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14:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
player, 27 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 01:04
  • msg #113


 Did we win yet?.  :/
Dungeon Master
GM, 72 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 01:17
  • msg #114


I'm waiting to see what Damu and Nissa intend to do. If we don't hear from them by tomorrow, I'll move things along.
Kovel Vendermar
player, 27 posts
HP: 8/8 AC: 13
HE Sorcerer 1
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 01:38
  • msg #115


Would it make sense for the two groups to have their own separate OOC?

I've never played in a multi-group game before so this is a little new to me.
player, 18 posts
AC 14 | HP 10/10
LF Halfling | Rogue 1
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 18:30
  • msg #116


Sakr, in your latest post, are you implying you understand Elvish but responded in common?

Also, I’m assuming there’s a plan to integrate Harbek into the party pretty soon?
Kovel Vendermar
player, 31 posts
HP: 8/8 AC: 13
HE Sorcerer 1
Thu 26 Nov 2020
at 14:21
  • msg #117


Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans here.  To everyone else, have a happy Thursday.
player, 21 posts
AC 17 | HP 10/10
Wood Elf | Druid 1
Sun 29 Nov 2020
at 23:21
  • msg #118


Woo, nat 20 on the first combat roll.  :3  Off to a good start.

Just for future reference, might it be easier of the DM rolls Initiative for the party all at once and posts the results in the opening of combat?  That way we won't risk being delayed if someone in the line-up can't post in a timely manner for whatever reason.
Kovel Vendermar
player, 34 posts
HP: 8/8 AC: 13
HE Sorcerer 1
Sun 29 Nov 2020
at 23:51
  • msg #119


In reply to Odette (msg # 118):

Lucky you. :)  Die roller hates me as always.

I'm fine either way regarding initiative roll.
Dungeon Master
GM, 81 posts
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 17:35
  • msg #120


I can roll initiative for everyone if you'd prefer that, though I'm not sure how that would speed things up, as we'd still have to wait for everyone to post their actions.
Kovel Vendermar
player, 35 posts
HP: 8/8 AC: 13
HE Sorcerer 1
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #121


Do you want us to post what we would do even if there's a chance we won't act?

Or should we wait and post in initiative order?

On here I've always played post when you can, but wanted to make sure that's what was wanted here as well.  Good chance being middle of initiative that my action won't be called upon this encounter round.
Dungeon Master
GM, 82 posts
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 20:46
  • msg #122


Go ahead and post your actions for the round whenever you get the chance; there's no need to wait to post in initiative order. Once I have heard from everyone, I will resolve the round. If your action ends up being not needed, no big deal.
player, 22 posts
AC 14 | HP 10/10
LF Halfling | Rogue 1
Wed 2 Dec 2020
at 07:42
  • msg #123


Haha, sorry that I keep screwing up when using the dice roller. Getting the hang of things.

I do have a rules question I've been meaning to clarify for future combat encounters. Since halflings can move through the space of any creature a size larger than them, does that mean I could do something like be in Odette's space and attack a creature, then move around to the other side of Odette to hide while still being within reach of the creature so as not to get opportunity attacked?

Actually, I've done a little more research while typing this out and it seems like this isn't the case because Halfling Nimbleness does not supersede the general rule of not being able to end your turn in another creatures space. I'm unclear whether it supersedes the rule about moving through other creatures' spaces being difficult terrain or not. I've never thought about this stuff that much before.

Also, if I use the Naturally Stealthy lightfoot trait to hide behind someone, what would be considered reasonable in terms of how long I could keep my stealth to try and sneak attack someone? Like let's say I hid on one turn, then the next turn I run up and hit something I was hiding from. Did I reveal my position prior to attacking or not? And if I didn't, and I was two-weapon fighting, would both attacks have advantage or only the first?

Sorry for the long post and annoying questions, but this stuff is kind of vexing me and I want to be informed about how it works for the future.
player, 23 posts
AC 17 | HP 10/10
Wood Elf | Druid 1
Wed 2 Dec 2020
at 07:58
  • msg #124


I play a Lightfoot Halfling Rogue in another game, so I can help out with those kinds of questions.  I had to contend with them myself.  ^^;

Normally you can only move through an enemy creature's space if it's two size categories larger than you are.  So, for example, other Small-sized Beings could only move through a Large or greater creature's space without being blocked by them.  A Halfling's racial ability ignores this limitation and allows you to move through any size creature's space so long as they're bigger than you - so Medium and up.  It does not, however, mitigate the "difficult terrain" situation, so you still move at half-speed even through an allied creature's square to represent shuffling past them.

As for the "Naturally Stealthy" ability, you can hide behind a creature that's larger than you are (so Odette is the perfect obscuring feature there).  You reveal yourself as soon as you make your attack, though generally speaking it's assumed a Rogue would time their moment to strike so as to actually get the benefit of being Hidden, otherwise the mechanic is kind of pointless.  Leaping out to make a strike would generally not negate being Hidden, though if you had to move a significant amount of space through open terrain, that would allow the enemies a chance to spot you with a Perception check.

As for Advantage from being Hidden, it goes onto the first attack you make, so it'd be on your main hand attack.
player, 23 posts
AC 14 | HP 10/10
LF Halfling | Rogue 1
Wed 2 Dec 2020
at 17:43
  • msg #125


In reply to Odette (msg # 124):

Thanks! That all makes sense, and helps clear everything up for me.
player, 33 posts
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 23:46
  • msg #126


 Ummm, ok ?. So what do we do team?. How many of us are left?. Losing the turtle leaves us rather short for direct combat?.
Dungeon Master
GM, 86 posts
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 17:19
  • msg #127


Mouse, Eilhana, Nissa, Raithan, and Guerin remain. As an FYI, the hole is big enough for all of those who remain to fit through, though it will be a somewhat tight fit for the humans.
player, 34 posts
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 17:21
  • msg #128


 Cool. Thanks for the clearing of my misunderstanding.

 Onward then guys.
Harbek Hardstone
player, 5 posts
AC:18; HP:13/13; Init:+1
PPer:13; PInv:10; PIns:11
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 18:42
  • msg #129



I am going to be bowing out of this game. Harbek's Character Sheet was approved on November 11th, and I have been awaiting his insertion into the game since that date. It has been nearly a month now, and quite frankly, my interest has waned due to his (and my) inactivity over that period of time.

I leave with no hard feelings. Not every game here on RPoL is a good "fit" for everyone, and I have come to the conclusion that I should look elsewhere.

Best of wishes to one and all on this board for an enjoyable campaign. :)
Kovel Vendermar
player, 40 posts
HP: 8/8 AC: 13
HE Sorcerer 1
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 18:47
  • msg #130


In reply to Harbek Hardstone (msg # 129):

Dang, that's too bad.  Best of luck.
player, 26 posts
AC 14 | HP 10/10
LF Halfling | Rogue 1
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 06:38
  • msg #131


That's a real bummer, I was looking forward to his inclusion :/

Ah well. Our party is still sort of operable right?

Aaand in other more pertinent news, was combat actually supposed to start there? Last time the DM said combat start, like that. It's all well and dandy for you ranged characters who are probably close enough to start blasting away, but I don't actually know how far away these things are to inform my own strategy. Was something else supposed to be happening?
This message was last edited by the player at 06:43, Tue 08 Dec 2020.
player, 36 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 18:51
  • msg #132


Watching the news it caught my eye, the name of the British guy who got the second shot of the cov 19 vaccine in London. His name was William Shakespeare. I like that
Dungeon Master
GM, 89 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 19:43
  • msg #133


Yes, generally I prefer if you wait until I indicate to begin combat, but it is okay in this case.

The creatures are 60 feet away.

I paused this round to see if Odette or Frida want to change their actions. Let me know either way and then I'll continue.
Kovel Vendermar
player, 42 posts
HP: 8/8 AC: 13
HE Sorcerer 1
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 20:33
  • msg #134


In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 133):

So I'm not trying to cause trouble here, but I'm confused.

I can certainly understand that combat would be initiated by you if we're surprised upon or there's no ability for us to surprise them so combat would start "normally".

In this case Sakir initiated the combat by attacking based upon the description of the setting.  If that is his action and he wouldn't have discussed it with anybody before acting, I'm not exactly sure how we would go about 'taking the advantage' while waiting for you to indicate that combat begins.

I guess the way I understand it, Sakir took the shot, so he would be "1st" in initiative and then the rest of us and the enemies roll for initiative.  The order would then be Sakir, then the order.  Most of us would not have advantage after Sakir's attack as they would know we are there at that point.

Am I missing something?
Dungeon Master
GM, 91 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 20:37
  • msg #135


That's correct. I said in this case it is okay. You all get a surprise round against them.
player, 37 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #136


Open fire everyone, see how good my archery is.
player, 27 posts
AC 17 | HP 10/10
Wood Elf | Druid 1
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 22:00
  • msg #137


DM - Odette will maintain having cast Faerie Fire, so the creatures can all make their DEX saves or be highlighted.  Her giving the party Advantage on the next round of attacks is more important than her doling out damage first thing.
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