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02:21, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 708 posts
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 04:34
  • msg #1

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Wick pressed his way through the fog, the damp wall guiding his way, though he could feel the wetness start to affect the glove he wore.  Pushing through this fog, he came into a room, seeing a man in tawny robes, flanked by a gnoll and several men.  A brilliant display of light emerged from the robed man's hand, and that was the last thing that registered to Wick before his world went dark.  Bonelessly, Wick crumpled to the ground.

 23:31, Today: DM, on behalf of Wick, rolled 14 using 1d20 ((14)). save vs spell
NPC, 2 posts
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 04:36
  • msg #2

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Bind him," said Eliphas, gesturing negligently.  "And take my gloves back."
NPC, 12 posts
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 10:23
  • msg #3

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Obediently, Quade, who had come down the passage to give the warning, tied Wick up, removing the gloves that Wick wore before depositing the bound man upon the pile of fabric bolts resting on a wooden platform.
NPC, 7 posts
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 01:26
  • msg #4

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Eliphas took his gloves back from Quade, and then said, "Enough of this."  He turned and spoke again.

[Language unknown: "Ic un, mento aiolmo u ticredhas ri utfial esswasill, her ou ntilch'naro the iv.  Ck ar lill o hile ateintble ilolssut."]
GM, 713 posts
Wed 25 Mar 2020
at 11:41
  • msg #5

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

From some rough shaking, and judging by the sting in his face some slaps, Wick came back to, finding himself bound and laying on a pile of bolts of fabric.
player, 124 posts
Thu 26 Mar 2020
at 18:16
  • msg #6

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Wick does what he can to cover his face.  As soon as he's more or less aware, he starts trying to take stock of his situation.  He'd gone through the fog, had seem some people, saw the bright light, then nothing until he was slapped awake.

He looks around, taking stock.  He's bound up, the gloves have been taken and he's laying on a bunch of cloth all wrapped up in bolts.  He holds off doing anything that might draw attention to himself for the moment.
NPC, 14 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 02:59
  • msg #7

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Finally!" Anrai's voice was more a hoarse whisper, but he started quickly down to bottle the people who'd come into his home between his group on one side and Eliphas and the other half of the crew.  He made a gesture for the rest of the group in the hall to follow him.
player, 307 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 27 Mar 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #8

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

NPC, 15 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 17:48
  • msg #9

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Anrai led the way, now that the other group had passed, into the larger chamber.  Here they would see Westin with an unconscious Quade atop the bound Wick; the gnoll standing beside Eliphas, and the other three men of the group all ready to do battle.  On the ground were Storm who had been knocked over by Telemachus, with Lenelle, Vendavel, and Panatix on their feet facing Eliphas and his companions.
player, 308 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 18:11
  • msg #10

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

NPC, 14 posts
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 21:01
  • msg #11

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Anrai and Tad," said Eliphas, "go up and make sure they have left, and close the door."

He turned next to the wounded Toran, and pulled out a small vial from a pouch at his waist.  "Drink this," he instructed.

"Dak, do you have any other business to attend to?" Eliphas said.  "It might be useful to know if they intend to come back, or send others, now that they have seen the valuables we have here.  But it was a good job, sending them off.  A bonus of six asil for today for each of you, I think."
player, 319 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 23:22
  • msg #12

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I do have a few things on the boat," Dak admitted grudgingly.  He really didn't want to leave his friend alone at a time like this if those thieves did try again.

He could probably beat them back to the boat as they had injured.  If he left his armor here and ran cross country, he could probably do it.  Take what was his and return without incident.  It wasn't likely they'd try anything in their current state before he returned.  But as Eliphas said, they could send others more immediately.  Spin whatever twisted tale they needed to cause undeserved grief.

"What did you have in mind?" he asked.
NPC, 15 posts
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 14:05
  • msg #13

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's go upstairs," said Eliphas.  "I realize that there may be some efforts to keep you from returning, but it would be very useful to me to know if they, or others, are likely to be returning."

Eliphas led the way up to the barracks room, where the two men he had sent up before were untying a gnoll and seemed to be trying to wake him.  One of the beds had an open, empty footlocker at its foot.

Eliphas continued to his room, pulling a box out from under the desk, seeming pleased that no one had bothered it during the earlier searching.

"Here," he said, handing Dak six silver asil.  "You have earned this much already.  Now ..."  He walked to the trap door and said, "Fusta."

The trapdoor opened easily--Dak might well remember how it had not opened before, but the parrot had been flying around saying "password".

"If you come up these steps," said Eliphas, leading the way into the room which Dak remembered having been in before--the fireplace and the door leading to a visibly overgrown patio and a pile of trash in one corner.  "You should return this way.  The word to open the door is fusta."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:06, Mon 27 Apr 2020.
player, 320 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 20:57
  • msg #14

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll be faster without this armor," Dak suggested.  "I'll leave it in that empty chest until I return with what news I can find out."

His plan was still to pass them cross country while they were on the road, take his share from the boat, and then see if he could spy out what the thieves' next move would be.

If there was time, he could buy an old cloak with a hood for a disguise as he shadowed them.
NPC, 16 posts
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 11:14
  • msg #15

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"If you wish," said Eliphas.  "That open footlocker will be yours here."  Eliphas returned to the barracks room, and said, "Would you wish to borrow something for the journey?  Another's armor or cloak, perhaps?"
player, 321 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 19:00
  • msg #16

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"A cloak, yes," Dak replied, shrugging out of his mail.  That stuff was heavy!

"I'd like a little bit of a disguise in case they might spot me.  And a backpack if you have one to spare."

He kept his sword and dagger, but deposited much of the rest into the chest.  He'd stow the javelin outside somewhere as he left.  Although he trusted Eliphas and his men, he wasn't so sure about the two gnolls.
NPC, 16 posts
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #17

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Anrai stepped over to a different bed, opening the footlocker, and he said, "Ya can borrow my cloak."  He brought out a cloak of gray kersey which still had a faint scent of kapnos clinging to the fabric.  While he was a little taller than Dak, the cloak would only be a little past Dak's knees while it was knee length to Anrai.
player, 322 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 29 Apr 2020
at 01:59
  • msg #18

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Thank you, this will do nicely," Dak said as he swung the cloak around his shoulders.  "I'll be off then to see what plans those scoundrels are making!"

He jogged over to the stairs and uttered the password to release the trap door.  Gaining the house, he set off through the fields and wood at a jog.  Wounded and armored, he should easily be able to pass them by before they returned to town.
GM, 740 posts
Wed 29 Apr 2020
at 23:11
  • msg #19

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Moving through the grounds of the house, Dak emerged past the wall and through some more growth before reaching the road to Monteci.  Looking back, he could see the group Eliphas had permitted to leave at the roadside bandaging up wounds.  It was in the afternoon, but by hurrying, Dak could feel reasonably certain of returning to the house before sunset.  Of course, the return would be slower with the plates and silver and the large number of coins that remained his share.
player, 323 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 30 Apr 2020
at 03:25
  • msg #20

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

He'd hoped to come out further along the road, but he was probably far enough they wouldn't recognize him in his disguise.  They'd have no reason to accost a lone traveler on the road.

Nonetheless, he kept his pace up and tried to put some distance between them.  He'd need the time to collect what he'd left on the boat before the others returned.

Thinking of the boat, he contemplated sinking it.  Eliphas had a ship and these pirates might try to chase them down.  If he sank the boat, it would ensure they'd have no problems on that front.  It was something for him to think about on the long walk back to town.
GM, 742 posts
Fri 1 May 2020
at 11:46
  • msg #21

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

With little more event on the way, Dak made his way into Monteci.  It was late afternoon and the fishing boats were starting to come in, but he could also see the Ananke sitting right where it had been.  People in town were in the streets, going about their business, but Dak did not seem to be drawing anyone's attention.
player, 324 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 2 May 2020
at 03:35
  • msg #22

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

His first task was to purchase a backpack to carry his share of the gold and treasure.  He thought he'd seen a general store around.  He would pop in, get the backpack, and then to the ship.  From what he'd seen on the road, the others were well behind him.  It had been a good idea to leave his heavy armor behind.

He was still undecided on whether to sink the ship.
GM, 743 posts
Sat 2 May 2020
at 16:19
  • msg #23

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Dak made inquiries about a backpack, he was told the best place to go was to Brendan's leatherworks, which was past the docks and across a bridge.  There, a sturdy leather backpack could be had for 30 asil.  In passing the docks, he noticed enough activity that made attempting to sink a ship seem an activity more likely to get him locked up.
player, 325 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 5 May 2020
at 02:33
  • msg #24

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Disappointed that the decision on whether he could sink the ship was made for him, Dak strode quickly past to reach the leather worker before the others caught up.  This was taking too long and the others weren't that slow.
GM, 749 posts
Tue 5 May 2020
at 11:13
  • msg #25

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak completed his purchase at the leathersmith's shop.  It had not been hard to find the place, located on the edge of town where most prevailing winds would take the odor of the tanning work further inland.  The backpack itself was a fine piece of work, soft tanned leather with brass buckles, and a capacity which would more than contain Dak's share of the treasure from the island along with all the other goods he had acquired.

The harbormaster--a man, dressed in studded leather with a stout club hanging from his belt whom Dak had seen when he departed the boat--was walking along the pier as the fishermen were bringing their boats in.

"You're one of the Ananke's crew, aren't you?" asked the harbormaster.  "Where's your captain?"
player, 326 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 6 May 2020
at 00:57
  • msg #26

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The Captain went inland for the day," Dak replied, taken aback that he'd already been recognized in his disguise.  Perhaps he should be wearing it with the hood up.

"I expect him back later today with the rest of them."
GM, 753 posts
Wed 6 May 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #27

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ah," replied the harbormaster, "so you'll be staying aboard ship or back to the Cat and Custard Pot?"
player, 327 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 6 May 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #28

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The Cat and Custard," Dak replied automatically.  He certainly wasn't going to wait on the ship for the others to find him.  He also wasn't going to stay at the inn where they'd also likely find him.

He'd find somewhere to skulk nearby and keep an eye out.  They couldn't be that far behind him now and he needed to get his share and get out.
GM, 757 posts
Sun 10 May 2020
at 13:04
  • msg #29

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

After the harbormaster had left to talk to some of the fishermen coming in, there was nothing in the way of going aboard ship and gathering his share of coin and other possessions.  From there, he could easily take the walk toward the Cat and Custard Pot--maybe even go inside for an ale before slipping away back toward the house.  For now, there were no signs of others returning from the house.
player, 328 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 11 May 2020
at 01:49
  • msg #30

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak headed back toward the inn.  He had the hood of his disguise up this time, learning from his earlier failure.

He kept a wary eye out for them as they couldn't have been too far behind him.  They were in no shape to sleep in the wild when they were so close to town.

He'd find some hidden perch and watch for them to return to town.
GM, 759 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 14:31
  • msg #31

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As time passed, he still saw no sign of the others.  Perhaps they had stopped at the church at the edge of town and not gone further, or something else had befallen them.  At any rate, the sun continued its progress across the sky and Vespers was approaching.  If Dak left Monteci now, he could get back to the house before darkness fell without much difficulty.

Presumably, Dak has retrieved his share of things from the ship?
player, 329 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 11 May 2020
at 17:49
  • msg #32

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Perhaps they had gone directly to the church.  The most injured had been an acolyte, or something, there.

Hefting the heavy pack, Dak set out toward the church to see if they'd stopped there for the night.  If they weren't there and didn't show up before darkness fell, he'd have to retrace his steps back to the inn for the night.

Could something have befallen them on the way back?  He'd hiked the same road they would without mishap.  Unless some bandits let by a lone traveler and beset larger groups.  In their condition, they'd be no match for little more than a few ruffians.

He really didn't want to see them dead, though.  Just out of Eliphas' way.  Setting his jaw, he stomped in the direction of the church and hoped they'd be there.
GM, 762 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 19:14
  • msg #33

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Dak approached the church, he could see some of the smaller acolytes heading out to ring the Vespers bell.  These were two youths dressed in a simple clerical robe who appeared to be between the ages of 10 and 12.
player, 330 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 11 May 2020
at 20:14
  • msg #34

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak waved to the young acolytes and approached.  These two would know if an injured group came to stay at the church.

"Hello there," he called once close enough.  "Has anyone come in as a group today?"
GM, 764 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 23:09
  • msg #35

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The younger of the acolytes waved happily back to Dak, but shook his head.  "No, we haven't had anybody coming here since the fair."
player, 331 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 11 May 2020
at 23:40
  • msg #36

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak thanked the two and made his way back to the main road.  He didn't think they'd slipped past him so they must either be still on the road, holed up somewhere, or dead in the ditch.  Either way, it looked like he was headed back to the house.

He turned away from the town and started back toward the house.
GM, 765 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 04:18
  • msg #37

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Dak left Monteci, he could hear the Vespers bell behind him.  Hurrying along the road, he was able to come to the grounds of the house before the light of day faded away completely.  Somehow, it seemed that the others had managed to hole up out of sight, for he did not see them on his return trip from Monteci.
player, 332 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 13 May 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #38

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

A little disappointed he hadn't been able to find them, Dak headed back into the house to use the password on the trapdoor.  He was careful to ensure he wasn't being followed before whispering the code.

Maybe Eliphas would have an idea where they went.
NPC, 17 posts
Thu 14 May 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #39

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Dak descended the stairway, he saw the two gnolls and the rest of the men sitting around a table eating a stew that looked like it was made from ham and peas--more peas than ham, to be sure.  Eliphas, however, was not at the table.

"Hey, you made it back," said Anrai.  "Get you a bowl and set down if ya didn't eat while ya was away."  Waving a spoon at the gnolls, he added, "And these are Gryk and Gex.  And ya know Cadan and Osgar.  And that's Toran and Quade and Tad and Ivar."

Although Toran had been rather badly injured when Dak last saw him, as the man ate his dinner now it seemed that he was as hale as he had ever been.
player, 333 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 14 May 2020
at 21:55
  • msg #40

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let me stow this pack," Dak replied, waving to his comrades.  He went to his bunk and lay the heavy pack inside.  No need tempting the others by making a jingling racket of it.  He had his javelin back as well, so he tossed that onto his bed.

"I didn't see those thieves either in town or along the road," he explained as he grabbed a bowl to sample the soup.  "They either holed up somewhere along the road or I missed them in town.  So I'm not sure what they're up to."

He was disappointed he hadn't been able to do better, but they were an unpredictable bunch.
NPC, 18 posts
Fri 15 May 2020
at 18:49
  • msg #41

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Figures they'd be sneaky like that," said Quade.  "Course, new guy gets to do clean up after dinner."

The soup was hearty enough, though rather bland in taste.

"Course, you probably better at it than that girl," said Toran.  "Never did figure why Eliphas took her on.  Not like she could handle moving stuff, but she always complained what she did all the work and she didn't do none of it."

"I figger we beat 'em back so hard, they're all running back to their mothers," said Anrai, "an' won't bother no one no more."
player, 334 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 16 May 2020
at 01:14
  • msg #42

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Sure, I can clean up," Dak agreed readily.  "Just show me where to go."

It seemed only fair that he'd clean up after someone else had cooked.  And it sounded like he'd be cleaning up for a while to earn his place on the team.  He had to admit he hadn't made the best impression so far.  He failed to land a blow during the fight and returned without any knowledge of where the thieves ran off to.

Hopefully Eliphas took effort into account when his results were less than unimpressive.
NPC, 19 posts
Sun 17 May 2020
at 17:36
  • msg #43

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Yeah, I'll show you about," said Anrai.

The meal continued, as the others in the group were discussing how the fight had gone.  Dak noted that when they spoke of their contributions, they seemed to be rather embellishing the results, sounding like they were more effective than had actually been the case, even though they had been adequate to the task.

When the meal was over, Anrai said, "So you can take that big pot down, and we'll get water on that you can heat up for cleaning."

Leading the way back down below, Anrai gestured to the right of the stairs, and said, "Don't go thataway, there's green slime growing in that cave and it'll eat the skin right off yer bones.  But this way ..."  He continued to the first hallway leaving the main hall.  "Sometimes, if it quiet enough, you can sneak a drink down there."

He continued on, leading Dak down the same hall where they had waited to let the thieving group ahead, but continued past the last curve.  Here, the smell of sea and what smelled rather like a latrine struck the nose.  The hall opened up into a small cavern.  An obvious high water mark could be seen on the floor, although the tide seemed to be coming in and only a foot remained between the current level of water and that mark.

Pulled up on the floor, a large stone sitting on the line leading from the boat as an anchor, was a small boat--large enough for eight rowers, with a single mast and furled sail.

"You can get the water for cleaning down here," said Anrai.  "And over there in the corner, that's where ya go."  He walked over to that area, which seemed to be a few boards set over the stone.  "Eliphas got some ugly thing down that hole that eats shit."
player, 335 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 18 May 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #44

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Eliphas had really put together a great hideout.  Secret entrances, clean water supply, and almost undetectable.

Dak dipped the large pot into the water and waddled with it back the way they'd come.

"How long have you been here?" Dak grunted under the weight of his load.
NPC, 20 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 15:03
  • msg #45

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I been working for Eliphas for about a year," replied Anrai.  "Didn't think I'd like living underground at first, but things was a little hot for me.  But it ain't that bad, he's fair an' set the place up pretty nice.  I think he been here four years all told, that what Gex says."  Anrai continued back up the way to the barracks, and said, "Already like ya better than that girl.  Ya carry yer own water."
player, 336 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 18 May 2020
at 23:57
  • msg #46

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"She seemed to jump ship pretty quick, too," Dak added of Vendavel's flimsy allegiance.  "Seems like a pretty nice setup here as well.

"Has anyone else come knocking upstairs before now?"
NPC, 21 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 00:41
  • msg #47

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ain't had no one come on through," said Anrai.  "Couple times, someone set off the screaming thing that Eliphas set on the stairs into that cellar, but they always made tracks out right fast.  Eliphas said he's gonna toughen that up, make sure no one get through again.  Don't know how anyone did before, anyhow."
player, 337 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 20 May 2020
at 01:01
  • msg #48

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak wanted to explain how they'd come to the house and why, but he didn't want the guys to know that he'd been taken in by those thieves to join their group.  It was embarrassing.

"Well once in four years is really good," Dak replied.  "It's an effective hideout Eliphas' put together here."

He set the pot on the fire to heat up and stretched his arms.  That hike was quite a workout with a pot full of water.
GM, 780 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 18:53
  • msg #49

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Anrai and Dak returned to the barracks room, the others had cleared the dishes to one end to make room for a card game.  Several in the group had also taken out pipes and started smoking.
player, 338 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 20 May 2020
at 23:32
  • msg #50

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak was having second thoughts about bringing all the asil and plates down here.  He should have stashed them outside somewhere as he had the javelin.  He wasn't thinking these guys would go through his stuff, but it would be extremely tempting if someone happened to notice what was in his locker.  It was something he'd have to think about.

At the moment, though, there was a card game to watch and he had some time before the water heated up.  He went over to see what they were playing.  He'd been known to play a good hand or two back at the village.
NPC, 22 posts
Fri 22 May 2020
at 02:39
  • msg #51

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The game being played seemed to be one of the many varieties of poker-like games, with one of the gnolls working as dealer and the others passing cards back and forth, pushing kippers into the center of the table, and occasionally setting the cards down and letting the others continue on.   Those smoking pipes continued to do so, while they all seemed to be nursing a mug of the rather watery ale that they had.  Meanwhile, the water heated as Dak watched the group.
player, 339 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 22 May 2020
at 02:57
  • msg #52

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I don't think I've played this game before," Dak commented.  "Is it easy to learn?"

Maybe he knew a little more about cards than he was letting on, but he needed to lose some coin.
NPC, 23 posts
Sat 23 May 2020
at 17:35
  • msg #53

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Mebbe not so easy," said Ivar.  "But ya can get dealt in next hand."

"Smart o' ya, not wearing that clanking armor," said Toran.  "What kinda work you do afore?"
player, 340 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 23 May 2020
at 22:01
  • msg #54

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Caravan guard," Dak lied to Ivar.  He wasn't going to say he was just a fisherman.  Fisherman didn't have matching sword and dagger with chain as nice as he had.

After he said it, though, he wasn't sure how many caravans there were among the islands.  Ship caravans?  Maybe he should have said something else, but he couldn't think of anything else on the spot.
NPC, 24 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 01:48
  • msg #55

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The men seemed satisfied with Dak's answer, and the games continued.  Eventually the water got hot enough for Dak to do the cleaning, and he was dealt in a few hands, the coins he wagered disappearing into the pot to be swept up by one of his new companions.  Eliphas still was not present, though.

The gnoll not dealing cards barked something, [Language unknown: "Ard com hatwertha."]

The gnoll dealing the cards--Gryk, Dak was fairly certain--the gnoll who had been in the room with Vendavel before the sleep spell had taken the two of them down--gathered up the cards.

"Sack time," said Quade, tamping down his pipe.

With some grumbling, the others pushed away from the table, except for Osgar, who seemed to have come out the most coins ahead of the rest, and headed over to their bunks.
player, 341 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 25 May 2020
at 02:35
  • msg #56

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak had lost 3 Asil worth of coin and thought the job well done.  If he'd won, someone might be tempted to look through his stuff for his winnings.  Having lost, everyone thought he didn't have very much.  He'd really have to find a stash somewhere.

"Good game," Dak conceded as he went to his own bunk to try it out.  He was happy to have found a good group to join up with under a strong and competent leader.
GM, 788 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 17:27
  • msg #57

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The bed was reasonably comfortable, perhaps not as nice as a bed in the Cat and Custard Pot, but certainly better than the bunk on the slaver's ship that he had escaped from just a week prior.  At least, as Dak drifted off to sleep, no one was snoring.

Morning came, or what could be presumed to be morning in the dark room.  As Dak awakened, he heard someone moving things about in the area of the table, and the stirring of others who seemed to be headed to table.  Most were in a state of half-dress, having bothered to pull on trousers and little else.  Some had nearly threadbare and patched chemises tucked into the trousers, and they were busy at hacking off bits of cheese and bread for their plates.

"C'mon, new guy," said Cadan, kicking at the foot of Dak's bed.  "Soon's ya eat, go down and get all the torches lit."
player, 342 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 25 May 2020
at 19:19
  • msg #58

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak pulled on his shirt and boots before joining the others for a quick breakfast.  And then, it seemed, off to light the torches.  Torch lighting sounded like it was going to be a repetitive job throughout the day.
GM, 789 posts
Tue 26 May 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #59

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The torches, as it turned out, were stored in a closet beneath the stairs with the warded password-protected door.  Each was considerably larger than the torches commonly sold for travelers, suggesting that it would last a good while once lit.  The others seemed to be content to eat more bread and cheese, washed down with another mug of ale and lazily get dressed when Dak set off to work below with the torchlighting for the day.
player, 343 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 26 May 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #60

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak went along replacing and lighting the new torches.  He'd scooped up about half a dozen for his first trip and collected the spent torches on the way back.  He'd ask one of the other guys what he should do with those.  Then he'd take another armload back to finish up.

Once again, he marveled at Eliphas' organization and leadership to have everything so well planned out.  He was looking forward to what came next.
NPC, 17 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 13:35
  • msg #61

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When Dak had finished his task, piling the used torches in the box with firewood for the stove, he saw Eliphas in the main room as he entered from below.  With Eliphas was another man, half-elven in appearance with a very lean look.

The gnolls and the other men started heading down as soon as Dak cleared the doorway.

"Ah, Dak," said Eliphas, "was your trip to Monteci successful?"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:45, Wed 27 May 2020.
player, 344 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 27 May 2020
at 18:04
  • msg #62

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I picked up my stuff from the boat," Dak conceded, "but I didn't see them in town or on the road.

"I think they camped out somewhere.  It doesn't look like they're going to give up that easily."

Dak was embarrassed his former group was causing so much trouble.  Couldn't they just give up before someone got hurt worse than they already had?
NPC, 18 posts
Wed 27 May 2020
at 19:02
  • msg #63

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Should they return, I will not offer the same mercy as I did before," said Eliphas, sounding fairly matter-of-fact.  "Now, there is another matter that I would like your assistance with.  Hewney," and here Eliphas gestured to indicate the half-elf present, "will be going to retrieve some items for me that I had commissioned, and he needs a strong escort to discourage any who would interfere with him on the road toward Shipton.  Will you do this for me?"
player, 345 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 27 May 2020
at 20:27
  • msg #64

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Of course," Dak agreed quickly.  "Let me get my mail on and I'll be ready to go."

It seemed Eliphas hadn't lost faith in him after all.  This sounded like an important mission he couldn't screw up.  As fair as he was, Dak was sure too many failures would be even more than a man like Eliphas could ignore.
NPC, 19 posts
Thu 28 May 2020
at 18:35
  • msg #65

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Very good," said Eliphas.  "When you return, be sure to only come through these stairs."  He gestured to the password-warded trapdoor from the stairs in the room.  "I have increased the obstacles in the other way, and that way is rather ... mindless."

With that bit of advice given, Eliphas headed into his own room.
player, 346 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 29 May 2020
at 01:15
  • msg #66

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak hurried to put his mail on, strapping on both dagger and sword.  Swinging his own cloak over his shoulder, he remembered the one he borrowed and laid it on his bunk to be reclaimed.

He fretted about his backpack and thought about bringing it, but it was awfully heavy.  He'd already be weighed down by the mail and he was just getting used to that weight.

Thus settled, he strode quickly over to the half-elf Hewney and declared his readiness to depart.
NPC, 1 post
Sat 30 May 2020
at 00:54
  • msg #67

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Good," said Hewney, and he led the way up the stairs through the trap door.  As they reached the road, turning along the way further from Monteci and toward Shipton, he said, "There will be times that I will want to go ahead.  That is a bit noisy, the stuff you wear."
player, 347 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 30 May 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #68

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak looked down at himself and thought he wasn't making that much noise.

"How about now?" he asked, trying to deliberately walk quieter by taking exaggerated steps and hugging the mail tunic to his chest with both arms.  "Is that better?"
NPC, 2 posts
Sat 30 May 2020
at 15:02
  • msg #69

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Well, you're human, you can't help it," said Hewney, sounding amused.  "So, things is a little more complicated that what I told Eliphas, and we need to stop off to pick up another friend of mine before we head up."

Expecting Dak to follow, Hewney continued along the road--it was a substantial hike, perhaps three hours of walking before they reached a small group of homes surrounded by fields, cows and the smell of a tannery, and another small home a little past that.  In the distance, the large town of Shipton's buildings could be easily seen.

"Do ya want to eat before we head up country?" Hewney asked.
player, 348 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 31 May 2020
at 02:01
  • msg #70

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Yes, lets eat something first," Dak replied.  He was looking forward to something cooked by someone that knew what they were doing.

This half-elf seemed a nice sort, letting him help make the decisions like they were real partners.  Dak thought this was going to work out really well and showed how Eliphas surrounded himself with friends, where everyone was considered equals.
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #71

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"That's good," said Hewney.

He led Dak to a small tavern.  A bar, which looked as though it had been made from oak, dominated the center of the room with a number of stools occupied by men who were busy eating their mid-day meal.  At one table, there were two people sitting, already having been served their food--an elven maiden and a half-elven young man.

"Alvador!" said Hewney, crossing the room to the table and taking a seat next to the man he had just named.  "Who's this you've found?  Still thinking of coming with me?  This is Dak--he's got a good recommendation for a fighting arm."
player, 3 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 02:43
  • msg #72

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador rose and held up a greeting palm when Dak and Hewney start to approach.  "Greetings, both," he said politely, his eyes moving from Dak's "fighting arm" to their faces. (Dak sees a half-elf with no weapon save a sling. He is polite enough, but there is an air of reserve—not atypical for a mage.) As they sat, he sat.

"This lady is Pathwyn na'Sylviis, a navigator and priestess of Veja. I had just mentioned you two and what you propose to do. Maybe you'd like to tell her; I'm hazy on the details. By the way, the fish and vegetable stew is quite good, and the bread is fresh." Accompanying Alvador's meal is herbal tea, a decoction from roasted chicory, blackberry leaves, dandelion leaves, and dried blackberries, often a restorative taken by invalids. This seemed strange, since Alvador—though not heavily muscled—appeared healthy, even robust.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:52, Mon 01 June 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 1 post
Priestess of Veja
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #73

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

After being introduced, Pathwyn stood and offered a soft handshake and smile to both men.  "Dak, Hewney," she said in turn.  "Pleased to meet you."

The cheerful girl was dressed more like a human than an elf, in a blue and green gown.  She was unarmed.  This part of town was reasonably safe, after all.  She sat down and listen attentively to Hewney's description of what lay ahead.
GM, 796 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #74

XP Line

player, 349 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 01:55
  • msg #75

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It's nice to meet you all," Dak replied with a smile, proud that Eliphas had described him as a good fighting arm even though he'd flailed like a fish out of water in his first exhibition.  He sat down with them and tried to catch someone's attention to order the recommended bread and stew, along with an ale.

His first impressions were very positive about this group.  He actually felt out of place being so heavily armed among them.  Their confidence was a very good sign.
GM, 797 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 02:24
  • msg #76

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

A man who looked to be well into his 50s, yet still looking vigorous and capable of settling a brawl if need be, came over to the table.

"What can I get for ya?" he said, looking from Dak to Hewney.
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #77

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Some stew and wine," said Hewney.  "And a bit of bread and cheese."

Hewney waited until after Dak had placed his order and the man had retreated to behind the bar to get the drinks.

"All right, so here's the way of things," he said, bringing out a parchment.  "I got here authorization to borrow some horses, it'll make the way a lot quicker, to get up to this tower about ten miles up country.  This mage was supposed to make some daggers for a friend of mine, but he kinda welched on things, so I been asked to get them.  What I didn't tell my friend--the mage had already met with some accident, and he's in one of the St Vallon shrines, but the mage done asked them at the shrine to get his spellbook out of the tower.  Don't know why he didn't take it with him, but I guess he got bad hurt in the accident.  He's offering three hundred asil to get his spellbook to him.  Don't see why you can't take a peek at it on the way, right, Alvador?  So you can maybe get something you don't have in yours and I guess three hundred splits four ways as well as three.  And then we get the daggers for my friend and there's more pay on that."

He fell silent as the man returned with the drinks, placing them before Hewney and Dak.

"I imagine we can sway another horse on it.  Writ's from the church folk," said Hewney after the man had returned to the kitchen.
player, 4 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 02:58
  • msg #78

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador appeared, if anything, to be reassured when seeing Dak's array. He listened with both ears to Hewney's recital. Then he took a slow, meditative draining of the tea mug. He set is down gently. (From all appearances, he seemed to relish it. "Think I'd pass on taking a peek without asking. Wizards are touchy about such things; and, while wizards are not dragons, meddlers in wizard's things are still tasty with ketchup. Some questions come to mind, but I'll defer to Lady Pathwyn."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 2 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 05:38
  • msg #79

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn thanked the old, but sturdy human for bringing her the wine she'd previously ordered.  It had a syrupy taste that reminded her of Eiswein.  She doubted it was local.  One of the delights of port cities was the variety of easily imported food and drink.

The mention of horses made Pythwyn's eyes brighten.  A chance to ride made this trip twice the treat.  One of her great joys, decades past, was thundering her strawberry roan through trackless light woods.  Rider and mount almost become one weaving between tress at speed.  What a rush!  Sadly, years aboard ships made owning a horse impractical, and Pathwyn missed it.

"The plan is simple and elegant and everyone profits.  You've got quite the mind for this, Hewney.  Cheers to you," she said hoisting her drink to the center of the table.

"Do you know the nature of the mage's accident?  If there's a danger still lurking in the tower it would be best to go in prepared."

"Think I'd pass on taking a peek without asking."

"Very honorable of you.  Wise too.  Wizards have been known to place magical traps or even curses on their spellbook for protection.  I'm sure the mage will be grateful enough to share an arcane secret or two with you once we return his prized book.  What's his name?" she asked turning back to Hewney.
NPC, 5 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #80

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Mage is named Gwysol," said Hewney.  "I don't know about any traps and such on books, figured that if it 'happened' to fall open, it wouldn't harm none to look.  Ain't like keeping it.  But I guess he oughta give permission if ya ask on it."

"So, might have to camp out, and can get some things if we need for that afore heading out," said Hewney.  "Just in case it take some time to get things settled.  He have some kinda explosion while he was working, said something about fire and ice, don't know much more than that, but sounded like it was just a one time blow up."
player, 5 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 16:59
  • msg #81

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador glanced at Pathwyn before his next words. "If you think we might need to camp, all I have is my cloak, flint and steel, and some trail rations. I do have a little money. What do you think we'll need to procure?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 3 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #82

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When Hewney mentioned fire and ice and a one-time blow up Pathwyn leaned to Alvador and said "See?  The wrong truename."

On the topic of camping:
"I'm getting the picture now.  It might take us a while to find this spellbook and the daggers, huh?  I don't suppose we can all sleep in Gwysol's guest bedroom.  I've got weapons and armor at my lodgings, but I'll need a bedroll, rope, lantern, spikes, rations, and the like.  We should all pay the provisioner a visit."

Pathwyn looked at her remaining wine.  She contemplated slugging the rest of it back and pushing to get started, but the others still had some eating to do.  Why rush their lunch?  She settled into her chair and nursed the tasty spirit.
player, 6 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 22:57
  • msg #83

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

A bat poked its face out from a pocket to examine the two new arrivals. Alvador has saved a morsel of fish and a dollop of tea. He holds the offerings in each palm for the bat's dining convenience. "This is Chree. Should we need to camp and set watch, he can help. That'll be when he feeds. I sometimes wonder if, to him, I'm convenient bug bait."
player, 350 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 3 Jun 2020
at 00:02
  • msg #84

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

This job sounded like it was going to take a lot longer than he'd expected.  He finished up his stew and ale so as not to hold them up.

He really hoped Hewney revealed they wouldn't need to camp.
NPC, 6 posts
Wed 3 Jun 2020
at 18:34
  • msg #85

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Bug bait," said Hewney.  "Might call you that from now on."  There was a teasing note to his voice as he spoke, before he turned more serious.

"Might be able to get back in the same day, might not--don't know if the guest room will be in any shape for us," said Hewney.  "Best to be ready.  So, who needs a bedroll?  And can pick up a week's worth of food, that'll be enough for all of us."
player, 7 posts
Wed 3 Jun 2020
at 19:11
  • msg #86

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvord spoke up. "I could use one; cloak's a bit thin company on cold nights. Ten miles or so there; ten back. Not a one-day matter."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 4 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 00:01
  • msg #87

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Depends on the terrain," Pathwyn said offhandedly.  "On horseback, along roads, you could venture there and back twice in a day without even pushing the horses.  If you had to cross swampland you might not even get there by sundown.  Hewney wouldn't have gone to the bother of arranging the horses if the terrain was miserable, so I'm betting the ground will be mostly dry and clear."

Whether the boys were done with lunch or not, it was time for Pathwyn to move.  She finished off her wine and set a small coin as a tip next to her empty cup.

"Where's this provisioner, Hewney?  I'll arm up and meet you all there."

After she got her answer she split, turning back half way out the door for a friendly wave goodbye.
player, 351 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #88

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak would do without a bedroll.  Not that he was toughing it out, but he barely had enough coin to rub together.  He hadn't expected this to be a shopping trip.

"I'm ready to go if there's food," Dak said.
NPC, 7 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #89

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Don't worry about it," said Hewney, "it can come out of your share--plenty of coin in it."  By now, he had finished with his food, and said, "So you can meet up at the stables, if you don't need anything more.  I'll go see about the food and a couple bedrolls.  Did you need one, Pathwyn?  Anyhow, stables are about quarter mile back toward the town."
player, 8 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 01:41
  • msg #90

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvord said; after leaving his tip by piling Pathwyn's dishes and his together, taking her Billion and setting down a Kipper; "May I go with you, Hewney?"
NPC, 8 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 02:04
  • msg #91

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Of course," said Hewney, going to settle up the tab for himself and Dak.  "Ready to go, Dak?"
player, 352 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 02:46
  • msg #92

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ready," Dak said, gulping down the last of his ale as he rose.  He hurried to stay close to the half-elf.
player, 9 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 02:52
  • msg #93

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador checked that Chree is safe and cozy. He patted his pockets and looked around to make sure he had everything. Then he followed Dak and Hewney out, waiting to see how the three will walk together.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 5 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 03:55
  • msg #94

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I've got weapons and armor at my lodgings, but I'll need a bedroll, rope, lantern, spikes, rations, and the like.

Pathwyn will have reiterated that she needed a bedroll if Hewney asked her directly a second time.
NPC, 9 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 04:59
  • msg #95

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Belatedly seeming to realize that Pathwyn had been giving a shopping list rather than going through things she meant to collect from wherever she might be staying, Hewney laughed, and invited her to follow along to the shop.

Bill settled at the tavern, Hewney led the way down past the stables and around the corner into a smaller street, and opened the door into a shop that was positively crammed with items--jars, rolled up blankets, rolled rugs spilling out of a wardrobe, and such that there were just very narrow aisles between the three-foot-high stacks.

"Good morn, Cyrus," said Hewney.  "Going to need three bedrolls, and whatever the other things my friends need.  I got this advance on a job we're off to."  He drew out a small pouch, and handed it to Dak.  "I got to get to my room and grab a few things myself.  Just come up to the stables--the ones we passed coming down here, and I'll meet you there."
player, 353 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 19:09
  • msg #96

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Right," Dak said, suddenly feeling the weight of being in charge as he accepted the pouch of coins.

"Three bedrolls and a week of provisions," he repeated nervously.  "And the things Pathwyn said, as well.

"Got it."

He turned back to the elven woman and suggested, "I'll get the bedrolls and provisions while you see what else we'll need."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 6 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 20:32
  • msg #97

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

(I don't think I'm there at Cyrus' emporium.  I've gotta go pick up my weapons and put on my armor.  I know Dak understands that takes a while.  I'll probably meet you at the stables.)
player, 354 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 21:02
  • msg #98

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak turned around and realized the elven woman hadn't actually come with them.

"There's always the chance she's here, but invisible," Dak explained to the proprietor before the man questioned his mental state.  "If she's not here," he said deliberately, looking around, "then I'll just have to remember what she wanted to buy."

He paused a moment for feedback before giving the man a shrug.  Walking the rows, he began his selection of bedrolls, provisions, a lantern, oil, and tinderbox.

That was as much as he remembered.  He hadn't expected to be the primary purchaser.  He'd been paying more attention to the soup at the time.
player, 10 posts
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 22:36
  • msg #99

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvord recited: "... a bedroll, rope, lantern, spikes, rations, and the like."

"A bedroll and some rations for me. Oh, and since we may be camping, a spit and some pots and pans. They can go on the horses. He turned to the proprietor. What have you in the way of herbs and spices?"

He looked over the goods to see what might strike him and to guess where items came. When it's time, he'll help carry the stuff. It may take using the rope and using an unrolled bedroll as a kind of stretcher.
Thu 4 Jun 2020
at 23:44
  • msg #100

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Cyrus, not being a particularly talkative sort, dropped three bedrolls on his counter, and with unerring movement, made his way through the narrow ways to collect items named.  He added the hooded lantern, tinderbox, an iron pot, and a well-wrapped flask of oil, and a coil of rope to the side of the three bedrolls.  He started opening a number of barrels, scooping things into small bags and the smaller bags into one large bag, and then went to another aisle, pulling open a box to reveal spikes.  "How many of these do you want?" he asked.

"I got salt and garlic," he replied to Alvador.
player, 11 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 00:33
  • msg #101

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Salt and garlic it is, then. A cup of the former and six bulbs of the latter."
player, 355 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 00:59
  • msg #102

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Four spikes?" Dak replied to the proprietor as he opened the pouch to see how much they actually had to spend.  One spike for each of them should suffice.  The half-elf seemed to be planning on an extended journey and Dak didn't want to surprise Hewney by spending all of their advance on his first outing as quartermaster.

"And one more bedroll, please," he added as Alvador wanted one as well.
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 01:22
  • msg #103

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Three'll do ya," said Cyrus.  "Less there's more a ya than you two and that invisible girl and Hewney."  He set down a rope of garlic, four spikes, and a brick of salt.  "Sell it by the pound.  Ain't worth splitting and hoping someone wants the leftovers."

"Your part be sixty-five asil," he said to Alvador.  He seemed to be doing more mental calculations, and then said, "And two hundred twenty for yours."
player, 356 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 01:56
  • msg #104

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak assumed the proprietor knew something he didn't.  The man had added up the four of them and was still confident  they only needed the three bedrolls.  It was probably good since he wasn't sure how many coins were in the purse.

He began spilling them onto the counter until he'd counted out the required sum.  If this were the down payment on the job, he wondered how much the job was actually paying.

"That should be right," Dak finally said, concluding his count.  The purse wasn't quite empty, but they'd definitely spent most of it.
player, 12 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 02:58
  • msg #105

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alford blinked and did some mental calculations. "One moment, Dak. Proprietor, please itemize these goods. Perhaps a mistake has been made."
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #106

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Oh, it's right, all right," said Cyrus.  "Ten for yer bedroll.  Ten for yer pot.  One for the salt, two for the garlic, and forty-two for yer provisions."
player, 13 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #107

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

GM, 804 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 03:57
  • msg #108

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

player, 14 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 04:14
  • msg #109

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador nodded. "Thank you. Dak, do you have enough?"
NPC, 10 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 04:44
  • msg #110

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

By this time, Hewney was at the stables, having managed to secure the fourth horse.  All four horses were saddled, and he had tied a bedroll to the back of one saddle.  He did not seem to be visibly armed, but had added a leather tunic over his other clothing.
player, 357 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 18:25
  • msg #111

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Yes, we have enough from the advance," Dak replied to Alvador as he jingled the pouch to see how much was left.  He stuffed the now diminished pouch into his own belt pouch and began loading up with their gear.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 7 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 18:41
  • msg #112

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Sometime after Dak and Alvador leave, Pathwyn made a quick stop at Cyrus'.  She was in a good mood.  Horses, a bit of wilderness, fresh air...  what's not to love?

"Good afternoon Cyrus.  Did two half-elves and a guy in chain mail just come in here for bedrolls?    Please tell me they bought a lantern.  I need some bandages in case we get chomped by a wumpus or something."
player, 15 posts
Fri 5 Jun 2020
at 19:19
  • msg #113

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador helped with the toting and with distributing the goods on the horses. He wasn't especially familiar with horses, having done little riding, but he was good at following directions.
NPC, 11 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 01:58
  • msg #114

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney saw Dak and Alvador approaching with their burdens, and waved them over to where he stood with the four horses--two bays (one of which already had a bedroll attached to the saddle), a dappled gray, and a chestnut.

"Get everything all right?" he asked, "let's get one bedroll to each horse, and then see what else needs to be packed up."

As a general note--riding a horse is common enough that a simple ride (no stunts) does not require the riding proficiency.
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 02:06
  • msg #115

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Aye, they did," replied Cyrus.  "And oil and a tinderbox."  He walked down an aisle, took a turn and walked a little more, "Here," he said, pulling out a thick roll of cloth bandages.  "Five asil for a roll."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 8 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 02:21
  • msg #116

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"What sensible young men."

Pathwyn handed over 5 of the silver coins she could never seem to hold onto for very long.

"The breadth of your stock, and its high quality are truly wonders, Cyrus.  Who would want to shop anywhere else?"

She stuffed the roll of bandages into her nearly empty backpack.  Its only company was a wineskin full of cool water.  With a smile and quick wave to the provisioner Pathwyn left to go meet up with the others at the stables.
player, 358 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 02:23
  • msg #117

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I think we have everything," Dak replied to Hewney.  He set down what he was carrying and fished the remainder of their advance from his pouch.  "Bedrolls, food, spikes, rope, lantern, and oil.

"This is what's left," he added, tossing the smaller pouch to him.
player, 16 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 03:25
  • msg #118

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Po0st out of time: Dak (Hewney's purse) paid for everything.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 9 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 04:42
  • msg #119

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn jogged from the provisioner's to the stables to at least give the impression of hustle, but not hurrying so much as to get all sweaty under the pieces of thick leather armor.  The riveted leather paulrons, vambraces, gloves, and high boots looked much less aesthetic than the femininely shaped wax-hardened leather breastplate and hip guards.  The parts appear to be two different sets pieced together.  The skirt of her dress flowed out from under the elegant torso pieces and covered the upper part of the mundane armored boots.  A quiver full of two different types of arrows was strapped to the back of her armor.  In one hand she was holding a beautiful elven bow almost as tall as she was.  In the other hand a plain spear and a small round shield with a red fox emblem painted on it.

"Sorry I'm late," she said, playing up her windedness.  "I stopped off for bandages so we don't bleed all over Gwysol's nice clean tower should the worst happen."
player, 17 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 05:58
  • msg #120

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador stopped to take in Pathywn's armor and weapons. "Formidable."

If all was ready, he prepared to mount and said. Hewney, I guess you take the lead."
NPC, 12 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 15:57
  • msg #121

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Good job," said Hewney, taking the pouch back from Dak.  "There's even some left."

After making sure that the rest of the things were stowed away, he said, "All right, let's get on our way."

With that, he mounted his horse, waiting for the others to get mounted up before starting to lead the way.  He tracked back toward the edge of Shipton's outskirts before taking a turn deeper inland.  It was not long before the road itself had given way to more of a lightly-traveled track.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 10 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 16:42
  • msg #122

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn slung her bow over her head and shoulder before strapping her spear and shield to the left side of the saddle.  Then she mounted up side saddle.  Full of exuberance, she wanted to get up to a canter right away and charge ahead out of town, but there were practical issues with that.

"Hey there buddy," she said, patting its neck and stroking it reassuringly as she talked.  "We're traveling 'til None.  In no rush.  Little more than a stroll.  Piece of cake for the likes of you."

She wove her horse around in a slow, wide figure eight to get a feel for the animal and to let the others go ahead.  From the rear, but close by, she could better watch over the group, especially Alvador who she'd promised to keep safe.
player, 359 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 17:43
  • msg #123

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak just hoped his horse kept following the others.  It had been awkward enough clambering up.  He was hoping the horses were all friends and would stick together.

He was fine with the walking pace, but should any excitement find them, he'd be the first one off.  Better to dismount of his own choosing than not.
player, 18 posts
Sat 6 Jun 2020
at 18:50
  • msg #124

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador found himself behind Hewney. He let the hose do the following while he took in the countryside. His face had a puzzled look when he saw the way become less-traveled on so quickly. How populated was this island anyway?
GM, 808 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #125

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

It had been perhaps half of the hour of Quince gone when the group had left the stable.  The sun could be seen to have moved past its apex as they traveled.  The lightly traveled track grew steadily more overgrown--long grasses which reached nearly as high as the belly of the horses upon which they rode.  A few trees dotted the landscape, but not so much that it could be said to be a woods, while it did seem that they were getting into a hilly terrain.  None of this seemed to give Hewney much concern, and he continued to lead the way with the occasional glance back to be certain that they had all continued to follow.

As they rode, the tower started to come into view--a gleaming white stone structure.  At first, from a great distance, it looked entirely fine.   However, as they continued to draw closer, they could see that part of the wall on one side near the top had been blown out, stone fragments scattered on the ground.  ((The section that would be about 9:30 to 11 on a clock face, compared to the direction of approach from "6"))

Perhaps a few hundred yards now separated them from the tower when they were able to hear voices shouting at each other.

In a low, almost raspy tone, [Language unknown: "N pl ck teusen."]

In a higher pitched squeaky tone, [Language unknown: "Li n lo taroekll, itate osthno."]

The raspy tone responded, [Language unknown: "Romst, askor dayillstr art e se o?"]

Higher pitched tone shouted back, [Language unknown: "No.  Dialen n."]

With a raspy laugh, the first voice heard responded, [Language unknown: "Redbe ni, ic."]

From the sound of things, this was an argument which had been going on for some time already.
player, 19 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 04:06
  • msg #126

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador pulls up on the reins and holds a hand up. He listens.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:42, Sun 07 June 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 11 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 04:12
  • msg #127

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn pulled her horse up between Dak and Alvador behind Hewney.  She had questions and input, but stayed silent so Alvador could get a good listen.
player, 360 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 13:27
  • msg #128

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak slid down from the saddle and nearly collapsed as he hadn't realized how much effort he'd been putting into staying on the horse.  He steadied himself against its side and kept hold of the driving straps so the horse didn't run away.  That would have been embarrassing.
NPC, 13 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 13:32
  • msg #129

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney had urged his horse to a halt, and he looked back at the others.

"So, we're not the first ones here," he whispered, looking at the others with an inquiring expression, to see if anyone knew what was being said.
player, 361 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 18:32
  • msg #130

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"What should we do?" Dak asked.  This hadn't been part of the plan.

He bent his legs one after the other to try and get the muscles worked out.  At least his arms were still working right.
player, 20 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 19:50
  • msg #131

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

[Alvador does/doesn't understand what being said?]
NPC, 14 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 19:55
  • msg #132

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I can try to creep up and get a visual on it," said Hewney, looking to Pathwyn to see if she happened to understand any of the voices.  "Some of it kind of sounds like goblins, but I don't know goblin-speak."
player, 21 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 20:00
  • msg #133

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador shook his head. "I don't think creep; that means hostile intent. Let's just lead the horses and go see what's doing. If need be, I can cast Sleep. I only need one hand free."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 12 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 21:03
  • msg #134

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn dismounted too.  She keept her voice hushed.

"It's not orcs, I'd guess goblinoids too.  They are very common.  However, goblins don't often operate during daylight if they can avoid it.  If they're out at this time they'll have larger numbers."

"Another thing to keep in mind.  There is only one thing that goblins respect and that's strength.  If we go up there peacefully without weapons drawn, they are likely to attack without hesitation.  We can't intimidate them with threats either, since we don't speak the language."

"I have 3 proposals.  First, we find out if these are indeed goblins and roughly how many.  Second we keep our numbers hidden.  They will hesitate or flee if they don't know they outnumber us.  Third, we stay prepared to deliver a show of force.  This includes the sleep.  That is an excellent option.  Magic like that tends to panic them and they flee when confused or frightened."

After making her suggestions she looked to Hewney.

"This is your job, Hewney.  You make the call."
player, 22 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 21:41
  • msg #135

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvord added his (muted) voice. "I respect Pathwyn's ideas. She knows more abut all this than I do."
NPC, 15 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 21:44
  • msg #136

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney nodded as Pathwyn spoke.  "Smart lady friend you picked up, Alvador," he said.  "I think ... well, best we know what we might be walking into, so stay back here with the horses.  I'll try and get some numbers and then we can finish with the rest of Lady Pathwyn's plans."

He swung down to dismount, and then said, "I will try to be back quickly."

With that, he started moving forward, moving with the sure-footedness that he must have inherited from his father, leaving the other three with the four horses.
player, 362 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 22:45
  • msg #137

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak reached out and took the driving straps of the half-elf's horse in case it decided it wanted to follow him.  He looked around for somewhere convenient to tie them up.
GM, 812 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #138

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The group is still near one of the scattered trees in the area.
player, 23 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 23:44
  • msg #139

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvord positioned himself between two horses. If he saw a raised eyebrow, he explained (softly) "Prudence."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 13 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 00:06
  • msg #140

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn looked up at the tower and back to the horses.

"Alvador, if we're going to leave the horses here to investigate the tower, would Chree be able to watch over them and warn us if any goblins come skulking around?"
player, 363 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #141

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak ties the two horses he has to the existing tree and then turns to watch the tower.
player, 24 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 03:29
  • msg #142

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador closed his eyes for a few moments and nodded. "Chree will do it. One moment; good idea, Pathwyn." He took his cloak and spread it over a saddle so it left a space for Chree to lie and watch while shielded from the sun. It'll be a little uncomfortable for him, but it shouldn't be long." Before placing the bat, Alvador gently stroked the soft-furred back.

He took sling in hand and placed a bullet. The fingertips of his other hand are in a pouch. "I'm ready."
NPC, 16 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #143

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Perhaps half an hour all told had passed as the group with the horses made a plan to leave the horses tethered here, away from the tower, under the watch of Chree, when Hewney returned.

"Definitely goblins on the ground," he said.  "Not many, maybe a scout team?  So we'll need to be quick on it--I think there's about a half dozen.  The little dog-faces are in the tower, and I guess the goblins are wanting it.  Dog-faces are throwing stuff down, so we'll need to spend as little time out in the open as we can and try to get in there.  Definitely blew something up in there, but it looks like the place isn't coming down just yet."
player, 364 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 04:05
  • msg #144

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Maybe we should put the horses a little further away," Dak suggested.  "Where they can't see them from the tower."

It wouldn't do for anyone in or around the tower to spot four horses just tethered to a tree.
player, 25 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 04:57
  • msg #145

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Time is passing," Alvador observed. "If we let it pass, they might fight. ON the other hand, others might come. ... Helpful musings, no doubt."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 14 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 06:00
  • msg #146

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

How far are we from the tower now, and where would we have to move to to shield the horses from view?

"Dog-faces?  What's that?" Pathwyn asked perplexed.

"How are we getting in?  The hole in the wall?  Do we have a key to the front door?  Some other entrance?"
player, 365 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 15:40
  • msg #147

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak untied the two horses he'd taken charge of and attempted to direct them somewhere out of sight of the tower.  He wasn't sure how effective the driving straps were if you weren't sitting on top so he took it slow.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 15 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 22:47
  • msg #148

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Wait Dak," Pathwyn said before he got more than a few steps away.  "How far are you planning to go?  Usually, they build towers up on hills so they can see everything around them.  I know wizards have different reasons for building towers, but even so it could be miles before you get to a hidden spot.  If you know of somewhere nearby, I'll follow you in a second, but it defeats the purpose of even bringing horses if we hide them miles away."
GM, 813 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 23:01
  • msg #149

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The current location was perhaps 200 or so feet from the tower base, the grounds do have fairly tall grasses (belly high to horse) when off the track.  (Of course, based on what Hewney reported, it seems likely that opponents are focused in a different direction, but as noted, towers are built for giving a better view of surroundings.)
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 16 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #150

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Dak, we could move the horses just a little ways so they are exactly on the opposite side of the tower from the blast hole and the confrontation.  They'd still be visible from the tower, but no one would be looking that way.  Safer for the horses and quicker for us.  Are you game?"

"Henway, what's a dog-face?  Is it a goblin clan?"
player, 366 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 00:37
  • msg #151

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak looked around and realized elven vision was as piercing as he'd heard.  There really wasn't anywhere nearby to hide the horses.

"Is there any way to make them lay down?" he asked, eyeing the horses speculatively.

"Lay down," he ordered Hewney's horse with a light tug on the driving straps.  He figured the half-elf's horse would be the smartest as he carried their leader.  He already knew his horse was just a follower and would probably lie down if it's pack leader did.
NPC, 17 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 04:22
  • msg #152

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Dog-face," repeated Hewney, his hand gesturing a height about a yard above the ground.  "Smell bad, yip like dogs."  He took the reins of the horse he had been riding and said, "Let's get these horses over, as Lady Pathwyn suggests.  Well off the track and away from where they're looking."

As they moved with the horses, the sounds of the two intermingled languages--neither of which was understood by any in the group--continued their argument with the interspersed sound of something crashing from the height and a strange sort of laugh from the deeper voiced creatures.
player, 26 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 19:14
  • msg #153

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador listened and said, "I don[t know the language, but sounds like a fight is abut to start...or has started. If they see us, they'll probably concentrate on us, but we should know what's gong on. I'm not good at sneaking and peeking, and Chree wouldn't be either. Any of you skilled?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 17 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 21:33
  • msg #154

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"For now, crouch low in the grass as we move.  If we can get inside the tower, peeking out an arrow slit or barely open shutter would be a lot safer and sneakier than trying the same out here."

As we get closer do we see any possible entrances?  The dog-faces must've gotten in somehow.
player, 367 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 23:17
  • msg #155

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak made sure his horse was secure and pulled the rope from one of the saddle bags.  He also slipped a spike into his belt pouch.  He wasn't sure what it was for, but he'd bought enough for everyone.

If he did have to face goblins, at least this time he had some armor and a decent sword.
GM, 818 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:16
  • msg #156

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the group edged closer to the tower, they could see a rope dangling from the third floor of the tower.  A wooden walkway circled the building, although it appeared that falling stones had wrecked some of the railing--still, it looked like there was a door just past a statue of a gruesomely grinning gargoyle.

In the yard, the shouting between the goblins--for they had now come close enough to confirm this part of Hewney's identification--and the creatures withing the tower continued.  Occasionally, a goblin fired an arrow up at the unseen foes, an act which was met with laughter and some thrown brick or chunk of wood from above.
player, 27 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #157

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador counted the goblins on the ground.
GM, 820 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:34
  • msg #158

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador counted six goblins.
player, 368 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 02:58
  • msg #159

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hunched over in the tall grass, Dak dashed forward to the rope and ensured it was still secure.  This looked to be how the others entered the tower.  It was lax of them to have left their rope behind.
player, 28 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 03:17
  • msg #160

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador, startled by the impetuous act, had to take a moment to see if he needed to cast one or more Sleeps.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 18 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #161

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Just checking to see if I have this pictured right.

There are no doors or windows visible to us below the 3rd floor.
There is a rope on our side of the tower leading up to a wooden railing on the 3rd floor.
Along this wooden railing there is a gargoyle statue and a door.
Dak is climbing the rope.

How tall is the tower?  Can I think of any reason the goblins aren't climbing the rope to get at the dog-faces?  Does climbing this rope require a skill check?

A little startled, but impressed by Dak's bold move, Pathwyn drew her bow and notched an arrow to cover him.
player, 29 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 05:44
  • msg #162

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

And DAk is running right through the goblins?
GM, 822 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 11:42
  • msg #163

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog


The rope goes up to the third level, but the door is at the first (ground) level.

There is a wooden walkway around the tower leading to the door, but the damaged masonry has also damaged the railing and walkway (which fell from the explosion in the tower).

The goblins are on the ground, and yes they would notice Dak if he goes for the rope.  It is highly probable that the stuff being thrown down from above is dissuading the goblins from ascending the rope.

It would require a skill check to climb the rope.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 19 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 15:40
  • msg #164

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Thank you for the clarification.
With this new information Dak might reconsider his heroic assault.

How about the door?  Would approaching the door alert the goblins?  How far off the ground is the door?  Can we get to it along the damaged walkway?  Is the gargoyle near the door attached to the tower or is it something the fell with the stones that damaged the walkway.

If the gargoyle was built into the tower near the door Pathwyn said quietly to those still around her, "be careful of that gargoyle.  I think it's a trap."
GM, 823 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 16:20
  • msg #165

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Yes, I'm waiting for a clarification as to whether that is still the action.

The gargoyle is on a pillar at the edge of a square in front of the door as a part of the walkway (not destroyed section).  There is a good chance that at least some of the goblins will notice the approach.
player, 369 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #166

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Though Dak had only meant to tug on the rope to see if it was secure, upon spotting the goblins, he committed to climbing the rope.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 20 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 19:32
  • msg #167

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

How far from us are the goblins? (yards)

Pathwyn took aim at the nearest goblin archer.  If that archer so much as touched arrow to string she fired at it.  She'd then take a second shot if the first missed or failed to drop the goblin.
player, 30 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2020
at 19:54
  • msg #168

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

NPC, 18 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 05:02
  • msg #169

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney uttered a short obscenity as Dak ran forward to test the rope.  "That's the hard way!" he exclaimed, seeming to have forgotten Pathwyn's presence for the moment.
GM, 827 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 05:09
  • msg #170

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak found that the rope was secure enough, but his movement had made more than enough noise to attract the attention of the goblins.  As the young fighter started to try climbing the rope, he found his actions rather hampered by the fact that two arrows from the goblins had just been fired in his general direction, though neither actually struck him, while a brick came sailing down from above, its arc wide enough that he could not be entirely sure if those above had meant to try to get him or the goblins.  He was close enough now that he could just catch the scent that smelled a great deal like a dog who had gotten wet in filthy water.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 21 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 06:00
  • msg #171

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

There were probably too many goblins for Pathwyn's cover fire to keep Dak safe during his heroic climb, but she did what she could.  Her first shot found its mark in the closest goblin archer.  If the goblin went down she chose a second target and fired again.  Otherwise she fired her second shot at the first hearty goblin.

01:50, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 18 using 1d20+4.  shooting goblin arrow 1.
01:51, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
01:52, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  shooting goblin arrow 2.
01:52, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 4 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

player, 31 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 06:33
  • msg #172

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador cast a pinch of sand and intoned, "Moosum alta"

He called out, "Pathwyn, they'll only be asleep for a minute!"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 22 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 07:38
  • msg #173

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

(duration 5 rounds/level.  Each round is a minute.  Sleep for 5 minutes.  Am I wrong?)
NPC, 19 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 14:30
  • msg #174

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney extracted a pair of daggers from their concealed location, prepared to throw them, although for right now he was moving to close the distance to allow them to be effective.
GM, 828 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 14:34
  • msg #175

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

((Correct -- sleep is for 5 rounds/level, so 5 minutes.))

The goblins had had little time to react to their new threat, as Dak dodged arrows and bricks, the priestess of Veja showed the superiority of elven ways by skewering first one goblin, then as Alvador released his incantation, four goblins fell to the ground, and then Pathwyn's arrow slew the remaining upright goblin.

From above, there was jeering laughter.  [Language unknown: "Is te to ic."]
player, 370 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 17:47
  • msg #176

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Having lost the element of surprise, Dak gave up on climbing and worked his way around the tower to the other side.  He'd either succeed in distracting some of them to follow him around, or they'd stop throwing things at him.  One thing was for sure, if he tried to climb now, they'd probably just cut the rope on him.
NPC, 20 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 18:14
  • msg #177

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Look in the gargoyle's mouth," said Hewney as he moved on toward the sleeping goblins.  Ignoring the goblins who had arrows sticking out of them, he slit the throat of the first goblin he reached, and dodged as a fist-sized stone fell from the third floor.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 23 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 18:19
  • msg #178

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Wow," Pathwyn said in her normal tone of voice. "Nice work, Alvador!"

She slung the bow over her head and one shoulder and drew her spear.

"Come with me," she said to Alvador, since Hewney had already gone ahead."  We need to disarm the goblins before they wake up."

But then she had a second idea.

"Can you do that again to the dog-faces?  Dak is going to be seriously outnumbered up there."
'...If he makes it.' she thinks to herself.

Pathwyn ran up to the sleeping goblins and took their weapons before deciding whether to cripple or kill them.  She was leaning towards cripple.  A spear stab in the calf should render them useless fighters, but allow them to hobble back to their caves.  Then again, that didn't sound like a good idea either.  The goblins might return with a hoarde before the party could find the daggers and spellbook.  With a sigh, she decided to deliver coup-de-graces instead.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:01, Sat 13 June 2020.
player, 33 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 18:47
  • msg #179

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador moved forward but sideways-around, seeking to avoid anything coming from the tower window.
player, 371 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 18:52
  • msg #180

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Keeping an eye on rubble from above, Dak jogged up to the gargoyle statue to look in it's mouth.  Hewney must have been told some secret entrance trick by the wizard.
GM, 832 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 20:34
  • msg #181

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Hewney and Pathwyn finished off the remaining goblins, chunks of stone and wood were falling in the area.  Looking above, they could see several figures, looking small although from this angle it was hard to judge height, looking much like Pharaoh hounds on two legs rather than four.
NPC, 21 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 20:34
  • msg #182

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's get over to Dak," urged Hewney.
player, 372 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 21:08
  • msg #183

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak looked up to ensure he wasn't about to be clobbered by a cornerstone before fishing the iron spike from his pouch.  Taking another look into the gargoyle's mouth, he stuck the spike inside and wiggled it about.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 26 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 22:00
  • msg #184

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's get over to Dak," urged Hewney.

Pathwyn nodded.

"As you can see, Hewney, I don't mind offing goblins.  They are vile, evil little monsters who would all happily murder us in our sleep and burn down our villages.  Dog-faces, I don't know.  Are they the same as goblins or are they kind to animals and bring gifts to children?  Maybe something in between.   What are we looking at when we encounter them?"  she asked.

Careful not to let the whole group cluster together she stayed back, but within talking distance as Dak and Hewney dealt with the door.  She waved Alvador to hang back too.  It wouldn't do to put too much weight on the damaged walkway.
NPC, 22 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 00:14
  • msg #185

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Dog-faces make the goblins look like nice folk," said Hewney.  "Mean,  nasty little brutes.  Getting a lot of them asleep with Alvador's spell will help."
GM, 833 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 00:15
  • msg #186

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

It had taken some effort, but the lever finally moved to the other side with a satisfying clunk.  Other than that, nothing seemed to be different, but there was nothing stopping anyone from continuing on to open the door.
player, 34 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 01:18
  • msg #187

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador moved nearer the group, one hand in a pouch.
player, 373 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 03:23
  • msg #188

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Looking up again to ensure there wasn't one of them poised to throw, Dak dashed for the door to see if the mechanism had unlocked it.  If it worked, this was definitely easier than climbing the rope.
GM, 835 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 04:33
  • msg #189

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When Dak tried it, the door opened.  Beyond this door, they could see a room with another door almost directly opposite the door allowing entry.  The walls and floor were all stone, with the wall studded in an irregular pattern with hooks at heights varying between two feet from the floor and five feet from the floor.
player, 35 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 05:12
  • msg #190

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Assiming that it appeared to be relatively safe, Alvador followed the others in. He paused at the doorway to look around at the outside.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 27 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 06:09
  • msg #191

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn stows her spear in a leather slip knot next to her quiver and holds her bow in her left hand.  She wasn't 100% sure of Hewney's description of the dog-faces' morality, but it did stand to reason.  The humanoids you never saw in human cities tended to be cruel, vicious, and anti-social.  For now she'd take his word for it.  Shoot first.

"Fun fact.  This room in a tower has two names depending on its use - Vestibule or Zwinger .  The vestibule is a small greeting room that reduces heat loss and prepares guests to be impressed by the grand nature of the next room.  The Zwinger is an area just inside the entrance where enemies can easily be trapped and killed."

Pathwyn paused morbidly on that notion.

"All these hooks look more vestibule-y to me.  Coat hooks for everyone from humans to fairies.  Personally, I'd add a bench so guests could sit while removing muddy boots.  Gwysol will have to forgive me.  I'm leaving my boots on."

How is the room shaped?  Vaugely square?  What's the approximate diameter of the tower, and how far is it to that next door.
GM, 836 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 14:03
  • msg #192

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the group came into the room, it was perhaps a mite easier to get the bearings of the place, for empty rooms were rather notoriously difficult to gauge, but this room was something of a rectangle with slightly curved edges, perhaps four paces from the entrance to the next door and six paces across from side to side.
player, 374 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 19:49
  • msg #193

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak drew his sword and moved to the next door.  He was sure those creatures above saw them enter and would be ready for them.  They needed to find the stairs and dispatch these dog faces before they were ambushed.

"Close the entry door behind us and I'll take the lead," he said quietly.  With his free hand he opened the next door a few inches to peer within.
player, 36 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 20:19
  • msg #194

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador whispered Please shield me so I can cast Sleep if that seems practical. They may no know I can cast Sleep again. Then I'll back up out of the way.
player, 375 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 20:21
  • msg #195

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Why would they think you couldn't use it again?" Dak asked uncertainly.  If he'd used it once, of course he could use it again.
player, 37 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 21:17
  • msg #196

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador replied, "I'm new to the Art, and I look young...which I am. So they might know that I can cast few spells...if they were observant enough. I'm just telling you to be prepared for me not being of use for now. And after I cast Sleep, that'll be the case anyway. That's why I'll scoot back out of the way."

He sighed. "It takes time and braving danger for mages to advance in the Art, and may die trying. If we survive, matters become easier."

[I just reviewed the 2e XP for levels tables. I wonder what the rationale is for the numbers. By the PHB, a new mage would cast her/his Sleep and then hide out while others do XP things for the rest of the day. At higher levels, mages whoop-de-do and advance more quickly than all classes except Rogues. Our gracious GM's house rule is a boon for Alvador.]
player, 376 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 22:12
  • msg #197

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"All right," Dak replied quietly to Alvador's explanation.  He still wasn't sure he understood how magic worked, but it sounded like there were limits on how often it could be used.  He'd stick with his sword.
GM, 838 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 23:53
  • msg #198

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Moving through the doorway, the group came into another room, about the same size as the first room.  Here, there was a plain wooden table with two wooden chairs at the table, while a pair of additional wooden chairs were against the wall.  At the far end from their entry, there was another door.  Next to the door they had entered through was a shutter.

A few sconces were along these walls, though none of the tall candles within were currently lit.
player, 377 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 02:04
  • msg #199

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak shivered and looked around after he went through the doorway.  The hole in the tower must be causing a draft.

"What's that?" he asked, regaining his bearings and pointing at the shutter.  He then moved quickly past it to the far door.  He wanted to keep moving, but that shutter caught his eye.  Stopping next to the other door, he waited for the others to catch up and take a quick look at the shutter.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 28 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 02:14
  • msg #200

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn closed door to the outside after Dak asked for it to be done and then moved in front of Alvador when he requested protection.

"I know I'm not much to hide behind," she said, almost apologizing.

"Speaking of shields, you can use mine if you'd like."

Is that candle the only illumination?  I'm assuming the shutter is on the outer wall of the tower and closed.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

"Did someone bring the lantern?  Now might be a good time to light it."
NPC, 23 posts
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 02:56
  • msg #201

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Moving into the room with the rest, Hewney pushed the shutter open.

"Peephole," he announced.  "Ah, that's ...  There's two peepholes.  One just looks right into the room we came in, but the other, it's outside."

"Here, you might have some trouble seeing," he said, putting a hand on Dak's shoulder.  "Let me get that next door."

Candles are currently not lit.  It becomes dark in the room when the doors to the outside are closed, but that's only a problem for Dak.
player, 38 posts
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #202

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador smiled sadly. "One way to cripple me would be to strap a shield on my arm. When we begin with the Art, the warrior's way is closed to us. I'm a fair hand with a sling, and maybe I'll be able to take up use of dagger and staff...someday."
player, 379 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 03:24
  • msg #203

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak hadn't realized how dark it would get once the doors were closed.  He thought there'd be more windows.

"If someone would light a candle for me, I have a free hand to carry it," Dak asked, mollified by his unpreparedness.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 29 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 04:20
  • msg #204

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn shook her head.

"We are NOT walking into an ambush with our best warrior stumbling around blind or trying to fight by candlelight.  I'll go back and get the lantern.  Just tell me where it's packed away."

"And while I'm gone, think about how we can sucker those dog-faces down into an ambush of our own.  I'm willing to bet we're twice as smart as them.  Let's use it."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Mon 15 June 2020.
NPC, 24 posts
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 04:31
  • msg #205

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Dog faces are two floors up," said Hewney.  "Maybe the next level up is better lit, or has windows.  We know there's daylight where they are, the wall's part torn away."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 30 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 05:00
  • msg #206

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn hesitated, thinking.

"I don't like taking unnecessary chances like this, but you're the boss Hewney.  I trust your judgement."

She set down her bow and pulled flint and steel from her pouch.  She shaved the flint against the steel striker over and over near the wick of a sconce candle.  There were plenty of sparks, but none caught right away.

Pathwyn giggled a little.

"One time my sister Beala was trying to light a candle like this to read us a midnight story.  She was never very lucky with fire.  Dozens of sparks hit the candle and not-one lit, but a single spark drifted onto the dry storybook page and *whoof*."

Just then the wick started smoldering.  Pathwyn blew gently on the wick and soon the candle flickered with a small fire.

"We saved the storybook, but that one page was pretty much lost.  Beala ended up reading us a different tale."

She removed the candle from the sconce and handed it to Dak before tucking away the small tools and grabbing her bow.
player, 380 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 16:01
  • msg #207

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Thanks," Dak said, holding the candle up.  "This is better.

"If you're ready to open the next door, I'll back you up."

Hopefully there wouldn't be another sudden breeze like the earlier one or his candle would be out in a jiffy.
NPC, 25 posts
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #208

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney opened the door, revealing an unlit circular stairway.

Ascending one level, he opened the door to reveal a corridor--unlit, with three doors down the length of the hallway.

Standing in the door to the hall, he gestured to the others to continue into this hallway.
player, 381 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 23:45
  • msg #209

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Sword in one hand and candle in the other, Dak passed the half-elf and moved into the corridor to stand just past the first door.

He was trying to be quiet, but it was what it was.
player, 39 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #210

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador stayed back, behind Pathwyn. He appeared somewhat relaxed since the group was working well together. Dak, in particular, accepted him as he was. The swordsman was bravely leading the way.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 31 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #211

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn followed Hewney and Dak into the 3-doored corridor.

How are the doors arranged in this corridor?  I assume the 3 doors do not include the one we opened from the staircase.

Was the second floor the top of the spiral staircase, or did the stairs continue upwards?  Do the stairs hug the outer wall of the tower or is the spiral tighter?

Did Pathwyn get the sense that the two first floor rooms plus the stairs used up all of the first floor interior space?
GM, 840 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #212

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The spiral stairway is a tight stair, which does continue upwards.  From the outside, the tower looked like it was four stories, and the dog-faces were seen on the third floor.  These three doors are in an evenly-spaced row down the hallway, all to the right from the stairway door.  It did seem that the first floor space filled the area that would be expected from the outer view of the place.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 32 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #213

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's try the nearest door first," suggested Pathwyn quietly.

4 stories?  Does the spiral staircase go down from the first floor too?  Is that 4th story above where the dog-faces are?
player, 382 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #214

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Are we looking for the book, now?" Dak asked.  He wasn't sure why they weren't going up to confront the dog faces.

"Should I cover the stairs while the rest of you look?"

Their job really wasn't to secure the tower.  If they found what they were looking for, they could just leave without a fight.  He was fine with that.
player, 40 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 04:48
  • msg #215

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Remembering a question that could have been asked long before, Alvador asked, "Hewney, did your mage say where he left the book or give any details about it?"
NPC, 26 posts
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 00:56
  • msg #216

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Everything should be up in the lab," said Hewney, "on the top floor.  I figured maybe we could find something to help distract the dog-faces just in case, since they're between us and there."

He went over to the door nearest the stairs, and said, "Odd."  He reached into the pouch on his belt and pulled out some picks, and opened the door.

"I don't remember him saying there was an apprentice," he said, looking at the room which was furnished with a simple, hard cot and a small chest.
player, 383 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #217

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak left the searching to the others as they seemed to be able to see well enough without the candle.  He went back over to the stairs to listen for activity above.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 34 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 01:44
  • msg #218

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn noted the skill and ease with which Hewney was able to open the lock without a key.  He'd clearly trained at that professionally.  The half-elf might know ways around magical security too, but that would be a subject for later.  For now she wondered why an apprentice would need a lock on his door.  She sure didn't have one on her room at Maya and Honus' house.

She looked around the room without much interest unless something out of the ordinary caught her eye in the sparse room.

"Just as we suspected.  Gwysol's guest bedroom only sleeps one."

Are there any personal belongings in the room?  How recently does it look like it has occupied?  Pathwyn is going to look and smell, but not touch.  That also means she'll leave the small chest alone.
player, 42 posts
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 02:16
  • msg #219

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Before moving forward with the others, Alvador took a look back at where they came from. He frowned and muttered, "Expect the unexpected." Then he smiled at himself. "Expect the expected too."
player, 384 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 02:23
  • msg #220

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak couldn't understand what the size of the bed had to do with finding the spellbook.   Maybe it was an elf thing.  Was the wizard an elf, too?

Maybe it was a wizard thing.  Did they sleep with their spellbooks?  So they were looking for a bed big enough for two?

So that meant Pathwyn was saying that either the wizard didn't allow other wizards to sleep with their spellbooks, or he didn't allow them to stay the night at all.  She was trying to get into the mind of the wizard to figure out where the spellbook would be.

This wouldn't take long at all.
NPC, 27 posts
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 04:41
  • msg #221

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You wouldn't put a guest in a room like this, would you?" said Hewney.  "Looks like servant space ... and don't wizards make their apprentices like a servant?"  He looked to Alvador for that.

"You want to check the next rooms, see if there's something that we can use to distract the dog-faces, get a leg up on them.  Don't like the idea of leaving them behind us when we go on up."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 35 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 05:31
  • msg #222

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded.

"On to the next room."
NPC, 28 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 16:14
  • msg #223

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney flipped open the chest, and tossed onto the bed a gray robe, two cotton tunics, and two pair of hose.  "This is interesting," he said, dropping a heavy book onto the bed before working to unwrap something in the chest.  "Noisy armor," he said, continuing to rummage.  "Decent blade."  He set that on the bed.  "Anyone good with a crossbow?"  He held up a case of bolts and a hand-crossbow.  "I like the idea of a little more reach, if not."

The next door down the hallway was already unlocked.
player, 43 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #224

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador, after making sure nothing was coming up behind (as far as he could tell), took a look at the crossbow. "Seems to me all one has to do is point and pull the trigger." He sighed. "But I'd it one of you, like as not. Besides, I need one hand free." He pondered. "Still, if nobody else can carry it, I could. After I'm otherwise useless in a fight, I could swing it up level and shoot point blank...or point it  and look intimidating if we have any prisoners."
player, 385 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 23:07
  • msg #225

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Back in the hallway near the stairs, Dak could hear the others talking in one of the rooms, but he couldn't tell what they were saying.  It was probably for the best.  If he couldn't make them out, it was a good bet the dog faces above wouldn't be able to hear them at all.

He kept an ear out for any noise above.  Particularly footsteps descending.
NPC, 29 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #226

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"That's alright, Alvador," said Hewney.  "I've had a time or two using something like this--best keep your hands free for sleeping the little beasties."

He moved to the next door, finding it was unlocked, and revealed a larder--several barrels and bottles, with hams and sausages hanging from hooks on the ceiling.

"Can check the last room, or just head up."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 38 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #227

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's see what's behind door number three."

How's this floor set up for windows so far?  Are there any in the bedroom, the hall, the larder, or the stairway?
player, 44 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 02:35
  • msg #228

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador nodded and looked out of any windows.
GM, 846 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 11:49
  • msg #229

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

While there were no windows here, a little light filtered down the stairway from the next floor.

Hewney went to the last door of the hallway and opened it, finding it was also unlocked.  This room revealed a small pile of lumber, a leather pouch with long nails, and evidence that part of the room was used as a dumbwaiter going down to the level below.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 39 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 15:48
  • msg #230

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Well, this floor didn't turn out to be illuminated at all.  I think we're back to the plan where I run out to the horses and fetch the lantern for Dak."

Pathwyn spoke quietly enough that her plans would not be heard upstairs.

"I'd like to lure the dog-faces down here for an ambush when I get back.  Perhaps we could rig this lumber to come crashing down loudly accompanied by some of us crying out in fake pain.  Then silence.  That should pique their curiosity.  We can put the lit lantern in this lumber room to further draw their attention, and hide in the bedroom waiting for them to investigate.  When they do we burst out into the hall, cut them off from the stairway, and sleep/slaughter them."

"How's that plan sound?  Any other suggestions?"
NPC, 30 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 22:34
  • msg #231

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Get the rope, too," said Hewney.  "That way we can pull the thing down without risk of hurting any of us, right?"  He looked to the others to see if there was any dispute or additional suggestions.
player, 45 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 23:06
  • msg #232

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador asked, "What happens if they see Pathway leaving and decide to come down before she returns?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 40 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #233

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I saw Dak grab the rope from his horse before we charged the tower, and something else," Pathwyn paused to concentrate on her recent memories.  "I think it was the key he used on the gargoyle's mouth.  Point being, he has the rope."

"What happens if they see Pathway [thanks autocorrect] leaving and decide to come down before she returns?"

Pathwyn grinned at Alvador.

"The tables have turned!  It sounds like you're offering to be my bodyguard now."

She playfully poked / tickled Alvador briefly.

"Come along, then.  All we have to do is slip quickly and quietly from the door to the dog-faces' blindspot where the tower itself will block their view.  Easy, but good sneaking practice."

Unless there's an objection, she and Alvador will head off to fetch the lantern, oil, and anything else useful Dak left packed away (such as the 3 remaining spikes, and the rope if I'm losing my mind, but not the food or bedrolls).
player, 46 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 02:34
  • msg #234

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn  Pathwyn  Pathwyn  Pathwyn Pathwyn  Pathwyn Pathwyn  Pathwyn Pathwyn  Pathwyn

Alvdor shrugs, nods, and leaves with Pathwyn.
player, 386 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #235

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Did you find the book?" Dak asked as the two neared the stairs.  "Are we leaving now?"

This was a lot easier than he'd expected.  Pathwyn's insight was much stronger than he'd thought.  From his position watching the stairs he hadn't heard what they'd been talking about, but it seemed they may have concluded their business already.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 41 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 03:58
  • msg #236

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"No, but we did find some ham.  Hewney says the book is on the fourth floor, so we still need to get past the dog-faces.  Alvador and I are going to fetch the lantern so you can see what you're fighting.  All the better, right?"

"We'll be back in a jiffy."

Pathwyn instantly worried that Dak wouldn't understand what 'jiffy' meant.  It was a cant term bandied about by thieves to mean a very quick job.  The whole point of cant being to obscure the meaning of their words, but as crafty as the guilds thought they were it was pretty easy for a sharp ear and mind to pick up a word here and there as she had.  Perhaps she should have said 'blink of an eye'.

"Oh," she added, just as she started descending the stairs.  "Hewney wants the rope."
player, 47 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 04:07
  • msg #237

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador 'explained', "Longer wait than you'd like; shorter than you feared."
NPC, 31 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 11:51
  • msg #238

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

From the hallway near the last door, furthest from the stairs, Hewney beckoned Dak toward him.

"We're going to try to set  up these boards to make a nice crashing noise," he explained.  "We'll use the rope so we can pull it down from a safe spot away, hope we lure them dog faces down here to catch them in a trap."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 42 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 21:57
  • msg #239

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I don't think that was an apprentice's bedroom," Pathwyn said to Alvador as they made their way through the first floor to the tower entrance.

She grabbed one of the chairs against the wall and pulled it along which made a slightly annoying sound as one leg dragged and bounced against the floor.

"Metal armor?  A blade?  A crossbow?  It sounds more like the gear of a guard than a mage's apprentice.  If there had been a guard, I wish she'd stayed around to keep the tower from being infested by goblins and dog-faces.  And if she's gone now, why leave clothes and valuable gear behind?"

They reached the front door, but before opening it Pathwyn finished her thought.

"Perhaps that book Hewney tossed on the bed will give us a clue.  I assume it's not the spellbook or he wouldn't have discarded it, but it's worth looking into when we get back."

Pathwyn pushed open the door, lay the chair down on its side with the back of the chair positioned such that the door couldn't close and lock them out.

"Follow me," she whispered and zipped quietly out the door and down to the ground as quickly as possible without risking injury.

She stayed tight to the outer wall of the tower until she was exactly on the opposite side from the breach where the dog-faces had been tossing debris from.  Then she looked back to make sure Alvador was close behind.
player, 387 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 23:37
  • msg #240

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak unslung the rope for the half-elf and returned to the stairs to keep watch with his dwindling candle.  Did the dog faces even realize they were down here?
player, 48 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 02:19
  • msg #241

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

And there he was, four steps behind.
GM, 848 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 02:39
  • msg #242

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

From above Dak could hear noises that were definitely voices, though what was being said was utterly indecipherable, along with something that sounded almost like laughter.  In the hallway, Hewney ducked into the last room using the rope and doing something to quietly set things up according to Pathwyn's plans.

Outside, Pathwyn--trailed by Alvador--made the trek back to the horses to retrieve the lantern and such things.  While debris was no longer being thrown down, now that the goblins had been defeated, the voices of the dog-faces could be heard mixed with the strange almost-barking laughter.

Still, nothing else happened to deter them from completing the fetch part of the task and return to the place where they had left Dak and Hewney to work on the other part of her plan.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 43 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 03:30
  • msg #243

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn removed the chair from the tower entrance door and set it upright along the wall near the door.

"Now people can sit down when taking off or putting on their boots," she said to Alvador.  "You're welcome, Gwysol."

She stopped at the bottom of the spiral staircase and peeked upwards, listening.  It appeared the coast was clear, so she motioned to Alvador and went up to the second floor where Dak was standing guard.  She let Alvador by.

"Thank you for the escort," she said to the young mage with a curtsy.

Pathwyn knelt down in the hallway with Dak between her and the stairs.  She filled the lantern with the vaguely nutty smelling oil, keeping the flask and stopper.  Standing back up, she held the open lantern out to Dak.

"Will you do me the honor of lighting this off your candle?"

She set the lit lantern down on the floor.

"Have you trained to fight with a shield in your off hand, Dak?" she asked.
player, 49 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 05:45
  • msg #244

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked blank and then embarrassed before smiling. With a bow, he said, "You're welcome, My Lady."

He turned serious, willing to help but staying out of the way.
NPC, 32 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 16:14
  • msg #245

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Here is the rope," said Hewney, handing an end toward Pathwyn.  "A good tug should bring things down.  With this crossbow, I'll head down the hall and shoot if the dog faces come in--unless you've got another plan for where we should be?"

In the first room, the chest remained open with the contents still visible, except for the crossbow now in Hewney's hands.
player, 388 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 16:37
  • msg #246

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'm fine without the shield," Dak replied to Pathwyn quietly so as not to draw undue attention from above.  Although from what Hewney had explained, the plan was to get their attention soon.

"I'll have the lantern in my free hand, anyway," he added.  "Where should I hide?"
player, 50 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 18:46
  • msg #247

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

While there's nothing to do, Alvador checked out the chest contents and what the book was about.

[As I recall, there is a book on the bed.]
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 44 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 21:51
  • msg #248

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Here is the rope," said Hewney, handing an end toward Pathwyn.  "A good tug should bring things down."

"Wow Hewney, that's great!  Oh here..." she opened her pack and produced an iron pot and 3 iron spikes.  "I brought these back from the horses because I figured they'd help add to the racket."

Pathwyn put the spikes in the pot and placed it on Hewney's precarious lumber construction before going back to Dak.

"My shield is small and light enough that you could still hold the lantern," she said showing him the small, round, wooden shield with a fox head painted on it.  "But I won't go into those details.  You can't hold a lantern while ambushing someone.  The lantern will be on the floor right about..."  She moved the lantern further down the hall very near the door to the room where Hewney set up the lumber.  "Here."

"I think the shield would do you more good than me, since you're our best fighter.  It might just save your life."

"I'll head down the hall and shoot if the dog faces come in"

"Good idea.  I should do the same.  Dak and Alvador can hide in the bedroom and pop out to cut the dog-faces off from the stairs when the shooting starts."

OOC to DM: I hope I'm envisioning the layout the way it really is.  Can you post a rough drawing of this floor so we're all on the same page with who's hiding where and how we plan to attack?
player, 389 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 02:23
  • msg #249

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Reluctantly wearing the shield and disappointed he'd already lost the lantern, Dak went into the bedroom to take his place.  It was dark so he leaned against the wall and waited.

He still had half a candle in his pouch, but no way to light it quickly.  This was going to be a problem spending time with people who could see in the dark.
GM, 849 posts
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 01:35
  • msg #250

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Here's a quick map.  Stairs continue up as well as going down.  Imagine it's all a little rounder, though.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 45 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #251

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

My plan is something like this:

Dak and Alvador in the bedroom minus the bed.
Lantern lit at the end of the hall.
Doors to the stairs and the lumber room wide open.
Bed turned up on its side in lumber room with
Hewney and Pathwyn hiding behind it.

Lumber triggered to fall loudly.
Hewney and Pathwyn scream loudly in pain.
Silence and waiting until dog-face come to investigate.  (Curiousity killed the dog-faces)
When the dog-faces enter the lumber room, Hewney and Pathwyn pop up to surprise them with arrows and crossbow bolts.
Dak and Alvador burst from the bedroom to catch them by surprise again from behind and cut off their retreat.
Alvador casts sleep.
Melee with any stragglers.

Does everyone like the plan?  Any improvements?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:05, Sat 27 June 2020.
player, 51 posts
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #252

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alavor bowed his approval.
NPC, 33 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 01:03
  • msg #253

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Seems a good plan," agreed Hewney, setting to moving the bed according to Pathwyn's plan.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 46 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 04:21
  • msg #254

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn crouched, hiding behind the side-up bed.  She clutched her rose gold holy symbol and said a short prayer in Tanasi Elvish.

She looked to Hewney and quietly said "Ready?" and then pulled the rope, giving off a blood curdling scream after the crash as if she'd been badly wounded.

The little elf put arrow to bowstring, but couldn't pull it back in her crouched hiding position.

She waited silently.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:27, Mon 29 June 2020.
NPC, 34 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 13:42
  • msg #255

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney nodded to Pathwyn, and when the crash came, he swore loudly, "[Language unknown: Ingromoul Nde!]" and tried to give a pained moan.
GM, 851 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 16:52
  • msg #256

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

For a few moments, things seemed quiet in the tower, and then a door slammed and several footsteps could be heard descending the stairs.

From the first doorway, Dak and Alvador could sense that there were four or five creatures passing the door.

The voices were speaking in the strange gutteral language that they had heard before, though no one knew the tongue.  The rather unpleasant odor of what seemed best described as 'wet, mangy hound' grew stronger in the hallway.

At the end of the hallway, Pathwyn and Hewney could see two of the creatures Hewney had called "dog faces"--these figures were about 30" tall, dressed in some sort of ragged tunic--with elongated snouts like those of hunting hounds, although the skin seemed more leathery than fur-covered with small spikes of horns growing from their heads--carrying spears.  The first two seemed to be very cautiously probing at the fallen lumber with their spears as their long tails, reminiscent of what a rat might possess, twitched.
NPC, 35 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #257

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney pulled the small crossbow into position, waiting for the appearance of the dog-faces.  Unfortunately, it seemed that anticipation had caused him to overcompensate and the bolt flew from the crossbow into the wood frame of the room.

14:36, Today: Hewney rolled 2 using 1d10.  initiative.
14:36, Today: Hewney rolled 3 using 1d20.  to hit
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 48 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #258

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn popped up only an instant before Hewney (no initiative reaction bonus for Hewney?) pulling the bowstring back as she stood and fired an arrow straight into the
 chest of the nearest dog-face with an audible *thump*.  With a fluid, well practiced motion she drew and nocked another thick arrow all while gauging whether her first shot had been sufficient to drop the foul smelling little monster.  Perhaps it was her hesitation in choice of target that caused her second shot to be less accurate.

I assume their AC is better than 9, but you never know.

16:15, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 3 using 1d10+2.  initiative.
16:16, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit dog-face 1.
16:17, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 5 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
16:17, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit dog-face 2.
16:18, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

player, 391 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 00:34
  • msg #259

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak readied himself to jump out into the hallway to block their escape, but hesitated as he couldn't remember what the signal was to do so.

19:30, Today: Dak rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative round 1.
player, 53 posts
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 03:11
  • msg #260

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador certainly was ready to act. However, he thought he had best wait for the best moment, so he simply kept out of the way behind Dak.

20:10, Today: Alvador rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative.
GM, 853 posts
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 12:01
  • msg #261

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the dog-faces revealed themselves, Pathwyn loosed a first arrow, skewering the creature and pinning it against the far wall where it moved no more.  Hewney's bolt, however, a blink of an eye later, struck the wooden door frame.  Pathwyn's next arrow whistled through the air, just missing as the second of the dog-faces retreated from the doorway.

"[Language unknown: An u to!]" said one of the creatures.

Dak emerged from the room he had been waiting in, Alvador on his heels.  They saw that there were four of the dog-faces headed back their direction, a fifth showing in the light of the lantern as having been pinned to the wall by an arrow.
player, 392 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 18:08
  • msg #262

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ah HA!" Dak shouted at the dog faces.  "Throw down your weapons and leave this place!"

He brandished his sword threateningly and tried to look menacing.  He was feeling menacing as they were much shorter than he was.

13:03, Today: Dak rolled 8 using 1d10.  Initiative round 2.
player, 55 posts
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 23:05
  • msg #263

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador stepped out and flicks some sand toward the gnolls while saying, "Moosum alta."

Cast his second, and last, Sleep.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:10, Tue 30 June 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 52 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 04:01
  • msg #264

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Holding her bow high, Pathwyn planted her right hand firmly on the top edge of the bed and vaulted over it to give chase.  Her golden hair and the hem of her dress fluttered as she floated gracefully through the air.  Boot heel hit fallen lumber and she took three short side-to-side hopping strides along the top of the chaotically strewn planks, barely disturbing them beneath her feet.  Once in the hall, she skidded on the stone tile of the hall.

There she saw the dog-faces retreating, but trapped by Dak and Alvador.

She did not want to risk shooting her friends.  If it was safe to do so, she fired another arrow at the back ranks of the little monsters.  Otherwise, she let the bow drop, drew her spear, gripped it firmly in both hands, and charged at the nearest dog-face.

23:54, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d10.  initiative.
23:55, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 13 using 1d20.  to hit.  (17 if it's the bow)
23:56, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 4 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
23:56, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d6.  spear damage.
NPC, 36 posts
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 11:36
  • msg #265

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Not to be outdone, Hewney vaulted himself past the bulk of scattered lumber, hopping steps bringing him into the hall.

Discarding the crossbow, he drew a knife to plunge into the back of one of the retreating dog-faces.
GM, 855 posts
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 11:41
  • msg #266

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Emerging into the hallway, backlit by the lantern, Pathwyn could tell that the risks of a bow in such quarters with friends beyond the intended target had become too great, and the spear in her hand plunged through the shoulder of one of the retreating creatures.  Dak took a stance to fill the hallway to prevent the retreat of the dog-faces toward the stairs, emphasizing this with a swing of the sword which might have parted the hair of one--if only they had hair, and the creature dodged backwards, colliding with the wounded companion as Hewney emerged into the hallway, his knife finding the vulnerable back of another of the creatures.  A moment later, the mystic energy of Alvador's words took the three survivors to the floor in slumber.

Faint light filtered from the stairway above, along with a few more voices which sounded as though they spoke in the same language as those who were in the hallway sleeping.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:42, Wed 01 July 2020.
player, 395 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 16:49
  • msg #267

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I hear more of them upstairs," Dak said quietly as he went to cover the stairwell once more.  He still wasn't sure about the shield as it seemed to be throwing off his swing.  Maybe it just took some time getting used to it.

On the plus side, if they did charge up the stairs into the dog faces ambush, there seemed to be light up there.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 54 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 20:31
  • msg #268

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Even though she just saw it in action a short time ago, Pathwyn was still surprised at the effectiveness and suddenness of Alvador's magic.

Leaning her weight into it, She thrust her spear through the chest of one of the sleepers.  She had hoped that these five would be the last of them and was disheartened to hear they'd have another fight in their near future.  At least they were doing their part to rid the area of evil.

"Did you see any reaction to your surrender demand, Dak?  It'll be good to know whether they can understand Calandian at all."
player, 397 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 21:52
  • msg #269

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Not that I could tell," Dak replied quietly to the bloodthirsty elven maiden.  He'd really had the wrong impression about religious orders and their doctrines before meeting her.  Perhaps she just belonged to one of the more violent elven sects.
NPC, 37 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 02:40
  • msg #270

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Good work," said Hewney, stooping to slit the throats of the two other slumbering creatures.  "Your plan went well.  Not sure how many there are up there.  But best to hurry."

He ducked back into the other room to retrieve the abandoned crossbow.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 55 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #271

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Likewise, Pathwyn retrieved her bow and salvaged what arrows she could.  She also gathered up the rope they'd used on the lumber 'trap' and returned it to Dak.

Then she took a knee next to the lantern to catch her breath.  This had been another very quick fight.  It hadn't taken much out of her physically; maybe just mentally or emotionally draining.  She wasn't looking forward to another fight so soon, but they had a job to do, and owed it to Gwysol to rid his tower of unwanted guests.

She looked around at the wizard's poor tower.  What a mess.  This was going to take a lot of work to clean up, not even counting the huge hole in the wall and whatever the dog-faces had done upstairs.

"What's our plan now?"
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 04:11, Thu 02 July 2020.
player, 56 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 04:34
  • msg #272

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said, "I may have used my spell prematurely; apologies." He looked around. "There's a mattress. If it can be lugged up sensibly, it can act a a shield. Might also cause some confusion.
NPC, 38 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 04:39
  • msg #273

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Bit awkward, though, isn't it?" said Hewney.  "Speed's probably our best bet--so it was good that you used the spell now.  Let's have someone lead the way with the shield, and then with Pathwyn's bow and this little crossbow, we'll have some range and can try to stay down behind the shield--or at least out of reach of spears?  Got some darts or a sling to keep you safe?"
player, 398 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 16:42
  • msg #274

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll go first," Dak volunteered quietly as he clung the coil of rope over his shoulder.  He was the one with the shield, after all.

Without waiting for further debate, sword in one hand and shield in the other, he took a deep breath and dashed up the stairs taking them two at a time.  Hewney had said surprise and speed would win the day.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 56 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 18:46
  • msg #275

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Patheyn glanced over at the burning lantern sitting on the floor next to her.  That human loved leaving the lantern behind...  and impulsively charging into danger.  She shrugged, and hopped to her feet.  Dak was going to need backup.  She hurried to follow him.
NPC, 39 posts
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 16:50
  • msg #276

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Not wanting to delay, Hewney hurried up the steps behind Dak and Pathwyn.  "Don't forget the lantern," he added to Alvador, not sure if Alvador had any hidden range weapons, but knowing that behind them was relatively safe--it was what was ahead and above that was a danger.
GM, 857 posts
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 17:21
  • msg #277

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Emerging up the stairs, Dak and those following could see that the stairs continued up one more flight to end at a wooden door--but the more immediate concern lay on this floor.  To the left, there was a window in the wall that was shuttered, but daylight still seeped through the edges.  Ahead, there was a room which had had its door broken down, and considerable light was coming from there--quite likely from the breech in the wall that they had observed from outside.  To the right was another doorway, the door having been bashed down here, as well.

Coming down the hallway from the room straight ahead were four more of the dog-faces, all with spears in hand as they seemed to be forming a line across the hallway.

[Language unknown: "Mi ckthhi fi ul!  M aist"]
player, 399 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 19:21
  • msg #278

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Once again, Dak attempted a menacing mien, swinging his sword in a short chop as he slowly advanced.  They could still retreat down their rope if they chose to.

"Leave this place and be spared!" Dak shouted back at them with likely the same level of comprehension.

It was their choice.

Dak rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative round 3.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 57 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 19:34
  • msg #279

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

There was little or no hesitation when she saw the spear wielding dog-faces.  Pathwyn tugged back on the bowstring and loosed the most devastating shot of the day, combining pinpoint accuracy and lethal force.
She drew another arrow and fired, but the ensuing chaos in front of her led to poorer results.

15:22, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d10.  initiative.
15:23, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
15:24, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 8 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
15:24, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.
15:25, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 4 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

player, 57 posts
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 01:22
  • msg #280

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador, at the rear, raised his arms wide and shouted, "Abacadabra boogaloo! Chippy choppity woo-dee-dee-woo Fiddledee-faddle zippy zop? Goodillee foodiliee hippyu-hop!"
NPC, 40 posts
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 01:50
  • msg #281

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Taking a little more careful aim than before, Hewney pulled the trigger of his found crossbow and fired at one of the dog-faces.

20:46, Today: Hewney rolled 10 using 1d10.  initiative
20:46, Today: Hewney rolled 17 using 1d20.  to hit.
20:47, Today: Hewney rolled 3 using 1d3.  damage
GM, 858 posts
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 01:59
  • msg #282

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the group confronted the dog-faces, the small beasts came rushing toward the group, spear-tips forward.  Dak swung his sword as this creatures attacked, intending to keep them well back for the rest of the group.  His sword not only found the flesh of one of the dog-faces, but he dropped the beast, a thin strip of sinew being all that left the head still connected to the shoulders.

Pathwyn fired another arrow, striking well into the heart of another of the dog-faces, which fell while looking down at the feathers of the fletching that now adorned his chest.  Unfortunately, as he fell, the snap of the arrow shaft could be heard.  Perhaps this small disappointment was enough to spoil her aim, as the next arrow grazed along the wall before embedding in the frame of the broken door at the end of the hallway.  Hewney's crossbow bolt struck into the gut of one of the remaining dog-faces as Alvador, from the rear, made as though he were beginning some fierce casting.  The gut-shot dog-face dropped its spear and started trying to stagger back to the room at the end of the hall.  The lone dog-face who was neither killed nor injured did not drop the spear, but did turn and start fleeing down the hallway, passing his injured comrade in the process.
player, 400 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 02:59
  • msg #283

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Looking down at the still forms lining the hallway, Dak was now certain they didn't understand what he was saying.

Dak rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative round 4
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 58 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 04:19
  • msg #284

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

'Fiddledee-faddle?'  Pathwyn mused to herself.

"We can't just let them run off.  What if they have the book?"

You'd expect this warning to be delivered in a hiss or scolding tone, but it wasn't.  Pathwyn smiled cheerfully and almost sang the words as she brushed by Dak.

"...or Hewney's friend's crate full of daggers, or both!"

If she could still see the retreating, spear wielding dog-face she put an arrow in its back, two if necessary to stop it.  Otherwise she gave chase, ready to stop and fire if and when she got the chance.

Where was the breach?  Ahead?  Was her mind playing tricks on her or was this floor longer than the one below it?  She wondered.

00:04, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 1 using 1d10.  initiative.
00:05, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 20 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
00:06, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 1 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
00:06, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 17 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.
00:07, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
GM, 859 posts
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 14:23
  • msg #285

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney fired the small crossbow again at the one staggering in the hallway, this second bolt being adequate to put the creature out of its misery.  As the remaining dog-face ran, Pathwyn fired two arrows, and while both hit their mark and staggered the creature, it continued to attempt to flee, although now having obvious difficulty due to the weakness brought on by the bloodloss.

Following the fleeing dog-face brought Pathwyn into what once had been a finely-appointed bedchamber.  The fine four-poster bed had been shattered, and the hangings had been torn and tied up to create a method of carrying away treasure.  To the right, upon entry, there was a large gap in the wall, with the ceiling sagging rather alarmingly into the space.  The remains of books and scrolls littered the floor, and in front of a chest was another dead dog-face, its body bearing the marks of several stab wounds and mouth in a twisted rictus.  Dust still seemed to be sifting down from above.  The remaining live dog-face was staggering toward the gap, as though intent on going down the rope to make its escape.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 59 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 23:44
  • msg #286

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The sad state of the master bedroom was a real shame.  First it had been blown out by a magical mishap and then trashed and pillaged by wicked little monsters.  She hoped that this was finally the last of the dog-faces.  Pathwyn continued to fire arrows at the wounded dog-face to halt its escape.

The setting did strike Pathwyn as odd.  Somemthing wasn't quite right here.

19:29, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 10 using 1d10.  initiative.
19:30, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
19:30, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
19:31, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 12 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.
19:31, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 8 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

player, 401 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #287

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak conceded they could have made off with the book, but it sounded more like an excuse for her to execute the last of the little creatures trying to escape.

Definitely not like the the peaceful holy sisters back on the island.
NPC, 41 posts
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 03:50
  • msg #288

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney hurried into the next room, and seeing that the last of the dog-faces had been dealt with, he cracked a smile.

"Good job," he said, edging gingerly into the room with a wary eye at the ceiling.  "They won't be bothering our horses, either."  He looked about for the place the rope had been anchored to, deftly untying it and coiling it up.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 60 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 05:01
  • msg #289

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn's body still told her to clutch the bow tightly and nock another arrow, but the danger looked to have passed.  It was time to piece together events and locate the spellbook and the daggers.  Pathwyn set the bow aside and knelt down to search the bundled bed hangings to see what treasures the dog-faces had gathered up.  She hoped they'd already done the party's work for them, but somehow she doubted it would be that easy.

"How do I recognize the spellbook?" she asked generally to Hewney and Alvador.  "Do we have a description?  Will it have Gwysol's name on the cover?" she chuckled.

Despite her levity, she knew spellbooks were serious business.  She wasn't going to just go opening mysterious books haphazardly.

There were an awful lot of ruined books and scrolls here.  Where'd they all come from?  Were there shelves in this room?
player, 58 posts
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 18:14
  • msg #290

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked out the window to see if any foes were visible. "Before we look around, I suggest we hurry to he horses to bring them close. Then we can worry about the book. Of course, I may already have it; it's a spellbook."
player, 402 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 20:27
  • msg #291

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The horses may be safer where they are," Dak suggested as he bent to wipe his blade off on one of the dead bodies.  "If they were closer to the tower, anyone poking around here would see them first.

"I'm going to grab the lantern and then take a look up the stairs."

He sheathed his sword and headed back down the stairs to pick retrieve the lantern.
player, 59 posts
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 21:41
  • msg #292

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Avador disagreed. "I think they'll be safer if they're where we can see them out the window and reach them quickly. I'll go alone if need be."
player, 403 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 22:20
  • msg #293

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"All right," Dak conceded to the obstinate young wizard, already on his way down the stairs.  "I'll go with you."  He was the only one, after all, that knew how to open the door from the outside.
NPC, 42 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 00:07
  • msg #294

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll stay up here with Lady Pathwyn," said Hewney.  "That way we're in pairs, at least, for safety."  He started looking around the bedroom.  "They've really made a mess of the place."
GM, 860 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 00:17
  • msg #295

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The bedroom had once had something of a reading corner with a plushly upholstered chair, which had now been torn apart by the dog-faces, bits of stuffing scattered about.  One end of a wooden shelf remained affixed to the wall that was shared with the other interior room on the floor, the other end having been taken free of its mooring in what must have been some shaking when the blast had taken place.

Within the bundles that had been made could be found dishware, silverware, and some objects that looked as though they might well be more ornamental than functional.  The writing on the various scraps of parchment was unfamiliar.   It appeared that the dog-face that had been killed by the chest had managed to get the lock open, but for some reason after that his companions had turned on him.

From the next room, there was a smell which was starting to grow--that of some sort of fowl, more than likely, roasting.

Moving into that other room--which had had its door bashed in as well--would reveal that it was a kitchen that had been quite thoroughly ransacked, although the dog-faces had apparently lit the fire and started roasting a bird which was on a spit in the fire (at least this was the logical conclusion, given that it was far too long since the wizard had staggered in for aid back in town).
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 61 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 03:46
  • msg #296

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn sniffed the air.

"Winner winner.  Chicken dinner."

"They've really made a mess of the place."

"I know.  I feel bad for Gwysol.  Everything he has is here in this tower, and most of it trashed.  At least we kept those dog-faces from hauling away the goods.  And I know a mason who can get a crew over here to make repairs.  Could be worse."

She shrugged.

She got up and went to the chest, pushing the murdered dog-face away from it.

"OK, Hewney.  I'm going to open the chest.  Whatever's inside promise you won't start stabbing me," she said with a pleasant smile.

"Actually, let's do one better.  Drop your crossbow and knives."

As a show of good faith, Pathwyn set down her spear and tossed her knife on the bed.
player, 60 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 04:02
  • msg #297

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Thanks, Dak," Alvador says gratefully. The duo made their way with all deliberate speed, Alvador communing with Chree, his familiar.
NPC, 43 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 15:41
  • msg #298

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney set the crossbow down on the bed, and said, "I'll promise not to stab you."  He quirked his eyebrows up and said, "Knives?  How many do you think I carry?"  He laughed lightly, and said, "I'll just head into the kitchen and you can call me if you need something."
GM, 861 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 15:46
  • msg #299

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak and Alvador found that there was little difficulty in returning down the stairs and heading out across the area to the place where they had left the horses.
player, 404 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 16:54
  • msg #300

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak collected two of the horses to lead back to the tower and left the other two to Alvador.  He kept an eye out for any leftover goblins or dog faces.

He'd also made sure to close the tower door behind them so that Hewney and the elven Blood Priestess wouldn't have any surprise company while they were out.  So far things were going well and he didn't want to leave anything to chance.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 62 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 17:27
  • msg #301

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Once Hewney left the room, Pathwyn apprehensively opened the chest.
player, 61 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 19:26
  • msg #302

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador led back the other two horses, noting that Dak had refrained from any 'Told-you-sos'. He waited until Dak opened the door after putting Chree in his special pocket.
GM, 862 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 20:55
  • msg #303

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Outside, Dak and Alvador were able to lead the horses along to the remnant of the courtyard, able to see the breech in the wall, although the rope was now absent on the side of the tower, as Chree sleepily settled into the pocket of the robe.

Inside, Pathwyn opened the chest in the bedroom as Hewney checked on the cooking bird.
player, 405 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 21:06
  • msg #304

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's tie them up here," Dak said, loooking up at the open hole in the wall.  "We can see them through the opening and Pathwyn and Hewney can shoot anyone trying to steal them more easily through the hole than a window."

He looked around for something to tie them to and wondered what the horses thought of the goblin bodies scattered about.  The horses wouldn't try to eat the dead bodies, would they?

Dak made sure to drag any bodies out of tempting reach.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 63 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 22:18
  • msg #305

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn laughed a little and closed chest.  "Typical."

She gathered up her weapons and Hewney's weapons strewn about and went to see the kitchen for herself.

She presented the crossbow and knife to Hewney in an arms extended pose that looked a little as is she might topple forward.

"I solved the case of the stabbed dog-face.  The rare one not stabbed by us, that is."

After Hewney took his gear back she curtsied briefly and continued with false affectation.

"When-upon our poor dog-face victim opened the chest he did succumb to the mortal sin of greed and made to secure the pouch of coins there-in for himself and himself alone.  At this time, his equally greedy pilferers turned from merely larcenous to murderous."

She brushed her hands together as if clapping away unseen dust.

"Case closed."

"Oh, there are plenty of dishes and such wrapped up in the bed linens," she said cocking her head and leaning to indicate her willingness to go fetch them.  "Are we going to investigate the 4th floor before or after dinner?"

Is there a table in the kitchen?
GM, 864 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 22:23
  • msg #306

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Outside, it seemed that using the large bits of stone would be an adequate hobble to keep the horses in the courtyard, though not being particularly close to the front door, it did not appear that there had been an intentional horse hitch here.
NPC, 44 posts
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 22:27
  • msg #307

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney took back the knives, stowing them in sheaths at his waist, and set the crossbow on the counter.

"Odd," he said, tugging at one of the legs of the roasting bird.  "If he succumbed to greed, why would you be finding the coin inside the chest?"  He gave a shrug, and said, "Little matter, he's dead, and that's just as well.  It'll take a bit more for the bird to be done, so if Dak and Alvador hurry back up here, we can go upstairs and then come down to eat before we leave.  No point wasting the bird, and I'm guessing the dog-faces meant to eat it themselves, so it'll be safe enough."

There was not, however a table, in the kitchen.

"Suppose we can make a picnic of it in the bedroom?"
player, 62 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 00:35
  • msg #308

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked blank when he saw Dak start to drag bodies before he pitched in to help. Dak appeared to do so more easily then the half-elf.
player, 406 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 01:24
  • msg #309

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

With the horses secure and prevented from eating goblin brains, Dak used his spike to open the tower door for the two of them to reenter.  Again, he made sure the door was secure once they'd entered before starting back up the stairs to join the others.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 64 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 04:46
  • msg #310

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Suppose we can make a picnic of it in the bedroom?"

Pathwyn nodded.

"There's a nice table and chairs on the first floor, but from up here we can keep an eye on the horses and any outside goings on.  These bodies have to go.  Not-one wants to eat with corpses strewn about."

For now she salvaged what arrows she could and dragged the two bodies from the bedroom to the hall between the kitchen and staircase landing with the other three.  Moving all the bodies out of the tower and hopefully burying them would have to wait 'til after they finished their search and meal.

"Ready to check out the fourth floor?" she asked Alvador and Dak when they returned.
player, 63 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 04:53
  • msg #311

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador nodded a Yes and vocally added, "Might as well start high and work down. One thing: When we go up, we should be as prepared as may be for a trap or something unfriendly. Probably not needed, but...."
player, 407 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 11:03
  • msg #312

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll keep an eye out then," Dak said, nodding at Alvador's suggestion as he looked up the stairway to the final level of the tower.  He was also thinking a few more dog faces might have tried to hide up there to and wait them out.  He'd be vigilant for both.

"Is the lantern still lit?" he asked, looking around for the device before leading the way up the stairs.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 66 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 15:53
  • msg #313

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn cut and rigged up a loop of rope slightly longer than the metal handle so that Dak could hold the lantern in his shield hand.  (A small shield allows you to hold something else with your off hand) and have it dangle below the shield so it won't block the light.

"I'd set it down if combat break out," she said to Dak, offering up the rope handle.  "I've seen people try to fight holding a lantern.  It usually doesn't work out well.  They spill oil on themselves, or break the lantern.  One sailor even set his captain's arm alight!  You'll be able to see just fine with it on the floor, but it gets chaotic waving it around to block blows."

"Oh, here's the tinderbox too."

She took the tinderbox out of her pack and gave it to Dak assuming he had some place to carry it.

Pathwyn followed Dak up the stairs.
GM, 866 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 16:41
  • msg #314

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Ascending the stairs again, now to the fourth floor, the stairs ended at a door which appeared to be set to open into the room ahead.  Affixed to the door was a painted sign which read "Knock four entry".
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 68 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 17:56
  • msg #315

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I know this is a bit obvious, but try knocking four times," Pathwyn said.

Goofy wizards.
player, 64 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 20:59
  • msg #316

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador lingered by Hewney. "There are old mages and bold mages, but there are no old bold mages."
player, 408 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 00:39
  • msg #317

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Maybe that key would work again on this door,"  Dak proposed as he sheathed his sword and knocked four times.  So far Dak hadn't been impressed by the wizard's efforts at securing his sanctum.
GM, 867 posts
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #318

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

In a rather anti-climatic turn, the door remained shut after Dak had knocked four times.  At least, nothing unpleasant had happened as a result.
player, 409 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 01:12
  • msg #319

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak tried to open the door with his free hand.  Maybe knocking four times just unlocked it.
GM, 868 posts
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 01:26
  • msg #320

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The door swung open easily enough in response.  The room revealed on the other side was quite a mess, large enough to fill the entire floor of the tower.  One wall had been blasted away, the floor showing signs of perhaps sagging a little in that direction.  On the other side, the windows had been shattered and the shutters hung drunkenly on their hinges, as though little kept them from falling away altogether, while the walls were scorched and blackened, and water was slicing its way in rivulets through the soot.  A workbench sat under the shuttered windows and upon the bench were two finely-tooled leather dagger sheaths, and adjacent was a bookcase with several books held within.

In the center of the room was the remnant of a magic circle, and within this circle was a heavily damaged book--scorched and sodden, and two daggers--one had a golden pommel with a red gemstone set in it, blood-red dyed suede wrapped around the grip, and a blade that looked like Barzilain iron and copper had been beaten together; the other had a silver pommel with a deep blue gem stone set in it, bleached-white suede wrapped around the grip, and a blade which appeared to be blued Barzilain iron beaten together with silver.
player, 410 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 02:47
  • msg #321

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak moved into the room so the others could follow.  It looked like they'd found what they were looking for.  He stayed away from the hole in the wall and the unsteady floor.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 69 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 04:34
  • msg #322

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Who knows if the knocking even did anything," Pathwyn thinks out loud.

She followed Dak into the room.

"If knocking did unlock the door that trick would only keep out those who couldn't read Calandian.  I guess it did keep the dog-faces out.  Still, why post the note?"

It was puzzling, but the rest of the room solved another puzzle.  The explosion hadn't happened in the bedroom, it happened up here and the damage extend to the bedroom.

"Fire and Ice...  Well, here are your friend's daggers.  I think Gwysol's spellbook is toast, though.  Wet toast.  Don't walk into the circle.  We don't want to accidentally trigger another explosion."

How big is the circle?  Could Pathwyn touch the daggers with her spear without entering the circle?
GM, 869 posts
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 11:31
  • msg #323

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The circle is about eight feet in diameter.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 70 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 15:02
  • msg #324

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Time for some help from the goddess."

Pathwyn stepped into the near corner of the room.  She grasped the holy symbol of Veja hanging around her neck and traced out the flowing rune of a flame with an inscribed eye invisibly in the air with 3 fingers.

"Suor tel'quiet linta Faer," she intoned placidly.

With an uncharacteristic air of concentration, Pathwyn took almost 2 minutes to meticulously scan the room.
player, 65 posts
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 15:06
  • msg #325

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador, with things al quiet, went up to the next floor. He looked and said nothing while Pathwyn was doing something priestly.
player, 411 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 21:41
  • msg #326

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Avoiding the circle, Dak walked around the more seemingly solid perimeter to collect the dagger sheaths.  He was also trying to figure out where the source of the blast had been.  It almost looked as though the center of the room had been less damaged than the rest.  Book and daggers were still on the table while the rest was in disarray.
NPC, 45 posts
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 23:27
  • msg #327

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"What do you know about these circles, Alvador?" said Hewney, looking at the circle on the floor.  "Safe to grab those daggers?  Probably the ones need fetching."
player, 412 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 23:43
  • msg #328

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Picking up the empty sheaths, Dak looked back to the center of the room.  It must have been a trick of the eye, but there was no table within the circle.  The book and daggers lay directly on the floor within.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 71 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 00:32
  • msg #329

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The circle is dead, no magic at all, only the daggers are dangerous," she said in a rushed blur.

"Quick," she said to Alvador.  "Show me the apprentice's spellbook."

"Please," she added with a smile.  Haste is no reason to be impolite.

When he showed it to her she immediately bolted out the door and down the stairs to the third floor with a joyful squeal.
player, 413 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:05
  • msg #330

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Should we be running, too?" Dak asked as he walked over to Hewney and handed the half-elf the dagger sheathes.
player, 66 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 05:50
  • msg #331

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"All those works probably relate to magic. If the book in the circle is the one he wnants, we should take it...take it anyway on that chance. The mess sure, as you probbly have guessed, looks like a failed experiment; but htres a reason or two he didn't come back but sent you, Hewney. Did the mage say you could appropriate stuff?"

Before he could say more, he handed the apprentice's spellbook to Pathyen. When she ran out, he blinked, "hmmped", "Well, she's onto something" and he followed.
NPC, 46 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 11:16
  • msg #332

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Well, these daggers," said Hewney, gingerly moving to sheath one and set it on his belt to his left, and then the other to the right, "I'm supposed to pick up for someone else.  Wizard got hurt here, wants the spellbooks.  Two different jobs, so to speak.  I don't know if you can tell which one are the spellbooks he wants and which are other stuff?"

He shook his head at Dak, and said, "Don't know why the lady's running off.  Don't think the bird's going to burn just yet."
GM, 870 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 11:18
  • msg #333

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Downstairs, Pathwyn began looking around at the things long the way that might have otherwise seemed unremarkable.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:21, Thu 09 July 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 72 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 15:34
  • msg #334

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathywn regarded the pile of dog-face bodies, and peeked into the kitchen, but the master bedroom was her main destination.  Mimicking what she had done in the bigger room one floor above, the priestess stood in the corner and carefully scanned from one side to the other.  She got 90% of the way done before the spell fizzled.

"Awwwww," she sighed in disappointment as her vision returned to boring old normal sight (plus Infravision, of course, but that was normal to her.)

With a deep breath Pathwyn quickly perked back up and a smile returned to her face.  She went over to the side of the ruined bed and got down on her hands and knees.  She swept aside torn book pages, fragments of wood, stone debris, and clumps of fabric, uncovering a quarterstaff.  She brushed off her dress as she stood, bending back over to pick up the staff.

Brandishing the staff, Pathwyn went back upstairs in much less of a hurry.

"Well..." she said upon her return.  "I found this."
player, 67 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 20:10
  • msg #335

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador went back up the stairs, trailing Pathwyn.
player, 414 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #336

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

By the time Pathwyn returned, Dak had acquired the book from the circle.  He flipped through the pages to see if there were any pictures that indicated it was a spellbook.
NPC, 47 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 00:52
  • msg #337

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Nice stick," said Hewney.  "Alvador, you want to take a look at these books?"  He gestured at the bookcase.
player, 415 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #338

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"How do you tell if it's the right spell book?" Dak asked, turning his book around to show them one of the more interesting pictures.

"Did he give us a description of what we're looking for?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 73 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 04:01
  • msg #339

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When she ran into him on the third floor, Pathwyn returned the apprentice's spellbook to Alvador.

"Thank you," she said with a small curtsey.  "I was hoping to compare it to Qwysol's spellbook, or what I thought might be his spellbook.  I'm rather new to divination.  I can really use the practice."

Then she beamed at Alvador.

"I LOVE magic!" she said to him as if confiding a secret.  "I'm sure you know the feeling.  It's a bit like a dream, but you're awake!  Unreal."

"...and I feel closer to the goddess too."

"This whole trip has been a thrill.  Riding, shooting, exploring, casting!  Thank you for involving me."

She reached her left arm around the young mage's back, squeezing his upper arm lightly and giving him a half hug.

'Oh, there's a spell on these stairs," she mentioned as they ascended to the fourth floor.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 74 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #340

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Nice stick," said Hewney.

"It's an authentic enchanted wizard's staff."

Pathwyn held the staff out so that she and anyone else who was interested could give it a good look.  Was there anything to differentiate it from the typical unadorned quarterstaff you might buy from the provisioner?

"You know, for an enchanter Qwysol sure doesn't have many magic items around his tower.  If *I* was an enchanter I'd have a magic pillow and blankets, a magic dress, a magic wash tub..."

She pondered for a moment.

"Maybe this sort of explosion situation is more common than you hear.  That would explain why he'd try to keep his enchanting to a minimum."
player, 68 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 05:49
  • msg #341

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador made no move to go to the shelves. He asked, "Did the mage describe what he wanted? Did he ask for anything beside a certain spellbook? Dis he indicate that we coud take anything for our own use? And did he explain why he couldn't come here himself?"
NPC, 48 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 11:15
  • msg #342

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"He was pretty bad hurt, from what I was told," said Hewney.  "I didn't see him direct, just one of the acolytes from the St Vallon House, they're the ones paying, said 'spellbook' but I don't know if that means lots of books or if we should just take every thing and give it over to the folk caring for him.  They said he was bad burned and kinda out of it."
player, 416 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 14:35
  • msg #343

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak closed the wet burnt book that no one else thought was the right one and put it next to the stairway door.  At the very least he thought it told you how to blow up a tower from the inside.  That sounded like a magic spellbook to him.
player, 69 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 19:28
  • msg #344

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador nodded. "Then we should take everything we can haul that we think he might want." He thinks a moment. "We can make a travois, or more than one. It'll slow us down; we may need to stay her overnight or camp."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 21:49, Fri 10 July 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 75 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 20:24
  • msg #345

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Anything valuable we leave here will be stolen by the next pack of dog-faces, or goblins, or humans, or whoever comes along.  We owe it to Gwysol to salvage what we can for him,"  Pathwyn said in agreement.

"Has anyone seen a shovel around here?"
NPC, 49 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 01:19
  • msg #346

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Wasn't looking for one," said Hewney.  "What do you want it for?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 76 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 03:02
  • msg #347

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"For starters, we're knee deep in little monster corpses.  It'd be good to dig a hole and bury them so this place doesn't start stinking to high heaven and attracting every carrion scavenger for 20 miles."

"Also it'd give us another option for what to do with Gwysol's goodies.  If we can't safely haul 'em back to Shipton we might be able to bury the cache someplace nice and hidden for him to collect at a later date.  Bring back just the minimum.  His book, the apprentice's book, and the daggers for your friend.  Tell Gwysol where the rest is buried."

Pathwyn shrugged.

"But mostly the corpses."
player, 70 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 04:17
  • msg #348

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Avador considered, "Burn them if you think disposal is warranted. Anybody around here knows of this place."
player, 417 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 05:25
  • msg #349

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's just stuff them out a window and carry what we can," Dak said.  "It takes forever to dig a hole or collect enough wood to burn a body and I don't think we should be here once it's dark.

"I don't think it's our job to save everything, just the spellbook."

Dak looked around for a convenient window to start shoving bodies.  At least they were small.  He just had to avoid spooking the horses.  Even he'd get up and run if bodies started falling from the sky.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 77 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 06:33
  • msg #350

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn ponders the situation and then nods.

"Dak's right.  I'm not opposed to putting in hard work, but without shovels, axes, saws, and other tools a mass grave or a huge funeral pyre is going to take more time than we should spend out here."

"Let's take a break, eat some bird, discuss what to bring back to Gwysol, and then pack up and ride back to the church."
NPC, 50 posts
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 14:08
  • msg #351

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Will there be room in that chest?" said Hewney, ready to head downstairs to the kitchen with its roasting bird.  "We could put the books in that, perhaps.  And that other chest down in the room I think was the apprentice."
player, 71 posts
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 19:24
  • msg #352

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvwador pointed out, "What we leave here will get picked over. I think we should take everything feasible. IO still stink travoises are feasible. Boards are available."
player, 418 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 01:41
  • msg #353

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak walked over to look at the chest for Hewney to guess how many books they could fit into it.  He also picked up one end to see how heavy it was.  Were they going to drag it behind the horses or try to carry it between two of them?
GM, 872 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 03:46
  • msg #354

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The chest, when Dak hefted one end was fairly light, but the clunk of coins in a bag suggested that there might be some significant weight within, although a peek into the chest revealed that there was space for several books, at least.
player, 419 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 04:54
  • msg #355

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Why hadn't the dog faces taken the coins as part of their loot?  Especially after stabbing the one that opened it.  Maybe there was a big spider or snake inside or something.

Carefully, Dak tipped over the chest to dump it's contents onto the floor.
GM, 873 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 15:29
  • msg #356

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The contents of the chest rolled out with a thump, and then the clatter of a number of silver coins spilling across the floor from within the bag that had contained the lot within the chest.
player, 420 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 20:22
  • msg #357

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"There's plenty of room for books, now," Dak announced, bending down to see what else was in the chest.  "Just figure out which ones look like spellbooks and we can fill it up."
GM, 874 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 22:00
  • msg #358

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Other than the large sack of coins, the chest was empty--of course, the torn fragments of books and parchment and ripped clothing scattered about the room suggested that it had not always been so prior to the arrival of the dog-faces.
player, 421 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 22:37
  • msg #359

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak picked up the sack and corralled the loose coins back into it before dropping the sack back into the chest and dragging it over toward the door.

"Just pick out the books you want to take back and we'll fill it up," he said, picking up his soggy book to be the first into the chest.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 78 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 17:41
  • msg #360

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"So there are the two chests, which we'll fill with the apprentice's stuff and the books respectively.  There's all the stuff the dog-faces bundled up here in the master bedroom.  There's the staff and the daggers, and these coins..."

Pathwyn took a bite of roasted bird meat and chewed before continuing.  It was tasty, but dry.  She was glad to have plenty of water to wash in down.

"Is there anything else we should bring back to Shipton?  Maybe something from the larder?  Is it worth searching the goblins and dogfaces or trying to sell their weapons?"
player, 72 posts
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 19:56
  • msg #361

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador considered, "I'd say books and papers first, then implements, then valuables. After that, we can see how much time and capacity we have. Apologies for harping, but carrying stuff will be easier with travoises."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 79 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 20:36
  • msg #362

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn smiled.

"Of course we'll use a travois or two.  In fact, why don't you take charge of setting them up and pick which horse to hook them up to.  I'll get to dragging all these dog-face corpses out of the tower and then help load Gwysol's stuff."
player, 74 posts
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 23:07
  • msg #363

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said, "Right. I'll toss boards, bedding, and ordinary clothes out the window. But I think it'd be a bad idea for me to go off to cut off and trim some branches."
NPC, 51 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 00:13
  • msg #364

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You describe what you want, Dak and me can get it," said Hewney, in between bites of the roasted bird.  "Might be best if you start picking out books to load into the chests, you'd know better what's what there."
player, 422 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 00:43
  • msg #365

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Taking his time, Dak carried the chest full of books down the stairs.  He'd selected them by how nice they looked and what would fit.  Everyone else had wanted to eat, but he didn't want to get caught in the dark on the way back to town.  Those dog faces and goblins probably had friends that would come looking for them at some point.  He didn't want to be here when they decided to show up.
player, 75 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #366

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador obediently alternated between chucking down useful, unbreakable goods and selecting from the trove of papers and tomes. Of course, he gave highest priority to spell books.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 80 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #367

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

After finishing up her one course meal, Pathwyn got to work de-corpsing the tower.

She started with dog-face whose friends had decided to stab full of spear holes.  (Some friends.)  She made a quick search of the body, separating it from any belongings short of clothes or armor of little value.  Then she picked it up from behind by the chest under the arms, trying to avoid getting too much blood on her armor, and dragged it to the stairs.  The dog-faces were thankfully small and light, and much easier to drag down the spiral stairs, even going down backwards as she was, than they would've been to carry up.

Normally, Pathwyn didn't mind the smell of wet dog.  It was a smell of nature after all, not particularly offensive.  It usually meant that the dog had recently chosen to rinse off in the pond or stream or the like, which sure beat rolling in filth, which dogs were also known to do.  But the dog-faces had a more pungent, sour smell to them that conjured up the notion that they cultivated the stench on purpose.  It made the little elven priestess wrinkle her nose as the creature's feet thudded rhythmically on stair after stair.

Once again she used the chair to prop open the tower's main door, but this time wedged it against the door to hold the portal wide open.  She contemplated dumping the body there, but no one wanted a pile of corpses at the front door either, so she dragged it off a ways more.

One down, nine to go.

The cheerful elf waved to Alvador, who was chucking stuff out the window.  For a moment she considered shoving the corpses out the window too, but it felt lazy and disgusting.  Dead bodies were bad enough.  Splattered carcass bits all over the place would be even worse.  Nope.  Dragging them down one at a time it was.

Pathwyn jogged back into the tower and bounded up the stairs two at a time.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:26, Wed 15 July 2020.
NPC, 52 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 11:27
  • msg #368

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Finishing with his portion of the bird, Hewney went down to the second floor, and hauled the chest up for Alvador to load up.  The only thing that he left in the chest was the chain mail, which did take up quite a bit of space, though there was plenty of room left without the other clothing.

"Lady Pathwyn," he said, as he crossed paths after hefting a corpse of a dog-face, "you might want to look at that chainmail.  Might have to take it in for fit, but that apprentice left it, no reason you couldn't have it after the work you're doing."

He slung the corpse over his shoulder as though it were a sack of potatoes and made his way out of the tower to deposit it with the other.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 81 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 15:14
  • msg #369

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Thanks Hewney.  Will do," she said.

Most priestesses wore heavy armor.  You couldn't blame him for assuming she could use the chainmail.  Veja liked to keep her priestesses light on their feet, so no clunking around in heavy armor.  She'd humor him.  At the very least she could see if it was particularly high quality.  She doubted it'd be an upgrade for Dak.  His armor looked quite good.  Then again you never know.  The whole mage apprentice with chainmail and a crossbow thing still didn't sit right with her.  Maybe a close examination of the armor would shed light on that incongruity.

First she hauled another body down the stairs and out of the tower, then went to check on the chainmail.
GM, 876 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 18:54
  • msg #370

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

By dividing the work so that those moving the bodies out did not cross paths on the circular stairway, while Alvador and Dak had packed up the books they found, it did not take a great deal of time for these tasks to be completed, even with Pathwyn's side venture to check out the chainmail to humor Hewney.  There were plenty of intact boards and sizeable bits of material and the rope they had brought (as well as the part of the rope cut away from the dog-faces' ascent to the tower) to provide for the construction of the travois Alvador had recommended for taking these things back to town.
player, 76 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 18:57
  • msg #371

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said, "If we take the chainmail, it should go separately. We need room in the chkest for papers and such." Noting the crossbow and chainmail, strange indeed with an apprentice, he checked whether the thick book found in the "apprentice's" room was a spell book. Unless something unexpected happened, he goes about the business of selecting papers and books.
GM, 878 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 18:59
  • msg #372

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 82 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #373

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn dumped yet another dog-face body outside the tower and went over to see how Alvador was doing with the travois.

"Well," she said clapping her hands together side-to-side as if knocking off dust.  "That's the last of the dog-faces."

"We might have part of one mystery solved.  I think our apprentice is an elf."

She pulled the chainmail off her shoulder with considerably more ease than you'd expect, and held it out at arm's length with both hands to show it off.

"Elven chain.  We elves can cast arcane spells in it.  Of course, that doesn't explain the crossbow."

"Do you have any spells left?  We should slap this stuff on you and see if you can cast in it."

Pathwyn tilted her head to examine the travois project, letting her hair fall across her face and off to one side.  The horse seemed comfortable.  Alvador had done a good job.

"Anything I can do to help?"
player, 77 posts
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 20:57
  • msg #374

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador commented, "Guess that maybe explains the spell book and chainmail. Wonder where the apprentice went."

As part of the group, Alvador used the boards, bedding, and cloth strips cut from the bodies to fashion enough travoises. He used the bedding to fashion wide straps on breasts connected to straps from withers to chest. Whens the obvious stuff was at the travoises, he said, "I think we should check for concealed cubbies and such. We'll need to lead the horses; it'll take them time to get accustomed to hauling."
player, 423 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 01:26
  • msg #375

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"How do you find concealed cubbies?" Dak asked, unsure of what a cubby actually was.  Did it have anything to do with bears?  He didn't remember seeing any bears in the tower.

He looked to see where the sun was in the sky.  This was taking too long.
player, 78 posts
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #376

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Cubbyholes, places to conceal things. This is taking some time, but we only have this one time to fetch stuff.

"I'll take along two of the dog-faces' swords. If it gets late and we might get attacked, I can wave them...maybe even get lucky."
GM, 880 posts
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #377

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Looking at the sky, the hour looked like it was about None, perhaps a little after.  Another hour or so would leave enough time that they could hope to get back to Shipton by Vespers.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 83 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 03:19
  • msg #378

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn shrugged, shaking her head.

"Being inside that place messed with my sense of space and size.  I don't know if there's any unaccounted for area on any of the floors.  Normally I rely on intuition to find hidden doors and hatches.  Nothing really stuck out in there."

This wasn't helping.  She needed to suggest something useful.

"OK, there are two places we might look.  There is a dumbwaiter from the first to second floor that didn't really serve a purpose.  Might be worth checking that out for hidey holes.  The other place is the stairs to the 4th floor.  There's some sort of spell there.  Could be an illusion."

"Oh, one other thing.  I'm surprised there's no cellar in the tower.  We could tap around the floor on the first level."

"I'll take along two of the dog-faces' swords."

"Spears," she corrected.  "Swords are ineffective for little goblin-sized creatures like the dog-faces.  They need the added reach that a two handed, hafted weapon provides if they're going to have any hope against larger opponents."

She waved her hand upwards towards the tower.

"We've got about a dozen spears in the hall up on the third floor.  Take as many as you want.  They're not bad for throwing too."

It was fine that Alvador hadn't been paying attention to the enemies' weapons during the combats.  He focussed on his spells and those spells were the main reason why none of the party had a scratch on them so far.

Do the goblins have any weapons other than the bows?  What kind of bows are they?  Are their arrows any good?  About how many goblin arrows are there?
GM, 881 posts
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #379

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Each of the goblins has a dagger in addition to its shortbow, and a dozen arrows.  The quality of both bows and arrows are sadly rather lacking.  Whomever had been responsible for the fletching on the arrows did not seem to really know his business--it appeared that the goblins went with the concept of creating a storm of arrows and with luck striking something.  The dog-faces had been armed with spears with crudely forged heads and daggers that appeared to be made of a single piece of metal that had been hammered into straightness more than once.  Neither goblins nor dog-faces had been armored nor had anything of significant value besides their weapons and satchels with food of dubious quality.
player, 79 posts
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #380

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador deliberated, but not for long, about what weapon he should carry. "Spear, as good as anything. Let's go look, even if this is going to be a long day. Unfortunately, I'm just an ordinary fellow, nothing extra*, when it comes to searching.

[If you're interested: Classic cartoon
NPC, 53 posts
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 18:47
  • msg #381

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I suppose we can take a little time to make sure there's nothing more," agreed Hewney.  "Let's check around the dumbwaiter, then?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 84 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #382

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn went back into the tower.  There were two rooms on the entry level.  Leaving the dumbwaiter to others, she tapped around on the stone floor in both rooms with the flat end of her spear listening for any changes in sound.
player, 424 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 21:06
  • msg #383

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll keep watch out here," Dak said, looking out over the brush surrounding the tower.

He wanted to walk the perimeter to see if he could figure out which way the dog faces and goblins came from.
player, 80 posts
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 21:54
  • msg #384

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Avador said, "Thank you, Dak. Chree is still with the horses."

He goes into the tower and to where the spears are, selecting one. Then he goes to the top floor and examines the bookcase itself and its relation to the wall.
GM, 882 posts
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 05:04
  • msg #385

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Seeming to want to hurry their investigations by dividing into many directions, the four went to different points inside and outside the tower to make further investigations as to anything of import that might have been missed.

From inside the tower, Hewney was busy checking out the dumbwaiter, and the sound of it moving could be heard as Pathwyn continued her probing for a missing cellar while Alvador went back to the top of the tower to check for any other hidden places in the lab.

Outside, Dak began circling the tower as Chree was once again placed in charge of watching over the horses.

Though the sound of dooom drummed against his ears, Alvador searched about the lab, finding nothing unusual about the now-emptied bookcase, or the cabinet which held a number of closed and sealed small jars with markings on them which he did not recognize but were perhaps Gwysol's own code.

Down in the room just past the vestibule, Pathwyn continued tapping about on the floor, noting a sound of hollowness beneath the table.

Outside, Dak had circled not far past the courtyard underneath the field of ruined stones and the debris thrown down by the dog-faces when he noted a smell of decay that was further along than would be explained even by the large number of bodies that had been removed from the tower.  There was a place where the grass seemed somewhat depressed, and looking further--not quite opposite from their approach, there were signs of trampled grasses which might have been the paths taken by the forces that had attempted to make the tower their own.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 86 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 05:37
  • msg #386

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ooooooo," Pathwyn cooed as she finally heard a different sound from her tapping.

She set her spear aside and got down on her hands and knees.  They might not be the most comfortable for long hikes, but one thing she actually liked about the rogue's clunky armored boots was how well they protected her knees when she had to kneel or crawl.  Not only were they rugged on the outside, but the boots were smartly padded on the inside.  If only they didn't look quite so masculine she might really grow attached to them.

Pathwyn drew her knife and crawled under the table. She worked it around the cracks between the stone flooring slabs to see if she could find a way to get to what lay below.
player, 81 posts
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 05:43
  • msg #387

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador leaned on his spear—strange how quickly it became "his"—and looked around a last time. ... He descended the stairs to where Pathwyn was. " I found nothing. Pathwyn, you're luckier or better at this than am I. 'Course there may have been noting for me to nose out." He went to the window to check the outside.
player, 425 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 00:19
  • msg #388

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak continued his circle of the perimeter to ensure there wasn't anything else of interest before returning to the point where he'd smelled the decay.  He was hoping to follow the scent and identify it's source for good measure.
GM, 884 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 05:13
  • msg #389

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Hewney came into the next room, aware that Pathwyn had found something of interest, Pathwyn came to the conclusion that the table would need to be moved in order to allow the accessway to be opened.  Looking out, Alvador could see Dak making a wide perimeter around the tower, as though he were alertly watching for reinforcements of the goblins or the dog-faces to arrive, or at least get a better idea as to where those creatures had come from.

Outside, Dak made his circuit around the tower, finding some evidences of trampled grasses along the way, though nothing was currently stirring, and his path brought him back to the place where the stronger scent of decay had been.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 87 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 07:22
  • msg #390

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Flush with excitement from finding a secret hatch, Pathwyn sheathed her knife and a-little-too-enthusiastically popped up from under the table, knocking the back of her head on the furnature's edge as she sprung to her feet.  She grit her teeth, wincing and holding both hands on her head.

"Oooowwwwww," she whined, eyes pressed closed hard.

She hopped around, muttering Tanasi curses, and tossing in a couple Neroli curses just for good measure.  Slowly she opened her eyes as if adjusting to bright sunlight when just waking up and stopped clutching her noggin.

"Cheese and wine, does that smart."

She shook her head, rubbing the sore spot a little.

"Anyway, we gotta move this table to open the trap door."

She shoved the table vigorously out of the way.

"Stupid table."
player, 82 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 20:10
  • msg #391

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador leaned the spear against the wall and walked over to help move the table. As he does so, he said, "Dak scouted around then came back ans stood in one place. He may have found something." Alvador, while no strongling, has enough muscle to help out.
player, 426 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 21:09
  • msg #392

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak sniffed the air and tried to follow the scent of decay.  He was thinking the explosion may have affected more than just the wizard.  They had yet to find his apprentice or whomever owned the contents of that one odd chest.
NPC, 54 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #393

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney came to the next room, helping to move the table.

"The dumbwaiter, it appears, is used just for taking things up to the second floor.  It's an odd plan, to be certain, but it was a wizard," he said, and glanced at Alvador, and added, "intending no offense, but many wizards seem odd in the head."
player, 83 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 22:13
  • msg #394

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador laughed. "Is not everybody more or less odd in the head? I, for instance, like catsup on my macaroni and cheese."

[Indeed, the real me does.]
GM, 885 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 22:15
  • msg #395

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Inside the Tower

The table moved to one side easily enough, allowing the opening of the door.  Below, there was the odor of damp earth and darkness.  A ladder led down, having been affixed to the side where the hinge was, but little more could be seen due to the restriction of the size of the opening.


The odor of decay was, for the moment, as much of a point of direction as any other.
player, 427 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #396

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak looked about to see if the body had been dragged here or perhaps a scuffle.  The body didn't quite look lined up well enough to have been thrown from the tower.  As well, he would have expected more damage than a crushed skull if he'd been ejected with the explosion.

Bending down and trying to breath as little as possible, Dak searched the body for clues and collected the man's ring.  If by no other means of identification, Gwysol might recognize the ring.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 88 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 03:36
  • msg #397

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It would make a lot more sense if the dumbwaiter went all the way up to the third floor,"   Pathwyn said getting back on her hands and knees, but this time with no peril of bonking her head on the table.

"That way, not only could he have food delivered and taken up to the larder, but also sent from the larder to the kitchen and back down here to the dining table."

Pathwwyn stuck her face in the opening and peer down into the dank cellar.

player, 84 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 04:09
  • msg #398

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador asked, "Could there be space where the dumbwaiter doesn't go up? Maybe the third floor rooms are bigger. If not, there could be a secret space."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 89 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 04:31
  • msg #399

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn turned her head to the side to reply to Alvador.

"The third floor did feel bigger to me.  I remember thinking that exact thought.  I mean towers don't typically get bigger the higher up they go."
NPC, 55 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 04:39
  • msg #400

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney shook his head, "No, if the dumbwaiter went to the third floor it would go into the bedroom, not the kitchen.  I don't understand why just up one floor, but I don't think there's any hidden spaces to be found.  Other than this cellar."
GM, 886 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 04:43
  • msg #401

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog


Poking her head below the floor into the cellar and allowing time for her eyes to adjust to the darkness within, Pathwyn could see an empty cage in one corner, otherwise, the area appeared to be empty.


It had taken considerable effort, with the stiffness and bloating to remove the ring, but Dak was able to remove the ring from the hand of the corpse.  There did not seem to be anything else other than the attire and obvious cause of death that were of note.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 90 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 05:46
  • msg #402

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

How big is the cellar?  Did Pathwyn see any exits?

How big is the cage?  Animal sized?  Human sized?  Is the cage open or closed?
GM, 887 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 12:39
  • msg #403

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

It appeared to Pathwyn that the cage would be large enough to hold a human, though it was empty and closed at the moment.  There did not seem to be any other exits from the cellar.  Of course, a wizard in such an area could be every bit the lord of a small realm, meting out the far-distant king's justice, though the presence of the ladder suggested that if there were, indeed, prisoners once held here that they did not remain there till death.

This area was, to the best guess, about half the size of the room in which the trapdoor was.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:40, Mon 20 July 2020.
GM, 888 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 15:39
  • msg #404

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

XP Line
player, 428 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 23:21
  • msg #405

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The perimeter secure, Dak returned to check on the horses.  They were probably thirsty so he started looking around outside for a bucket and a source of water for them.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 91 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 05:58
  • msg #406

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn leaned back to sit on her calves and gave the half-elves a skeptical look.

"There's a cell down there for a person, but no one's home right now.  That's about it.  We could climb down there by the ladder and check it out up close, but I've got a bad feeling.  It gives me the heebie-jeebies, like the boogieman is going to pop out or a cartful of spiders is gonna fall on our heads if we go down there."
player, 85 posts
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 06:09
  • msg #407

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador took a look and said, "Your feeling is guide enough for me. Let's put things back the way they are and join Dak." He takes the spear.


Once the group is together, Alvador acknowledged, "Seems we didn't find anything. thanks for humoring me. I doubt we missed something; but, if we did, we did. ... Somehow, I think we need not mention the dumbwaiter unless asked.
GM, 889 posts
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 13:50
  • msg #408

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The trio who had been inside the tower, searching for anything possibly overlooked, returned outside, where Dak had begun looking for a means to water the horses, although nothing seemed readily at hand.  Possibly, such things had been destroyed by the falling masonry, but it was hard to be certain.  By the position of the sun, they could easily make it back to Shipton, even with the load added to the horse via travois, no later than Vespers.
player, 429 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 16:19
  • msg #409

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ready to go?" Dak asked hopefully as the others filed out of the tower.  They'd have to look for a stream or something along the way for the horses.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 92 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 19:10
  • msg #410

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn was disappointed that she won't get ride back.  It's not that she dislikes walking.  She just really enjoyed the ride here.

"Yeah, let's get going.  It's a good thing we brought horses," she said, patting her horse on the shoulder.  "This would've been a lot to lug back on our own."

That said, she's stunned they had enough stuff to need 4 travois.  It reminded her of all the crates and chests and trunks some people would bring along on ship voyages.  Granted, these were nearly all of poor Gwysol's belongings.

Pathwyn found herself wondering how much of this mess the wizard could fix with magic in the coming days and weeks.
player, 86 posts
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 19:29
  • msg #411

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador agreed. "Streams, right. It's said walking is good exercise, so...hi-ho, Let's go." He he lays his spear on a travois before taking a horse's lead and waits for Hewney to take the lead.
player, 430 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 00:35
  • msg #412

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"What do you make of this?" Dak asked Hewney, handing him the dead man's ring.  "I found it on a well dressed body in the field around the tower.  He'd had his head bashed in long enough for me to smell him.

"He didn't have anything else but the robe on his back."
NPC, 56 posts
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 02:12
  • msg #413

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney took the ring from Dak, and turned it over, looking at it several times, tilting it to look at it from one angle and then another.

"Well-dressed, how so?" he asked, a look of disquiet on his face, as though a number of things were coming together to a rather unpleasant conclusion.
player, 431 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 03:37
  • msg #414

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Nice blue robe with embroidery," Dak said, describing the dead man to Hewney.

"Old, too.  So I don't think it was the apprentice."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 93 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 04:05
  • msg #415

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded at Dak's comment.

"Not too many elderly apprentices in any field.  This apprentice thing adds up less and less the more we learn."

"Look, I know we're hauling a lot already, but we should go get this old man's body and bring it to St Vallon's.  They can see to the funeral.  We don't want to leave him rotting in a field like so many goblins and dog-faces.  Maybe they'll even know who he is."
player, 87 posts
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 04:15
  • msg #416

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador came over to look at the ring; he heard Dak. "Old, blue robe, embroidery. I think I'd better look at the corpse, and it may be a good idea to take the robe...distasteful as that may be. Hewney, how old is this magician who asked you to do this? I'm leaping to a conclusion, but it may be the apprentice killed his master. If so, he can be trapped, for he won't know the contents of some of the papers we're taking.  Also, it's possible somebody else did the deed, and the apprentice tried to take advantage of it. A little mystery, too: What was the purpose of the circle and daggers?

"By the way, Dak, did you see something that might have been used to fracture the skull?"

He heard Pathwyn. "Taking the body may be distasteful, but maybe that's best. I think there's enough bedding left to wrap it.We'll have to be solicitous of the horses; they'll dislike the stink more than we will."
NPC, 57 posts
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 14:51
  • msg #417

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I agree," said Hewney.  "Let's get some bedding to wrap this body and re-position things so we can take it with us.  This ring ...  I do think we may have the body of Gwysol himself.  Maybe there's still time for the folk of St Vallon's to do something more than burying.  I don't ...   Nevermind, we need to get the body and get these other things back.  It's still the church offering the pay for the job, but if this person posing as Gwysol actually killed him ..."

He dropped the ring into a pouch so that he would have his hands free, and he untied his own bedroll, and said, "You want to show the way, Dak?"
player, 432 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 17:38
  • msg #418

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I didn't find any weapons that could have done it," Dak said to Alvador before turning back to Hewney.

"It's just over this way," he said, turning to lead the way.  If this were the proper wizard of the tower, Dak wondered if he'd been killed before or after the explosion.
NPC, 58 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 11:11
  • msg #419

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney followed Dak back to the corpse, and once there unrolled his bedroll, lay it atop the dead man, and used that to try to roll the corpse onto the rest of the bedroll without making actual contact with the dead man and wrap the body in the bedroll-now-shroud.

Once that was accomplished, he said to Dak, "You want to take the head end or the foot end?"
player, 433 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 12:16
  • msg #420

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I can take the head," Dak replied, moving into position and taking up the load.  He just wanted to get back on the road again.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 94 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 18:23
  • msg #421

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Can I take a quick look at the body before we wrap it up?" Pathwyn asked Dak and Hewney.  "I've worked treating shipboard injuries.  Maybe I can answer your question about whether he was killed before or after the explosion."

(Edit: Oops.  I thought Dak said that instead of just thinking it.)

If there were no objections, Pathwyn examined the head wound, looked over the body for burns or frostbite, and checked for broken bones in the limbs.  She waved Alvador over to examine the body too since he had expressed interest in doing so in the hopes of determining if this was Gwysol.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:52, Thu 23 July 2020.
GM, 892 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 18:41
  • msg #422

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

A check of the body revealed no signs of burning or freezing, and there were no indications of singe-marks on the robe itself.  Not having personal acquaintance with Gwysol, it would be hard for the group to confirm the identity although there were a number of signs that were reasonably consistent with the suspicion as the man's body was dressed as a wizard; the evidence was that there had been a hard blow to the head by some blunt object--a staff or club--although it seemed that only someone with unwarranted trust could have been in the position to strike such a blow.
player, 88 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 20:03
  • msg #423

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked around after seeing the body and the clothes.* He then looked around. "Any ideas why he was out here? I doubt he was carried or dragged here. And pure robbery wasn't the motive—the ring."

*Age? Clothes yield any additional information (mage pockets etc.)?
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 95 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 21:12
  • msg #424

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I think we can safely say that whoever this is wasn't in the room when the tower blew up.  The head wound looks like an ambush by someone trusted or unseen.  That actually takes some specialized skill.  For example, if one of us were to bonk a great wizard on the head by surprise as he was out for a stroll he would just turn around and lightning bolt us, or turn us into a toad, or something."

"Any ideas why he was out here? I doubt he was carried or dragged here. And pure robbery wasn't the motive—the ring."

"You'd think the murderer would've hidden or disposed of the body.  Perhaps they were in too much of a hurry."
player, 434 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #425

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's just load him up and get out of here," Dak said impatiently.
GM, 893 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #426

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The man was perhaps of the age of 50 or 60--older, but not so much that his death might be expected--was dressed in a blue robe with fine embroidery at the hem and sleeve edges, which was definitely the style of established mages.
NPC, 59 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 22:58
  • msg #427

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Unless ..." began Hewney, and then he stopped short.  "Let's get him on one of the travois and get back to town.  We can talk on the way back.  But ...  I'm starting to think he is ... er, was, the wizard."  He moved to get the body re-wrapped and start heading to the horses.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 97 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 23:20
  • msg #428

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You can put the stinking corpse on my travois," Pathwyn said pinching her nose.

She then set about clearing enough of the gear off her travois to make room for the body and packing some gear on each of the other three.

If she remembered correctly the original use of this technology was for moving injured warriors from the battlefield like a simple horse-drawn stretcher.  Should work fine for a corpse.  It won't mind the bumps as much.
player, 89 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 04:07
  • msg #429

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said, "'...starting'?. I'm almost sure the corpse was the wizard. ... On the way, I"d like to hear what's after the 'Unless'. As the saying goes, 'All of us ae smarter than any one o9f us.'"

[variation of quote by Kenneth H. Blanchard, but see

BTW, Talleyrand was quite a guy.]
player, 435 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 10:51
  • msg #430

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak was well happy to be on their way.  He'd remember not to point out any further distractions along the way.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 98 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #431

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

It wasn't just Dak who was anxious to get going.  Pathwyn didn't want to be out here after nightfall either.  Probably none of them did.  Goblins, dog-faces, even bandits might all consider the small party easy pickin's, slowly hauling a bunch of loot.  The closer they got to Shipton the safer they'd be.  The first terrain was almost trackless hilly grassland.  Pathwyn felt she could find Shipton if she had to, but was glad to have Hewney leading the way.  He clearly knew his way around this area.  Her horse wasn't as keen on being led back dragging stuff as it had been on the care free ride out here, but it seemed to know its horsely duties.

"So," she said to the suddenly quiet and introspective group as they headed back towards town.  "Now we think we probably have Gwysol here and some sort of imposter convalescing at St. Vallon's.  Could be the apprentice.  Maybe in cahoots with a stealthy assassin.  Alvador has suggested catching the imposter in a lie with the contents of one of the books we have in the chests.  That and the real Gwysol's body will probably be enough to convince the clergy that our story is on the up and up."

"Does that all sound about right?  Anyone have other thoughts?"
player, 91 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #432

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

From by a horse's head, Alvador replies, "That about sums it up. One more thing: If the person we're seeing is an imposter, we have a bit of an ethical problem. Unless Gwysol has heirs, we have these goods by right of possession. Who would have a better claim? But that does make us not exactly disinterested parties."
player, 436 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:59
  • msg #433

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We're still getting paid though, right?" Dak asked sensibly.  Who Gwysol was really wasn't their problem.
player, 92 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:21
  • msg #434

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Barring robbery, fraud, or misadventure; yes...probably."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 99 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 04:09
  • msg #435

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"If the person we're seeing is an imposter, we have a bit of an ethical problem."

"Yeah, this all felt more heroic when we were saving Gwysol's possessions from looters and returning them to him.  Now it feels like we're the looters.  I, for one, think we should let the head priest at St Vallon's shrine decide what becomes of the various goods.  She will be wise and fair and do what is right."

Pathwyn steps up a little pulling her horse closer to the lead horse.

"Did St Vallon's church hire us to give them the spellbook, or did they hire us to return it to Gwysol?" Pathwyn asked Hewney.
player, 93 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 05:15
  • msg #436

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador arched an eyebrow. "You are acquainted with this high priestess?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 100 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 06:16
  • msg #437

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn stopped for a moment, literally.  The horse didn't seem to mind the short break.  She supposed she had sounded a bit familiar and made a jump of logic, but it all made sense to her.

"No.  I don't know her, or that the high priestess is a woman at all.  Pronoun habit, I'm afraid.  I hope I didn't offend you."

She started leading the horse again.

"I just figured that you couldn't get to running a shrine of Atu without merit.  There is a deity overseeing the operation after all, albeit loosely at times.  Those merits in St Vallon's case, as with many churches, would include wisdom and goodness.  She's probably a spectacular healer too."

Pathwyn shook her head.

"Opps.  Did it again.  HE's probably a spectacular healer."
player, 94 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 07:38
  • msg #438

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You'd have to work at it to offend me. I'm thinking we should lay out thoughts; old motto: Be prepared. 'He' 'she', differences alright, but I'm thinking makes no matter regarding who is boss priest...shouldn't anyway.
player, 437 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 15:45
  • msg #439

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak walked his horse along in the rear.  He wasn't sure if he was happier walking it than riding it.  He wondered which the horse preferred.  Probably whichever was lighter.
NPC, 60 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 00:30
  • msg #440

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"They were hiring us to return the spellbooks," replied Hewney, "but we've done that, so we'll get paid for it.  They're the kind what always does what they said they'd do.  What they're going to want to do with the things if it turns out that it's an imposter in their clinic, that I don't know.  Anyway, I figure we'll take the stuff to the shrine, and then take the horses back to return them, since they was only on loan based on the word of the church.  Unless they have some acolyte or something take care of the horses."
GM, 894 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 00:47
  • msg #441

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Walking alongside the horses did take longer than riding up to the tower had, but they still were able to reach the edges of Shipton before the ringing of the Vespers bells.  From this point, where the horses had been acquired, was perhaps about a quarter mile to the shrine of St Vallon.

The shrine itself was a fairly large cross-shaped structure with white-washed stone walls.
player, 438 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #442

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak was glad they were almost to the church.  He was looking forward to a good meal and a good bed.  He wouldn't have time to get back to the house tonight, though.  He'd have to take up a room at the inn.  He'd have to be careful not to run into anyone he used to know.  That might would be problematic.
player, 95 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 04:24
  • msg #443

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

For sea legs, walking was good Alvqdor tried to comfort himself. One foot in front of the other; that was the secret. As they neared the shrine, he suggested, "Hewney and Pathwyn, maybe you should take the lead."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 101 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:14
  • msg #444

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"If we can, we need to speak with whoever's in charge in private.  We can't risk the apprentice learning the situation and becoming desperate and violent with the priests unprepared.  If we're lucky the apprentice will still be incapacitated and this wont be an issue," Pathwyn said with an air of caution is they led the horses up to the church entrance.

She looked around to see if any of the priests were nearby.
GM, 895 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 19:42
  • msg #445

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Moving into the grounds of the shrine, the group could see a large doorway with the doors open, and within were some young acolytes who were busy sweeping the hall which, by ordinary standards was already clean, although apparently not up to the standards of the Hospitallers of St Vallon.

Seeing the approach of the group, one of the acolytes--a young lad of perhaps 10 or 11--propped the broom against the wall, and came forward to greet the group.

"Are any of you ill or injured?" he asked.
player, 439 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 20:07
  • msg #446

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak wasn't sure if the old man counted as ill or injured.  He'd let Hewney deal with the negotiations.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 102 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 04:56
  • msg #447

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn smiled at the young acolyte.

"We are all in good health, thank you," she answered.  "But we have a matter of grave importance that we need to discuss with the head priest of this shrine.  We also need someone with combat experience to guard these horses for a short while."
player, 96 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 06:51
  • msg #448

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador kept his mouth shut and his expression, while open, was grave.

Besides, the odor doubtless was spreading.
player, 440 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #449

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I can keep an eye on the horses," Dak volunteered.  He had combat experience.
GM, 897 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #450

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"No one would bother your horses here," said the acolyte.  "They'll be fine.  I'll go get Brother Ros."  With that, the acolyte headed back into the temple with a degree of alacrity.  The youth could be seen turning into a room inside the hall.

Rather sooner than the group could decide whether they were meant to follow the nearly-running lad or wait for another to lead them in, two young men--both probably in their mid-20s, dressed in the simple robes with the symbol of Atu in a silver medallion on their chest left the room into which the young acolyte had run.  One had the acolyte by the arm, the posture suggesting that a quiet scolding was in process.

The first of the two to emerge from the temple said, "Greetings, and peace be with you.  Ah--Hewney, it's good to see you've returned so quickly.  A successful trip, it looks like.  I'll stay here to keep the horses quiet."

As the acolyte had picked up his broom and resumed sweeping, the second priest came out.

Hewney then said, "May I present my companions who aided in the venture--the Lady Pathwyn, and my friends Alvador and Dak."

"Pleased to meet you all," said the second priest, "Come with me, and I'll take you to Brother Ros' office.  I'm sure he'll be most anxious to hear about the journey."

He gestured for them to follow, and upon entry, he led them to a room with a number of stone basins, each with a folded piece of bleached linen beside the basin, and cool, clean water in each, and a small bowl containing a small round soap which smelled faintly of lemon verbena.  Clearly, cleanliness was a very important tenet for those who followed the way of St Vallon.
NPC, 61 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 03:54
  • msg #451

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Evidently from his past experiences, Hewney stepped to one basin, making a small lather to wash his face and hands, drying with the towel and re-folding it when he had finished.
player, 97 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 04:35
  • msg #452

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador followed Hewney's example, going beyond it. He Took hand-cupped water repeatedly to douse his head before soaping up, Then he rinsed, leaving himself damp...not using the towel. "Next best thing to a bath," he commented.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 103 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 05:14
  • msg #453

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn curtsied to the second priest when she was introduced.

"Brother Ros?"  Pathwyn said quietly to Alvador.  "Quite the day for names I recognize, but people I don't.  I know a Ros too, but the one I know is a mischievous moll.  Quite possibly the exact opposite of this Ros."

Pathwyn took off her metal riveted leather gloves and put them in her pack.  The gloves had kept her hands clean, but there was an offensive blood splatter on her left vambrace.  She gave that a good scrub at the basin until nothing but a light stain remained.  Washing her hands was more for show than utility, but washing her face and neck was refreshing.  She'd worked up a sweat more than once or twice out at the tower.  Pathwyn thought the lingering scent of lemon was delightful.  She'd grown quite fond of citrus fruits on her many voyages with The Nauts.
player, 441 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 14:22
  • msg #454

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak followed Hewney's example as well, washing hands and face.  Shouldn't they have mentioned the body strapped to the horses?  That other guy was sure to notice a dead body wrapped up in a blanket.  They hadn't really taken any pains to hide it and it was the last thing they'd packed.

Then again, maybe folks dragged in dead bodies all the time and this was just another day at work.  Hewney knew what he was doing.

Dak refolded his towel and waited for Pathwyn to finish her laundry.
GM, 898 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 18:42
  • msg #455

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Once the quartet had completed their ablutions, the priest led them from that room to another room which was furnished with a simple wooden table and five ladder-back chairs.  At the head of the table was another priest--this one looked like he was probably a contemporary of the deceased man that they had found by the tower, with two seats on each side of the table.

"Brother Ros," said their priest-guide, "Hewney and some companions have returned.  Lady Pathwyn, Alvador, and Dak."

"Atu's blessing be with you," said Ros, gesturing that they should be seated at the table.  "How was your journey?  Were you able to recover the books?"

The younger priest departed the room.

In keeping with my philosophy--even though Hewney started this venture for the group, letting a PC take the lead from here.
player, 98 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #456

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador replied, "Thank you," and seated himself. He looked at Hewney and discovered that the man was looking at Pathwyn, so he also looked at her. Then he relaxed as much as possible, given the chair.
player, 442 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #457

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

For some reason, Dak had been expecting food would be served.  He's not sure where he got the idea, but he was still disappointed.

"We brought a dead body, too," Dak added to the inventory of recovered books.  "We were hoping you knew who it was."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 104 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #458

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Honored to meet you Brother Ros," Pathwyn said with a short curtsy before sitting down.  "Our journey was full of surprises."

She nodded.  Dak, it seemed, had a flair for story telling.  With only a few words he had surely hooked their audience.  She could already see the interest in the priest's eyes.  The stage had been set.

"Our first surprise came when we reached the tower to discovered we were not the first, but the third to arrive.  A pack of dog-faces had discovered the abandoned, damaged tower and climbed up into a large third floor breach in the tower wall.  Next came a small scouting party of goblins.  The dog-faces left their rope dangling to taunt the goblins, pelting them with stones from the damaged wall if they dared go near the rope."

Pathwyn held her left hand low on the surface of the table, wiggling her fingers to indicate the goblins at the base of the tower.

"The goblins had archers."

She swept her right hand as high above the table as she could reach while seated and gazed up at it, directing Brother Ros' view to the imaginary tower breach with barking, jeering rascals hiding at its edges.

"The dog-faces had excellent cover, higher ground, and greater numbers.  It was a stalemate, but one that left the invaders with the opportunity to loot Gwysol's furnishings and belongings."

She gestured with the fingers of both hands to show the two groups sniping at each other.

Pathwyn wished momentarily that she had Veja's Chimes and Miracles to add images and sounds to the scene, but alas words and gestures would have to do.

"Once the horses were safely hidden, Dak led a charge on the goblins, who we caught by surprise.  Alvador made it an easy victory with an irresistible wave of somnolent sorcery.  Hewney supported them with crafty knifework and I with Veja's arrows.  At a stroke, one band of evil creatures had been dealt with."

She clenched her left hand into a fist and flung it away as if discarding it.

"We then entered the tower to deal with the remaining villainous miscreants," she said, letting her right hand drift back down to the table.
player, 99 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 05:35
  • msg #459

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador leaned forward, eyes intent and ears cocked, to luxuriate in Pathyen's recital.
NPC, 62 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 12:56
  • msg #460

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Fortunately, in time that the dog-faces had not had time to take anything away, that we can tell," added Hewney.
Brother Ros
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 12:58
  • msg #461

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The priest had listened in rapt attention as the members of the group had provided information, in particular to the telling by Pathwyn.

"It is good that you did not delay," said Brother Ros.  "I don't think any of us suspected that the void would be filled quite so quickly, that you would face so much danger, but I am very glad that you have returned without injuries.  What is this about a dead body?  Someone who was slain by the dog-faces or the goblins?"
player, 443 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 17:14
  • msg #462

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You can see for yourself," Dak replied to the old priest.  "He's with the horses and his head's bashed in from behind.  He's old and dressed nice, though.  And we found him lying in the field outside the tower."

Dak seemed to have become the spokesperson for the dead, while Pathwyn recounted the more exciting bits.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 105 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #463

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn continued.  She'd get to the dead body eventually.

"Our second surprise was less active than the first, more of a puzzling mystery.  On the second floor of the tower we came upon a locked bedroom, presumably belonging to Gwysol's apprentice.  The room was sparsely furnished with a bed and chest.  Among the belongings in the chest was a book, the contents of which Alvador can speak to, a crossbow, and chainmail armor.  Strange gear for an apprentice.  Where was this mystery apprentice?  Why was he outfitted like a city guard?  Why was his room locked?"

Pathwyn shrugged.  She gave Alvador time to talk about the first book before continuing.

"Instead of rushing up to the third floor to be ambushed we set up an ambush of our own.  Hewney rigged up a pile of lumber to come tumbling down, we screamed bloody murder, and went silent."

She placed her hands together, fingers touching, to illustrate Hewney's lumber contraption.  With a thump she crashed both hands down, slapping them against the table. Then she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes momentary, placing her hands over her heart, feigning death.

Then she sat back up and walked two fingers down an imaginary spiral staircase in the air.

"Before long half of the dog-faces came to investigate.  Hewney and I sprung upon them, shooting them with bolts and arrows," she said placing one hand perpendicular to the table surface like a wall.  "...while Dak cut off their escape.  Once again Alvador lulled the remainder to sleep by magic."

She put her other hand down against the table in the same fashion, and then clapped them together.  Finally she swept them against each other as if brushing dust off her hands.

"Another swift victory."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 106 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 17:52
  • msg #464

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn pointed upwards.

"There were still dog-faces up on the third floor.  We knew we had to act quickly.  If we gave them time, they might run off with the very spellbook we were sent to retrieve.  Dak bravely led us into the last of our battles at the tower.  Once again we triumphed."

"The dog-faces had looted everything they could get their hands on.  We realized that just bringing the spellbook back to Gwysol would not be sufficient.  Anything of value we left at the tower would soon be destroyed or stolen by the next band of goblins, dog-faces, or bandits that happened upon the tower.  It simply wasn't secure," she said shaking her head.

"We gathered up everything important or valuable, crafted travois, and loaded up all of Gwysol's stuff to bring to him."

"That's when we got our third surprise."
Brother Ros
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 18:47
  • msg #465

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"And this would be the body you found?" said Brother Ros.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 107 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 20:00
  • msg #466

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog


"Just as we were about to leave the tower, Dak discovered a dead body in the tall grasses.  It was an elderly human dressed in finely embroidered blue robes and wearing a special ring.  He showed no signs of being involved in the tower explosion.  The man had been killed by a crushing blow to the back of the head.  That basically ruled out the goblins and dogfaces as they were armed with stabby weapons such as spears, bows, and knives.  It was likely that the killing blow had been landed by surprise from someone he knew and trusted."

"This didn't appear to be our missing apprentice.  Apprentices don't tend to be quite so old.  We came to the conclusion that this was likely Gwysol.  If so, who's the injured person in your care?"

"Gwysol or not, we brought him here for a proper burial," she said somberly.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:57, Fri 31 July 2020.
player, 444 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #467

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

No one seemed to be appearing with any food.  Still disappointed.
Brother Ros
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 00:35
  • msg #468

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Gwysol had not mentioned having an apprentice," said Brother Ros, "nor even thinking of taking one.  Though, I suppose it isn't completely unexpected.  But it would fit--that he was trusted, and perhaps that makes more sense, the accident and injury that brought him here. Chainmail and crossbow ... and what is it of this book, Alvador?"

In the distance, a bell began to ring Vespers.

"Do you have a place for the night?" said Brother Ros.
player, 445 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 00:48
  • msg #469

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I think we were going to stay at the inn," Dak said, looking to Hewney for confirmation as he continued with his thought.

"Is there anyone nearby that knew Gwysol before the explosion?  Someone that could tell us which one is the real wizard?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 108 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 02:42
  • msg #470

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Do you have a place for the night?"

"I have a room with a mason and weaver here in Shipton."

"Is there anyone nearby that knew Gwysol before the explosion?  Someone that could tell us which one is the real wizard?"

Pathwyn nodded.

"I think I know someone - a man who has sold magical components to Gwysol.  He spoke to Gwysol's morality, telling me the enchanter had assisted in the fight against a demon cult of some sort," she looked to Brother Ros for elaboration on the demon cult.  "But I didn't think it would be important to get a physical description."

"You know they could BOTH look like Gwysol.  The apprentice could be using an illusion.  The corpse, in the other hand...  that's the real deal for sure.  At least I've never heard of a corpse disguising itself with an illusion."
Brother Ros
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #471

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Our ... patient," said Brother Ros, "is rather difficult to identify.  He was very badly burned, and even his robes were singed.  He was brought in by a farmer from an outlying farm, only semi-coherent.  It could have been Gwysol, though it does seem odd he should have been so careless, but the burned flesh ... it is hard to tell anything of his appearance."  Brother Ros stood, and said, "I will go take a look myself.  Perhaps--the hour is getting late, you would want to take to your rooms for the night and return in the morn--any time after Prime?"

"Yes, there was a cult devoted to a demon," he said, looking to Pathwyn.  "I won't speak the name, but the group worshiping the fiend were given to great atrocities, killing their sacrifices by means of torture as they believed the cries of agony pleased the fiend that they thought would give them power.  Gwysol was young then--well, less than 40--in full vigor and coming into his own as a wizard, and his aid was indeed invaluable in stopping that cult.  We haven't seen signs of their activity since.  But I would like to see this body, and perhaps Atu will give the blessing of being able to speak with him, to know for certain who he was and whose hand felled him."
NPC, 63 posts
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 03:38
  • msg #472

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Yes, we'll get some rooms at the White Horse," said Hewney, catching Dak's glance.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 110 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 05:08
  • msg #473

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn stood up, ready to follow Brother Ros out to the body.

She was excited to see the ritual.  She'd spoken to ghosts, and she'd seen elves talk to spirits, but never a human soul.  She knew Brother Ros might have to pray at dawn for the blessing much as she had to for hers, but still she clung to the hope that he was ready to try speaking to Gwysol tonight.
player, 100 posts
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 05:48
  • msg #474

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It's a spell book; more than that I cannot say. We brought other books which I haven't looked into, and we have quite a few papers of. If your guest is Gwysol, he can identify them or tell me what's in some papers when I recite beginnings. Personally I thing the body is he, and your guest is an imposter. For one thing, he only asked that the one book be retrieved, and nothing else. I'd like to get the matter settled as soon as possible."
player, 446 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 23:45
  • msg #475

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Can we unload what we've brought somewhere here?" Dak asked Brother Ros.  He was ready to get back to the inn and something to eat.  It already sounded like Brother Ros had everything under control and didn't need them anymore.

They just needed to return the horses and come back in the morning to see if they were going to get paid, or sell some of old Gwysol's stuff as compensation.
Brother Ros
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #476

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The older priest led the way back to the entrance of the temple, as he said, "Of course, I will not be able to speak with the dead until tomorrow morning, it wasn't something that I foresaw the need for this morning."  He smiled with a bit of self-deprecating humor.  "We'll have some of the acolytes bring the items -- and the body -- into the temple.  Of course, you'll want to take your own things from the horses, and I'll have some of the brothers handle returning the horses.  And then we can meet again in the morning.  Will you wish to be present when I speak with the dead?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 112 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 03:17
  • msg #477

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded enthusiastically.

"I would very much like to see this wondrous ritual of Atu.  Should we meet here just after breakfast?"

Pathwyn took her bedroll and the iron pot off her horse.

"Dak, as much as I'd like to let you keep my shield as a gift, I need to ask for it back.  My sister Saelwen hand painted that shield with our sept symbol for me.  She would bite my ear if she discovered I'd given it away."

"We should go visit the armorer together when this business is over," she added.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Sun 02 Aug 2020.
player, 447 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #478

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Sure," Dak said, moving to his horse to retrieve the shield for her.  He'd leave the rope and lantern with the rest and decide whether to pick them up in the morning.
player, 101 posts
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 04:47
  • msg #479

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I would, thank you," Alvador replied. He retrieved his goods after setting (ex)his spear on a travois. He waits for the others.
NPC, 64 posts
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 13:15
  • msg #480

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Until morning, then," said Hewney, taking his things from the horse although he did, of course, leave his bedroll which was now wrapped around the corpse and would never be wanted again.

As they started to leave, he said, "Lady Pathwyn, will you want to join us in eating at the White Horse, or will you dine alone at your room?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 113 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 3 Aug 2020
at 04:22
  • msg #481

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll come eat with you if you don't mind me dropping off my stuff first."

She'd eaten hearty amounts of roast bird back at the tower, so she was more interested in wine and maybe something to go with it.

Pathwyn waved to the rest of the party and headed to the residential quarter near the guild halls with an iron pot in one hand and her bedroll balanced over her other shoulder.  She thought about looking into a frame backpack with a place to strap on a bedroll, but for now her shopping list outstripped her asils.

When she arrived at Honus and Maya's house.  Honus was just wrapping up telling a story to Samuel, the puppeteer.

"How was your day, Pathwyn?" asked the retired mason.

She had to admit she was already missing Hewney's use of the 'Lady Pathwyn' moniker  a little.  It made her feel rather holier than she did typically.

"Oh we had *quite* the adventure, Honus, and it's not over yet.  I'll be glad to tell you all about it once we wrap things up.  Suffice it to say for now that there's a tower ten miles up country that could really use some repairs on its walls."

Pathwyn continued to her room where she slid her bedroll between her bed and the wall and stripped off the armor, all but the high boots, which looked acceptable with her gown.  She left her backpack, pot, and weapons next to the dresser.  After brushing her hair a few dozen times she felt presentable enough and headed off to the White Horse to meet up with the others.
GM, 904 posts
Mon 3 Aug 2020
at 14:25
  • msg #482

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney had led the others from the temple of St Vallon through the streets into Shipton itself.  Town guard on patrol were more common now, walking in pairs, looking ready to put down any disturbances that might arise on the street.  After a little time, they could see the looming three-story building, with its signboard which showed a white horse, its mane seeming to have been made from waves.

Walking into the place, Hewney, Dak, and Alvador could see that the place was nearly filled.  To the immediate left upon entry was a fireplace with twelve tables for four and four tables for eight scattered about the common room, and nine seats at the bar.  The air was filled with the aroma of ales and onions.  Looking at the tables they could see that many of the patrons were consuming a plate of tripe with onions.

The place was noisy enough that the entry of the trio did not make a significant stir in the activity, and Hewney led the way to one of the few empty tables for four available.

As they took their seats, a woman--laced tightly enough that her bosom threatened to escape out of the top of her dress--of an age which could have been Dak's mother's, came to the table.  "What would you like tonight?" she asked.
player, 103 posts
Mon 3 Aug 2020
at 19:46
  • msg #483

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador smiled, a smile that did not show his teeth, and asked, "What meals are offered, Ma'am?"
player, 448 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 3 Aug 2020
at 21:19
  • msg #484

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak wondered what the cheapest meal was.  They still hadn't gotten paid and he still only had a few coins in his pocket.  He already owed Hewney for lunch and he still had yet to pay for a room.

He really hadn't known what they were doing when he'd follwed Hewney off on his errand or how long it would take.  Next time he'd try to plan a little better.
GM, 905 posts
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 02:25
  • msg #485

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We have the tripe and onions in wine sauce," replied the barmaid, "and fish chowder."  The tone of voice suggested that the tripe was a better option.
NPC, 65 posts
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #486

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Some ale all around," said Hewney.  "We'll also need rooms for the night.  And I'd like the tripe."
player, 449 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #487

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"How much is the tripe?" Dak asked, hoping it was something he could afford.
GM, 906 posts
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 11:18
  • msg #488

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Three kipper," replied the barmaid.
player, 450 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 18:18
  • msg #489

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak had never dealt with much coin and it often differed among the islands, but he was pretty sure kippers were less than griels.

"I'll have the tripe, as well," he concluded, satisfied it was something he could afford.
player, 104 posts
Tue 4 Aug 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #490

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador, having noted that the patrons favored the tripe, dug out three kippers. "What comes with it, Ma'am?" he asked. "I'd like a salad with it; and, if possible, some herbal tea."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 114 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 03:42
  • msg #491

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn arrived at the White Horse after everyone had been served their tripe and drinks.  She quickly located the party's table.  On her way over she intercepted the waitress.

"Can I have a bowl of what they're having and a large mug of stiff wine?" she asked, pointing out the table she'd be at.

"Onion tripe?" she said more as a statement than a real question as she smelled the food.  "I hope it's salted and aged.  About the best sausage I've had in my life was aged pork and onion tripe."

She wasn't overly hungry, but she had to try the dish.

Pathwyn took the last empty seat.  She was noticeably unarmed and unarmored again.

"Are we talking business tonight, celebrating, or just chewing the fat?"
player, 105 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 04:17
  • msg #492

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador mulled the question over. "Tripe has little, or no, fat."
GM, 908 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #493

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Comes with cabbage, it does," replied the bar maid.  "What is this herbal tea?  Nonesuch here, you can have your ale or wine."

She brought to the table the dishes first for the three--bringing three ales as Hewney had requested, and then the bowls of tripe with onions in the wine sauce with some boiled cabbage to one side.  Added to Alvador's serving was a bit of boiled parsley and potherbs, which was apparently what passed for a salad, the notion being somewhat confusing to both the barmaid and the cook.

When Pathwyn arrived, she brought another serving of the tripe and a mug of a wine which was almost strong enough to be like a brandy.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 115 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 05:27
  • msg #494

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Whoop!  This wine is potent!" she said with a shiver.  "Do they distill it?  We'd better discuss the important stuff before I have a second mug."

Pathwyn put the mug under Alvador's nose.

"Here, try a swig."
player, 106 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 05:57
  • msg #495

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador thanked Hewney for the ale and the waitress for the extra consideration.

When Pathwyn passed him the mug, he looked in at it, looked at her, took a breath, and took a swig. His cheeks bulged before he managed to send it shuddering down to his reluctant stomach. "Ah, yes, thank you." He passed the mug back. "The taste and body does announce itself. Appreciate it, but to each her own. My master told me to take care when drinking to keep a sober mind, not get besotted with alcohol anyway.

"What business do you have in mind?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 116 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 07:35
  • msg #496

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The key is to find a place somewhere betwixt sober and besotted and enjoy the journey there."

Pathwyn took a long drink of the wine as a matter of following her own advice.

"As for business, I suppose it's mostly wait and see what Brother Ros wants to do with all the stuff we hauled back.  I'm still curious about that staff.   What does it do?  Magic staves could just be an enchanted weapon or they could be full of spells!  There are divine and arcane staves.  I'm guessing it's arcane with Gwysol being a wizard and all.  Have you trained to fight with a quarterstaff, Alvador?"

"You also have to try casting a spell with the elven chainmail on.  I know full elves can do it, but half elves?  There's only one way to find out.  If you can cast with it on, it's yours..."  Pathwyn pauses and takes another drink.

"Unless the real owner turns out to be a good guy instead of a wizard murderer, in which case we have to give it back to him," she sighs.

"I'd love to wear it myself, but it would do you so much more good.  So ready a throw-away testing spell for tomorrow.  Something other than sleep.  That might not make the best test."

"Speaking of spells," Pathwyn continues manicly.  "There are spells to poach out of the spellbooks.  I've looked at the books in mana-vision and I didn't see any protective spells.  Reading them should be safe if you can get Brother Ros' permission.  I don't think that posthumous author will object.  This tower job could end up a bonanza for our young wizard," she said patting Alvador on the shoulder.

Someone else better take this lull as a chance to say something.  The verbose elf will just keep on talking if everyone leaves her the opening.
player, 451 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #497

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"What is tripe?" Dak asked the table, poking his meal with a knife.  It certainly didn't come from the sea, that was for sure.
NPC, 66 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #498

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Sheep guts," replied Hewney.  "That's what I was telling Alvador before, Lady Pathwyn--might learn a few things when those books just happened to fall open.  You never know.  And then there's that other delivery to make once we finish up things at the shrine.  Never heard anyone speak with dead ones before, should be kind of interesting."
player, 452 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #499

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak waited to see someone else at the table eat the tripe before he tried it himself.  He wasn't really following the conversation about spell books and magic.  He was just looking forward to finishing up this task and returning to the house.
NPC, 67 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 00:42
  • msg #500

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Oblivious to Dak's reluctance, Hewney dug into his tripe and onions, occasionally pausing to drink ale, while waiting to see if Alvador had learned the use of a quarterstaff--just in case that should end up coming their way after the excursion to the tower had turned out a little differently than expected.
player, 453 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 01:28
  • msg #501

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak forced himself to take a bite of tripe.  Although it didn't look very appealing, at least to him, it wasn't bad with the onions.  And he was hungry.
player, 107 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 04:08
  • msg #502

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvasdor shakes his head. "It would hinder me. At best, I could try to don it should all my spells be cast...but I doubt any foes would grant me the time. Even if they did, I'd be just about as useful standing there as attempting anything." He sighs. "Sometimes I envy those who have the wherewithal to derring-do, but then I feel the call of the Art."

He turns to Dak. "Tripe is the muscular parts of the digestive track; not all the track is used. It's also used to encase sausage. Life is often messy, as those we encountered earlier today found out—though they lacked time to ponder the matter."

He nodded at at he mention of possibly being able to compile more spells. "Yes, I hope so. Unfortunately, there is much I don't understand, and my mind is less capable as I would I'm limited. However, maybe that's fortunate. Think what the world would be like if we mages could use spells at will—a gesture and a word...we mages, should we survive to Power, have to guard against prideful madness."

After a mouthful of meal and a sip of ale, he adds, "We shall know much more tomorrow, not least about the ethics of the priests."

He looks at Dak, Hewney, and Pathway in turn. "I feel...comfortable... in your company."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 118 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 05:21
  • msg #503

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"That's what I was telling Alvador before, Lady Pathwyn--might learn a few things when those books just happened to fall open.  You never know."

"I have to hand it to you Hewney.  You called it.  I didn't see eye-to-eye on the spellbook 'borrowing' before, but I've come around to your point of view under the circumstances.  I wonder, are you teaching me valuable life lessons, or are you a corrupting influence on me?"

Pathwyn giggled and toasted to Hewney.

"Never heard anyone speak with dead ones before, should be kind of interesting."

Pathwyn nodded, a little more serious.

"This whole speaking to the dead got me thinking about spirits and souls.  We members of the faiths believe that humans have immortal souls and elves have spirits.  These function much the same in life, but differently at birth and death."

"Human souls come fresh from the Well of Souls at birth.  It is a completely new thing.  The Well of Souls might be limitless or it might be capacious beyond comprehension.  Either way there are always human souls ready to be born.  Not so with elven spirits.  There is a very limited number.  Every spirit that will ever be has already been born and died.  None are new.  This is also why elven births are so rare.  There has to be a matching spirit in the spirit realm ready to return to life here in our world.  This does not happen often."

"Then upon death, a human soul is judged by her actions in life and floats off to an eternal afterlife of some appropriated sort or another.  I suppose this takes time.  What rush is there when you have all-time in the future?  I don't know if Brother Ros' power is enough to reach all the way into the afterlife, but I think he has to act before the judgement.  I can also tell you that our suspected Gwysol's soul is not trapped in this plane as a ghost, for he didn't whisper secrets to my sharp ears."

Pathwyn was beginning to regret bringing up the subject.  Leave it to a priestess to babble on about souls and spirits at a pub.  Ale and wine should be the spirits she was pontificating on.  Never-the-less she continued on to her point, hurrying it up a bit.

"When an elf dies, or simply chooses to ascend from this life, her spirit leaves the body and travels to the spirit realm unjudged.  The spirit slowly forgets herself until there are little or no memories at all.  At this point, existence in the spirit world is drab and unfulfilling.  Why simply exist with no sense of self or purpose.  This is when the spirit may return to our world reborn an elf again."

"All this begs the question..."

"Do half-elves have a soul or a spirit or both or some sort of mix?"

Keeping her ideas on the matter to herself for now, she let the question sink in.  Maybe the half-elves had unique insights on the question.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:25, Thu 06 Aug 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 119 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 05:22
  • msg #504

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It (elven chainmail) would hinder me."

Pathwyn was caught off guard by this answer.  She expected curiosity, but Alvador spoke with such certainty on the subject.  He must have sage knowledge on the topic.  If elven chain hindered even half-elves then the apprentice must either be an elf or have no use of the armor.  It made Pathwyn wonder how he came to possess it.

"So...", Pathwyn said at the end of her pondering. "No elven chain, huh?  How about the staff?"

Surely a staff wouldn't hinder a wizard.  She'd seen a multitude of staff-wielding wizards .
player, 108 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 07:11
  • msg #505

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I can carry a staff just as I did the spear. And I could train with one. Right now, were I to try to poke or whack...well, chances are quite good I'd only annoy air. Still, I could hold it in front of me as if I knew what I was doing. That's why I took the spear."
player, 454 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 20:46
  • msg #506

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak looked around to see if anyone were playing dice or cards.  He was starting to get good at tuning the elven woman out when she started explaining things he wasn't interested in.

Cards, on the other hand, were much more entertaining and he had some change left from the asil he used to buy dinner.  It wasn't much, but he liked the low stakes games, anyway.
GM, 909 posts
Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 18:45
  • msg #507

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak did not find any games welcoming strangers as the group finished their meal of tripe and onions and Hewney had explained that after they finished with the dealings at the shrine of St Vallon, they would need to head to Farnworth to finish the task of delivering the daggers that he now wore at his waist which had been retrieved from the top floor of the tower.  All that remained now was to decide whether they would meet Pathwyn here to break their fast after Prime and before going to the shrine or if they would just head to the shrine once the bells of Prime had rung.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 120 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 20:32
  • msg #508

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Is Farnworth a person or a place, and how far away?"

"Are we sailing, walking, or riding to Farnworth?" Pathwyn asked.  She hoped they were riding again, but doubted it.

"Lets have breakfast before going to St Vallon's, but I'll meet you there.  I don't want to skip Maya's breakfast."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:09, Mon 10 Aug 2020.
player, 455 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 22:52
  • msg #509

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak was disappointed he couldn't find any games to join, but it had been a long day and he wouldn't mind turning in early.  It sounded like an early morning as well.

"I'll share a room with someone if you'd like," he proposed to the two half-elves.
player, 109 posts
Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 23:52
  • msg #510

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador responded, "I'll share. I was about to ask you if you snored, but I think I don't care if you do. Your snoring, if you do, will scare away monsters under the beds."
player, 456 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 01:34
  • msg #511

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I don't think I snore," Dak admitted, trying to get the serving woman's attention to ask about rooms.

"Have you stayed here before?" he asked, turning his attention to Hewney.
NPC, 68 posts
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 02:22
  • msg #512

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Walking, I'd think," replied Hewney to Pathwyn.  "Unless everyone is comfortable spending from our pay to buy horses in the morning.  That'd take time, but then riding would more than make up the difference."

"Been here a few times," he added as Dak and Alvador began speaking of rooms.  "But we'll all take separate rooms.  Two a room is also two abed."  He gestured for the serving woman and passed her three asil from his pouch, adding, "We'll take the keys now, if you don't mind."
player, 110 posts
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #513

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador didn't argue.
GM, 910 posts
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 02:51
  • msg #514

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The serving woman took the coins from Hewney, and then returned and set three keys on the table.  The keys were adorned on the bow with an 'x' on one, a triangle with the point toward the key shaft on another, and a circle inside a square on the third.

The markings on these keys matched the engravings on the doors of the rooms upstairs, and in walking to their rooms, they could see that there were a number of other symbols which were presumably on other keys.

Opening the door to the room revealed a small room which contained a narrow single bed, with enough space on the side between the edge of the bed and the wall to walk, and a small unlocked chest at the foot of the bed, as wide as the bed and likely meant for the belongings of the person taking the room for the night.  The bed itself was of reasonable quality, and the night passed quietly.

In the morning, they could hear the bells of Matins marking the pre-dawn hour.
player, 111 posts
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 05:23
  • msg #515

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador noted the symbols, a clever way of helping those who could not read or cipher...a good many, he guessed.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 121 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 07:34
  • msg #516

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

After finishing her food and wine Pathwyn paid her tab, bid her friends a good night, and returned to her rented room.
player, 457 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 17:50
  • msg #517

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Having donned his heavy armor once more, Dak returned to the common room to see what they had for breakfast.  This task was taking a lot longer than he'd expected.  Actually, he'd thought he'd be back at the house yesterday.

Though the morning did promise to be interesting, talking with the dead and all.  They'd solve the mystery, go for a walk with the daggers, and everyone would get paid.  With that happy thought, he sat down at a table and waved for the serving woman.  He didn't bother waiting for the others as he wasn't sure how long they had until they needed to leave.  Their oversleeping didn't mean he had to starve.
player, 112 posts
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 18:43
  • msg #518

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Having studied, Arvador entered the commons room and joined Dak. "Good morning, DAk. Should be an interesting day; hope all goes well." When the server arrived, he inquired what fare was available.
GM, 912 posts
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #519

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As Dak, then Alvador, and finally Hewney came down to the common room, there was the aroma of freshly baked bread.  Breakfast, it seemed, was a fairly simple meal with options of a light ale, bread, cheese, and freshly cooked eggs, along with thinly sliced smoked fish.  The ale was a kipper for a pint, the bread a griel, and each of the options of cheese, eggs, or smoked fish were four griel.
NPC, 69 posts
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 03:43
  • msg #520

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney, looking more-or-less rested, had made his way down to the table, passing over two asil for a sample of everything.

"Once Prime rings, we can go over to St Vallon's," he said, in between his efforts at putting away all the food he had requested.
player, 458 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 23:49
  • msg #521

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Under the table, Dak was using his fingers to figure out what he could afford.  He settled on ordering a pint, bread, and eggs.  At this rate he'd be eating bread and water for the rest of the day if they didn't get any coins in their purses.

Idly, if luck would have it, they might be passing by the house and he could run in to replenish his coin purse.  He wasn't counting on it.  So far the only good luck they had was that no one had been injured.  Otherwise they may or may not have found the right spell book, they may or may not be returning it to the right person, and they still had to get some daggers that may or may not have blown up a tower across country.

At this rate, he was pretty sure the blood priestess that accompanied them wasn't aligned with luck.
player, 113 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #522

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador ordered ale, bread, and fish. He looks down by Dak's feet and his eyes widened. He reached down and came up with an asil. "This was at your feet, Dak. It's yours." He puts it down right in front of his comrade.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:03, Thu 13 Aug 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 123 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 15:34
  • msg #523

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Maya's breakfast was light and tasty.  Pathwyn especially liked the fresh, warm honey cinnamon pastries Maya had baked.

Pathwyn was a bit disappointed that her gown hadn't fully dried after washing it before bed and leaving it to line dry overnight.  The way she'd pinned it was to blame.  Next time she'd try folding it in half over the line.  The dress was still moist around the lower hem.  That wouldn't bother her much since the lower part of the skirt overhung her tall boots, but she could feel the difference just above her knees.  It would dry all the way soon enough.

She left most of her armor and weapons in her room, but did bring her bow, quiver, and arrows.  It was good for a priestess of Veja to have her bow close at hand.  It was almost as important as her holy symbol.

Pathwyn got to St Vallon's shrine a little before the others.  She took a seat on a stone wall with a good view of the entrance.  Her feet dangled and swayed to the song she hummed while waiting.
player, 459 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 17:09
  • msg #524

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"That's not mine," Dak said to Alvador of the coin as he looked around to see if anyone nearby could have dropped it.  He was very certain he'd changed his last asil yesterday.
player, 114 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 17:24
  • msg #525

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Well, if you won't claim it, I'll take it. But we could use some of it to augment our breakfasts. It's going to be a busy day."
player, 460 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 18:16
  • msg #526

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Seeing no one looking for loose coins, Dak conceded it wouldn't go to waste if they split it.  He added some smoked fish to his order.
player, 115 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 21:42
  • msg #527

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When breakfast was done and all had their gear, Alvador was ready to head out. He also followed that ancient wise advice: To go before you go.
GM, 913 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 23:28
  • msg #528

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

After finishing their breakfasts and getting everything ready to head out, the three men made their way back to St Vallon's shrine where they found Pathwyn waiting outside as the bells of Prime were ringing.

Entering the shrine, they could see one of the acolytes sweeping the hallway floor--perhaps a mote of dust had dared to fall upon it, though most people would have considered the place clean already, and the open door of the room they had been led to the prior evening for the washing.

"Good morn," Hewney called out to the acolyte.  "Let Brother Ros know we're here."  Then he paused at the doorway, and said, "Might as well do the hand-washing."  He stepped into the room with the basins--fresh linens had already been placed to replace those they had used, and somehow even the soap managed to look untouched.

The acolyte had propped his broom against the wall, nodding an acknowledgment before turning, walking as though he were balancing an invisible book upon his head.

By the time the hand-washing was complete, another cleric was standing outside the room, and with a grave nod, he led them deeper into the shrine.  As they walked, the smell of incense burning grew stronger, until at last they came to a room which their guide opened the door.  Within, they could see the body of the man they had found--cleaned as best was possible given the state of decay, with hair neatly combed and arranged, although the ghastly damage to the back of his head was not seen--lying within a box of pine in the center of the room.  Incense burners were smoking in each corner of the room, and furthest from the door was Brother Ros himself, telling his beads in a low murmur.
player, 461 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #529

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak looked for a place to stand out of the way.  He really wanted no business raising the spirits of the dead and their bad omens.  There was an old woman back in his village that divined the spirits of those past.  And though her portents were often true, they also were most always dire.
player, 116 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #530

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador noticed which way the incense smoke was bending and, if possible stood—out of the way—if possible so the smell of decay and incense was wafting away from him.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 124 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 15:23
  • msg #531

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded to Brother Ros as they entered, not expecting an acknowledgement in return.  The priest was busy with more pressing matters than formalities.  She stood a respectful distance from the wooden box, but close enough that she could still see the man lying within.

She tried to picture what he would've been like in life.  All of her imaginings were clouded by the belief that this was indeed Gwysol the Enchanter.  She pictured him living in the tower as it had been pre-ransack, going about arcane tasks with a focus that distracted him from circumstances others would notice.  The man was not careless.  Quite to the contrary, he knew the perils of thaumaturgy and was meticulous in his preparation and precaution.  If only he had someone safeguarding him from more mundane dangers.  Tragic.

For a brief moment the notion flashed into her mind that Brother Ros could tell them the man's soul had told him anything and they had no way to confirm or deny it, but she quickly pushed the thought away.  Suspicion had no place here.  She had no reason not to trust Brother Ros.  'Have faith, Pathwyn na'Syviis of the Fox Tanasi,' she thought to herself.
GM, 914 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #532

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the quartet came into the room, finding places along the walls where it was better possible to see or stay as out of the way as possible--though Alvador perhaps found that the incense was filling too much of the space to be entirely avoided, Brother Ros had come to the end of his beads.

"Atu's blessings be with you," he said, his face looking quite solemn.  "I would ask that you remain in the positions you are--if you wish to come closer, do so now, else stay in your place until the casting is spent."

Having said this, he began to walk a circle around the box, sprinkling the stone with holy water as he went with himself closer to the pine box than the water.  He made a second circle, and here he had drawn out a pouch which lay a circle of finely powdered iron atop where he had sprinkled the holy water.  A third circle then, with another pouch, this laying a finely powdered silver atop the iron--three being one of the numbers sacred to Atu.

Then did he stop standing now at the foot of the box where he could easily look at the face of the deceased.

“Atu, God of our world and the next, it is not for the sake of idle curiosity that I request," said Brother Ros, "that I be permitted to put to Gwysol questions that he might answer.  I ask that justice be given and that in all things, your name, oh Atu, be glorified."  Here, Brother Ros could be seen to take a deep breath, as from the circles he had drawn a haze rose like a translucent curtain of glistening silver shot through with veins of black.

"Gwysol, friend of Atu, I ask of you--with whom did you last walk?"

Another voice, and here even through the haze, Pathwyn could see the jaw of the corpse moving as though in natural speech, the reply, "The jealous ... no greedy ... mistake ... Catillatio."

Perhaps it was surprise, but here Brother Ros said, "Who is Catillatio?"


"I did not know you had an apprentice," said Brother Ros, as the haze separating him from the watchers began to fade, "can you describe him?"

But as the haze had dissipated, and when looking at the floor the signs of the circles that he had made were gone as though the metals had evaporated like so much steam, there was no answer, and the face of Gwysol remained serene and still.

"Blessed be Atu," said Brother Ros, dropping to his knees, looking quite exhausted.  "Blessed be the God of this world and the next.  Blessed be his name."
player, 117 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:51
  • msg #533

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador, from where he stood, said, "Thank You, Atu. And thanks to Your servant, Brother Ros. Please enfold and sustain him." If it seems reasonable, he moves to open doors or windows to let in fresh air.
player, 462 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #534

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Do we get paid now?" Dak asked bluntly.  They'd already done more than they were hired for and this was getting a little confusing trying to remember who was supposed to be who.  The church had hired them to bring them the book.  They'd already done that.

And it seemed the wizard was dead, so they should get a cut of what they were able to salvage from the tower as well.  This job was done.  Time to get paid.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 125 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 08:24
  • msg #535

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn stood silent and still, dumbfounded.

Had Brother Ros spoken to the body without the soul?  Could a body itself remember such things.  We all heard the body speak, didn't we?  Had he pulled the soul back to the body for one last short animation?  Brother Ros knew, what we suspected, that this was Gwysol.  Now Gwysol confirmed that he was murdered by his apprentice Catillatio for greed.

Pathwyn snapped out of her awe and went to over Brother Ros.  She put his arm around her shoulders to lean him against her and support his weight as she helped him to his feet.

"Is there a chair nearby where Brother Ros can rest?" she asked the cleric who had led them to this room.
GM, 915 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #536

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Thank you," said Brother Ros as Pathwyn and one of the clerics of the shrine came to assist him in his exhaustion.

"This way," said the other cleric, a man who might have been in his early 30s, and he led the group into another room like the one where they had first met with Brother Ros on the prior day.

As Brother Ros took a seat, the other cleric put a glass of red wine in front of Brother Ros, who then drank from the glass, looking as though vigor were starting to return.

"As you say, it is time to speak of payment," said Brother Ros.  "We will attend to the matter of the funeral of Gwysol and justice in the matter of his murder.  We're grateful that you found him, that he will be able to be given the proper rites."

It was well known that one of the great horrors of murder was the possibility that the murdered--through no personal fault--might be thereby deprived of the essential rites which allowed them to rest and enter the afterlife.

"We had agreed to three hundred asil for bringing the spellbook of Gwysol," continued Brother Ros, and he took another sip of wine, the color continuing to return to him.  "But you have done more than asked.  The books--well, I will speak of that later, but for bringing Gwysol where he can be properly interred, I am adding another hundred asil.  Anything other than the books that you may have salvaged from the tower, those things are not mentioned in Gwysol's will, and can be yours.  Certainly, anything that might belong to the foul murderer is forfeit and since you have played a part in bringing him to justice, it is yours as well."

"Now, on the matter of the books," said Brother Ros, as the cleric who had given him the wine returned with a heavy pouch.  "These were mentioned in Gwysol's will.  In his younger days, he had studied at Bragi University, and it was his will that his spellbooks and the notebooks of his works be taken to Bragi University to be added to the library there.  If you are willing, you could take these books there."

Bragi University was--at least for mages--a famed institution on the distant island of Bragi, some thousand miles from the land where they were now.
player, 118 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 21:22
  • msg #537

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador stirred, opened his mouth, and closed it. He looked at his three companions.
player, 463 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 22:02
  • msg #538

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak wondered which one had been the spell book and how far away Bragi was.  And how long would Eliphas wait for him?

"How long does it take to get to Bragi?" Dak asked.  "And how much for the trip?"

Eliphas would still be there.
NPC, 70 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 00:20
  • msg #539

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We have a job to finish in Farnworth," said Hewney, "it'd be at least a couple days before we would be ready to take a trip like that.  If everyone else wants to."

As an aside to Dak, he added, "Bragi's about a thousand miles away, it'd take the better part of two weeks just to get to the island."
player, 464 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #540

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak couldn't picture a thousand mile trip, but he could understand two weeks at sea.  If they did accept this job, he'd definitely want to get back to the house before leaving.

It just seemed like one job after another.  Not that he was complaining.  It's just that he was still getting used to the idea of being out on his own without really knowing what he was doing.

He supposed as long as other people thought he knew what he was doing, things would work out all right.  So far it had been working for him.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 126 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 02:47
  • msg #541

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn opened her mouth and nearly blurted out enthusiastically that they'd take the job, but saw in Alvador's facial expression that the exact same thought was going through his mind.  The mage was hesitating.  It was not their choice alone to make.

Dak and Hewney spoke as Pathwyn and Alvador hesitated.

"it'd be at least a couple days before we would be ready to take a trip like that.  If everyone else wants to."

"I want to," she said to Hewney.  "When we get back from Farnworth."

She turned to Brother Ros.

"I'm sure your church is strong on discretion.  The less anyone says about this trip to Bragi and the package we're delivering the more likely it'll arrive.  In fact it'd be best the seal the books away 'til we return and not mention it to anyone, not even the library or university."

Her mind was already working away on the logistics of getting the valuable books to the library as safely as possible.  The tapestry of this whole Gwysol job had been woven with tangled threads.  She doubted that either the dagger delivery or that of the books would be straight forward.

Pathwyn was distracted from these thoughts by Brother Ros' rapid recovery before their eyes.  Was it the tannins in the red wine that were replenishing something drained by the spell.  Perhaps any alcohol would do the trick.  Maybe he'd breathed too much incense and it was just the return to fresh air.  These clerics were masters of healing and recovery.  They really knew what they were doing.  She wanted to ask about the wine before they left.  She mentally readied a healing technique in trade.
player, 119 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #542

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador seemed to have put his thoughts in order. "Thank you for your payment and consideration about the goods.

"I'll undertake this and do my best to see the items safely delivered, barring an utmost urgency. With your concurrence, I'd like to read what I can of the items...since they're destined to be in a library. However, Hewney has at least one task before he undertakes this journey, if he cares to undertake the voyage. I hope to accomapany him on his task. And Dak and Pathwyn have yet to speak.

"Something else. These items have a certain bulk. It would be awkward to carry them around. I suppose they could be stored here until I, and perhaps my companions make suitable arrangements for a ship."
Brother Ros
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 03:51
  • msg #543

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Certainly, the books would remain here while you undertake the journey to Farnworth," said Brother Ros.  "There's no need of sending them up country only to return again.  We will make arrangements, then for passage for you and another hundred asil each.  And indeed, some degree of discretion is needed in the matter.  I trust that you will not speak of this to others in the meantime."

He seemed to be thinking the matter over and said, "Do you mean, then, to try to make study of Gwysol's library before making the trip to Farnworth?  Or while you are asea?"
player, 120 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 04:18
  • msg #544

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador takes a breath or two before answering. "I'm a navigator among other ship skills, so I'd probably work during the journey. Still, I'd have some free time aboard, particularly if I mention it beforehand. It wold be, the material should stay here until it's ready for the voyage. I don't want to take the extra chance of losing something that doesn't belong to me. ... Ah, as a favor, if we happen to have some time here at this peaceful place, may I be permitted to look int Gwysol's spellbook, or any spellbook? It may be possible for me to copy one or a few into my book...please."
NPC, 71 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 04:39
  • msg #545

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We'll be needing to get on our way to Farnworth," said Hewney.  "How long will it take you to be reading these books?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 127 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 05:45
  • msg #546

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I appreciate that we need to set out early in the morning to reach Farnworth in a day, if we even can make the whole trip at once like that.  Do we need to set out today?"  Pathwyn asks Hewney.

"Dak and I have business to attend to at the armorer, we need to provision up before leaving town, and there are all those items we hauled back from the tower to appraise and unload.  Could we leave Alvador here to study for a day while we handle the mundane business?  He might come across a spell that saves our bacon on this trip to Farnworth.  Rushing off seems more a risk."
player, 121 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 07:57
  • msg #547

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Longer than I'll have for same time to come, but I'll take what I can get. Hewney, if you want an interesting experience, try reading when at sea." Alvador made appropriate motions with his two hands "Up and down, forward and back, forward and back, and sometimes side to side, side to side...."
Brother Ros
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 13:30
  • msg #548

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We can make a room available for you," said Brother Ros.  "Brother Mánús can show you to the reading room."
NPC, 72 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 13:41
  • msg #549

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The more we delay, the more like there'll be folk somehow learning of the matter," said Hewney.  "Making it harder to do the job.  I won't speak of it, I know the value of the information."  Here, too, his companions might reflect how he had provided only small bits of information and had not even spoken of who it was he was to deliver the daggers to.  "But there's already a half dozen what know."

He looked to Dak then, for Dak had not yet spoken on the matter of delaying the trip to Farnworth or not.
player, 465 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #550

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I don't need the armorer for anything so why don't Hewney and I get on with the trip to Farnsworth on our own," he suggested.  "This will leave plenty of time for the two of you to read and go shopping."

He wasn't sure why Pathwyn had wanted him to go to the armorer anyway.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 128 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 18:52
  • msg #551

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn's eyes narrowed and she glared directly at Dak.  She took a step at the taller fighter.

"Don't belittle my preparation, and don't be so anxious to be rid of us.  Do you know where you'd be without Alvador and me?  Lying dead outside the tower with Gwysol after goblins picked over your arrow riddled corpse!"

"..and you DO need an armorer.  I don't know what you did before Hewney found you, but I don't think it was fight with a longsword.   I've seen you in our skirmishes.  I want to help you, Dak,"  She sounds completely earnest in that statement.  "You would benefit in combat from having a small shield in one hand and whatever weapon you're more comfortable with in the other.   If you insist on using a longsword, and who can blame you?  It's a wonderfully effective and elegant weapon.   I'll show you some longsword techniques.  You're talented and able, you just need to play to your strengths."

The little elf was more weary than angry now.  She took a deep breath.

"Forgive me for the outburst," she said to Brother Ros.

"If you want us all to rush off to Farnworth right now, half-cocked, I'll still follow your lead.  You've gotten us this far and I respect your judgement," she says to Hewney in a calmer, more resigned tone.
player, 466 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 21:32
  • msg #552

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Though he didn't have one of his own, Dak was familiar with bossy older sisters.  And even if she didn't look it, he knew Pathwyn was super old compared to him.

He'd heard stories of how long elves lived and how much longer it took them to mature when compared to humans.  So from a perspective of maturity, he probably did still have the upper hand.

He decided the mature thing for him to do was to ignore her her outburst and let Hewney decide. 

Half elves, on the other hand, he wasn't so sure about.  Hewney obviously knew what he was doing, and mages certainly weren't stupid.  But as Hewney pointed out, the longer they waited around, the harder the job got.
player, 122 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 21:39
  • msg #553

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador chimed in. "There's no urgency about taking the books and notes, nor do I need to look at Gwysol's spellbook right away&,dash;there's only so much magic I can memorize. Hewney has said his errand should be done as soon as possible. I think we should get that done."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:19, Mon 17 Aug 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 129 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 03:40
  • msg #554

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"If it's settled and we're leaving now I'll need to go armor up.  Does someone have our rations or are they still with Gwysol's belongings?  Alvador, do you want to bring the staff with you or leave it here?  Do we expect to need our bedrolls?"

Pathwyn looked for a moment like she was counting in her head.

"OK, I'll do this quickly.  Should I meet you all back here?"

Once her questions were answered she hustled back to her room to strap on her weapons and armor and refill her waterskin.
player, 124 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 06:22
  • msg #555

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Might as well take the spear. We do need rations, and it would be nice to have the horses."
GM, 917 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 18:14
  • msg #556

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"While the trip to Farnworth isn't church business, I could see my way clear to writing another authorization for the loan of the horses for two days," said Brother Ros.  "Of course, you should be back sooner than that, with the horses, I would think."

Brother Ros stood, and said, "Brother Mánús will take you to the other room where the books and such are."

With that, Brother Ros left, still looking a bit tired although no longer completely exhausted.

The younger priest smiled at the group as though he had not noticed any tensions, and said, "I am Brother Mánús.  We have the things in a room just down this hallway."

He led them into the room, where two priests were sorting through the books, working to make them fit into a rather plain wooden chest.  Also in the room was the quarterstaff that Pathwyn had found and the other items which had been found in the tower.
player, 468 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 18:40
  • msg #557

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak began sorting through the gear they'd carted back from the tower looking for rations.  He was pretty sure they hadn't eaten them all.

"All we really need is enough food to get there," Dak pointed out.  "Unless we're not going to another town, we should be able to get something to eat there for the way back."

He'd also set aside the lantern and some oil for the trip.
player, 125 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 20:40
  • msg #558

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looks at the quarterstaff and decided. "If I may, I'll take this instead of the spear.
GM, 918 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 21:07
  • msg #559

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The goods which belonged to the group that had not been unpacked the prior night were all in one corner--bedrolls, rations, rope, the lantern, and so forth.

One of the priests looked up from the task and said, "That's fine.  Brother Ros said that everything except for Gwysol's books are yours.  There's supposed to be a spellbook in here that doesn't belong to Gwysol, that one's yours, too.  But I don't know which--if we can't read them, we know they're the spellbooks, but that's as much as we'd be able to say."
player, 469 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 22:16
  • msg #560

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"There's still enough food here for today," Dak said, sorting through the pile of their previous gear.  "Were they going to have the horses brought here or are we going to get them?" he asked, turning back to Hewney.
NPC, 73 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 23:19
  • msg #561

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We'll need to go to them," said Hewney, "but it's sort of on the way out of town anyhow."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 130 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 00:08
  • msg #562

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn returned to the shrine all armed-up.  She brought her bedroll and the group's cooking pot, but left the Elven Chainmail back in her room.

Her mood brightened tremendously when she heard they were riding To Farnworth.  She gave Brother Manus a hug, not really knowing who was responsible for the generous offer to loan them the horses for this trip.

"Thank you!  You made my day."

She'd promptly forgot to ask about the recovery properties of the wine they'd given Brother Ros.

Seeing Alvador carrying Qwysol's staff also brought a smile to her face.  The young mage was very bright.  She was quite optimistic that he could figure out what special powers the staff had.
GM, 919 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 00:28
  • msg #563

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Brother Mánús looked more than a little awkward to be on the receiving end of a hug from a woman (!) elf (!), but he tried to take it in good grace.

"Atu's blessings be with you on your journey," he said, trying to extricate himself without giving offense in the process.

Point of clarification:  the pouch with the coins (payment) has been given, but it has not been divided.  It is currently in the possession of Hewney.
player, 470 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 01:04
  • msg #564

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak came up, ready to go.  He had a bedroll over his shoulder, the lantern in one hand, and a sack of what was left of their previous rations in the other.

"I'm all set," he said, holding up everything for display.  "Let's go get the horses so I don't have to carry this the whole way."
player, 126 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 03:57
  • msg #565

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When the quartet is on their way, Alvador raised a topic that probably was on all their minds. "If we all undertake the journey to the library, we'll be together for some time. Except for living expenses and maybe some mad money, I suggest the coin we have is buying items that best promote our common survivalist."

Fortunately for him his tack includes a spear boot, so he's able to put the lower part of the quarterstaff in it. riding with only one hand on the reins is awkward for him but he manages to stay with the group.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 131 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 08:04
  • msg #566

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded to Dak in agreement.  Even just lugging around her own bedroll was cumbersome.  Time to visit the stables.

At the stables she asked one of the hands what her horse's name was.  She regretted not knowing last time.

"I suggest the coin we have is buying items that best promote our common survivalist."

"What sort of purchases did you have in mind?" Pathwyn asked as she mounted up.

"Two items I would've liked to buy for this trip if we weren't in such a hurry were a hatchet and shovel.  We really could've used both at the tower and I figured learning from our mistakes, equipment-wise would be a good idea.  Maybe we'll have time to pick them up in Farnworth."
player, 127 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 20:07
  • msg #567

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked at Hewney. "We might have the time. Sometime or other, I'll want to buy a spellbook. Eventually, I'd like to have a handy haversack. Lugging spellbooks around gets...bulky. None of that is urgent. I think first priority should be whatever's most helpful in combat;guess I'm boding that may be our lot."
player, 471 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 20:37
  • msg #568

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I don't understand," Dak said of the plan to buy a shovel.  If Pathwyn wanted a shovel, she should have proposed it when they were picking up the bedrolls and rations the other day.

"What did we need a shovel for anyway?"
player, 128 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #569

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador considered the question. "Pathwyn is wise; I trust her. But, what for?" He snapped his fingers. "If for nothing else, to smooth the ground before laying the bedroll down. It's irritating for one's body to encounter bumps when one is seeking sleep.

"Good question, Dak. Each of us, at times, will think of something the others should consider."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:45, Tue 18 Aug 2020.
player, 472 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 21:08
  • msg #570

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Although he hadn't made such a great start of keeping track of his coins, he wasn't ready to have anyone tell him what he should spend them on.

"I don't think we need a shovel.  Just cut some branches to lay on if the ground is too hard."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 132 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 22:31
  • msg #571

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We could've used a shovel for burying goblins and dog-faces, but it's also useful for hiding something you want to come back for later, or for making sure your campfire doesn't smolder and restart after you leave," Pathwyn said intentionally leaving out the example of dealing with excrement.

She pictured, in her mind, Alvador digging up a perfectly rectangular bedroll sized plot of dirt in the wild and getting it totally smooth and level before laying out his roll.  It made her chuckle a little.

"Tall grasses, if the terrain provides it, work well as padding to keep a sleeper warm and dry.  Often you can mat them down for a night without even needing to cut the plants."

She got back to the matter of communal shovels.

"But I do foresee problems with the group purchases idea.  Maybe we should split the coins four ways and pitch in for anything we really want for the whole group like a wagon or something.  I don't mind buying stuff like the shovel and hatchet out of my share.  That's what I was planning to do in the first place."

"What do you say, boss?", she asked Hewney?
NPC, 74 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 23:10
  • msg #572

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Five ways, then?" said Hewney.  "I suppose I'm not opposed to creating a fund for the group, maybe out of the next pay that we get, finishing with the dagger delivery.  But I'm not sure I'd have wanted to spend the time out there, burying goblins and dog-faces.  Kinda vulnerable.  But if we're riding, we can take a little time here in Shipton to pick up those things if you're wanting to.  Shouldn't take that long for the shopping."
player, 129 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 00:00
  • msg #573

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll share the cost, Pathwyn. Maybe we can start a tool-lending business: 'The Just-Right Tool Helpers for Do-It-Yourselfers'."
player, 473 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 00:09
  • msg #574

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Wait," Dak said indecisively, "how much is five ways?"

Why did the shovel get an equal share?  They were doing fine without having to split their earnings with a shovel!
player, 130 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #575

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We have 400 asils, so 80 is one-fifth, one part of five."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 133 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 00:54
  • msg #576

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Five shares works for me.  That's basically how it's done at sea.  Crew get shares and so does the ship's account.  Pays for fees, repairs, upgrades and the like.  The first thing it'll have to cover is what we bought already with our advance."

"I'd be in favor of stopping at Cyrus'.  Hewney needs a new bedroll - should come out of the group fund like ours did, not his own pocket.  The lantern is low on oil, so another flask or two would be good.  There was no argument on the hatchet.  Sounds like the shovel is a maybe."

Pathwyn turned to Alvador.

"You said something a moment ago about buying what's most helpful in combat.  Any thoughts on what we need?"
player, 132 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 01:10
  • msg #577

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"A multitude. Some Potions of Healing for a start."
player, 474 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 01:27
  • msg #578

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"If it's just for stuff like shovels and bedrolls, do we really need 80 asil for that?" Dak pointed out.  It didn't have to be one of the good shovels.
NPC, 75 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 01:49
  • msg #579

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"All right," said Hewney, "we'll go to see Cyrus--and anything else we need to get before we leave?"
player, 133 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #580

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said nothing and appeared to  be concentrating on his riding and on the surroundings.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 134 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 05:45
  • msg #581

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You said something a moment ago about buying what's most helpful in combat.  Any thoughts on what we need?"
"A multitude. Some Potions of Healing for a start."

"Obviously, the shrine of St Vallon is our best bet for healing potions.  If they sell them, I have no idea how much they'd cost.  As far as I know alchemists are as rare as enchanters.  I've only ever met one human alchemist in my whole life.  He was an odd duck named Finch.  Stayed shipside mostly brewing potions any time, day or night.  Never set foot on land ever.  I was told Finch was a powerful wizard, but he wasn't old like most master wizards you'll meet.  In fact Finch was vibrant and a special kind of cute.  He never cast spells anymore, was obsessed with potions.  Captain sold Finch's potions for an absolute fortune.  We're talking gold here, and lots of it.  I never knew what any of those potions did."

"On the other hand, I've been in markets and emporiums here to Ekialde, and they always have the odd random potions for sale.  You might call 'em reasonable prices.  Where do all these one-off potions come from if alchemists are so scarce.  You'd think someone would drink them or horde them.  It's probably one of those chaotic elements of magic that plain old defies logic."

"But those were arcane potions.  Divine potions might be different.  I sure can't make them," Pathwyn said with a shrug.

Pathwyn slides off her chestnut mare and hitches her outside Cyrus' shop.
player, 134 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 06:30
  • msg #582

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador followed Pathwyn's lead. As he dismounted, he looked casually in all directions (except up).
NPC, 76 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 11:29
  • msg #583

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Probably Bragi," said Hewney, as he hitched the bay to the post outside Cyrus' shop.  "Which could explain why they're so hard to come by, further you get from there."

"The advance is just about gone, so don't count on anything more than your share from the first job and what you might have on hand, all right?"
player, 475 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 15:42
  • msg #584

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll keep an eye on the horses," Dak volunteered as he slid down ungracefully from his horse.  He really didn't want to know how much they were going to spend on the shovel.  Back home he could have gotten a used shovel that would work just fine for only a few fish.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 135 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 03:55
  • msg #585

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn gets right to business.  She enters the shop and places an order with the provisioner.

"Good morning Cyrus.  I'd like 2 oil flasks, a hatchet, and a shovel."

She points a thumb to Hewney.

"He needs another bedroll."
player, 135 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 04:24
  • msg #586

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador wandered over to look at the selection of trail rations. He paused and then said, "And some oats...for the horses."
NPC, 77 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #587

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Indeed," said Hewney, smiling with mild amusement.  "It seems my old bedroll got a little spoiled."
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 02:38
  • msg #588

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Good morn to you all," said Cyrus.  "The goods served you well, then?"

He set out another bedroll, and moved to get the flasks of oil.  "How much of the oats are you seeking, then?"

"Ten for your bedroll, Hewney," said Cyrus.  "And six asil for your things."  He set a small hatchet, suitable for perhaps cutting down a sapling or trimming the offshoots of a branch and a small shovel next to the two wrapped flasks of oil.
player, 136 posts
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #589

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador did some mental arithmetic before asking, "How many pounds in a sack?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 136 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 04:50
  • msg #590

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn looks over the hatchet doubtfully and holds it up.

"Do you sell these in adult size, Cyrus?" she asks with a smirk.

She also balks at the cost of a bedroll.  She could buy a stack of wool blankets for that price.  However, she keeps her mouth shut until her business is done, not wanting to antagonize Cyrus.  She was going to have to return here often for gear.
NPC, 78 posts
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 16:26
  • msg #591

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney took out ten silver coins, setting them on the counter, and took the bedroll.

"I'm going to go ahead and tie this into place, and keep Dak company," he said.

With that, he went outside, and started putting the bedroll in place.  "Don't need anything?" he asked.
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 16:28
  • msg #592

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Got five pounds for fifteen asil and ten for thirty," said Cyrus, looking over to Alvador before returning his attention to Pathwyn.  "What are you planning to chop, then?" he asked.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 137 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 20:12
  • msg #593

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn rolls the handle of the axe around in her hands.

"I had designs on cutting firewood for a bonfire somewhat bigger than for a camp cook pot,"  'or cutting through a locked door, she thought to herself.

"This will have to do for now," she said paying Cyrus 6 asil.

At least it was reasonably priced.

"Thank you, Cyrus."

Outside the shop she took down her bedroll and unrolled it enough to place the shovel and hatchet on it and roll them up inside.  Then she strapped the bedroll back onto Bourbon.

"I got you a couple of flasks of oil for the lantern," she told Dak, holding one wrapped flask out in each hand.   "Got room in your belt pouch for them, or would you like me to carry them in my pack?"
player, 476 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 20:19
  • msg #594

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I can pack them on my horse," Dak replied to Pathwyn, taking the two flasks.  "Let's get going."
player, 137 posts
Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 21:44
  • msg #595

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked at Cyrus, turned on his heel, and left. Outside, he offered 3 asil to Pathywn.
player, 477 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 02:50
  • msg #596

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Seeing the last of them leave Cyrus' shop, Dak took a breath and clambered up on top of his horse.  It was time to get back on the road again.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 138 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 03:34
  • msg #597

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn waved her hand once and shook her head.

"Keep it.  You can use the axe or shovel any time you'd like.  You know, when Cryrus said the pounds and costs thing I thought he was talking about bigger axes.  Funny how the cost is probably about the same for oats.  We'll just make sure to let the horses graze before coming back.  Find a nice field of clover."

Pathwyn hopped up onto her horse, ready to follow Hewney.  She only had a vague idea where Farnworth was.  Surely easier for her to find by sea than land.
player, 138 posts
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 04:36
  • msg #598

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

An irritated and abashed Alvador returned the three asils to his pouch. He mounted and proceeded with the group, keeping to the middle.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:06, Mon 24 Aug 2020.
NPC, 79 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 00:58
  • msg #599

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"We'll follow the coastal road," said Hewney, as they started out after everyone had gotten the gear and horses sorted out, including the recently purchased gear.  "Unless you'd rather go more inland."
player, 478 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #600

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Will we pass Eliphas' house if we take the coastal road?" Dak asked the half-elf.  "I'd like to pick some of my gear if I can."
NPC, 80 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #601

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Sure we can do that," said Hewney.  "You two don't mind a little side-step, do you?  Shouldn't take us any time to think of."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 140 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 05:14
  • msg #602

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded.

"Coastal road and picking up gear both sound like good ideas to me."
player, 140 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 05:52
  • msg #603

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador nodded. "The sight and smell, and sound of the sea...invigorating beauty, except when one is in fear of drowning."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:37, Thu 27 Aug 2020.
player, 479 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #604

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak was heartened by the decision to pass by the house.  He'd be able to pick up some coin and dig the javelin out of the bushes.  As well as give Eliphas and the guys an update on how he's been doing.
GM, 934 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 15:27
  • msg #605

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Traveling by horseback, the distance seemed altogether inconsequential as the group made their way along the road.  As the better road started to curve away to the left, where in the distance a town could be seen with a number of fishing boats out in the waters of the bay, along the road there was a ruin of a house.  The decrepit house sat on the high ground of a space once behind a stone wall, which had now crumbled in a number of places, revealing the overgrown grounds with the barest remnant of a path leading to a front door.  A metal gate stood open, although with the gaps in the wall that hardly seemed to matter.
player, 480 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 17:47
  • msg #606

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"This shouldn't take too long," Dak said as he slid off his horse and told it to stay.

He jogged in through the open gate and disappeared as he entered past the creaky front door.
GM, 935 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 18:12
  • msg #607

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

player, 481 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 19:01
  • msg #608

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

GM, 936 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 19:10
  • msg #609

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

From the road, the others could see Dak re-emerge from the house before taking a quick jog around the side of the house.
player, 482 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 19:28
  • msg #610

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

player, 141 posts
Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 21:16
  • msg #611

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador felt uneasy. "I wouldn't want to intrude, but suppose Dak ran into trouble?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 141 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 06:30
  • msg #612

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Dak came here to get his gear.  It looks like that's what he's doing.  I'm a little curious to see what that stuff is," Pathwyn said to Alvador.  "He looked OK just now, and if he needs our help he hasn't asked for it.  Although I guess that isn't his style."

She turned to Hewney.

"You know what's going on here.  Do we need to go check on Dak, or just wait?"
NPC, 81 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 00:13
  • msg #613

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I think we can wait, for now," said Hewney, though he looked worriedly toward the old house.  "But be ready in case there's more signs of trouble."
player, 483 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 01:29
  • msg #614

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

player, 142 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 02:28
  • msg #615

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador's horse started to walk toward some grass; the wizard let it have its head. It grazed.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 142 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #616

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn coaxed her horse to turn side to the house so that she was facing that way.  She wiggled a bit to draw the bow off her shoulder and plucked an arrow from her quiver.  The reins hung slack against her wrist.
NPC, 25 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 17:15
  • msg #617

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

NPC, 82 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 17:16
  • msg #618

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney dropped down from his horse, letting the animals graze a bit on the overgrown grounds.  He'd kept the small crossbow, as little good as it seemed to have done him before, and he got it ready just in case there were signs of Dak coming into trouble.
player, 484 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 18:38
  • msg #619

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

NPC, 26 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 20:12
  • msg #620

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

This message was last edited by the player at 20:13, Mon 31 Aug 2020.
player, 485 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 20:24
  • msg #621

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

GM, 939 posts
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 11:18
  • msg #622

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

player, 486 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 14:51
  • msg #623

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

GM, 941 posts
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 23:54
  • msg #624

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the other three allowed the horses to graze and watched, ready for signs that Dak needed assistance, Dak returned to their sight with a backpack and a golden javelin in hand.
player, 487 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #625

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak waved at the other three and closed the distance through the tall grass.
player, 143 posts
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 00:25
  • msg #626

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador relaxed while grinning and waved back.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 143 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 05:52
  • msg #627

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn slid the arrow back into her quiver to free up a hand and wave to Dak.
NPC, 83 posts
Fri 4 Sep 2020
at 11:20
  • msg #628

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When Dak had closed the distance to rejoin them, Hewney said, "You didn't run into any trouble did you?"  He sounded more curious than anything else, though it seemed he was not going to directly question why they had seen Dak go to the front and then leave almost immediately to go another way.
player, 488 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 5 Sep 2020
at 01:13
  • msg #629

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"The main entrance was blocked so I had to go around to the kitchen entrance," Dak explained as he walked over to catch his horse.  It had interpreted his command to stay rather loosely and wandered over to eat grass next to the wall.  Close enough.

He immediately realized his backpack wouldn't fit into either saddle bag.  He decided to put an iron pan, small shovel, knife, plates, goblets, and utensils into one of the bags while stuffing the backpack with the rest into the other saddle bag.

Picking up the javelin, he couldn't figure out where to put it.  He looked up at the others and realized everyone was waiting on him.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, "I'm all set now."

He gave up trying to figure out what to do with the javelin and just clambered back up with it in one hand.  He'd just hold onto it.
NPC, 84 posts
Sat 5 Sep 2020
at 02:57
  • msg #630

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It's all right," said Hewney, getting back into the saddle of the horse he had been riding.  "With these horses, we'll make the time up.  Figured you'd holler if you ran into some real trouble."
player, 489 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 03:57
  • msg #631

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Let's see if we can get there before supper," Dak said, urging his horse forward with a last look back at the house.  It was likely he'd not have reason to return.
player, 144 posts
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 04:35
  • msg #632

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador noticed the look and that Dak simply faces forward. He kept his mouth shout.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 144 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 08:01
  • msg #633

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

After the group got on the road and settled into their travels Pathwyn moved up from her trailing position to ride along side of Dak for a bit.

"Dak, I want to apologize for snapping at you back at the shrine.  It was mean of me.  You didn't deserve that.  I'm sorry for what I said and how I said it."

She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.
player, 490 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 18:10
  • msg #634

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Thanks," Dak said, accepting the elven woman's apology.  "It wasn't really bothering me, but thanks.

"Do you think they'll have any lamb in Farnworth?" he asked hopefully.  He'd only had lamb a few times on special occasions, but it had just struck him that he might be able to order some at the next inn.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 145 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 04:45
  • msg #635

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'm sure they will.  Farnworth is known for their wool, and where there's wool there's lamb.  If we're lucky they might even have Karakulian style kebabs or shawarma.  Delicious!"

Pathwyn had only just eaten breakfast a little while ago, but talk of lamb was making her hungry.

"Where's the last place you had lamb?"
player, 491 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 12:06
  • msg #636

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak went on to explain how his mother had made lamb for a special occasion back on Sheep Island.  It had been some years ago.
GM, 947 posts
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 15:54
  • msg #637

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the group made their way along the road past the turn for Monteci, it might be noted that the condition of the road began to deteriorate--not as badly as the way to the tower of Gwysol, but certainly a sign that there was far less travel to Farnworth than to Monteci.  Despite this, travel along the coastal road was fairly easy, and soon enough what there was of the village could be seen--the road they were on became the main street cutting through the place, with a number of homes built away from the road with a penned in area adjacent--almost certainly where the sheep would be if they were not out.  In the bay, a few boats could be seen, men on the boats working at the common job of fishing.

As they approached, the first building to the right was a stable, and a little further on was a building on the left of the road which looked like an inn, though its signboard had been weathered and not recently re-painted, making it difficult to tell the name of it from the distance.  To the left, the ground fell away to the bay where the fishermen worked, but further into the village, upon a slight rise was a church, a thin stream of smoke rising from its chimney.  Also along the main road could be seen a tavern adjacent to a building which looked much like Cyrus' shop, and across the road from these--back to the right again, was a half-finished house which, oddly enough at this time of day, did not have anyone about working on the structure.  With the number of homes, one might guess that the village housed some three or four hundred souls.
player, 145 posts
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 20:00
  • msg #638

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador watched Dak's face when he mentioned his mother. When he again regarded the sea and the road ahead, his face was thoughtful.

While waiting to see where Hewney would lead them, he commented, "If time permits, I"d take to take a look at the house later. I like to see how things are built and organized. Wonder why nobody's working on it now"
player, 492 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 20:56
  • msg #639

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Maybe finished for the day," Dak commented to Alvador.  "It is getting late.  The boats should be coming in soon, too.

"Where do we finish our task, Hewney?" he asked of the other half-elf.
NPC, 85 posts
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 21:48
  • msg #640

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It doesn't feel as late as that," said Hewney.  "I don't mind ya lookin' at that house, Alvador.  We just got to go up and see Eliphas in his new house, give him the daggers we fetched for him."
player, 493 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #641

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak hadn't realized the daggers were for Eliphas, but it made sense since the two knew each other.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 146 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 01:29
  • msg #642

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Eliphas.  That was the name Dak had mentioned when he asked about picking up his gear at the abandoned house.  And here he was again in Farnworth.  He had to be someone important and well moneyed to own houses all over Moerae and commission enchanted daggers.

There were only three industries she knew of in Farnworth, and Pathwyn didn't peg this Eliphas as a sheep rancher or fisher-baron.  She didn't object to the black market on principal, but she did like to know where she stood.

"Who *is* this Eliphas?" she asked Dak and Hewney.

"I'm asking as an employee, not as a priestess.  I don't suspect Veja cares one way or the other what Eliphas does," she clarified so they'd know she wasn't trying to moral high ground them.
player, 146 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #643

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador replied, "Business first."
player, 494 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 00:42
  • msg #644

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Eliphas is a mage friend of ours," Dak replied simply to Pathwyn.
NPC, 86 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #645

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"He makes his coin getting things to people, if that's what you're asking, Lady Pathwyn," said Hewney.  "Shall we stable the horses before we go up, then?"
player, 495 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 02:33
  • msg #646

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"All right," Dak said, as he slid off his horse and lead it toward the nearby stable.  He'd grab the saddle bags and bring them along.
player, 147 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #647

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador followed Dak's example.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 147 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #648

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Yep, her black market suspicion was confirmed, but a mage?  That was unexpected.  Nothing really ruled out a wizard from running a trade in illegal goods.  They certainly had the smarts and the attention to detail needed.  But mages were usually too preoccupied with their occult studies to bother with all the administration of running an organization like that.  Pathwyn wondered if it started as a means to get unusual spell components.  She was curious to meet this Eliphas.

Pathwyn dismounted to lead her borrowed horse to the stable.  She patted her shoulder.

"Thanks for the ride, Bourbon.  They'll take good care of you here."

She doubted she'd need anything from her horse for a visit to a mage's house, but at the last minute she changed her mind and plucked the new hatchet from inside her bedroll and transferred it to her backpack.
GM, 952 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 11:07
  • msg #649

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

As the group entered the stables, a man who seemed to be a veritable tower of chainmail, perhaps he was as much as 6'6" came staggering toward them, the odor of sour wine preceding him.

"Horses," he said, "we got room for them."  That much was obvious, as only three of the two dozen stalls were full.  "Thirty asil for the night."

Thirty asil, of course, was enough to lodge a single horse in the stables of an inn for a month.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 148 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 15:46
  • msg #650

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn gives the stables a quick look-over.

"You've got yourself a fine establishment here, my friend.  Would you take 360 asil to rent the whole place out for the month?"  she asks.

But before the man can answer.

"I didn't catch your name, sir."
player, 148 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 18:29
  • msg #651

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador raised his eyebrows but kept silence...let Pathwyn proceed. His looked around; no stabler he ever heard of wore chainmail.
GM, 953 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 18:48
  • msg #652

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Ya don't need my name, ya need to pay," said the man, anger starting to color his face.  "An' if ya haven't got the coin, can just look through them packs and see what I like."

His eyes slid to Hewney's waist, and said, "Like one of 'em purty daggers.  Ya got two, don't need two."
NPC, 87 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 18:50
  • msg #653

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"They're already spoken for," said Hewney, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the man demanded extortionate rates for keeping the horses.  "Give you four asil for all four horses, not a kipper more."
player, 149 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 19:08
  • msg #654

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said, "We don't need to stop here. Let's be on our way. And one should keep one's hands to oneself."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 149 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 19:22
  • msg #655

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded at Alvador's sentiments.  Trusting a drunk to watch over your horses was one thing, but a potentially mean spirited extortionist was another thing.  We might return to find the horses crippled, killed, or sold out from under us.

Pathwyn backed herself and Bourbon slowly away from the stable entrance to create enough room to draw her bow and fire on the tower of chainmail if it came to that.
GM, 954 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #656

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You're not leavin' without payin'," said the man, pulling a sword from what must have been a nail in the post on the far side from the entrance.

Did someone say things were going south?

Roll initiative and other combat rolls (unless just hightailing out).
player, 150 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 22:01
  • msg #657

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador backed his horse, trusting the others to handle this arrogant, foolish man.
player, 496 posts
HP : 10/10
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 02:00
  • msg #658

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"HELP! HELP!" Dak shouted as he tried to pull his horse to safety.  "HELP!  We're being robbed!"

Something was definitely wrong, but he knew enough not to just start a street fight in an unknown town.  The man was clearly drunk and they should let the sheriff take care of it.

OOC: Dak rolled 2 using 1d10.  Initiative.

Low is good.

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 152 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 02:20
  • msg #659

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn decided to call on divine powers before calling on the power of the bow.  She clasped her left hand to her holy symbol, traced out her right finger in a widening spiral in front of her to indicate a zone inhabited by the sword wielding drunk but not her friends and intoned "shanta ella."

22:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d10.  initiative.

Cast Entangle over an area around our opponent outwards as far as I can without catching any of the party members.
GM, 957 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #660

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The grasses twisted, pulling around the feet of the man who had demanded such a high sum, whose boozy breath was little diluted now that they had moved to just outside the stable.  He snarled, swiping his sword at the ground to slice up the grasses as he moved--slow and unsteady--toward the group.

A small building, probably someone's home, the next nearest to the stable although further from the road, showed signs of movement at the door as though someone had just cracked the door open to watch.

From across the way, the door of the inn opened--apparently in response to Dak's outcry.  Stepping out from the inn was a large, very ugly man--even taller than the man who had been in the stable--the man now approaching was dressed in padded armor, and was holding a huge mace.  The foul scent of body odor and spoiled milk reached the group as the man continued his approach.

"What the problem?" he called out.

The stableman, still hacking at the ground with his sword, said, "They ain't gonna pay for keepin' th'horses."

18:38, Today: DM, for the NPC Thug, rolled 16 using 1d20.  save vs spell
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 153 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 01:36
  • msg #661

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

A pleasant shiver ran through the elf girl as she cast the spell.  She delighted in seeing the shrubs and grasses magically grow, reach out, and come to their defense.  'Was there anything better than magic?' she thought, beaming and watching the plants.  The fact that the spell wasn't incapacitating the man as she hoped hardly dimmed her enjoyment.

On to plan B.  She readied her bow and drew an arrow, but did not pull the bowstring back or aim at the unstable stable drunk due to the arrival on the scene of an even bigger townsperson.  St Jolyon be her witness at how big they grew their humans around here!  She was glad to see someone wearing gambeson.  It was good, simple, cheap, effective armor.

"The stableman quoted us 30 asil a night per horse," she said by way of answering the mace wielder's question.  "When we began negotiating a more reasonable price in the most ordinary of ways he resorted immediately to threats of theft and violence.  He's driven us right out into the street!  We don't want to hurt this man.  We only want to keep him from slicing us to ribbons."
player, 151 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 01:52
  • msg #662

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador said, "Methinks we should be gang on our way."
player, 497 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 02:40
  • msg #663

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Is there a sheriff or constable here?" Dak asked the newcomer.  "This man needs to be arrested for attacked us."

Dak wasn't sure if that's what was supposed to happen, but something needed to be done before someone get hurt.
GM, 960 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 18:23
  • msg #664

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The man from the inn laughed, and said, "Ain't no sheriff.  Now you pay up, like he done told ya."

The man from the stables had now hacked his way free, and took hold of the reins of one of the horses.  "And none of your funny stuff, neither."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 154 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 22:57
  • msg #665

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn was quickly losing her patience and compassion for these men.  Lack of a sheriff was no excuse for descending into evil.  Drawing her bow back and lining up a shot on the drunkard with a sword, she continued to back away defensively, now from both men, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

"Make the call right now, boss.  Run, fight, or drop our employer's name?"

If Hewney said "fight" she took two shots at the sword man. (Second shot to the mace man if the first shot dropped him, which she doubted it would.)

Thank you for the map.   I still have a lot of questions.  Which building is which?  Where are we?  Whose horse's reins did he grab?  Where are the two men?
GM, 962 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 23:35
  • msg #666

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Large building on the bottom: the stables.  This confrontation is taking place at the end nearest the road.  Nearest horse would be Hewney's.

Small building at the bottom:  where observant folk might have noticed someone is watching

Square building on the bottom, toward right edge:  house

 Building across street from stable:  the inn (where the big guy with the mace came from)

Essentially, mace-guy is on one side of the road, party is in between, and stabler is at the edge of the stable (road side edge)
NPC, 88 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #667

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Softly, not intending to be overheard by either of the very tall folk, Hewney said, "Fight."

Calling out to the man from the inn, he said, "We're not going to be in town long.  Just need to see Eliphas for a bit."
player, 498 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 00:55
  • msg #668

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"What if we just chop off his arm or something?" Dak suggested, drawing his sword.

"Stay," he ordered the horse as he dropped the reins and took a few practice swings.  He was hoping the drunk would come to his senses before Pathwyn killed him.
player, 152 posts
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 01:27
  • msg #669

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador sat quietly. He had one hand on the reins; the other is raised parallel to the ground.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 155 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 06:23
  • msg #670

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

When Hewney said 'fight', Pythwyn adjusted her aim just a bit.  This shot was lined up precisely, she knew it wouldn't to miss.  She relaxed her fingers to let the string slip just as Hewney said 'Eliphas'.  She frantically clenched her right hand as hard as she could, barely catching the string with the tip of her second finger.

The harshest of Tanasi curses flew reflexively from her lips.  She'd lost the perfect shot and now they were going to have to let the big humans to take the first swing unless the name drop worked.  She kept backing up and readjusted her precarious grip on the bowstring.
NPC, 89 posts
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 12:54
  • msg #671

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

[Language unknown: "M it: lastlo.  Dinounred e un trwer rutourare,"] hissed Hewney, as his hand moved to the hilt of one of the daggers collected for Eliphas.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 156 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #672

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

He could've been a lot clearer, but to Pathwyn's ears saying 'fight' in two languages meant he didn't want to wait to find out if Eliphas' name would be enough to deter the local thugs.

Pathwyn let two shots fly, striking the belligerent stablekeeper twice.  Let the battle begin.

16:35, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 13 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
16:36, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 3 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

16:36, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.
16:36, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

player, 499 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 01:17
  • msg #673

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

And it looks like they were fighting, Dak thought, moving to interpose himself with the stableman.  He added some wild swings for effect.

Dak rolled 7 using 1d20-6.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike! (non lethal).
NPC, 90 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 01:24
  • msg #674

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

For his part, Hewney started across the road to the huge man who had come from the inn, his nose wrinkling with distaste as he neared, but the strike with the dagger was true none the less.

20:20, Today: Hewney rolled 6 using 1d10.  init.
20:20, Today: Hewney rolled 17 using 1d20+1.  to hit
20:21, Today: Hewney rolled 4 using 1d4+1.  damage
20:21, Today: Hewney rolled 6 using 1d6. burns
GM, 968 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 01:54
  • msg #675

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Two arrows had managed to find their way through the chainmail--perhaps being at a point blank range helped give them punch, but the large man was not felled by these.  As Dak started his efforts at distracting to subdue, the stabler revealed that he had no intentions of pulling his punches, and swung a vicious blow toward the young fighter ((-5hp Dak)).

While Alvador watched to consider what options could be used against foes not grouped together--and thus, which was the greater threat, Hewney struck home with the dagger with the ruby in its pommel, and was easily able to dodge the blow from the mace, which might well have ended him otherwise, as the man who had come from the inn, whose stench seemed to have grown all the worse with the addition of the charring, grunted as though crying out would be an admission of weakness.
player, 500 posts
HP : 5/10
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 03:01
  • msg #676

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Having been badly slashed by the drunken man, Dak gave up on trying not to hurt him and swung his blade back into the man's chainmail side.  He wasn't sure if it hurt him, but he'd at least hit him.

Dak rolled 3 using 1d10.  Initiative 2.
Dak rolled 14 using 1d20-2.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike!
Dak rolled 1 using 1d8.  Long Sword Damage.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 159 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #677

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn sidepedaled to get a clear shot in on drunk, leaving Bourbon standing out amidst the chaos by herself.

"Thrust with your sword!" she shouted tactically to Dak.  "Stabbing works better against chainmail than cutting."

She came to a stop, took a deep breath, aimed, and fired another war arrow at the stableman's side, striking him solidly between the ribs.

14:23, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 1 using 1d10.  initiative.
14:24, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit.
14:27, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 8 using 1d8.  arrow damage. (ouch)

player, 153 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 23:08
  • msg #678

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador tries to guide is horse so he's out away and can get behind the man from the inn.
player, 501 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #679

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'm wearing chainmail too!" Dak shouted back at the elf.  "Stop giving him ideas that will get me stabbed!"
GM, 972 posts
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 01:21
  • msg #680

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn's arrow struck true--and even drunk as he was, the man could not help exclaiming in pain.  It did seem, too, that his breathing had become markedly labored.  Dak swung his sword, no longer intent to do anything but stop the drunken stabler--permanently.  His sword chittered against the chainmail the stabler wore, before finding a chink where it felt like the sword might have met flesh.  The man staggered, and this time it was his sword which went wide of the mark, and Dak had no trouble at all in evading the blade.

In the street, as Alvador worked to maneuver to another position no longer in the middle, the fight continued as Hewney stabbed again with the ruby-pommeled dagger even as his left hand was drawing the twin.  While he clearly had stabbed through the padded armor, this was not enough to finish his foe, who brought the mace down hard as Hewney dodged and caught the blow on his side.  The second dagger free, with an expression of determination, he stabbed with this dagger in his off-hand, and managed to stab again, and this time the giant of a man fell from the blade with a graceless thud.
player, 154 posts
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 04:06
  • msg #681

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alovador turned his attention to the remaining man, but he dis nothing save taking staff in hand... getting ready to attempt to bonk.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 161 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 04:49
  • msg #682

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn really hoped it would only take one more arrrow to fell the stabler.  She sighted the big man down the shaft of yet another arrow and waited for the two chainmail clad warrior to swing and dodge around before she knew she had a shot.  She made it count.

If none of the others finish him off, Pathwyn probably does.  If they do, no need to shoot.  If by some outside chance we don't drop him even with that first arrow hit, she'll fire again and miss.

00:40, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 9 using 1d10.  initiative.
00:41, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
00:41, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
00:42, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 9 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2 (if necessary).

player, 502 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 17:44
  • msg #683

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak attempted to follow Pathwyn's advice and thrust his sword at the other man.

Dak rolled 5 using 1d10.  Initiative #3.
Dak rolled 0 using 1d20-2.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike!
GM, 974 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 01:26
  • msg #684

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

The stabler might have been sorely wounded, but he seemed determined not to give up--he swung wildly at Dak.  While Dak was easily enough able to avoid the blow, the act of avoidance was enough to put him severely off his mark in getting set for a good thrust, and the drunk staggered well away from the tip of the sword.  A moment later, though, Pathwyn's arrow put an end to the matter, and the stabler fell to the ground, unmoving.

From the small house just a bit further on, the watcher emerged and began running toward the group.  He was a thin man, dressed in only the common russet and working boots well-stained with mud and other such things.  No weapons were visible in his hands as he approached.

"You did it!" he said, though his excitement was too muted to allow him to shout.  "There's hope for our village, yet."  He paused, drawing himself up.  "I'm Myrick.  I'm the one who was supposed to be keeping the stables, but he ..."  His courage seemed to be at a high point as he kicked at the dead man who had come from the stables.  "He been taking the work, trying to shake down any what come to Farnworth with horses."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 162 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 02:40
  • msg #685

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

as he kicked at the dead man

OOC: Um, this doesn't give me much faith in my chances of success, but this was my next planned action anyhow...

When the chainmail wearing drunkard finally went down, Pathwyn hustled to his side.  She knelt down, setting her bow aside and shrugging off her backpack.   She got out the roll of bandages before checking the man's wounds over and seeing if he was still alive.  She tossed the man's sword away so he couldn't pick it up if revived.  If he was still alive, she tried to keep him from bleeding to death.

"Come over here and let me look at your wounds too, Dak," she said.

She wasn't sure if Hewney had been injured or not during the fight.  She only knew that he'd used the magic daggers to good effect.

Pathwyn smiled at Myrick (assuming he doesn't kick her still clinging-to-life patient, which would draw a frown instead).

"I'm glad we could help you deal with these bad men.  You have Hewney to thank," she said motioning to the half-elf with a nod of her head.  "He's the one who made the decision to stand and fight."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 02:51, Thu 17 Sept 2020.
player, 155 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #686

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador looked at Pathwyn, bewildered, before turning his attention to the real stableman. "How many like these two are here?"
GM, 976 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 11:17
  • msg #687

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

It had taken Pathwyn very little time to determine that the drunkard who had (according to the man newly arrived on the scene, commandeered the stables as a money-making enterprise) was quite dead and beyond the assistance of her bandages.

"They got some other fighters," offered the stableman, who had indeed kicked the corpse.  "But not as big and mean as these two.  Except for their boss.  That one, he's real dangerous.  Call him Cannibal, that's what they call him, though sure that ain't what his ma named him, but no one's quite going to ask."
NPC, 91 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 11:19
  • msg #688

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney wiped the blades carefully on the padded armor of his foe, and sheathed the two daggers.

"Can see why he'd be paying so much to get those," said Hewney.  He paused, rubbing on the side that had taken the blow from the mace.

"Best we get these dragged outta the street," he added.  "Maybe we stable up the horses now, and get these two in one of the empty stalls."
player, 503 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 13:42
  • msg #689

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'll be fine," Dak replied to Pathwyn's entreaty to look at his arm.  The cut wasn't that bad.

"Where are the other ones now?" Dak asked as he wiped his blade on the dead man's pant leg.  He got ready to drag the faux stableman into the stable.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 163 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 16:20
  • msg #690

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Upon seeing that the big thug was really and truly dead Pathwyn switched tacts from bandaging to yanking salvageable arrows out of the corpse.

Strange custom these fellows had of wiping off their blades on the clothes of the corpses.    Tanasi warriors liked to leave their blades caked in or dripping with blood.  Sure you'd clean it to a sparkle before you put the longsword back on the rack, but not right after a fight.  This was not an issue for Pathwyn one way or the other since her goddess forbid blades.

She helped move the bodies and horses into the stables and then insisted on examining Dak's and Hewney's wounds.  She suspected they could both use light healing even though they both claimed to be fine.
player, 156 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 20:36
  • msg #691

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador asked, "Where does this Cannibal usually hang out?" He He added, "And thank you for the information."

He dismounted and helped drag the bodies and stable the horses.
GM, 977 posts
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 01:27
  • msg #692

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Myrick, despite looking a bit on the underfed side, helped the group get the horses settled in stalls and the bodies pulled out of the visible way into an empty stall.

While working, he said, "There's a bunch of 'em at the inn, but after this, you've put a hurt on 'em.  Most of 'em are a pretty rag-tag lot, but working with Bror here--" and here he gestured to the extremely ugly giant of a man who had come from the inn, "then they was something fierce.  You'd still need watch out for Cannibal, he's living in that house there."  He pointed down the road to the near by house on the same side of the street as the stable.

The house indicated looked a little weathered, but still a pretty decent looking place ((the square to the right most of the earlier map)).

"Used to be, too, there was a decent guard at the inn, helped keep things quiet, but Vardis," said Myrick, pausing to give the dead fake stabler another kick, "he done kilt Crónán an' took his armor and all."
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:35, Mon 12 July 2021.
NPC, 92 posts
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 01:30
  • msg #693

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Hewney was too busy getting the dead hidden away to be immediately interested in letting Pathwyn check him over, but the exertions showed that he was having a bit of trouble, as he had taken a rather heavy blow to his side, and even now seemed to be winded much more easily than he ought to be.

When what he considered to be essential was done, he finally stopped putting Pathwyn off, and said, "And what have you for some bruises, Lady Pathwyn?"
player, 504 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 02:07
  • msg #694

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"That armor doesn't seem very lucky," Dak observed of the stabler's stolen mail.  Two men had died wearing it now.  "What about Eliphas?  Do you know who he is?"
player, 157 posts
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 04:28
  • msg #695

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador glanced at Dak, paused, and relaxed. While the group is recovering, he suggests, "Cannibal first. I suggest an unchivalrous onslaught. I assume he's alone except maybe for a doxy?"

[Never in my life have I written "doxy" until now.]
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 164 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 07:32
  • msg #696

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Sure she had held her holy symbol before, whispered a few prayers, and even cast spells, but this was Pathwyn's first truly priestess-like action this group had witnessed.  Thanks to the grace of Emele, it was the most common and recognizable spell the world around.

"Yewl ni-faen" said Pathwyn placing both hands on Hewney's wounded side.

His pain and bruises were gone as though the mace blow had never happened.

"You're next, Dak," she said.

With the same words and gestures she placed both hands over the laceration on his arm.

His wound too healed and disappeared.

Pathwyn beamed, more delighted by the spells than either of her patients.

"Good as new," she proclaimed.  "One word of warning.  I have used up all of Veja's divine blessing for the day.  It's just bandages until the next sunrise.  I advise that we avoid fighting until then."

03:12, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d8.  cure light wounds (Hewney).
03:13, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d8.  cure light wounds (Dak).
This message was last edited by the player at 08:10, Fri 18 Sept 2020.
player, 158 posts
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 08:49
  • msg #697

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador disagreed, in part. "If we wait, we should ride away first. They will discover the deaths and seek us out. Mr. stableman, you will be at great risk."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 165 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 09:59
  • msg #698

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn nodded to Alvador.

"My second piece of advice is that we should do any and all fighting we're going to do in Farnworth before handing the daggers over to Eliphas.  Hewney really dishes out the elemental hurt with those.  Unless..." she stops to ponder a bit.

"Alvador, do you think that using the daggers' powers burns limited magical charges?  We don't want deliver spent or depleted daggers."
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #699

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"He mostly stay alone, except for his dogs," said Myrick.  "And yes, Eliphas.  He come into town, buy that big house at the edge of town from Cannibal, and then they haven't been gettin' along since Penrhyn gone over to Eliphas."
player, 505 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 13:13
  • msg #700

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Dak rubbed his arm where he'd been cut.  There was a line, but it wasn't a scar.  New skin next to weathered old was the difference and he couldn't feel where the cut had been at all.  It was the first time he'd ever experienced true healing from the gods and it took him a moment to catch up with the conversation.

"Let's talk to Eliphas and see if he has a plan," Dak suggested.  "And if he has this Perin guy on his side, there'd be more of us."

He still wasn't sure why they had to fight this guy in the house, but if they did, another sword would be helpful.  Maybe he could pick up some better tips than from the Blood Priestess who didn't even use a sword.  Stabbing had not worked at all.
player, 159 posts
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 21:33
  • msg #701

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvwador replied, "I'd concluded they were magical; otherwise, why the trip. Further, if they merely were charged, why the trip. I suspect they have a goodly value.

"I really think delay is more dangerous than dispatch.

"I should be able to put the dogs to sleep...much less confident the Cannibal would be affected. I perhaps was foolish, for my only other offensive spell is Burning Hands...apologies."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:34, Fri 18 Sept 2020.
player, 506 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 22:49
  • msg #702

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"And you're saying there's no sheriff of constable that can take care of this?" Dak asked, turning to the real stableman.  It's not like they were getting paid to drive off ruffians.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 166 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #703

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"You guys always choose speed over caution, don't you?"

Pathwyn laughed, not upset, but genuinely amused.

"OK, count me in on this 'act now' plan."

"I do like putting the dogs to sleep instead of killing them," she adds.  "Why do you think Cannibal is sleep-proof?  Is he an elf?" she asks half to Alvador and half to Myrick.

"As for going to see Eliphas before Cannibal...  What do you think, Boss?"
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #704

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"No, there's not," replied Myrick.  "Just the way things--I mean, there's Damon, our priest, but ... well, I never felt quite right about him.  And people been killed, or falling dead sudden-like, or just leaving town to go to kinfolk ... it just hasn't been good for awhile, but I didn't have no place else to go."
NPC, 93 posts
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 00:15
  • msg #705

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Got to admit, using the daggers, it's going to make it harder to turn them over," said Hewney.  "But still, they'll make a damn sight easier of a job with this cannibal than the regular kind.  And we got to go past there, anyhow, to get to the house where Eliphas is.  So I guess it's move on and take on the next fight, and then see Eliphas and let him know that his daggers work really good."  He glanced to Myrick, and added, "But you best stay here, and keep your head down for now."
player, 507 posts
HP : 5/10
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 00:47
  • msg #706

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"All right," Dak conceded, "let's go.

"Are we getting paid extra for this?"
player, 160 posts
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #707

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"It's a question of what the spell can accomplish. Looks like we have a priest to secure and take for trial. Dak, when we succeed in all this, being the bosses of the town should bring some benefits, if only having good meals on the house."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 167 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 05:32
  • msg #708

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Before we rush off to fight an enemy we know almost nothing about in a place we haven't scouted, humor me with a minute to discuss tactics.  Hewney will be just as effective inside or outside the house, but Dak will be better off out in the daylight and I need space to be effective.  I propose we flush Cannibal and his dogs out into into the open."

Pathwyn gave the group a moment to consider the idea, but not enough time to object yet.

"These houses look pretty flammable and plenty far enough apart that burning one won't endanger the others.  Let's smoke him out.  We light up the back side and the thatched roof.  Then move into a wide arc in front of the house to wait for him to emerge.  Discovering your house is on fire all of a sudden can cause all sort of panic.  He's bound to run out unprepared or even unarmed.  Alvador can sleep the dogs as they run out.  I'll pepper Cannibal with arrows.  Hewney can fire off a crossbow bolt and then close with Dak to engage this troublemaker in hand-to-hand."

She turned to Myrick and asked "Do you have torches?"
player, 161 posts
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 05:53
  • msg #709

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Agreed, though we should make sure which way they'll emerge. And we need to act quickly, for there will be an onrush when the fire is discovered. If the dog's don't attack, I'll reserve the sleep spell."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 168 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 07:10
  • msg #710

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"we should make sure which way they'll emerge."

"Right.  That's why I suggest we start the fire along the back side of the house so as to guide Cannibal out the front where we'll be in position waiting for him."
player, 508 posts
HP : 5/10
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 17:12
  • msg #711

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Wait!" Dak interjected. "That's somebody's house!  You can't just go around burning down houses. We'd be worse than them.

"Why not just have Pathwyn knock on the door and back away when he opens it?" he suggested.  "The rest of us can wait outside to confront him while she runs to where she hides her bow."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 170 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #712

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn looked at Dak.  She opened her mouth just a little as if to speak but only blinked twice.  She didn't think he was just being contrary.  Dak had gone along with a plan of hers in the past.  Maybe she could talk morality with the fighter.  He was a good man.

"You're right.  Normally burning someone's house is wrong, but we're aiming to rid this poor town of Cannibal's cruelty and bullying.  They'll be a lot happier when he's gone and not-one will miss his house.  Cannibal sure isn't welcome to return to it."

Besides, he was probably going to end up dead like the other two.
player, 509 posts
HP : 5/10
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #713

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I'm sure the person who's house we burn down won't be happy about it," Dak pointed out.  "It's obviously not his house.  Who's going to pay to build someone a new house?

"There has to be a better way to get him out of the house than burning it down."

Dak looked at the house in question and started marching toward it.

"I'll go knock on the door myself."
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 00:37
  • msg #714

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"I have some torches, sure," said Myrick, his tone becoming less certain as Dak spoke his objections and then started proceeding toward the house that had been commandeered by the one who was known as Cannibal.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 171 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #715

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

"Precautions, planning, tactics...  let's throw it all to the wind," she muttered to herself following Dak at a distance.  "What do we have to lose by taking unnecessary risks other than our mortal lives?"

She was interested to see how Dak thought he'd draw Cannibal out of the safety of his house just by knocking on the door.  Maybe Dak would surprise her.

She turned to Myrick trying to appear cheerful.

"Looks like we won't need those torches after all.  Thanks."
player, 510 posts
HP : 5/10
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #716

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Expecting the others to position themselves as they saw fit, Dak marched up to the door and knocked.  He had his sword sheathed and was surprised to find he still had the javelin in his other hand.  He tried a few different ways of holding it, trying to make it look non threatening before deciding to just hold it like a walking stick with one point on the ground.

Before the door opened, he unconsciously ran a hand through his unkempt hair and tried to straighten his mail shirt.  He hoped he didn't have any blood on it.  That would be a bad first impression.
player, 163 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 23:59
  • msg #717

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Alvador was on horseback a little to one side. Both is body and face were relaxed; his expression was that of a caller expecting a pleasant visit.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:34, Mon 21 Sept 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 173 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 03:14
  • msg #718

Castaways:  Beyond the Fog

Pathwyn moved to about 30 or 40 yards from the door so she'd be at Cannibal's 10 O'Clock when he answered the door.  She had her bow in hand but no arrow drawn yet.

OOC: Clock face angles probably aren't a valid in-world description, but it lets the DM and players know where I'm standing.
GM, 988 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 06:52
  • msg #719

XP Line

GM, 989 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 07:00
  • msg #720

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

As his companions arrayed themselves around the house, Hewney having taken up a position like Pathwyn's, but at an angle from the right of the door rather than its left, Alvador mounted and just to the side, Dak went up to the house and knocked at the door.

The door opened, and they could see within a rather burly-looking man open the door.  "Whatd'ya want?" he said, snarling, seeming a little surprised by something more than Dak's appearance on his doorstep.
player, 513 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 17:22
  • msg #721

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"The stableman said that if I had a problem with the stable fees, I should talk to you," Dak said, taking a step back from the much bigger man.

"Your rates are unreasonable and your stableman very rude.  I will only pay you 2 griel for the night."

Perhaps this had all just been a misunderstanding.
GM, 994 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 17:41
  • msg #722

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The response to Dak's statement was a laugh which sounded half-way like a bark.  "My rates are my rates," he said.  "But perhaps we can settle this over dinner."  He took a step back into his house, gesturing that Dak should enter.
player, 514 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 17:50
  • msg #723

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I already have plans for dinner," Dak replied shortly to the man's invitation.  He was expecting to either eat at the inn with the others or at Eliphas' house.

"But if you will not be reasonable," he said with some indignance, "I will take my business and my griels elsewhere.  I can't understand how you stay in business."

Dak turned abruptly to leave.  The Cannibal hadn't seemed like that bad of a fellow, apart from his choice of companions and his unreasonable stable fees.  He really wasn't much of a businessman.
GM, 997 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 02:24
  • msg #724

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"You best be watching yourself, then, boy," said Cannibal, and he shut the door.

Outside, it was hard to miss a feeling that a great danger still remained.  They had now progressed perhaps half-way into the village, and across the street they could see a pair of buildings set close together, a hill rising atop which sat a church, and at a slight angle across the street past what appeared to be a store, was another fine house with a number of large trees set about the property--this last house being the one that Eliphas had purchased.  On the same side as Cannibal's house was the half-built place Alvador had earlier spoken an interest in.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 175 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 03:11
  • msg #725

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Shaking her head, Pathwyn goes over to Alvador, who's perched up on his horse.

"Sadly, that went about as well as I expected."

She looked around the place at..  nothing, just a strange general sense of something she couldn't put her finger on.

"I think we lost our window of opportunity on this one.  I've got an ominous feeling about this whole village now.  Maybe we should pay Eliphas a visit sooner than later.  Let's go see what Hewney has to say.  He's been sorta quiet since that bruiser whacked him in the side."
player, 515 posts
HP : 5/10
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 03:19
  • msg #726

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"He didn't seem too bad," Dak said as he walked up to Hewney.  "At least he didn't attack me."

He didn't point out that the others arrayed about in plain sight might have prevented Canibal from taking direct action himself.
player, 164 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 04:42
  • msg #727

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador has been jiggling with suppressed laughter. Well, then, let's do the errand and report the situation to the authorities.
NPC, 94 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 11:02
  • msg #728

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Yes," said Hewney.  "We might've had a better chance going with your plan, Lady Pathwyn."  He looked at Alvador, and said, "Might as well get your horse stabled for now.  Don't know what authorities you're meaning, though, but we may as well get up to Eliphas sooner than not."
player, 165 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 19:08
  • msg #729

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador is puzzled. "Why should we stable the horses? Aren't we leaving after the errand; why stick around? The authorities are in [name of local capital], cleric and lay."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 176 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 19:47
  • msg #730

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn shakes her head.

"The count's and church's reach only goes so far.  There's some Baron or another responsible for Farnworth and he's happy to let the smuggling and piracy go unchecked.  In a way that works in our favor.  We wouldn't have a job otherwise.  Eliphas and Cannibal are the closest things to authority here.  We're going to have to do something about the bad guys ourselves."
player, 166 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 20:01
  • msg #731

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"If that's so, we start by killing Cannibal. The baron or whatever may not be happy. We're approaching deep waters."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 177 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 20:19
  • msg #732

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"We start by stabling that horse."  Pathwyn giggled.  "You've really taken to the saddle haven't you?  We could hardly get you on a horse yesterday.  Now we can't get to to dismount."

Pathwyn patted the horse's side and Alvador's leg.

"After that we're going to see Eliphas."
player, 167 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 21:32
  • msg #733

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador looked at the hand. "You expect the horses to be here if and when we return?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 178 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 21:45
  • msg #734

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I guess I trust Myrick for some reason."

Pathwyn ponders for a moment.

"Plus, if he steals Bourbon I'll track him to the ends of the earth and put a half dozen arrows in his hide.  He saw me put three in the previous stabler's hide and that guy didn't even steal our horses."
player, 168 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 23:42
  • msg #735

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I'm not doubting Myrick. I'm thinking about the gang."
NPC, 95 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 00:35
  • msg #736

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Except for the one who they call Cannibal," said Hewney, "they don't seem--any of them alive, that is--too curious.  Better to leave the horse under a roof, it's not like you can be taking it into the house, and makes it a little less obvious about where we actually are."
player, 516 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 00:47
  • msg #737

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak wasn't too keen on killing everyone you didn't agree with.  There was defending themselves and there was stabbing someone in the back and burning their house down.

It was why he joined up with Eliphas in the first place.  The man knew how to resolve problems without resorting to bloodshed.

Seeing that their goal was to find Eliphas, Dak turned and headed toward the big house Myrick had described.
player, 169 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #738

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador, having had his say, left his—strange to think of it as his—in the stable. Taking the staff, he followed Hewney.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 179 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 19:17
  • msg #739

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"they don't seem--any of them alive, that is--too curious."

"Necromancy?" she said to Hewney in a hushed tone as they all walked to Eliphas' new house.  "Is that the reason I've got this creepy feeling like I'm walking over someone's grave?  Is that why Myrick doesn't like their priest?"

Pathwyn shook her head.  She was jumping to conclusion, and not even conclusion based on fact.  She hadn't even heard a single ghost.  It was a wild stab in the dark.  Still, there was something wrong in Farnworth they were missing.
player, 517 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 20:30
  • msg #740

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I think he means the two dead men that did take an interest in our arrival," Dak pointed out to the elf.

"The rest don't seem that interested or haven't noticed their smelly friend hasn't returned."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 180 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 21:00
  • msg #741

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Ah, that clears things up," Pathwyn said to Dak.  "Thanks."
NPC, 96 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 00:39
  • msg #742

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Yeah, that's it," said Hewney with a grin.  "The dead, they aren't curious no more, and the living ain't so curious as to end up dead."

With that bit of clarification, he set out to walk up to the house that Eliphas had taken for a residence.
GM, 999 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 00:48
  • msg #743

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The house, as they approached, was a two-story structure which looked like it was perhaps the nicest house in the village, with painted shutters, its roof sloped with a chimney.  While the shutters were closed, smoke was rising from the chimney.

As the group approached, they could see a man--at least presumably so from the size, even though he was nowhere near the giants of the man at the stables or the one from the inn--dressed in a green cloak.  From what the group could see of the village, it seemed like he had left from the rear of the house and was headed up the hill toward the church.
player, 518 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 00:59
  • msg #744

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"That's not Eliphas," Dak said, nodding to the departing figure.  "I'll go knock on the door and let him know we're here."

He makes for the front door to complete his intent.
player, 170 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #745

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador was walking amid the others. His brows contracted. "This feels bad, very bad."
player, 519 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 02:31
  • msg #746

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Maybe you're just hungry," Dak said helpfully of Alvador's announcement.  He was also hungry himself.  "We'll see if Eliphas has anything to eat."
NPC, 97 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 02:51
  • msg #747

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"We could go up to the church, if you like," said Hewney.  "But Eliphas would be expecting us, so we might as well just let ourselves in and get out of the street."

Having said that, he went to the front door and opened it.

The front door opened into a small entry from which a stairway rose to the second floor.  To the left, there was a closed door, and to the right was a parlor with a sofa and side table in the center, two matching stuffed chairs by the fireplace--where a fire was burning merrily.  Most of the walls had paintings, and there were a number of burning candles which seemed to give the room a pleasant sort of smell.

Two large dogs slept in front of the fire--one looked almost wolfish, with a studded collar with red stones that glinted in the firelight, while the other looked like a mastiff.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 181 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 04:23
  • msg #748

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney and Dak must be good friends with Eliphas to feel comfortable just walking into his home unannounced.  Pathwyn spotted the big pups.  One of the best ways to get on a dog's good side is to bring treats to your first meeting.  Unfortunately, she wasn't carrying any of their rations.  Best to let the sleeping dogs lie.  Pathwyn hung back and followed Hewney's and Dak's lead.
player, 171 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 05:13
  • msg #749

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador replied, "Yes, maybe." stopped at the door, looked in, and walked to a corner of the house so he could look around, including seeing the church.
player, 520 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 20:21
  • msg #750

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Houses were nothing like this back in his village, Dak thought as he eyed the two dogs warily.  He really hoped they were deep sleepers.
GM, 1003 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #751

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

When Alvador started looking around, he did not see any other activity from other buildings, but the man the group had seen headed toward the church was still on his way there.  For now, it seemed that he was more intent on reaching his destination than looking around to check for anyone watching his progress.
NPC, 98 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 23:33
  • msg #752

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Alvador," said Hewney, stepping back out so that he wasn't speaking loudly.  "Do you think it'd be good to make sure those dogs stay asleep with that spell of yours?"
player, 172 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #753

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador moved close enough to Hewney. "If you think best, but then I'm next to useless. I bode you will find nothing to you liking in this house. Come to think of it, the dogs may already be under the influence of a Sleep spell."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:53, Fri 25 Sept 2020.
NPC, 99 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 11:50
  • msg #754

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Then what is it that you would do?" said Hewney.  "I don't like the thought of leaving you out here alone."
player, 521 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 12:21
  • msg #755

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak waved for Pathwyn to follow him back out onto the porch with the half-elves.  He didn't like the idea of waking the dogs if Eliphas wasn't around to call them off.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 182 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 15:00
  • msg #756

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn strolls to the porch and quietly closes the door.  Are there chairs or a bench out here on the porch?

"Here's an idea.  Let's knock on the door.  Draw some attention.  Maybe Eliphas will come answer the door.  It's his house after all," she suggested, preferably from a seat on the porch.

"If that doesn't work we can go check out Mr Greencloak up at the church."
player, 522 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 16:34
  • msg #757

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak was a little nonplussed that Pathwyn had voiced his idea before he had.  Especially as she'd been less than supportive when he'd suggested it on the previous house.

Now he hoped no one would answer and it woke up the dogs.
player, 173 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 19:56
  • msg #758

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"maybe you're right," Alvador said, "about being alone out here...even if I was keeping watch. As for the dogs, have food ready, if any of us have some." He went by the front door.
player, 523 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 21:48
  • msg #759

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak knocked on the door, loudly.
GM, 1007 posts
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #760

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

((There isn't a porch, so no seating out in front of the house.))

After Dak had knocked on the door, rather predictably, this was soon followed by a number of barking and growling noises.  After what seemed a great deal of time for so much noise, the muffled sound of a voice could be heard, and the dogs quieted somewhat.

The door opened, and a man dressed in a leather tunic and brown breeches opened the door, a little gravy in his beard.  "What'd'ya want?" he said, swiping the gravy away on his shirt sleeve.

"Have a delivery for Eliphas," said Hewney.

The man looked Hewney over, and said, "Well, ya didn't need trying to wake the dead.  Go on upstairs."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 184 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 02:39
  • msg #761

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn followed the others into the house and upstairs.  She smiled pleasantly at the tunic and gravy fellow, and made a mental note that if she ever owned a house in a town it should have a front porch with a swing for lounging on.
player, 524 posts
HP : 5/10
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 03:13
  • msg #762

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak kept an eye on the dogs and stepped in to head up the stairs.
player, 174 posts
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 03:43
  • msg #763

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador said, "Let's not be a crowd. How about just Hewney and Pathwyn go upstairs?"
player, 525 posts
HP : 5/10
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 14:02
  • msg #764

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I need to talk to Eliphas as well," Dak said to Alvador as he followed Pathwyn up the stairs.
GM, 1008 posts
Sat 26 Sep 2020
at 14:10
  • msg #765

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The dogs were now sitting, still by the fireplace, but no longer asleep.

The man said, "Go on up, would you?  I don't want my food getting cold watching you."
player, 175 posts
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #766

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

So Alvador is alone with the man and dogs by the door. One hand is in his pouch. Other than that, he's standing there.
GM, 1012 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 01:29
  • msg #767

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

With a very sour look on his face, the man, who was now closer to the door he had come from, continued to watch Alvador.  From near the fireplace, the dogs continued to watch Alvador.
player, 526 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 02:09
  • msg #768

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 186 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #769

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

NPC, 100 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 11:49
  • msg #770

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador could hear the voices of his companions from above, the words were no longer distinct, though.
player, 527 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 13:17
  • msg #771

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 187 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 14:54
  • msg #772

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

GM, 1016 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #773

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador could hear Dak, who was at the top of the steps calling Eliphas' name.
NPC, 101 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 02:39
  • msg #774

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

player, 176 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #775

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador, on hearing the call, asked, "There seems to be a problem with your friend, Eliphas. Should we not go up to see if we may be of assistance?"
player, 528 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #776

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 188 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 05:36
  • msg #777

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

This message was last edited by the player at 05:43, Thu 01 Oct 2020.
NPC, 102 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 11:58
  • msg #778

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Alvador, would you come on up?" said Hewney.  "Eliphas wants to see all of us."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 189 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 16:28
  • msg #779

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

GM, 1017 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #780

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

In reply to Pathwyn na'Sylviis (msg # 779):
player, 177 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #781

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Receiving no reply, Alvador said, "Excuse me." He goes up the stairs. One hand still is in his pocket.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 190 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #782

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

When Alvador arrived Pathwyn, crouched over a blue robed corpse and a pool of blood, turned and asked

"Alvador, you know that green cloaked person we saw heading towards the church when we arrived?" she paused only long enough for short acknowledgment.  "Do you think Chree would be able to look for him and keep an eye on him from a very safe distance?  Greencloak is our best murder suspect and I'm afraid he's slipping away."

There was a mix of both calm and panic in her voice.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:42, Thu 01 Oct 2020.
NPC, 103 posts
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #783

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

When Alvador came into the room, he saw a fairly large bedroom had a fireplace along the wall, though the fire itself was little more than embers, a fine bed near the fireplace, and a wardrobe which was standing open.  Perhaps more salient than the furnishings, though, was the dead body--dressed in a fine blue robe with tawny edgings--on the floor near the wardrobe.

"That's a great idea," said Hewney.  "Right now, we don't know who the man is--I think he was the guy we saw leaving with the green cloak, but is he a friend of Cannibal's or someone else?  I think right now, us and the murderer are the only ones who know Eliphas is dead, so if we keep it low-key, that's our best way."
player, 529 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 22:03
  • msg #784

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Wouldn't there be more of a fire if it was that man in the cloak?" Dak asked, trying to gauge the temperature in the room.

"We just saw him and the fire is nearly done.  If Eliphas had been keeping it up, he'd have stopped well before that man left in order for it to have reached this point."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 191 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 04:19
  • msg #785

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I think right now, us and the murderer are the only ones who know Eliphas is dead, so if we keep it low-key,"

"That makes me uneasy.  Once we cover this up we'll be rightly assumed murders instead of the friends of Eliphas who found the body.  I'm guessing by the way you've been talking, Hewny, that you suspect the guy downstairs might be in on it.  Do you think the dogs are Cannibal's?"

"Isn't there anyone here in Eliphas' organization that you guys know we can trust and will trust us?" she asked Dak and Hewney.

Pathwyn stood up and looked around the room.

"Wouldn't there be more of a fire if it was that man in the cloak?"

"Yeah, there are a lot of things that don't add up.  Who locks the door on their way out after murdering someone?  Maybe he went up the chimney instead," she said seriously.  "Even with basic magic, nearly anything is possible."

"Oh, there's one more thing.  There's a discoloration at the base of his fingernails.
 Eliphas was poisoned.  I *think* it's arsenic, but I'm certainly no expert in poisons.  With the stab wound you'd think the poison would be applied to the blade, but he's only been dead a few minutes.  He's still quite warm.  With all the blood he lost the body would go cold fast.  There'd be no time to discolor the nails, plus arsenic is ingested.  Did someone poison him before he was stabbed?"
player, 178 posts
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 06:16
  • msg #786

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador says, "Idea." and rushes downstairs. He could be heard asking, "Is there a healer in this town? We may be able to save him."
player, 530 posts
HP : 5/10
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 12:22
  • msg #787

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Did he just tell the guy downstairs that Eliphas was dead?" Dak asked bluntly, looking between Pathwyn and Hewney.  He'd thought the plan was to NOT tell anyone.
GM, 1021 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #788

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The room had closed windows, which they might have remembered seeing the shutters closed on their approach.  There was also another door in the room.  In her cursory check of the other room, Pathwyn had noted other closed, apparently shuttered windows in the room with four beds.

NPC, 104 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #789

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Other kinds of poison do that, too," said Hewney, hoping that Pathwyn did not decide to question him too much about how he knew about such things.  "If one wanted to make sure the mark was dead.  And I suppose, if you was meaning to leave town right after, you might lock the door to keep people from finding out before you got a chance to get well away."  He huffed a breath out, ruffling his hair as Alvador went back down stairs.

"Damn, and that isn't going to help," said Hewney.  "We don't know who's in on it, and you tell someone who is 'hey, I just found this guy killed in here', they're apt to knife ya just for asking about it.  Eliphas was working on moving here, he was worried the old place was hot.
player, 179 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 03:25
  • msg #790

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador walked upstairs casually so as not to upset the dogs. "The guy has left. We should get out of here and this vicinity. Do we try to take the body to the monastery? And how do we get to the stable?" The budding mage obviously was in a foul mood.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 192 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 04:45
  • msg #791

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

He huffed a breath out, ruffling his hair as Alvador went back down stairs.

"I know exactly how you feel," Pathwyn said, patting him consolingly on the shoulder.  "Gotta learn to roll with it."

When Alvador returned she asked, "what's got you all sour, Mr Grumpypants?" and tickled him a little, hoping it would cheer him up some.  "Other than our employer getting murdered, that is.  This is a very bad couple of days for mages in blue robes."

The priestess turned detective looked down at Eliphas.  She wished she could've met him alive at least once.

"Yes, I think we should take the body.  The church is a good idea.  Wrap it in the rug he bled all over and replace it with a rug from another room.  That's my suggestion, at least."

"Looks like you get to keep those wonder weapons, Hewney.  Do you think our pay is around here someplace?"

"Oh..." Pathywyn snapped her fingers and turned back to Alvador.  "Did you dispatch Chree after our number one murder suspect?"
player, 180 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 05:45
  • msg #792

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Let's discuss it later. I said the monastery, not the church. The local priest is behind all this or at least deeply involved. I think we have a shot time to get to the horses and flee...unless you plan to fight a lot of people and, I guess, a fell priest."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 193 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 07:36
  • msg #793

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I don't follow.  Where's this monastery you're talking about?  The shrine of St Vallon back in Shipton?  We just run away without even trying to find Eliphas' murderer or weed the bad elements out of Farnworth?"

Pathwyn looked down again.  She blinked, trying to figure if it really was time to run.  This had all happened too fast and there was way too much she didn't know.

"What are we up against here?  A professional assassin.  That could be a really tough opponent.  Cannibal and his dogs.  I wish we would've killed him when we had the chance.  Maybe a fell priest.  Some thugs at the inn.  Are we in over our heads?  If we actually all worked together and handled them all separately..." she trailed off.

All of a sudden she did not feel confident they could do it today with no healing, no plan, and unreliable teamwork.  Maybe they did need to run.

"No one's told me if we have any allies here.  Does Eliphas have a crew in Farnworth?"
player, 181 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 07:44
  • msg #794

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador replied, "Yes, the shrine. Sorry; I'm rattled, but hurry, hurry."
player, 531 posts
HP : 5/10
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 04:03
  • msg #795

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak bent down and started rolling the body of Eliphas in the rug.  If they could get him to talk like the other dead priest they found, maybe they could find out where their payment was.
NPC, 105 posts
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 14:34
  • msg #796

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Slow down," said Hewney.  "Let's think this through.  Did you check the room that guy came from, Alvador?  He seemed pretty intent on his meal.  In any case, I know Eliphas was expecting us, so the pay should be here, if that's what's important.  I think we can take things on one at a time.  We already took out two of the people.  If the assassin hasn't left town, he might be a bit of challenge, but nothing we can't handle, working together.  But if we leave now, can tell you for sure that our pay won't be here if we come back for it, once everyone knows what'd happened here."

With that, he left the side of the body and went to the door of the next room.  "Don't think they were meaning to rob him," said Hewney.  "Even if they did take the ring off his finger.  Else the place would've been tossed more."

He opened the next door, and said, "Looks like a study in here.  I'll look for the pay."
player, 182 posts
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 19:18
  • msg #797

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Hewney, he left when I intimated Eliphas is alive. He went for the probable assassin. We need to get out of here!"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 194 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #798

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn tries to calm Alvador down.

"I'll tell you what, Alvador.  Let's you and I go get the horses and bring them back here.  We can load Eliphas' body on a horse with us and head out of town to lay low, camp, regroup, and figure out our next move.  That will give Hewney and Dak time to shake the house down a little."

"Don't worry.  We'll be cautious.  Good?"
NPC, 106 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #799

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"No, don't do that!" said Hewney, sounding extremely exasperated.  "Alvador, did you see the man leave?  In which direction?"
player, 183 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 01:38
  • msg #800

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"No, but I can think. A normal person would have come up with me. If he'd gone to get help, he'd have said something. Do what you feel you must, but hurry, hurry.

"Pathwyn, we'd better stick together."
player, 532 posts
HP : 5/10
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 01:38
  • msg #801

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak wasn't sure if he was rolling the body or not rolling the body.  He did like the idea that their getting paid might be closer than he thought.

"I'll go check that other door downstairs," Dak volunteered as he got up from the body.  He took one step in the direction of the door before turning around to grab a pillow off the bed.  He then proceeded downstairs.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 195 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 04:28
  • msg #802

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"No, don't do that!"

"Boss, we're on four different pages here.  Take a deep breath and tell us what you want us to do and why getting the horses runs counter to your plan," Pathwyn suggested.
NPC, 107 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #803

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"At this point," said Hewney, setting a stack of books to one side of the desk that he was exploring, "we need to stay together and stop haring off on ill-thought-out ideas.  Right now, the only person living in this town that knows we brought horses is the true stableman, and there's no need going to draw attention to the horses and needing to protect them with the group split up."  He kept digging through the desk while he was speaking.  "Alvador should look at those."  He gestured at the books as he brought out a pouch which, clearly from the way he handled it, was rather heavy.  "Think I found our pay."
GM, 1025 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 23:04
  • msg #804

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

player, 533 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #805

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

player, 184 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #806

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador started, by reading tiles or a bit of the beginning, what each book was.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 196 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 03:38
  • msg #807

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn heard what the plan wasn't, but didn't hear what the plan was, short of 'stay together'.  She was fine with that part, and the books seemed to be distracting Alvador.

She looked around the study.  She doubted there were any clues to Eliphas' murder in here, but it didn't hurt to look just in case.   She was ready to break off the search at a moment's notice.  It was really just to have something to do.
GM, 1026 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #808

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

NPC, 108 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 00:51
  • msg #809

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney sat at the desk, and opened the pouch he had found.  It was clearly bulging with silver coins, and he closed the pouch again.  "Count that later," he commented.

Alvador looked through the books finding that one had all the signs of being a spellbook, probably having once belonged to Eliphas.  Another book looked like a ledger, although the entries were in unfamiliar symbols other than the numbers.  Another looked to be a personal journal or diary.

"The way I see it," said Hewney, "we can go up to the church.  If the assassin hasn't left town, he probably still won't quite be expecting pursuit just yet.  Want to keep some distance, not get up close and personal, since we know he uses poison.  See how hard we gotta hit the priest, or if he's just lining his pockets without hurting anybody much."
player, 534 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 01:14
  • msg #810

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

player, 185 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 05:29
  • msg #811

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador, if he had room in his backpack appropriated the books. If he's short of room, his priorities are spellbook, diary, ledger.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 197 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 08:22
  • msg #812

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

If there were any books Alvador couldn't fit in his pack, Pathwyn offered to carry them.

Pathwyn nodded to the church watching plan.

"I've got a bunch of questions, Boss.  First off, the bedroom door lock...  How does it work?  Could the assassin have taken a key and locked the door as he left, or does it have to be locked from inside?  Also, can you describe Eliphas' missing ring?  Is it magical?  If so, I might be able to detect it tomorrow."

"I'm wondering what our thoughts on the housekeeper are.  Do we think those are Cannibal's dogs?  Has he gone to report to his boss?  Do we think he's Penrhyn, working as an inside agent for Cannibal in Eliphas' own house?  If not, we should find this Penrhyn and enlist his aid.  He'd have a much better lay-of-the-land than we do, and inside information on Cannibal."

"I assume we're going to leave Eliphas' body here for now," she added.
GM, 1027 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 11:34
  • msg #813

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

All of the books were of a reasonable size, such that they could fit into a backpack, particularly with the lightness of Alvador's pack currently.
player, 186 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 19:04
  • msg #814

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Thank you Pathwyn," Alvador said as he stowed the books. Seeing nothing happening, he fidgeted, almost dancing in his impatience for the group to be on its way.
player, 535 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 23:40
  • msg #815

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

GM, 1028 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 00:23
  • msg #816

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

player, 536 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 00:36
  • msg #817

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Find anything good?" Dak asked as he returned from downstairs carrying a number of tankards.

"I found that guy we met earlier with another guy eating in the dining room downstairs.  That's where I picked up these," he said, holding up the tankards.

"Anyone thirsty?  The one with stew is mine."
player, 187 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #818

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvdor blinked and muttered, "Am I gong mad?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 198 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 09:02
  • msg #819

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Still waiting on Hewney's answers to her earlier questions she told Dak,

"Boss found our pay and some important books."

"Did you catch either of the men's names?  Were the dogs with them?" she asked Dak, declining a tankard with a hand wave.
NPC, 109 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 14:48
  • msg #820

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"All right, if everyone is done running off on hare-brained ideas," said Hewney, "we need to think about what we're going to do.  So, Lady Pathwyn had some questions, and I'm gonna try remember it all.  The lock ain't that special.  Could've been locked from the other side, mighta took the key, since it wasn't in here.  Most times it would be locked from inside though, with the key sitting in the lock to make it easy to leave when ya want ta.  Ring ... I don't know, coulda been magic.  Sure would explain why someone might want it, especially enough to kill for it.  Ring's got rubies and black pearls, like one ruby in the middle and five of the other stones around it.  I don't know about the dogs, that's for sure, but Penryhn ... I just don't know.  Might've gone to work for Eliphas genuine, might've just acted like it so he could get close enough to do 'im in."

He took a deep breath, huffing it out again, as though he were trying to clear his thoughts.  "OK, the pay I found, we keep with us.  No matter what, it's coming with us.  We think we saw the man what killed Eliphas running off, up towards that church.  We go together up there, see if we find the green cloaked guy, and if he's Penryhn then we know he ain't up to any good.  Don't think we can trust anyone looks able to fight.  We know he uses poison, so Lady Pathwyn's arrows might be best, unless you got more sleep up your sleeve, Alvador?"
player, 188 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 17:49
  • msg #821

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador answered, "I have memorized Burning Hands, Shield, and Sleep; and I've cast none of them. I wish now I'd studied Sleep more. You're the leader, though I wish you'd lead more kindly"
player, 537 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #822

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"The dogs are still down there," Dak said around a mouthful of stew.  He'd set the other three tankards of ale on the fireplace mantel.  Now there was one for him.

"I don't know their names.  The guys in the dining room.  But I don't know the dogs' names either.

"I can go back down and ask what their names are and if anyone visited Eliphas before us," Dak volunteered.  He'd get some more stew, too.
NPC, 110 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 20:50
  • msg #823

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"No," said Hewney, sounding a bit frustrated with the notion that someone would take another solo trip somewhere.  "That doesn't matter.  We need to stay together.  OK--so Alvador has a sleep and burning hands, if we need it. We'll have to be pretty careful with that, what with these buildings looking most made out of wood.  Shield if he needs it .. will that protect you from poison?    Lady Pathwyn has her arrows.  We don't want to get close to the guy who has used poison.  I can lock the door again when we're all out of the room."
player, 538 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 21:23
  • msg #824

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak was disappointed he wasn't going to get another chance at the stew.  He reached for one of the tankards on the mantel and took a drink.  They had their payment so he didn't mind whatever they did from here.
player, 189 posts
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 22:34
  • msg #825

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"The ale? Dak, does it smell or taste a bit different?"
player, 539 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 23:17
  • msg #826

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak took another big swig of ale for comparison.  "Not that I can tell," he replied after some consideration.

"I brought one for everyone if you want to try some," he said, nodding his head in the direction of the mantle and the two remaining tankards.

At this point, Dak had a tankard in each hand.  He'd given up on the spoon and was just drink/eating the stew directly from the container.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 199 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 05:40
  • msg #827

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Let's lock up and check out the church.  If we have to fight, lets do as much ranged fighting as we can until Hewney engages with the magic daggers.  Good?"  Pathwyn asked Alvador and Dak.
player, 540 posts
HP : 5/10
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 14:52
  • msg #828

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak nodded to the elf as he finished off the tankard of ale.  He eyed the other two, thinking they shouldn't go to waste, but thought better of it.
NPC, 111 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 15:43
  • msg #829

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"All right," said Hewney.  He handed the coin pouch to Pathwyn.  "We can split it later, but for now, carry that along.  I will lock the door again when we're in the hall.  We'll go straight downstairs and out the door, no stopping, does that sound reasonable?  Then when we're outside, we'll go up the hill to that church and see what we find."
player, 541 posts
HP : 5/10
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 16:14
  • msg #830

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak added his two empty tankards to the mantel and stepped out into the hall.
player, 190 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 21:28
  • msg #831

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador placed himself after Pathwyn and before Dak as they go.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 200 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 23:15
  • msg #832

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn was worried when Hewney handed her the coin pouch.  It felt like the action of a leader who thought he might not survive their next fight.  Hewney could probably see that look in her eyes when he handed her the pouch.  She took it and stuffed it into her pack, but wished the group was willing to postpone their next battle until tomorrow, so she could heal the wounded and dying.  So far there was just no convincing them to slow down and take things cautiously and deliberately.  It didn’t have to take a death to learn the value of discretion.

Pathwyn picked up Dak’s discarded tankards that would prove they’d been in the locked murder scene room and carried them out into the hall where she set them down on the floor.

She nodded at the simple out-the-door plan and followed Hewney down the stairs after he locked the bedroom door.
NPC, 112 posts
Sat 17 Oct 2020
at 20:03
  • msg #833

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Once everyone was in the hallway, Hewney closed the door once more, using his picks to set the lock again.  "Actually easier than unlocking," he commented.

"Why don't you put those in that other room?" he added when he saw that Pathwyn had taken the tankards out of the room also, waving at the room opposite the one which had turned out to be a murder scene.

With little more ado, he started down the stairs and out the door, as the dogs seemed inordinately interested in something which might have been under the furniture.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 201 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 17 Oct 2020
at 23:39
  • msg #834

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn put the tankards in the other room instead of the hall and followed Hewney out of the house to the church.
player, 191 posts
Sun 18 Oct 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #835

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador eyes observed the dogs. He opened his mouth, shrugged, closed his mouth, and followed Pathwyn.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:04, Sun 18 Oct 2020.
player, 542 posts
HP : 5/10
Mon 19 Oct 2020
at 02:29
  • msg #836

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak was glad the dogs had found something else of interest as he'd lost track of the pillow while eating.  Bringing up the rear, he closed the door securely behind everyone as they left the building.
GM, 1035 posts
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 15:19
  • msg #837

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Leaving the house behind, the group made their way up the hill to the church.  The church itself was a simple, nearly symmetrical structure with a steep roof and a small chimney from which a thin ribbon of smoke rose into the air.  The main door opened into a spacious hall filled with benches.  At the far end of the hall were a lectern and a small altar.  Two doors exited the hall on the wall opposite this entrance.

Four men could be seen here--one dressed in banded mail with a long sword, the other a heavier-set man who was also armed with a long sword.  There was a third man, attired in the common russet of a worker, and kneeling toward the back a fourth man who was also dressed in russet and appeared to be in prayer.  The third man stood, making his way to the exit as the party entered.
player, 543 posts
HP : 5/10
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 01:49
  • msg #838

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak didn't see anyone in a green cloak.  He looked around for a cloak room or somewhere the man could have taken it off.

Or he may have just kept on going and wasn't in the church at all.  They had been at the house for enough time for the green cloaked man to escape.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 202 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 05:29
  • msg #839

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Excuse me, sir," Pathwyn said to the third man in a hushed tone, respectful of the atmosphere of prayer.  "Could you point out the priest?"
GM, 1038 posts
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 03:02
  • msg #840

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The man looked downright alarmed at having been prevented from leaving, and he glanced toward the armored men, and ducked his head low, whispering back, "In a meeting."  With a little more determination, he went toward the door, trying to give the party a very wide berth, with a half-furtive glance back at the armored men present.
player, 192 posts
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #841

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador looked at the rest of the party as the man left, gestured a thumb that way, and wiggled index and middle fingers.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 203 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 04:14
  • msg #842

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The townsperson's reaction was all she needed.  This was not someone working with the murderers.  He could dish on who's who given a little safety and anonymity.  Pathwyn gave him time to exit without obviously following him and then slipped out subtly for a word with him.

Once she was outside the church, in the clear away from the armored men, she caught up to the russeted man.

"Wait.  We're here to help," she said in a calm, soothing tone.  "Who are those armed men, and who are they with?"

"Did you see a man in a green cloak come this way?" she added.
player, 544 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 02:12
  • msg #843

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak remained in the church and took a seat.  He didn't want to draw any attention to whatever Pathwyn was doing.
GM, 1039 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 02:21
  • msg #844

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The man still seemed fairly nervous, glancing back toward the church several times.

"I'm just a farmer, praying Atu bless the crops," he said.  "Just a simple farmer.  I don't need armed guards like Father Damon.  If he is, he isn't like no other priests I known."  The man signed himself in a warding gesture.  "Yes, there was that man what was wearing a green cloak.  Penryhn."  He spat on the ground as though the name had had a foulness in his mouth.  "Gone meeting with Damon.  And that's all.  I can't help you."

He started to hurry down the hill.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 204 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 05:09
  • msg #845

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn thanked the man before he ran off and went back into the church.

She slid up next to Hewney and whispered "Penryhn's our man in green and he's meeting with the despised priest Damon further in.  Attack these two now or leave and wait?"
NPC, 113 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 19:14
  • msg #846

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

In the rather absurd--at least, to those who knew him--posture of prayer, Hewney nodded.  "Attack now, but quiet ... maybe a good time for a nap, Alvador?"
player, 193 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 19:18
  • msg #847

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador shuffled into the church, head down, sad-faced. Suddenly, he sprayed out a handful of sand while exclaiming Moosum alta
player, 545 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 02:27
  • msg #848

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak wasn't keen on attacking folk that hadn't attacked them, but putting them to sleep didn't hurt anyone.  He was more disappointed to hear one of Eliphas' own men had betrayed him.  He'd always seemed like such a good judge of character.

He stayed seated to watch the results of Alvador's enchantment.  He hadn't seen the half-elf use it before at the tower as he was otherwise occupied.
GM, 1040 posts
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 04:07
  • msg #849

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

With little more than a whispered word, the two armored men yawned, and then dropped to the floor, sound asleep.

The remaining man in the church stood, and said, "We can get'em.  I'll help!"  As he stood, it was apparent that he used a walking stick which was certainly enough to put some hurt on a person, as long as the villager remained standing.  A closer look suggested that he was well past the age where a fighting man ought to be.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 205 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 13:27
  • msg #850

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Do we have rope?" Pathwyn asked the others before moving to the sleeping men and carefully relieving them of their longswords and other weapons.

"Sir," she said to the old man with the walking stick in hushed enough tones not to alert others or wake the sleepers.  "We will handle Penryhn and Damon.  We need you to stay clear of danger for now, lest we fail.  Understand?  Now tell me, quietly, about these two.  Have they committed grave acts, or are they merely pawns of evil men?  A description of Penryhn would be helpful too."
GM, 1043 posts
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 22:59
  • msg #851

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

As Hewney pulled rope from his pack and began tying the sleepers up, testing the knots with the sureness of one who had had practice at getting into and out of knots, the villager sidled closer.

"That one," and he indicated the one in banded mail, "he be Damon's special guard.  Come 'round and take from ya if ya wasn't givin' enough.  Not that Damon never seemed like the proper sort o' priest, but up in a place like this, hard to get 'em.  Damon got another guard round here, too.  Funny, priest needing guards like that."

Truthfully, for those familiar with the Atuan faith, the church did seem rather devoid of the usual decorations, and there were even a few discolored spots which suggested that something had been there in the past and was now gone.

"Other 'un, he come to the church sometimes, pray a bit, mostly stay at the inn like most of them.  Penryhn, he be right proud o' his green cloak.  Wear it even when it ain't needed.  He gone in that way."  He pointed to the left door at the end of the church proper.
player, 546 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 01:39
  • msg #852

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak was impressed by Alvador's craft.  It definitely prevented a lot of bloodshed when they weren't sure who deserved to be hit on the head.

Dak got up from his bench and went to stand beside the door the villager had indicated.
NPC, 114 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 19:42
  • msg #853

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Making sure of his knots, Hewney then went to his pockets to produce a pair of handkerchiefs.

"No need let'em squawk if they wake."  He made gags of the handkerchiefs before preparing to follow through the door indicated by the villager.
player, 194 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 21:14
  • msg #854

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador waited until the others were ready to proceed.
player, 547 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 02:28
  • msg #855

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak waited until the other were ready before he acted.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 207 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 04:57
  • msg #856

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn put her hand on the holy symbol hanging around her neck and closed her eyes for a moment before unlimbering her bow, drawing an arrow, and placing the nock to string.  It was time for some quick tactics.

"I think we're better off fighting in here," she said quietly to the party.  "More space."

"Dak, will you throw open the door?  Assuming I see the culprits I'll fire into the room to draw them in here.  Sling and crossbow from Alvador and Hewney if you'd like.  If they want to stay at a distance it's their funeral.    When they attack, Alvador and I will fall back.  Dak and Hewney, backpedal a little after your swings if you can.  It'll give Alvador and I some clear shots.  It takes time to prepare blade poison, so this surprise attack might save us from that danger."

She looked around to see if everyone had weapons ready and was in was agreement with the strategy, then nodded to Dak to throw open the door.
NPC, 115 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 10:51
  • msg #857

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney nodded his agreement, and murmured, "Good plan," as he prepared the crossbow.
player, 195 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 19:02
  • msg #858

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador hung back, keeping out of the way and taking any cover against the possibility of something unwanted coming his way.
player, 548 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #859

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak nodded to the others, seeing they were prepared, and knocked politely on the door.  This was a church after all.
GM, 1053 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 11:24
  • msg #860

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

From beyond the door, there was a gruff voice which said, "What the hell the matter with you?"

The door opened, revealing a burly man in chainmail with battleaxe in hand.  Beyond, in the room he was in, there were several stuffed chairs, a glowing fire in a fireplace, and another door in one corner, and in the back of the room a pair of simple cots with a footlocker at the end.

The man looked around at the group on the other side of the door, and yelled, "We got trouble here!"

The villager started moving toward the exit.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 208 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 00:37
  • msg #861

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The roughians did indeed have trouble.  Pathwyn's first arrow flew perfectly, piercing the foul mouthed thug's chainmail and sinking deep into the dead center of his chest.  Her second shot, if the man was still standing, was less perfect.

20:25, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 3 using 1d10.  initiative.
20:25, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.

(Any bonus for a natural twenty?)
20:28, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
20:29, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.

GM, 1057 posts
Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 12:54
  • msg #862

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

While Pathwyn's arrow had flown true and clearly had staggered the man, it did not fell him.  A moment later, Hewney--having pulled the two daggers made rather disastrous attacks--not coming close to harming the armored man.  Perhaps it was his wound, perhaps some other cause--but the swing of the battleaxe was easily avoided by the nimble Hewney.

Natural 20:  full damage by weapon + roll (so, in this case, 8+6 = 14).
player, 549 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 04:28
  • msg #863

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Now that it looked like they were fighting, Dak drew his sword and tried to drive back the defender of the faith.

Dak rolled 8 using 1d10.  Initiative round #2.
Dak rolled 14 using 1d20-2.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike!
Dak rolled 8 using 1d8.  Long sword damage.
player, 197 posts
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #864

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador stations himself at the back of the group, enough paces back so his comrades have room to maneuver. He grips his staff and tries to look tough.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 211 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 06:21
  • msg #865

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn was surprised that the burley man hadn't gone down from the direct hit, but not so surprised that she couldn't fire again.  She quickly shot at the burly man before Dak moved in to engage him.  Now there was no clear second shot.  She held her shot hoping the group would stick to plan and let the opponent(s) into the open.

01:07, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 5 using 1d10.  initiative.
01:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
01:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 5 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:38, Thu 12 Nov 2020.
GM, 1062 posts
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 05:26
  • msg #866

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney was trying for a better position when Pathwyn's arrow, followed by Dak's swing of the sword finally brought down the fighting man who had been in the room.

In the main chamber of the church, the villager could be seen to have made his exit.

For the moment, it seemed quiet within the church.  Looking about the room, they could see a table between the chairs, upon which was a box and a pipe.  On the walls were a variety of sketches of people and rough landscapes.

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 212 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 05:50
  • msg #867

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Stay alert," Pathwyn said, keeping her bow ready to fire.  She aimed at the doorway and took no steps towards it.  "He was talking to someone in that room who either ran out the back door, or is still lurking to pounce on us."

"I'm betting on the pounce."

Do I see a second door there, next to the first, that we haven't opened, leading to a second room?
This message was last edited by the player at 05:54, Fri 13 Nov 2020.
GM, 1063 posts
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 12:19
  • msg #868

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

There is a door (unopened) from the church proper--but the villager had said the green-cloaked man went through the left one.  Then there is a door to (presumably another smaller room) in the room the group is currently in.  Squares are 10'
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 213 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 17:21
  • msg #869

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Was there a second story, spire, or bell tower on this church?
GM, 1064 posts
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #870

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

No second floor (which does not preclude a basement).  Bell tower, yes.
player, 198 posts
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 22:35
  • msg #871

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador looks in the room before continuing to look out.
player, 552 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 03:18
  • msg #872

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak kept his sword up to ward off any pouncing as he stepped into the room.  The man had shouted at someone, so someone else might come through at any moment.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 214 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 06:25
  • msg #873

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

It made sense to Pathwyn that this little room they were about to enter would contain a ladder up to the bell tower, but she seriously doubted Damon and Penryhn were hanging out around the church bell.  More likely they were down in a cellar, which in churches tended to be a crypt.  She was not looking forward to spending much time in a crypt.

She stopped, arrow strung and pointed at the door, and listened as intently as she could for voices of the dead before talking to the living.

"Dak, would you get that door please?" she asked, nodding to the door of the 10x10 room.  "I'll cover you."
player, 553 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 15:03
  • msg #874

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Unless he's set upon, Dak will move to open the door the blood priestess had indicated.  He was planning on staying well back from her line of fire once he'd opened it.
GM, 1066 posts
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 18:18
  • msg #875

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The small room behind the door that Dak opened featured another bed and footlocker, and also a narrow spiral stair which both ascended into the bell tower, although a cord dangling here meant that climbing all the way would not be required and also descending into a space from which warm light could be seen.  It seemed that some whispers could be heard from below.
player, 554 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #876

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak nodded to get the others' attention and pointed into the smaller room and down.  From further back, they probably hadn't heard the whispering.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 215 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 03:31
  • msg #877

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn kept her arrow trained on the 10x10 room while moving to Alvador's side.  In near whisper she asked,

"Is briefly scouting the basement and reporting back to you something Chree can safely do?"
player, 555 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 01:24
  • msg #878

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Seeing that Pathwyn and Alvador were on board with his plan, Dak whispered loud enough for those below to overhear, "Eliphas, which was the one you wanted to deal with personally?  The one with the green cloak, right?"

Dak flashed the others a thumbs up as he peered down the spiral to see if anyone looked back up.
player, 199 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #879

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador still, he hopes, maintaining his watchfulness and bluff.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 216 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 06:18
  • msg #880

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn elbowed Alvador.
player, 200 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 07:41
  • msg #881

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Startled reaction followed by an inquiring look, tinged with sadness.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 217 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 18:24
  • msg #882

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

It could be that Alvador is a little hard of hearing, so she repeated the question just a touch louder now that she had his attention.

"Is briefly scouting the basement and reporting back to you something Chree can safely do?"

Evoking the name Eliphas was a good idea.  It would confuse the murderer and his conspirator, if they heard it that is.  Pathwyn smiled at Dak's thumbs up and gave him an approving nod.
player, 201 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 19:07
  • msg #883

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador shakes his head. "No. It's too confining and would be unusual to say the least."
GM, 1070 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 19:20
  • msg #884

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

From below, the words started to seem to take a more solid form than the hiss of whispers carrying up the stairs, at least some of the words.

"Thought you ... dead!"

"Is ..."

Unfortunately, it seemed that their position was too far from the spiral stair for the speakers themselves to be seen from above.
player, 556 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 14:18
  • msg #885

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Hold on," Dak whispered aloud again.  "This is a church, I don't think burning it down is a good idea."

He waved for the others to get closer.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 218 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 23 Nov 2020
at 06:30
  • msg #886

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador shakes his head. "No. It's too confining and would be unusual to say the least."

"OK.  In that case, please grab those sketches,"  she requested, quietly.

Pathwyn relaxed the bow and quivered the arrow to free up a hand.  She pulled a blanket off the nearest bed or cot, wadded it some, and threw it down in the middle of the larger room away from other flammables.  She looked directly at Hewney to make eye contact, then made a knife stabbing motion at the blanket followed by gesture of flames billowing up from the blanket.

There was little danger in burning the blanket.  They could stomp it out or even just let it burn itself out.  Might scorch the floor is all.  Hopefully those below would eventually smell the smoke, further backing up Dak's ruse.

She redrew the arrow and move closer to Dak.
NPC, 116 posts
Mon 23 Nov 2020
at 14:45
  • msg #887

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney nodded, and went over to the fireplace, taking the tongs from the hearthside tools and plucking a burning bit of wood and dropped it into the middle of the blanket.  Of course, the smoke would go up, rather than down, but the smell would still be there.

"It'll get it started," he said.
player, 203 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #888

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Glad for something to do, Alvador grabbed the sketches. He looked around for anything the group might want to take.
player, 557 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #889

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"You're in charge," Dak whispered loudly again.  "If you want him burned alive, I'm not going to argue.  You were the one he tried to kill after all."
GM, 1074 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 02:29
  • msg #890

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

As the small room had started to fill with smoke, a man ascended the stairs, his hands leading the way, as he said, "Friends, let us not be hasty!  This is the house of ... of Atu, after all!"
player, 558 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 01:58
  • msg #891

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Move away from the stairs," Dak ordered the man as he watched for the other man to try a surprise.

"Keep your hand where we can see them."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 219 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 05:02
  • msg #892

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"DON'T SAY A SINGLE WORD!" Pathwyn barked at the 'priest'.  "Move over here slowly and lie face down on the floor.  If you say anything, or make one false move I'll put an arrow in each of your eye sockets."

Pathwyn meant it too.  Well, the eye socket thing might've been an exaggeration, but she was ready to fire if he uttered anything or made any sort of divine gesture.  As little as she thought he was a real priest of Atu, she was prepared to cut him off before he could cast any spells.

She hoped Hewney had some more rope to tie and gag this guy.
player, 204 posts
Wed 25 Nov 2020
at 06:07
  • msg #893

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador looked around for any cloth.
GM, 1077 posts
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 00:20
  • msg #894

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The 'priest', such as he was, looked rather peculiar as he continued his ascent of the stairs.  Rather than being dressed in the ordinary garb that one might expect for a priest not currently engaged in conducting ceremonial worship, he was dressed in the ornamental chasuble of ceremonial worship as though he thought he could not be a priest without this.

"Friends," he began again, looking down at the ring he wore.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 220 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 08:43
  • msg #895

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn's fuse was extremely short just now.  She had just shouted at him not to utter a single word in the very clearest and most graphic of terms she could and here he was trying to talk his way out.

Pathwyn remorselessly fired two arrows at the charlatan holy man knowing that eye socket hits were too much to hope for.

03:39, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
03:39, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d8.  arrow damage.
03:39, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.
03:40, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

player, 205 posts
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 20:39
  • msg #896

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador turned and swiped at the "cleric" with his staff exclaiming, "'Ware spell!" While he failed to connect, at least the mage was trying.
player, 559 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 23:16
  • msg #897

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak kept an eye on the stairs as he'd been expecting the blood priestess to fire as soon as the man opened his mouth.
NPC, 117 posts
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 23:27
  • msg #898

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Thanks!" said Hewney, as he dodged Alvador's work to disrupt the presumed casting, and then he stabbed at the man with the first dagger, scoring deeply into the base of the man's neck, though the second dagger was not even close.

In the end, it seemed not to matter, as the man succumbed to the combined effect of Pathwyn's first arrow and Hewney's dagger.

"We may have given him too much time," he muttered.  "Beware poison."
player, 560 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 03:36
  • msg #899

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Time to go," Dak said.  Sword and shield in hand, he started quickly down the stairs to capitalize on their surprise.
player, 206 posts
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #900

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"So much death...." Alvador muttered. "I'll take a look to see if anybody's coming and if all is quiet." And he does. Chree flies up under an peak of the building so the duo can see further.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 221 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 04:19
  • msg #901

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn considered Alvador's comment about all the deaths.  The population of Farnworth was dropping steadily.  It was likely there were at least two more coming, Penrhyn and Cannibal.  Hopefully, in the end it would all be worth it and the townspeople could go back to a peaceful life fishing and herding sheep.

She drew another arrow and followed Dak down the stairs right behind him.
GM, 1084 posts
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 01:33
  • msg #902

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Ascending the spiral stairs, Chree found that there were a couple of his distant relations dozing by the quiet bell.

Descending, the stair opened into a surprisingly warm and well-lit basement room.  The floor was carpeted, with tapestries and paintings affixed to the walls.  There were a number of candles lit, and the aroma of a balsamic incense in the air.  The room had been furnished with a couch, four chairs, and a table, with a plate of cheeses and a decanter of red wine and two silver goblets sitting on the table.

The man with the green cloak, Penrhyn, stood, dropping a flask to the ground as he drew a short sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left hand.

"Shoulda left well enough alone," he said, seeming surprisingly confident considering his circumstances.
player, 561 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 02:31
  • msg #903

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hearing the elf descending behind him, Dak swung around to one side to let her fire before he moved in.

Delaying his attack until at least one of her arrows are away or Penrhyn makes a move on her.

Dak rolled 6 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Dak rolled 14 using 1d20-2.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike! Hits AC 5
Dak rolled 3 using 1d8.  Stabby stabby!
player, 207 posts
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #904

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador scanned a circle and went back to report. If he found an item or two that looked usefully throwable, he picked it/them up.

Chree, kept on duty. checked out his distant relations. If a female looked come-hitherable, he came thither.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 222 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 08:44
  • msg #905

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn did not expect the basement of the church to be nicer than any of the rooms in Gwysol's tower.  It sure beat a crypt.  What she did expect was the assassin's cock-sure attitude.  She made her one clean shot on Penrhyn count, foregoing the second shot unless for some reason neither Dak nor Hewney moved in to attack.

03:38, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d10.  initiative.
03:37, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 18 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit.
03:38, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d8.  arrow damage.

GM, 1087 posts
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 00:15
  • msg #906

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney stood ready, but he seemed rather reluctant to get into dagger's length range with the man he believed to be using poison.

Unfortunately, Alvador did not find anything lying about loose that looked throwable on his way; Chree, on the other hand, was a bit distracted in making close acquaintance with the tower resident bats.

Down in the cellar, as Pathwyn's arrow struck home, the man snarled, dropping a packet of something on the ground, and suddenly there sprang up four more men--a total of five--dancing about the room, all festooned with a bleeding wound.

Dak swung his sword as the multiple versions of the foe sprang up, although the nearest one dodged just out of the way of the sword.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:17, Mon 28 Dec 2020.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 224 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 03:15
  • msg #907

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"They aren't real," Pathwyn cautioned.  She'd seen animals and even monsters summoned, but never Penryns.  Fakery!

"Dak and Hewney keep your focus on the original, if you can, and attack him.  Alvador, how can we counter illusions?  Can they hurt us?"

If there were any Penryn extras far enough away from Dak and Hewney to pose no danger of her hitting a friend, she fired at them.  Otherwise she waited and aimed, looking for an opening.

22:10, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 8 using 1d10.  initiative.
22:10, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 12 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1 (conditional).
22:11, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 5 using 1d8.  arrow damage (conditional).
22:11, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2 (conditional).

player, 208 posts
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 19:09
  • msg #908

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador looked down at the 'priest', and and idea occurred. He took the belt that cinched the chasuble and poked a hole in it. slicing off two strips from the chasuble, he tied them around his quarterstaff , one near the end and one around next to the end. He theln cinched the belt so it was between the strips. He adjusted the lower strip if necessary. When he was done, he has a length of belt hanging off the quarterstaff. That done, he moved to try to do his part in combat—to hold out the staff out and waggle it so the belt acted as a miniwhip.
GM, 1092 posts
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 00:21
  • msg #909

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Nick any of the fakes, they should disappear," offered Hewney as he seemed to be studying the foes which seemed to bob and weave until which was the original was as hard to tell as which cup concealed the pea in the street hustle.

While there was one that seemed far enough separated from the group, Pathwyn shot arrows toward him, the arrows flying through the field of opponents to lodge into the wall on the far side of the room.  Alvador stood ready on the staircase, as though to prevent any from ascending the stairs in the confusion, the makeshift whip ready to slash away any of the illusionary foes, should one come close enough to range.
player, 209 posts
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 00:34
  • msg #910

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador, determined to attempt to do his part, descended the staircase if it were feasible.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:39, Mon 28 Dec 2020.
player, 563 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #911

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Distracted by whatever magic created the multiple men, Dak swung wildly into their midst.  He had no idea which was the real one.

Dak rolled 9 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Dak rolled 3 using 1d20.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike!
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 225 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 2 Jan 2021
at 08:26
  • msg #912

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn found this Nick-the-fakes-and-they'll-disappear advice somewhat dubious.  She thought her first shot had 'nicked' one of the illusions.  Then again, it was hard to tell if it had missed or passed through.  She had two choices, cast down Veja's favored weapon and join the fray or keep trying to nick wandering illusions that strayed too far from the sword and knife play.  As it typically did, the bow won out.

Pathwyn will again fire at illusions if they move outside of melee and she can get off a safe shot, otherwise she will hold her fire.

03:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 3 using 1d10.  initiative.
03:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1 (conditional).
03:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2 (conditional).
03:11, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 4 using 1d8.  arrow damage (conditional).

GM, 1096 posts
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 23:22
  • msg #913

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney jumped into the fray, though it seemed that neither of his daggers managed to connect--even in the slightest--with the wavering, dancing forms.  Alvador continued to the base of the stairs as Dak worked to keep the forms at bay, though not nicking or further harming any.  As Pathwyn's arrows flew, two of the forms disappeared, although the arrows carried, unharmed, to lodge in the far wall of the room.
player, 210 posts
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 00:30
  • msg #914

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador attempted to wiggle-waggle his improvised "weapon" at/on/into the forms he thought he could reach.

16:29, Today: Alvador rolled 5 using 1d20.  Dice Roll.
player, 565 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 03:02
  • msg #915

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak kept swinging at whichever one of them was closest.  Eventually he'd connect with something.  Real or magic, they all seemed to be quite nimble as he swung around wildly.

Dak rolled 6 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Dak rolled -1 using 1d20-2.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike!
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 226 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 08:55
  • msg #916

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn let out an unexpected squeal of joy when her shots actually caused two of the illusions to disappear.  With Alvador joining in too, the basement was getting too crowded to keep recklessly firing off arrows.  The small elf let the bow fall from her hands, readied her spear and shield, and joined the semi-circle of heroes battling the green cloaked assassin and his two remaining illusionary dupes.  She knew even a single hit from his poisoned weapon would likely do her in, but the others we taking the same deadly chance.  She could do no less.

"Alvador, can you burn away the remaining fakes with your spell?" she suggested.

Was it the sword or the dagger Penrhyn had poisoned?  She tried to work that out as she stabbed, distractedly and ineffectually with her spear.  Best to avoid both weapons for now if possible.

03:43, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d10.  initiative.
03:45, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 3 using 1d20.  spear to hit.

player, 212 posts
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 22:30
  • msg #917

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador, busily in there trying, had no leisure to consider backing up to cast his lonely spell.
GM, 1099 posts
Tue 2 Mar 2021
at 03:18
  • msg #918

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney launched himself into the fight, stabbing with both the new daggers and coming up completely empty.  His failure to connect seemed universal at the moment, as Pathwyn's spear, Dak's sword, and Alvador's improvised weapon all seemed easily evaded.  Then, the moment came, revealing the true figure of the trio as the short sword dug deeply into Hewney's abdomen.  A moment later, though, the dagger missed Hewney but held fast in the wood of the wall just behind Hewney.
player, 213 posts
Tue 2 Mar 2021
at 04:30
  • msg #919

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Flummoxed, fumblingly, futile, farcical.... Alvador's improvised weapon falls apart as he drops it.

20:28, Today: Alvador rolled 1 using 1d20.  To Hit.
player, 567 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 2 Mar 2021
at 20:18
  • msg #920

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Feeling he'd figured out which was the real one, Dak swung a wide arc that struck absolutely nothing and almost spun him in a circle.

Dak rolled 1 using 1d10.  Initiative.
Dak rolled 0 using 1d20-2.  Thaco 19 Sword Strike!
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 227 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 06:18
  • msg #921

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn's first instinct was to bandage and treat Hewney, but such actions would only really be effective once.  Better to wait 'til he was wounded again for such desperate measures.  Of course, it wouldn't do to wait 'til the boss dropped from his wounds.

Taking Penryn out before he sliced and poisoned them all to death was of prime importance.  Pathwyn thrust her spear where the green cloaked assassin had been, but the attack was so obvious that the villain actually chuckled at the ease at which he avoided it.  The group's attacks had truly been comically incompetent.  Never before had they ever fought this badly.

"There has to be some sort of curse down here enfeebling our attacks," she surmised.  "We should retreat upstairs where we have some hope of success."

01:00, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 10 using 1d10.  initiative.
1:00, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 2 using 1d20.  spear to hit.

player, 214 posts
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 07:36
  • msg #922

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

(From the sublime to the ridiculous)

Alvador (realizing that to retreat means Hewney's death) picks up this staff and pokes, managing to touch the person, not an image.

23:30, Today: Alvador rolled 20 using 1d20.  To Hit.

23:33, Today: Alvador rolled 1 using 1d6.  Damage.

GM, 1103 posts
Sun 7 Mar 2021
at 14:55
  • msg #923

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney did not attack again, seeming to be much more concerned with holding his innards inside himself, finding a convenient spot against the wall to hold himself upright.

With a snarl, seeming not to be satisfied that he had been avoiding them, Penrhyn pulled another envelope just as Alvador's staff made contact.

Penrhyn stepped closer, within the arc that the staff could swing, and gave Alvador a hard shove away, then allowed the powder to fall from the envelope.  The nearest Penrhyn vanished from sight, and the remaining images winked out of existence.

Sounds suggesting that Penrhyn had taken to the stairs could be heard.
player, 568 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 7 Mar 2021
at 15:29
  • msg #924

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak was momentarily flumoxed by the disappearance of their adversaries, but the sound of pounding feet seemed like a good bet.  He turned and dashed for the stairs in pursuit.  Too much magic!

OOC: Movement 12 11 12

This message was last edited by the player at 17:28, Sun 07 Mar 2021.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 228 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 06:46
  • msg #925

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Penrhyn's retreat took Pathwyn by total surprise, but she was thankful for it.  The gods were merciful.

Now that he wasn't dodging around so much, Hewney would be a lot easier to treat.  Pathwyn dropped her spear and shield and knelt next to him.  She pulled bandages from her pack to help with the wounds, but was more worried about the poison.  She'd have to treat it like any other poison in the bloodstream, suck it out of the wound and apply something to absorb what's left in the blood.

"If you know any special treatments for this arsenic-like blade poison, better tell me quick or I'll be scrounging for charcoal," she told Hewney before putting her lips to his wound to extract and spit out what poison she could.

01:23, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 8 using 1d20.  Healing proficiency (WIS-2=15).  Success!
NPC, 118 posts
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 11:56
  • msg #926

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I'm hoping the poison was in that," said Hewney with a gesture to the dagger still stuck in the wall where it had lodged when he managed to dodge the second blow.  "And not both.  The wound doesn't feel stranger than others I've suffered."

"It is pretty bad, though," Hewney added.  "Maybe the bleeding washed anything out."   His legs buckled, bringing him to sit upon the floor.
player, 215 posts
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 23:08
  • msg #927

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador goes up the stairs and pulls the door ajar (not quite closed).
GM, 1105 posts
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 00:39
  • msg #928

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

As Dak, followed by Alvador, ascended the stairs back into the small room, the room appeared to be empty.  Alvador brought the door to the small room ajar.
player, 569 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 01:09
  • msg #929

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak continued the pursuit into the main room and out the front door if necessary.  This man had presumably killed his friend, after all, and he wanted answers!
player, 216 posts
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 05:15
  • msg #930

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador gaped but followed Dak. Chree flitted ahead of Dak, echolocating.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 229 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 07:02
  • msg #931

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn thought that chasing after the invisible assassin at this point was heroic, but suicidal madness.  They'd be better off letting him go for now and regrouping.  She also knew her advice on the subject would only fall on deaf ears.  She'd wait for the others to come back on their own.

She finished bandaging Hewney and fetched charcoal from the fire upstair if necessary for the poison treatment.  She would let it cool and powder it before applying.  Otherwise, best to leave the wounds clean.

"We're going to have to find someplace safe to rest for the night.  I can heal you properly in the morning," she told Hewney.  "No need to hurry things anymore.  The cat's out of the bag.  Penrhyn and Cannibal know we're after them now."

After she was done with the bandaging, Pathwyn gathered her weapons and ransacked the room for useful or valuable items.  At the very least she sampled the wine and cheese.  She plucked the dagger from the wall and handed it to Hewney along with some food and drink if he was interested.
GM, 1107 posts
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 11:59
  • msg #932

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth


Dak and Alvador made their way from the back rooms of the church into the main chamber of the church, seeing nothing that was particularly out-of-place or suggestive of the presence of an invisible person.  Nor did Chree seem to notice anything of the sort.


When Pathwyn took the dagger from the wall, there were still some traces of wetness on the blade, suggestive of the poison.

Both the wine and cheese were of better than average quality, and Hewney was happy enough to eat a little of the cheese, and drink a fair bit of the red wine which folklore said was good for bloodloss.
NPC, 119 posts
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 12:00
  • msg #933

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Not sure where might be safe," said Hewney.  "Maybe back at the stables so we can watch over the horses, too."
player, 570 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 15:09
  • msg #934

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak dashed out of the church to see what he could spot or hear.  The scoundrel hadn't had that much of a lead on him and would be breathing heavily at this point.  He himself was also breathing heavily, but he fancied he might be in a bit better shape than the other.
player, 217 posts
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 20:14
  • msg #935

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador and Chree follow. (Statistics vary; depending on species, bats fly form ~10MPH to ~100 MPH. Whether Chree cna fly around to echolocate an invisible person is up to guess who.)
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 230 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 10 Mar 2021
at 20:53
  • msg #936

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I'd feel safer taking the horses out into the wilds than bunking down right across the road from an inn full of Cannibal's thugs.  We'd be harder to find and they might assume we left town for good," Pathwyn replied, her attention only partly still on the conversation.

Something else had captured her imagination.  She pushed aside one of the tapestries, feeling around behind it.  With an air of fascination, she slid her fingertips along a seam in the wall.  There was a give in the material that shouldn't have been there and a hollowness to the sound of it when tapped on sharply.  This was not standard construction, not in a church at least.  She pushed the panel back into a second groove and slid it over.  There was something instinctually racially satisfying about the hidden panel.  She beamed silently.  The thrill of finding this was the best sensation she experienced all day, even better than shooting the battleaxe brute upstairs square in the chest.

There was a very study box behind the panel.

'It might be trapped' she warned herself mentally, but she was also curious.  For the moment she was content just visually examining the box to see what material it was made of, whether the box itself could be removed, and how heavy it might be.
NPC, 120 posts
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 16:08
  • msg #937

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney took another drink of the wine from the conveniently available goblet, and seeing that Pathwyn appeared to have found something of interest said, "You're probably right on that, leaving town at least for the time being.  What did you find?"
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 231 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 18:05
  • msg #938

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Some kind of lockbox.  This room has more than its share of secrets."

What is the lockbox made of?  Can it be removed from the wall or is it built in?
GM, 1108 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 00:38
  • msg #939

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The lockbox was made of metal, probably iron, about a foot tall and a foot wide.  It was very slightly more narrow than the gap in the wall and seemed to be removable.

Outside the church, Dak, Alvador, and Chree did not seem to be finding evidence of an invisible person running ahead of them.
player, 571 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 00:47
  • msg #940

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"We'll never find him out here," Dak said in resignation.  "Let's get back inside and see if we can secure these doors from his return.  Then we can see how Hewney and Pathwyn are doing."

He wasn't thrilled to have lost the man and there was no end to what mischief he might be able to bring upon them before they left.
player, 218 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 02:41
  • msg #941

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Chree settles on Alvador's shoulder and rests. The mage says I think it might be a good idea for us to be elsewhere get some distance away. Hewney, at best, is injured; and Pathwyn and I are short of non-mundane ablities. In other words, let's skedaddle or at least skedad.
player, 572 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 03:00
  • msg #942

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Well we should at least collect anything these bandits had before we leave," Dak said, waving for the half elf to get inside so he could close the door.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 232 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 06:10
  • msg #943

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Mindful of traps, Pathwyn let the tapestry hang back down into place, covering the hidden stash, but she didn't close the panel.  The tapestry should provide some protection from whatever the lockbox might throw at her.  Additionally, she was ready to spring out of harms way should anything happen.

With the tapestry between her and the box she gave the box a whack with the flat end of her hatchet and shoved and jostled it violently.  If all was quiet after that, she felt relatively safe removing the box from the wall.  She pushed the tapestry back out of the way and slipped her lithe, leather gloved fingers into the gaps on the sides of the box.  A few good tugs were enough to get it out far enough that she could put a hand under the strongbox to support the weight.  She had carried barrels of water this big and bigger.  So long as the box wasn't literally full of gold she should have no trouble with it.  If it WAS full of gold...  well, they were all kinds of rich.  The idea made her chuckle.
player, 219 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 06:40
  • msg #944

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador agrees Good idea to take whatever we think would b e useful if it doesn't take too long or be to awkward to carry. He accompanies Dak to where Hewney and Pathyn are. He asks Hewney How bad is it?
NPC, 121 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 11:54
  • msg #945

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney looked somewhat chagrined as Pathwyn's efforts did not cause any obvious traps to be released and then the diminutive priestess extracted the iron box from the wall.  The box, once pulled from the wall, seemed certainly heavy for its size, but not inordinately so--perhaps twenty or so pounds, though perhaps for one whose serious wound was tenuously held together by bandaging more than Hewney could move.

As Dak and Alvador returned to the luxuriously-appointed cellar, Pathwyn had brought the iron box out of the wall.

"Lady Pathwyn seems to have found something of interest," said Hewney.  "She suggests, and I agree, that we should leave town shortly."

He made a wry face at Alvador's question and said, "It did not kill me."
player, 220 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 23:30
  • msg #946

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador nods gravely. "I've heard it said, 'What does not kill one makes one stronger.' I recommend eating oysters on the half-shell as a pleasant alternative to getting wounded."
player, 573 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 23:51
  • msg #947

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"What was in the chest?" Dak asked, assuming they'd already checked.  It would be disappointing to carry around an empty chest for a while only to discover it was empty.

He also wanted to check the thugs upstairs to see if they had anything interesting.
NPC, 122 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 00:32
  • msg #948

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Haven't opened it up, yet," said Hewney.  Now that Pathwyn had wrestled it out of the hidden alcove, he stepped over.  "Key isn't conveniently kept with it.  We could search about for it, or I can just open it up, see what we've got."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 233 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 00:54
  • msg #949

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn was glad that Alvador and Dak came back unharmed.

"She suggests, and I agree, that we should leave town shortly."

Pathwyn nods.

"We need to get the horses St Vallon's was so kind to loan us and get out of Farnworth.  I know we've got unfinished business here, so I'm not saying we need to leave town for good.  We can camp a safe distance from town to rest, heal up, and plan our next move."

She grabbed another bite of cheese before continuing.

"We've got a couple of matters to figure out here too.  What are we going to do with the sleepers tied up upstairs?  If we leave them here they'll be found, rearmed, and we'll almost certain have to fight them again.  I don't really want to take them with us.  Can we have some farmers keep an eye on them?  Maybe hang them upside-down by their ankles from a tree?  I don't know."

"The other matter is this..."

She walked over to the far end of the room and tried to open the secret door.
player, 574 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 01:05
  • msg #950

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I'm guessing the key ran off just a few minutes ago," Dak surmised of the chest before looking up to see what Pathwyn was up to.  "Go ahead and open the chest while I check the folks upstairs and you see what else you can find down here.

"We could have Eliphas' men watch the two sleepers upstairs," Dak suggested as he climbed the spiral stairs.  "Just tell them it's all part of the plan he has to take over the town.

"For that matter, we could probably stay at the house as well and rotate a guard with the men there."
player, 221 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 03:25
  • msg #951

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Closing in on 1,000.

I agree with Pathwyn. Assuming you, Hewney , and walk, I think we should try to get to the horses and try to get to someplace that maybe is safe. Leave the sleepers. That will show we don't kill if our opponents are helpless, leave, or surrender.

He takes a look at the box, whether it seems smashable of the lock can be removed in some way.
NPC, 123 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 13:35
  • msg #952

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney looked over the box and pulled some wires from a pouch.  Fiddling for a moment, he brought the lock open.

Within, there were a number of silver coins of two different sizes--undoubtedly a mix of asil and griel, with a light peppering of golden lor.

"Best take this and count later," said Hewney.
GM, 1110 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 13:39
  • msg #953

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

After some poking and prodding at the wall, Pathwyn found a small section which depressed with a light click, and the door she had found slid, pocket-style, to reveal a rough passage of dirt supported by wooden timbers.  While it seemed unlikely that this was a recent addition to the church, it did appear to be in good repair and a reasonably safe path, although its end point was, of course, unknown.

Will try to move the group at least out of the church, if not Farnworth entirely before moving to a new thread.
player, 575 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 15:41
  • msg #954

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Upstairs, Dak was searching the sleepers and two bodies for any valuables or information.  For good measure, he'd take any weapons in case they got loose.  He'd dump them somewhere hard for them to find once they figured out what they were doing.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 234 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 20:01
  • msg #955

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Note: Pathwyn already disarmed the sleepers.  She has their longswords.  She's more than happy to give you one.  Less for her to carry that way.

"Do we have rope?" Pathwyn asked the others before moving to the sleeping men and carefully relieving them of their longswords and other weapons.

NPC, 124 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 22:20
  • msg #956

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Already done tied up and gagged those what Alvador put to sleep," offered Hewney.  "Other's be dead and don't need it."

Two ruffians (sleeping) tied up and gagged in the church proper; disarmed.

One dead ruffian with a battle axe and chainmail.

One dead false priest.

Pathwyn disarmed the sleepers.  On the one identified by the villager as Damon's enforcer, he has 7 asil and 9 griel; the other has 10 asil.

Ruffian with the battleaxe also had a dagger and has 10 asil.  The room also contains an ornate snuffbox and pipe that is likely to sell for about 20 asil.

The false priest is wearing a ring (Hewney previously described as belonging to Eliphas, ruby and black pearls), and has a coin pouch containing 5 asil, 11 griel, and 8 kipper and a nice pearl.
player, 576 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 23:26
  • msg #957

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Everybody still asleep up there," Dak announced as he descended the stairs.

He returned with a small bag of valuables, coins, the battleaxe, and dagger.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 235 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 00:55
  • msg #958

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Leave the sleepers. That will show we don't kill if our opponents are helpless, leave, or surrender."

Pathwyn winces and rubs her forehead.

"Well, just leaving them upstairs *is* the easiest route," she says with a sigh.  "But a nap and a little bondage isn't going to get them to change their ways and stop terrorizing Farnworth.  Their fellow bandits will find them, free them, and re-arm them.  We'll end up fighting them again tomorrow.  I'd like to avoid that."

"That said, I don't think we should kill them either.  How about some intelligent middle ground between those two choices?"

Pathwyn sits down on the couch to describe her idea.

"I have a plan that gets one of them out of our hair.  We take him out to the road back to Shipton, give him some rations, a coin, and a messenger job.  Go tell the church of St Vallon's in Shipton that Farnworth has an empty church and no priest of Atu.  After he delivers the message his debt is paid and he's free to start a new life."

She looks around to see what they think of the idea.

"Of course it only handles half of the problem.  There's always dropping the other thug off at a farm for temporary safe keeping until we can jail him or give him some indentured work on a ship if no one can think of a better idea."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:42, Sun 14 Mar 2021.
player, 578 posts
HP : 10/10
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 01:46
  • msg #959

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"No one's paying us to do anything here," Dak pointed out.  "I can see going after the guy that killed Eliphas, but that's it.

"Let's leave the two upstairs, get the horses, and just leave."

It seemed that everywhere they went, the people that either hired them or been hired by them were always dead by the time they got there.  What would this town look like after they got done saving it?
NPC, 125 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 02:13
  • msg #960

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Well, we did collect our pay--and keeping the daggers besides, and then a little more on the side," said Hewney.  "I think we've room in the box for that bag you've got, we can just carry the whole box with us and worry about dividing things when we're in a safe spot.  Those fellows are probably faking sleep, unless--well, how long does it last, Alvador?"
player, 223 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 03:07
  • msg #961

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

They're awake alright. Kept quiet too and didn't struggle. Pathwayn, I like the idea of telling them that we're merciful—once. And tell the other that. By the way, we advise you to mend your ways, preferably a ways from here.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 236 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 03:40
  • msg #962

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

It seemed like no one had any interest in the secret passage.  Pathwyn was fine with that.  Curiosity was great but dark and musty underground tunnels were not.  She was a lot less fine with running away and leaving Farnworth to Cannibal's cruel thugs, bandits, and assassin(s).  Maybe she could convince her friends to be heroes later.  Now it was time to deal with the tied-up roughians upstairs.

"Right, merciful once."

"Hey, would you guys be OK with me delivering that message?  I'd also like to question them one at a time.  I'll make it quick.  Dak, can you drag one of them into the small room and close the door while I start on the other?" she asked.
player, 579 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 04:12
  • msg #963

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"I can do that," Dak replied to the elf, putting the valuables into the chest and setting the ax and dagger aside.

He then retraced his steps up the spiral stairs to drag one of the supposed sleepers into the smaller room.  He then went to find a window facing the town to see if green cloak would return with reinforcements.
NPC, 126 posts
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 04:17
  • msg #964

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Do you want to see where that passage Lady Pathwyn found leads, Alvador?" said Hewney.  "Or we can leave well enough alone and let the message of one-time mercy be delivered and get ourselves out of town while we can."
player, 224 posts
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 04:33
  • msg #965

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador replies. I might as well. He retrieves his staff and enters the passage.
GM, 1113 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 00:14
  • msg #966

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

By the time Dak had moved the one man as Pathwyn had requested, it was obvious that the man was not actually asleep, but he certainly was not about to do anything to assist Dak and seemed to be doing his level best to make his weight as awkward to move as possible.

Looking out the window, Dak did not see anyone approaching the church, but the way was clear for Pathwyn to start delivering messages to the bound men.


Down in the cellar, Hewney closed up the box again after Dak had added treasure, and then left the box there as he moved to follow Alvador.

Prodding the area ahead, Alvador found no indication that the way was any less safe than it appeared, with the timbers holding the ceiling above.  Fortunately, once his eyes adjusted, he could see in the dark passage, finding that the passage seemed to turn with a slight right curve, which seemed to be further away from the church and perhaps toward the edge of town.
player, 225 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 01:23
  • msg #967

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador continues along his way, still probing because past trouble-free performance is no absolute guarantee of future trouble-free results.
player, 580 posts
HP : 10/10
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 01:37
  • msg #968

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak kept his vigil in the window while the others worked.  He didn't know whether the green cloaked one was in league with Canibal, or if all his men were here in the church.  Either way, he didn't want anyone to surprise them.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 237 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 06:38
  • msg #969

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn set aside her spear, shield, and the borrowed longswords in the basement for the moment.  She slipped the hatchet into her belt at easy reach and drew her knife before going upstairs.

Bound and gagged as he was, Pathwyn rolled Damon's guard onto his back with her boot so he was lying on his tied arms.  She climbed onto his chest, straddling him to further pin his arms in place with her legs.

"The bad news is you're unemployed now that Damon is gone," she told the man from her perch atop him.  "The good news is you've got a chance to turn over a new leaf and start fresh.  I'm going to ask you a few simple questions.  If you answer them, and your answers match the one your sidekick gives me then you're free to leave Farnworth and start a new life.  You can be a scout, a miller, a brewer, a town guard.  Whatever you want that isn't running with Cannibal's gang.  We're merciful once, not twice."

"If you don't answer..."

Pathwyn brought the point of the knife down threateningly near to one of the bandedmail-clad thug's eyes.  With her off hand she loosened the gag to let the man speak.

"Let's just start with the questions.  First, I want to know about Cannibal's dogs.  What do they look like?"

She described the man who answered the door at Eliphas' house.

"Do you know this man?  Does he handle the dogs?"

She has other questions after she gets an answer to the first couple.

"What is Cannibal's racket here?  How does he get the coin to pay all his men?"

"How many of Cannibal's men are there left at the inn?"

"Where is Penrhyn getting his magic?"

If she's reasonably happy with the guard's answers she'll go on to question the second thug in the other room.
GM, 1116 posts
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 11:22
  • msg #970

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

The bound man glared at Pathwyn for a few moments before he said, "Cannibal's dogs more like wolves.  Pretty yella color, and ain't that big but plenty mean."

Listening to the description of the men at Eliphas's house, he shook his head.  "Don't know 'em.  Not working for Cannibal."

"I ain't never worked for Cannibal and I don't know his business.  Not a healthy thing to be wondering about.  None o' that be healthy."

Finally, when the matter of Penryhn came up, he said, "How should I know?  Man been around, he get stuff."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 238 posts
Priestess of Veja
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 15:44
  • msg #971

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn sheathed her knife and put the gag back into place.

"This makes me feel better about letting you go," she said patting his shoulder as she stood up.  "Now lets see what the other guy has to say."

She left the bandedmail thug tied up, and went into the smaller room where Dak had dragged the other man to repeat the warning and questioning process.
player, 582 posts
HP : 10/10
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 01:31
  • msg #972

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

It seemed like the blood priestess was making headway as she came out to question the bound man in the church.  He had a suspicion she wasn't as devout as she should be.  Or perhaps her faith was so different than those he was familiar with.  It really seemed that killing people in a church, even if it wasn't one of your own, would be bad form.
GM, 1122 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 01:38
  • msg #973

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

In the tunnel

As Alvador continued his cautious exploration in the tunnel, he found that the way seemed to continue its slight curve and then when the light of the room behind was no longer visible, the passage descended with a set of stone stairs.  At the end of the stairs, there was a faint, diffuse sort of light.

Church Proper

As Dak continued his watch at the window, it seemed that no one was, as yet, interested in following up with the group at the church.


In the small room, Pathwyn moved to the second thug to set her questions to the man.

The man gave Pathwyn a sullen stare as he listened to her.

"Ya should jus' leave town," he said.  "Ya won't be gettin' th'jump on Cannibal, nor his dogs.  An' he ain't lettin' no fools handle 'is dogs. None'd do that."
player, 226 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 02:47
  • msg #974

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

POST 974!

Alvador continues, going up the stairs one step at a time.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 241 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 05:36
  • msg #975

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Oh?  Why won't we get the jump on Cannibal?  He doesn't seem that smart or organized.  I mean, we've been here less than a day and we've already killed a bunch of his lackies and got a spy in his ranks," she said waving the knife around carelessly near his face.  "...who can verify your answers and your pal's, so think real hard."

After she got his answer to the can't-get-the-jump question she re-asked about  Cannibal's men at the inn and the description of the dogs.
GM, 1124 posts
Sat 20 Mar 2021
at 14:39
  • msg #976

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Ya don't know Cannibal," said the man, "an' ya ain't gonna get me hurtin' him.  Ya ain't got no spy, no one that much a fool."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 242 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 20 Mar 2021
at 18:47
  • msg #977

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"It's someone you'd never suspect.  Some people are just pretending to be fools."

Pathwyn knew she wasn't going to get anything useful out of this one.  She put away her knife, pulled the gag back into place, got up, and rolled the stubborn thug onto his belly.  She drew the hatchet, flipping it around to the blunt end, and smashed the helpless thug's right hand until she was sure broken bones would render it useless for a while.

"If we ever see you in Farnworth again, you won't live to regret it."

She put his lights out with a blow to the base of the skull with the back end of the hatchet.

OOC: Doing real damage to cripple the hand, but non-lethal to knock him out.
player, 583 posts
HP : 10/10
Sat 20 Mar 2021
at 23:44
  • msg #978

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

There she is, Dak thought, recognizing the blood priestess' penchant for pain and maiming.  It really had to be an racial thing.  He wondered if she'd have been so brutal if it had been another elf.

"I don't see anyone coming up from town," Dak announced.  Then again, the man had been invisible.
GM, 1125 posts
Sun 21 Mar 2021
at 17:47
  • msg #979

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Below the church

As Alvador, trailed by Hewney, continued cautiously down the stairs, they found the stairs terminated in front of a door from which diffuse light around the edges could be discerned.  Based on the light, it looked like the door might lead outside.

Upstairs in the church

The outside remained quiet, without anyone coming to storm the church in response to the events that had taken place.

Pathwyn conducted her punishment and disabling of the thug without resistance as the man was, after all, bound and gagged.  Even so, there had been a muffled cry of pain against the gag at the blow struck to his hand, and then quiet as the man was knocked unconscious.
player, 227 posts
Sun 21 Mar 2021
at 22:22
  • msg #980

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador, if possible, opened the door a crack and put an eye to the opening slit. If all seems quiet, he closes the door and starts returning. He tells Hewney what he saw. Probably, he advised using this egress.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 243 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 22 Mar 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #981

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Pathwyn was surprised to find the basement lounge empty when she descended the stairs.  Neither Alvador nor Hewney had passed through the church, so unless they were up in the bell tower they had gone to check out the secret passage.  She shook her head and then shrugged.  Hewney should just stay put with those injuries.  She sat down and had more wine and cheese while waiting for them to return.
player, 584 posts
HP : 10/10
Mon 22 Mar 2021
at 01:48
  • msg #982

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Dak sighed and turned back to the window.  It was probably better to be ignored by her at the moment, anyway.  She seemed a little cranky after her interrogation.  They must not have been very helpful.
GM, 1127 posts
Mon 22 Mar 2021
at 02:46
  • msg #983

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Below the Church

Alvador found the door opened easily enough, swinging outward from his position.  From what he could see, there was no one about the area, and it sounded quiet enough, with a large tree just barely visible, as though the tree was meant to shield the door from view.  The perspective suggested that the door was indeed at the bottom of the hill the church sat upon.
player, 228 posts
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 00:57
  • msg #984

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Alvador has returned to Hewney, told what he saw. Assuming Hewney has nothing to say, Alvador informs Dak and Pathwyn of the egress and (while no baddies are listening) suggests they leave that way.
player, 586 posts
HP : 10/10
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 01:33
  • msg #985

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

"Sounds good to me," Dak agreed with Alvador's suggestion.  He'd been wondering what everyone else had been up to until the half-elf had beckoned for him to join them below.

"Did the two upstairs offer up anything useful?" Dak asked of Pathwyn.  He'd only heard a little of the second interrogation and it mostly sounded as though Green Cloak didn't have anymore allies in town that were noteworthy.
NPC, 127 posts
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #986

Beyond the Fog:  Farnworth

Hewney had followed Alvador as far as the stairs, keeping the mage in sight, seeming unwilling to exert himself too much unless it proved necessary.

"That sounds like the best exit," he agreed.  "A most unusual church, but perhaps that's something to ponder over when we're a bit safer--and that means let's grab the box and get out of town."
GM, 1132 posts
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 02:48
  • msg #987

XP Line

And with this, let's move to the next thread.
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