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, welcome to [DnD, 5e] Tales from Wilderland (Adventures in Middle Earth)

13:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by LoremasterFor group 0
player, 1 post
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 01:04
  • msg #684


Sorry for the delay in saying hello, I got my sheet finished then promptly passed out and sept into what turned into an unusually busy day.

I should be able to produce an IC post shortly but I wanted to read through the thread first and give everyone here an opportunity to know I existed and wasn't just some figment of the GM's imagination.
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 87 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #685


In reply to Igorwen (msg # 684):

No worries! We all get busy. Glad to have you with us. Blessings :)
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 110 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 07:49
  • msg #686


In reply to Igorwen (msg # 684):

Gundri Coopersson
player, 230 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 19:22
  • msg #687


Would anyone object if I made a post in the IC-roleplaying thread that transitioned to the PCs having a meeting about the Tyrant's Hill Woodsmen's arrival and the attendant complications?
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 88 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 19:37
  • msg #688


No, but could we do it in the Hobbit Tales thread? Maybe just put at the top: Moot Discussion. Hum is going to sing a song and offer money to sway them to aid her loghouse. Blessings :)
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 89 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #689


Sorry! That was what you were proposing. I think it is a good idea. New PC's can join us too! Blessings :)
GM, 441 posts
AC:30, HP: 100, M: 10/10
Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 14:54
  • msg #690


Sorry-Busy weekend.

Looks like you all figured out whet your doing and posting.

Let me know if you need anything else to help et the scene.
player, 2 posts
AC 15 HP 23/23 M 2/2
Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #691


Hey, just posting from my phone to let you all know that my building has been having some trouble with its main internet line which is why I've been not posting for a couple days.  They're getting the main company to come out here on the 9th with some engineers to fix it, so hopefully it'll be fixed then.  Writing on my phone is pretty crappy when it comes to good narrative.
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 112 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 12:39
  • msg #692


Messing about with Hero Forge...

GM, 442 posts
AC:30, HP: 100, M: 10/10
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 18:59
  • msg #693


Life has just got to complex and stressful living in the DC area.

I need to step away from things for a good long while and focus on some more important issues in life and leaving RPOL.

Unfortunately it is time to upend the family and move to a simpler-safer location.

I'm not going to delete the game and it will sit here and you can take from it whatever you need.  I moved the GM ownership to OFF, so if someone wants to take over the game you can email the RPOL moderators and they will give you access to run the game.

Best of luck to you all and for those living in the United States stay safe!
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 91 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 19:15
  • msg #694


I hate to hear this. However, I understand. Please take good care and I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you many blessings. :)

I may be able to take over the GM mantle if the rest of the group is willing to continue. Just let me know. Again, thank you for all you did to keep this game a great one. Stay safe and be blessed! :)
player, 157 posts
Dunedain Wanderer
AC 16(14) HP 40/40 M 4/4
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 20:03
  • msg #695


I totally understand & wish you the best. Thankfully I live in a mostly quiet rural area & don't have but a few knuckleheads to deal with at times.

And if Hum really wishes to take over that's fine by me.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:03, Fri 06 Nov 2020.
Jeffer Dunhill
player, 3 posts
Harfoot Wanderer
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 22:03
  • msg #696


Let's just say that there have been reasons I haven't convinced my wife to make another trip to DC so I could march in the National Memorial Day Parade with my fellow Desert Shield/Storm veterans since the 25th anniversary back in '16.  And I'm unsure if I'm going to want to next year for the 30th, no matter who wins.  I'd say try Kentucky, but we've had a lot of upheaval lately, too.  Especially in my hometown.
Best of luck to you, whereever you and your family end up.  May all your most fierce battles be found only in literature, movies, and games.
Game wise, I would pleased if someone else were to take over as GM....
This message was last edited by the player at 22:04, Fri 06 Nov 2020.
player, 3 posts
AC 13 HP 18/18 M 3/3
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 07:03
  • msg #697


I am glad you let us know and set things up so the game can (hopefully) carry on.  Nothing we can do or say is going to fix the DC problem, likely not anything any one person can do.  Exit stage left is probably the better plan.

As for taking over as GM even if I felt qualified to do that in a Middle Earth setting that I am still relearning enough to be a player in I too don't have the bandwidth to be a GM in any game.
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 113 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 09:14
  • msg #698


Sorry to hear your news but family, health and well-being come first. This is, after all, just a game. Stay well and remember RPoL will be here should you choose to return. I did after a five year hiatus!

As to the game, I’m happy for Humm, or anyone else who wants the job, to take over.
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 92 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #699


Hey all! I have rMailed the Mods to see if I can take over the game. I hate the Loremaster had to leave. His shoes are mighty big to fill, and I appreciate all he did to make this a great game.

I will be happy to take over the game if everyone is still willing to continue, and the Mods give me the okay to go forward. I will try to keep this game on the same track and with the same flavor as the Loremaster as one so far. However, there may be a slight change in tone as I may be a different kind of GM. However, I do love the way this game is set up, and I want to make as little change as possible.

I have the Mirkwood Campaign book and will start to go over it as I have not done so, not wanting to have prior knowledge of the info we were playing. So I can cover the adventure-line that we are now presently on. I also have other books to cover other things as well.

Gundri, Hum will remain as an NPC and your Faithful Servant. Like the Loremaster, I will also place before you all more than one adventure path so you can choose what you will do next and not just lead you. Things that I see is to finish the Moot as planned. We still have the tower and orcs to check out. Bori, the dwarf, wishes to help in exploring the old Dwarf-road. Dealing with Mogdred of Tyrant's Hill, whether he joins the Woodsman or not, to aid Amaleoda in building the settlement at Tarn Lake or some other mission of the Woodsman.

There is something else I have been working on for my own Campaign that I was going run one day but will allow you all to check out if you wish. Just as a hint, see below:

To the Halls of Zarak Dum I go...
Where the folk of Durin lived of old...
To mine the rich veins of silver and gold...
Until the Orcs of Mt Gram came ever bold...
The folk of Durin must then flee that hold...
Yet its halls are still rich, I'm often told...
In a faraway land of ever cold...
Where the folk of Durin lived of old...

Thanks, and please let me know what you all would like to see for your characters. Adventure-wise in the future. Blessings :)
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 93 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 17:52
  • msg #700


Hey all! The Mods responded and said they could not make me GM. They said I would have to be made Co-GM by the Loremaster, and he must be absent for 3 months first. I have PMed the Loremaster and explained the situation to him. Hopefully, he will. I know he would not mind, but I also know he has a lot on his mind. I do not wish to bother him further, so let's just wait and see. Have a great day! Be blessed! :)
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 114 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 20:18
  • msg #701


In reply to Hummond Goldworthy (msg # 700):

That is a pain. The alternative is to set up a new game. As we have access to our char sheets we can simply cut and paste over to the new game if needed. Any public threads could be copied by our new GM too...
Jeffer Dunhill
player, 4 posts
Harfoot Wanderer
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 01:17
  • msg #702


I can be patient.
Jeffer Dunhill
player, 5 posts
Harfoot Wanderer
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 23:09
  • msg #703


So, what's the happs, peeps?
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 115 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 08:33
  • msg #704


I guess nobody was able to take it over...
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 116 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 08:38
  • msg #705


I just posted in GMs Wanted. You never know!?!
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 94 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 03:21
  • msg #706


I apologize, folks. I got sidetracked by RL myself. I was waiting for the GM to respond to my PM. The holidays and an unplanned move have kept me busy. I might still be able to take over, though I may move the game to a different path/ adventure if you are all up for it. It will take me about two weeks before I could start, though. My house goes on the market the first week of March, and I have a lot to do. The good sign is that everyone logged in on the day someone posted, so there is interest in this game and the characters you have made. I hope I can do this, but if another wishes to take over or find another GM to do so, I would be honored to write with you all. This was, is, and can be a great game. I wish you all the best. Blessings :)
Jeffer Dunhill
player, 6 posts
Harfoot Wanderer
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 06:29
  • msg #707


So, I started a thing.  Cool.
player, 158 posts
Dunedain Wanderer
AC 16(14) HP 40/40 M 4/4
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 13:36
  • msg #708


Sounds like a plan.
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