.

The group emerged--most of them wounded to some degree or another--only Westin and Vendavel had not been wounded, nor had Westin's cat who now walked through the tall grass with tail high as though that would have allowed Jade to see above the overgrown grasses.  Lenelle was still unconscious and the mild journey of four miles along the road seemed far longer now than it had when they had left Monteci.

Judging by the sky, it was at least None, perhaps later, but still possible to reach Monteci before Vespers.
GM, 737 posts
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 20:54
  • msg #356

XP Line

player, 489 posts
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #357

XP Line

After walking for an hour or when they are sufficiently far from the house, Strm pauses and addresses his friends,"Shall we stop here to rest, eat and also dress the wounds of our wounde?"

He lays Lenelle down, examines her and using a cloth, wets her lips to ensure she doesnt suffer from dehydration.

Turning to his friends, he continues,"We have perhaps made a mstake and are too eager. We shall seek advice in town with the authorities and report this."

OOC:Dak left the game?
player, 130 posts
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 03:53
  • msg #358

XP Line

Wick had been limping along, the wound on his leg making the walk painful.  “Stopping to lick our wounds sounds like a good plan.  I don,t know about the town leaders though.  Wouldn’t surprise me if one of them, or more, are in Eliphas’ pocket.”
player, 9 posts
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 05:53
  • msg #359

XP Line

"A rest would be prudent, though we should be wary of Eliphas and his gang following us.

It's hard to imagine that he would simply let us leave, knowing we could go straight to the authorities...unless Wick is right...or he thinks we will not report him for fear of harm coming to Dak.

Vendavel, perhaps it is time that you provided us with all of the details of how you came to work with Eliphas?"

DM - do you recall if Telemachus cast another CLW today? If not, he will cast it on Lenelle.
22:52, Today: Mac rolled 3 using 1d8.  CLW.

player, 33 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 21:03
  • msg #360

XP Line

Vendavel has followed the group outside, still unsure what their plan had been walking into the house. She remained silent, very aware that her position was still in the blurred lines of prisoner of war, rescued damsel and witness in protective custody...

She was checking her gear when Telemachus called out her name.
“I was an unlucky sailor. But a clever one. I noticed something about the smuggling operations around here, and Eliphas offered me to join him and his Merry men. He said I had potential. I thought of them as romantic and philosophical rebels, helping out the people getting their hands on goods otherwise kept for the palates of the rich and powerful...”

“I soon realised that not all ruffians are as worded and gentlemanly as Eliphas — and evening his manners are just varnish on a darker mind. Their life is one of violence and I wanted out, before things got ugly. But I never worked up the courage to leave, they had implied a number of times that I knew too much about their operation to go out free...”

“So I bid my time and I waited for an opportunity—and you came. It sees the Stars have answered my prayers. I could tell you a lot about how things work inside and below the house, but they may well change their routine very soon.
GM, 738 posts
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #361

On the Road

((Unfortunately, Telemachus is completely out of magic for the day.))

Once on the road outside the grounds of the house, the group began making more deliberate efforts to bandage up the wounds suffered in the fight than had been done as a makeshift to get out of the house.
player, 196 posts
Wed 29 Apr 2020
at 16:28
  • msg #362

On the Road

Pan is happy to take a few minutes rest, his own injury is wearing on him, and he's thirsty.

His brain is cloudy too, probably the adrenaline and pain, he just wants to get back to a safe room with a bed and sleep for a week.
Westin na'Belva
player, 109 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 29 Apr 2020
at 22:37
  • msg #363

On the Road

"Do you think we should head back to town?" Westin asks worriedly. "I'm glad Eliphas let us leave but I'm worried he might change his mind."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:37, Wed 29 Apr 2020.
GM, 739 posts
Wed 29 Apr 2020
at 23:05
  • msg #364

On the Road

As the companions continued dressing their injuries, they could see that someone was traveling on the road toward Monteci.  They would be able to make the trek, although it would be difficult with Lenelle still unconscious.


Vendavel 7 (uninjured)
Westin 4 (uninjured)
Telemachus 3
Panatix 1
Storm 1
Wick 5
Lenelle 0 (stable)
player, 131 posts
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 03:19
  • msg #365

On the Road

Wick gives a slight shake of the head.  “That seems the obvious choice, I hate doing the obvious.  I say we find a nice out of the way camp site and recover a lot more, then figure our next move.  Besides, having blue hands makes me feel way too noticeable, draw all sorts of unfriendly attention.”
player, 492 posts
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 08:52
  • msg #366

On the Road

Although he is strong and fit, the recent ordeal has weakedn him. Storm approves of the suggestion and agrees that the team should rest and recover their strength.
player, 197 posts
Sat 2 May 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #367

On the Road

Pan has taken several deep drinks of water, he was dehydrated by the blood loss and excitement of the recent events, it had clouded his mind.  He can almost feel his body coming back, and with it a bit more pain.

He laughs, "Ne're tangle in the affairs of wizards..." he laughs harder till the pain of his wound stops him. "Eliphas,  I wonder if he's Maelodor, or his apprentice".
Westin na'Belva
player, 110 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 2 May 2020
at 02:19
  • msg #368

On the Road

Westin stares for several moments at Lenelle. "I didn't realize she was so badly hurt. She will be alright, won't she?" he asks, concern in his voice. "I agree, we should certainly rest until everyone is at least well enough to walk back to town."

"...Eliphas,  I wonder if he's Maelodor, or his apprentice".

"I don't think that was Maelodor," he says in response to Panatix, "though perhaps an apprentice. I should have just asked him for the book. Now why didn't I think of that? Certainly the book is not rightfully his as I was told it was borrowed," Westin says.

He pauses and looks at the others, sad so see them in their wounded state. "I know I'm not the best at fighting," Westin says hesitantly, "but I can take the first watch if you all would like.."
player, 12 posts
Sat 2 May 2020
at 06:03
  • msg #369

On the Road

"It seems we are agreed to rest before heading back to town. Certainly, it will be easier on Lenelle, and we can at least gather some spells and heal some wounds."
I know I'm not the best at fighting, but I can take the first watch if you all would like.

"Your sharp eyes might prove as valuable as a sword or bow! Thank you for offering.

We need to find a sheltered spot, away from watching eyes. I worry that Eliphas will have some way of finding us when we are vulnerable."
His eyes flick to Vendavel.

"Well, Vendavel. You have thrown your lot in with us, or so it seems. Is it your intent to stay with our group?"
GM, 746 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 02:59
  • msg #370

On the Road

After some casting about, the group did find a spot about a half mile from the place where they had entered the grounds to the house which seemed reasonably sheltered and not directly on the side of the road.  Some of the tall grasses that grew along the road were enough to screen them from immediate scrutiny by those on the road.
player, 198 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #371

On the Road

Pan sits down and this time, takes a sip from flask, just a sip, to help with the pain.

"I need to sleep, but I'll be up to watch later on.  Ven, I hope you do stay with us, and uh, what's your parrot's name, I've always been frightened of birds, is it, friendly?".
player, 493 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 07:33
  • msg #372

On the Road

"As this place seems safe, let us rest here> We can have some of utake turn to stand watch," Storm says.

Saying so, he scouts the area for a good vantage point to watch the road.
player, 132 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 18:13
  • msg #373

On the Road

Wick starts limping about, looking for a good source of clean water and to see if there's a good place to build a modest little fire.  He needed to get his wound cleaned up and bandaged up all proper.
Westin na'Belva
player, 111 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 4 May 2020
at 21:30
  • msg #374

On the Road

While the others setup camp and tend to their wounds or wounded, as the case may be, Westin moves towards the perimeter of the camp. "I'll stand guard here for now until Storm returns," he says. He slowly starts circling the camp, keeping his eyes outward. He feels bad so many people have gotten hurt trying to get that book.

Jade, stand watch from a safe location, Westin telepathically instructs his familiar.  Find a tree with a good view but don't get stuck up there!
This message was last edited by the player at 21:30, Mon 04 May 2020.
player, 13 posts
Tue 5 May 2020
at 05:34
  • msg #375

On the Road

Telemachus sits, and as the adrenalin finally subsides he starts to feel the pain in his body from the battle.

"Westin, I will rest. Wake in a few hours, and I will relieve you."
player, 34 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 5 May 2020
at 12:00
  • msg #376

On the Road

Vendavel appreciated that the group of adventurers was not more judgmental of the choices she had made. She still seemed very sheepish around them.

 "I want to thank you all for offering me a way out... I think I have been overwhelmed with panic recently, and I'm still not sure I was not under a spell at some point. But really it is cowardice that has kept me from leaving their lot sooner."

 She offered advice on the best place to get some rest, from whatever she knew of the area.
 "What are your plans  going forward? And if I may ask, why did you go after Eliphas in the first place?" she asked to no one in particular.

 "If you do intend to still go after them, I will stick with you I think. I still have a score to settle with one of his henchmen."
Westin na'Belva
player, 112 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 6 May 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #377

On the Road

"We weren't going after Eliphas," Westin says looking back and taking a pause in his circling of the camp. "While in town, I thought it might be good to visit the local wizard and perhaps exchange a few spells. But he wouldn't even see me. One of his apprentices said if I went to Máleodor's place and returned a book of his I might be able to meet with Malachy. So I thought, ok, I'd just go and ask for it. Try to reason with them. Maybe they would be reasonable. Didn't know at the time that the house was several miles outside town and was deserted. When I learned that out, I got nervous and convinced this group to come along with me just in case there was trouble. Frankly, I thought it would just take a couple of hours. I had no idea we would find Eliphas and his gang nor the other trouble we encountered," he says sadly.

"It wasn't the best idea, perhaps," Westin admits, "and frankly Malachy's apprentice seemed kind of creepy. I wasn't sure I wanted to return it to him even if I did find it. However, now, I'm ready to forget about the whole thing. Had no idea the house would be run down like it is and certainly no idea a bunch of thugs would be residing there." He pauses and flushes a bit. "Present company excluded, of course!"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:50, Wed 06 May 2020.
player, 199 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 03:36
  • msg #378

On the Road

Pan, who is curled up in his blanket, nearly asleep, says,

"Well said, Westin. As for seeing Eliphas and the others as enemies, well, they were consorting with gnolls, I didn't need any other evidence. Plus, he was hiding a lot of stuff, and using arcan…."  Pan falls asleep midsentence.  And likely won't remember a bit of it.
player, 14 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 22:41
  • msg #379

On the Road

Telemachus says to Westin and Vendavel, "We will need to reassess the situation and our position, of that there is no doubt. But, there is no need to blame yourself, Westin. We reacted to the situation as a group. You did not direct us. Don't forget to wake me in a few hours."

The druid then rolls over and is asleep in moments.
player, 494 posts
Thu 7 May 2020
at 08:29
  • msg #380

On the Road

"I am glad you have seen the light my friend," Storm says with a smile. He is thankful that the new companion saw fit to cast the shackles of her past.

Turning to Telemanchus, Storm says,"No doubt we may have an issue now. However, I am certain our goals now will need to factor in our latest discovery in the house. Let us rest our weary bodies."
player, 200 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #381

On the Road

It's early the next morning, before daybreak when Panatix awakens.  For the third time in the night, he turned over and pain of the wound in his side woke him, the first two times, he went back to sleep.  This time, not only the pain, but pressure on his bladder forces him up and making a quick trip to the outdoor, er, tree.

By that time, he is awake enough, and relieves whoever is still on watch.  He checks Lenelle to see she is comfortable.  And alive.  The one true healer in the group, and she's out.  Bad strategy. He notes, not for the first time, how lovely her face is, it matches her personality, how rare.  He dabs a bit of water to her lips, there ends his healing ability.

Taking a place where he can see and listen, he waits.  He really wants to study, but being on watch isn't a thing you can half do well.
GM, 766 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 04:22
  • msg #382

On the Road

The night had passed with varying degrees of discomfort.  The group had not prepared for such an eventuality as sleeping out in the wilderness, leaving cloaks and backpacks as all that was between them and the ground.  Although it became rather cool overnight, as it was still fairly early in the springtime, it was not so cool as to be a danger.

In the distance, they could faintly hear the sound of the bells of Prime as daylight started to brighten the eastern sky.
player, 15 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 05:05
  • msg #383

On the Road

Telemachus sits up as the sun rises, stiff from sleeping on the ground in the cold, and from battle the day before.

He stands and stretches, and then sits again, in a more meditative posture and begins his morning prayers.

When he is finished he turns to Lenelle and casts two healing spells on her.

"Who else is in need of healing?" he asks.

Pray for Cure Light Wounds x3

22:02, Today: Mac rolled 1 using 1d8.  CLW - Lenelle
22:02, Today: Mac rolled 3 using 1d8.  CLW 2 - Lenelle

22:04, Today: Mac rolled 2 using 1d8.  CLW 3 - on Storm

This message was last edited by the player at 22:14, Wed 13 May 2020.
GM, 767 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 11:03
  • msg #384

On the Road


Vendavel 7 (uninjured)
Westin 4 (uninjured)
Telemachus 3
Panatix 1
Storm 1
Wick 5
Lenelle 4
player, 201 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 17:35
  • msg #385

On the Road

Pan breaks out his book and studies as soon as others begin to stir in the morning.  He studies for awhile before joining the others.
player, 133 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 19:37
  • msg #386

On the Road

Wick gives a bit of a hand wave to Mac's query about who needs healing.  "But the warrior types probably need it worse than me.  Just don't look for me to do a lot of scouting ahead with this limp."

He takes some time to pull off his bandages and inspect the wound.  Then he cleans it and rebinds it again.  It was stiff and sore this morning and he moves about with a pretty distinct limp at first, but as he warms up the muscles, he moves around a bit easier, though the limp is still noticeable.
player, 496 posts
Thu 14 May 2020
at 08:52
  • msg #387

On the Road

"Thak you for the healing my friend,"Storm tells Tele. However, he is still feeling sore from the wounds and decides to for once, channel his own limited healing to close more wounds.

He lays his hands on the worst of the wounds and wills them to close.

Then he turns to the companions. "Shall we take a careful stroll back to town and the church or continue to rest? I think we can manage a slow walk and avoid crowd or monsters on the main road."
player, 203 posts
Thu 14 May 2020
at 22:41
  • msg #388

On the Road

"I say we make it to town, I'd like to sleep in a bed tonight while I heal up...".
Westin na'Belva
player, 113 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 14 May 2020
at 22:57
  • msg #389

On the Road

"I'm good with going back to town," Westin chimes in, glad to see others are doing somewhat better but sad to see more healing is needed.
player, 17 posts
Fri 15 May 2020
at 16:32
  • msg #390

On the Road

"Back to town. If Eliphas is sending someone after us, it is unlikely they will strike in daylight on the road."

Does the group have a ship? And is it docked in this town? I admit, I have not red up all of the back-posts yet! I will do so this weekend as Monday is a holiday, and we are still socially isolating!

GM, 769 posts
Fri 15 May 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #392

On the Road

Although all were rather stiff, and many sore and wounded, the group made their way slowly along the road back to Monteci.  Soon, the church on the edge of the town could be seen, and beyond the rest of the small town.  Looking out into the water, as they traversed the rounded end of the bay, they could see that several boats had gone out, apparently engaged in their normal work of fishing.

Yes, the group has a ship (Ananke) for which Telemachus is the acting captain.  It is currently docked in Monteci (the town that you'll be returning to).
player, 497 posts
Sat 16 May 2020
at 08:31
  • msg #393

On the Road

OOC: Yes, the ship has a ton of goodies as well. Btw, Are we all healed up and in town? If so,

Storm brings Lenelle to the church to seek help.
GM, 771 posts
Sun 17 May 2020
at 17:16
  • msg #394

On the Road

The battered and injured group made their way into Monteci, stopping at the church at the edge of town.

The young acolyte who was the first one that anyone in the group saw, took in the appearance of the group, and gulped.

"Um, if you can follow me," he said, his voice hitting that adolescent squeak between boy and man, "um, I know Brother Niall's order is supposed to get here today, but maybe he still has somethings we can use."

He ushered the group around the side of the church into a large room which held four beds, each separated from the other by a thin wooden wall on one side of the room.

"I'll go get Brother Niall," he said, leaving the group alone in what appeared to be the treatment room.

In Monteci:
Vendavel (uninjured)
Westin (uninjured)
Telemachus 3
Panatix 1
Storm 4
Wick 5
Lenelle 4
player, 134 posts
Sun 17 May 2020
at 17:36
  • msg #395

On the Road

Wick limps heavily towards one of the beds.  His limping had gotten worse as the walked and he’d lagged behind repeatedly.  Sitting down, he stretches out his wounded leg with a groan.  “Hope they don’t just them as are members of the faith.”
player, 1 post
Sun 17 May 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #396

On the Road

Teodosin arrives at the church in Monteci carrying the package of herbs. It did take a lot of effort but Brother's Nial healing brews are known to work well and he will certainly have use for them. He is tired but also in a very good mood, it was the first time he completed a task alone. After exchanging greetings and delivering the herbs, he asks for a room to stay. He needs to find more work and he does want to see more of the islands.
Westin na'Belva
player, 114 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sun 17 May 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #397

On the Road

"If anyone wants anything in town, I can fetch it," he offers. He picks up Jade and scratches here around her ears. Jade starts purring contentedly. "Is this your temple Lenelle?" he asks softly unsure if she has the energy or interest in conversing or just wants to lie down and enjoy some peace and quiet. "Seems awfully nice of them to take us all in without any questions," he comments.
player, 35 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 18 May 2020
at 08:25
  • msg #398

On the Road

Vendavel was awfully quiet, compared to her usual self. Not that the others would know that, having just met her. Things had moved quickly for her, and she was still adjusting to the situation. As they walked towards the small town, she was lost in daydream and mumbled conversations with her parrot — not that he answered in any way.

She had decided to stick with this merry band for now —maybe only for safety, as they were still very close to Eliphas and she was worried about his nonchalant attitude earlier.

There was a score she still wished to settle there, and she assumed these brave folks would want to see their friend again. Things could align beneficially.
player, 498 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 09:03
  • msg #399

On the Road

Storm thanks the brother for fetching his superior and lays his friend on a chair while he looks around the church admiring it. He has only been here but a few days and yet so much has happened to the party.

He turns to Weston and says,"thank you my friend but there is not need to for now for me at least. Perhaps we should all wait for bother Niall and hear what he has to say."
GM, 773 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 14:16
  • msg #400

On the Road

Niall, happy to see his visitor, accepted the package of herbs.  "It's good that you got here with these," he said.  "My stores are getting rather low."

As one acolyte prepared to lead Teodoin to the hall where rooms for visitors were, another came in to speak to Niall, speaking in his cracking voice about injured people.

"Very fortuitous," said Niall, "that the delivery came today.  Thank you, Teodoin."

Niall walked into the room where the rest of the group had been led, and looked about, clearly recognizing Lenelle, Storm, and Telemachus.

"What has happened?" he said, taking in the extent of the injuries of those in the group.  He looked to the three that he recognized, expecting one of them to begin the tale.  "You seem to have come to rather serious grief since yesterday."
Westin na'Belva
player, 115 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 18 May 2020
at 17:01
  • msg #401

On the Road

"It turns out Máleodor's house wasn't deserted after all," Westin begins. "Down in the basement we encountered what appears to have been a gang of smugglers headed by someone named Eliphas. A fight ensued and it wasn't pretty. Fortunately, Eliphas was amenable to letting us leave peacefully. All of us, except for Dak. He disappeared shortly before we encountered Eliphas's gang and when we encountered them, he appeared to have joined Eliphas's gang, even attacking Storm," Westin adds glumly.

"Dak was either enticed or ensorcelled to join Eliphas's gang. He did not return with us. However, we did manage to find one person interested in leaving," he says turns to Vendavel. "This is Vendavel. We found her in the kitchen and, well, I'll let her tell you her story."

"We did also lose Karel," Westin add sadly. "He had been scouting the area around the house by himself and a enormous snake living in the well came up and..," Westin grimaces. "Didn't know what had happened to him until we went searching for him. We killed the snake but by then it was too late."

"It was a busy morning!" he says. "Did I miss anything?" he asks, looking at the others.
player, 108 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 18 May 2020
at 21:19
  • msg #402

On the Road

As soon as she was cognizant enough to do so, Lenelle thanked Mac, Storm, and everyone else who had any hand in healing her or getting her back.  "I am in your debt my friends," she said to them earnestly.
* * * *
(At the church)

"Well you did leave out the fact that it isn't only humans, but gnolls as well.   Are they at all common on this isle, Father Niall?  I think it would be well to know how they came to work with the smugglers. They are barbaric and dangerous, and a real threat if they arrive here in any number," she added.

"And personally, I'm not at all happy about Dak's situation.  If he remains there, they can just continue to renew the spell, till he finally meets some bad end in their service. The thought more than bothers me. Who are the proper authorities to take this information to? These people must be rooted out, once and for all."
player, 4 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 22:02
  • msg #403

On the Road

Teodoin sets his pack and tries to remove the dust and dirt from his clothes. His curiosity was peaked by the reference to injured people and perhaps he could be of help. He goes back to the main room.
player, 19 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 23:33
  • msg #404

On the Road

"Thank you for taking us in, Father Niall. As Lenelle and Westin have said, we were not prepared for dealing with the band of smugglers. And we have lost Dak to their dark magicks. We must come up with a plan to rescue him!"
Brother Niall
Tue 19 May 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #405

On the Road

Niall started for a cabinet, and started setting out a number of bottles.

"This is most concerning," he said, handing round bottles to Panatix, Wick, Storm, Lenelle, and Telemachus.  "Fortunately, Teodoin arrived earlier--just a little before you, in fact, with some of the herbs I use for these brews.  So I will have more on the morrow."

((These potions are quite efficacious and will heal 1d4+5, to max, hp))

"Drink up, drink up," he urged the wounded members of the group.  "It may be the last of my store, but I'll get to brewing shortly.  First, though, I will need to bring deMontec's man in to discuss these events."

He started scribbling on a small piece of parchment and said, "But do just rest for a short time here, you seem to have been through more than enough already.  I'm just going to get a message sent off."

He left the room, calling an acolyte and handed the parchment to him, sending the youth off with a shooing motion.

"Ah, Teodoin," said Niall, seeing the young man.  "Perhaps you would like to meet some of my patients?"  He gestured broadly that Teodoin should follow him back into the large treatment room.
player, 6 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 19 May 2020
at 12:54
  • msg #406

On the Road

Teodoin follows Brother Nial to the treatment room. Nodding his head and smiling faintly, he takes in the state of the people inside and says shyly: "Greetings, I am Teodoin. Seems you had a rough journey, hope you get well soon."
player, 135 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 04:08
  • msg #407

On the Road

Wick sniffs at the fraught, making a bit of a face.  He glances at Teodoin.  He hoists the drought and exclaims, “To your health friend Teodoin.”  He takes a long pull at the drought, taking it in with one long pull.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and smacks his lips.  “My, that was tasty.”
player, 20 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 04:12
  • msg #408

On the Road

"Thank you, Father Niall. Your generosity is immense. And greetings to you Teodoin, I am Telemachus."

Sips potion until it is gone.
22:34, Today: Mac rolled 6 using 1d4+5.  healing potion - back to max 8 hp

[Edit: forgot to include action of drinking potion!

This message was last edited by the player at 05:35, Thu 21 May 2020.
Westin na'Belva
player, 118 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 20 May 2020
at 16:11
  • msg #409

On the Road

"Hi Teodoin, nice to meet you," Westin says. "and this is my cat, Jade," he says holding up the cat.
Brother Niall
Wed 20 May 2020
at 18:57
  • msg #410

On the Road

"Not a problem," Niall said to Telemachus, "it seems that we did not have good information to give before you set out for the place, and I'll be better stocked tomorrow, as well.  Teodoin--who has brought me these herbs I needed--he might be able to help you in a plan to return to the house, that you might rescue your companion and deal with those smugglers.  I don't know if deMontec would have more aid to give, but when his man arrives, perhaps you can ask.  Now, if you would excuse me, I'm going to get the brews started, and I will bring deMontec's man here when he arrives."
player, 112 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 20 May 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #411

On the Road

She trusted Father Niall, and thus didn't hesitate to drink the potion, scrunching her lips a little at the taste.  And was very pleased when it more than did the job.

Lenelle rolled 6 using 1d4+5.  healing potion. Yep, even minimum roll...that still does the trick.  (full hp)   

"Bless you for your kindness and your help, Father Niall." She regarded the newcomer.  "Welcome to Atu's church, Teodoin.  Have you any experience with gnolls?" 
player, 8 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 20 May 2020
at 23:26
  • msg #412

On the Road

Teodoin smiles at the cat and reaches out to touch it, slowly. Turning to Lenelle he says, still looking at the cat: "No, not really. Heard of them but never encountered one. I haven't travelled far, yet. I will be more than gladly go, if you think I can be of help.".
player, 13 posts
Westin's familiar
Thu 21 May 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #413

On the Road

Jade moves, rubbing the side of her neck against Teodoin's hand, "prrrrr."
player, 10 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 21 May 2020
at 01:10
  • msg #414

On the Road

Feeling welcomed, Teodoin scratches between Jade's ears, speaking lowly to the cat:"Well, nice one, if you need a scratch and Westin is busy. Come to me, It will be a pleasure." He keeps smiling at Jade.
player, 499 posts
Thu 21 May 2020
at 03:25
  • msg #415

On the Road

“Thank you Sire for the potion. It is indeed helpful.” Storm smiles and asks priest how are things in town since they left.

OOC: As Storm has 6hp now. He will keep the potion first in case they stay longer at the place and he has a chance to heal himself.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:24, Thu 21 May 2020.
player, 205 posts
Thu 21 May 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #416

On the Road

Pan has taken a seat on on of the beds, when the father passes around the healing drinks, he first thinks to ask.....what does this cost me?....but stays the words, instead he asks,

"How long do the healing properties of this...uhm,....brew last?"
Brother Niall
Thu 21 May 2020
at 11:35
  • msg #417

On the Road

"The effect does not fade away," said Brother Niall.  "Though it is no proof against a new injury.  Please, drink it, you look to be in great need."
player, 139 posts
Thu 21 May 2020
at 14:41
  • msg #418

On the Road

Wick gets up and starts moving around, at first tentatively then with more confidence as the pain in his leg appears to have disappeared.  Even the soreness was almost gone.

"Best brew I've ever had."  He says to the priest, the smile on his face showing his gratitude.  Then he looks to the rest, "So I guess now we figure out what we'd like to do next.  I'm thinking something hot and tasty along with something cold and soothing.  Anyone else hungry?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 119 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 21 May 2020
at 16:32
  • msg #419

On the Road

"I am," Westin says eagerly. "Not sure if tried it but if not, the Cat and Custard Pot has a really good barley bread bowl, with pieces of fish, dill, lemon balm. It was nice a creamy too, very good. I'm always good, though, going to someplace new. I used to be a cook and like to try out all the local culinary expressions."
player, 206 posts
Thu 21 May 2020
at 17:42
  • msg #420

On the Road

The gnome in him really wants to tuck it away, save it for the next time he's injured.   After all, he's safe in town, the wounds will heal up eventually.  He sits on the edge of the bed to think about it and all the adrenaline that has been keeping him upright seems to fade.  The pain of his wound throbs and he feels slightly feint.  Taking a breathe he steadies his hand and drinks the potion.  Feels it flow through him.

"Bless you for that.  Yes, something cold to drink is sounding better now".
player, 22 posts
Thu 21 May 2020
at 21:41
  • msg #421

On the Road

"A hot meal would do us all good. And perhaps we can plan how to rescue Dak?"
player, 11 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 21 May 2020
at 21:56
  • msg #422

On the Road

"Sounds good, still have some dust to clean from the trip, the ale will help."
Teodoin, if he is honest with himself, is a bit afraid, but there is someone to save from gnolls it seems. Not something he would let pass.
player, 501 posts
Fri 22 May 2020
at 02:46
  • msg #423

On the Road

"Thank you for the wonderful food and healing. May I ask do you think Dak was ensorcelled or willingly joined the guys?" Storm asks Fathe Niall.
Brother Niall
Fri 22 May 2020
at 03:01
  • msg #424

On the Road

"I do not believe I met Dak," replied Niall.  "So, I cannot say for certain.  Are you all going down to the Cat and Custard Pot for breakfast this morn?"
player, 502 posts
Fri 22 May 2020
at 03:39
  • msg #425

On the Road

:I am not certain where the rest are going. Just wondering if there are any strange oocurings in the city lately? Also, I am thinking of getting a suit of platemail. Do you think it is possible?" Storm asks the man.
Brother Niall
Sat 23 May 2020
at 17:30
  • msg #426

On the Road

"No, I don't think platemail is possible around here," said Niall.  "There hasn't been much different in the town from yesterday."
player, 504 posts
Sun 24 May 2020
at 01:04
  • msg #427

On the Road

Storm's face falls at that news. However, he continues,'So where can we get some plate? It will be good for forces of good to be equipped with the best mail available. And I am really grateful for all you have done for us."
player, 38 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 24 May 2020
at 08:51
  • msg #428

On the Road

 Vendavel did not require healing, she staid in the background as the group talked to the priest. After they all had been cured and suggested a meal she weighed in on the issue of Dak:
 “Your friend may be in trouble... I know a thing or two about the magic that Eliphas uses, and he can indeed renew his power over your friend almost indefinitely. But he won’t be a puppeteer to him either, he can only force his mind to see him as a friend. We should act fast though, before Eliphas convinces his new “friend” to do something stupid and dangerous.”
player, 114 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 24 May 2020
at 23:15
  • msg #429

On the Road

Lenelle nodded at that information, confirming what she had suspected.

"Aye.  Let's go have a good meal, and something cold to drink.  I'm rather famished, after being injured like that.  It sounds really good.  And, let's definitely lay a plan to get Dak out of that scheming smuggler's clutches.   I believe he would do it for any of us, if the position was reversed.  He deserves no less." 

She looked to the crestfallen paladin. "Well, Sir Storm, they do manufacture plate armor on Calandia, where I'm from.    But I think on any of these smaller isles, it's likely going to be a tough find."

At least, I'd suppose they would on Calandia, if anywhere.   If no, I'll edit that bit.  ;)
This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Sun 24 May 2020.
player, 141 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #430

On the Road

Wick shrugs.  “If Dak chooses to stick with Eliphas, that’s his business.  And we didn’t do so well against him before.  But let’s get the food and then we can figure out the next thing.”
GM, 787 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 01:16
  • msg #431

On the Road

It was a fairly short walk, and certainly much easier now that the wounded had been healed, to reach the Cat and Custard Pot.  The aroma of breakfast was in the air as Aidan worked behind the bar.  There was one other in the inn, a man who was clearly dressed for travel, who looked near to finishing his meal, while the rest of the tables were open.

The harbormaster, who had dealt with Telemachus before, waved to the young druid in a beckoning manner.
player, 24 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 03:19
  • msg #432

On the Road

Telemachus waves back to the harbourmaster, "I'll be back in a moment," he says the to group and walks over the harbourmaster.

"Well met Fintan, how are you today?"

[Edit: added the harbourmaster's name.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:48, Mon 25 May 2020.
Mon 25 May 2020
at 03:43
  • msg #433

On the Road

The harbormaster, Fintan, said, "As ye asked, got yer boat looked after right well.  Looks pretty good for sea-faring, least wise if you don't go out to far from shore.  One of the fellers what came in with ya, though, he came in last night to look into the boat, like he didn't want to be recognized.  I let him board and all, he said he was gonna stay at the Cat and Custard Pot, but Aidan said he didn't let a room to anyone but the fellow buying cloth for Shipton."
player, 25 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 03:59
  • msg #434

On the Road

Telemachus' eyes go very wide.

He swallows hard, "Would that be my companion, Dak, you saw last night? Wiry, black hair, carries a longsword?

Did you see if he took anything off Ananke?"

After a slight pause, the druid's jaw drops as he realises something...his voice rises in panic, "Fintan, was Ananke still moored this morning?"
Mon 25 May 2020
at 04:03
  • msg #435


"Did not see any sword with him," replied Fintan.  "Of course your ship's still there."  He sounded a little affronted as though he felt accused of failing to do his duty.  "The young man did go onto the ship, and he had a pack with him, but I didn't see what he mighta took or not.  Figured you was all still together, even if he acted little funny."
player, 39 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 25 May 2020
at 21:51
  • msg #436


Vendavel followed to the inn, and announced:
 “I owe you all for getting me out of that den... first round is on me. I know this will not repay my debt, or be sufficient for you to fully trust me, but I have to start somewhere.”

 She took the order and settled the tab before it piled up to more than she could afford.

 Once she was seated with a cup of watered down red wine, she realised who Telemachus was talking to.
 “Isn’t that the harbourmaster? Wait... do you all own a ship?!”  She seemed more than surprised, almost struck by lightning.

 “This must be the lady of Luck placing you on my route, I’ve been seeking to embark! Please tell me you have a need for a sailor and junior navigator... who’s the Captain?”

 She seemed unreasonable excited at the prospect of leaving firm land. Her parrot quacked in support, as if he too wanted to leave the shore as soon as possible.
player, 116 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Tue 26 May 2020
at 22:10
  • msg #437


"Ah, that breakfast smells heavenly," Lenelle had remarked, "which, as an Atuan priestess, isn't a word I throw around lightly."   She was indeed famished, as she had said.  But then a more important matter swiftly asserted itself:

She listened to Mac's dialog with the harbormaster, frowning and shaking her head at Dak's ongoing plight.   She hoped that nothing of especial value had been left on the Ananke , otherwise it was almost surely in the possession of the smugglers now. Or en route with Dak to wherever he was headed.

Her thoughts broke once Vendavel spoke her enthusiasm for the ship.    At the question of the captain's identity, she pointed at Telemachus.
player, 26 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 00:26
  • msg #438


Figured you was all still together, even if he acted little funny.

"My apologies. I did not mean sound accusatory, Fintan. Dak has been ensorcelled by a smuggling wizard. It's my fault for not thinking of this possibility.

I ask that if Dak comes back to the ship on his, or without one of us,"
he broadly points to the group, "that you not allow him on the ship, and that you have him arrested, if possible."

Fishing into his pouch, he pulls out some coins and hands them to the harbourmaster, "And before I forget, here is our fee for another week's moorage."

The druid then returns to the table for a moment, "Dak was on Ananke, last night! I must see what he has taken, or what he has done."

Telemachus rushes from the tavern heading to the harbour.

5 asil spent

Wed 27 May 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #439


"That'd explain why he seemed to be acting funny," said Fintan.  "Knowing he ain't still with ya, sure and I'd be keeping him off your ship.  Don't right know what we'd be holding him on, though, if he don't stir up no troubles."  Fintan took the coins, and said, "I'll get you logged in for another week, then."
Westin na'Belva
player, 120 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 27 May 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #440

Re: Monteci

...Her thoughts broke once Vendavel spoke her enthusiasm for the ship.    At the question of the captain's identity, she pointed at Telemachus.

"I've been known to captain a small sailboat myself though usually I went solo," Westin says. "I grew up on a tiny island. The only way to go places or explore was by boat. Had a lot of fun sailing from island to island. Even started conducting a little trade though that was really just to support my journeys and to keep my ship in good shape. I have always been a lot more reckless in regards to exploring than the elves in my community."

"Haven't sailed a larger sailing ship but, like you Vendavel, I would definitely be interested in learning. I've been meaning to ask you Vendavel. Do you think it's possible that you might have ben ensorcelled too? Perhaps you aren't responsible for your behavior as you think. Something you might consider. When we manage to rescue Dak, I have a feeling he's going to feel really bad."
player, 12 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 27 May 2020
at 10:57
  • msg #441

Re: Monteci

Teodoin eats his breakfast eagerly. He keeps his silence but pays close attention on the conversation. A friend under the spell of some wizard? And they have a boat? That may be a greater opportunity than he thought.
player, 143 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 17:48
  • msg #442

Re: Monteci

Wick keeps his attention on his food, but keeps an eye on Lenelle.  His general approach is to keep information about himself to himself, but he also wanted to make sure everyone recognized the benefits he brings.  “Sounds like we’ve got a bit of the same background, I was a sailor myself.”
player, 208 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #443

Re: Monteci

Panatix had only had a few bits and sipped the cold drink when Telemachus returned with the news.  He quickly drank down half of what he had left.

"Yeah, we should inventory the ship, make sure he didn't take, or leave anything important, I'll go with you in case he set a trap of some kind.  Although, maybe he just left us a message....don't let them take my food, I'll be back for it..."
GM, 790 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #444

Re: Monteci

As the group began to tuck into their breakfast at the Cat and Custard Pot, another man entered the establishment.  This man, dressed in fine linen of a dark mulberry color, came over to their table.

"Brother Niall had sent word, and you are the group he mentioned that had looked into that old house a few miles out?" he said.  "I'm Labras, steward for deMontec.  I understand that there was more difficulty than expected in that venture."  He seemed to be leaving the statement open-ended for the group to fill in more details.
player, 209 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #445

Re: Monteci

Pan wastes no time and is back at the inn, his food barely cooled.

"Well, Dak didn't steal from us, he took what was due to him only".
Westin na'Belva
player, 121 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 28 May 2020
at 01:11
  • msg #446

Re: Monteci

"That suggests to me he was charmed," Westin declares. "If he was a traitor, he would have taken all the treasure. At this point, though, I'm not sure if that makes all that much of a difference as he will still probably fight to protect Eli. "

He suddenly remember Labras. "Hi Labras, I'm Westin. You heard right. We went to what was presumably a deserted house and discovered in the basement what we think is a gang of smugglers headed by a magic user named Eliphas. He appeared to have ensorcelled one of our own, a human named Dak. The fight that broke out was not so pretty. In fact, Eli must have felt sorry for use and allowed us to escape. We could certainly use some help but be warned. Eli is probably not boing to be so generous next time."
player, 27 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 05:47
  • msg #447

Re: Monteci

That suggests to me he was charmed,

As Telemachus slides into his chair he says, "I agree, Westin. But the behaviour seems odd to, even for someone..."

His voice trails off as he finally notices the stranger, when Westin draw his attention to him.

"Hello, Labras is it? I am Telemachus. What is your interest in our pathetic escapade?"
player, 505 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 12:27
  • msg #448

Re: Monteci

Storm interjects and says,"I too think he is charmed I am Storm and I ask if there i any request for us?"
Thu 28 May 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #449

Re: Monteci

The man said, "I am steward for deMontec.  Brother Niall had sent word up that there turned out to be smugglers in the old house?  That's certainly something that we do not want, especially so close here.  And you say, too, that there is a wizard amongst them?  How many are in this band, were you able to get that much information?"
player, 117 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 29 May 2020
at 19:58
  • msg #450

Re: Monteci

"Someone else can surely supply a more accurate count than any guess I'd make," put in Lenelle, "but I believe there is enough to deem this an organization, if just a small one.  I am with Atu's church, and from the beginning have wanted to bring in Monteci's proper authority.  Vigilantism is seldom a sound first choice - and it was not our plan going in. Things just happened."
Westin na'Belva
player, 122 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 29 May 2020
at 20:09
  • msg #451

Re: Monteci

"There were at least 2 gnolls and a number of men," Westin says gazing in reflection. "How many would you say Vendavel?"

"She was trapped there," Westin explains.
player, 144 posts
Fri 29 May 2020
at 22:12
  • msg #452

Re: Monteci

Wick weighs, ”They had us outnumbered, I’d say a dozen all told, including the gnoll s and the leader, and Dak.”. Wick continues to enjoy his meal, he was considering seconds, he was still underfed after being locked up in the hold, but gorging himself wasn’t going to help anything.

”And he might not be nice, but the leader let us go mostly unscathed when he could have had us all killed, so I don’t think he’s all that evil, or he’s got something else up his sleeve.  For instance, if he bested a group of adventurers who then ran back to town and reported it to the nearest noble, that noble might send a force out.  Who knows, they might be ambushed or they might be laying in wait for the troops to head out, then sack the castle when the defenses are down.  You never can tell with mages...  uhm, no offense.” he adds the last belatedly at thei friendly neighborhood mage.
Sat 30 May 2020
at 01:18
  • msg #453

Re: Monteci

"He might have to take some time to organize a move from there," said Labras, "it's possible that a quick move could catch him flat.  How many do you say there are?"
player, 13 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sat 30 May 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #454

Re: Monteci

"I thought gnolls usually gathered in greater numbers. That wizard may be part of something bigger." Teodoin splutters then closes his mouth, face a bit red.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:47, Sat 30 May 2020.
Westin na'Belva
player, 123 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 30 May 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #455

Re: Monteci

"I was surprised to see gnolls there together with humans," Westin says thoughtfully. "Not a pact I would have expected. I hadn't considered it might be something bigger. It's both interesting and concerning," he said with a tilt of his head.
player, 145 posts
Sat 30 May 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #456

Re: Monteci

Wick sighs.  If this Laura’s fellow wasn’t going to pay attention, Wick wasn’t going to spend his day repeating himself.  Or, maybe it was more, maybe the fellow was too high and mighty to listen to a lowly sailor who has been through some rough sees of late.  But then he chides himself for being so unneighborly.  Besides, it was easier to be invited into a rich mans house then to break in.  ”I are it about a dozen.”. He says it with a bit more volume, just in case.  ”That’s not to say that there weren’t others we didnn’t tussle with.”
player, 506 posts
Sat 30 May 2020
at 08:04
  • msg #457

Re: Monteci

"We are really uncertain how many people there are. We may not have seen all of them. There should at least be te by my estimates, probably a lot more," Storm says.
player, 40 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 31 May 2020
at 14:20
  • msg #458

Re: Monteci

Vendavel remained quiet in front of the bailiff. Her involvement with the smugglers was still a bit murky, and even if I had been suggested that she was charmed and coerced into working with them, she had nothing to prove it.
She casually said:  “There are only two gnolls and they’re not the worst. Six men, plus your friend Dak, and the wizard, Eliphas.”
This message was last edited by the player at 20:27, Sun 31 May 2020.
Sun 31 May 2020
at 14:29
  • msg #459

Re: Monteci

Labras looked thoughtful, and then said, "As you know the way already, perhaps it would be good if you returned to take out these smugglers.  Perhaps there is more to the organization but this would remove the land base.  Brother Niall should have some brews he could send with you tomorrow, and I'd be able to spare two men from the watch without leaving Monteci vulnerable."
player, 14 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 31 May 2020
at 16:53
  • msg #460

Re: Monteci

Teodoin nods at Labras. He doesn't know much about the situation but he doesn't like the idea of smugglers walking freely around with gnolls at all. Certainly move as fast as the group can is a sound one.
player, 146 posts
Sun 31 May 2020
at 17:27
  • msg #461

Re: Monteci

Wick gives a snort.  ”They didn’t have much trouble taking us down and only let us go out of, i don’t know, maybe pity.  It wasn’t a near enough thing that a couple of watchmen would make a big difference.  At very least, I’d expect you to outfit our warriors from your armory and given the risk, that’s not much incentive to head back.”. Of course, they were going to an abandoned house before, this time it would be going knowing there are ruffians about.  But first, he’d want to know what reward was being offered, and that this fellow not only was who he says he is, but also that he’s not in league with the mage.
player, 118 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 31 May 2020
at 19:35
  • msg #462

Re: Monteci

"Two gnolls...well, that much is a relief to know.  Maybe they're outcasts from their own people, because they aren't as bad as the rest?"  She shrugged, feeling relieved to know an incursion of them didn't sound likely.

Like Wick, she was enjoying the hell out of her meal. Not that as a cleric she would put it in those words.    She listened as he rebutted Labras' solicitation for aid, asking for greater support than was offered.   There were different kinds of wisdom.  She suspected Wick had the sort that was hard won, out of surviving successfully on his own.
player, 29 posts
Sun 31 May 2020
at 20:13
  • msg #463

Re: Monteci

"What we need, is a way to remove the ensorcellment from Dak so to rescue him from Eliphas' control.

Can you provide us with that, Master Labras?"

Westin na'Belva
player, 124 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sun 31 May 2020
at 23:15
  • msg #464

Re: Monteci

"I know a bit about Charm spells," Westin volunteers. "A dispel magic would work. However, that's a powerful spell outside my ability. Do you know that spell Labras?"

"We could also try to trick Eliphas into harming or attempting to harm Dak," Westin adds. "A clever illusion of some type might do the trick. The spell isn't permanent. It does wear off over time. If Dak is exceptionally bright, it might be a few days. If not, probably a few weeks unless, of course, Eliphas casts it on Dak again."
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 01:48
  • msg #465

Re: Monteci

"I am no mage, that I can help with such things," said Labras.  "Of course, there is Malachy here in town, but he's ... difficult to deal with.  Why he wanted to settle here, I don't know, but we're lucky he pays his taxes without complaint.  Now, if Teodoin were to go with you and the two from the town's watch, that would give you three more hands than before--and perhaps things learned from before might help?"  Labras said, "And of course, Brother Niall's brews, we can send some with you.  We might need to send for more of the herbs he uses to make them, but that's a matter for a different day."
player, 507 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #466

Re: Monteci

“I believe they ambushed us with spells and we very nearly died. I am all for rooting out that evil if they are really evil. May I ask if you have some better armour to loan us?”’Storm asks politely.
player, 15 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #467

Re: Monteci

"A bow, long or composite long, would be a good help.And a pair of quivers  full of arrows." Teodoin says sheepshly "lost mine, not really enough to get a new one"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:47, Mon 01 June 2020.
player, 30 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 06:09
  • msg #468

Re: Monteci

"Difficult or not, if this Malachy is the only person who can supply a means to dispel the magic enthralling Dak, then we must have a talk with him.

Vendavel, are you absolutely sure that they number only 9? Is there another way into the caves? Other than through the house?

We will need to plan our sortie ahead of time. I have a spell that will entangle creatures if there are plants - does anyone recall if there was any grass or weeds growing in the caves, I must admit I did not pay attention!"

[Edit: grammar]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:35, Mon 01 June 2020.
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 14:50
  • msg #469

Re: Monteci

Labras looked at Storm askance and said, "You already wear armor heavier than most around here."  He looked about at the others and said, "Then is it agreed that you will go?  I can sign a writ for you to take to the fletcher, and for all the good it will do, I can try with you to speak to Malachy."
Westin na'Belva
player, 125 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 16:27
  • msg #470

Re: Monteci

Westin frowns. "I visited Malachy in his tower or should say tried to visit him. I did not have any luck. His second apprentice wouldn't provide an audience or even let Malachy know I wanted to see him. That's actually how this whole thing started. That apprentice told me to return his Ars Mathematica and I might be able to see Malachy. At least, he would let him know that I wanted to see him."

"You're welcome to try. I can tell you where his tower is, however, I don't think I want to go back. At least, not without the book. I should warn you that 2nd apprentice seemed kind of, how do you say in Calandian, creepy?" Westin says, shuddering a bit.

"If you go, let me know when you return as I would be interested to know what was said and what happened," he adds.
GM, 794 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #471

XP Line

player, 16 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 19:33
  • msg #472

XP Line

Teodoin turns to Westin
"I am jumping into the middle of something, forgive me if I am making you repeat yourself. What is the connection between Malachy and the smugglers? You went to abandoned house to look for this book?"
He should keep his silence but he needs to know what he is kind of mess he is entering.
Westin na'Belva
player, 126 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 21:50
  • msg #473

XP Line

"No worries, I didn't explain things very well," Westin says with a smile. "Malachy is a mage living here in town.  I live on a very small island and only very recently became a mage. I had heard that there was a mage living here on this island so I came here, hoping he might be willing to exchange a few spells. I found out where his tower was and went and knocked on the door."

"Malachy didn't answer the door. The door was answered by a young apprentice boy. When I asked for Malachy, the boy apprentice left and a second apprentice came. He wore some weird goggles and looked kind of scary. That apprentice wanted to know why Malachy should be bothered to see me. After talking a bit, this second apprentice told me that if I do him a favor he would put in a good word for me to see Malachy. This apprentice had loaned a book to a mage named Máelodor and he wanted the book back. All I had to do was return that book and he would put in a good word for me to see Malachy. He told me Máelodor lived outside of town and then abruptly left."

"When I later inquired in town about where exactly Máelodor lived. I discovered that Máelodor wasn't alive or at least people didn't think so. They did tell me where his house was, about 4 miles down the road."

"The thought of exploring a deserted Mage's house outside of town made me nervous so I looked for help and met the other people you see here. We all agreed to go explore the house. I really thought the house, especially as poor of shape it was in, would be empty. Wrong! We have encountered a giant snake on the grounds that killed one of our party members, a vagabond human who had been kidnapped by some unseen assailant and left tied up in one of the rooms but when freed held a knife to my throat, and his gang of smugglers headed by a mage named Eliphas that apparently charmed one of our party members and almost killed all of us." 

"As for Malachy's connection to these smugglers, I would think that there is none," Westin says with a tilt of his head. "Certainly none that I am aware of."
player, 41 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 23:27
  • msg #474

XP Line

Vendavel turned to Telemachus with something between a shrug and a confident nod.
 “There were only seven men there. And two gnolls. And me. Eliphas very likely has other connections, maybe more people he can call to.”

She was feeding nibbles to her parrot, who seemed to listen to the conversations as much as she did. He too, it seemed, was keen to join a maritime crew if given the opportunity.
player, 148 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 00:26
  • msg #475

XP Line

Wick turns the bulk of his attention back to the meal, though there wasn’t much left.  He wasn’t surprised that the noble wasn’t offering as much reward as Wick would like, but as far as he could tell, the man wasn’t offering any reward.  Okay, a few healing droughts and a bow, not what Wick would call a fair payday for the risk.
player, 508 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 07:51
  • msg #476

XP Line

“Seven men and two gnolls are not dangerous but the mage certainly is. I say we rest and prepare ourselves and ensure we have a plan to rush them. Lady Vandeval, do you or are you able to draw or create a map of the place?”’Storm asks politely.
player, 17 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 13:54
  • msg #477

XP Line

Teodoin nods thankfully at Westin
"Thank you, I am less at lost now."
He has a faint smile on his face.  They will probably try to figure a plan later, better if he waits.
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 14:50
  • msg #478


"Very well.  I will have to discuss with deMontec what the bounty would be for these smugglers," said Labras, pulling out some parchment and he scrawled some details down, and dropped some wax on the page and pressed his ring into the wax.  "Take this to the fletcher--over across the bridge, near the bathhouse.  And did any wish to accompany me to Malachy's?"
player, 18 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 21:21
  • msg #479


"All right, thank you very much." Teodoin accepts the note. He finishes his food and ale in an hurry and stands up, nods at Labras and turns to his new companions: "Meet you back at the church?" he is eager to get the bow and arrows, he is more than fully equipped now. He just needs to survive the next day.
player, 33 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #480


Telemachus, will grab whatever food that appears portable, and takes a long drink from the nearest cup.

"I will come with you to meet this wizard. If only to plead our case."
player, 210 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 23:04
  • msg #481


Panatix has been catching up on his eating and drinking, but listening intently.

"I was just about to offer to visit the wizard myself.  Being a fellow practitioner, I thought I might have some luck with striking up a friendship.  Worth a go"
player, 119 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 3 Jun 2020
at 17:52
  • msg #482


"I too would like to go and meet this mage," Lenelle put in.

"I would venture the bit about loaning the book was a lie.  More likely, the apprentice knew it was there, and desired to trick Westin into taking the risk for him. And I doubt his master knows anything of it. How might he react, I wonder, if we were to tell him?"   

After a bit more thought, she added- "Though perhaps the book is something we would not want Malachy to know about, and get his hands on."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:03, Wed 03 June 2020.
Wed 3 Jun 2020
at 19:04
  • msg #483


"Very well," said Labras, waiting until those intending to take the trip with him had finished their meal.  "You will find that Malachy is not particularly likely to make friends," he added to Panatix, "but one never knows with him."

When they were ready, Labras led the group of Telemachus, Lenelle, and Panatix along the road over the bridge and down past the bathhouse where Panatix had bathed before the fair, before coming to the house which was something of a tower in form--the first floor seemed to be sunk halfway into the ground, and the whole thing stood half a story taller than the two-story buildings neighboring it.

The structure could be seen to have been made from oolitic limestone, adorned with iron-shuttered windows and a door with a knocker made to look like a gargoyle's face requiring that one grasp the "tongue" to use the knocker.

With a grimace, Labras pulled this tongue and knocked at the door.

After a few minutes, a tow-headed boy of perhaps eight or nine, wearing a black robe that was at least a size bigger than necessary, opened the door.

"Hello?" he said, his voice uncertain.

"Tell Malachy that I need to see him on the business of Monteci," said Labras.  "And none of the usual games."

The boy stepped back, allowing entrance to the room, which seemed to be an utterly benign room with a low couch covered in some sort of hide.

"I'll go let him know he has visitors," said the boy, after closing and locking the door after the group had entered.

He then left the room through another door, leaving the group alone in the vestibule.
player, 509 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 00:19
  • msg #484


"I too will come with you to offer support. Perhaps I can too try to convice him," Storm says, following the party along.
player, 211 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 02:47
  • msg #485


Panatix raises an eyebrow at the rude welcoming, that would never do in his father's house. Still, things to learn.  He seats himself on the hide bench, and looks closely at it, what sort of hide?
Westin na'Belva
player, 127 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 14:37
  • msg #486


After the others leave for Malachy's tower, Westin remained at the  Cat and Custard Pot for a time. After a bit, he went over to the bar, asking the bartender.

"I'm new here and was wondering, how safe is around here. Is there much to worry about at night or on the road as well as the sea to and from here?" he asks, trying to appear like a concerned traveler.
GM, 806 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 16:16
  • msg #487


Malachy's Tower

In the tower, the group gathered there was left alone for some time--almost enough to make the group wonder whether they had been forgotten about or if the lad was going to return to announce that Malachy was refusing to see them altogether.  Panatix studied the sofa that he was perched upon, noting that the hide appeared to be from some sort of pachyderm.

After some time, a man entered the room--his face was disfigured, and he wore something that looked almost like goggles above the strip of linen which covered where his eyes should be.

"Too many," he said.  "Labras, you say it's Monteci business, yet taxes are not due.  One may join you."  With that, the man turned and left the room.

Fletcher's Shop

Teodoin, having followed the directions to the fletcher's, found himself receiving a more inviting welcome.  A young man, probably a journeyman, rather than the master, took the paper that Labras had given.

"Do you need a quiver for them, or just the arrows?" he asked.  Seven unstrung bows--all of them appeared to be short bows--were against the wall.

Cat and Custard Pot

"The miners come into town sometimes," replied Aidan.  "They can get a bit ... well, rowdy, but nothing the watch can't handle.  It's safe enough, I suppose.  What makes you wonder such things?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 128 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 19:05
  • msg #488


"Sometimes places have problems," Westin says noncommittally. "Not that I expect trouble in town during the day, but it's nice to know it's safe to go outside at night to view the night sky and watch the stars. Little or no trouble probably makes it a lot easy for whoever is in charge in."

"So are there mines nearby or are the miners more migrants traveling through town?" Westin asks.
player, 34 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 20:09
  • msg #489

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Telemachus stands, when the wizard finally enters the room. He is about to introduce himself when the disfigured man states only one may accompany Labras and exits as abruptly as he entered.

Telemachus looks to the rest of the group, "Shall I go? Or someone else?"
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 20:32
  • msg #490

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

The man looked apologetically at the group, and said, "As I said, he's ... difficult."
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 20:36
  • msg #491

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"Just outside town," replied Aidan, gesturing vaguely in the direction opposite the way the group had taken to the old house.  "Someone discovered some silver, and they started mining up there.  Mostly, they stay on their site.  Some folk worried that that'd change things up too much, but it hasn't been a problem."  An unspoken yet could almost be heard in his tone.
player, 511 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 01:21
  • msg #492

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"Anyone of us is good but I supposed we have to choose someone who can argue for our cause. Anyone who can speak well is good!'Storm says to his friends.

"You or I are as good as any choice,"he cntinues.
player, 212 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 01:34
  • msg #493

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

Pan looks up from the bench, "I can't even name what animal hide this is, but I think...." he is cut off by the strange wizard.

Raising an eyebrow, he shrugs,  "I must admit, I'd like to go, and if he starts talking in languages arcane, I am fluent.  He does seem like a most disagreeable old prune though, and I doubt he'll take to any us much, but at least I'm a fellow magician."
player, 35 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #494

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"Good point, Panatix. You go, Storm, Lenelle, and I will wait here. But, please remember that the most important thing other than information he might have about Eliphas, is a way to remove the charm on Dak."

The druid sits down, a worried look on his face.
GM, 807 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 03:29
  • msg #495

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"We had best hurry," said Labras, moving to the door, and holding it open for Panatix.  He looked back to the others in the room, and said, "I'm sorry, he is ... difficult."

With that, Labras and Panatix left the room, leaving Storm, Telemachus, and Lenelle in the vestibule.
player, 19 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 13:01
  • msg #496

Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Teodoin tries to give the young man a grateful smile "I would need a quiver too, thank you. But you only have short bows? I am more used to the long ones, would take some time to get used to shooting the small ones. I have a day at most."
player, 512 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 13:48
  • msg #497

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

In reply to Mac (msg # 494):

“That makes sense my friend,” Storm says. “Tele and I may be charming but we are not so well verse in the arcane. Please go but remember be polite and nice.”

Storm says a prayer hoping things will turn out well.
player, 37 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 18:05
  • msg #498

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Tele and I may be charming

Telemachus cracks a smile at his friend's words, "At least we like to think so!"
player, 120 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #499

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Lenelle too was pleased by the choice of Panatix, and in fact he would have been her own recommendation, for a short (no pun intended ;)) list of reasons.

"You may also wish to inform Malachy his apprentice was trying to acquire a wizardly tome from the smuggler's den, behind his back." She shrugged. "But I cannot say whether it would be a wise thing to do.  So I leave it to your judgement, Panatix."
player, 213 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 03:15
  • msg #500

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Pan looks at his comrades and gives a kinda sad smile and shrug.  To be honest, he doubts very much this, um, wizard?  Cares a damn about being polite.  Regardless, he has his own agenda, and for moment, he observes the room, and waits quietly for the authority to speak first.
GM, 809 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 03:39
  • msg #501

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

And so Panatix went into the next room with Labras.

GM, 810 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #502

Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

"I don't think we've any wood for long bows," replied the young man.  "But we do have a range here in back, you could see how it is for you."
Westin na'Belva
player, 129 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 22:06
  • msg #503

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"Seems like this would be a nice town to live in. Are the taxes here low?" he asks. "How does Monteci compare with other nearby towns?"

Westin couldn't help but wonder to whom Eli might be smuggling and what might be the contraband. If taxes were low, there was little incentive for smuggling otherwise legal goods. Perhaps it was illegal goods like drugs of some type but wouldn't that be a little more obvious problems in town such as crime if that were true?  Maybe Monteci wasn't the destination, just a port along the way and Eli was just the local boss. Of course there could be other towns could be the destination or for that matter even monsters in the countryside, preparing to wage war on others monsters or even the humans. His heart suddenly goes cold. Perhaps that's why there were gnolls with Eli! Could they be his customers?

Westin works to calm his suddenly beating heart, asking the next question as casually as he knew how. "One thing I heard that struck me as odd was that someone once told me Monteci has a problem with gnolls raiding and the like. Is there any truth to that?" Westin asks.
player, 214 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #504

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

Pan looked surprised to be addressed, but nodded.

"Ah yes, not a lad, as you saw, or, can you see actually. Those, goggles are most fascinating.  Nevermind, as you've noticed, I'm a gnome, and two gnomes met on a road could spend half an hour just introducing ourselves, our family history and somewhat.   I intuit, you are busy and not one for such so I'll skip it, but, forgive me if my idea of brief isn't your own.  So to the gristle.  One of my companions, all of us recently thrown off the shackles of a life of enslavement, recent come to this area heard tell of a wizard.  Rumors as what they can be.  So he came here, perhaps as a fledgling mage himself, to pay respects, or seek favor, I cannot vouch for his motives.  But he was met with rudeness, and not allowed to gaze upon you unless he produced some artifact you'd misplaced, some Ars Mathmatica or somewhat.  Sent to place to find it, luckily he brought friends and there, we encountered not only gnolls, and other brigands, merhaps smugglers, but a magician.  Luckily I'm a skilled illusionist and saw through several very powerful illusions, yet still Eliphas and his pack, well, there is the mystery in this to me, having us in his grasp, he let us live.  Clever as I am, this puzzles me.  But, needless to say, we did not find your book.   In the attempt, one of our friends was put under the spell of this Eliphas, made, by magic, his slave.  You ask what we want of you. My comrades hoped you could offer a way to free our friend from the charm.  For myself, well, I was just curious to meet you and, so far, would only ask what kind of hide this bench is made from?"
player, 42 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 22:40
  • msg #505

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

 Vendavel decided to join the conversation Westin was having with the innkeeper. She was not quite a complete stranger, but certainly by no way a local. She thought she would chime in nonetheless.

 “Danger is everywhere, would you not say? You can be in the safest waters one day, and be murdered by your pirates the next,” she said.

Her parrot quacked at the mention of the word pirate.

“You are a student of magic, isn’t that right? I dabble myself. Would you be interested in sharing some notes on novice level enchantments?”
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 01:36
  • msg #506

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"It pinches some," said Aidan.  "But then things been getting little more ... rowdy, sometimes, what with the mine opening.  I know Shipton's bigger, they prolly pay a lot more.  But Monteci's been good enough for me and my kin."
player, 513 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 02:07
  • msg #507

Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

Storm wanders around the area to see i he can find anything useful. Beforegoing, he asks his friends,"Shall we take a walk around the place?"
GM, 815 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #508

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

The vestibule in which Storm, Telemachus, and Lenelle were within was quite plain, with nothing of note other than the sofa upon which Panatix had been sitting before continuing into the next room for the audience.
player, 38 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 04:53
  • msg #509

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"Storm! We are in Malachy's home. Regardless that he is a wizard, and may have possibly sent us to our deaths in that house looking for a book that may have rotted away years ago, we are not going to rummage around as if we were in an abandoned temple or house! Sit down and wait for Labras and Panatix to return." admonishes the young druid.

He then stands and begins pacing around the room.
player, 20 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 12:32
  • msg #510

Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

"All right, I would like try. I will probably miss half of the shots" Teodoin says.
"What kind of you wood you need? Is there any around?"
player, 121 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 16:46
  • msg #511

Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

"Do as I say, and not as I do, master druid?" Lenelle jested Telemachus in well meant humor.

"So," she spread her hands.  "Either of you know any good jokes?  I bet our gnome companion is the one who has some. I wonder how he's making out-?"   

Her levity aside, Lenelle was more than a bit ill at ease in this place.  Malachy very much had the seeming of the kind of occultist the church had trained her to be wary of.    He was a creepy sort, right enough...she offered silent prayer that Pan going in there alone had not been a mistake.
player, 215 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 17:21
  • msg #512

Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Pan sighs.

"Oliphant, that was to be my first guess, and it speaks to me.  Malachy you let others see just what you want, and nothing more, nearly an illusionist yourself.   Let me be clear, I am here to ask you for something,  no way of hiding it,  but it's just your insights and skill.  Nothing that will cost you an asil.  I'm afraid I might have little that I could offer you but we did try to find your book, whatever it is.  And if we go back to deal with the smugglers, there is still a chance we could get it for you.   But, the wizard you sent us to find, wasn't there, and another was in its place.  Do you know Eliphas?  Do you have a way we could counter the spell that charmed our friend, or some device or advice that would protect us against the rest of us being so charmed.  Surely you were once young and untrained,  did no elder mage tutor you or guide you? I could perhaps do some work for you in payment, I am a skilled but inexperienced illusionist if there is something I could do, please ask, don't be shy, Panatix is hard to insult.  Wow, real Oliphant, I bet that set you back a few...." the young gnome chuckles.
player, 39 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 04:49
  • msg #513

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Do as I say, and not as I do, master druid?

"What? Oh!" Telemachus grins at Lenelle, "I suppose you are right. I am a little nervous, that is all.

That wizard was...odd-looking to say the least. The blindfold over his eyes would have you think he is blind, yet he seems to see, and those odd lenses on his head...what do they do?

And will he help us? He must or Dak may never be rescued."

{Edit: typo]
This message was last edited by the player at 01:04, Fri 12 June 2020.
player, 514 posts
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 08:44
  • msg #514

Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

In reply to Lenelle (msg # 511):

"Well, I am certainly not tinking of stealing or doing anything nasty. Hahaha I am a noble warrior. But perhaps we can walk abit to see the decoration in this room and perhaps get some understanding of the man," Storm responds, taking a look around the room.

Turning to Lenelle, he says," I got a shephard joke from when I was young.
One day the shepherd dog said to the shepherd man: “Here are all the 100 sheep. ”

The man was surprised: “What? We only have 97 sheep.”
The dog said: “I know. I rounded them up.”

OOC: Can we have some description of the room?
Westin na'Belva
player, 130 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 16:26
  • msg #515

Re: Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"It pinches some," said Aidan.  "But then things been getting little more ... rowdy, sometimes, what with the mine opening.  I know Shipton's bigger, they prolly pay a lot more.  But Monteci's been good enough for me and my kin."

"What about the gnolls," Westin repeats. "Have there been problems with gnolls?" he asks looking Aidan full in the face.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:27, Thu 11 June 2020.
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:18
  • msg #516

Re: Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"Gnolls?" said Aidan, signing himself, "thank Atu, no.  We don't have any gnolls around here.  There were the lizard men, but that was a long time ago."
GM, 819 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #517

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

"We have some ash, grows the other side of the swamp," said the young man as he led Teodoin around to the range.  Here, there were stands where the arrows could be placed, and several bound bales of hay with ragged shirts wrapped around the hay.  These bales seemed to be staggered in several distances.
GM, 821 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:52
  • msg #518

Monteci - Malachy's Tower

The waiting room was quite plain, lacking in decoration and devoid of knick knacks.  The only furniture was the hide-covered sofa.

Westin na'Belva
player, 131 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 09:49
  • msg #519

Re: Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"Gnolls?" said Aidan, signing himself, "thank Atu, no.  We don't have any gnolls around here.  There were the lizard men, but that was a long time ago."

"Lizard men, that's curious. Were they raiding the town at night or just hassling travelers and merchants?" Westin asks all the while thinking, you don't have any gnolls that you know of but they are some nearby!
player, 21 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 17:12
  • msg #520

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

"I am not an expert in tress but if I manage to get some ash for you, could you make me a long bow? Perhaps a composite one? As far as I know, those have longer range. But I better see if I can hit anything with the ones you have I mostly used long bows to hunt."

Teodoin then grabs a short bow and tries his skills at different ranges. He asks for another short bow and practices a few shots to see which one he fares better.
GM, 824 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 17:35
  • msg #521

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Roll to hit (AC10) for each shot.  There is a target at short range, another at medium range, and another at long range.
player, 216 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #522

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Pan nods and adds,  "It has been a real  pleasure to meet you and I hope I can visit again sometime, when we can talk more, maybe I'll bring over some fresh baked goods and you can show me around the place.  By the way, I am Panatix of the House Gallatin,  if you have needs of more Oliphant or other special materials, Gallatin carries many of the finest of goods for trade."
player, 22 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 19:31
  • msg #523

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

OOC: 15:27, Today: Teodoin rolled 20,3,17 using d20,d20,d20.  short, medium, long.
GM, 826 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 04:53
  • msg #524

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Despite his uncertainty about the short bow, the arrow loosed at the nearest target struck solidly into the small differently colored patch in the middle of the target--a patch which was perhaps the size of a man's fist.  Encouraged by the ease with which he had handled this bow, Teodoin released his next arrow toward the mid-range target, but overconfidence put the arrow to the left of the target, sailing past the target completely before finally coming to a stop in the bales at the backstop of the range.  Pausing to concentrate a little more, Teodoin's next arrow struck the most distant target neatly through the fabric, though not striking the small alternately-colored patch.

The young journeyman said, "Perhaps if you were able to bring yew, that would work for a long bow.  These short bows, though, are much better if you're fighting in closer quarters.  Did you like this bow?"
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 04:55
  • msg #525

Re: Monteci - Cat and Custard Pot

"Mostly, it was harassing people approaching the town, a few raids," said Aidan.  "But that was a long time ago--seventy years, at least, since the last time we had troubles."
player, 23 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 14:03
  • msg #526

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

"I really wouldnt know, should be easier to carry at least. I will take one, thank you. It look very well made. Did you have a hand on making this one?"
player, 218 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 17:12
  • msg #527

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Having said his goodbyes Pan leaves by the door to rejoin his comrades in the stark outer room.  He continues straight out the front door of the home.
player, 122 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 17:51
  • msg #528

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Lenelle laughed and smiled at Storm's joke, "Ha!  That's cute!"

She spent the remainder of the time likewise checking out some of the artwork and decor, figuring that in fact Storm might be right, and something of their host's nature might be gleaned from it.
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 23:03
  • msg #529

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Labras emerged a moment after Panatix, accompanied by the youth who had admitted them to the tower.

"We may as well leave," said Labras.  "Panatix has gained all the aid that Malachy will give, and we're not welcome to stay."

He started for the door and said, "I will discuss with deMontec on bounty.  Will you need the day to get ready and start out tomorrow morn after breakfast?"
player, 219 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #530

Re: Monteci - Fletcher's Shop

Once away from the place, Pan nods and laughs, "Tomorrow morning should be long enough, so I take it you've met with, uhm, him before.  Is he always so jolly?"  the gnome says with a laugh.  "In truth, I felt sorrow for him, do you know anything about him, his past?"
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 00:20
  • msg #531

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"He was unusually helpful and friendly today," said Labras.  "I don't know much of his past--just if a mage like that says he wants to live in your town, there's really no way to stop him."
This message was last updated by the GM at 01:19, Tue 16 June 2020.
player, 41 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 00:58
  • msg #532

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"Are one of you going to please tell us what happened in there?" Telemachus exclaims.

[Edit: subject line]
This message was last edited by the player at 00:58, Tue 16 June 2020.
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 01:22
  • msg #533

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"He is requesting the return of a book and 500 asil, and a break on his taxes," said Labras.  "And he gave Panatix some little marble that he said could be broken, I understand, near the enchanted man to break the enchantment."
player, 220 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 02:28
  • msg #534

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Panatix nods, "Yes, that about sums it up, mostly, I think he's really taking a shine to me and Labras here, it's a start, but I think we'll be great friends in the future...
player, 515 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 06:20
  • msg #535

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"Ah, so he has given aid. Hmm I wonder if he is taxed heavily by the town or needs more funds to do his research? I hear magical research is costly," Storm replies.
player, 43 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #536

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

 Vendavel finished her glass of wine and mused in whispers.
 "Seventy years ago... even the village elders would have been toddlers at the time..."

 She turned to Westin and asked:
 "What is your interest in this book after all? Was it just for the old mage, or did you have eyes on it for an other purpose?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 133 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 22:46
  • msg #537

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"Honestly, I was hoping for some sort of spell swap with Malachy," Westin says. "Magic interests me even more than cooking. I used to be a cook and quite good at it. At least the humans thought so. The elves, they didn't like the spices so much but as you probably know, elves are pretty traditional."

"So where was I? Oh the book," Westin continues. "I had heard about a mage being here in Monteci so I sailed here, hoping he might swap spells with me. I didn't realize he would have apprentices. Also thought he might be more friendly.  In any case, I didn't get to see Malachy, that's the mage. One of his apprentices told me to bring the book and he would think about asking Malachy to see me." Westin pauses. "Not the most generous offer but I thought, how difficult would it be to go to someone's house and ask if they were willing to return a book they had borrowed? Didn't know at the time it was someone who was probably dead and when they were alive had lived outside of town."

"So I've had some second thoughts about returning it and was interested to see what it contained. Figured I would take a look before I decided. So what about you? Your a mage of some type, aren't you? I see that parrot that travels with you. Is that your familiar?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:46, Wed 17 June 2020.
player, 125 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 18:24
  • msg #538

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

In reply to Storm (msg # 535):

"I would surmise this is entirely about what's in it for him.  Though open to being pleasantly surprised otherwise.  What book does he want?  Is it the same his apprentice sought?"   
player, 42 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 02:06
  • msg #539

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Telemachus whispers to Panatix, [Language unknown: "Fo ar entlatoer inil er omcon, re la our?"] he surreptitiously points to Labras.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:43, Fri 19 June 2020.
GM, 843 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 13:39
  • msg #540

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

By this time, Labras had taken his leave of the group, heading rather swiftly toward the manor house.  The rest of the group filtered back toward the Cat and Custard Pot, where some had stayed behind to enjoy a good meal and a little conversation with Aidan.
player, 152 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 16:45
  • msg #541

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Wick had kept to himself in the Cat and Custard Pot nursing his ale while the others had gone hither and yon.  He'd kept a weather eye on Aidan as the others had sought to harvest anything useful from the man.  But really, Wick was trying to sort things out.

He didn't see that they had any obligation to risk life and limb heading back to the decrepit house and face the Eliphas and his minions again.  All Wick can see is a lot of risk, little chance of success and damn little in the way of reward.  Wick's as willing as the next man to risk his skin to help out a friend, but he wasn't even sure if that was the case here.

Looking up, he notes others starting to shuffle in.  Maybe there was something new that would peak his interest.  "What news?" he asks when they near the table.
player, 222 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 17:33
  • msg #542

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Pan takes a seat, orders a light ale, and after a few sips he spends the next ten minutes or so recounting his encounter with Malachy.  He is honest in what the old man said, how terse and put upon he appeared, and of his own responses.  He pulls out the marble and explains it is supposed to be able to break the spell on Dak, if he is under a spell.
player, 126 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 19:00
  • msg #543

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"And he'd like a tax break too," put in Lenelle. "I'd like to say at least we know where we stand with him, but I suspect we don't."   
player, 223 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 20:09
  • msg #544

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Pan responds to Telemachus

[Language unknown: "A, As onetiness, Mi oreri powa not ne eenwasati Ic".]
Westin na'Belva
player, 134 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 16:51
  • msg #545

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Pan takes a seat, orders a light ale, and after a few sips he spends the next ten minutes or so recounting his encounter with Malachy.  He is honest in what the old man said, how terse and put upon he appeared, and of his own responses.  He pulls out the marble and explains it is supposed to be able to break the spell on Dak, if he is under a spell.

I would be interested if you are willing in describing the interaction with Malachy. Though I could see Panatix responses, I didn't see what he was responding too nor could I see what Malachy said.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:51, Tue 23 June 2020.
player, 25 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 17:27
  • msg #546

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

Teodoin sits, sipping an ale and listening cautiously. There are still a lot of things he doesn't understand. He will have to trust his new companions. On the other hand, he is satisfied with his bow, but he is afraid he will need the punch of the old one. Well, he should have learned how to take care of his stuff better.
player, 517 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 01:33
  • msg #547

Re: Monteci - Malachy's Tower

"Yes, please let us have the details Panatix," Stom says. He glances at the group and is glad that over the months, people are still together as a team.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:08, Wed 24 June 2020.
player, 44 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 01:44
  • msg #548

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Walking back to the tavern from the wizard's tower, Telemachus says to Panatix, "No, you will not take on the burden of the wizard's fee; we will deal with it as a group."

"I hope," he adds quietly.

At the tavern, with a cup of ale in hand, he add his voice to the chorus, "Yes, Panatix. Tell us everything that happened with the wizard."
player, 224 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 13:01
  • msg #549

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Pan takes a deep swig from his ale, then closes his eyes as he opens his mind to the recent conversations.  He has such a mind as to recall just about any detail when he tries.  When he speaks, he keeps his eyes closed, but uses distinct voices, you take one to be Labras, one Malachy, and the other himself.

"Malachy, there are smugglers near Monteci, in the house that was Máleodor's," said Labras.  "We are seeking your assistance in the matter.  There is word that a mage of some sort is involved."

"And what is it that you want of Malachy?" he said.  "Speak up, lad.  No, you're no lad."  The man seemed to be adjusting something on the edge of his goggles.  "Speak up, now."

Pan looked surprised to be addressed, but nodded.

"Ah yes, not a lad, as you saw, or, can you see actually. Those, goggles are most fascinating.  Nevermind, as you've noticed, I'm a gnome, and two gnomes met on a road could spend half an hour just introducing ourselves, our family history and somewhat.   I intuit, you are busy and not one for such so I'll skip it, but, forgive me if my idea of brief isn't your own.  So to the gristle.  One of my companions, all of us recently thrown off the shackles of a life of enslavement, recent come to this area heard tell of a wizard.  Rumors as what they can be.  So he came here, perhaps as a fledgling mage himself, to pay respects, or seek favor, I cannot vouch for his motives.  But he was met with rudeness, and not allowed to gaze upon you unless he produced some artifact you'd misplaced, some Ars Mathmatica or somewhat.  Sent to place to find it, luckily he brought friends and there, we encountered not only gnolls, and other brigands, merhaps smugglers, but a magician.  Luckily I'm a skilled illusionist and saw through several very powerful illusions, yet still Eliphas and his pack, well, there is the mystery in this to me, having us in his grasp, he let us live.  Clever as I am, this puzzles me.  But, needless to say, we did not find your book.   In the attempt, one of our friends was put under the spell of this Eliphas, made, by magic, his slave.  You ask what we want of you. My comrades hoped you could offer a way to free our friend from the charm.  For myself, well, I was just curious to meet you and, so far, would only ask what kind of hide this bench is made from?"

"You are one of many words," said the man.  "Oliphant, imported from Wamuru.  Already paid the taxes on it."  He seemed to glare at Labras through the goggles, though there was no truly visible sign of expression.  "Always, people wanting things from Malachy and offering nothing in return."

Pan sighs.

"Oliphant, that was to be my first guess, and it speaks to me.  Malachy you let others see just what you want, and nothing more, nearly an illusionist yourself.   Let me be clear, I am here to ask you for something,  no way of hiding it,  but it's just your insights and skill.  Nothing that will cost you an asil.  I'm afraid I might have little that I could offer you but we did try to find your book, whatever it is.  And if we go back to deal with the smugglers, there is still a chance we could get it for you.   But, the wizard you sent us to find, wasn't there, and another was in its place.  Do you know Eliphas?  Do you have a way we could counter the spell that charmed our friend, or some device or advice that would protect us against the rest of us being so charmed.  Surely you were once young and untrained,  did no elder mage tutor you or guide you? I could perhaps do some work for you in payment, I am a skilled but inexperienced illusionist if there is something I could do, please ask, don't be shy, Panatix is hard to insult.  Wow, real Oliphant, I bet that set you back a few...." the young gnome chuckles.

"Get the book.  Ars Mathematica," he said.  "This is worth a tenth of my taxes."

"Agreed," said Labras.

"You will not return," said the man, "without the book and five hundred asil."  He rummaged through a pouch, and held out a small dull-gray orb about the size of shooter marble.  "Break this when you are near the man.  And now, leave."

Pan nods and adds,  "It has been a real  pleasure to meet you and I hope I can visit again sometime, when we can talk more, maybe I'll bring over some fresh baked goods and you can show me around the place.  By the way, I am Panatix of the House Gallatin,  if you have needs of more Oliphant or other special materials, Gallatin carries many of the finest of goods for trade."
Westin na'Belva
player, 135 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #550

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Well I'm jealous you got to meet him. He must want that book more than I realized," Westin muses. "If it's so valuable I wonder why he hasn't hired someone to go fetch for him though maybe our arrival was just fortuitous for him. It's also possible he doesn't want everyone in town to know for some reason..."

"Wait! You said something I didn't quite understand," Westin says. "We're supposed to return with the be and 500 asil? Did you mean he would give us 500 asil or is the 500 to cover the cost of the charm breaking orb?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:41, Wed 24 June 2020.
player, 225 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 17:27
  • msg #551

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"The book, 500 asil, and a break on his taxes. I struck the bargain, I'll cover the asil if need be.  Although,  I think the town is willing to give us something for our trouble for clearing out the smugglers.  Speaking of which, any who wish to join me, the expedition to get Dak free leaves from here in the morning.   We should talk strategy before our next encounter, we froze last time and it almost cost us our lives.  But first, Ms Vendavel, can you enlighten us to what you know.  What are they smuggling, and how do they move it, how its come in and out of the house, and do you think more than just Dak are under Eliphas' spells?"
NPC, 1 post
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 17:36
  • msg #552

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Two young men entered the Cat & Custard Pot, looking around for a moment before coming to stand by the table where the group had gathered.

"Greetings," said the one who looked slightly younger.  "My name is Michan, this is my brother Banan.  This is the group from the ship Ananke captained by Telemachus?  We've been asked to come to your aid with the old house outside town."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:36, Wed 24 June 2020.
player, 153 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 18:25
  • msg #553

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Wick shrugs.  "Last time, we were exploring an old, abandoned house, not looking for well armed smugglers."

He breaks off as the two strangers approach the table, trying to size them up.

OOC:  Do they appear per their descriptions, with studded leather armor and clubs?
NPC, 1 post
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #554

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

((OOC:  Yes, attired as per description))

"Labras sent the order," said Banan, looking at the group, as though he were trying to identify who was whom.
player, 154 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 19:15
  • msg #555

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Wick nods, "Yes, that's us.  So, what do you know about the house outside of town?  What sort of aid are you ready to provide us?"

Two more stout fellows would be a boon, but clubs against the swords he knows is waiting for them didn't tip the odds much at all in Wick's estimation.  The whole thing still had disaster written all over it.  Wick was certainly willing to go along and do his part, but he still needed some convincing that it wasn't a death trap, or at least that the reward was worth the risk.
Westin na'Belva
player, 136 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 21:49
  • msg #556

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"The book, 500 asil, and a break on his taxes. I struck the bargain, I'll cover the asil if need be...

"Don't be so hard on yourself Panatix,"
Westin says worriedly when there is a break in the conversation. "Once we defeat Eli, I'm sure the spoils will more then cover it. In fact I think we all should contribute. I certainly will and any who wish to see Dak brought back safely should be more than happy to pay an item to break Dak's ensorcellment. It will keep Dak safe and us safe as well, especially Storm," Westin says recalling how Dak almost killed Storm.

As Michan and Banan he looks at them, curious. They should be helpful Westin estimates.
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #557

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"We'd be going with you, if that's all right," said Michan.  "Don't know so much about the house.  It's been the sort of place no one really had the nerve to go to, just a lot of stories about lights at night."
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 02:47
  • msg #558

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"And the noises," said Banan, sitting down, setting a mug of ale in front of his brother and another in front of himself.  "Some sort of sound like the damned were held in the place.  That's what people said, but most people just kept on past the place, might as well get on to town, being as close as this.  But Labras was saying that this would be in the town's interest, getting things settled there."
player, 155 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 02:57
  • msg #559

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Wick nods to himself.  ”Sounds like we’re the experts, given that we’ve been inside and looked around.  We found a wizard and his gang, mostly men, a couple of gnolls.  We didn’t hear any screaming.”
player, 45 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 03:55
  • msg #560

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Greetings, Banan...Michan. I am Telemachus...uhhhh...captain of the Ananke.

You are most welcome to join us to free our friend from the ensorcellment of the wizard Eliphas, and to bring him and his gang of brigands to justice.

But, my friend Panatix is correct, we need to have a plan, and we need to execute without dithering.

There is no doubt that the smugglers will be more diligent after our run-in with them.

We need to prepare our spells and our tactics."

I'll cover the asil if need be.

"Don't speak nonsense, Panatix. The group treasury will cover the wizard's fee." The druid quickly takes a long sip from his cup, hoping no one will challenge this decision.

I took a look at the Party Treasure thread, we have a fair bit of coin to our names!

Wick and Panatix: Panatix mentioned the goggles that Malachy was wearing so Wick could clue in that he did, in fact, meet Malachy!

player, 127 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 23:27
  • msg #561

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Well, that giant serpent would have been enough to make someone scream. But, the sort of screams you're talking about..." she frowned, "I can't help but think of ritual sacrifice, or something along those lines.  All the more reason they must be rooted out, if anything of the like is going on." 

As to the asil:  "I wasn't as much involved in the acquisition of said treasury.  But, I would agree that's the fair thing to do."   
player, 44 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 07:11
  • msg #562

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 Vendavel kept mostly silent, she did not yet feel comfortable with this lot, despite her natural proclivity to fit in almost anywhere. Maybe there was still a part of shame in having been rescued by them, when she was not truly a captive.

 "I am good at scouting places, and know the place already," she offered.
 "And while I don't like shouting it on the marketplace, I can throw around some magic."

 That last element came as no surprise to Westin, they had talked about it earlier, but may not have been obvious to others.
 "They will be prepared, but so will you. So will we," she asserted confidently.

 Her parrot quacked as in response – a not all too convincing sound.

"So I've had some second thoughts about returning it and was interested to see what it contained. Figured I would take a look before I decided. So what about you? Your a mage of some type, aren't you? I see that parrot that travels with you. Is that your familiar?"

 "Why, it is my familiar indeed. Though I summoned him only recently, with a scroll that was not acquired in the traditional way. What I'm saying is, I didn't have a mentor to walk me through the process, and I do wonder if I did it wrong. Bless him, but he doesn't seem to do much for me apart from quacking ominously when I say something stupid."

 She asked in return:
 "Jade is your familiar, I gather. How long have you been together?"
 "In time, I would like to share my spells with you – as a token of gratitude for using a Sleep enchantment rather than a Lightning strike on me..."
player, 518 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 10:23
  • msg #563

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Banan and Bichan, good to see you guys and welcome to the team. I am Stormrider, a warrior. With you on board, we may have a better chnce," he grins.

Turning to Tele, he adds,"No doubt spells are important. Perhaps we can sit down and discuss the spells we have available and based on that, come up with tactics to maximise our spell power."
player, 226 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 18:45
  • msg #564

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I'll start.  I will cast on myself, this evening, a spell that will make me difficult to hit with a weapon.  If hit, it does not stop any damage, just makes it harder to make contact with me.  It lasts until its broken by a blade.  Tomorrow, I'll bring at least two spells designed to drop a single person, disable them.  After that, I'm basically a bee with a small stinger."
player, 129 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 20:50
  • msg #565

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Lenelle nodded.   It was a good idea.

"I'll have at least one spell for curing wounds.   I made the mistake last time of thinking we weren't facing living men.  Knowing otherwise, perhaps also a spell of command -  it doesn't last long, but it's a good means to stop a foe from doing something you don't want them to.   I may have to think on the third one -  a protection from evil can ward against control of the mind, but it doesn't last long at all.  (only 3 rounds / level in 2E?)   Perhaps a second curing spell, or one for magic detection, if neither of our mages plans to have it?"

Westin na'Belva
player, 137 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 21:51
  • msg #566

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"...Jade is your familiar, I gather. How long have you been together?"
 "In time, I would like to share my spells with you – as a token of gratitude for using a Sleep enchantment rather than a Lightning strike on me..."

Westin tilts his head back and laughs. "No, no, no,"  he says still chuckling. "You don't have to worry about me casting a lightning bolt. That spell is way outside my skill level. Besides, I wouldn't want to cast a spell like that even on a gnoll and certainly not against someone like you without some sort of compelling reason."

"As for Jade, we are still in the awkward, get to know each other faze," Westin says looking down at his cat.
player, 14 posts
Westin's familiar
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 21:55
  • msg #567

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Jade utters a plaintive "Meow". He then trots over to Vendavel and starts walking past her and start rubbing his body against her lower leg, purring.
Westin na'Belva
player, 138 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 22:12
  • msg #568

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I'll ask him to stop if you want," Westin says. "We've been together for about 6 months. Jade feels like that's a long time though for an elf, that's considered quite short."

He pauses and tilts his head thoughtfully, lowering his voice. "You mentioned being struck by a lightning bolt, almost like you feel like you deserved it. Is that right? Is it that you feel really bad at being in league with Eliphas or maybe about something that happened? I'm a good listener if there is something you need to get off your chest. We could find a table in a corner to talk. I can't say I've known her long but you could also talk to Lenelle if you preferred to talk to a woman in the clergy. Though I only met him like you, Father Niall also seems like someone who could be trusted and confided in, if you wanted to talk with someone outside the party," Westin says, concern written on his face.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:13, Fri 26 June 2020.
Westin na'Belva
player, 139 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 22:34
  • msg #569

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Panatix, I want to buy you a drink," Westin announces. "You may be a bee with a small stinger. In my mind, you are one of the bravest gnomes I have ever met, maybe the bravest. Eliphas had us stopped; everyone else was afraid and hesitant, unsure what to do. When you heard one of your companions life was in mortal danger, you charged in, unarmored and heedless of the traps the Eliphas had undoubtedly prepared, casting with colors ablaze. You lead the charge and although the fight went awry despite the heroic and valiant efforts of the people at this table, we did make it back alive and back with Wick. Wick is still alive and is still present here with us and I don't think either or both would be the case but for you."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:39, Fri 26 June 2020.
NPC, 3 posts
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 11:52
  • msg #570

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Well, my brother and me, we don't sling spells, but we've got decent arms," said Michan.  "Some short swords, too, for when we have to muster up for the militia.  In town, it's more crack a head to cart the rowdy off to cool in the jail."
player, 227 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 01:19
  • msg #571

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Panatix goes a bit red in the face, and for once has no quick answer.

"Thank you, a drink sounds nice"
player, 46 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 03:46
  • msg #572

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Telemachus looks around the table, everyone seems to be accepting of the task to rescue Dak. A small smile crosses the druid's face. Even though they had been together only a short time, their shared experience had seemed to have created a bond.

"Shall we consider how we will enter the house? And how we will deal with Eliphas and his gang?

Vendavel is there anything that you can think of that might help us? Is there another entrance to the cellars beneath the house? Does Eliphas send any of his brigands out on their own for supplies? How do they move their smuggled goods?

We need all the information we can gather so to plan our spells as a group; and we need to plan our battle tactics, so we work as a team...although I will admit now that my military strategies are lacking."

He looks around the table, hoping someone will volunteer.
player, 519 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 08:30
  • msg #573

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I think strategies are not really possible until we are certain what everyone can do. We do have a couple of healers and someone who can sling spells to drop someone. Does anyone have the means to put people to sleep or incapitate them? As for me, I am good in sensing presence of evil and can go toe to toe. Anyone can chec for traps and such? Tele, are you able to do any magic like making people believe whats not there?" Storm asks.
player, 45 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 09:24
  • msg #574

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 Vendavel realised she had a great tactical advantage to provide. She knew the layout of the house better than anyone else, and she had knowledge of their habits as well. How reliable that was would be an other question though.

 "The group traffics in brandy, fine cloth and weapons. There's a secret door that leads down into the caverns below the house. This has access to the bay, where the ships come as part of the smuggle business."

 "There are times when Eliphas will send someone up into the house itself at night, to watch for the signal from the ship and send the appropriate signals that is is safe to approach, but I don't know the timing of this."

 "People will go out to get supplies, though rarely alone and I can't say that I've noticed a pattern in this. The Gnolls go out hunting together sometimes, at night I think."
Westin na'Belva
player, 140 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 18:59
  • msg #575

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Westin ponders the other's words before speaking.

"Since Vendavel came with us freely, Eliphas will probably assume she has shared everything with us that she recalls or think would be useful," Westin says thoughtfully. "Even so, watching and waiting might have some merit now that we know they are there. It might help even more if someone could speak gnoll. I don't mind waiting and watching the house as I'm an elf and like the outside though I'm not sure everyone would agree. It does require patience. I'm not sure everyone would want to wait that long. We have to be thinking of Dak too."

"If we want to go back directly to the house we should keep in mind Eliphas may have changed things, even added some traps and such on the way in. I'm remembering the screams we heard going down the stairway. That probably alerted them though last time they may not have been too concerned about it. If we go there tomorrow or in the next few days, they will probably be much quicker to respond."

"Last time, I slept a gnoll and Vendavel. I had only prepared one sleep spell because, like Lenelle, I thought the house would be deserted or, at worst, maybe have some undead or traps in it. I didn't think we'd encounter humans. This time, I'll have two Sleep spells ready to cast. However, Eliphas may well have figured that a sleep was used against the gnoll. Keep in mind, a slept person can easily be shaken back awake. Eliphas may have already warned his gang about that and instructed them wake anyone slept. That's one of the weaknesses of the sleep. If you can't sleep all your opponents, if they are smart, they will just focus on waking those slept. A second sleep spell does make that more difficult but then I have to be sure to save both of them."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:56, Thu 02 July 2020.
player, 156 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #576

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Wick nods at Westen's comments.  "That's true, far as it goes.  I figure we got two options.  The first is we sneak in and try to take them by surprise and clear them out in small groups.  Or if we come in from the sea side, they couldn't have all that many traps and still get their cargo in or out.  The second option will take a lot longer, we set up camp and pick them off bit by bit.  Those that come out, hunting or whatever, we take out and then we either go in and chip away at their defenses or we set our own traps and lure them out.  If we can put a dent in the swordsmen up front, we can spend more time focusing on Eliphas.  Since his lordship isn't offering much in the way of reward for the risk, we need to do what we can to claim any valuables so we can't just put a torch to the whole place."
player, 47 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 20:20
  • msg #577

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"As for me, my most potent spell for dealing with groups requires the presence of plant-life, even just grass, and I can entangle a great many creatures.

Otherwise, I can provide the blessing of Atu to assist us in battle, before we enter combat. Or I can bathe the enemy in light so they are easier to attack, even in darkness. And, I can provide minor healing.

Of course, I cannot cast all of these spells over and over!

Vendavel, you say that the caverns below the house access the bay...if we are to get an advantage against the brigands we need to tack when they expect us to jibe...I like Wick's idea, would it be possible for us to enter the cavern from the bay-side instead of the house?"

Spells described: Entangle, Bless, Faerie Fire, and Cure Light Wounds.

I am sure Telemachus has a god, but I couldn't see it on the character sheet, so I went generic for now! :-)

And my apologies to any sailors if my analogy makes no sense!
[Edit: added Atu.]

This message was last edited by the player at 03:19, Sat 04 July 2020.
player, 46 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 16:24
  • msg #578

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 "I suppose it would be possible..." Vendavel says with a frown.

 "How is it useful though? I'm not sure it is a great tactical position... unless a few people go in through the front door, and some take that second route to cut their retreat..."
player, 520 posts
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 03:02
  • msg #579

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Seems we have a pretty good party of spell slingers. We can heal, cause people to sleep or empower people to fight. I agree they may have changed their routines but we can always set up pickets to observe a couple of days, I dnt think they will kill DAk just yet,' Storm replies.
player, 49 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 03:26
  • msg #580

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

I'm not sure it is a great tactical position

"I'm not so sure either, to be honest. But we know they expect visitors to enter through the house - thus the alarm on the trap door.

They also know that we know about them, and that you are with us.

I assume they sleep in the rooms in the cellar. If we came through the cave we might be able to set up an ambush for them. It might require us to  make the attempt during the night, or the very early morning.

And be sure, that I am thinking of entering the cave from land not from the sea!"

Westin na'Belva
player, 141 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 11:39
  • msg #581

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Is the cave accessible from the land?" Westin asks turning to Vendavel.
player, 26 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 14:22
  • msg #582

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Some of us have some kind of night vision, that may be useful. Is the cave to far from town? We could scout ahead and see if there is a way through land. I am very loudly on woods, usually."
GM, 863 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 21:04
  • msg #583

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

As the group continued their discussion of plans, food and drink was readily available from Aidan.  After some time, Labras returned, accompanied by Brother Niall, both men taking some ale before joining the group at the table.

"I have spoken to deMontec," said Labras.  "As far as the gnolls are concerned, it is preferable that they be killed.  We can offer a bounty of forty asil for each.  The men, if they surrender, bring them back to town.  We can offer thirty asil for each of these men, and sixty for their leader."

"And before you leave," said Niall, "I would like you to come by the church, and each can take a bottle of the healing brew that I have been preparing today."
player, 228 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 00:37
  • msg #584

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Pan nods, now that sounds more like it.  Son of a businessman, he adds.

"That is all very good, and fair, and thank you.  Just so there are no misunderstandings in our deal, what we recover in the house, that is ours as well, it will help to raise the funds demanded by Malachy".
player, 47 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 06:49
  • msg #585

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

In reply to Westin na'Belva (msg # 581):
“The cave is only accessible by sea,” Vendavel replies with a nod.
“I suppose we could get there with a small rowing boat, but if fear we might be at a disadvantage.”
player, 521 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 08:07
  • msg #586

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"We can use botth routes. Some attack frontally by the houseand others from the cave. We may ctch the, by surprise,' Storm say.

"Good option for us who cant see in the dark," Storm continues.
player, 130 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 23:58
  • msg #587

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"If the gnolls do go out and hunt at night," Lenelle added, "That could be worked to our advantage, if we deal with the humans while they're away, and then wait for them to return.  But we also want to make certain it doesn't work against us, if we do go at night, with them returning and coming in behind us, at our backs. Predicting when they'll go would of course be the trick. When they do their hunting, do they leave by the front or by the sea cave?" she asked of Vendavel.
player, 48 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 23:44
  • msg #588

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

“They would leave by the front door. No one really leaves by the sea cave, unless they arrived by it,” Vendavel explained.
“I think we ought to focus on the tactics to take them down, rather than the second entrance. Coordinating a simultaneous arrival would be difficult, not to mention the risk of being spotted on approach by sea.”

She seems to ponder for a moment.
“Unless we use a boat, and signal as if we were bringing in goods... but they may be a very transparent strategy. Eliphas know I remember the signal, united he is actually expecting a delivery, he won’t be fooled. And even then, they would be very cautious.”
player, 50 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 04:21
  • msg #589

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Unless we use a boat, and signal as if we were bringing in goods
"I think you have convinced me that attacking the sea cave will not be a viable option.

I think Lenelle's idea will be a good starting point. We start with the gnolls when they go out at night. The group of us should be able to neutralise the pair of them relatively easily.

That will leave us with seven men and Eliphas, and of course, Dak until he can be returned to his senses.

Vendavel, how long are the gnolls normally out on their hunts? Do you think Eliphas would send men to look for them if they are missing?

If we can take care of the gnolls; replenish our spells, and then hopefully deal with another smaller group of 2 or 3 men, it will give us a better chance to deal with Eliphas in a full-on attack."

player, 49 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 13:30
  • msg #590

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 "They are not exactly ones to follow a schedule..." the young woman says with a shrug.
 "They are sometimes gone for half the night, coming back at dawn with a few hares or a young boar... sometimes they just leave for an hour, happy with whatever their snares got."

 She thinks for a moment, then adds:
 "I don't think Eliphas would send anyone after them in a normal situation – he would just assume they got sidetracked and would come back later. In our situation though, he may think we came back for them. He still wouldn't send men after them, mind you;  he would probably prepare for an onslaught on the house."

 "We could send Jade and Admiral as scouts..." she mused, offering a piece of fruit to her parrot.
player, 522 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 01:06
  • msg #591

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Do they and will they get missed if they do not return?" Storm asks.

"Have you seen merchants or anyone going to the house to buy or sell items?"Stor asks Van
Westin na'Belva
player, 142 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 14:24
  • msg #592

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"She just said they would be missed," Westin explains to Storm.

"At this point, I don't think it's going to be possible for us to surprise Eliphas," Westin says, addressing the party. "Perhaps if we waited for 6 months we would be able to do so but for now, in the near term, he is going to be on guard. He may not fear us so much but he probably does fear those who we might tell and perhaps already have told. It's also quite possible or even likely, he has one or two informants here in town to keep him abreast of what is going on."

"If they didn't have Dak, picking off some gnolls first might work," Westin says to Lenelle. "However, I worry that Eliphas's response would be to kill Dak, especially if he spots us and believes we were the one who did that. Based on our past encounter, I believe he's more than willing and capable of doing that."

"I think there is also another possibility to consider here. Eliphas hid his base for a reason. Nobles like getting their taxes and take a dim view of those who avoid paying them and an even dimmer view of those who profit by helping others evade them. If he stays, sooner or later, some enterprising Lord or Champion is probably going to come to that house in force, arrest all who are there and put an end to his smuggling operation."

"Given that, I think Eliphas will move, probably sooner rather than later. In fact he may already be in the process of moving. My understanding of criminal gangs is that they often do that once they've been found out. If they didn't have Dak, we could risk waiting and finding out for sure. However, if our objective is to free Dak, I think we must move now, today or tonight at the latest, not giving Eliphas time to pack up and leave. Plus, if Eliphas's focus is on moving, he probably won't have as much time or interest in setting new traps."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think a bold frontal attack is called for. We go back to the house, down into the basement and defeat Eliphas and his gang. We have more swords than we did before plus all of us spell casters will be better prepared now that we know the enemy we are dealing with. If we move fast too, I don't think Eliphas will have an opportunity to get reinforcements. We do need a leader, though. Someone strong enough and courageous enough to lead the attack and that's not me."
player, 131 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #593

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Lenelle listened to Westin, whose intelligence she had come to respect.  Yet she frowned while considering the idea.

"I can see the sense in what you're saying. You may well be right. And if that is what we're going to do, then as far as bold leaders go, we do have a paladin amongst us," she smiled faintly, nodding toward Storm.

"I just...wish there was a better way. And tactics and strategy are far from my forte."   She glanced to their druid, whose level headed council had served them well in the past.  "Mac, what do you think?"
player, 51 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 00:56
  • msg #594

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Mac, what do you think?"

The young druid, takes a sip from his glass before speaking.

"I agree with Westin that we will likely not be able to truly surprise Eliphas, if we enter the cavern through the house and cellar.

That is why I wanted to try to enter the cavern from the water side, but that appears to be impossible."
He nods to Vendavel.

"I don't think Eliphas will kill Dak; after all he proved to be a worthy combatant for the wizard when we last met them. While I will acquiesce to Westin's knowledge of arcane magicks, it appears to me that Dak is fully under Eliphas's control; and thus a valuable ally."

He stops to take another sip. "They may pack up and leave. And if they go by sea, we will not be able to stop them. But, if they leave through the house, then I believe we could be in an excellent position to ambush them. And if we can eliminate the two gnolls prior, they will be weaker as a group.

Vendavel, can you tell us if Eliphas has a boat in the cavern? And would you have any idea when the next smuggling ship is expected to arrive?"

player, 50 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 09:55
  • msg #595

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Vendavel was growing slightly uncomfortable with the questions. Not that she minded answering, but it became apparent that her knowledge was only superficial and potentially unreliable. She hesitated and said:

“There’s a boat in the cave, a small one, used to take deliveries from ships. A full-size ship wouldn’t fit in the cave.”

“Deliveries are not exactly regular, and I only have a few months of observation to base it on, but I would say there won’t be one for an other week at least, maybe more. It seems like it was more towards the middle of the month each time.”

 “Does that help?” she added tentatively.
player, 27 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 11:54
  • msg #596

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Doesent seem to me that we know much more. We should move to the house, as soon as everyone is rested, and observe it. If we  get the chance to ambush the gnolls separetedely, all the better. If not, we must find a way to enter the house. Since we cannot divide our forces, if we seem to be winning, there is a chance that Eliphas may use the boat to flee. But I dont see what we can do about it, besides having a ship ready if we get a hint to where."
player, 229 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 00:33
  • msg #597

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I agree that we go to battle, not a stealth mission.  We have healing potions and spells and more swords than the first time, let us hope it is enough.  I nominate Telemachus as our leader, he is the captain after all.   But truly, he is steady, calm, and balanced.   When we encounter our enemy, and they are now that.  Let us strike fast and hard, if we hesitate, I fear we'll end up just as before.  This time, I do not expect him to let us live if we lose.  It may be that many of them are under the sway of magic, if we capture them and free them, they may face leniency if they've been magically forced into following Eliphas."
player, 523 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 08:50
  • msg #598

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I think we can help ourselves by attacking the gnolls, taking them out while they are out and then attacking his home. The will be fewer defenders, Storm says
player, 51 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 12:43
  • msg #599

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 "I agree with Storm, taking one or two of them out while the odds are overwhelmingly in our favour would be good. It might not be the Gnolls though. I mentioned that they sometimes go out to hunt, but they're not the only ones to leave the house from time to time. I say whoever comes out, we neutralise them; then very shortly after invade the house," Vendavel suggests.

 She had grown a bit concerned that the comment she had made about the Gnolls was taken at face value, and that the others would expect them to go on their hunting trip on cue.
player, 524 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 14:41
  • msg #600

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Whatever it is, we sleep in the day, position ourselves by evening. We take out those leaving the house if there are and attack at 3 in the morning. Humans will be most tired at that time and the alertness will be lowest even if there are guards," Storm says.
player, 157 posts
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 15:49
  • msg #601

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I still think it works best to lure them out of their hole a few at a time and take them in small bunches.  The gnolls first, since we already know they go out to hunt.  After that, maybe we stir up a ruckus or start a fire?  Just anything to get them to send out a couple of scouts we can take down."
player, 525 posts
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #602

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"We can try that but I think it will cost us the element of surprise. I say we attack at late night after we ambush the foraging gnolls. They will not have been missed yet and at that time, surprise will still be ob ourside." Storm says confidently, stepping back after he has spoken.
player, 52 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 04:11
  • msg #603

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Telemachus listens intently to all his companions have to say.
I nominate Telemachus as our leader,

He feels his ears warm with embarrassment at Panatixes nomination, but none of the others took it to heart.

Nonetheless, he takes a long draw from his cup, and speaks.

"If I count correctly it is our two wizards that favour a direct attack, while the rest prefer attempting to ambush some of the brigands before entering the house. I say we go with the majority.

Based on what Vendavel has told us, it possible, but not a surety that the gnolls will go hunting. But they might, or some of the others might.

I believe our most prudent choice is to approach the house in the late afternoon, lay in ambush and engage anyone who might come out. We can then enter during the late night, when the men at least are likely to be asleep. Or we reassess based on the circumstances.

Once we enter the house, we will have to very wary. I am sure Eliphas has added more illusions to confuse our eyes or warn him of our approach. Don't forget the awful wailing sound when we entered the cellar. Once inside, it will be a race to get to them before they can prepare, if that's possible.

Those of us with casting abilities should ensure we take the most useful spells. For myself,

I will be able to Entangle creatures with plant-life twice.

I will be able to provide Atu's Blessing on us, prior to entering battle.

And, I will be able to target our foes in bright blue Faerie Fire. It will not burn, but it will mark them to be easier to attack."

He looks around the table, "I hope some of you have some potent magicks that will help our cause."
player, 230 posts
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #604

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Panatix nods,

"Yep, you are natural,  I am swayed to vote to follow Mac's plan."
player, 53 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 15:03
  • msg #605

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 Vendavel concurred with a simple and confident: "Aye".
This message was last edited by the player at 15:04, Tue 21 July 2020.
player, 28 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 15:42
  • msg #606

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I will follow what you decide, haven't been there before."
Westin na'Belva
player, 143 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 16:56
  • msg #607

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"If I count correctly it is our two wizards that favour a direct attack, while the rest prefer attempting to ambush some of the brigands before entering the house. I say we go with the majority.

Westin snickers as Telemachus decides against his strategy while noting Westin is one of the two wizards proposing the plan. He quickly composes himself, though, and listens carefully to Telemachus's plan.

"I suppose you are right. I favored a direct attack with others leading the charge. Didn't think of it that way but it's certainly true. I support you leadership and plan. Certainly you are a good politician," he says with a shrug, a nod and a smile. "I do appreciate your pointing that out," he says with a surprising look of sincerity.

"As for spells, I have 2 Sleep spells I will be able to cast. I could certainly cast them in support of an ambush we might carry out before entering the house. I could also save them, if you prefer, for the battle with Eliphas. It would help me to know if advance what you would want. Unfortunately, beyond my Sleep spells, I am not much good in a fight, though, when things got desperate, I did really lucky last time stabbing one of the Eliphas's men. For a second, I thought I might have killed him. I wouldn't count on that again. Indeed, I'm not eager to meet him again as I'm pretty sure he will remember me," Westin says with a shudder. "I do keep a Shield spell ready for emergencies."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:01, Tue 21 July 2020.
player, 55 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 04:13
  • msg #608

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

I favored a direct attack with others leading the charge.

"Spoken like a true general," Telemachus says with a laugh.

"I think your Sleep spells are best held until we are in the house, if possible. My Entangle spells will only work where there are plants, so they are best suited to an ambush outdoors. And will likely be of no use indoors."

He looks at Panatix, Lenelle, and Vendavel expectantly.
player, 54 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 08:20
  • msg #609

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 "I can use a spell of sleep as well," Vendavel simply said.

 "My other talents I'm afraid are of no use in our current enterprise..."
player, 232 posts
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 14:42
  • msg #610

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Grim reality of real battles, but sleep type spells have a short effect if others work to wake them up.  We need to have a supply of straps, manacles, or the like to secure them once they are down.  Or cut their throats if time is of the essence.  I know what that sounds like, but believe me, if we lose this fight, we'll all be dead or worse, I don't plan to risk that".
player, 29 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 19:30
  • msg #611

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Teodoin nods at the mention of straps but flinches when cutting throats is mentioned.
player, 526 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 03:21
  • msg #612

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Maybe one of the mages should prepare something that allows us to detect illusions or sorcery. It will be helpful for us in the house. As for me, I am able to detect evil intent so it should be helpful. As for ambushes, we can ambush them first in the earlier part of the night, and then maybe try some means of getting into the house," Storm says.

As much as his code of honor disdains the use of subterfuge, he feesl that they will need to use a bit of it in the face of an emeny that used trieckery earlier.
player, 158 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 22:39
  • msg #613

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Wicks sighs.  "We got to get something straight here.  Are we or are we not looking to get rid of vermin?  We do what is quick, quiet and puts us at the least bit of danger as we can.  If that means killing men in their sleep, then that's what it means.  If we're not willing, then we got no business doing this kind of work."
player, 233 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #614

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Pan sighs, "Wick, I know, this is the place and time to decide if any of you come or stay.  This is not going to be pleasant business, i'm no killer, damn, I'm scared half to death to face this Eliphas again.  I'm not even sure I wouldn't like him, but I do think he put Dak under a charm against his will, and had him damn near kill Storm.  I'm going, and I'll slit throats, poke eyes, whatever it takes to free Dak.  Right or wrong, let's the gods judge my actions. IF you can't do the same, don't come".
player, 55 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 12:17
  • msg #615

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

 Vendavel was a bit taken aback by Wick's conception of what their enterprise would entail. She was very uneasy and quiet for a moment, as Panatix clarified his own position. There was a hint of trembling in her voice when she spoke again:
 "You know that I was with Eliphas' gang for a few months... I can't say that I have seen them killing anyone in their sleep. He let us go freely when we were overpowered by his goons."

 "There is one man in his gang who has wronged me beyond a chance for pardon, and I will end his life if given the opportunity... the others, I don't think I could."

 "I'm sorry if I sound faint-hearted, but their crime is contraband of spirit and cloth, sometimes weapons and poisons... it doesn't feel right to execute them without an offer of redemption."

 The young half-elf realised something as she said this, or maybe it had been on her mind the whole time. With only minute changes to the story line, she could have been the one lying in a bed, throat slit open by a zealous adventurer...
player, 30 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 12:38
  • msg #616

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Teodoin finds courage to speak: "Vendavel expressed most of my feelings. I don't mind ambushing people that are probably maintaining someone against his will but if I have alternative to kill someone who is defenseless, I will take it."
player, 528 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 15:41
  • msg #617

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I remember how lowly he stooped to attack me my friends. But I will not by virtual of my honor, kill him in his sleep. Perhaps we can have those who want to attack from the front to do so. Those who don't wish to can devise their own attack plan while we hit them from the front. Still we need to ambush the foraging party. I will of course give them notice of attack."storm says
player, 56 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 23:02
  • msg #618

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Are we or are we not looking to get rid of vermin?

"I believe our primary goal is to rescue Dak.

Capturing Eliphas and his gang of ne'er-do-wells is a by-product or perhaps a prerequisite to rescuing Dak.

I do not relish the idea of killing helpless men, nor do I think it is the only way to achieve our objective. If it is possible to neutralise or capture the brigands, that should be our first choice...but not at the expense of our own lives.

We should ensure that everyone carries some lengths of rope to tie up those whom we capture."

their crime is contraband of spirit and cloth, sometimes weapons and poisons

Looking directly at Vendavel he adds, "Don't forget kidnapping Dak and taking control of his mind. Who's to say that he has not done the same to the others with him?

Perhaps smuggling liquor and textiles is harmless - although those who pay their taxes on those goods might argue with you. But weapons and poison are only used to harm others.

And there is the fact that he allowed the one man you are ready to kill to, as you say, wrong you."

player, 234 posts
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:11
  • msg #619

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Pan listens and occasionally nods, "It is good to put our cards on the table.  We have a little time before we leave, I need a supply or two, and we should get and hand out lengths of rope as noted already for each of us to be able to tie hands and feet of a helpless enemy. Each tied and bound so, lives to see justice.  If someone here is good with ropes, you should teach us the best method and we should practice it, make sure we are good at it.  In the chaos of battle, you don't want to hesitate with your ropes."
Westin na'Belva
player, 149 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Det Mg, Shield
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 02:09
  • msg #620

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"I liked the idea of manacles and chains," Westin quietly pipes in. "I would be more than willing to slap manacles on sleeping gang members while others do the fighting. Besides, we get a reward for each brigand and it's a lot easier chain them together and march them back to town than to lug dead bodies. Plus, since an official reward has been offered, maybe Labras could persuade deMontec to find someone to loan us the chains and manacles," he says coyly, looking over at Labras.
player, 529 posts
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 11:14
  • msg #621

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"Tat sounds good. I guess we can get ready, meet tonight at agood position where we can ambush anyone who leaves before attackng the main camp. Perhaps Vendavel could show us whre to position ourselves?" Storm asks.

He then turns to survey each party member's expression.

OOC: When was our last xp award? Not sure if i was following close enough.
player, 31 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 12:37
  • msg #622

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Teodoin nods: "Besides, any good smuggler would have eyes and ears in the local tavern. We should move,"
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 01:27
  • msg #623

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Labras shook his head at Westin's question, and said, "Perhaps you would be best to see Colin at his general store for rope, if you don't have enough.  And I will have to take my leave now."

With that, Labras and Niall left the group in the Cat and Custard Pot.
player, 32 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 13:07
  • msg #624

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"And I know how to use a rope, perhaps I can improvise something that can tie people quickly."
player, 58 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 19:42
  • msg #625

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

"We have plenty of rope on the Ananke. And, Teodin may be right, perhaps it would be best if finish our preparations there, away from prying eyes."
player, 159 posts
Mon 3 Aug 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #626

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Wick listens to the others, and is especially troubled when Storm talks about his honor and giving warning of an attack.

"First, we only think that Dak was coerced, we don't know for sure.  Because of that doubt, I'd like to bring him out alive if possible, but if it's a choice between his death or ours, I pick his."

He looks at Storm for a long moment, not seeing much potential in convincing him from his high-handedness intentions.  "Maybe you've got a point there, maybe you and a few stout lads could master the muscle and free up a small group to focus on the mage."  And maybe there's an upside either way, either they win or Storm takes a good thrashing and won't be so high-minded next time.

"Rope's better for us, it doesn't make a racket when it rattles and a man can carry a lot more rope than chains, and it's much easier to come by quickly.  But if you're worried about them getting cut free and coming after us again and you don't want to kill them, we'll a man without fingers can't very well hold a blade, nor can he make those waggling gestures mages are famous for.  Pan, what do you think?"
GM, 907 posts
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 13:04
  • msg #627

Re: Monteci - Cat & Custard Pot

Having made a decision about how to proceed, the group went to the more private environs of the Ananke until time to collect the promised potions at the church on the way to their journey back to the old house.

Please detail what preparations are made, including changes of equipment, and move to the visit to the church for the potions promised by Brother Niall.
player, 60 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #628

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Telemachus will help prepare lengths of rope to be shared by the group, cut to the specifications determined by Teodin.

"At least two lengths each, just to be sure we have enough."

If Teodin does not have a suggestion on how to secure the prisoners, Telemachus will suggest, "Tie their wrists together, behind their back, and then use then the loose end can tie around one ankle. That should keep them from getting up."
player, 33 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 10:15
  • msg #629

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Teodoin will try to make some pieces with rope with some ready knots that just needs to be tightened to work.
player, 56 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 16:19
  • msg #630

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

 Vendavel was quite skilled in the use of rope, whether for sailing or other activities. She will gladly assist anyone in the crafting of makeshift rope manacles with an easy-knot ready to be strapped on a subdued enemy, following Mac's suggestion to tie wrists behind the back and an ankle with the loose end.

 She winced when Wick mentioned an alternative so slicing throats would be breaking fingers. The logic was sound, though distasteful to say the least.

 I have Rope Use as a NWP, might as well use it!
player, 530 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 01:55
  • msg #631

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Storm joins his companions in ming th necessary preparations> He will ensure that he only takes part in preparations that he can do,
Westin na'Belva
player, 150 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 08:24
  • msg #632

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

As they board the Ananke, Westin asks, "Did you buy this ship or is there more of a tale of how you managed to get it?"

"I'd be happy to make dinner for the group after Vendavel gives me a few lessons with ropes and helps me create some rope manacles," he offers.

Westin's only preparation will be change of spells as noted, some rope lessons assuming Vendavel is willing and getting 4 rope manacles ready. He will you the rope he already has. How much rope is required for each manacle?

player, 61 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 01:04
  • msg #633

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Telemachus will sit and watch Teodin and Vendavel create the rope manacles and study how to use them, quickly and efficiently.

Did you buy this ship or is there more of a tale of how you managed to get it?

"Westin, the tale of how we acquired this ship borders on the unbelievable! But it is too long to be done justice tonight.

I promise when we return from this quest, I will sit down and spin the tale as best I can."

Spells are set in other thread.
Where did Westin join the group? I read the entire story when I joined, but I did not make notes!

player, 57 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 08:05
  • msg #634

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

 Vendavel was happy to help with the ropes, and shared a few of her tricks to make efficient knots. Most of it she has learnt at sea, which is obvious in the way she ties them.

 Vendavel rolled 7 using 1d20.  DEX check to make easy-knot rope manacles

player, 34 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 19:10
  • msg #635

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Teodoin watches Vendavel, looking for some new knot or trick. He does his best to help the other learn.

OOC: 16:10, Today: Teodoin rolled 9 using 1d20.  Rope Use, Dex Check.
GM, 911 posts
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 03:30
  • msg #636

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

After some time, they had managed to create enough rope manacle/hobbles for the humans they expected to encounter.  Now came only the question of whether they were going to leave town in the evening, or wait until daybreak to make their way back to the old house.
player, 62 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 04:02
  • msg #637

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

"I propose we leave now, and not wait until the morning.

We can make a quick stop at the church to pick up the healing potions that Brother Niall promised us and still make it to the house before nightfall.

We will choose a spot to watch for gnolls or brigands and then enter the house in the early morning.
If anyone has another thought, speak up now.

As to our journey there, I propose that Teodoin scouts ahead of the main group.

At the front of the group is Panatix, for his night vision, and Storm for his sword arm.

Then Wick, Westin, and me, We will carry a torch.

Next is Michan and Banan, and the rearguard is Lenelle and Vendavel, again because both have night vision.

Are we agreed?"

player, 35 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 14:07
  • msg #638

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Teodoin nods: "I agree. The faster we move, less time they have to do something we don't expect."
player, 160 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #639

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Wick nods his agreement.  He would rather help bring up the rear as well, but Mac made a good case with the idea of putting night-seeing folks up front and behind as well.

Besides, if there was anyone pulling anything, an abrupt change of schedule might prove to be their best friend.  "If we're doing it, best to be done quickly."
Westin na'Belva
player, 151 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 01:44
  • msg #640

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

Westin does his best to hold a smile. "Everything sounds good, it almost sounds like a really good plan. I mean, it is a good plan. I look forward to freeing Dak and, hmm,  do you really think a torch is necessary? I know it can be helpful to some. The problem is at night even with stars and a moon, the ground is, well, black and a torch would really stand out. I mean I could probably see someone carrying a torch on a road maybe 3 miles or more. I know my vision is better than some but I do think if anyone in the house was watching even a bit they would probably notice and be very curious."

"If we leave a little before dusk, perhaps 30 minutes or 45 minutes, I would think it would be light enough for everyone to see the way well enough. Those of us who can see in the dark would be able to help guide the others which would help. What do you think?" he asks, peering at Telemachus curiously, wondering if he will change his mind but still determined to go if he should not.
player, 63 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 06:18
  • msg #641

Re: Monteci - Aboard the Ananke

"You're absolutely right, Westin. A torch is a beacon at night. But for Storm, Wick, myself, Michan, and Banan we need the light.

I worry that if we walk blind, relying on others to be our guides we will move slower, and still be liable for falling or worse.

But, if we can make it before nightfall, then the torch will not be necessary.

Let's get moving. To the church, and then to save Dak."

GM, 916 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 05:33
  • msg #642


Just before the bells of Vespers, the group made their way to the church where Brother Niall had prepared one bottle of the healing draught for each of the members of the group, including the two men of Monteci.  By following the road, they should be able to approach close to the house by Compline.

Specify how close, what sort of camp, and what watches will be taken by whom.
GM, 921 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 23:30
  • msg #643


Having made their plan, with Vendavel's advice regarding the distance from the house, the group made their camp in the overgrown area beside the road.  However, as the night and the watches passed, no one emerged past the ruined walls of the house or otherwise into the sight-lines of those on watch.

As the first lightening of the pre-dawn hour of Matins arrived, those who were casters of spells were able to study or pray for their spells available today.
player, 531 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #644


Storm agress and moves of with the rest. He is cozignant tat they will have to be careful
player, 66 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 05:07
  • msg #645


"All that planning for naught!

I guess it's down to trying to sneak in. Let's hope we can catch them in small groups.

And to be clear, quiet ambush is preferred to mass melee.

Do we need to shuffle our marching order?

Perhaps, Teodoin to continue as scout;

Storm, Michan, and Banan as lead attackers,

Wick, myself, and Lenelle as backup;

Westin and Vendavel for spells and

Panatix to watch the rear, and to provide spells as needed?"

Once the decision is made, Telemachus will take the time to replace one Entangle with another Bless.

I'm not sure if Teodoin's scouting is worthwhile in the house, cellar, and caverns. It may be better to have a thief or two lead to be able to detect traps. For that matter, I don't know what class(es) all the PCs are!

player, 59 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 15:48
  • msg #646


 Vendavel seems a bit disappointed, but she knew that it was a gamble to wager that someone would go out that night.

 "Let's go then, before the early birds wake up in the house. I have spells to send enemies into a slumber, so I'll try that when they appear."

 She had prepared two spells of Sleep and one of Armour, and was ready for the assault.
player, 133 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 17:59
  • msg #647


"Fret not a change, destiny will ever arrange," said Lenelle softly and solemnly, quoting Atuan scripture.   And went along with the others.
player, 68 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 07:27
  • msg #648


"To the stair then.

Vendavel, is there a way to keep the alarm from being set off?"

player, 60 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 08:57
  • msg #649


 "To avoid the alarm we could use the other stairway, but opening requires a password to open the trap door... I'm pretty certain it will have been changed since I left."

 In case the others wanted to give it a try though, she added:
 "It's in the room at the end of the hall to the left, it leads into the dormitory room."
player, 532 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:12
  • msg #650


"We an wait for someone to open the door and rush in?" Storm asks
player, 37 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:22
  • msg #651


Teodoin nods at Mac: "I can scout up to the house but inside I am not so sure I would be the best choice." He keeps his new bow ready.
NPC, 3 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 15:28
  • msg #652

Into the house

"I don't think we should just keep waiting for someone to emerge," said Banan.  "We might set off that alarm, but let's just get going."
Westin na'Belva
player, 153 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 16:54
  • msg #653

Into the house

Westin listened with surprise as Telemachus announced his decision to enter the house. He had thought the group would stay staked out, waiting at least a week, perhaps a month or two. As he listened to other party members eagerly exchange ideas of how best to enter the house, he quickly realized he was in the minority or even perhaps the only one surprised at the change of plans. Not that it mattered that much though he thought it had been a good plan.

For all he knew, Eli's group had a spy in town who overheard and had informed Eli of the plan. Perhaps Eli had forbidden anyone to leave that night knowing that they would be ambushed. If so, their sudden appearance in the house might be unexpected. At least, that was something he could hope.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:55, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
player, 70 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 00:36
  • msg #654

Into the house

inside I am not so sure I would be the best choice

Looking around the group, Telemachus says, "Wick, would you lead? You have...skills that may help us stay undetected.

I think we should try the other stairs, that lead to the dormitory. We may not have the password, but perhaps we can force it?

What say you?"

NPC, 4 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 01:58
  • msg #655

Into the house

"Forcing it might make just as much noise as the other stairs," said Michan.  "If we even can."
player, 161 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 14:10
  • msg #656

Into the house

Wick gives a nod.  "Sure, just give me a good lead because I'll be moving slow."

Wick moves forward, on the lookout for any traps or signs of tampering with things.  Before much longer, something that makes a simple sound would prove almost as deadly as a poison dart or one of those giant snakes.
player, 38 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 14:25
  • msg #657

Into the house

Teodoin will fall in the marching order, trying to move as quietly as possible, bow in hand.
player, 62 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 14:38
  • msg #658

Into the house

 Vendavel likewise readies her shortbow with a heavy arrow notched. She follows at a safe distance, following the agreed upon marching order.

 Once they came with view of the house, she took a moment to cast her spell of armour, wrapping herself in a breastplate of pure force.
player, 533 posts
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 02:01
  • msg #659

Into the house

Storm advances with his Magical mace and shield ready. He will detect the presence of evil periodically, using his innate ability as a form of radar. Before setting off, he oils his armour to reduce the noise it makes.
GM, 927 posts
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #660

Into the house

The group made their way across the overgrown grounds and through the front door into the musty, dirty entrance hall.  To the left, they could see the corridor that Vendavel had described as leading to a password-warded trapdoor which would take them into the dormitory, if they were able to open it.  Ahead, another corridor led toward the back of the house and the stairs they had descended before--with its hellish moaning voice as they had descended.  On the right was the staircase leading upstairs, and just under the stairs another corridor leading toward the rooms where they had had their confrontation with Ric.
Westin na'Belva
player, 154 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 18:40
  • msg #661

Into the house

Memories of their prior visit fill Westin's mind as they enter through the gates and on into the house. The snake and discovery of Karel's dead body in the well, the battle with Eli's group and Ric with his dagger at Westin's throat. It was this last memory that was most disturbing to Westin and he involuntarily glances up the stairs. He gripped his dagger tightly, determined both not to be caught so unaware again as well as make his own contribution in the fight against Eli's gang.  This time it was going to be differently, he said to himself fervently hoping it was true.
player, 134 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 22:15
  • msg #662

Into the house

In her proper place in the order, Lenelle had dropped a well-crafted bullet into her sling.   It might seem odd weapon for a priestess...however, daughter of an elven rogue and human thief, it was for better or worse in her blood; she possessed the hand and eye coordination to be more than passingly accurate with it.

She was also ready with spells of Command, that could instantly stall or stop an enemy in whatever action they might be intent upon.

Like their mage, she couldn't help but think of all that had occurred here.   This place was a den of iniquity.   She silently asked Atu to bless their efforts in routing out the callous criminals who nested here.
player, 236 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:37
  • msg #663

Into the house

Before they leave for the house, Pan notes that the smugglers may have left the house completely.

"Ven, what was the old password, maybe it would give us a clue to a new one?".

For whatever else, Pan has components out and ready to cast if need be.
GM, 928 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:41
  • msg #664

Into the house

Moving into the house toward the stair that Vendavel had mentioned, they made their way into a large room at the end of the hallway.  A door to the right led to what they could see through the windows was an overgrown patio, filled with weeds.  There was an empty fireplace in the far wall, and a pile of discarded trash in the corner to the left.  The floor itself did not seem to be particularly promising of the trapdoor that Vendavel had spoken of.
player, 237 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:43
  • msg #665

Into the house

player, 63 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 06:55
  • msg #666

Into the house

« The old password was Kobun. » Vendavel replied.
« I’m not sure what it was referring to... »
player, 535 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 12:16
  • msg #667

Into the house

Stom again proceeds cautiously, using detect evil periodically.
GM, 931 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 23:59
  • msg #668

Into the house

No sense of evil could be detected by Storm.

Moving into the room, quite suddenly there was a booming voice, which sounded a fair bit like Eliphas, though much louder than any had heard him speak, "Welcome, fools!  Welcome to your deaths!"

Everyone make a save vs WIS
player, 238 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 00:52
  • msg #669

Into the house

Pan is feeling wise at the moment.

20:51, Today: Panatix rolled 3 using 1d20.  wisdom roll.
Westin na'Belva
player, 157 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 02:30
  • msg #670

Into the house

Westin, on the other hand, is not feeling all that wise.

21:54, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 16 using 1d20.  save vs wisdom (low is good).
player, 15 posts
Westin's familiar
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 03:02
  • msg #671

Into the house

Ears laid flat against her head, Jade began growling as her body crouched low to the floor, nearly flat while the tail expanded, bottle-brush style, swishing angrily from side to side.
player, 72 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 05:50
  • msg #672

Into the house

Telemachus grits his teeth at the sound of Eliphas' voice; "So much for surprising them."

22:48, Today: Mac rolled 6 using 1d20.  Save vs Wisdom (18) - success

player, 64 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 06:45
  • msg #673

Into the house

 Vendavel recognised the voice, but warned:
“This is probably an illusion, like that with the howling monster...”

She was not the wisest around, but she made up for it with wit.

“The alarm was raised, but he doesn’t know who or what is coming.”

Wisdom check failed (16)
player, 536 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 10:01
  • msg #674

Into the house

Perhaps it was his inherent goodness or perhaps due to the experiences he had over the months, Storm was able to successfully understand.

OOC:18:00, Today: Storm rolled 7 using 1d20.  Wisdom save.
player, 39 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 12:06
  • msg #675

Into the house

Teodin gets quite surprised by the voice and almost drops his bow to cover his ears.

OOC: 09:04, Today: Teodoin rolled 2 using 1d20.  Wisdom save.
NPC, 4 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 17:46
  • msg #676

Into the house

Banan's face whitened at the sound of the voice, and with a shaking voice said, "We should leave."
NPC, 5 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 17:50
  • msg #677

Into the house

"Banan, we can't go running off at the first sign of trouble," said Michan.  "I don't see the trap door, though.  Are we going to wait and see if someone comes up, or head down the other way?"

Those who passed the check are not particularly frightened by this particular event.
player, 73 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 19:51
  • msg #678

Into the house

We should leave.

"Steel yourself, Banan. It's a magical effect." Telemachus gives the young man a pat on the shoulder.

"Now where is the trap door, Vendavel?"

Assuming it is magical as there was a saving throw! :-)

Westin na'Belva
player, 158 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 20:50
  • msg #679

Into the house

"Banan's right," Westin says nervously, not at all swayed by Telemachus's words.

"If Eliphas didn't know before that we are here, he undoubtedly knows now. There's no chance for surprise. He's casting wards and will be ready for us with all of his men. We must take the nearest exit and get out of here!" Westin looks around scanning for the quickest way out of the house.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:06, Thu 27 Aug 2020.
GM, 933 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 22:31
  • msg #680

Into the house

Looking about the room, there did not seem to be anything resembling a trapdoor, no tell-tale even ending of planks at some point or other indicator of a hinge.
player, 537 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 01:58
  • msg #681

Into the house

"There might be illusions here to confuse us and perhaps sow fear in our hearts,"Storm says, feeling that Eliaphs knows mainly illusions and relies on tricks to gain the upper hand.

"We must be resolute. The mage is a sly one who relies on trickery. Let us be caeful and spread out. Vendavel, could you point the trapdoor out? See if there is an illusion."
player, 65 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 08:23
  • msg #682

Into the house

 Vendavel is shaken by the voice. She knows it is but an illusion, but the anxiety it induces is very real. It is one of those feelings that just can't be dismissed by someone asking to shake it off, irrational as it may be.

 With a shiver, she young woman just pointed to the left, where the stairs leading to the trap door should be located. She averted her eyes though, and said in a whisper:
 "Pan, you know of illusions better than us. Do you want to take a look?"

She added:
 "The password was Kobun..."
player, 40 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 15:03
  • msg #683

Into the house

Teodoin stashes the arrow in his quiver and then begin pounding the floor with his new bow: "If there was a trapdoor, there is one still. Hope I don't break my new bow. Anyone wants to help?"
GM, 937 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 19:11
  • msg #684

Into the house

As Teodoin made an assault on the floor, a moaning sound seemed to envelop the house.
player, 239 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 20:21
  • msg #685

Into the house

Pan will head over and try to find the trap door, just locate it, not open it mind you.
Westin na'Belva
player, 159 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 17:48
  • msg #686

Into the house

"Aik!" Westin involuntarily utters as the moaning intensifies, shaking visibly. Dagger out, he turns his head to and fro and side to side looking about looking for any hidden entrances from which Eliphas and his gang or something even far more sinister may emerge.
GM, 940 posts
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 11:21
  • msg #687

Into the house

There was another fearsome moan, seeming to emanate from the back of the house, and an almost inaudible 'click' as a bit of flooring rose, suddenly looking much more like a trapdoor, although with a veneer of floorboards that did not end evenly at one end or the other.
player, 74 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 23:14
  • msg #688

Into the house

"Well, that certainly looks suspicious," Telemachus says eyeing the trapdoor.

"Wick, Vendavel, Panatix. Can you look it over for traps?"

The young druid looks around at the group, some of them had been affected by the strange voice - seeming more frightened than was warranted.

"I know that the voice sounded ominous, but be assured it is a spell that Eliphas is using to cause you to fear moving forward. Steel yourselves, as best you can."
Westin na'Belva
player, 160 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #689

Into the house

Westin gives a weak nod to Telemachus, takes a deep breath and does his best to stop quivering. Despite his pale face, he looks calmer though the dagger in his hand still quivers, betraying his ongoing fear.
player, 538 posts
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 08:41
  • msg #690

Into the house

"Could be a mere illusion. Still we must be carefuk. Let us stick together and don't stray too far from the party," Storm says.

He attempts to detect evil.
player, 66 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 09:00
  • msg #691

Into the house

Vendavel nodded at Mac. She tried to stay focused, but she couldn’t shake off the unnatural shiver running down her spine.

Dagger in hand, she carefully approached the trap door and examined the outline and ironmongery.
 “No trap.”

 “At least none that I can see,” she clarified.

She turned around nervously, thinking the shadows behind them hid all sorts of dangers.
player, 41 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 12:40
  • msg #692

Into the house

Teodoin says; "Seems he wants us to believe the house is alive." He keeps to one side, bow ready.
player, 135 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #693

Into the house

"Probably, it has more of a soul than he does," quipped Lenelle.  "I am weary of this cheap trickster, who fancies himself a sorcerer!  I swear, on Atu's sacred sigil, this will be the end of his charades and connivery." She considered.

"We might throw something on the door, such as a sling bullet, to further test.  And drop something in, once it is open.   I am rather certain our coward enemy isn't out of traps yet." 
player, 240 posts
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 00:39
  • msg #694

Into the house

Panatix, already over near the doors shrugs.

"Sounds like me the morning after too many drinks".

He will look at the door to see if he can sense any traps, magical or otherwise, and if not, will open it.
GM, 943 posts
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 01:05
  • msg #695

Into the house

Finding nothing that seemed like a trap, Panatix pulled to open the trap door, revealing a stairway that descended into darkness.  The odor of an old ham-and-pea soup along with that of hastily extinguished torches drifted up from below.
player, 539 posts
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 01:49
  • msg #696

Into the house

Storm gestures if anyone hss a spare torch. He intneds to throw it into the staircase.

He intends to use the torch like a tracer to illuminate the enemies' position before charging forward to engage them in hand to hand
This message was last edited by the player at 02:18, Sun 06 Sept 2020.
player, 136 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #697

Into the house

OOC- Not packing any torches. Are the stairs stone or wood?   Does Mac perhaps have a Light spell? 
player, 42 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 19:47
  • msg #698

Into the house

Teodoin picks one of his 3 torches from his pack and offers it to Storm.
Westin na'Belva
player, 161 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 20:25
  • msg #699

Into the house

"Can't we just charge in or leave?" Westin softly asks plaintively. "The waiting is like ants crawling over me."
GM, 944 posts
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 22:39
  • msg #700

Into the house

These steps are wooden.  What the group who had been there before (i.e. all but Teodoin and the NPCs) know is that the floor below is stone with a fair amount of wooden furniture (center table, seating around that table, and a total of ten beds + footlockers).
player, 76 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 07:00
  • msg #701

Into the house

"Sorry Lenelle, I don't have a Light spell prepared."
"Can't we just charge in or leave?

"Let's go with charging in, for Dak's sake.

They are likely waiting for us, I suggest jumping off the stairs and spreading out."

He taps his shield with his scimitar, "Anyone with a free hand, carry a lighted torch, the more light, the easier it will be to see them."

While Storm lights his torch, Telmachus intones a prayer to Atu and the entire group feels the power wash over them.

Cast Bless
Duration: 6 rds.   Casting Time: 1 rd.

Raises the morale of friendly creatures and any saving throw rolls they make against fear effects by +1.
Raises their attack dice rolls by +1.
Affects only those not already engaged in melee combat.

player, 67 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 11:22
  • msg #702

Into the house

 Vendavel picked up a torch, lighted it and sighed her fear away. She was ready to cast a spell, rather than use a weapon.

 "I'm ready," she simply said.

 Whether she was or not, she would follow.
player, 43 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 12:27
  • msg #703

Into the house

Teodoin moves to the back of the group, bow still in hand, ready to shoot over the party member's head.
GM, 948 posts
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 15:57
  • msg #704

Into the house

Making their way down to the basement, by the light of the torches lit, they could see that the door to the winecellar stood wide open.  Perhaps more pertinent, however, was that the room was populated not by the men and gnolls expected, but by a half dozen skeletons.
Westin na'Belva
player, 162 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 16:07
  • msg #705

Into the house

As Telemachus casts his Bless spell, the fear starts to lift off of Westin and is replaced with a feeling of truly being peeved. Well, at least partially anyway. The fear is still there too though it definitely had receded.

Westin waves his hands and starts chanting his Shield spell, preparing for the fight. Once complete, dagger in hand, he looks at Telemachus and the others in front of him. He determined to do his part whatever that part may be. "I'm ready," he says quietly.
This message was undeleted by the GM at 18:25, Sat 12 Sept 2020.
player, 162 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 19:25
  • msg #706

Into the house

"By the gods..." Wick comments in a hushed tone, looking at the skeletons.  He tries to tell if they're human, gnoll or something else.  "It couldn't be his soldiers, they'd still be bodies, not skeletons.  He's just trying to make us jumpier."

For Wick, skeletons are less worrisome than a moaning house.
Westin na'Belva
player, 163 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 21:22
  • msg #707

Into the house

"Unless the skeletons are not really skeletons," Westin says as the room comes into view. He will attempt to disbelieve the skeletons. "Remember the body we found in the cellar was really a green slime thing? If Eliphas is anything, he is a master of illusions."

Westin will attempt to disbelieve the skeletons.
17:22, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 19 using 1d20.  disbelieve skeletons.

GM, 949 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 21:42
  • msg #708

Into the house

In the flickering torchlight, it became apparent that these skeletons--of human size and shape--were no ordinary collection of bones, but were mobile and had taken notice of the newcomers to the room.  Although oddly, it seemed that each of these skeletons had a rib-bone which glittered gold in the torchlight, it also grew clear that it was no mere bone in their hands, but a jagged shortsword which appeared to be bone.  While seeming somewhat sluggish, it was now also apparent that they intended to attack the intruders to the room.
player, 540 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #709

Into the house

“Undead. Let us put them to rest. This man is evil to conjure such evil,“ Storm Says, moving to strike with his magic mace.
“Any one here can send these away?” He grunts, knowing that most men of faith have the power to send or even destroy such monstrosities.
player, 44 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 00:13
  • msg #710

Into the house

Teodoin stashes his bow and draws his axe and dagger.
player, 137 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 01:57
  • msg #711

Into the house

In this instance, it was not a man of faith -- but a woman who'd been immersed in the scriptures and teachings of Atu since childhood.

She silently took back what she'd about their enemy being only a trickster - this was outright necromancy.

Naturally, she'd been trained and instructed in how to do it.  But, she had never done it before.  Taking Atu's sigil in hand, Lenelle moved to a place where she could present it staunchly.  Such things were least of the undead -- mere automatons -- but, it didn't make their empty socket eyes and death's head grins any less unnerving.   Her hand shook a little; she strove to rein her fear, increase her resolve:

"By the Hand of Heaven, Lord of Life and Death; be turned in Atu's sacred name!"

Lenelle rolled 10 using 1d20.  Turn undead.  Er, maybe - just barely?   If so:
Lenelle rolled 7 using 2d6.  undead turned.
Even if it works, we will have to deal with them later..

GM, 950 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 02:13
  • msg #712

Into the house

It might have been a matter of theory heretofore, yet the outer firm command from the young priestess was enough to halt the advance of the skeletons, as though a light unseen by physical eyes emanated from her symbol to not only halt, but even compel a step back from the undead bones.  A slight hiss and chatter of the bones could be heard, but the skeletons remained now at a wary distance.
player, 77 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #713

Into the house

Following his own advice, Telemachus jogged down half the stairs before jumping to the right, conveniently taking cover behinds the long table. He whispered a quiet prayer under his breath as he saw the skeletons bearing down on the group.

"Well done, Lenelle!" The druid breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the undead creatures retreat away from the staircase at the command of the cleric.

Then a puzzled look came over his face. "Lenelle, do we attack them while they are cowed? Or will that break the spell?"

As his eyes darted about the the room, another thought came to mind, "If we open the door to the wine cellar, can you force them in there?"

The 2E PHB is incredibly vague! I'm pretty sure in 1E you could attack the turned undead and they would not attack back...or my memory could be wrong (as usual).

GM, 951 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 03:26
  • msg #714

Into the house

The door to the winecellar is already open.
player, 138 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #715

Into the house

"I can't exactly speak from experience.  From what I've been taught, I should be able to get them to move away from me, and into the cellar.  But, we shouldn't attack, unless we want a fight." 

That's the only way I've ever played it --  I could make a Religion check if need be; though I'm not sure it gives any knowledge of undead, as in later editions. 

She began to advance, slowly, cautiously, continuing to present the symbol with all the faith she could manage...

If they continue to retreat from it, I'll try to goad them into the cellar, per Mac's idea.   But if they hold their ground, I'll stop.

player, 45 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 13:19
  • msg #716

Into the house

Teodoin advances slowly, weapons lowered, to get closer to Lenelle in case the skeletons turn on her.
GM, 956 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 23:37
  • msg #717

Into the house

Moving slowly and deliberately, the skeletons continued to retreat from Lenelle as she managed to maneuver their retreat toward the open door to the winecellar.  Step by step, and first one, and then another, and then finally the last had moved into the winecellar.
player, 541 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #718

Into the house

Storm will advance to cover his friend and close the door once the skeletons are all inside
player, 78 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #719

Into the house

"Thank Atu," Telemachus intones, "And you, Lenelle!"

Looking to Wick, he asks, "Is there a way to jam the lock to prevent someone from freeing those abominations?"
player, 542 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 13:48
  • msg #720

Into the house

“Use heavy objects and put them against the door,” Storm says. If there is a bar, he will bolt the door.
Westin na'Belva
player, 164 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 14:33
  • msg #721

Into the house

"Very good and clever," Westin says admiringly as Lenelle drives the skeletons through the door to the wine cellar.

As others move to shut and bar the door though, he frowns a bit and then adds with a smile, "I hate to bring this up but I'm not sure where exactly we are heading," he says apologetically. "I'm hoping it's not to and through the wine cellar though if it is, maybe we shouldn't be shutting the door? Do you know where we need to go?" he asks Vendavel.

Westin will look around. Are there any other exits from this room other than the one to the Wine Cellar and from which they came? He will begin searching for secret doors as well as disbelieving the walls as time permits.
GM, 959 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 14:45
  • msg #722

Into the house

See map in fog of war ooc.  The door in bottom left the group had gone down into cavern fight.

Those who failed earlier check are able to shake the ill effects due to the bless, but none of the usual benefits.
player, 46 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 15:35
  • msg #723

Into the house

Teodoin is very uncomfortable with the situation, he keeps his bow, ready, trying to watch everywhere at once.
player, 68 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 16:30
  • msg #724

Into the house

Vendavel walked down and stayed very close to Lenelle. She was not keen to get up close with the skeleton, and the proximity with the cleric reassured her. She kept her torch held high, as if it helped with rebuking the undead. Lenelle could hear her breath right behind her, to the point that she had to apologise and take a step back.

If decision was made to trap the undead foes there, she assisted in jamming the door. This was one thing she knew how to do well, possibly because of her vast experience trying to open reluctant doors...

She was ready to press on, and pointed the group to where the rest of the ruffians would be hiding. She knew that their onslaught had gone from commando mission to full frontal charge, so there was no use beating around the bush any longer...
player, 543 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #725

Into the house

“Let us move quickly while the blessings is upon us,” Storm says moving forward in the direction his friend indicated.
player, 139 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 17:10
  • msg #726

Into the house

Lenelle glanced briefly back toward Vendavel, and understood.  Those animate dead were far more terrible to look upon than gnolls.   Blades, arrows and other sharp weapons were not so effective against them, lacking flesh to cut, so she'd heard.  It could have been a deadly fight.    She whispered thanks to the Hand on High there had been none.

Once the roaming dead were secured within the cellar, she nodded concurrence with Storm's words, and went along with the party.
GM, 961 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 18:41
  • msg #727

Into the house

As the group decided that corralling the undead into the winecellar was a task preferable to fighting the fell things, they had succeeded in making the skeletons retreat to the winecellar, closing the door and pulling some of the furniture to block the way.  The door itself was as a pocket-sliding door, rather than a swinging door.

Once the task had been completed, Vendavel opened the door leading to the caverns.  The stairs themselves were dark, but light could be seen coming up from the depths.
player, 79 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 19:43
  • msg #728

Into the house

"We could use a scout...although when Dak went ahead, he was captured...Westin, can Jade communicate to you what she sees?

If so, are you willing to have her scout ahead? I understand if it is too risky.

Otherwise, Vendavel, Panatix, could you sneak ahead; without the need for a torch?"

Westin na'Belva
player, 165 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 17:08
  • msg #729

Into the house

Westin looks unhappy. "Just after we opened the trap door, I caught the scent of torches having just been put out. I believe they heard the load noises and moaning. I'm not sure anyone could have slept through that and anyone guarding would almost certainly have heard that. Eliphas probably knows it's us. Who else but Vendavel would know of the secret trap door?"

"Jade can be a scout but with one or more members of Eliphas's gang waiting for us, I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think they would have any reservations killing a cat especially one that Eliphas would likely guess is someone's familiar. Even compared to me she's very small and it's not like she has any armor. The swing of a club or even a swift kick might maim or even kill her."

"This morning, everyone seemed so enthused about coming in the house I thought for sure people would want to charge in and engage in a fight. If I had known we were going to come in halfway and stop once Eliphas's gang is alerted, I would have argued for staying hidden outside."

"I know you joked about me wanting to be a general and I certainly don't claim that I am," Westin says with his head lowered, "but I do think the most dangerous thing we can do is let an enemy know we are here and then hesitate, like we are doing know. Not only does that give them time to alert everyone and prepare their defenses, they may start making plans to ambush us. They know this house and there may be traps here already. What if they block the trap door and make it impossible to leave? What then?"

"I'm admittedly not a fighter, but if we as a group aren't willing to charge in and engage in a fight, I think we should leave before they do something bad to else that we aren't expecting, like trapping us in here," he says with a shiver looking around.
player, 47 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #730

Into the house

"Damm." Teodoin is pissed, people talk and do nothing. As a late comer and inexperienced, he didn1t even consider taking the lead. He again put his bow away and again drawing his axe and dagger, he moves silently as he can down the stairs.
player, 80 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 18:57
  • msg #731

Into the house

Telemachus raises an eyebrow at Westin.

"I was asking for someone who has no need for a torch to lead us in! And it appears that Teodoin has chosen to do so."

The druid lights a torch from the one Vendavel is holding, and then follows the ranger down the stairs, as he steps through the door, he turns and says, "Are you joining us, General?"

Just to be clear - I (player) have no issue with Westin's speech, in fact I think it was well done. I just thought this wasa perfect situation to add a little inter-character conflict at a stressful moment.

Westin na'Belva
player, 166 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 19:56
  • msg #732

Into the house

“Yes,” Westin says meekly.
GM, 963 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #733

Into the house

As Teodoin moved down the stairs, followed by the rest of the group onto the stairs, he could see that at the base of the stairs, there was a passage leading more or less to the right into darkness, and a passage leading to the left where a few sparsely lit torches could be seen--likely less than usual.

This map represents the extent of the group's prior exploration.  These squares are 10' and the prior fight took place in the room at the end of the passage with the objects (bolts of cloth and barrels of brandy) in it.  The first turn-off after making the left turn is where the party met the first two of the men.

player, 69 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 15:01
  • msg #734

Into the house

 Vendavel walked right after Telemachus, holding a torch and a broad sword. The latter would be quickly sheathed if she had to cast a spell.
player, 48 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 15:24
  • msg #735

Into the house

Teodoin keeps  moving ahead, slowly, trying to not get ambushed.
GM, 966 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 15:59
  • msg #736

Into the house

Approaching the first juncture of a path to the right after having made that left from the stairs, Teodoin could see that there were torches lit  along the way, although there were still spaces of shadow between the light from the torches.  To the right, however, there were no sources of light.  From ahead, there could be heard the sounds of movement and low voices which were not loud enough for the words to be heard.
player, 242 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #737

Into the house

Panatix has been quiet, realizing that the stress they are under will naturally lead to some tension amongst the group, as long as they manage to work together when it gets really tough.  He's isn't sure they will, it didn't go so well last time they were here but he feels they will soon have their answers.

All the while he has his hand on the pearl, and continues to doubt what he sees and hears knowing a fellow illusionist may be at hand.
player, 49 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 17:42
  • msg #738

Into the house

Teodoin slowly halts and points ahead. He murmurs "Voices."
player, 70 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 17:58
  • msg #739

Into the house

 Vendavel handed the torch to someone behind her, and crouched into a stealth stance. She took a few steps forward to place herself in a dark area between the reach of the light of torches. Her back against the wall, her sword behind her to conceal the bright metal, she waited to see if the enemy would reveal themselves.

 Vendavel rolled 63 using 1d100.  hide in shadows  (miss)

player, 81 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #740

Into the house


Telemachus nods in acknowledgement. He glances to his right, down the unlit tunnel where, he had no doubt, Eliphas had more of his thugs ready to encircle the party.

As Vendavel moved forward, hugging the shadows of the wall, the druid whispered to the group around him, "There are some ahead of us, where we last fought, and I suspect some will come up this tunnel to circle around us."

The druid then tosses his torch down the tunnel to the right.

If he sees any foes in the tunnel to the right, Telemachus will cast Faerie Fire on them, and yell out.

If he does not see anyone in the tunnel, he will move forward toward the voices, and will cast Faerie Fire on any foes spotted there.
GM, 967 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #741

Into the house

There was no one visible down that first passage, and so the group continued on toward the voices.

[Language unknown: "Traantoul!"]  In response to the command, it seemed that the voices had stilled.  The group progressed further down the passageway, toward the point of the next passage that led away, into the darkness, from the main passage.
player, 544 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 13:42
  • msg #742

Into the house

Storm advances slowly as the vanguard. As he walks, he detects evil.
Westin na'Belva
player, 167 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 16:42
  • msg #743

Into the house

Westin continues with the others, his sharp eyes looking about. He instructs Jade to be similarly vigilant and warn him immediately of anything that seems odd.
player, 50 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 18:45
  • msg #744

Into the house

Teodoin continues, ready to attack if he has the chance.
player, 140 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 19:58
  • msg #745

Into the house

Lenelle continued along with the rest, alert as possible, holding her place in the party, ready with weapon or spell - whichever might be the more efficacious.
GM, 971 posts
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 01:03
  • msg #746

Into the house

Cautiously edging forward, they could see in the light of the torches of the room at the end of the passage a gnoll and three of the men employed by Eliphas.  Eliphas himself, as well as Dak, were notably absent.
player, 82 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 05:00
  • msg #747

Into the house

"Watch for the others, they may be approaching from behind!" Telemachus whispers.

He then speaks a word of power; the creatures are immediately outlined in a pale, glowing, green light.

Cast Faerie Fire on the gnoll and men.
Range: 80 yds.   Duration: 4 rds./level   Casting Time: 4   Area of Effect: 10 sq. ft/level within a 40-ft. radius   Saving Throw: None

Outlines one or more objects or creatures with a pale glowing light.
Number of subjects outlined depends upon the AoE.
Outlined creatures are:
  • visible at 80 yards in the dark and 40 yards if the viewer is near a bright light source
  • easier to strike; opponents gain a +2 to attack rolls in darkness (including moonlit nights) and a +1 bonus in twilight or better

Note that outlining can render otherwise invisible creatures visible. (Just in case Dak and Eliphas are in the same area using invisibility.)

player, 545 posts
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 08:24
  • msg #748

Into the house

Storm advances to engage the nearest foe, swinging his enchanted mace. He exclaims,”Defend yourself,”striking hard at the enemy.
player, 71 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 09:25
  • msg #749

Into the house

Vendavel saw Storm charging forward, his heavy mace ready to strike down. It was too late to pull him back, but she whispered to the others as Telemachus cats his spell:
 “Watch out! There may be more illusions...”

She kept her back to the wall, sword and spell at the ready.

If she was convinced that the characters were as real as they seemed, she will cast her Sleep spell to put them down.

can one attempt a spell save to disbelieve the sight?
player, 51 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 10:02
  • msg #750

Into the house

Teodoin is full of fear and anxiety, he yells incoherently to dispel those feelings and launch himself against the closest enemy.
GM, 975 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 01:39
  • msg #751

Into the house

Rushing into the chamber at the end of the passage, Teodoin moved with a fierce yell only to find that the ground that he was familiar with was nothing like the slickened wet stone, and he went sprawling, though the determined steps of the others put enough of a barrier that he was not vulnerable to attacks from the men or the gnoll in the room.  As Storm demanded that the foes defend themselves, there was a laugh from one of the men.

"Guess you was wrong, Anrai," he said.  "They come back to get whupped again."

And then the flickering lights of Telemachus' spell descended upon the room, making a tracing around the three men and the gnoll--but no other forms became present.

At this, those inclined to suspect an illusion were now quite sure that these four in the room were truly what they appeared to be.  Where the rest of the crew was, however, was unclear, although those who had been in the fight before knew that a group had come from a side passage to put them in the middle with foes before and behind--one might reasonably think that such a tactic would be attempted again.

To cast sleep, roll 2d4 for the HD affected.

For any attacks, please roll 1d10 for initiative, 1d20 for the attack roll, and the appropriate damage roll (unless your roll is so poor that it would miss even AC10).
player, 142 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 01:51
  • msg #752

Into the house

Lenelle rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative. If Dex reaction is added, then it's +2 for 11.

She did not move to engage; she instead focused her will upon the gnoll, placed a hand upon her holy symbol, and - somewhat ironically - spoke her own sort of sleep spell "Sleep!"

Command spell; usually only gets a save if Int 13+ or 6+ hit dice.  One round only, but someone might advance and kill him this round, or take his weapon away.  May be unnecessary with Ven's spell, but Lenelle has no idea she was planning that.
player, 546 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 10:45
  • msg #753

Into the house

Storm ignores he smirk. As a noble warrior, he has to show that he is attacking. He attacks with his mace, the first weapon he got that is magical.

OOC:18:43, Today: Storm rolled 9 using 1d6+5.  damage.
18:43, Today: Storm rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Attack with magic mace.
18:43, Today: Storm rolled 6 using 1d10.  initiative

player, 52 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #754

Into the house

Surprised that he is still alive and ashamed, Teodoin tries to stand and hit one of the enemies.

OOC: Doubt I could attack this round but:

08:28, Today: Teodoin rolled 5 using 1d20-1.  hit dagger.

08:28, Today: Teodoin rolled 11 using 1d20.  Hit axe.

player, 72 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 13:09
  • msg #755

Into the house

 Vendavel stayed in her relatively safe position in the shadow between the light auras of torches. She reached in her pouch and sprinkled dust in the air whilst whispering the magic formula – a slab of slumber fell on the gnoll and the men.

 The moment after she was pressing forward, broadsword in her right hand and one of the rope manacle in the left.
Westin na'Belva
player, 168 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 16:17
  • msg #756

Into the house

"Jade, keep watch especially behind us," Westin telepathically communicates to his familiar. He keeps watch as well, hearing others casting spells and confident that the other party members abilities. More of Eliphas and his gang are hiding somewhere and he wants to be alert for any possible ambush, including from above.
player, 243 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 19:20
  • msg #757

Into the house

Pan will delay his action until he sees the results of the spellcasters, but is ready to spring in action.
GM, 978 posts
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 01:54
  • msg #758

Into the house

This fight, if one could even call it that, was markedly different from the events the first time the group had faced off against Eliphas and his men.  The three men and the gnoll--faced with arcane and divine--fell to the ground in slumber without even managing a single swipe at the group.

Jade could be seen with ears flattening, facing toward that last passage leading from the main passageway.
Westin na'Belva
player, 169 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #759

Into the house

"They're coming!" Westin utters sharply, staring at the side passageway that Jade, his cat familiar, is facing.
player, 83 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 05:35
  • msg #760

Into the house

His spell cast, Telemachus rushed into the room his heart pounding, only to see all four foes slump to the ground.
"They're coming!"

"Storm, form up at the entrance!" he called out as he pulled once of the rope manacles from his belt and secured one of the men.

"Get the rest of them tied up, quickly! Westin we will need your spells!"

He will then move to the stand with Storm.

Is the Bless still in effect? Duration was 6 rounds, cast when the party entered the cellar.
player, 143 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 15:36
  • msg #761

Into the house

Lenelle was more than happy with the lack of bloodshed. Though she carried no rope herself, she did move to aid anyone who had some with the tying of these enemies, if needed.  And then went to stand and prepare for the next round with the others.
player, 53 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 16:11
  • msg #762

Into the house

Teodoin, his face ready, steadies himself for whatever is coming.
player, 73 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 17:06
  • msg #763

Into the house

 Vendavel smiled broadly. She had rarely seen her magic take effect with such efficiency. She pressed on and quickly tied the gnoll. She figured she would be the one least impressionable by the canine creature, having been part of their merry band of brigands for a while. The hairy wrists were quickly tied behind the creature's back, the elongated ankles likewise hindered together, and all weapons confiscated.

 "It is a brief respite," she hushed.
 "The others will be here very soon..."

 She knew their strategy, and didn't imagine that Eliphas would give up his advantage that easily.
Westin na'Belva
player, 171 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 17:36
  • msg #764

Into the house

Westin moves to place defenders between himself and the side passage. Even so, he respects the guiles of Eliphas. It's possible it's a ruse. He orders Jade to separate himself from Westin move towards the prisoners, and most importantly, keep an eye in the direction Westin is not facing, just in case.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:36, Sat 19 Sept 2020.
GM, 981 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 01:02
  • msg #765

Into the house

Using the prepared rope manacles, it took very little time and effort to get the three men restrained.  The gnoll was also tied up, although the group might remember that there had been no enthusiasm in town for the prospect of gnoll prisoners.

Emerging from the darkness into the space just visible from the torchlight, the group could now see the approach of a pair of human men, side-by-side, followed by another such pair, followed by another gnoll.  None of these, though, were either Dak or Eliphas.

Bless is still in effect, but you don't think it has much longer.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:03, Sun 20 Sept 2020.
player, 244 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 01:20
  • msg #766

Into the house

Panatix had moved late, following the others in, and a little past the unconscious enemies. He watched as the others tied up the sleeping men and gnoll.  He watched as they had noticed the coming of others. Still no Dak.  Of course not, Eliphas was going to use him as a shield, as a weapon, as a hostage if need be to protect himself if worst came to worst for him.  Pan would have counseled the same, if strategy alone mattered.  It was smart, evil, but smart.

As the others turned to face the new threat, Pan wondered about many things.  Humans, for one.

Born blank slates seemingly. Nearly so.  Molded by their individual experiences.  He wondered if it was so with Elves as well, though he doubted that.  Gnomes, not so.  Born with racial memories, and instincts.  So strong they were hard to overcome, helpful at times, problematic at others.

He wondered if he lived, when this was all over, if any of these brave souls would still consider him a friend.

It was with that cheery thought that he slit the gnoll's throat, and then moved quietly to watch the next coming battle.
Westin na'Belva
player, 172 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 01:33
  • msg #767

Into the house

"... Westin we will need your spells!"

Westin nods. He takes a short inbreathe as the next group appears. Still no Eliphas or Dax but enough to form a good target for a Sleep spell. He immediately starts casting, hoping for a good result.

21:31, Today: Westin na'Belva rolled 3 using 2d4.  Sleep - Hit Dice effected.

GM, 982 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 01:41
  • msg #768

Into the house

With nothing more than a few whispered arcane words, the force approaching halted as their number dropped with three falling to the ground in slumber and leaving only one man and a gnoll on their feet. The remaining man started kicking hard at the one who had been to his side, clearly trying to wake the man.
player, 84 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 05:50
  • msg #769

Into the house

"At them!"

Telemachus swings his curved blade at the still-standing human looking to stop his from waking his companion.

22:34, Today: Mac rolled 20 using 1d20 - scimitar
22:43, Today: Mac rolled 3 using 1d8 - damage

Natural 20 for total 21 (Bless) to hit.
Damage 3 - not sure if you are using roll twice for damage on natural 20.

Hoping that if he focuses on waking his buddy, he won't get an attack this round!

Is there anything resembling plant-life in the caverns? (Yes, I am grasping at straws!)

This message was last edited by the player at 06:20, Sun 20 Sept 2020.
player, 54 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 12:38
  • msg #770

Into the house

Teodoin springs into action following Mac's call and attacks the gnoll, again yelling, trying to forget how his shame:

09:36, Today: Teodoin rolled 14 using 1d20-1.  Hit dagger.
09:36, Today: Teodoin rolled 2 using 1d20.  Hit axe.
In case the dagger hits:
09:37, Today: Teodoin rolled 1 using 1d4.  damage dagger.

player, 144 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 17:39
  • msg #771

Into the house

Lenelle opted to give Teodoin a little aid.  She again invoked Atu's divine will, and used her second spell of Command.   This time it was a more emphatic  "Die!" 

But more or less same as last; no save unless really smart or 6 HD; will fall down for just a round...

If it worked, she urged Teodoin or anyone else near: "He's not really dead! He'll get back up soon!  Conk him one, or take his weapon!" 
GM, 984 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 17:58
  • msg #772

Into the house

As the group started to meet the attackers, Telemachus' scimitar slid neatly into the neck of the non-sleeping man, showering blood over the passageway which was, perhaps to his annoyance rather devoid of life.  But this attacker fell from the sword, no longer any threat.  Teodoin worked his way past the sleeping and dead as the gnoll tried to bring its spear to bear--Teodoin avoided the point, but the effort had rather spoiled his aim as the dagger just grazed the gnoll.  But a moment later, Lenelle's word dropped the gnoll where it had been standing.  To be sure, three of the men were merely asleep from Westin's spell, and the gnoll was only temporarily halted.
player, 245 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 18:34
  • msg #773

Into the house

As before, Pan moves quickly and deftly forward, no sooner than Lenelle commands the gnoll to die, it does so, with Pan's dagger across its throat.
player, 55 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 23:54
  • msg #774

Into the house

Teodoin stops his attack as Pan kills the gnoll. He te looks around, watching.
player, 547 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #775

Into the house

Storm closes in to attack the enemies, swinging his mace and striking with some precision.

OOC:11:02, Today: Storm rolled 7 using 1d6+5.

11:01, Today: Storm rolled 13 using 1d20+2.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:03, Mon 21 Sept 2020.
player, 85 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 04:45
  • msg #776

Into the house

Telemachus ties up the unconscious man, murmuring a small prayer to Atu for not allowing his now-dead friend to wake him.

"Truss the other one up, quickly!"

He tries to ignore Panatix's action; and then stands and drags the now-secured man into the larger cave containing the other prisoners.

"Drag the dead in here too. No point in letting Eliphas know how many men he has left.

Vendavel, where does this passage lead?" he asks pointing to the one nearest the large store room. "Do those other ones back there join up to it?"

Trying to determine if all three passage heading "south" on the map all join up...meaning it is likely our prisoners will be freed if we go down one, and Eliphas simply comes up another!

GM, 987 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 06:29
  • msg #777

XP Line

NPC, 5 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 06:31
  • msg #778

Under the House

"That was a lot easier than I was expecting," said Banan, moving to help tie up the three sleeping men, and then to move them--along with the corpse of the other man and the gnoll--back to the large chamber where the first group of three men and a gnoll had been left.
player, 74 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 07:25
  • msg #779

Under the House

 “This one leads to the boat,” she replied with counted words. “The passages do not join.”

She realised the sleeping spell would wear out, probably before they had time to come back here. She was worried the men would be able to free themselves and strike back...

But they were strong now. They had mani swords. She pressed forward with her broadsword drawn.

“Let’s go!”

She picked the passage that lead to the boat. If Eliphas has decided to give up on this outpost, he would try to leave through the cave, and they could not allow it.
player, 56 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 11:50
  • msg #780

Under the House

Teodoin would have argued about talking to the prisioners, but he follows Vendavel.
Westin na'Belva
player, 173 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 14:09
  • msg #781

Under the House

Westin did his best to grab as many of the men's and even gnolls weapons as he is able. "No point in leaving these smugglers armed," he says. He does his best to avoid looking at the gnoll's slashed throat. He will then follow the lead of the others.

Westin will carry as many weapons as he can, even if it's only two of the man's weapons, giving priority to more damaging weapons like swords over daggers.

GM, 991 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 14:32
  • msg #782

Under the House

Removing short swords from the reach of the bound and slumbering men was a fairly simple process, although those first three were starting to come around a little groggily.

Following the passage south, there was a widening of the way with a number of casks of brandy stacked here, though it was not immediately clear whether the intention had been to move these casks to the larger storeroom where the first fight had taken place or not.

the group found that they had come into another large chamber, but this one half-filled with water with a clear high-water mark on the stone.  Here, too, bobbed a small boat perhaps large enough to hold eight people with oars, perhaps a smaller group when needing to make room for cargo.  Its rope was held in place by a large rock.

However, other than the gentle slosh of small waves, there was no sign of anyone being present in this chamber.
player, 75 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 15:21
  • msg #783

Under the House

 Vendavel noted that the cave was empty, and gestured to the boat.
 "I thought Eliphas might have tried to leave with this one... we need to explore every nook and cranny."

 She doubled back and did a quick head count. Two gnolls (two dead) and seven men (all tied, 3 of them sound asleep still, 1 dead).
 "Only Eliphas and your friend remain... we should spread out to find them."

 She gave Westin a hand to disarm all of the men, pocketing a few daggers in the process, and handing out axes and more bulky weapons. The cave was relatively crowded, and she went back to the room where the first of Eliphas' men had fallen into magical slumber.

 The young woman approached one of the men who started stirring and waking up. He looked just a few years older than she was, charming behind a scruffy beard. Without a word, she drew her dagger, placed it on his chest just below the lowest left rib. She decisively pushed the blade through his heart, a tear rolling down her cheek. The young man was just coming out of his slumber, but his eyes went still and a scream of agony died in his throat before it made a sound.

 She stood upright, slightly trembling, blood dripping from the small blade. She avoided eye contact as she went back to the front with Telemachus.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:24, Mon 21 Sept 2020.
player, 57 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 15:54
  • msg #784

Under the House

Teodoin will try to remove the oars and hide then. Then follow Vendavel.
player, 246 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 17:59
  • msg #785

Under the House

Pan will help with removing all weapons from anywhere near the bound men.  He will also look around, are any the casks big enough for a person to hide in?
GM, 995 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 19:13
  • msg #786

Under the House

The casks were of the size known as a rundlet--although quite heavy--with the cask itself coming in close to 160 pounds each--the size was far too small for any individual cask to hold a person.
player, 87 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 01:06
  • msg #787

Under the House

Seeing there was no way to beach the boat, Telemachus nodded in agreement when he saw Teodoin remove the oars.

"Oars can be replaced, if we lay claim to this boat." He takes one of the axes from the thugs and takes a moment to destroy the oars. "That should stop them from leaving this way!"

The druid, then joined the rest of the party, regrouping outside of the storeroom.

"I want to flush Eliphas out his rat hole; but I do not want to give him the opportunity to free our prisoners.

Vendavel the other two passages leading left, do they both lead to dead ends, like the one leading to the boat?

Perhaps we are strong enough to leave one or two in this main passage to keep watch while the rest of us search the passages?"

I made no comment on Vendavel killing the thug, as I am not sure if that was done when no one was about or not. Besides, it seems like it should have been a private scene.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:08, Tue 22 Sept 2020.
player, 76 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 08:36
  • msg #788

Under the House

 Vendavel pointed to the two other openings and whispered:
 "These two tunnels join up, some thirty feet in. But I have a feeling Eliphas and your friend are upstairs..."

 She grabbed a torch and carefully walked into the middle "corridor". Her sword was back in its sheath and she held her dagger close to her leg.

Vendavel made no extra effort to hide what she was doing, but yes it happened in the background.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:58, Tue 22 Sept 2020.
GM, 998 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 00:41
  • msg #789

Under the House

By now, all of the survivors had awakened from their magical slumber, looking more than a little disconcerted to be tied up as they were, shifting together in the chamber.

Vendavel had gone into the center passageway, finding that the space looked empty save for an opened rundlet and a pile of the reed mats which had been laid down in the main passageway.
player, 146 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #790

Under the House

The slayings and death had made Lenelle more than slightly queasy. For a moment, she felt she might vomit.  She had little experience with it, no heart or stomach for it.   Even with these enemies.   She whispered brief prayer for the safe passage of souls, as was proper to do, even for a criminal.   Then steeled herself to go on as best she could.

She did not follow into the passage, just yet --  instead pausing to look at the wakening captives.   "Should we not question these?" she said softly, to whomever was near.  "Or does Vendavel know what they would tell us anyway?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:59, Wed 23 Sept 2020.
Westin na'Belva
player, 174 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 11:24
  • msg #791

Re: Under the House

"Should we not question these?" she said softly, to whomever was near.  "Or does Vendavel know what they would tell us anyway?"

Westin stood, trying to look at ease. Vendavel seemed intent on the trail and he wasn't about to interrupt her. Not after what had just happened! He had seen what had happened. He tried to keep his gaze away from the bound man she had ruthlessly executed but found himself looking at his body before turning away again. He hadn't realized she was so, so angry and.. ruthless?

He pondered Telemachus's proposal of someone staying behind to guard the prisoners. It seemed to have some merit. If any of the prisoners were able to free themselves, they would likely free the others as well if they could do so quickly. However, who would stay behind? He certainly he didn't want it to be him! He was determined to stay with the main group, hopefully maintaining a modicum of safety therein. At least it had worked, so far...
player, 58 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 14:11
  • msg #792

Re: Under the House

Teodoin follows Vendavel and looks for secret doors.
player, 77 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 14:29
  • msg #793

Re: Under the House

 Vendavel joined Teodoin in search of secret doors, just to be on the safe side, but she mumbled:
 "I don't recall Eliphas ever mentioning a secret passage down here..."

 Unless the others had a better idea, she suggested:
 "Someone should stay here to keep an eye on them, the rest of us head upstairs. I'm growing concerned we may have created an opportunity for Eliphas to abandon his people and leave with his war chest..."

Vendavel rolled 5 using 1d6.  secret passage
player, 88 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 00:31
  • msg #794

Re: Under the House

Someone should stay here to keep an eye on them, the rest of us head upstairs.

"If we can inspect the rest of this level, then we are likely fine to head upstairs, but if Eliphas is hiding down here, he could ambush us or free his men. "

Should we not question these?

"A good thought, Lenelle. Let's see if they know where Eliphas has got to, and if Dak is with him?

And, if we suggest that they may all share their comrades' fate, it might loosen their tongues!

Michan you stay here with Lenelle and I.

If the rest of you follow Teodoin and Vendavel, perhaps we can flush that blasted wizard out! Be sure to yell loudly if you encounter him."

Only good things happen when the party is split!

Just to be clear, none of the the PCs have to listen to Telemachus...he is just making suggestions!
NPC, 6 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 02:40
  • msg #795

Re: Under the House

Banan moved to follow Vendavel and Teodoin.

The search through that other chamber from the middle passage had not revealed any secret passageways.
Westin na'Belva
player, 175 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 02:58
  • msg #796

Re: Under the House

Westin looks a bit reluctant to leave. He starts to leave but then turns and pauses. Jade comes over in a fast walk. "I'll have Jade stay with you," Westin says. "If Eliphas does come back, at least I should know and will be able to tell the others."

With that Westin hurries along to catch up with the others.
player, 16 posts
Westin's familiar
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 03:00
  • msg #797

Re: Under the House

Jade approaches and stops in front of Telemachus. "Meow"
player, 147 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #798

Re: Under the House

Lenelle nodded once at Mac's suggestion, then approached the prisoners.

Intimidation was not her forte.  Still, she wore the sigil of Atu, bore the trappings of the Calandian church.   And of course their comrades had just come to a bad end.   She regarded them sternly:

"It will go much better for you lot, if you tell us something helpful.  Beginning with Eliphas' location.    As well as Dak; you know, the dark haired man he spun the enchantment on." 
NPC, 27 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #799

Into the house

"They ain't here," said one of the men.  His tone was, while not exactly hostile, one that suggested that being told the obvious was as much help as he intended to offer.
player, 89 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 01:19
  • msg #800

Into the house


A smile quickly crossed Telemachus' face. "Thank you for your help, Jade."

The druid, then turns to follow Lenelle, to question the prisoners.

They ain't here

Telemachus glares at the man for a moment, "Then where are they?" he demands. "And when did they leave?"
player, 78 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 10:21
  • msg #801

Into the house

 Vendavel carried a torch and her dagger, and led the way upstairs with Teodoin and Banan in tow.

 AS they reached the stairs, she paused and asked them to make full silence for a moment, her subtly pointed ears twitched ever so slightly as she tried to pinpoint any other living souls in the house.
GM, 1005 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 11:53
  • msg #802

Into the house

As Vendavel and those who followed reached the dormitory above that they had entered, Vendavel paused and heard nothing except for some sounds from the door to the wine cellar that sounded like movement from those without purpose.  Nothing had changed in this room since they had departed for the cavern below.
NPC, 28 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 11:56
  • msg #803

Into the house

"Ya just missed Dak," said one of the other men.  "He come back, get the rest of his stuff, and off again to finish the job he's on."

"Like I said," said the first man to speak, a little more forcefully, "they ain't here."
player, 549 posts
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 11:13
  • msg #804

Into the house

"What job is he on?" Storm asks. He tries to use his high charisma to effect a positive respone.

OOC:Any reaction roll from npc?
player, 148 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 20:01
  • msg #805

Into the house

Well, that much was good; Dak wasn't here.  Or...was it good? That might depend on what sort of job he'd been sent on.   And whether or no Eliphas was with him.  Damn it all, if he was out, then they would not apprehend him here...

She awaited to see how Storm's more friendly address would go over.
NPC, 29 posts
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 22:10
  • msg #806

Into the house

The one who had first spoken did nothing more than look at the rest of his friends, before fixing Storm with a glare.

The one who had made mention of Dak being away on a job and having "just" been there said, "Special job.  Not here, like I said."

None of the other three seemed ready to volunteer anything.
player, 90 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 04:07
  • msg #807

Into the house

Telemachus turns away for a moment, hoping to look as if he was in deep, as he took a breath to steel himself.

Turning back to the prisoners, he scrunched up his face, in what he hoped looked like rage, and put the tip of his sword to the throat of the crewman who had mentioned that Dak had left.

"Where's that rat bastard Eliphas?" he growled.

Let's see if Telemachus is ready for an Oscar! :-)
NPC, 30 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 15:38
  • msg #808

Into the house

"He. Ain't. Here," said the man, glaring back at Telemachus.  "Ya gonna kill me like that lazy bit done Toran?"
NPC, 6 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 15:47
  • msg #809

Into the house

Stepping close to Lenelle, trying to keep his voice low, Michan said, "It might be better if Banan and I take these five back to Monteci, if you want to keep searching for this Eliphas and Dak.  The gnolls, it's not a problem, the one who died fighting isn't so much a problem, but we might have trouble with Labras about the man killed when he was tied up."
player, 79 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 15:53
  • msg #810

Into the house

 Upstairs, Vendavel explored the house with Teodoin and Banan in tow.
 "Let's check the ground floor first."

 She led the way to the front room, pushing the door slowly with her sword in hand.
 "Have your bow ready..." she whispered to Teodoin.
Westin na'Belva
player, 177 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 16:19
  • msg #811

Into the house

Westin will follow Vendavel's lead, though staying near the back. He silently agreed with Michan regarding what Vendavel had done. But, he would worry about that later. It would matter little if Eliphas killed them. In addition, they need to find and free Dak.
player, 59 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 18:01
  • msg #812

Into the house

Teodoin tries to ready his bow as silently as he can.
player, 247 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 18:29
  • msg #813

Into the house

Pan decided at the last to follow Ven on the search for Eliphas.  If they came across Dak, he was the only one who could free him from the enchantment, if he was truly enchanted.
player, 163 posts
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 14:33
  • msg #814

Into the house

Wick watches as they question the prisoners.  The one with the mouth on him was not sitting well with Wick.  He didn't seem to share so much of the squeamishness of his companions, if an enemy dies, that's one less enemy to watch out for in the future.  He pulls out his dagger and considers it's edge.

"Telling us that Dak is on a special job is no answer to Where is he?  If you can't give us any useful information, we don't have much use for you.  So, why don't you tell us what you do know?  Make it worth our while and we'll try to make sure no nasty beasts eat you on the way back to town."
player, 149 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 22:21
  • msg #815

Into the house

Lenelle nodded at Michan's suggestion.

"I think it's probably a good idea.  Mac, Storm, do you agree -- "  she started then stopped as Wick, who'd been quiet for some time, spoke and attempted a stronger intimidation.   She knew Wick was rougher at the edges than herself or most of the others.  But, how far would he go-?
player, 550 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 01:05
  • msg #816

Into the house

In reply to Michan (msg # 809):

"Yes, it is a good idea," Storm replies Michan.

"They should face the justice of the land and by bringing them back, we will be able to have fewer enemies."

Turning to the men, he says,"If you tell us more, on my word as a warrioof light, I will surely let the judge know you have cooperated with us and are remorseful. So why not tell us where Dak went and on what job and where Eliphas is?
NPC, 31 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 01:50
  • msg #817

Into the house

"Told you already," said the man who Telemachus had threatened.  "Not here, that's all I know."
player, 551 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 08:43
  • msg #818

Into the house

“Oh no need to get all worked up. Now any of you has any information to share that will help please do so now. It will certainly be a mitigating factor for you! I really hope you will repent and side with the forces of good!” Storm says. As he speaks he looks into the men’s eyes trying to detect evil
player, 164 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 15:06
  • msg #819

Into the house

Wick turns his head away from the prisoners so they don't see him rolling his eyes.  Wick was no more interested in slitting their throats than the rest, but he one had to be ready to do what one had to do.  To his thinking, dead enemies led to fewer enemies, as their time on the slaver ship shows, captivity doesn't always stick long term.  And the tone Storm was taking, almost pleading with them to help.  It was almost more than the former sailor could stomach.  "And if you don't want to help out of the goodness of your hearts, then I'll give you a chance to do it out of concern for your worthless hides.  After all, with all the pain, injury and death you've brought to the locals, why should you warrant anything else?"  He says the last in an offhand way, sounding rhetorical, but the sharp-eyed will not that he's very intent on any response the prisoners might give.
player, 81 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 15:39
  • msg #820

Into the house

 Vendavel pushed the door upstairs, with Teodoin in tow, now reinforced with Westin and Panatix.

 If no one was there to be seen, she would refocus her attention on finding possible tracks or signs leading out of the house – it started to feel as if Eliphas had simply left his posse to their fate while he moved to greener pastures (oddly enough, with Dak...)
player, 151 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 00:13
  • msg #821

Into the house

Lenelle maintained the best poker face she could - just faintly arching a brow at one point - but seeing no harm in these further attempts. It could be well worth it, if one of them were to succeed.
GM, 1018 posts
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 00:20
  • msg #822

Into the house


Moving to the front door, Vendavel looked out, but with the overgrown grounds as they were, it was difficult to see if there were any signs of passage.  Still, there seemed to be no evidence of the missing Eliphas or Dak about the house.


The man who had spoken of Dak being recently around huffed out a breath.  "Look," he said, "ya might have boss what tells ya bizness, but that be strange.  Done told ya, they ain't here, and it wasn't my bizness t' know where they be."
player, 249 posts
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #823

Into the house

Pan moves over and waves the other close to him so he can whisper.

"Vendavel, they either are not here, or are hiding.  I think we ask the others to take the others back to town and return with a cart and some mules to help us haul all the contraband back to town.   Several us should remain here on watch in case they come back, either to engage them or warn those returning with the cart.   I'll say more about my fear of their mission when we are all together..."
player, 92 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #824

Into the house

Telemachus withdraws a few steps from the prisoners, motioning for his companions to follow.

Speaking aoftly, he says, "Do you think he is telling the truth? Would Eliphas leave them without saying where he went?

And does it evem matter right now?

I'm thinking we should march these ones back to town and then return to look for more clues, or at least to claim their boat as booty, so as to hamper their smuggling."

player, 165 posts
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 04:06
  • msg #825

Into the house

Wick shrugs.  ”I don’t think it matters, they’ve said about all they’re gonna, unless we want to start carving on them and even so, there’s no guarantee they’d tell the truth even if they talk.  You push people hard enough and they’ll talk, but just to say whatever they figure you want to hear.  I have a suspicion Eliphas left them behind without them knowing anything, knowing we’d spend time questioning them.”
player, 82 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 11:07
  • msg #826

Into the house

 Vendavel walked around the house, looking for clues of footprints. It was not her strongest suit, but she was clever enough to draw conclusions from what is observed. Usually that is.

 "I don't know what this secret mission would be. One part of our being here is resolved, the smuggling operation is stopped, or at least hindered. Freeing your friend Dak however... that will now have to entail a manhunt."

 She explained this to Panatix, but she was curious to hear what his thoughts were on the "special job" that Eliphas undertook.

Vendavel rolled 16 using 1d20.  intelligence check
Westin na'Belva
player, 178 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 16:31
  • msg #827

Into the house

"I'm not so sure Eliphas left," Westin comments while looking around "As a master of illusion, I believe he could be hiding around here somewhere and we simply don't see him. It's only a guess though.  It does make sense for him to keep Dak with him. He can use him as a distraction or perhaps even a hostage."

"We could always burn the house down," he suggests.

Westin will spend time disbelieving walls as well as anything large behind which Eliphas and Dak could hide.

player, 60 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #828

Into the house

"Agree, we better get back. The more we remain divided, worse."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:07, Fri 02 Oct 2020.
player, 83 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #829

Into the house

 Vendavel kicked a stone away in frustration, sheathed her broadsword, and followed the others back into the house.

 She nodded as Westin's suggestion.
 "A very good point..." she whispered.
 "He may be closer than we think."

 The young half-elf walked slowly and focused her attention on minute details which could betray an illusory wall or furniture.
player, 250 posts
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 17:25
  • msg #830

Into the house

If the party is reunited down below at the prisoners, Pan will bring the others nearby and speak softly to them.  He will reiterate that he thinks some of them should take the prisoners back to town, and return with a wagon to haul the brandy and any other contraband away with. Then he'll add.

"It's possible Eliphas is here, hiding or invisible, but why let his men die without a fight if that is the case.  I think it likely he and Dak really have left on a mission.  So if I were him, I'd use Dak to get to our boat.  Then together we'd sail back here and take the contraband and the men and get out of the area.  It's the only thing I can think of that he would need Dak specifically for.  Either way, the sooner we get rid of the rest of these men, the better our odds are at dealing with the mage".
player, 93 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #831

Into the house

"It seems we are in agreement. We will take the prisoners to Monteci, and hire a wagon to gather the goods, and the corpses.

And, perhaps Atu will favour us with an idea of how to rescue Dak, and take Eliphas.

Is anybody not in favour?"

GM, 1020 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #832

Into the house

In the search around the grounds, one thing that became apparent was the sign of some horses having spent some time--more than one horse, clearly, though it was difficult to tell how many there might have been.

Although in poor repair, the walls did prove to be solid.  It would be possible to check the rooms themselves, even though most of the first floor rooms had been given at least a cursory once-over on the first visit to the house.
Westin na'Belva
player, 179 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 10:00
  • msg #833

Into the house

"It does appear that Eliphas is not here," Westin says while looking around. "I am frankly quite surprised he left. Perhaps he figured out we would bring sufficient reinforcements to ensure his defeat. But yes, I think it's a good idea to turn the smugglers over to the town authorities."

"I'm not sure what to say about Dak," he adds shaking his head sadly.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 10:01, Sat 03 Oct 2020.
player, 61 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 13:20
  • msg #834

Into the house

Teodoin examines the horses tracks to see if he can figure how many and where they headed.

OOC: 10:18, Today: Teodoin rolled 5 using 1d20.  Tracking check.
player, 251 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 23:57
  • msg #835

Into the house

"Mac, I agree, but I will stay behind in case Dak returns.  I can free him".
player, 552 posts
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #836

Into the house

"I suggest we search this place for secret passages or walls while posting a guard to warn us. This way we can do a sweep of this place and gather evidence for the authorities and also in the oft chance Eliphas comes back, we can deal with him as well," Storm suggests.
player, 166 posts
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #837

Into the house

Wick nods in agreement,”Best to make sure. I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s a bolt hole or hidey...”. Wick swords stop abruptly and he makes a purposefully casually glance towards the prisoners.  He looks at Panatix, ”Did you Give the prisoners the once over?  I can’t imagine Eliphas letting us truss him up, but what a hell of a hiding place.”
player, 62 posts
Half-elf ranger
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 12:55
  • msg #838

Into the house

Teodoin adds "I am not in favour in letting anyoone here. Or we all go back or most of us should stay here with the prisoners. One or two of us could go na get the wagons. It would be faster and, most important, if they come back, we will have more people to fight. And not loose someone else"
player, 152 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #839

Into the house

"I agree that only one of us staying behind is ill advised; much as it credits Pan for being willing to. Teodoin's idea is better.  And personally, I'm neither surprised by the thought of Eliphas hiding behind some illusion, nor that he may have gone elsewhere.  For all we may despise him, he is far from dull witted. And the sort of man who tries to stay some steps ahead of his adversaries, I believe."   
player, 84 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 19:41
  • msg #840

Into the house

 "If Panatix is right, and Eliphas is trying to steal your ship, we should rush back to the harbour," Vendavel voiced her view on priorities.

 "I understand Mac left clear instructions for Dak not to be trusted with your vessel, but is it really resilient?"

 The young half-elf had a vested interest in the ship being safe, she really hoped to join the crew and leave this place for a good adventure, like her father once did.
Westin na'Belva
player, 180 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 22:03
  • msg #841

Into the house

"I hate to say it, but if Eliphas and Dak headed for the ship it's probably too late. Still, I'm not opposed to going back. I'm actually think we should march the prisoners back to town. We tie them all together and guard them on the way back. Even going slow it should take less than 2 hours." Westin says. "We drop them off and then sail the ship back here. We load everything on it and sail it back to town."

"I'm assuming we could find the entrance from the sea but if anyone is worried, we could scout it out a bit just to be sure."

Westin pauses for a few moments and then speaks again. "Like Lenelle, I'm worried about Eliphas. This entire operation seems very well planned and I suspect Eliphas is nothing if not clever. However, I'm kind of at a loss as to what we can do about it. I do think our best bet would be to stay together, though, especially with Eliphas on the loose. I would be worried if someone stayed behind," he adds.
GM, 1022 posts
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 22:14
  • msg #842

Into the house

player, 94 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 02:58
  • msg #843

Into the house

The druid listens carefully to all that his companions have to say.

"Panatix, your willingness to stay and watch for Dak speaks volumes to your bravery. But I have to agree with the others, we are safest in one group.

I say we march the prisoners back to town; we check on Ananke; and then we come back on her or by wagon.

And, before you each decide your course of action; I need to say something with all of you listening."

Turning to Westin, he says, "Earlier, when we were about to enter the trap door, you misunderstood my intention when I asked for a scout to lead us down the stairs...but I was rude and obnoxious without need. I had no right, and I apologise."

The young man extend his hand to the elf.

[assuming Westin shakes hands and does not instead blast Telemachus with a Shocking Grasp spell :-)]

Telemachus then turns to Teodoin and Vendavel, the experts with rope and says, "Your rope manacles worked perfectly; can you now rig something that will allow these brigands to walk, but in a hindered manner; perhaps they could be tied together to keep them from fleeing?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:04, Mon 05 Oct 2020.
player, 63 posts
Half-elf ranger
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 13:27
  • msg #844

Into the house

"We can probably figure out something that wont allow them to run fast. And we can tie them together too. By the way, I believe that 4 horses stopped here briefly and went to the road for Monteci or Farnworth."
GM, 1023 posts
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 13:59
  • msg #845

Into the house

player, 167 posts
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 14:34
  • msg #846

Into the house

”you can hobble someone if you know just where to cut.  They’ll never be able to run again unless some priest heals them up.  Seems a little extreme though.  Instead, we bind their hands behind them, tie their ankles with about a forearms length to keep them from running, but able to walk.  Then we tie them together by the necks.  That should keep them under control we’ll enough.”
player, 85 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 15:49
  • msg #847

Into the house

 Vendavel nodded at Wick's description.
 "That is the idea. Then it's all about the tightness of the knots and what moves or doesn't when you pull on it."

 She may only be seventeen, but had several years of playing with ropes on a ship behind her. With ease she put this experience to good use and tied the prisoners together. It felt odd, as not so long ago she was spending days with them, but she cared not to elaborate on sentiments at the moment.
Westin na'Belva
player, 181 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #848

Re: Into the house

”... you can hobble someone if you know just where to cut...”

"I wasn't talking about harming them," Westin says a bit mortified. "I was talking about tethering their legs together with with rope, leaving 2 feet or so slack so they could shuffle and walk but not run. Have you seen a horse hobbled before? That's what I was talking about. It's certainly not up to us to decide punishment and I definitely don't want to do anything that might make it difficult or impossible for them to change and lead a more productive life."

"I'm fine with your suggestion instead Wick," Westin adds.
player, 553 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 01:22
  • msg #849

Re: Into the house

Storm decides that a party of many will certainly have such an issue of everyone having differe ideas. However at times, time may be of the essence.

"Well, I am glad we all have our ideas. Let us agree to tie the prisoners tenre they o not escape. And then we decide to, we best leave here fast, drop the prisoners off, check the ship and come back here. Perhaps we can divide the work up. A couple to get the wagons and prisoners off to town and the rest to the ship."
player, 64 posts
Half-elf ranger
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 11:45
  • msg #850

Re: Into the house

"If Eliphas and Dak are riding, they may have already arrived at Monteci. I am not sure how we missed them on the road. Unless they are going elsewhere. But well, the choices are stay here and wait to see if he comes or hurry to Monteci. Let's set a brisk pace."
NPC, 32 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 22:48
  • msg #851

Re: Into the house

As Vendavel worked to alter the bindings of the men to temporarily hobble them and keep them together for the journey back to Monteci, these men were quiet, though there was no mistaking the contempt in their expressions for Vendavel.
player, 153 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #852

Re: Into the house

Lenelle watched, finding some amusement that honorless men such as this were taking umbrage at the notion of being betrayed.

As to other matters- "That all sounds well to me."  She shook her head. "I can't help but have this sense that Eliphas may yet have some trump card which he will try to play.  A contingency plan of some sort.   Hopefully, I'm wrong.  But I think we should try as hard as possible to miss no details, and avoid playing into his hands in any way."
player, 95 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #853

Re: Into the house

Let's set a brisk pace.

"True enough. Will you scout ahead of the main group?"
player, 86 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 00:38
  • msg #854

Re: Into the house

Vendavel volunteered:
 “I’ll come with you.”

She was keen to prove her bravery and value to the others and her potential future crewmates. She glanced back ever so subtly to make sure that Telemachus and Lenelle had noticed.

She notched an arrow on her bowstring and took the lead with Teodoin. They walked in silence, careful not to disrupt anything, and kept ears and eyes wide open.
player, 554 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 04:47
  • msg #855

Re: Into the house

"As for the rest of us, I supposed its a nice careful walk home and let us move carefully and in a loose formation."

Saying that, Storm wasks around to see if theres anythin that may need help to carry.
player, 65 posts
Half-elf ranger
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 15:25
  • msg #856

Re: Into the house

Teodoin nods and advances ahead of the group, after a couple of hundred yards he will try to stay off the road.
player, 168 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #857

Re: Into the house

Wick drops back, ”I’ll watch our back trail.  I agree with lenelle that there’s still something Eliphas has in mind and if he is hiding in the manor, he’ll come at us from there.”
player, 96 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 04:31
  • msg #858

Re: Into the house

"Many thanks, Wick.

Banan and Michan we will rely on you to keep the prisoners in line, and marching.

The rest of us I think should be split, some in front of the prisoners, and some behind. That may prevent Eliphas from ensnaring us all in a spell if he decides to ambush us."

Telemachus will take his place behind the prisoners.
Westin na'Belva
player, 182 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 08:52
  • msg #859

Re: Into the house

Westin will take his place in the back with Telemachus. "Generals should stay in the rear," he says to Telemachus with a smile.

Despite his light-hearted comment, however, Westin was nervous and eager to get back to town. Why had Eliphas decided not to fight? Or was he just waiting for an opportune time to spring a trap? He kept a sharp eye out for any threats, telling Jade to keep a good lookout as well.
player, 154 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 20:59
  • msg #860

Re: Into the house

As the back guard had already been assumed, Lenelle took a place some distance in front of the bound men.   And though they were bound, it still made her just lightly nervous, to present her back to such thugs.
player, 555 posts
Sun 11 Oct 2020
at 01:40
  • msg #861

Re: Into the house

OOC: Dont we have a marching order?
GM, 1029 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 00:26
  • msg #862

Back to Monteci

As Vendavel and Teodoin led the way, they did not find any troubles or other travelers.  In the distance, they could see the fishing boats out in the bay, the people aboard clearly working, and signs of work in the fields just visible from the road.

As the group made their slow way--the prisoners hobbled to making a pace which allowed Panatix to keep easy pace with the group--back to Monteci, it was a little past Sext when the group passed the church on the edge of town.
player, 66 posts
Half-elf ranger
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 14:23
  • msg #863

Back to Monteci

Teodoin stops when reaching the church and waits for the main party. He keeps watching the road.
GM, 1030 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 15:39
  • msg #864

Back to Monteci

At last the group all reached Monteci--with the exception of Panatix, who was now absent.  The bound men in the middle of the group had been silent on the journey.
player, 169 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #865

Back to Monteci

”let’s get this lot turned in and collect the bounty and then we need to see about our ship.  And assuming all is as it should be, a pint and some hot food.  Anyone have anything else to add?”
player, 87 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 22:24
  • msg #866

Back to Monteci

 Vendavel raised a hand and tentatively asked:
 “Er, yes. What happened with your gnome friend, Panatix is it? Wasn’t he with you at the back of the group?”

The young half-elf wondered if she had missed something.
Westin na'Belva
player, 183 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 23:21
  • msg #867

Back to Monteci

Westin looks back, startled that Panatix is not there. "I had been looking around in front and at the sides as well as at the prisoners, I hadn't thought to look back," he says regretfully. "I suspect he snuck back to the house," he says sadly with a shake of his head recalling Panatix offer to stay back at the house waiting for Eliphas and Dak.

"I agree with Wick. We best turn in the smugglers, check the ship and then head back and maybe find Panatix at the house?" he says. Unspoken, though, is the thought that it's getting late. Panatix will likely spend the night in the house on his own. Hopefully nothing happens to him.
player, 98 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #868

Back to Monteci

"I agree with Wick and Westin. Let's hand over the prisoners to Labras and then to the harbour, with haste."
player, 170 posts
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 00:55
  • msg #869

Back to Monteci

Wick gives a nod, ”yes, he wanted to play his hunch and he wasn’t in the mood for an argument about it.”
player, 67 posts
Half-elf ranger
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 17:32
  • msg #870

Back to Monteci

Teodoin shakes his head but follows his companions.
player, 253 posts
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 17:45
  • msg #871

Back to Monteci

player, 88 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 17:53
  • msg #872

Back to Monteci

 Vendavel raised an eyebrow. It did not seem wise or safe, and this came from someone who was not used to wisdom or safety. Her visage reflected her disbelief, but the calm composure of the others suggested she'd better not comment.
 "Well then, let's go talk to the sheriff."

 She had no love for the law in general, and least even for those who made a living of enforcing it. Therefore when they reached the building, she took a step back and said:
 "I'll wait outside. Let me know how it goes."

 The young half-elf did not quite wait outside, instead wandering towards the harbour to take a look at this Anenke . And be far from the authorities when the talking began.
player, 556 posts
Sat 17 Oct 2020
at 11:09
  • msg #873

Back to Monteci

Storm follows the prty to hand the prisoners over to the authorities. He is glad to be back in familiar lands where law and prder rules.
GM, 1033 posts
Sat 17 Oct 2020
at 20:00
  • msg #874

Back to Monteci

It was still quite early in the afternoon as the group made their way further into the village of Monteci.  Michan moved on ahead now that they had safely returned to the village.  "Jail's over the other side of the bridge, not so far from the baths," he said.  With that he moved on toward the jail at a pace faster than could be kept by the bound men.

Folk of Monteci who were not the fishermen out in the bay, could be seen on the streets, looking curiously at the group that was trooping through their town.  In the harbor, the Ananke remained in its place, and a left turn would take one down toward the ship, while following the road along its slight rightward curve led toward the bridge.

By the time that the group with the prisoners reached the jail, they could see Michan headed in the same direction, but accompanied by Labras.

"Good day, Turlough," said Bichan, as the man came from the jail.  "We've got some prisoners for your cells."

"I see that," replied the man--tall, but now probably close to 60, with hair which might have once been red but now was something of the color of sand.  "Well, come on inside, and we'll get them in place, and you can tell me more about this matter."
player, 171 posts
Sun 18 Oct 2020
at 03:47
  • msg #875

Back to Monteci

Seeing the ship had Wick a little more relaxed, but only a little.  The ship being gone had been one worry, but not the only one.  ”A good day to you, Turlough.  They call me Wick.  We’ll tell you what we know, but it’s little enough I’m afraid.”

Wick would rather be collecting their pay gather than bring the jailor up to speed, but that wasn’t the way to earn friends.
player, 99 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 18 Oct 2020
at 04:15
  • msg #876

Back to Monteci

A look of small distress crosses the druid's face.

"Turlough, a pleasure to meet you. I am Telemachus. We brought these smugglers here as arranged with Labras.

You will have to excuse me, but I do not have time to tarry telling tales at the moment. I have to look over my ship."

Telemachus gives an apologetic shrug, and a sheepish smile to the rest of the group as he heads to the door.

He pauses for a moment, "Anyone want to join me?"

Without waiting for an answer he heads toward the harbour, breaking into a jog after a few steps.
Westin na'Belva
player, 184 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 18 Oct 2020
at 14:49
  • msg #877

Back to Monteci

Westin lets out his breath and a sense of relief comes over him as they arrived at the jail and meet the warden.

"We have reason to be concerned about our ship," Westin explains apologetically after Telemachus has departed. "Unfortunately, the leader of the smugglers managed to get away together with .... Well, I'll be happy to expound upon the story at length once the smugglers have been secured."

Once the way is clear and the smugglers have entered and there is space for him, Westin moves inside.
player, 557 posts
Mon 19 Oct 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #878

Back to Monteci

Storm is also eager to check on the ship.
GM, 1034 posts
Mon 19 Oct 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #879

Back to Monteci

"I wouldn't think there'd be much cause to worry after your ship," Turlough said as he led the group inside the watch station and jail house.  "We have a good harbormaster to keep an eye on things."

By the time that the prisoners were put into five of the separate cells, Labras and Michan had arrived.

"Ah, and now you'll need be telling it only once," said Turlough.  "Let's go into the office."

The office, it seemed, was a place where the watch would get instructions, with only one desk and chair and several chairs lined up in neat rows, three wide and three deep.
player, 172 posts
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #880

Back to Monteci

Wick decides to take the lead and gives Turlough the run down, the first visit And the return, the offer made, the return and what happened.  ”And now we’ve got this spell singer Eliphas on the loose and he’s got our friend in tow and we don’t know if he’s a willing follower or if he’s enthralled.  And we don’t know where they got to or what they’re doing.  That’s why our friend Telemachus was in such a state to check out the ship.  So now we’re looking to claim the bounty on this lot and then figure out what we’re gonna do next.”
Westin na'Belva
player, 185 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 09:26
  • msg #881

Back to Monteci

"It's probably worth keeping your eye out for Eliphas and Dak. If Eliphas has ensorcelled Dak then I think it likely he won't want Dak to go anyplace on his own. Then again, we don't know for sure that Dak is ensorcelled but I strongly suspect that's the case."

Westin will then proceed to give descriptions of Eliphas and Dak.

"We found signs of horses and suspect they are mounted. Have you seen them or any pair of mounted travelers today that seem out of place? As Wick explained, Eliphas appears to be a master of illusion. That should be kept in mind when looking for these two."
player, 558 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 00:18
  • msg #882

Back to Monteci

"I am wndering why just why would Eliphas charm Dak. Perhaps he needs a front man to do his dirty work?" Storm muses aloud as he follows.
player, 156 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 17:49
  • msg #883

Back to Monteci

"I have wondered the same," said Lenelle. "Why Dak - if it was only an arbitrary choice, or something more.  But you have a point Storm; putting most of the dirt onto another's hands is the shrewd, cold sort of thing we might expect of Eliphas."   
player, 100 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 19:33
  • msg #884

Back to Monteci

"If you recall, Storm, Dak was scouting ahead of the group when we first entered the cellar.

It would have been very easy for Eliphas to ensorcell him if he was captured or spotted on his own.

Charming Dak provides Eliphas with information on us, information on our plans, and a competent and loyal guard."

player, 174 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 21:56
  • msg #885

Back to Monteci

"Well, the day is getting on and we've money to collect.  It's been a pleasure master Turlough and we bid you a good day."

While seeing the ship had lessened his concerns, Wick still wanted to go put eyes on it and there was a matter of the bounty on these guys and the slain gnolls.  And there was a wayward Gnome to go collect.
GM, 1037 posts
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 02:57
  • msg #886

Back to Monteci

Turlough and Labras had listened to the recounting of the venture back to the house.  As Michan and Banan confirmed the death of both gnolls and that two of the men had been killed, leaving the five prisoners now in the jail house, Labras counted out the coins--a total of two hundred ninety asil in all, although nearly a hundred went back into the purse he had carried.

"Didn't have any strangers come into town," said Turlough.  "Could your riders maybe gone on up to Farnworth?"
player, 559 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 01:36
  • msg #887

Back to Monteci

"Yes, Tele, it is logical to charm him fr the reasons you state. But it is not logical in the long run to do so. He knows Dak's friends will come for him and any intelligence he ould glean from Dak is outdated by now," Storm says ruefully
player, 175 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 02:25
  • msg #888

Back to Monteci

Wick accepts the coin on behalf of the team.  ”Keep the rest of that handy, master Labris, we’ve more smugglers to bring in one we find them.”
Westin na'Belva
player, 187 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 02:38
  • msg #889

Re: Back to Monteci

"Didn't have any strangers come into town," said Turlough.  "Could your riders maybe gone on up to Farnworth?"

"Perhaps," Westin says. "I'm actually not from around here and don't know where that is. Is it far? How do you get there from here? Can you get there by sea? I'm wondering too if we sailed there if that would speed our journey. Would it?"
GM, 1042 posts
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 22:49
  • msg #890

Re: Back to Monteci

Turlough said, "I'm sure you could go there by boat just as well as by land.  Up on the north side of the isle.  If you were on the coastal road, you'd not turn down the way to Monteci but keep to the coastal road and it's about fourteen miles following the coastal road."
Westin na'Belva
player, 188 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 09:38
  • msg #891

Re: Back to Monteci

"It might be faster by sea and it might be useful to take the ship with us. However, we would lose the possibility of detecting any signs of them on the road, especially if they turn off from the road and don't take it all the way to Farnworth. Of course, if they make it to Farnworth and leave by sea, we would certainly want our ship if we get news of where they were headed."

He looks to the others for guidance.
player, 560 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 13:32
  • msg #892

Re: Back to Monteci

"We have to visit our boat anyway. We have two options. Find our boat and sail it and hope we catch up. Or we find our boat, split into two parties and chase them both on land and water. It will be good if we can have swift mounts," Storm says.
player, 89 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 16:01
  • msg #893

Re: Back to Monteci

 "I agree with Storm," Vendavel volunteered.

 "I am much more at ease on a vessel than on horseback, so if you please I will accompany the sea party."

 She fully realised that she had not been formally invited to join the manhunt, but she figured it might be easier to operate under the assumption that –for better or worse– she was now part of this motley team.
player, 158 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #894

Re: Back to Monteci

Lenelle was neither an experienced rider or sailor --  and didn't hugely look forward to either.  But it wasn't like she was going to back out now.

"Land and sea seems like a good bet.   I'm willing to be part of either, but must admit I've little experience in overland chases, or sailing.  I might suggest, though, if we do split, that I go with one party, and Mac the other.  That way each has a healer present." 

Which, she supposed, likely meant she would be up for a ride --  knowing well how Mac felt about his ship.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:34, Sun 25 Oct 2020.
player, 176 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 17:57
  • msg #895

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick clears his throat, ”And what about Panatix?  Is the thought to go after Eliphas and leave him behind, or burn a few hours heading back to hook up with him?”
player, 160 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 18:10
  • msg #896

Re: Back to Monteci

With some sense of guilt, Lenelle realized she had forgotten about the brave gnome --  she had not liked the idea of him remaining behind from the beginning.   And now, it became the complication that it had been bound to be...

"Uh. We can't just leave him there alone."  She ran a hand through her hair, considering.   "There are eight of us -- how about if three go to the ship, three pursue on horse - and two go back for Pan?" 
GM, 1047 posts
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 22:50
  • msg #897

Re: Back to Monteci

Telemachus had diverted from the delivery of the prisoners to Turlough, speaking briefly to the harbormaster, who advised that the ship had not been approached since the group was last in Monteci.  An inspection of the ship showed that nothing had changed since his last inspection (at which time Dak's share had been removed).
player, 102 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 23:04
  • msg #898

Re: Back to Monteci

Telemachus rejoins the group after inspecting the ship.

A little out of breath he says, "Ananke looks fine. No sign that anyone boarded her while we were gone.

Did you find out anything about Eliphas and Dak? Or are we ready to head back to find Panatix?"

Westin na'Belva
player, 189 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 02:03
  • msg #899

Re: Back to Monteci

"They haven't been here," Westin says. "In a town like this, they would have been easily spotted as strangers, especially if they were mounted. That means they either went to Farnworth some 14 miles north or, who knows, maybe they headed off road towards some secret place."

"I was suggesting we go by ship though Wick reminded me about Panatix. Lenelle suggested we split up going by land and sea, though if we do that Lenelle, he says to her, "the group going by land could pick up Wick. In fact, those going by sea could too though I think it would be easier for those going by land."

"I'm beginning to think that the reason Eliphas left most of his men behind was to delay us which has succeeded," Westin says sadly. "If we are right and Eliphas and Dak are on horseback, I'm not sure how we could catch up with them. If all that is true, though, I'm not sure why he took Dak. Surely Eliphas would know that as long as Dak is with him, we would try to follow him and, if nothing else, attempt some sort of rescue."

"I don't know what we should do."
player, 255 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 16:30
  • msg #900

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 162 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 19:15
  • msg #901

Re: Back to Monteci

She shook her head.  "Good points; I sure don't know. It may well be that Dak has moved beyond our ability to rescue.  Assuming he hasn't just chosen this of freewill, for that matter, for whatever reason.  But, we do need to go and retrieve Pan, in any case."
GM, 1050 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 19:38
  • msg #902

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 561 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #903

Re: Back to Monteci

"Perhaps the land prty can pick up Panatix and then go along the chase? We are mounted and should be fast.,"Storm replies.
GM, 1051 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 02:51
  • msg #904

Re: Back to Monteci

No horses.  As per the OOC post:

Just a quick note on the horses before things get too carried away there.  The group really hasn't seen horses around town.  At the fair, there were a few carts that had come in with a horse or donkey, but not riding horses.
player, 177 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 03:05
  • msg #905

Re: Back to Monteci

”Best to pick up Panatix with the ship, that way his short stride doesn’t slow down the land group.”

Wick was as interested as anyone to rescue Dax, if Dax does actually need rescuing, but at some point they’d have to write Dax off if they didn’t succeed by then.  A few weeks maybe, depending on how close they could stay on the trail.
player, 105 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 04:20
  • msg #906

Re: Back to Monteci

Telemachus absorbs all that his companions offer up as he catches his breath.

"I think we all agree that our first order of business is to find Panatix.

I'm not in favour of splitting into two groups; and I agree with Westin, a group on foot won't be able to catch Eliphas if he is on horseback.

I back Wick's plan to sail to the old house and find Panatix, and then why not sail north to Farnworth and see if we can't surprise our Eliphas."

player, 90 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 10:58
  • msg #907

Re: Back to Monteci

 Vendavel was keen to join the ship group, and in the absence of horse agreed that there would be no point to having a land bound group at all.

 "If we sail to the house, I can guide us to the water cave. We could also claim the smaller boat as bounty, as far as I know it does not belong to anyone."

 Maybe it was her former ways resurfacing, but she was not above stealing a boat without an owner.
Westin na'Belva
player, 190 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 16:56
  • msg #908

Re: Back to Monteci

"Guiding us into the water cave would be helpful," Westin affirms to Vendavel. He had been a bit worried about navigating into the smuggler cave for the first time. Being guided by someone who knew the way was very reassuring.

"When we get there, I can keep a eye out for the oars that we threw into the water," he adds. "Hopefully we can retrieve those as well."
player, 256 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 17:25
  • msg #909

Re: Back to Monteci

GM, 1052 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 19:27
  • msg #910

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 562 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #911

Re: Back to Monteci

"Then we best depart soon. Each minute we spend talking is a minute wasted, Tele, do we have any supplies we need before we sail? If not, maybe we can just depart," Storm says.
player, 106 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 00:29
  • msg #912

Re: Back to Monteci

"I believe we can set sail immediately...if everyone is in agreement?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 191 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 02:01
  • msg #913

Re: Back to Monteci

"Yes, let's go!" Westin says.
player, 178 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 03:05
  • msg #914

Re: Back to Monteci

”Aye, let’s get moving.  The sooner we get started, the sooner we get this thing done.”
player, 107 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 06:02
  • msg #915

Re: Back to Monteci

Telemachus turns and heads back to the harbour, a sense of excitement washes over him as knows he will be out on the water again.

"Vendavel, I know you are a sailor, you are going to love Ananke. She's not big, but a fine vessel!"
Westin na'Belva
player, 192 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 16:37
  • msg #916

Re: Back to Monteci

"I'm a sailor too," Westin chimes in, "though I may need a hand to raise a main sail without a hoist or help for similar such tasks that require a lot of strength. I'm also pretty good at navigation. Years ago, I sailed around the Thousand Islands by myself in my small sailboat though I never got too far from any island. I'm happy to lend a hand if needed."

"How long have you been sailing Vendavel?" he asks the half-elf. "Any especially interesting places you have sailed to or any interesting or even scary tales to share?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:41, Wed 28 Oct 2020.
player, 163 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 22:40
  • msg #917

Re: Back to Monteci

Lenelle was not a sailor.  She had been aboard a ship several times, during her life - who had not, dwelling in the isles? - but it was yet more new to her than not.  She merely nodded agreement with the general intent, and resolved to help out where she could, ask for instruction, when needed.
player, 179 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 23:49
  • msg #918

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick gives a wry grin, ”A few more sailors on the team and we’ll have a right, proper crew.  We’re gonna have to start assigning duties.”

Wick is as happy as anyone to get back to the ship and get some water under his feet.
player, 563 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #919

Re: Back to Monteci

Storm hauls his pack and moves off with the rest.
GM, 1056 posts
Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 12:38
  • msg #920

Re: Back to Monteci

As the group made their way back to the Ananke, Fintan came out from his office.

"Will you be returning?" he asked.  His air was one of the sort of person who needed to keep orderly accounts of the comings-and-goings of Monteci's harbor.
player, 180 posts
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #921

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick gives Fintan a wave, looking to see if the blue hand gives the man pause.  ”With luck, yes.  Hopefully, to collect some more coin if our hunt goes well.  If it goes poorly, well hopefully some of us At least will come back.  Either way, a good day to you, master Fintin.”
player, 108 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #922

Re: Back to Monteci

Telemachus laughs at Wick's comment to the harbourmaster.

"We'll be back, Master Fintan. Just a short journey for now."

Like Wick, he is exuberant about getting onto the ship again.
Westin na'Belva
player, 193 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 11:49
  • msg #923

Re: Back to Monteci

As the others speak with the harbor master, Westin proceeds to board the ship. He had been on the ship before, but only for a short time in port. Now that they were intending to set sail, he wanted to better familiarize himself with the aspects of the ship.

He sets Jade down warning her, "if you climb up the mast and get stuck up there in a middle of a storm, I'm not rescuing you until after it subsides." He then starts walking along the ship from aft to stern, inspecting it, checking it, verifying its seaworthiness. The Ananke was much bigger than any ship he had crewed before and if there was a need or opportunity to lend a hand, he wanted to be prepared.
player, 17 posts
Westin's familiar
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 12:00
  • msg #924

Re: Back to Monteci

Jade emits a plaintive "Meow" in response to Westin's warning. The elf could be protective to the point of being annoying.

She proceeds to walk around the deck and then scampers up on the quarterdeck. There she stays for a time, looking at the main deck below and uttering a "Meow" when anyone below passes nearby.
player, 564 posts
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 15:29
  • msg #925

Re: Back to Monteci

Storm boards the boat. He looks at his treasure and thinks he should send a portion to the church when he returns. "Shall we go?" he asks as he approaches his fruebds,
player, 18 posts
Westin's familiar
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 16:02
  • msg #926

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 257 posts
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #927

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 164 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 18:56
  • msg #928

Re: Back to Monteci

"I'd say it's time," Lenelle answered Storm, making her way onboard the ship herself.   Having done so, she glanced betwixt Westin and his familiar, the mage's caring of his feline familiar not lost on her.

Though she did her best to hide it, she was fully half-elvish.  Yet, she did not speak their language, had only basic knowledge of their culture.  Had spent much of her life mistrusting them...but, Westin had given her some reasons to rethink on that mistrust.  Most of which came from the sort of man her elvish father had been.

"Did you choose a cat, for your familiar?" she asked of Westin. "Or is that choice out of a mage's hands?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 194 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 21:39
  • msg #929

Re: Back to Monteci

"There's some disagreement on that point," Westin says, looking at Lenelle. "In my mind, I cast the spell without any expectation of what might come and Jade responded to the summons. Jade's view is that she had already been looking for a way off the small island where we are from and decided to respond. Back then, she said she was going to leave once we arrived at a bigger island. She never left though and I don't think she ever will. We're best of buddies now and I think, too, she likes going to new places."
player, 19 posts
Westin's familiar
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #930

Re: Back to Monteci

Jade comes down from the quarterdeck and walks over to Lenelle.

"Meow," she utters. She then moves walk past one of Lenelle's leg, brushing up against, turning around and repeating, doing that for several times.
Westin na'Belva
player, 195 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #931

Re: Back to Monteci

"I'm really glad to see you doing so well. When that evil man stabbed and almost ran you through with that sword, I really thought...," Westin struggles a bit, a difficult expression on his face, "I really thought it was over for you." He gives her a wry smile. "You are obviously one tough lady. If I had gotten stabbed like that, I would have died."

"However did you come to be a warrior, priest?" he asks her curiously.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:06, Sat 07 Nov 2020.
player, 166 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 00:30
  • msg #932

Re: Back to Monteci

She bent to rub Jade's back, "Hello sweet one," while considering what to say in response to Westin's question.  She began by commenting on the bit that was easier to answer:

"It was a serious wound.  I've never known pain like that before. I came close enough to departing for Atu's Kingdom.  But, apparently it wasn't my time."    She paused, still petting Jade.

She wasn't going to lie; her faith decried falsehood.   But how much would she say?    The shame she felt about her origins began to seep back in.

"I was an orphan," she said, simplifying it, "and ended up at a shrine of St. Audris. My first night there, there was an omen, and they sent me to Calandria's main temple.  And asked me if I wanted to stay there.   I was barely five, and alone - and the temple was clean, safe, warm.  More, it felt like home. More than any place I'd known.   Learning the faith came naturally, felt right.  For years, I believed I was training to be a nun.   But from the beginning, they were grooming me to be a full cleric.  And, a part of it is learning skill at arms.  Atu's creed teaches peace and compassion, as always the first choice.  But also to fight for what is right, when evil leaves no choice." 
player, 109 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 05:05
  • msg #933

Re: Back to Monteci

Telemachus, heads to the hold and strips off his armour. Returning to the deck, he calls out, "I suggest you remove your armour, even on a short trip the possibility of ending up in the water exists.

Let's get ready to cast off as soon as everyone is ready."

Mu real life knowledge of sailing and ships is I will try to be super-generic when acting like the captain! :-)

player, 181 posts
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #934

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick feels the need to check out the hold and their accumulated wealth before he returns back to the deck.  He doffs his shoes, finding bare feet gives him better purchase on the deck.  "Want me on the sails, or the rudder?" he asks Telemachus.
player, 110 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #935

Re: Back to Monteci

"Take charge of the sails, once we are free of the harbour.

We'll have to row out from the wharf."

The picture of the ship shows that it has a steering wheel, and oars so I hope I am on track with this!

Was Wick on the ship when they sailed from the island?

If so, he can be first mate!

player, 91 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #936

Re: Back to Monteci

Vendavel boarded the Ananke with a broad smile on her face. She had arrived on this island on a ship not too dissimilar to this one, and she was content thinking that she could turn the page on this not so proud chapter of her life.

Her parrot was quick to take off and perch in the rig, from where he could get a good commanding view of the ship and possibly make snarky comments at regular intervals.

She thought her help would be more needed in manoeuvring the sails and ropes, so she took position.
“I’m ready Captain,” she simply said.
“When we get near the cave entrance, I can give you some pointers.”

She had been bossed around a lot on her previous ships, but she knew this was the only way sailors learn and get things done fast. She was ready to give some tough love if it was needed.
player, 182 posts
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #937

Re: Back to Monteci

”Aye, Captain.”. Wick replies to Telemachus.

OOC:  yes Mac, Wick’s an original character from the start of the game on the slaver ship.
player, 111 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 05:55
  • msg #938

Re: Back to Monteci

"Vendavel, Westin - you both said you are sailors. I need you to get the rest of the crew on the oars, to get us out of the harbour.

Then I need you working with Wick to man the ropes and sails.

I have the wheel.

Oh! And we have to make sure we don't lose any of landlubber friends, overboard!"
he adds with a laugh.

The druid's mood had improved immensely once they were on ship!
player, 565 posts
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 00:33
  • msg #939

Re: Back to Monteci

"Everyone should divest themselves of heavy armour if necessary. Of course our ship is excellent but we will need to be lightly clad in case we need to swim," Storm says grimly. ALthough he had sailed in the ship and trusts his friends, he is still uncommfortable with sailing.
player, 258 posts
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 02:41
  • msg #940

Re: Back to Monteci

GM, 1065 posts
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 02:45
  • msg #941

Re: Back to Monteci

The group maneuvered the Ananke from the place in the harbor, and from there into the bay -- away from the larger, open waters where folk were fishing, and toward the cliff where they could see the house at the top, until they had drawn near enough that they could no longer see the house at the top.  However, they also did not see the opening that they knew was their from their earlier excursion and exploration of the old house and the caverns below it.
player, 112 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 09:22
  • msg #942

Re: Back to Monteci

"Vendavel! I don't see the cave it disguised?

Lenelle! Storm! Teodoin! Keep a sharp lookout for the cave."

Westin na'Belva
player, 196 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 15:25
  • msg #943

Re: Back to Monteci

Westin will join the others in looking with his sharp eyes for the cave entrance.

"I bet it's hidden by an illusion," Westin calls out as he fails to spot the entrance he knows is there. "Eliphas was a master of illusion, remember? That's probably how he kept this docking place hidden. Try disbelieving the cliff."

Westin will attempt to disbelieve the cliff, in particular where he recalls, as best he can, where the opening should be.
player, 113 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #944

Re: Back to Monteci

"I bet it's hidden by an illusion

"Brilliant, Westin! I am sure you're right. Is there any way to see past an illusion?"

Telemachus, stares at the coastline, looking for any sign of incongruity that might indicate the location of the cave.
player, 183 posts
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 20:25
  • msg #945

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick scans the cliff face.  I”if we can find a place where I can get ashore, I could come back through the house, wave a torch or something for you guys to spot the cave.”. If Panatix is okay, and free, and able to give a signal, that would be best, but that’s a lot of ifs and if there’s nothing to see, then one of those if, maybe more, aren’t true.
player, 566 posts
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 05:22
  • msg #946

Re: Back to Monteci

Storm assists in looking for the cave. He stands at the side and scans the horizon with his hand above his eyes to shield his eyes from the bright lights.

"Let us hope we find the cave sooner rather than later,"he cries to his friends.
player, 92 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 12:36
  • msg #947

Re: Back to Monteci

 Vendavel seemed more embarrassed than anyone else to not find the entrance to the cave.
 "I must admit... I've never approached by sea. I just assumed it would be easier to find my bearing!"

 She tries to disbelief that the rock face was a rock face, but she struggled to even see where the entrance should be...


Vendavel rolled 31 using 2d20 with rolls of 17,14.  intelligence check / disbelief illusion.
 Success on Intelligence check (barely!) and success on spell save vs illusions.
player, 167 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 23:50
  • msg #948

Re: Back to Monteci

Though the studded leather armor she wore would not be heavy armor in the reckoning of some, it was still far heavier than anything she'd want to swim in.  Thus she took the advice, and removed it.

After, she took her place at the oars.  Once it came to the possibility of illusion, she followed suit of Vendavel, in striving to disbelieve what looked entirely solid, and very real..
Lenelle rolled 7 using 1d20+4.  spell save vs. illusion. (fail)
Lenelle rolled 9 using 1d20.  int check vs. same.  (made)

GM, 1068 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 19:53
  • msg #949

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 259 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 19:54
  • msg #950

Re: Back to Monteci

GM, 1069 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 20:47
  • msg #951

Re: Back to Monteci

player, 93 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 21:59
  • msg #952

Re: Back to Monteci

 “Ah! There!” Vendavel suddenly exclaimed. She was pointing at a wall of sheer rock with some vines and wild grasses.

 It was not obvious by any way, but if one applied their utmost focus, they would notice minute discrepancies: the way the stone caught the light, the watering of grasses under the wind, the shimmer of the reddish sun on the water surface...

And once one had seen it, the glamoured veil was obvious.

“Steer us into this cliff!” she casually said to the captain.
player, 114 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #953

Re: Back to Monteci

Steer us into this cliff!

"I will not!" Telemachus replies. "But, perhaps I can bring us up close...I need someone at the bow...the watch the depth.

We'll bring the sails down, and use the oars, to reduce the chance of grounding.

Sorry, but a bit more rowing will be needed!"

player, 184 posts
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 04:05
  • msg #954

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick finally spots what Vendavel points out.  ”Furl the sails then?  Or do you want me at the bow?”. Wick asks.

In his mind, sails would need to be addressed first or the rowers would be fighting against them.  Rowing was hard enough a job to not add challenges to it.
player, 115 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 07:02
  • msg #955

Re: Back to Monteci

Furl the sails then?  Or do you want me at the bow?

"Take care of the sails, Wick.

Westin, take lookout on the bow. Vendavel, with Westin, guide us close to the cave that I can't see.

And everyone else, if you don't mind, MAN THE OARS!"

Westin na'Belva
player, 197 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 10:31
  • msg #956

Re: Back to Monteci

Westin moves to the bow and keeps a lookout as instructed. "Good job Vendavel and glad that you are with us," he says to her with a quick glance and smile. He then keeps his eyes focused on what's before the ship, looking for any rocks or other dangers that might lie in the water and making sure it appears deep enough for the ship.

"So far so good," he calls out.
GM, 1072 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 19:33
  • msg #957

Re: Back to Monteci

With the sails furled and the rest at the oars, under the guidance of those who had seen through the veil of continued cliff, the Ananke came up to the cave that they had seen before, the other boat still in place, although with smashed oars.
player, 116 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 06:41
  • msg #958

Re: Back to Monteci

Once Anake was as close to shore as Telemachus felt was prudent, he will shout, "All oars, dead stop! Drop the anchor!

This is as close as we can get without fear of grounding."

I don't know if there is a dinghy/tender on the ship.

If so, Telemachus will advise a landing party to take it and head for shore.

If not, he will suggest someone swim to shore, carrying the end of a rope. It can be tied to the small boat in the cave, and pulled back, where it can be equipped with oars, and the party can then use it.

player, 185 posts
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 17:35
  • msg #959

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick picks up the anchor and moves to the front of the Anake.  He measures out the chain hand over hand do get a sense of the depth of the water.
player, 94 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #960

Re: Back to Monteci

 Vendavel drops the bulk of her gear, takes off her coat and hat, and jumps off the ship. She swims to the cave and brings the boat back to Ananke.

 “Let’s hurry. I don’t like knowing your friend out there by himself...” she simply said as she reaches the ship.

 She recovers her equipment and adjusts the tricorn on her head.
GM, 1073 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #961

Re: Back to Monteci

The water had proven to be somewhere between four and a half and five feet in depth, and then Vendavel moved to tug the smaller rowboat over to the Ananke.
player, 117 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 06:28
  • msg #962

Re: Back to Monteci

"Good job, Vendavel." Telemachus says, acknowledging her effort.

"Now, do we all head to the cavern to find Pantix, or should at least one or two of us stay on the ship to keep it secure?

I worry about splitting up, but I also fear that Eliphas may pull some sort of trick on us if he is still here."

player, 186 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 13:24
  • msg #963

Re: Back to Monteci

"I suggest that a couple of us stay with the ship."  Wick did want to get in there and find Panatix, but it also made sense to keep experienced sailors on the ship.
Westin na'Belva
player, 198 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 17:30
  • msg #964

Re: Back to Monteci

"I agree, someone should stay to protect the ship," Westin nods. "Not just from Eliphas but anyone or anything else that might come along. It's possible we missed someone or perhaps they weren't at the house when we made our raid."

"If you wanted, I could ask Jade to stay with whoever stays with the ship. That way if something happens, Jade will communicate with me and I will communicate it with the group that didn't stay on the ship."
player, 168 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 01:16
  • msg #965

Re: Back to Monteci

"I'm not a sailor," put in Lenelle, "there's no point in my staying behind, and it could be Atu's healing will be needed in there, if there is more than we expect."       So said, she began to get back into her armor, and prepare to go in and retrieve Pan.
player, 118 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 05:16
  • msg #966

Re: Back to Monteci

"If Wick and I watch the ship, are the rest of you agreeable with finding Panatix?" It is obvious from his voice that Telemachus is not comfortable with saying this.

"I am finding it difficult to predict Eliphas' behaviour. Is he in the house? Is he in the caves? Did he flee as we surmised earlier?"

Jade will communicate with me

"Excellent idea, Westin. It will put me slightly more at ease knowing we have a method, of basic communication.

If you can tell Jade to bite my foot, but not hard, if the land group encounters danger, then we will have a basic two-communication system thanks to your cat!"

DM: there is a notice popping up that says this thread is reaching the 1,000 post limit.

Westin na'Belva
player, 199 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 11:15
  • msg #967

Re: Back to Monteci

Westin's face makes an odd expression, "I'll tell her to grab onto you foot or hand with her teeth. Don't try to shake her off or you'll regret it! Just stop what you doing and give her attention so she knows you got the message. Believe me, unless you are in of something life threatening like combat, you will notice."

"Before I trained her, she would playfully byte to the point of causing injury. One time she bit so hard, she drew blood and required an elf friend of mine to seek Clerical assistance. He was so angry, I think he would thrown her against a tree if he had been able to grab her. No matter what the reason, I don't want her to even think about renewing bad habits. Biting is not acceptable to friends."

He pauses for several moments and looks at Jade. He then nods. "She agrees."
player, 20 posts
Westin's familiar
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 11:21
  • msg #968

Re: Back to Monteci

Jade comes over to Telemachus. "Meow," she utters.

She begins walking back and forth, brushing up against Telemachus's legs as she goes.
player, 187 posts
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 15:59
  • msg #969

Re: Back to Monteci

Wick goes forward with the idea of sticking on the ship and starts taking actions, making sure the anchor is secured, making sure the sails are properly furled, pulling the oars to the stand-by position, but not putting them up in case there's a need to make a hasty exit.
player, 119 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 26 Nov 2020
at 02:21
  • msg #970

Re: Back to Monteci


Telemachus reaches down to give Jade a scratch behind the ears. "Thank you, Jade, your assistance is much appreciated."

He looks to the group getting ready to leave and a look of worry crosses his face, "I do not like splitting up, even if it seems most prudent..."

He helps the landing party climb down into the small boat and gives each of them a pat on the back or a handshake, "Atu bless you all, and keep you safe."
player, 567 posts
Thu 26 Nov 2020
at 03:35
  • msg #971

Re: Back to Monteci

"Wiseto keep sentries to secure our ship. Wouldnt look good if we find Panatix but get stuck here," Storm muses to his friends.

THen wearing his armour and gripping his mace and sword, he declare,"I am ready."

He joins the landing party,
player, 95 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 27 Nov 2020
at 02:03
  • msg #972

Re: Back to Monteci

Vendavel recovered her gear and lead the land party to the cave and the house. She knew the place rather well so it only made sense. Add water had soaked her clothes, she was glad not to wear amour if any kind. Luckily her coat was kept dry. She wrapped herself in it for warmth and modesty. With her parrot lodged in the nook of her tricorn, she started the search for the lost gnome.

Yes nearing 1000 messages — if we break the limit we can’t display all messages on one page anymore which is annoying if you need to do a search for old information.
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