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22:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Reunited, and it feels ...

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 1203 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #1

Reunited, and it feels ...

Dak made his way into the house, walking down the hallway toward the room with the password-warded stairs.

Doors to the rooms on either side were standing open.  Within one of these rooms, there were several of Dak's former companions about a nearly-destroyed desk:  Lenelle, Panatix, Storm, and Westin.
This message was last updated by the GM at 11:38, Tue 11 May 2021.
player, 625 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 4 May 2021
at 00:04
  • msg #2

Reunited, and it feels ...

"You're still here?" Dak asked the current inhabitants of the old house.
player, 276 posts
Tue 4 May 2021
at 00:07
  • msg #3

Reunited, and it feels ...

Pan looks up, and almost panics, but instead is touched and moves forward, and if the man doesn't stop him, he hugs the human..."We've been searching for you...."
player, 626 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 4 May 2021
at 00:48
  • msg #4

Reunited, and it feels ...

"Um, yes," Dak said as the much shorter man hugged him around the waist.  "I've been out of town for a while."
player, 185 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Tue 4 May 2021
at 01:37
  • msg #5

Reunited, and it feels ...

"We're glad you're alright," put in Lenelle.  "We were rather worried. Will you tell us what happened with Eliphas?" she asked.  "At one point he had you charmed."   
player, 585 posts
Tue 4 May 2021
at 01:49
  • msg #6

Reunited, and it feels ...

Stor looks at Dak, surprised.

"WOw! We finally found you! What happened to you? As he asks, Storm looks at his old friend inconspiciously wondering if it was his real friend.

He focuses on Dak to see if he could detect unholy aura.
player, 277 posts
Tue 4 May 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #7

Reunited, and it feels ...

Pan slaps Dak on the back,  "Of course it's Dak, hey, before we catch up on the past....oh dang....." he looks down as if he dropped something, leans over to retrieve it and stumbles, there is an audible crunch as he steps on the precious pearl he's been carrying around.
GM, 1204 posts
Tue 4 May 2021
at 10:20
  • msg #8

Reunited, and it feels ...

For Dak and Panatix, and everyone within ten feet of Panatix, there was the sort of sensation one might experience if a bucket of cold water had been poured over them--although there was no water, but that was the best way that anyone could put into words how it felt when Panatix's "pearl" was crushed.
Westin na'Belva
player, 218 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 4 May 2021
at 10:31
  • msg #9

Reunited, and it feels ...

"DAK!!!! You're ok! We've been looking for you! I can't believe we found you! Are you ok? What happened? Where have you been? Did Eliphas ensorcel you? We so feared for you safety. Please tell us what happened," Westin says. He seems on the brink of giving Dak a hug though he manages to hold himself back, perhaps having trouble believing it's truly Dak.

He shakes, though, when the weird sensation comes over him. "What was that?" he asks confused.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 16:46, Tue 04 May 2021.
player, 627 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 4 May 2021
at 16:30
  • msg #10

Reunited, and it feels ...

Dak wasn't going to worry about the sensation as it hadn't seemed to be bad.  Though, if anyone answered the elf, it would explain what it was.  He did, however, wonder why the big oaf was staring at him so intently. 

"I've been traveling with some companions," Dak explained.  "We're headed back to Farnsworth to clear out some ruffians holding the town hostage.

"If you had some horses, you could join us to help the town."
player, 186 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Wed 5 May 2021
at 00:43
  • msg #11

Reunited, and it feels ...

Lenelle glanced at Westin, sure that if he didn't know, then no one else would.   Well, unless Pan?   What had he stepped on-?

She did not relent, however:  "You avoided answering the question about Eliphas," she said to Dak. "At the least, I'd like to know when you last saw him.  We've been through a lot of danger because of that man."
player, 628 posts
Damage: 0%
Wed 5 May 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #12

Reunited, and it feels ...

"I last saw the man in Farnsworth," Dak replied to the Atuan priestess.  "But he's not the problem there as he's moved on.

"What's been going on here?" he asked, looking around at the wreckage of the room.
player, 187 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Thu 6 May 2021
at 02:06
  • msg #13

Reunited, and it feels ...

"That would be sort of a long story.   And, we've probably dragged this out longer than we should have, and nearly broken our necks a few times while at it. But, the short of it is that we wanted to make certain the criminals were dealt with, and to find the tome Westin was seeking.   The first is done, and I don't think the second's going to happen."   

As to having horses - "We have none.  However, we do have the Ananke; we came here by boat."   

Is it possible to reach Farnsworth by sailing up the coast?
player, 629 posts
Damage: 0%
Thu 6 May 2021
at 18:22
  • msg #14

Reunited, and it feels ...

"If that book ever existed," Dak pointed out.  "Someone may have sent us out here just to disrupt whatever Eliphas had going on."

"I'm sure it could be reached by boat, but I'm not sure how long it would take," he said as he tried to picture one group arriving by horse and the other by boat.

"Why don't you finish up here and then meet us by the gate to speak with our leader," he proposed.  "She might have an idea.

"I'll go let them know not so shoot you," he said, thinking of the blood priestess' penchant for shooting first and then shooting second as well.
player, 188 posts
wrong side but righteous
1/2E Cleric, AC 3, Hp 8/8
Fri 7 May 2021
at 01:17
  • msg #15

Reunited, and it feels ...

Lenelle was uncertain about this.  From Dak's attempt to exonerate Eliphas, to this leader who was happy to put some sort of projectiles into people.  She wondered if in fact he was still enspelled.

But they had originally set out to find Dak, and find him they had.  And it seemed a good idea to her to learn something of this group he had become part of, and what they were about.

"Alright," she nodded.  "We'll finish up, and then come down and meet this leader of yours."   
This message was last edited by the player at 01:54, Fri 07 May 2021.
player, 586 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 02:11
  • msg #16

Reunited, and it feels ...

In reply to DM (msg # 8):

OOC: DO i sense evil in Dak?

Westin na'Belva
player, 220 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Fri 7 May 2021
at 02:17
  • msg #17

Reunited, and it feels ...

"Dak," Westin says. "What was Eliphas doing here? Did you have a chance to get to know him? Is he a good man who can be trusted?" he asks, his voice neutral.
player, 630 posts
Damage: 0%
Fri 7 May 2021
at 02:41
  • msg #18

Reunited, and it feels ...

"I think he was running a smuggling business out of this house, but he's moved on by now," Dak replied to the elf.  "As to trusting him, I'm not sure what he offered you, but I doubt he'll deliver.  I wouldn't hold my breath for any promises he's made.

"I'm going to let the others know you're coming.  We're at the front gate."

Dak left them to their own devices and headed back to the others.
GM, 1208 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 09:59
  • msg #19

Reunited, and it feels ...

GM, 1214 posts
Sat 8 May 2021
at 04:07
  • msg #20

Unexpected Meetings

Shortly after Dak had gone back outside and spoken to his new companions, who were now leading horses through the overgrown grounds, a group emerged from the house.

Those outside consisted of Dak, an armored blonde elf who appeared to be a priestess of Veja, a tall and slender half-elven man, and another half-elven man whose bearing spoke of one dedicated to the arcane arts.

The group who stepped outside included a woman with dark-blonde hair and the emblem of that of a priestess of Atu; a slight-framed tall human man dressed in brown and tawny shades with a dark mulberry tunic and leather armor, a scimitar hanging from a baldric and a heavy looking pouch likely has rocks or bullets for the sling that is looped on the other hip; an auburn-haired gnome with several pouches and a dagger on his belt and a satchel over one shoulder; a 6' tall human man in chainmail with black hair; an auburn-haired half-elven woman in mismatched clothing and a fetching hat with a parrot on one shoulder; a blond elven man whose slight frame suggested that he was one dedicated to the arcane arts, and another human man of short and wiry build, hair which looked like it might have once been brown before becoming bleached by the sun.
player, 167 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sat 8 May 2021
at 04:19
  • msg #21

Unexpected Meetings

The sight of so many half-elves felt odd to Hewney. His kind was rare enough, and he had had many an aspersion cast upon his name when growing up. It was hard to hear so many have such low opinions of half-breeds, and even though he was one himself, some of the preconceived notions had sunk in. He was a bit shocked to find he didn't much trust his own kind.

They seemed a strong bunch though, and confident. It wasn't his place to decide what would happen next, he was comforted by the fact that he had to make no judgements, he would simply follow the Path, as it were, Pathwyn.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 286 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sat 8 May 2021
at 05:53
  • msg #22

Unexpected Meetings

The first thing that struck Pathwyn as she watched the group approach was that they were probably the "elves and gnomes" that little Cas had seen in Monteci.  Small world!

"Greetings," she said with a bright smile.  "Thank you for offering to help us.  I am Pathwyn.  This is Hewney and Alvador.  The nearby village of Farnworth is under the oppressive thumb of a gang of petty thugs led by a crook named Cannibal and an assassin named Penrhyn.  There's no law there and the church was run by a charlatan.  We've dealt the gang a few blows, but we were heavily outnumbered and had to retreat after our fight with Penrhyn.  If we take down Cannibal and Penrhyn I think we can scatter the others, and the good people of Farnworth will no longer have to live in fear.  They will finally have their fishing and sheep herding village back."
player, 138 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sun 9 May 2021
at 06:03
  • msg #23

Unexpected Meetings

Telemachus' gaze moves around the group before him, ending on Dak.

"Greetings Pathwyn. Hewney. Alvador....and of course I know Dak.

May Atu smile upon you."

The druid does not take his eyes off Dak.

"Tell me Dak, how is it that you ally yourself with a smuggler like Eliphas, and now you fancy yourself your a freedom fighter?

And only a day or two ago you were attacking us, and now you want us to join you?"

Obviously, Telemachus is still suspicious.

I'm assuming that Lenelle would have told the group that Panatix used the dispel magic on Dak...I'm assuming the player did not know that this thread was not visible to everyone.

Also, I have totally lost track of how much time has passed in-game since the fight with Eliphas in the cave.

GM, 1218 posts
Sun 9 May 2021
at 12:34
  • msg #24

Unexpected Meetings

A Brief Timeline (private lines following)

Amaya 3

Amaya 4

Amaya 5

Amaya 6

Current day (morning)
player, 635 posts
Damage: 0%
Sun 9 May 2021
at 16:32
  • msg #25

Unexpected Meetings

"We're just helping out the locals in Farnsworth," Dak said with a shrug.  "Pathwyn thought we could use some help and I thought you all might be interested.

"You can judge for yourself whether it's something worthwhile to do.  No one's offered to pay us and Eliphas has nothing to do with it.  We were accosted when we first rode in and it went downhill from there.  The locals told us they live in fear and we've seen it first hand.

"If you don't believe us, just sail into town and see what happens yourself.  We actually have somewhere else we should be, so that might work as well."
Westin na'Belva
player, 221 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 9 May 2021
at 20:02
  • msg #26

Unexpected Meetings

"Nice to meet you," Westin responds back to Pathwyn with a smile for a few moments but then it fades as his face took a more serious look. "I wish we were meeting under better circumstances."

"So this gang that is assailing Farnsworth..., just how big is it?" Westin asks hesitantly and then adds gently.  "Are there any spell casters among them?"

Unlike Telemachus, he was more than willing to let bygones be bygones with Dak. But as for aiding the town against the gang..., Westin was prudently waiting to hear from the leaders and others in the party would decide. Hopefully they would do decide to do something about it and aid these poor people.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:02, Sun 09 May 2021.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 289 posts
Priestess of Veja
Sun 9 May 2021
at 20:51
  • msg #27

Unexpected Meetings

"We know less about their total numbers than we do about their leaders, and even that isn't much," she told her fellow elf.  "The stableman said the gang had a bunch of fighters that took over the inn and that the real threat was their boss, Cannibal.  We've met Cannibal, but we've got no reason to believe either that he wields magic or he doesn't.  What he does have is vicious yellowy wolven guard dogs.  Penrhyn, on the other hand, used packets of magical powders to make illusionary duplicates of himself and later turn himself invisible."

"He also uses blade poison," she added.

Pathwyn pondered whether Penrhyn was casting the spells himself using the packets as components, or whether the powders were single use magic items.

"I have to admit, we could really use more information on Cannibal before we take him on head to head."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:56, Sun 09 May 2021.
GM, 1219 posts
Sun 9 May 2021
at 22:01
  • msg #28

Unexpected Meetings

player, 587 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 08:25
  • msg #29

Unexpected Meetings

Z”such evil men must be brought to justice for the sake of the commoners!” Storm declares, gripping his mailed fist tightly.
“However, such men are also dangerous and we certainly need a way to deal with the dogs and poison. Dogs we can use meat to bait but poison seems harder save for better armour and I don’t suppose anyone has time to make themselves better armour. Of course our best fighters can hold cannibal off while the rest use spells to deal with the others,” Storm thinksnaloud before pausing.
player, 169 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Mon 10 May 2021
at 13:24
  • msg #30

Unexpected Meetings

Pleasantly surprised at the response by these new folks, Hewney felt his morale rise a little at the fact that seem seem interested in helping the people of Farnworth.
player, 193 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Mon 10 May 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #31

Unexpected Meetings

Lenelle too had her misgivings about Dak.   She was silent initially, continuing to appraise him, as well as take in the members of this new troupe of his.

Vendavel had been something of a novel meeting for her.   Cloistered in the temple on Calandria, she'd met few other half-elves during her life.    Now, it seemed, here were two more.   She couldn't help but note them.

And then there was the elvish priestess who led them.    Lenelle was prejudiced against elves, and their culture.  Because of the sort of man her father had been.   She'd finally had to come to terms with it, after companying with Westin.   Whose compassion and decency had led her to reflect, and begin rethinking some of her views.

She was far from a perfect judge of character.   But, as she looked and listened, it was hard to refute that this band had a feeling of integrity about them.   Including Dak, who she was beginning to believe was free of the charm, but unable to explain his actions during the time he had been under it. It would kind of make sense.  Maybe.  She'd have questions later, in private, for their mage as to how such spells worked.   But, for now...she was going to trust.

She spoke:  "Cannibal is plainly a pseudonym.   Unless his parents had an awful sense of humor.  Does he live up to the name?" she frowned at the repellent idea.   "Or is that just to scare people?  And is it possible he might be pursuing some vendetta against the town?  Or do you believe this is a random crime?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:16, Mon 10 May 2021.
player, 170 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Mon 10 May 2021
at 19:48
  • msg #32

Unexpected Meetings

"I hadn't considered that," Hewney said, addressing the woman. To his eye, she seemed human, and he had no reason to doubt it. ""Now that you mention it, it is an odd name though. Could be a metaphor, for how he profits off of people. Then again..." he shuddered, "... I guess it might be literal."

The thought was indeed disgusting.

"My name is Hewney, by the way. I am a scout by nature, though circumstance has caused me to enter the fray physically more often than I like."
player, 194 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Mon 10 May 2021
at 20:22
  • msg #33

Unexpected Meetings

She eyed this half-elf again, who was tall compared even to full humans.    His boots appeared serviceable.   She nodded in polite acknowledgement to his introduction.

"Scouts are valuable.   Our party has one too.   At least one. Perhaps you may collaborate.  I am Lenelle, of the Atuan church."   
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 290 posts
Priestess of Veja
Mon 10 May 2021
at 20:58
  • msg #34

Unexpected Meetings

"Cannibal is plainly a pseudonym.   Unless his parents had an awful sense of humor.  Does he live up to the name?"

Pathwyn grinned a little, trying not to giggle.

"Cannibal actually invited Dak to join him for dinner, if you get my drift.  Luckily, Dak declined."

"We have no idea what Cannibal's motivations are really," she admitted with a shrug.
player, 195 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Mon 10 May 2021
at 21:39
  • msg #35

Unexpected Meetings

Lenelle was plainly horrified at the idea of Dak nearly being dinner, and her features reflected it.

"Beneath Heaven, if this man is truly a cannibal, then he must be brought to justice!" 

"I believe most of us want to help you with this," she said to Pathwyn.  "But I don't speak for anyone.  I think we need to know who's in, then make a plan of approach.   We came here by sea.  But the ship belongs to that gentleman," she indicated Mac.
Westin na'Belva
player, 222 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Mon 10 May 2021
at 22:10
  • msg #36

Unexpected Meetings

Westin noticeably flinched when Pathwyn mentions Dak being invited as dinner. It was a horrible thought and It could happen to any of them.

He looked around uncomfortably, trying to overcome his fear and dread. He wanted this evil gang taken care of but should he risk helping to do that? He stands silently, his inner turmoil perhaps unbeknownst to all of them. Finally, though, he finds some deep seed of determination to do something. This gang had to be stopped. Besides, both Storm and Lenelle had committed themselves to this effort and he had seen their fighting prowess. There was reason to believe they would be successful. Hopefully Telemachus and the others would join as well.

"I'll willing to help," Westin voices quietly.
player, 114 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Mon 10 May 2021
at 22:32
  • msg #37

Unexpected Meetings

Vendavel could not help but smile at the elegant irony of the situation. This group of adventurers had rescued her from the band of brigands she had fallen with, and while they lost one of their members to said brigands, she had to convince them of her integrity. And now it seems their lost member has returned with much the same conundrum—though he seemed unapologetically flippant about it.

She took her hat off to salute the newcomers.
“I’m Vendavel,” she first said, and her parrot surfaced as if in agreement.

To Dak, she said with a sympathetic smile, trying to catch a moment when others when not listening but without making it look like conniving: “I used to ride with Eliphas, I think I can understand how you feel. Maybe we can talk about it later.”

She responded to the priestess, unequivocal in her commitment:
“Count me in. This is exactly the type of endeavour that calls my name and will make my name unforgettable. And we get to help people in the process.”
player, 171 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Mon 10 May 2021
at 22:55
  • msg #38

Unexpected Meetings

In reply to Vendavel (msg # 37):

Nodding as Vendavel introduced herself, Hewney was visibly startled by the sudden appearance of the parrot. The colors of its plumage earned his obvious admiration, though and the sizable increase in their numbers can only be for the better.
player, 636 posts
Damage: 0%
Mon 10 May 2021
at 23:15
  • msg #39

Unexpected Meetings

Dak was glad the parrot girl had introduced herself because he'd entirely forgotten about her.

As he'd expected, they were interested in freeing up Farnsworth.  He could have been doubly sure if he'd told them he'd seen a book there.

"We were thinking there's a tower at the church," Dak said of the plan Pathwyn had discussed with them.  "We could ride to town and post ourselves there without being noticed while you came by boat.

"We could monitor your arrival and see if they spotted you and react to their movements.  Otherwise, you could come meet us at the church."
player, 278 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 01:04
  • msg #40

Unexpected Meetings

Pan continues to listen and stare from time to time at Dak, and then the ground.

As plans seem to be made to go to this new place, and take on this new adventure, he sighs.

"I'm afraid we thought you in deep trouble Dak, and as our friend, moved what heaven and earth we could to try to free you.  I, well, made a deal with the devil of a wizard to make it so, and sadly, am now bound to go face a most unpleasant music.  But my family honor demands no less than stand for my part in the deal I made.  I did so of my own free will and will take what it costs to once again free myself, it may be awhile. Things happen for a reason, we can't always know what it is, but good luck to you all".

Pan cannot run from his agreement with the wizard, well, he could, but not and truly be free.
player, 637 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 11 May 2021
at 03:37
  • msg #41

Unexpected Meetings

Dak was a little more than confused about Panatix and a wizard, but he did want to make sure he knew what was going on.

"It wasn't a wizard named Gwysol, was it?" he asked, skeptically.  "Because he blew himself up already."
player, 197 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Tue 11 May 2021
at 03:51
  • msg #42

Unexpected Meetings

For the life of me, I can't remember his name, or find the thread where we visited him.  However, I was almost done with this post before Dak posted, so I'm gonna run with it.   If he is blown up and dead, so much the better...

"It sounds acceptable to me," she said to Dak's proposal. "But it is contingent on what the man with the ship chooses to do."    She glanced toward Mac wanting no more nor less than his honest feelings about it.  She knew he had some concerns, and understood the nature of them.

Ah, and as to Pan:  "Hells!" she exclaimed under her breath.  From Lenelle, it was extreme cussing.   She walked to the illusionist:

"What did you promise him?  That man is a fiend!  It's no honorable or pious act to keep your word to a devil.  We need your talents to help free a town! You belong with us, not him.  If he comes after you, we'll deal with him."
player, 173 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Tue 11 May 2021
at 04:01
  • msg #43

Unexpected Meetings

All the talk of devils and deals causes Hewney's eyebrows to raise. This was indeed a wild bunch they had fallen in with.
player, 139 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Tue 11 May 2021
at 05:28
  • msg #44

Unexpected Meetings

Telemachus' eyes widen in shock that this Cannibal, might practice what his name implied.

I, well, made a deal with the devil of a wizard

"Panatix, if I correctly recall the details of your deal with Malachy, he told you NOT to return without his book...and the money.

The money is not an issue. We have enough in the group share to cover his cost. What we don't have is the book. I have two thoughts on that knowing that several of us spent some time searching through the house.

Firstly, Dak. You rode to Farnsworth with Eliphas, did he pack a book with him?

Secondly, if Eliphas did not take it, perhaps it is still in the cellar.

Regardless, I do not believe you should consider returning to Malachy until we have exhausted all possible avenues of locating the book."

The young druid looks around at his companions, and then to those of Dak, "Your cause, as described sounds to be one that deserves our aid.

I have concern about your plan. If we sail Ananke into the harbour, and these brigands are in control, what will prevent them from simply commandeering our vessel? Perhaps we are better off to anchor away from the town and make for shore in the small boat? I would hate to lose our ship and all our possessions."

Telemachus lets out a sigh, "I too, will join this endeavour, for better or worse, it is the right thing to do.

And to be clear, Ananke is not my ship, she is our ship."

If I recall the ship was from the island, and was common property amongst the group.

I'm not sure if Panatix is planning an exit from the game, but I found the details of the deal in the large IC thread.

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 291 posts
Priestess of Veja
Tue 11 May 2021
at 06:58
  • msg #45

Unexpected Meetings

Pathwyn was pleased that their captain was going to help.  That pretty much sealed the deal.

"Panatix, what does this book look like and why does Malachy want it?  For that matter, who is Malachy?" she asked.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:10, Tue 11 May 2021.
Westin na'Belva
player, 223 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 11 May 2021
at 11:25
  • msg #46

Re: Unexpected Meetings

I, well, made a deal with the devil of a wizard

"Panatix, if I correctly recall the details of your deal with Malachy, he told you NOT to return without his book...and the money.

The money is not an issue. We have enough in the group share to cover his cost. What we don't have is the book... Regardless, I do not believe you should consider returning to Malachy until we have exhausted all possible avenues of locating the book."

Westin looks a Panatix, concern in his eyes. "Listen to Telemachus Panatix! We're in this together! We can pay back the loan. As for the book, maybe Dak or these people know something about it. We will look for it. Let's look for it together. If Eliphas was here, maybe one of these brigands has it. Is that possible?" Westin asks looking over at Dak.
player, 638 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 11 May 2021
at 18:32
  • msg #47

Re: Unexpected Meetings

"We did last see Eliphas in Farnsworth," Dak said slowly, "but I didn't travel there with him.  We were there to make a delivery from Shipton and I was surprised to see him there in Farnsworth.

"I suppose if there were an important book, Eliphas might be keeping it with him.  I do know which house he was staying at."
player, 175 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:00
  • msg #48

Re: Unexpected Meetings

All this talk about a book confuses Hewney, and he gives Pathwyn a glance of concern.
GM, 1225 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:03
  • msg #49

Unexpected Meetings

player, 279 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 23:38
  • msg #50

Unexpected Meetings

Pan nods, "Mac, you are the rock of wisdom, and I see your point.  From that point of view, I'm honor bound not to return until I've found the book in question.  I like that. I still want this desk though,  help me load it on the ship."
player, 198 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Wed 12 May 2021
at 01:48
  • msg #51

Re: Unexpected Meetings

Pathwyn na'Sylviis:
"Panatix, what does this book look like and why does Malachy want it?  For that matter, who is Malachy?" she asked.

"While I've not ever been given a description of what it looks like, I can answer, somewhat, the other things," said Lenelle.

"The book is called the Ars Mathematica. And it would seem to be one of those tomes that mages all crave in the way a fighter craves a big tankard of ale.  Doubtless, it contains unusual or powerful spells of some sort.   As far as Malachy..." Lenelle frowned in obvious antipathy.

"A wizard.  One who's managed to derange himself through his unhealthy pursuits, both in body and soul.   A very cold blooded man - if one could still call him that - whose only interest seems to be knowledge and power.  He claims to have been the owner of the book, originally. Supposedly, some other mage failed to return it before he died."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:48, Wed 12 May 2021.
player, 588 posts
Wed 12 May 2021
at 08:07
  • msg #52

Re: Unexpected Meetings

Realising he had forgotten to introduce himself to the newcomers, Storm raises his hands in salute and says," Nice to meet you Sir Hewney! I am a warrior by trade and a priest by profession. I uphold justice and seek to stamp evil out when I can."

He looks lithe in his armour with bulging musles. An uncommon sight among men.
player, 176 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Wed 12 May 2021
at 15:04
  • msg #53

Re: Unexpected Meetings

Hewney raised is hand in salute to the warrior priest. "Well met, sirrah. No doubt you will be a mighty ally."

While they were of similar height, Storm was at least a halfling-and-a-half heavier, as well as clad in armor. He would certainly be of more use in combat than Hewney himself!
player, 639 posts
Damage: 0%
Thu 13 May 2021
at 00:36
  • msg #54

Re: Unexpected Meetings

"So we'll head to the tower at the church on horseback and you'll make your way by boat," Dak summarized what had been discussed.  "Whether you use the docks or somewhere else, we'll keep an eye out for you.

"We'll come if there's trouble, but otherwise, head for the church."

It wasn't like they needed a real plan until they got the feel for the town and where Cannibal and his men were housed.  They just needed to get there before it got dark.
player, 140 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Thu 13 May 2021
at 00:53
  • msg #55

Re: Unexpected Meetings

you are the rock of wisdom

Telemachus blushes, and then laughs to cover his embarrassment.

"Thank you for the kind words, Panatix...but I feel that I have made more errors in judgement than not." His eyes flick to Dak for a moment.

"Of course, I will help you get the desk onboard."

Addressing the group as whole, the druid asks, "Then we are agreed?

We will sail close to Farnsworth, drop anchor, use the row boat to make shore, and then meet you at the church."

Looking at Dak, he adds, "I trust you will work on some type of plan while you wait for us?"
player, 640 posts
Damage: 0%
Thu 13 May 2021
at 01:04
  • msg #56

Re: Unexpected Meetings

Dak looked at Pathwyn as he answered, "We'll keep an eye on the town and see if anything has changed.  We'll see what we can come up with."

He certainly wasn't a tactical genius.  His plans often just revolved around walking up and knocking on someone's door.  If they attacked him, it was time to fight.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 292 posts
Priestess of Veja
Thu 13 May 2021
at 03:12
  • msg #57

Re: Unexpected Meetings

Pathwyn was going to suggest they anchor their ship outside the bay and proceed by boat.  It would be safer and attract less attention.  She was glad they were of the same mind on that tactic.

"I do have a plan, Captain Telemachus.  It was originally crafted to allowed just the four of us to take Cannibal down, but things will be made all the quicker and easier with eleven.  We'll hash it out at the church while we're waiting for you."

'...assuming that we aren't fighting for our lives against Penrhyn and his lackeys,' she thought to herself.

"Sometimes my friends don't like the first draft of my plans, so it's bound to be tempered a bit by the time you hear its full glory."

"There is a piece of the plan missing, though.  Nets.  Would you be willing to purchase some weighted nets at the docks in Monteci and bring them with you to the church?  We intend to use them on the guard dogs, or perhaps on Cannibal himself.  I have no idea how much they'll cost.  We can either give you some coin now or reimburse you at the church."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 293 posts
Priestess of Veja
Fri 14 May 2021
at 16:36
  • msg #58

Re: Unexpected Meetings

After the forhorns wrapped up their meeting with the crew of the Ananke, and wished them well on their short voyage, Pathwyn lead the riders back to Farnworth.  When they were just short of getting their first sight of the village from a distance, Pathwyn stopped.

"Just in case they have a welcoming party waiting for us on the main road, lets loop around and come at the stables from a slightly unexpected direction."

If there were no objections she led them on a little detour off the main road.
player, 178 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 14 May 2021
at 16:52
  • msg #59

Re: Unexpected Meetings

In reply to Pathwyn na'Sylviis (msg # 58):

With a nod of agreement, Hewney follows Pathwyn's round-about route.
player, 116 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sun 16 May 2021
at 12:05
  • msg #60

Re: Unexpected Meetings

 "I like the idea of nets," Vendavel comments to Pathwyn.
 "I can't say I'm skilled at using them as weapons, but I've used them for fishing often enough."
player, 142 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Mon 17 May 2021
at 04:03
  • msg #61

Re: Unexpected Meetings

"Then, we should make haste if we are to return to Monteci and then head north to Farnsworth." 

I might have lost we aren't carrying the desk onto the ship, the locked drawer has been opened and the contents taken?
player, 280 posts
Mon 17 May 2021
at 17:01
  • msg #62

Re: Unexpected Meetings

Satisfied that the drawer contents are discovered, Pan is ready to return to the ship.
GM, 1302 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 18:55
  • msg #63

The Battle of Farnworth

GM, 1303 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 18:57
  • msg #64

The Battle of Farnworth

As words began to be exchanged, an arrow flew high above the gathering group.  Correcting for her elevation, Pathwyn's next arrow struck the man who had challenged the Ananke party in the chest.

The man bellowed, pulling the arrow from his chest with a sneer.

"Take more'n that tickle," he roared.  "Take 'em all!"
player, 214 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 19:24
  • msg #65

The Battle of Farnworth

Surveying the field, Hewney was disappointed, he had hoped there would be a flank, or even a rear attack possible, but things hadn't fallen that way.

Hanging back for the moment, he decided to let things develop, pondering the possibility of sneaking out the way they came in, and provide support from an unexpected angle.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:07, Fri 04 June 2021.
player, 199 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 20:04
  • msg #66

The Battle of Farnworth

Being a poor excuse as a front line warrior, Wick starts moving backwards to close ranks with the others, dagger held at the ready.

"Looks like the frontal assault approach isn't working out so good."
player, 664 posts
Damage: 0%
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 22:51
  • msg #67

The Battle of Farnworth

"Did she have to start the fight?" Dak mumbled in disappointment as he strode down the hill from the church.  He wasn't in a hurry and expected someone to run at him anyway.

Drawing his sword, he headed for the new group of armed men on their left.

Heading for the 7-10 group at a determined walk.
player, 152 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 - HP 13
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 05:40
  • msg #68

The Battle of Farnworth

Looks like the frontal assault approach isn't working out so good.

"This does not look good..." the young druid mutters, as he looks over the three groups of men advancing on them, estimating distances. "We needs Dak's group to join us quickly!"

Telemachus steps back, and prepares to cast a spell, "Westin, Panatix any spells you have, look to maximise your targets."

Pulling a piece of foxfire from his robe, the druid speaks a word of power, and purple light envelopes the leader of the group.

Telemachus will then draw his sword and prepare to defend himself.

Cast Faerie Fire looking to include Cannibal and bandits 1 to 4, although I do not know how many will get painted by the Fire.

Duration: 8 rds   Casting Time: 4   Area of Effect: 20 sq. ft in a a 40-ft. radius    Saving Throw: None
Outlined creatures are visible at 80 yards in the dark and 40 yards if the viewer is near a bright light source.
Opponents gain +2 to attack in darkness (including moonlit nights) and a +1 bonus in twilight or better.
Note that outlining can render otherwise invisible creatures visible.

Why did Telemachus not take staff instead of scimitar?

Westin na'Belva
player, 231 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 14:52
  • msg #69

The Battle of Farnworth

Westin pales as more and more men appears, in groups on the left and right. He then looks with surprise as he spots Dak headed over to the group on the left. What was he doing? The immediately need was in front of them. He thought about using sleep against the group in front but doubted it would work on Hannibal, if that indeed who had been speaking. That man had referred to it as my town and with at the reinforcements approaching he did not doubt his guess. Worse, Hannibal might wake any who sleep. No, he would target the group on the left. If Dak was true, he would come back and aid them against the main group and if not, well, at least he would know where Dak stands.

He looked at the group on the left and starting casting. At this angle, the men in front might think he was casting against them. So much the better. He continues on for several moments before stopping. When he stops, though, he looks at Cannibal and lets out a cry of despair before shouting.  [Language unknown: Ion areconkor ei manth om ll herpr.] Hopefully Cannibal would think his spell didn't work.

Cast sleep on the group on the left (7-10)

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 335 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 21:52
  • msg #70

The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn wanted to keep firing arrows into Cannibal 'til he fell, but it looked like the crew of the Ananke was about to engage him, and she didn't want to hit one of their new allies accidentally.  Instead she turned her attention to the group Dak was moving to intercept.  Maybe she could even up the odds a little before they went hand-to-hand.

She fired her first shot with no hesitation, but she was overcautious with her second shot.  She wanted to be certain not to shoot at anyone who had engaged Dak or one of the others.

17:45, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 5 using 1d10.  initiative.
17:46, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 12 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1.
17:46, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 4 using 1d8.  arrow damage. (if hit)
17:46, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.

player, 287 posts
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 01:22
  • msg #71

The Battle of Farnworth

Pan is small, and not good in combat, "Storm, take the leader out, he's evil, maybe part demon!".

Then, he tries to hide behind the chaos. Noting the battle tactics, he swings a bit back but shadows Dak, heading to the left flank.  Dagger in one hand, components in the other.
player, 596 posts
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 11:58
  • msg #72

The Battle of Farnworth

"Here goes nothing," Storm grunts, drawing his magic mace and advancing to strike the nearest enemy. "Guard my back guys, an warriors follow me!"

As he neared the enemy, Storm swings his mace at the enemy's face, his massive strength and the magic of the mace easily breaking the opponent's defences.

OOC:19:59, Today: Storm rolled 17 using 1d20+2 ((15)). Not sure about mace damage. Please roll for me.

This message was last edited by the player at 12:01, Mon 07 June 2021.
GM, 1310 posts
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 13:33
  • msg #73

The Battle of Farnworth

"This be my authority!" said the speaker of the group as the men from the various buildings started to close with the group that had just arrived, and Cannibal drew a short sword.

Seeing that the fight had been well and truly joined, several of the groups were moving to get into a more advantageous position for some sort of attack--or to maintain safety from the attacks of the men who had come to answer Cannibal's call.

A purple glow outlined Cannibal and two of his men ((#2 and #3)), as Dak moved toward one group of four.  One arrow sailed over his head into the chest of one of the advancing quartet who fell to the ground, unmoving.  Then another arrow flew even higher, missing them all.  Before Dak arrived at sword's length, the remaining three men fell to the ground.

One of the men near Cannibal ((#3)) started to look nervous, as though he meant to flee, but a snarl from Cannibal made him re-join the line, though the reluctance in his face was clear.

In the center, Cannibal stabbed forward with the sword he had drawn, striking Storm ((-5hp)) even as Storm brought the mace solidly against the man who now seemed to be the leader of the group.

The other men, by this time, had drawn close enough that they should soon be able to exchange blows with those closest to the fight ((Vendavel, Telemachus, and Storm)).  One of the men near Cannibal seemed emboldened enough to swing with his battle axe against Storm, who just managed to evade the blow.  Two of the men--a long sword and a scimitar--flashed the weapons through the air, though Storm evaded those blows.  The last of the central group turned attention to Telemachus with his long sword, striking the druid ((-3hp)).

# 7 - 10 are now down.  +1 to hit against Cannibal, #2 and #3

-5hp Storm; -3hp Telemachus
player, 215 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 15:26
  • msg #74

The Battle of Farnworth

Realizing the time for subterfuge had passed, Heyney draws his daggers and heads out after the others...
player, 153 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 10/13
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 00:57
  • msg #75

The Battle of Farnworth

"Argh!" Telemachus grunts as the bandit's sword makes contact.

He swings his scimitar but misses.
Westin na'Belva
player, 233 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 01:23
  • msg #76

The Battle of Farnworth

Westin races around the fight, keeping some distance from it and runs over as fast as he can to where the 3 dropped.
player, 665 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 02:32
  • msg #77

The Battle of Farnworth

Recognizing Alvador's familiar magic, Dak left the sleeping forms to move on the last group.  Perhaps they'd be intimidated by what happened to the last group he'd faced off against.

Heads for group 11-15.
player, 599 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 04:51
  • msg #78

The Battle of Farnworth

Storm winces at the deep cut and continues to strike at cannibal

Ooc: roll 13 before magic mace mod. Please help w damage if hit dm
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 336 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 07:36
  • msg #79

The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn smiled when she saw Alvador's spell take down the rest of the group she'd fired at.  The odds had looked a bit overwhelming to start, but perhaps the somnumancer would make quick and non-lethal work of Cannibal's gang.

Switching to flight arrows, she turned her attention to the more distant group.  Veja smiled on the wisdom of this choice and guided the ever-slightly lighter arrow flawlessly.  Never did Pathwyn feel more closely aligned with the goddess than when righteously raining arrows down on the wicked.  Her second shot lacked the perfection of the divine, but did the trick just as well.  Pathwyn let out a little Yip of joy.

03:07, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d10.  initiative.
03:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 1. (nat 20!)
03:16, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 7 using 1d6+6.  arrow damage.
03:08, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 13 using 1d20+4.  arrow to hit 2.
03:16, Today: Pathwyn na'Sylviis rolled 6 using 1d6.  arrow damage.

player, 288 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 13:57
  • msg #80

The Battle of Farnworth

Pan will continue the circle around to the sleeping men, and begin to tie them up and gather away their weapons as quickly as he can.  Once secured, he will evaluate where he is needed next.
player, 289 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 20:07
  • msg #81

The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador follows Dak, bearing to the south-southeast. He sees the group coming by the tree coming advancing as reserves. Pointing both hands, he intones

Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta

Before he runs out of (magical) breath

13:05, Today: Alvador rolled 5 using 2d4.  HP affected.
player, 202 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #82

The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle's right hand was on Atu's symbol as the other made a splay fingered motion and she uttered "Luminus et solneia,", focusing her will on the so-named Cannibal...

Light spell aimed at Cannibal's eyes; save to avoid being blinded.
GM, 1314 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 11:49
  • msg #83

The Battle of Farnworth

From her perch high above the fray, Pathwyn sent more arrows toward the group that seemed to be intent on reinforcing their leader and the first group.  With strangled cries of pain, two of that group fell, unmoving after they had landed upon the ground.

Westin and Panatix reached the group that had been put to sleep on one side of the fight, even as Alvador circled to the other side, bringing down the remaining three of the group--though these three only slept a natural sleep.

In the center of the fight, the men with their leader continued, seeming to have concentrated on Storm and Telemachus, though one man missed Telemachus altogether and the other only nicked the druid ((-1hp)).  One of the other fighters slashed ineffectively at Storm, missing him entirely, while the other just caught Storm ((-1hp)).  Lenelle moved in, casting a spell which brought a great light ... just behind the head of Cannibal.  However, that seemed to be enough to have spoiled the attack of the leader.  Neither Storm nor Telemachus were able to strike any of the foes.

Hewney had now drawn close enough that he might be able to attack in the next round.  The four men near Cannibal looked clearly nervous.

Then from another house ((at the top of the group 0 map, not on the battle excerpt)), four men emerged--armed and armored--and they seemed to be pointing at Dak, with a shout "There he is!"  "Murderer!"

11-15 are all down now, leaving just 1-4 and Cannibal and the new group of four.

-1hp Telemachus
-1hp Storm
player, 667 posts
Damage: 0%
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 13:29
  • msg #84

The Battle of Farnworth

Having subdued all against him, the shout of murderer reminded him that he hadn't spotted green Cloak, yet.  Someone else must have spotted him and he looked around to discover where he'd been seen only to realize they were pointing in his direction!

They were still a ways away, but Dak was still wondering where Green Cloak actually was and looked around to see if he were one of the men around him or in Cannibal's group.
GM, 1316 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 14:16
  • msg #85

The Battle of Farnworth

player, 217 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #86

The Battle of Farnworth

Sticking to the far left flank, Hewney approaches whichever is on their right most and lashes out with both of his daggers. His tentative approach kept him from connecting however, with either blade.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 339 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 19:30
  • msg #87

The Battle of Farnworth

Her first reflex was to turn on these newcomers and pepper them with arrows before they could attack Dak, but unlike Cannibal's men, she wasn't convinced they deserved to be perforated.

"No!"  Pathwyn shouted in the best lower pitched, commanding voice she could manage.  "He is NOT the murderer.  It was Penrhyn, the man in the green cloak.  We have proof."

'Proof' was a bit of a stretch, but it would do for now.

"Don't attack us.  Let us talk when the battle with Cannibal is done.  The truth will be revealed."
player, 155 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 03:10
  • msg #88

The Battle of Farnworth

Telemachus grimaces as he is nicked again. Realising that he is outclassed with blade, he thinks to try a spell.

Carefully, stepping back from the bandit, he incants, "Implexi cum herba".

"Lenelle, Storm needs healing if you can!"

Withdraw 20 feet, cast Entangle, closest edge of the area of effect to be directly in front of Storm.

Range: 80 yds   Duration: 1 turn   CT: 4   AoE: 40-ft. cube   ST: ½

Cause plants to entangle creatures within the area of effect.
Any creature entering the area is subject to this effect.
A creature that rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell can escape the area, moving at only 10 feet per round until out of the area.

player, 602 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 03:25
  • msg #89

The Battle of Farnworth

Storm winces at the nick and realises that he has to kill Cannibal before he gets killed. Swinging his mace, Storm prays for divine guidance as he smashes into his opponent.

11:23, Today: Storm rolled 21 using 1d20+2.  attack cannibal.
11:25, Today: Storm rolled 8 using 1d6+7.  damage (i think).

This message was last edited by the player at 03:27, Thu 10 June 2021.
Westin na'Belva
player, 234 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 21:38
  • msg #90

The Battle of Farnworth

Westin works to quickly disarm the men, making room and working with Panatix. Once the men are disarmed, he will tied their hands behind their back and their feet.

While doing this, he will occasionally glance about taking note of the newcomers and leery or anyone armed heading towards him or getting too close other than party members he knows.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:38, Thu 10 June 2021.
player, 204 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Fri 11 Jun 2021
at 21:59
  • msg #91

The Battle of Farnworth

"I'm on my way!"  Lenelle said, making her way to Storm as quickly as she could, without making any calamity en route.

I don't believe 2E allows spell casting and movement in the same round --  but if perchance it does, then I want to heal him this round.  Otherwise it will be on the next. 
GM, 1319 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 14:13
  • msg #92

The Battle of Farnworth

Not sure I have party member locations correct.  Green is the entanglement area.
player, 203 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 15:54
  • msg #93

The Battle of Farnworth

Wick trails in the wake of Panatix, but not to truss up the slumbering men, but to see if he can get behind any of the enemy and sneak up on them to put his dagger to lethal use.
player, 218 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 22:19
  • msg #94

The Battle of Farnworth

"To the left, 'ware the flank!" Hewney calls out, gesturing towards the new wave of opponents.

(By which I mean 16 thru 19)

He then moves towards the entangled man and attempts to attack him without stepping in to the area of writhing plants, trusting Dak to protect him from the free man to his left.
player, 205 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 23:43
  • msg #95

The Battle of Farnworth

As soon as it can apply round wise:

Nearing the valiant paladin, Lenelle was already praying to Atu for succor.  Her fingers made contact with the warrior, and there was for a moment a nimbus of heaven-blue light about her hand...

:: Lenelle rolled 7 using 1d8.  cure light wounds. -- Storm
player, 293 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 06:15
  • msg #96

The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador stands behind Dak and Hewney. He breathes deeply, extends both hands toward the entangled group, and intones

Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta
Moosum alta

Before he runs out of (magical) breath.

23:09, Today: Alvador rolled 7 using 2d4.  Sleep.
player, 117 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Fri 18 Jun 2021
at 09:41
  • msg #97

The Battle of Farnworth

 Vendavel had been very slow to wake up to the call of action... for all her bravado when she was on a ship, and the brief time she was running with Eliphas and his gang, she really struggled to unfreeze and spur into motion!

 But eventually the tide of battle swept her in, and she managed to jolt her mind into doing something to help.

 The new group was going to be trouble if they flanked the others already engaged, so she motioned towards them and cast her Sleep spell, hoping to reduce this oncoming threat to nothing.


cast sleep
 Vendavel rolled 7 using 2d4.  HD to sleep.

ooc: sorry guys, I've been out of action for a while... don't even have a good excuse for it.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:02, Fri 18 June 2021.
GM, 1324 posts
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 03:13
  • msg #98

The Battle of Farnworth

As the men approaching from the other side continued with their shouts of "murderer" and pointing toward Dak--the trailing man carried a rope with a visible noose, while the other three were ready with swords, Vendavel's spell brought down the first three, leaving only the man with the noose standing.

Storm struck Cannibal, and for the first time the confidence of the leader seemed to be shaken, as he now concentrated on slashing his way through the vegetation which held him fast.  As this happened, he seemed to be changing into something larger and with a face that took on more of a canine shape, the weapon dropping into the vegetation as the hands seemed more like clawed paws.

Hewney struck down one of the entangled men, as Alvador then brought down the remaining trio near Cannibal.

Only opponents still standing--#19 and Cannibal.
player, 604 posts
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 05:15
  • msg #99

The Battle of Farnworth

Seeing the effect of his attack, Storm cotinues to stike Cannibal.

13:14, Today: Storm rolled 9 using 1d8+7.  damage (i think).
13:14, Today: Storm rolled 19 using 1d20+2.  attack cannibal.

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 343 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #100

The Battle of Farnworth

It was hard to keep track of everything happening on the field of battle, even from this high vantage point.  The opponents were dropping into slumber too quickly to all be Alvador's doing.  She suspected the nautically dressed half-elf woman was also a sleep mage.

She thought about shooting the noose holder, but killing him would extinguish any chance they had of talking sense into those men after the fact.  Besides, there was suddenly a more pressing issue.  Cannibal was transforming into a werewolf!

It sent chills over her skin.  She pictured vividly the dark wolf that attacked her and her sisters when she was a child.  Had it been a real wolf, or a were, or a dark spirit in the form of a wolf?  She had been far too young to know for sure and the village elders couldn't piece a coherent theory together stories of the event.  One thing was certain.  She had sent that wolf away by force of will (and probably some divine assistance from Veja.)  Maybe the trick would work again over a century later.

A glimmer of doubt grew in her mind.  Could this be an illusion?  Perhaps Penrhyn and Cannibal got illusionary powders from the same source.  Pathwyn shook her head.  She was overthinking it.  They needed to handle the werewolf, not worry about possible illusions.

"Alvador, sleep that noose waver!" she yelled out, hoping they could hear her from the bell tower.

"Hewney assist Storm with Cannibal!  Flank the monster!  Don't get bitten!"

"Captain, can someone use the nets on Cannibal?" she shouted to Telemachus.

That was about all the good she could do up in the tower.  Pathwyn ran down the stairs as quickly as she could, bow still in her left hand.  She needed to reach Dak with the magic oil Myrick had found.
player, 158 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 05:44
  • msg #101

The Battle of Farnworth

The young druid watches in horror as Cannibal transforms from human into some sort of animal.

Captain, can someone use the nets on Cannibal?

"What a damned fool! I forgot about the nets!"

Telemachus pulls the net off the side of his pack and unrolled it.

"Vendavel! Lenelle! I need help with this...if we each take a side, and approach from the side of the Entangled area, we might be able to trap Cannibal."

Telemachus will take one side of the 10' x 10' net and if Vendavel or Lenelle takes the other side, they can proceed closer to Cannibal and throw the net.

Not sure what to roll, or even it someone will take the other side or not. Will wait to see.
player, 222 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 09:05
  • msg #102

The Battle of Farnworth

Following Pathwyn's advice, Hewney tries to come around the back of Cannibal, and stab at him with both daggers, but he finds it impossible to hit while staying outside of the range of the tangling, grasping weeds.
player, 672 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 20:19
  • msg #103

The Battle of Farnworth

As it was in the opposite direction of the noose wielder, Dak headed for the inn at a run.  Most everyone was down, but there was one still missing and he wanted to find him.

Cannibal's house might have been the more logical spot, but Dak remembered the dogs.  He'd start with the inn and hope he tracked him down before he realized his side had lost.

Besides, that seemed to be what Pathwyn was trying to shout about anyway. Dak, the monster.  Don't get poisoned!  He'd try not to get stabbed, either.  It's not like he didn't know what he was doing.  It only looked that way.
player, 208 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 22:30
  • msg #104

The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle sped to assist Telemachus with the netting, as Cannibal proved he was a beast in more than heart alone...

Moving to help Mac with that. 
player, 295 posts
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 23:41
  • msg #105

The Battle of Farnworth

Seeing Dak run, Alvador trots after him (so the distance is widening).
Westin na'Belva
player, 236 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 01:11
  • msg #106

The Battle of Farnworth

Westin moves to disarm and tie up more sleeping men, first the group to the near and to the right of Mac, Lenelle and Storm and then the group that had been coming after Dak. He felt bewildered by Dak racing from the battlefield especially once all those after him had been incapacitated but he had more pressing matters to be concerned about. Once men are tied up, he goes up him giving a wide berth from the battle and drops weapons some 20' behind Lenelle, Storm and Mac.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:12, Wed 23 June 2021.
player, 118 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 14:35
  • msg #107

The Battle of Farnworth

 Vendavel smiles, grins actually, when her spell takes hold over the incoming reinforcements. She briefly considers joining the fray, but Mac's call rings in her ears. She had claimed some degree of skill with the nets...

 The young woman runs to catch up with Lenelle, and assists in spreading the net to cover the man-beast like she would a yellowfin.
player, 289 posts
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 15:24
  • msg #108

The Battle of Farnworth

Pan has nothing that could hurt a werewolf but a man with a noose, he will make his way to that man, and casts a spell sending bright ribbons of light at the man.

ooc: color spray.

If it is effective, he'll use the noose rope to tie the man up tightly. And then continue helping to tie up the other sleeping combatants.
player, 210 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 22:30
  • msg #109

The Battle of Farnworth

What a time to roll double 18 --

Lenelle rolled 18 using 1d20.  dex roll.
Lenelle rolled 18 using 1d20.  to hit; net.  (+2 if missile adj. counts)

Missed the dex roll by 1 point, ugh..   

player, 162 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 04:48
  • msg #110

The Battle of Farnworth

As Telemachus unrolls the large net, Lenelle picks up one side and looks prepared to help try to trap Cannibal.

When Vendavel also approaches, the druid hands her the other side of the net, "I've no experience with throwing nets and I'm not the most graceful at the best of times, if the two of you try with the net, I will try to guard you with my sword."

Vendavel and Lenelle can try using the net; Telemachus will draw his sword and poke at Cannibal if be breaks free on the Entangled area.

Remember +1 to hit Cannibal due to Faerie Fire!

This message was last edited by the player at 00:28, Fri 25 June 2021.
player, 119 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 15:09
  • msg #111

The Battle of Farnworth

 Vendavel grabs the net, and manages to make something with it. She was awed by the transformation, first thinking that Cannibal was turning into a Gnoll, but then fearing it may be something more sinister...


Vendavel rolled 2 using 1d20.  dex check to use net. (dex is 18)
Vendavel rolled 14 using 1d20.  net, to hit roll (does +2 to range attach applies?)
GM, 1327 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 14:18
  • msg #112

The Battle of Farnworth

Dak, trailed distantly by Alvador, left the battlefield behind as he made his way into the inn.

Within, he found a man with a bandaged right hand standing behind the bar, a stair rising on one side of the room.  Midway up the stair was a skinny human woman of middle years and dressed only in her chemise, dangling one leg through the balustrade.  At one table, there was evidence of a card game having been in progress and the cards thrown down.  Drinks were at each of the four places at the card table, and there were also four partially-consumed drinks at the bar.

Pathwyn, having offered her advice from the tower, now that the targets for her arrows had diminished significantly, now made her way down the stairs toward the outside of the church.

While Pathwyn was still inside the church, a scintillating burst of colors erupted on the wing of the battlefield, and the man who had been carrying the noose collapsed to the ground, insensate.

Hewney made his way into the center, though the twisting vegetation defeated his efforts to bring the beautiful daggers into effect.

Lenelle and Vendavel, taking a net from Telemachus, made their effort to bring down Cannibal, but Lenelle's hand tangled into the net edge, causing the entire net to collapse onto the writhing vegetation of Telemachus' entanglement and missing Cannibal entirely.

Then, Storm brought his mace to bear with a great crunch and a whimpering howl, Cannibal fell to the ground unstruggling.  Cannibal's body seemed to be writhing and somehow shrinking, finally resolving into a black and golden furred beast.

Unless Dak carries the fight on in the inn, the battle is over.  Most of the foes are asleep.
player, 223 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 14:25
  • msg #113

The Battle of Farnworth

"Well..." started Hewney, only to find uncertain what to say. "What?" He points at the creature that was Cannibal, confused by what he is seeing. Wiping off his daggers, he sheathes them.
player, 606 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 15:09
  • msg #114

The Battle of Farnworth

Storm sheathes his mace and searches the beast.

Ooc: do we get xp for combat?
This message was last edited by the player at 15:11, Fri 25 June 2021.
player, 211 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 15:40
  • msg #115

The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle uttered a soft, short prayer of thanks. Grateful that her slip with the net had not been a costly one.   Looking upon Cannibal's twitching form, as it resolved in death to animal, and not man --  she made Atu's sign for averting evil.  Glancing to Mac and then Westin, wondering if druid or mage might be able to offer explanation.

Ven too was a mage, but guaging by her expression, she found it just as unsettling and inexplicable as Lenelle did.

The priestess then tried to discern who among friends and allies was most in need of healing...

Got a cure light wounds, for whomever may be in need.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:40, Fri 25 June 2021.
player, 290 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 19:30
  • msg #116

The Battle of Farnworth

As Pan ties up the dazzled man with his own noose rope, he shakes his head.

"Damn Storm, that was some of the finest fighting I've ever seen, well done, I am impressed!"
player, 673 posts
Damage: 0%
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 01:21
  • msg #117

The Battle of Farnworth

Dak sheathed his sword and approached the apparent barkeep.

"I'm looking for a man that wears a green cloak," Dak said grimly.  "Don't make me go room by room to find him.  There's already enough blood running outside."

He wondered what happened to the man's hand, but didn't think it was pertinent at the moment.
Westin na'Belva
player, 237 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 02:56
  • msg #118

The Battle of Farnworth

Westin continued tying up and disarming comatose men as well as gathering their weapons. He then climbed up the hill to where Storm, Lenelle and Mac stood.

"Good fighting Storm," Westin adds brightly with a smile. "You may have saved us all! Good job too Mac and Lenelle. You were very brave! I don't think Storm could have done what he did without your help."

"I do want to remind you, there are a number of Cannibal's men in an enchantment induced comatose slumber," Westin says. "I have been tying them up and disarming them, bringing their weapons back up here behind you. Not sure what you want to do with them - the men or the weapons - but the men probably won't be sleeping all that much longer."

He looks over at the remains of Cannibal. In most cases he did not like seeing things being killed. However evil monstrosity were an exception of course. "I think we should burn it," Westin says finally. He was no longer smiling. He then asked worriedly, "Did anyone get bit by it?" looking at Storm then Lenelle and Mac.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 344 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 03:23
  • msg #119

The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn burst through the church doors quickly scanning the town for Dak.  At first she was disturbed by not being able to locate him, but then turned her attention to Cannibal to see what state the fight was in.  Everything was remarkably calm.  It looked like Storm, Hewney, and the others made short work of the monster.  She jogged over that way in time to hear Westin suggest burning the wolf corpse.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:48, Tue 29 June 2021.
player, 163 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 08:22
  • msg #120

The Battle of Farnworth

Good fighting Storm

"Indeed, Storm, well done!" Telemachus gives the paladin a slap on the back.

I think we should burn it

"It is not a natural beast, this Cannibal. I agree Westin, burning will ensure it cannot rise again."

Not sure what you want to do with them

"You have been busy, Westin! With all of them immobilised, we can turn them over to the authorities, if such a thing exists here."

Looking to Pathwyn, the druid asks, "That group there, I heard one of you call out that they were not with Cannibal's group...who are they? And why do they want to hang Dak? Speaking of...where did he disappear to?
GM, 1329 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 14:35
  • msg #121

The Battle of Farnworth

Within the inn, the woman on the stair gave Dak a broad grin and wave.

The man at the bar with the injured hand looked at Dak as though he recognized him, then said, "Sound like you be looking for Penrhyn.  And he's gone.  Left town.  And that be the same thing I tell you even if ya break my other hand."
player, 674 posts
Damage: 0%
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 21:14
  • msg #122

The Battle of Farnworth

Dak was confused a moment about the hand until he realized the barkeep was the man from the church.  He thought about explaining that the elven Blood Priestess had broken his hand, but it seemed a moot point.  The man should be thankful she hadn't required a greater sacrifice to her goddess.

"Which one of the guys out there might know where he went?" Dak asked, trying to remain stern and professional in the eyes of the pretty woman that waved at him.

Hopefully, someone still alive would know where Penrin went.
player, 296 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 21:56
  • msg #123

The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador catches up to Dak and takes in the peaceful scene.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 345 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 22:17
  • msg #124

The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn nodded.

"Burning the body to ash would be the safest course.  There's no danger of it returning to life, but these creatures carry a magical disease or curse and we don't want coyotes or other scavengers eating the flesh.  We should, however, search the body before burning it."

She looked from person to person with an eye towards wounds.

"Was anyone bitten?"

"we can turn them over to the authorities, if such a thing exists here."

"There are no authorities here at all.  What's more I think the Count and/or local Baron made it that way by design.  I'm sure they benefit from a certain laxness of authority in Farnworth, but didn't foresee a werewolf leading a gang to terrorize the village.  That's bad for business.  With no local law and no feudal protection, we had to take matters into our own hands.  Getting these men locked up is a crapshoot at best.  They'd likely go free and return to what they know, causing woe to the helpless here or somewhere else."

"There might be another way, though.  Captain, are you familiar with the Naut tradition of Criminal Impressment?"

She could tell from the crew's total lack of facial tattoos that none were Nauts themselves, but most seasoned sailors knew at least a bit about Nauts and their ways.

"That group there, I heard one of you call out that they were not with Cannibal's group...who are they? And why do they want to hang Dak? Speaking of...where did he disappear to?"

Pathwyn took a deep breath and let out a small sigh.  Someone was going to get bent out of shape no matter what light she shone on this situation.

"Those men were correct.  A man has been murdered.  Eliphas."

She let that news sink in before continuing.

"But Dak is not the murderer, I assure you.  It was an assassin named Penrhyn in a green cloak.  You see, since coming here, Eliphas and Cannibal have been at odds.  At some point Penrhyn defected from Cannibal's group to Eliphas', or so it seemed.  In truth he was a double agent.  He stabbed Eliphas to death with a poisoned knife.  Dak was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  In fact, we all were.  Eliphas' men had good reason to wrongfully think he was the murderer.  I'm hoping that they are not evil brutes like Cannibal's gang, and I also hope I can talk some sense into them before I lose my patience."

"I have no idea where Dak is," she said with a shrug.  She looked around as if she'd spot him just wandering around town.  "But while he's gone, Captain, maybe you or some of your crew can tell me a little about him.  He's a real mystery to me.  Who IS he?  A sheep farmer who just decided to buy a sword and chainmail one day?  He has a good heart, but he doesn't seem to really know what he's doing.  I don't think he's had any military training.  Was he a town guard or something?"

"Your crew would clearly do anything for Dak, so he must be special.  You've searched high and low and made deals with an unhinged warlock even though he 'allied himself with Eliphas and attacked you.'  What was that all about?  Did Eliphas ensorcel him?"
player, 224 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 22:57
  • msg #125

The Battle of Farnworth


Hewney was not so sure. He was no expert, but every tale he had been told spoke of the creature reverting to it's true form, that is to say, a human, when they died.

That said, he wasn't sure it was relevant, and as long as it wasn't some bizarre form of phoenix, burning seemed a sound idea.

"Are we the law then? Are we going to have trials for these guys we tied up?"

He would have been happier had every throat been slit, and he had little doubt many of them deserved it, but he wasn't so dedicated to the idea to push for it.
player, 164 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 07:09
  • msg #126

The Battle of Farnworth

There are no authorities here at all...are you familiar with the Naut tradition of Criminal Impressment?

Telemachus' head shakes at the news that there is not law in the town.

"I've not heard of the Naut...what is it and how does it apply to our current situation?"

He stabbed Eliphas to death with a poisoned knife,,,Eliphas' men had good reason to wrongfully think he was the murderer.

"Are you sure Eliphas is dead, it is not a trick or an illusion?

And this Penrhyn killed him...and managed to pin the deed on Dak? And this men there," he points to the group that included the noose-man, "are more of Eliphas' crew?"

Your crew would clearly do anything for Dak, so he must be special.

"Dak is seemingly an enigma to all who meet him. Some of us were captured by slavers, Dak included. When the ship fortuitously for us, ran aground in a storm, we escaped as a group and managed to make our way here.

We have been chasing Dak because we believed he was charmed by Eliphas...he fought against us for Eliphas. We made a deal with the wizard in Monteci to try to remove the magick affecting him...but it now appears that the magic was not dispelled or that Dak was acting on his own the entire time. Making him an accomplice of Eliphas.

Tell me of this Criminal Impressment as I am wont to take the lot of these thugs back to Monteci and see if their crimes will be tried there."

This message was last edited by the player at 00:37, Tue 29 June 2021.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 346 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 08:48
  • msg #127

The Battle of Farnworth

"The Nauts are a secretive sailing guild.  I've worked for them as a navigator on many voyages in recent years.  They have a tradition of Criminal Impressment by which criminals can be pressed into service onboard ship.  These men are not considered part of the crew and not given a share of the spoils.  After a time, usually a few years, the captain will proclaim them redeemed and they are either let go at the next port or sometimes allowed to join the crew."

"This tradition isn't just followed by the Nauts, either.  It's rare that any captain will refuse an unpaid hand or two.  I know that it smacks of slavery, which I abhor, but most would prefer it to being thrown in the dungeons or execution.  The Nauts are quite fair about it from what I've seen.  Others?  Well, it depends on the captain.  With all the ships coming and going from these parts, splitting these thugs up and shipping them out might be the best way to rid Moerae of them without killing them and tossing in the sea."

"If you'd prefer to take your chances with the authorities in Monteci, I won't stand in your way.  We'll see if the Baron's men let them walk, or throw them in the stockades," Pathwyn said with a shrug.  "They might even suggest Impressment.  This lot would fill up most jails by themselves.  That's a headache few magistrates want."

"We'll need to bring a Farnsworth townsperson or two with us as witnesses to Cannibal's men's crimes if we're going to the authorities in Monteci.  That won't be necessary if we press them into service shipboard."

"There's a third option.  Leave the justice up to the townspeople of Farnworth.  They'll probably lynch the lot of them."

"Are you sure Eliphas is dead, it is not a trick or an illusion?  And this Penrhyn killed him...and managed to pin the deed on Dak? And this men there," he points to the group that included the noose-man, "are more of Eliphas' crew?"

"I'm sure Eliphas is dead.  I thoroughly examined the cooling corpse myself, and identified the fatal stab wound and signs of poisoning.  It was no illusion."

"Right Captain, they're Eliphas' men.  You've got all the broad strokes of it."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:57, Tue 29 June 2021.
GM, 1331 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 11:47
  • msg #128

The Battle of Farnworth

At the battlefield, by now those working to disarm and bind the surviving men had completed this task even as men were starting to rouse from their magically-induced slumber to find themselves bound.

Inside the inn, the woman gave Alvador a sly smile as well, since Dak did not seem interested.

At the bar, the man replied, "Most like, he gone to Shipton.  Don't know that he talk about his plans to anybody, Penrhyn, he keep things close."
player, 675 posts
Damage: 0%
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 12:08
  • msg #129

The Battle of Farnworth

Accepting the information without comment, Dak turned to notice Alvador standing inside the doorway.

"Do they need any help outside?" he asked the half-elf as he left the barkeep to join him.

The island wasn't that big and they could ask Myrick if the man had a horse.  They might still be able to track him down.
player, 225 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 17:20
  • msg #130

The Battle of Farnworth

As the others spoke over him, and ignored his comments, Hewney saw no point in remaining here. He headed for the tavern to get himself a drink.
GM, 1332 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 17:34
  • msg #131

The Battle of Farnworth

Hewney entered the small building where several men had come for the fight, finding Alvador and Dak near the doorway.

Inside, the woman gamely waved at Hewney, and the man at the bar looked to Hewney waiting to find out what Hewney meant to do in the building.  The man's right hand was bandaged, but he seemed relatively capable of working the bar.
player, 226 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 18:29
  • msg #132

The Battle of Farnworth

Walking up to the bar, Hewney glances around the room, then turns to the bartender.

Pulling out a few Greil he places them on the bar.

"A large ale, dark as you've got. What's on the lunch menu?"
Westin na'Belva
player, 238 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 18:59
  • msg #133

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn na'Sylviis:
"...I'm sure Eliphas is dead.  I thoroughly examined the cooling corpse myself, and identified the fatal stab wound and signs of poisoning.  It was no illusion..., they're Eliphas' men.  You've got all the broad strokes of it."

It didn't surprise Westin that Eliphas had come to a bad end. No, what had surprised him was Dak. He had expected Dak to leap into the battle, to seek to prove himself, to show himself worthy. Instead, he had fled. Dak certainly hadn't show any fear when he attacked Storm back in Eliphas's hideout in which they might have all been killed. He didn't want to believe. However, if he was in league with Eliphas, it would explain a lot. Perhaps it was as Mac had said, he was a willing accomplice of Eliphas.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:00, Sun 27 June 2021.
player, 212 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #134

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle was having similar thoughts to Westin, as regards Dak.  She too did not voice them.

"If we can learn where Eliphas was staying," she said to Westin, "perhaps you may at last find the tome. And perhaps it may be better to go do so, before someone else does."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 347 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 23:28
  • msg #135

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Hewney looked a little miffed, or maybe just bored with all this Impressment talk when he left.  She wanted to follow him and find out what was on his mind, but the crew of the Ananke had a lot of questions, and she was the only Forhorn left to answer.

Pathwyn pointed to Eliphas' house.

"That's his house.  We haven't searched it top to bottom, but we did find books in his study.  Alvador has them."

Then she shook her head, and shrugged.

"None of them are Ars Mathematica, or anything close, really."

"What exactly did Malachy do for you?  He couldn't have dispelled a charm on Dak without Dak being there.  I'm concerned that he might've lied to you about his end of the bargain."
player, 213 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 01:48
  • msg #136

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle nodded, "That's wholly possible; he is a bent and twisted man.  And yes, Dak had already left us by the time we dealt with him.  He gave Panatix a little orb that was supposed to sunder the charm on Dak, when it was broken in his presence.  Pan tried it, when we met Dak upstairs, back at the bandit lair."  Lenelle shrugged.  "Nothing changed in Dak as far as I could tell."
GM, 1333 posts
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 17:03
  • msg #137

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

The man at the bar counted the griel and dropped them into, from the sound of it, a box under the bar, then drew the ale, somewhat awkwardly and set it on the bar in front of Hewney, a little of the contents sloshing onto the bar in the process.

"Got smoked fish," he said.  "Three griel."
player, 227 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 17:15
  • msg #138

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

The look on Hewney's face is answer enough to the thought of fish. The ale, however, clearly meets with him approval.

"So, how are things around here these days?"
player, 165 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 00:53
  • msg #139

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Telemachus listens carefully to Pathwyn's explanation of the Nauts, as well as her options for dealing with the captured thugs. The half-elf called Hewney abruptly leaves during the conversation to the druid's surprise.

Looking around at the crew of the Ananke, Telemachus says, "It is my opinion that we take this entire lot to Monteci and turn them over to  Turlough.

I have no doubt that Eliphas' men will be welcomed by the gaoler. I am not as sure about Cannibal's men. But enslaving them to a ship is no different from what happened to us...

We should make this decision as a group. I would welcome the other Forhorn's opinion as well, Pathwyn, but they seem to have all left!"

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 348 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 06:43
  • msg #140

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn nodded at Telemachus' objection to Impressment.  It was totally understandable considering their personal traumas.  She decided not to mention it again.

"I know you have grievances with Eliphas, but I'm not sure these men of his in Farnworth have even done anything.  We'll have to ask the townspeople."

She made sure not to talk just to the captain, but turned to look Lenelle, Westin, Storm, Panatix, Vendavel, and Wick in the eye as she spoke.

"Additionally, if we drag them to a court they're just going to shout murder and call for our heads.  I'm not going to risk Dak's neck on a chopping block for that, nor Alvador's, Hewney's, and mine for that matter," Pathwyn said firmly.

"I'd hoped to convince them to help us find the real murder, Penrhyn, or stay out of our way as we hunt for him at the very least.  Give me a chance to judge their character and make them an offer."

She wanted to say more, but Telemachus was right, the other Forhorns should be here to voice their opinions.  She could at least follow Hewney.  Maybe he saw where the others went.

"I'll go see if I can find my friends and get them out here for the planning.  If someone would please fetch Myrick from the stables, he'd be instrumental in speaking for the townspeople."

Pathwyn went to the inn after Hewney.
GM, 1334 posts
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 12:47
  • msg #141

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Entering the inn, Pathwyn found the rest of her Forhorn companions.  Hewney was at the bar with an ale, and Dak and Alvador near the entrance.  Pathwyn could see the woman on the stairs, clad in a chemise with a bare leg dangling through the balustrade.  There was evidence of an abandoned card game and abandoned drinks.  The bartender had a bandaged hand, and seemed  quite familiar, as he was the man whose hand Pathwyn had broken.
player, 207 posts
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 13:58
  • msg #142

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Wick shrugs.  "I don't know that it's our job to bring in every ruffian and cutthroat on the island, we're commissioned to get Eliphas.  If they want to offer a new commission for us to round up the rabble and the pay is good, then I'm agreeable, but as it stands I say we keep focused.  Taking this lot back to Monteci is just more time for Eliphas to get further ahead of us."
player, 228 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 14:28
  • msg #143

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Glancing over at Pathwyn as she enters, Hewney takes another sip of his ale and ponders his dry ration rations for lunch over the fish they were offering. Neither seemed particularly tempting.
player, 676 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 15:33
  • msg #144

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"It looks like Penrin left town before the fight," Dak said to the elf as she entered.  "Barkeep thinks maybe to Shipton.  I was thinking one of the survivors outside might know more about where he went."

He was ready to get on the road to Shipton before the Green Cloak got too far ahead of them.
player, 214 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 01:59
  • msg #145

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle concurred, more or less, with Wick - "Hunting down every henchman connected to Eliphas was never the plan, as far I understood.  We broke the back of the smugglers' operation, and Eliphas himself is dead.   Perhaps that will lead some of those connected to the man to rethink their lives and choices." 
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 349 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 04:36
  • msg #146

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn was relieved to find everybody safe and sound, lounging around at the inn, but her eyes narrowed at the sight of Damon's guard from the church.  An instant later a deadly sheaf arrow was nocked, pointed directly at the man tending bar, and the string pulled back ready to fire.

"That's encouraging.  Shipton is a good place to catch him, especially if he insists on wearing that cloak everywhere," she says to Dak, never taking her aim and attention off the man behind the bar.

"You should've left town when I told you to," she said icily to the bartender.

"Great fight out there, guys.  The crew of the Ananke would like to hear all your thoughts on what to do next outside."

She took a few steps to the side of the door, clearing a path for Cannibal's lackey.

"You first."

Pathwyn has a short trigger with the bartender unless he sets down what he's doing and heads for the door.  She's OK with a little backtalk, but no false moves, or stubborn refusal to leave.
player, 297 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 05:42
  • msg #147

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

I'm going to meet Chree Alvador announces. He leaves and heads for the church.
player, 677 posts
Damage: 0%
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 11:11
  • msg #148

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Do we have to kill everybody?" Dak asked, shaking his head at the Blood Priestess' actions.  At least he hadn't gone out to fight with the others.  It hadn't even looked like he'd been watching.

"You better do what she says," Dak said to the barkeep before he filed out after Alvador.  Rather than the church, he'd head for the stable to see if Myrick were around.
GM, 1337 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 14:25
  • msg #149

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Ain't like anyone else be givin' me work while I be mostly laid up," said the bartender, with a look of venom at Pathwyn, though he clearly saw the value of discretion in following her instructions to head outside like the others.

The woman on the stairs looked quite forlorn, pulling her leg back through the balustrade and making her way up the stairs.
player, 229 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 14:41
  • msg #150

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

With no one behind the bar, Hewney wonders where his next drink will be coming from.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 351 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Thu 1 Jul 2021
at 02:56
  • msg #151

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Please ring the church bell a few times while you're over there," she said to Alvador on his way out.  "That should bring the townspeople out."

She hoped he would join the group after interacting with Chree.  Hewney didn't look like he was going to leave the inn with them at all.  She wondered if it was because of the crew of the Ananke's animosity towards Eliphas.  That would make sense.  Like Dak, Hewney had a high opinion of the departed smuggler mage.

"Do we have to kill everybody?"

Pathwyn certainly wanted to shoot Cannibal's bit-too-loyal thug when she first saw him at the bar.  After all, she told him that's what they'd do if they saw him in town again.  But he wasn't a threat and killing someone she didn't have to didn't sit right with her.  Come to think of it, Dak was probably trying to put the fear of death in this guy's mind to help convince him to cooperate.  He'd done that yesterday with the captive they'd let go.

She marched the man with the broken hand out into the middle of town where most were gathered.

"Here's one more of Cannibal's men.  We told him to leave town, but he had other ideas."

"You're a deft hand with the rope, Westin.  Got any left for this one?  If not there's some in my pack near the top that you're welcome to use."

Pathwyn didn't want to drop her aim on the thug to go rooting around in her backpack.
player, 298 posts
Thu 1 Jul 2021
at 06:23
  • msg #152

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador raises a hand as e proceeds. Soon, after Chree and he are reunited, the bell peals, perhaps the first joyful sound heard in the village for some time.

Close enough:
Westin na'Belva
player, 239 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 1 Jul 2021
at 10:13
  • msg #153

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle concurred, more or less, with Wick - "Hunting down every henchman connected to Eliphas was never the plan, as far I understood.  We broke the back of the smugglers' operation, and Eliphas himself is dead.   Perhaps that will lead some of those connected to the man to rethink their lives and choices." 

"I agree," Westin says. "Besides, the motivation for following Eliphas was to free Dak because at the time, some of were convinced he was spellbound to Eliphas."

"I feel like it's really the villagers' responsibility to deal with these men. If they ask us we could always take them to Monteci," Westin says. "However, someone is going to have make a case for them deserving to be punished, whatever that may be. Most all these men were incapacitated before the they could join the battle so they certainly didn't cause us any harm."
This message was last edited by the player at 10:14, Thu 01 July 2021.
player, 230 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Thu 1 Jul 2021
at 15:16
  • msg #154

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Finishing his drink, Hewney follows the others outside.
GM, 1338 posts
Fri 2 Jul 2021
at 02:47
  • msg #155

The Battle of Farnworth

As the bell chimed in Farnworth, Myrick could be seen, poking his head out of the stables.  Another pair of men--one from each of the two buildings in the center of the village, with expressions of uncertainty on their faces.  In the distance, there were a few people in the fields who seemed to be looking toward the village itself.
player, 678 posts
Damage: 0%
Fri 2 Jul 2021
at 02:57
  • msg #156

The Battle of Farnworth

As Dak approached the stable, he waved to Myrick.

"Could you round up some townsfolk," he said to the man once he'd closed the distance.  "We don't know what to do with the men we've captured and hoped there might be some ideas we hadn't thought of.

"I was thinking some of them might not be as guilty as others, but we haven't been here as long as the people that live here."
GM, 1339 posts
Fri 2 Jul 2021
at 12:39
  • msg #157

The Battle of Farnworth

Myrick nodded an agreement and said, "I can do that."  With that, he started towards some of the people in the fields around Farnworth itself.
player, 231 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 2 Jul 2021
at 18:58
  • msg #158

The Battle of Farnworth

"Any justice we mete out, it needs to be done here, among those who were the victims. Once we leave, it is simply their word against ours."
GM, 1340 posts
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 13:53
  • msg #159

The Battle of Farnworth

The men who had come out to fight at Cannibal's command sat, bound and quiet.  The quartet who had come from the house which had been Eliphas' were now awake, but not so quiet as they pronounced their own innocence and the indignation that this group would defend a murderer.
player, 299 posts
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 22:40
  • msg #160

The Battle of Farnworth

Ding-dong, ding-dong....
GM, 1341 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 14:23
  • msg #161

XP Line

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 352 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Tue 6 Jul 2021
at 07:31
  • msg #162


She nodded at Hewney's comment.  The townspeople would probably want to execute Cannibal's gang if it came to that.

If Westin or one of the others tied up the former guard she marched out at arrow-point, good.  If not, Pathwyn sighed, quivered her arrow, got the rope out and tied the man up herself.  Afterwards she addressed Eliphas' bound men.

"Profess your innocence all you want, but I don't want to hear one more word out of any of you about Dak being a murderer!" Pathwyn scolded the men.  "Four of us, Dak included, did a job for Eliphas and we showed up here only to find him freshly slain.  He'd been stabbed in the back with a poison knife just minutes before.  In fact, it was so recent that we saw the culprit, in his green cloak, scurry off to the church.  It was Penrhyn.  When we fought him later, he even used the murder weapon and poison on us before deploying magical powders to escape.  Luckily, no one was killed this time."

"You messed up twice joining the battle while we were taking down Cannibal, and you're lucky as hell that a little nap and rope was all that came of it.  Most of these people," she said, gesturing to the heroes who had banded together to kill the werewolf and stop his gang from terrorizing Farnworth.  "Have been attacked by Eliphas' men in Monteci, so they don't care if you're with Cannibal or not.  They want to see you in a dungeon or a grave."

"I have a third option for you.  You better shut up and listen like your lives depend on it.  Farnworth is going to need a few good armed men around to keep the peace when there's trouble, so another gang of ruffians doesn't just wander in and take Cannibal's place.  If you know enough about Eliphas' business to keep it running in his absence you can prosper here.  Peace and quiet is good for business and it's good for Farnworth.  Win-win."

"And if any of you really seek justice for Eliphas' murder, you can come to Shipton with us and help us hunt down Penrhyn."

"So what'll it be?  Dungeon?  Grave?  Or run the business and protect Farnworth?"

Of course, this was all contingent on the townspeople not saying that Eliphas' men were just as bad as Cannibal's gang.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:38, Tue 06 July 2021.
player, 679 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 6 Jul 2021
at 13:01
  • msg #163


"Myrick is gathering some of the townsfolk," Dak said to elf after walking up to hear the tail end of her speech.  He wondered if she'd been working on it while waiting in the tower by herself.  It sounded like a good plan.  He was just glad he wasn't deciding on what to do with the men.
player, 233 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Tue 6 Jul 2021
at 20:46
  • msg #164


Wandering around the edge of things, Hewney looks for any town folk who have arrived to watch the goings on. At each, he stops and says a few words.

"We are going to deal justice to these people. The more of you who are willing to speak as to the goings on around here the better. I would hate for an innocent to get tangled in with those who were actually working with that beast."

At which he points to the animal-corpse on the ground.

"For those of you who did not see, that there is what became of Cannibal when he died. The man-thing that. as we understand it, terrorized your town."

He repeats these things to any town folk who are there.

"You might want to gather your neighbors and such, so we can get a complete story."
player, 167 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 03:54
  • msg #165


While Dak's crew wandered about the village Telemachus huddled with his companions and listened carefully to what they had to say.

we're commissioned to get Eliphas

"In fact, we only followed Eliphas to find Dak."

Perhaps that will lead some of those connected to the man to rethink their lives and choices.

The druid smiled at the priestesses optimism, "Perhaps they will let Atu show them a better way to lead their lives."

Besides, the motivation for following Eliphas was to free Dak because at the time, some of were convinced he was spellbound to Eliphas. I feel like it's really the villagers' responsibility to deal with these men

"Agreed, Westin. And it appears that we...rather...I was completely wrong. Dak joined Eliphas willingly and when he attacked us it was under his own free will."

If you know enough about Eliphas' business to keep it running in his absence you can prosper here. And, if any of you really seek justice for Eliphas' murder, you can come to Shipton with us and help us hunt down Penrhyn

Telemachus shakes his head as he listens to the priestess of Veja speak.

He whispers to his companions, "She is advising Eliphas' men to take over the smuggling operation! Or to join forces with them!

It seems to me that the majority are leaning to leave the prisoners here for the villagers to deal with.

Nonetheless, let's listen to what the people of this village have to say...I expect it will also surprise me."

GM, 1344 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 14:05
  • msg #166


As Pathwyn laid out options to the men who had been in Eliphas' employ, Myrick came to the center, bringing another half dozen men who moved to stand in a cautious clump with the two men who had emerged from buildings in the village itself.  In addition to Myrick, the Forhorns would recognize as the man who had been praying at the church on their earlier visit to Farnworth.
player, 234 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 18:10
  • msg #167


Was there any response to Hewney's words to the locals?
player, 300 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 19:35
  • msg #168


[Have the locals gathered, or does Alvador keep on ringing?]
player, 291 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 23:56
  • msg #169


Pan looks at Mac, "We killed or captured almost all of Eliphas' men who fought against us, only Dak and Eliphas seemed to slip away.  We cost ourselves and the town a heavy price to try and rescue that ungrateful cur.  Given Dak turned on us at our direst time, I'd let it go if he were magically charmed, as it is, I'd just assume see him hung along with the rest of this lot.  Don't forget, if Cannibal wasn't taken down, they'd be slitting our throats about now. Just cause they fell to our spell-crafting doesn't suddenly redeem them" 
player, 168 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 03:22
  • msg #170


We cost ourselves and the town a heavy price to try and rescue that ungrateful cur.

Telemachus nods as Panatix speaks, but the druid says nothing as he waits for the villagers of Farnworth to respond to Hewney's explanation of the situation.
Westin na'Belva
player, 241 posts
Elf Mage, AC: 7, HP: 4/4
3/3 Sleep, Sleep, Shield
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 10:53
  • msg #171


"Agreed, Westin. And it appears that we...rather...I was completely wrong. Dak joined Eliphas willingly and when he attacked us it was under his own free will."

"No, it was we", Westin says meekly, his brow furrowed.

His normally sharp mind was still trying to catch up with all the revelations that had occurred in the last few minutes. The discovery that Cannibal had been some type of loathsome, monstrous beast. Dak's failure to provide any support in the fight followed by his abrupt departure from the battlefield. Pathwyn's defense of Dak and her admission that they both had been employed by Eliphas. And then Pathwyn's appeal to Eliphas's men to revive Eliphas's former business right here in the village! Nor did Westin think everything had been revealed. The stabbing of Eliphas in the back and the use of poison strongly suggested that Penrhyn was an assassin. Assassins only kill for money. That left the question, who had paid him and who would benefit from Eliphas's death?

He whispers to his companions, "She is advising Eliphas' men to take over the smuggling operation! Or to join forces with them!

Westin takes a sharp breath in and looks over at Pathwyn, a look of shock gradually replaced with fear. Another thought occurred to him. One way of not paying the price for an assassination was to kill the assassin. He casually moved over near Storm, doing his best at keeping the warrior between him and Pathwyn or at least near Storm while trying not to be obvious about it.

As he hears Panatix denounce Dak, Westin looks down, unable to find words for Dak's defense. Pathwyn, however, already had. It remained to be seen just how far she would go...
GM, 1345 posts
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 14:32
  • msg #172

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

By now, Alvador saw that there were a total of nine villagers gathered in the center of town, although they were all men.  The fishing men out near the Ananke did not appear to be coming into shore, but unless the villagers were to give contradictory accounts, it would seem that there were more than enough to support whatever determination might be made.

One of the men who had emerged from the buildings in the center of the village nodded at Hewney's words.  "Always knew he wasn't quite natural.  Good that he came to a sticky end."

The other man who had come from the other central building of the village said, "Name's Bradan.  Them folk," and here he pointed at the four that had come from Eliphas' house, "at least they always paid their bills with no complaining, never made any trouble.  Biggest troubles, them came from some of the other folk, big fellas what come up dead.  Just like Damon."  Here, Bradan gave a daggered look up at the church.  "There be Burl, huge ugly guy what took over the inn.  And Vildin, he done killed Crónán, then made Tiarnán" and here he nodded at the first of the villagers to speak "give him full coin for the armor and arms, not that any of us could afford it.  Them others," and he gestured to the mass of men who had fought--or at least intended to do so--for Cannibal, "they come swarm you like a pack o' locusts and leave you near as bare as locusts do."

One of the lead men from the group that had come from Eliphas' house said, "These folk don't got the coin to pay.  And we was still owed this week's pay.  Not sure that damned snake Penrhyn go to Shipton, be like the bastard say that he going there, and then make his way somewhere's else, but we'll hunt him down, you leave us to go."
player, 208 posts
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 15:37
  • msg #173

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

With no bartender and the exit of the young lass up the stairs, Wick moves outside in the wake of the others.  As the locals start sharing their input, Wick nods but finds little of interest in the whole thing.  He should have at least gotten a mug of ale before coming outside but at this point, he'd stay quiet and see what Telemachus has to say.
player, 680 posts
Damage: 0%
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 18:26
  • msg #174

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"None of them tried to do any good or stop the others?" Dak asked the man named Bradan.  At this rate, Pathwyn's god would be receiving quite the sacrifice.

He was ignoring the outburst from Eliphas' man.  At least they weren't after him anymore and were willing to go after Penryn on their own.
player, 235 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 18:32
  • msg #175

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Fear is no crime," Hewney suggested. "Retribution should fall most heavily on the instigators, and those who actively did wrong."

He seemed pleased that the locals were willing to speak up for themselves, it spoke volumes to him about the circumstance.
player, 301 posts
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 20:42
  • msg #176

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador, after discovering that ringing the bell counted as exercise, stops and collects Chree. He walks out and makes his way by Pathwyn.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 353 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 23:13
  • msg #177

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Pathwyn was glad to see Hewney take an active role in getting the people of Farnworth to open up.

She listened as Bradan mildly exonerated Eliphas' men, and condemned Cannibal's gang.  Some of details of who did what to whom were a bit confusing to her, but the general message was clear.  It would be interesting to hear what the townspeople wanted to be done with these men.

"When we go back to Shipton," she said to Bradan and the others.  "We will ask the church of St Vallon to send a real priest of Atu here to set right some of Damon's wrongs."

From what the lead man was saying Pathwyn got the impression that these men were just hired muscle.  If they couldn't run Eliphas' business in his absence they had no reason to stay and help Farnworth.  She'd have to think of another way for the town to protect itself.  Possibly a militia?  She sighed.  She did not want to train a militia now.  They had Gwysol's books to deliver to Bragi University and that Mathematica book to find for Panatix.

"So far no one has spoken ill of you men.  You sound confident and capable of hunting Penrhyn down.  I'm willing to return your arms and leave you to it."
GM, 1347 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 04:06
  • msg #178

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Should have the lot of them thrashed," said one of the men gathered in from the fields by Myrick.  "Sound beatings like what they give us.  And then send them away."

"Make 'em work," said another of those gathered from the fields, "real work, not five o' them beating up one man."

"Never really seen that group," said  Tiarnán, gesturing to Eliphas' employees, "except that they were passing into the tavern next door.  They kept quiet in that house."

"Be a right kindness, getting us a true priest," said another farmer, the one who had been praying when the Forhorns had come to Farnworth the first time.
player, 236 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 04:32
  • msg #179

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Beatings sounded better than hangings to Hewney, but he wasn't sure that would satisfy Pathwyn.

"Well them, what say we create a few categories of punishments, and let the town folk vote for who goes in to each one. Do any of them deserve less than a beating? Do any deserve the loss of a hand? What is the range here?"
player, 607 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 09:41
  • msg #180

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

“They certainly deserve justice but not mob justice. I say we bring them to an authority who can judge them and mete out the necessary punishment,” Storm says.
player, 237 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 19:23
  • msg #181

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Once we take them out of this town, Storm, all the evidence is left. It will be there word against ours, and we stand as good a chance of being arrested for kidnapping them as they do of getting punished for their crimes. This is where they committed those crimes, and these are their victims. They work for a living, and expecting them to travel miles and days away from their homes and families is like committing a second crime against them."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 356 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 19:54
  • msg #182

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"A public stoning and beating would be cathartic for the townspeople.  I approve of that.  However, these are tough men.  They are used to taking a beating.  Not a single one of them would learn a lesson from it and days later it'd be like it never happened.  If we let them go after the beating, what's keeping them from coming back for revenge?  Nothing."

"Perhaps a public beating AND dragging them off to Monteci for imprisonment," she suggested.  "But Hewney's right.  We can't just take them there ourselves.  We'd need a couple of witnesses to volunteer to come with us to Monteci."

Pathwyn turned to Telemachus.

"Does your ship have a brig that could hold 12 men for a trip to Monteci?"
player, 292 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 20:04
  • msg #183

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Pan has listened and it sounds like the wolf man's men did the bullying and damage around here.  Where these newcomers working for Eliphas seem to be hired hands, and paid their bills and didn't seem to cause trouble, as much.   It's a little muddy but those seemed the mood of the town.

To Mac and the others, "If Vend is staying here, maybe she can hire on the Eliphas' men to help her keep the peace.  The wolfman's crew can take a beating and be run out of town, if they ever come back, Vend and her crew can deal with them.   If you want to really discourage them from causing trouble, the town could remove their thumbs, hard to use a weapon with no thumbs.  I think it should be up to them, we are going to move on and they'll need to deal with it in the longtime."
player, 238 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 20:08
  • msg #184

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"I still say the locals are best suited to be the judges here. They were the victims after all, and they seem to be fair people. "
player, 218 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 20:19
  • msg #185

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

While Lenelle had her opinions, she reckoned that there were, at this point, more than enough of those on the table.  She said a short, silent prayer for the souls of the innocent, with the wish all would work out for the best, in the hands of those who understood this matter better than she did.

There was however something else on her mind:

"Do I understand right, that there was a false priest - practicing in Atu's name? I'm a rightfully anointed priestess of the church.   If that was the case, then I'd like to know where the shrine is.  And be admitted to inspect the inside of it, so I may give proper report to my superiors." 
player, 681 posts
Damage: 0%
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 23:41
  • msg #186

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Dak pointed back up the hill to the church with the bell tower.  "That's the church right there," he said to Lenelle.

He then went over to Eliphas' men, who seemed to have been exonerated and began untying them.  "It's only hearsay that Penrin went to Shipton, but if we find him elsewhere, we'll take care of him wherever he is."
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 358 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 05:02
  • msg #187

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"If Vend is staying here, maybe she can hire on the Eliphas' men to help her keep the peace."

"Wait, what?"

Pathwyn is blindsided by this news appearing out of nowhere.

"Are you planning on staying in Farnworth?" she asked the pirate-y lady.  "That certainly would solve a few different problems at a stroke.  It's a nice house too.  A good base in a good location."

At one point she thought Hewney might want to take over Eliphas' organization here.  She couldn't think of a better man for the job.  He was bright, crafty, well organized, and good with people.  Above all he was a good man, and wouldn't let the shady side of the business corrupt him. But Pathwyn was selfishly glad to have him adventuring with her instead.  What would the Forhorns be without their 'boss'?

"I'd like to know where the shrine is.  And be admitted to inspect the inside of it, so I may give proper report to my superiors."

"If you don't mind me asking, who and where are your superiors?"

All of a sudden her jobs were getting easier and easier.  She might not even need to find and convince a journeyman priest of Atu to take up the church of Farnworth if Lenelle was planning to do it.  She was better suited and positioned to make such a request than Pathwyn.  This crew was literally a godsend.
player, 170 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 05:15
  • msg #188

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

PthwynDoes your ship have a brig that could hold 12 men for a trip to Monteci?

"Monteci is not far, we could get them there, but it does not seem to be the mood of the people."

f Vend is staying here, maybe she can hire on the Eliphas' men to help her keep the peace

Telemachus nods in agreement. "A good thought, Panatix. Vendavel is well-versed with Eliphas' operations and those thugs will likely be content to work for her as long as they get paid."

Do I understand right, that there was a false priest - practicing in Atu's name?

"A false priest? Or a priest that lost sight of Atu's path?"
player, 302 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #189

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador is listening in in on the conversation. Matters seem to be proceeding usefully.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 359 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 07:53
  • msg #190

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"A false priest? Or a priest that lost sight of Atu's path?"

"I don't know.  It was a shoot first, ask questions later situation, and he didn't survive to the ask questions part," Pathwyn answered with a chill in her voice.

That reminded her that she had arrows to retrieve.  There were 4 in corpses and a couple others lying around.  After she recovered her arrows she knelt down to search Cannibal's body.  At the very least she expected to find a sword he'd claimed gave him authority over Farnworth.
player, 120 posts
Thief/Mage (mostly Thief)
AC6 - 7hp
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 12:49
  • msg #191

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Vendavel had a slightly embarrassed expression, and then said, "It's not so much taking over any operations, but I could certainly keep these people safe from another gang moving in to harm them."
GM, 1352 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 13:03
  • msg #192

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"DeMontec doesn't have these lands," said Myrick.  "Best we deal with them here.  The thumbs, that's a good idea."
player, 682 posts
Damage: 0%
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 14:31
  • msg #193

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Dak reflexively flexed his thumbs.  These guys must have really done a number on the townsfolk here, but what goes around comes around.  He wondered if it would be enough of a sacrifice to satisfy the Blood Priestess.
player, 609 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #194

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

“I agree it will be out words against theirs but perhaps we can trouble some villagers to come with us to be witnesses. As much as how hard I fight to protect the villagers, I will too protect these men until they are proven guilty by a competent  and legal authority,” Storm says, reasoning with his friends.

To the towns folks, he proclaims,” These men harmed you and we have overcome them. Let us deal with them justly and show the grace and kindness of good folks. Kindness that theee men did not show you.”
player, 241 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 03:48
  • msg #195

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Wondering at what kind of world Storm grew up in, Hewney just shook his head.

"Pathwyn, I think our task here is done. Let us leave these men to the tender gentle mercies of Storm, we have other things to be doing."
player, 683 posts
Damage: 0%
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 04:26
  • msg #196

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"That sounds like a good idea," Dak said, agreeing with Hewney.  "It won't take all of us to finish this up and we have another job to get to."

He was more than happy to let the other group do the babysitting.  They can keep whatever reward would come with it.
player, 303 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 06:05
  • msg #197

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Alvador offes some free advice. If you maim a man, expect an enemy for life, meet somebody who thinks if funny to maim you. Unless they've killed, a time of servitude will do.

He turns to Pathwyn. If we're gong about our business, let's do.
GM, 1354 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 17:47
  • msg #198

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

The eldest of the farmers, who used a walking stick and the Forhorns had first met in the church, said to Lenelle, "I can take you up to our church.  Poor though it be."  He indicated that they should proceed up the hill to the church with its bell tower.

As the men who had been Eliphas' employees were untied, one of them said, "Any chance you might be able to spare the coin we should be paid for the week?  Be a help on our way to hunting Penrhyn."

"There be no other right authority here," said Bradan.  "We can deal with 'em here.  And those what we know done killing, they been killed, as is right and just."

Pathwyn's search of the vicinity of Cannibal--as the shrunken form of the beast did not fit the clothing, nor were the paws capable of holding the sword--yielded a total of six asil and the sword that the human-form Cannibal had carried.  Her arrows were easily retrieved intact.
player, 220 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 20:11
  • msg #199

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Before heading off to the shrine, Lenelle told Pathwyn: "I'm from the Calandian church; its main temple in fact. And my superiors are its priests and higher ranking clergy."   

So said, she left the group, and went to investigate this shrine.

Once there, she spent time doing a thorough investigation;  checking to see if it was set-up in the prescribed and authentic manner.  Looking for any signs of blasphemy; the worship of false idols, or of pagan or foreign gods.  Or worse, diabolism or demon worship.

As well as for any clues of what sort of person this false or fallen priest was, and where he had come from.

Lenelle rolled 13 using 1d20.  religion proficiency (success)
This message was last edited by the player at 20:22, Sun 11 July 2021.
GM, 1355 posts
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 21:14
  • msg #200

Church of Farnworth

The main door opened into a spacious hall filled with benches.  At the far end of the hall were a lectern and a small altar.  Two doors exited the hall on the wall opposite this entrance.  As Lenelle looked about, what was most striking was the absence of art and other usual items for devotion, though there were a few discolored spots which suggested that something had been there in the past and was now gone.

Other than the missing decor, it did appear to have been properly set up for the church of a simple village such as Farnworth.

"Our old priest, he took ill shortly after Damon come," said the elder villager who was guiding Lenelle.  "Died not much after that, then Damon says how fortunate it be that we don't need send for another since he be here already.  Then things start go missing, but ye'd best not short the tithe or he'd send guard around to get it.  Funny, never knew no other priests needing guards.  "That be the priest office," he added, pointing to the right-hand door, "and I hear it be living quarters in the other one."
player, 221 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 21:50
  • msg #201

Church of Farnworth

Lenelle listened in silence; drawing her own conclusion that the previous priest had likely been murdered, poisoned, by this Damon.

"Atuan priests do not keep guards," she finally assured the elder.  "Nor collect tithes by implied threat."    So said, she walked first to the priest's office, and tried the door, to see what was inside.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:52, Sun 11 July 2021.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 361 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 03:46
  • msg #202

Church of Farnworth

"I'm from the Calandian church; its main temple in fact. And my superiors are its priests and higher ranking clergy."

Pathwyn had more questions for Lenelle, but figured she could ask them after her tour of the church.  She tried to think if they'd left any corpses lying around, and nodded to herself.  Yeah, they had.  THAT would be disturbing.

"Any chance you might be able to spare the coin we should be paid for the week?"

"Boy, you have got some balls," she said, standing up from her search of the wolf carcass.  "You're gonna ask strangers, who just minutes ago you were rushing out to attack while they fought to save your town from a werewolf and his loyal pack of thugs, for a week's pay they don't have anything to do with paying you?"

She tossed the 6 asil she'd just found in the direction of the brash mercenary.

"Just exactly how much are these week's wages you're asking for?"
player, 610 posts
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 11:08
  • msg #203

Church of Farnworth

“How do you propose to deal with them?” Storm asks Bradan
GM, 1358 posts
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 20:44
  • msg #204

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

The office in the church was a fairly large room--twenty feet by twenty feet, featuring a large desk and three other chairs set around a table.  Clearly, this was a space where the priest might have counseled those who sought counsel, prepared homilies, and other such duties.  On the table was a crystal decanter and a dozen pewter glasses.  Also, there was a bookshelf beside the desk.  On this shelf were a number of familiar texts--writings of saints and other devotionals--which were coated with a thick layer of dust.

On the desk itself were a few more books--one being a ledger accounting for the money or other goods provided by villagers as their tithes.  It looked like the more recent hand denoted only coins, while the previous hand had a few notations of coins, but just as frequently a notation of "one dozen eggs" or "new wool blanket" and the like.  Another book was a ribald and illustrated work--almost certainly fiction.  Another was a book which was entitled Beginner's Guide to Pious Practices, which, from a quick glance, appeared to be an instruction on how to appear devout, with little attention for the interior disposition that would lead one to true devotion.

"Didn't know there was a beast involved," said the man, taking up the six asil, "and we only come out after the one we thought done murder--and we know you's was all in the house, and that one--" and here he pointed at Dak, "he been all over the place.  We got paid two asil a day, each o' us.  A fair bit to help us get on our way, and hope we find Penrhyn, and maybe another boss as fair as Eliphas been."

Bradan considered Storm's question, and said, "Well, seems right enough to do as that smart fella," and he gestured toward Panatix, "suggested and take their thumbs to keep 'em from putting the hurt on anyone else after we's drive 'em from Farnworth.  That is the right and just handling o' such criminals."
player, 209 posts
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 20:51
  • msg #205

Church of Farnworth

Wick follows along to the church with the others, looking around and really just staving off boredom.  In his mind, they were after Eliphas, not policing up thugs or setting up good community relations or the rest, though he was happy to let the others focus on that as they wanted.

He was amused when the thug asked after the weeks' wages, his chuckle being cut off as Pathwyn tosses the asil at the ballsy thug.  Not that they couldn't afford a few asil, but there was a principle to it.  He'd have to find time to talk to the rest about it sometime.  But worse was the thought some had, that they should just take on any vermin they cross.

"Well, now that things are nice and settled here, maybe we can get back to the task at hand, hunting Eliphas?"
player, 222 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 22:49
  • msg #206

Church of Farnworth

Naturally, the true works of the faith were dust coated, and unused.  "Charlatan," Lenelle said under her breath, with contempt.

While giving a cursory inspection of the illustrated work, her brows shot up, before her eyes narrowed in disgust.  "Ugh.  Pervert, too."

But her most intense reaction was reserved for the "Pious Practices" work:

"By the Spires of Heaven!  A tutorial of faux faith!"   She scowled, and looked for the author's name. Whether it was listed or no, she would take this work with her, to provide to her superiors, so that they'd be aware such information was being made available.

Concluding in the offices, she then made her way to the living quarters, and tried that door.   Perhaps, here she might find some clue as to where this scoundrel had come from.  Who he was, before he decided that being an impostor priest was a grand idea.
GM, 1361 posts
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 23:33
  • msg #207

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Perhaps it was unsurprising, but the Beginner's Guide to Pious Practices bore no author's name.  Upon reflection, one might suppose that even had a name been listed, it would have been more likely to have been a false name and not a guide to find whoever had created such a work.

Moving to the other room, Lenelle saw that her guide had taken a seat in the church proper, apparently working at gathering more energy rather than trying to keep up with the much younger woman--but then, he looked, by age, of her grandparents' generation.  The next room held several stuffed chairs, a fireplace which, at this time, did not hold a fire, and an open door in one corner.  In the back of this room, there were a pair of simple cots with footlockers at the end of each.  There was a faint odor of death and decay, which seemed to be coming most strongly from the open door in this chamber.
player, 293 posts
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 00:35
  • msg #208

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Pan trails after Wick, interested in the fake priest.  When Lenelle takes the book on faking piousness, Pan nods in support.  And quietly follows after her towards the office.  The rather ribald book however, vanishes into his pack.  One can't, after all, leave such around for children to find.
player, 294 posts
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #209

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

While in the church, Pan looks around for any lamp or torch oil, and anything that looks silver.
player, 684 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 01:08
  • msg #210

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Dak hoped Pathwyn wouldn't make a necklace out of their thumbs.  Maybe it was best if they left before the townsfolk took their retribution.

"So, we're done here?" he prompted the Blood Priestess hopefully.
player, 224 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #211

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Naughty gnome!

Oblivious to Pan's predilections, with bigger fish to fry, Lenelle continued in her investigation.

The deathly stench made her grimace and wince, and hold her breath.  She truly didn't want to look; but she had a job to do, and so moved to peer beyond the open doorway...
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 362 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 07:18
  • msg #212

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"We got paid two asil a day, each o' us.  A fair bit to help us get on our way, and hope we find Penrhyn, and maybe another boss as fair as Eliphas been."

"It's your lucky day.  I'm in a good mood, and I *do* want you to find Penrhyn, so I'll meet you half way out of sheer charity.  Here's 22 more asil to go with those 6," she said, scrounging a fist full of coins out of her pouch and handing them to the mercenary to split up amongst the four of them.  "I think Vendavel would be a fair boss for sure."

"Well, now that things are nice and settled here, maybe we can get back to the task at hand, hunting Eliphas?"

Pathwyn had to assume Wick had wandered off and not yet heard of Eliphas' demise.

"Wick, Eliphas is dead.  The green-cloaked assassin Penrhyn stabbed him in the back with a poisoned dagger just yesterday.  His body is still in his house over there unless these men have moved him for burial.  They might show you the body and let you and Vendavel search the house for the book Panatix needs."

"So, we're done here?"

Pathwyn nodded.  There was more she wanted to do, but the Forhorns were anxious to leave.  They had prompted her more than once to go.  Perhaps mounting up now and getting these overdue horses back to Shipton was for the best.  It was time to wrap things up in Farnworth and say their farewells.

She began by giving Myrick a hug.

"Thanks for you bravery and assistance, Myrick.  I can't very well give mercenaries a fist full of silver and not spare some for a friend like you."

Pathwyn gave Myrick 20 asil before oddly taking out a knife and cutting off a piece of her hair.  Then she turned to Telemachus.

"Thank you and your crew for aiding us and the town of Farnworth in its time of most dire need.  You are heroes all!  I wish you good sailing, and I hope you find the Ars Mathematica.  If you ever need to contact us for assistance or information you can use this lock of hair in conjunction with scrying or divine magic to locate me or send me an animal messenger," she said, handing the hair to the captain.  "Or you can use the more conventional method of leaving a message with the priests of St Vallon in Shipton.  Please tell Lenelle that I am going to ask them to send a priest here to Farnworth, and that if she has other ideas about summoning one of her own priests from Calandia, please run the idea past St Vallon's church so we don't have two priests of Atu here doing the job of one."

"Lastly, is anyone here trained in the use of short swords?" she asked, offering the sword to Telemachus.  "I strongly suspect it to be magical.  You or Lenelle or Storm could no doubt verify this after praying for the proper blessings."

If Telemachus does not take the short sword, she will keep it and check it for magic herself in the morning.

"There's bound to be more loot at the inn and Cannibal's house," she added.  "Some of it will help the townspeople of Farnworth get back on their feet and some will be more useful to you adventurers."

With that she looked at the Forhorns to see if they were all ready to leave, and cocked her head stableward.
player, 249 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 07:26
  • msg #213

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Taking her lead, Hewney heads for the horses. He is more than ready to leave.
GM, 1364 posts
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 12:15
  • msg #214

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

The mercenary who had asked for the pay took the coins from Pathwyn, and then the quartet headed back toward the house they had emerged from.

"We'll get our things and start our search," he said.

Vendavel followed after them to this house.

Myrick thanked Pathwyn for the coins, far more than he would have expected for the work he had done in caring for the horses.

Within the church, Lenelle braved the smell, peering into a small room--perhaps 10 feet by 10 feet, featuring a third bed and footlocker, and a spiral stair which went up--presumably into the bell tower--and down.  There were bloodstains on the floor of this room, and the scent of death seemed to be stronger here, though the only plausible place for bodies would be downstairs.
player, 685 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 15:35
  • msg #215

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

"Watch out for the dogs," Dak admonished Telemachus as he followed after the elf.  "Cannibal had some big dogs in his house."

Dak was looking forward to a quiet ride to Shipton.  The town was freed and most of the culprits were well in hand.  He was unhappy that Penryn had slipped away, but he'd remember that face, even if he did get a new cloak.
player, 210 posts
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 15:48
  • msg #216

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Wick looks over at Pathwyn as she reminds him of the body that looked to be Eliphas, "The hunt for Eliphas isn't over yet, won't be until we get paid for it.  When we've closed the circle on that one, then then the hunt for Eliphas is over."
player, 226 posts
1/2E Cleric AC 3 Hp 13/13
wrong side but righteous
Tue 13 Jul 2021
at 21:30
  • msg #217

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Lenelle understood now.  It was those corpses of the thugs who'd been slain by their allies when they'd ascended the tower.   She uttered a short but sincere prayer for their souls, and then went back to speak with the elder:

"I'm sorry for what you had to endure when the impostor took the place of your rightful priest.  But perhaps it may stand as a worthwhile lesson; an authentic Atuan priest does not bully or take advantage.  If your folk ever encounter the like again, send word to the next nearest church.  I promise you, it will be treated seriously, and dealt with.  And soon as I am able, I'll get a letter written and sent to the main temple, requesting a replacement for you."   

With that, she took her leave, and went to join the others outside.
player, 611 posts
Wed 14 Jul 2021
at 01:59
  • msg #218

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

Storm suggests flogging the men and branding them as criminals instead of removing their body parts.
player, 176 posts
Human Druid 2
AC 5 | HP 19/13
Wed 14 Jul 2021
at 05:04
  • msg #219

Re: The Battle of Farnworth

I strongly suspect it to be magical.

Telemachus' eyes widen, at Pathwyn's generosity.

"I am sure that Wick or Panatix can make good use of this. You have my sincere thanks for your generosity." Looking toward Dak, he adds, "I hope that you remain safe and surrounded by true friends."

There's bound to be more loot at the inn and Cannibal's house

"We will return to the people of Farnworth, what is theirs. And we will claim Cannibal's ill-gotten goods as bounty. Again, Pathwyn na' Silviis, you have my since thanks, and my best wishes."

Cannibal had some big dogs in his house.

"Thank you for the warning, Dak. Stay well." The druid's farewell to his former companion is noticeably more formal, and less warm than to the elven priestess, whom he only just met.

The hunt for Eliphas isn't over yet, won't be until we get paid for it
Telemachus smiles at Wick's fixation with the reward.

He looks around at his companions, "Based on what Pathwyn said, we should be searching the inn, Eliphas' house, and Cannibal's house. I suggest we do it in that order.

The first two should offer no battles, while Cannibal has the dogs for which we brought the nets.

Wick, Panatix. Pathwyn gave us this sword, she believes it may be magical in nature. Are either of you able to use a shortsword?"

The druid will hand the sword to whoever can use it, as he watches the other group gather their horses and ride on.

I have to say, I don't even remember if there was a reward offered for Eliphas!
This message was last edited by the player at 05:05, Wed 14 July 2021.
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