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23:38, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Pattern Room.

Posted by The GMFor group 0
player, 518 posts
HP: 21 / 21
XP: 3
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #31

The Pattern Room

*nod* "Good to know.  Thank you." his mood is subdued as he contemplates what he learned.
player, 1036 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 16
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 08:05
  • msg #32

The Pattern Room

Jade smiled to her cousins,  "It's not as bad as it seems. It is just that the Pattern is something serious and as anything incredibly dangerous,  one should treat it with respect. "
player, 599 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18/14
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 10:50
  • msg #33

The Pattern Room

Ariadne smirked and nodded
"Makes sense.  Everything else here is dangerous and serious, so why not the source of it all?"
player, 1037 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 16
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 13:14
  • msg #34

The Pattern Room

"I want to thank you both for coming down here with me. I know you didn't have too and maybe it was a little boring. At least though, you saw the trial your going to face. So that is good." Jade smiled a bit.

"Let's go see if we can find our other cousins."
player, 519 posts
HP: 21 / 21
XP: 3
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 13:19
  • msg #35

The Pattern Room

*nod* "Jade it is fine, it was interesting and in an odd way relaxing." *smiles* "Besides, I enjoy spending time with you.." *nods* to Ari "and Ari.  It helps get to know each other better.  So, for me at least, it was worth it."
Addressing Ari "Are you going to be OK to make the trek back up?" then looks over at Jade "And you? in your bare feet?"

This message was last edited by the player at 13:22, Wed 23 Dec 2020.
player, 1039 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 16
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 13:31
  • msg #36

The Pattern Room

Jade's smile brightens.

"I should be fine, if I walked the Pattern's mirror then walking up these stairs should be no problem."
player, 600 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18/14
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 13:41
  • msg #37

The Pattern Room

Ariadne smirked
"I'm. not looking forward to all these stairs, but i should be okay to climb them.  Just don't expect start dancing once we reach the top"
player, 521 posts
HP: 21 / 21
XP: 3
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 14:02
  • msg #38

The Pattern Room

*smiles* and *nods* "Lead the way ladies."  Jon is still holding onto Jade's shoes.  He takes one last look around the room to make sure that nothing was left behind.  He eyes drawn to the pattern and he thinks at it. "Soon my friend, I hope to learn the secrets you hold for those of my lineage."
player, 1040 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 16
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 14:12
  • msg #39

The Pattern Room

Jade looks to Jon, "Oh you don't need to carry those Jon. I can carry them."
She will then head up reclaiming the lantern and handing that to Jon.

"Alright, I know the way back up." She will lead the way back to the upper castle.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:25, Wed 23 Dec 2020.
player, 523 posts
HP: 21 / 21
XP: 3
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 15:40
  • msg #40

The Pattern Room

*chuckles* "No problem." He takes the lantern and holds it high so that it illuminates the way best as possible with him being 3rd in line. (unless there is enough room for Jade and Ari to be on the same step at the same time.)
player, 530 posts
HP: 21/21
XP: 6
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 17:30
  • msg #41

The Pattern Room

But hark! The dungeon guard has a note which he has from another (poor) servant who was sent down on a mission of many-staired delivery. The note is sealed with wax and a sprig of something herbaceous from the garden.

Unfold it and, written in Extremely Dashing Style:

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
A note:

Hail, cousins!

I apologize sincerely for missing breakfast--what a crack in the heart to have missed you! And then I did not even find your first note until Aymer delivered the second! Down to the Pattern? I long to hear your impressions! And crave your company! I will be in the library until dinner; if not the library, I have taken a liking to (insert sitting room here). Say you'll fix my cracked heart--Drinks this evening? Perhaps in the gardens?


player, 1046 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 16
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 17:43
  • msg #42

The Pattern Room

"Ballad wishes to meet us in the Library !"

Jade hands the note to the others to read.

"I am going to meet with her, you both should too, she wants to know your impression of the Pattern. I can't blame her it is always nice to see people seeing the Pattern for the first time."

Jade will slip back on her shoes when arriving at Castle level and make her way to the library.
player, 525 posts
HP: 21 / 21
XP: 3
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 21:03
  • msg #43

The Pattern Room

*nods* "Thanks.  I'll met you there, I am gonna change out of my armor."  he then heads off to his room.
player, 601 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18/14
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 02:07
  • msg #44

The Pattern Room

Ari chuckled as she read it
"What an eccentric performance....."
player, 1768 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 17
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Sun 7 Feb 2021
at 21:05
  • msg #45

The Pattern Room

((OOC runs around getting everything set up for Jon's Pattern Walk ))

Jade sets up banners for Jon and Ariadne. As well as some prewalk refreshments like Lemonade, cupcakes and other pastries. There are two regal shirts that proudly profess ~I walked the Pattern ! What did you do today ?~ One for Jon, one for Ariadne.

Very good boots with solid grip and good internal cushion in Jon and Ariadne's sizes were here for a good sturdy and sure footed walk. Gifts from Ballad and Jade.

Some flags for spectators to wave to cheer on the Walkers. In Jon and Ariadne's colors.
player, 861 posts
Max hp 19 Current hp. 19
Appearance 12
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 14:26
  • msg #46

The Pattern Room

In reply to Jade (msg # 45):

  Lance wakes up early.  Unreasonably so, it seems.  Three in the morning is no time for anything truly good to be happening.  He washes up with a bucket of cold water, dresses, and belts on his weapons.  Taking a moment to scrawl a note to his mother in the event that things go badly he runs through his mental checklist.  Weapons, check.  Leather backpack, check.  Card, check.  Corkscrew, check.  A cushion to sit on while waiting, check.  Ray-ban sunglasses, check. Something to read, check.  Interestingly enough, the book he had selected from the library to bring with him was Corwin's account of the Black Road War.


  I'm heading down to the Pattern Room to see the others make their walk.  Jade and Ariadne had requested that I be there, and I gave my word.  I don't know where things will go from there, whether Jon will see fit to try to kill me for attending, but I think he'll find himself hard-pressed should he choose that path.  In any event, my plan is to attend the cousin's walk.  Should they get into trouble I'll go and try to help them as best I can.  Should all go well I will likely be heading out later in the day to assist Aunt Fiona with what she is about, as I promised her that I would.  If that is the case, I should like to see you before I leave.  Lunch perhaps?

  Should things not go well, know that I love you.  Although it has been a scant ten days since you found me, you have given me a home and a family, and most importantly we have been reunited.  I can never express how much that all means to me.  I know I have made some foolish mistakes, but should I survive this day I will strive to do better, that I might honor you and Amber.

  All my love,


  Lance seals the letter, retrieves his key from it's hiding place, and pads softly down the halls.  He slips the letter under Flora's door, then continues downstairs.  On the way to the stairway down he stops and grabs a pair of napkins, a loaf of bread, a small wheel of mild cheese, a biltong bar, and a few apples from the kitchen.  From the sideboard in the great room he retrieves two bottles of mead, one for himself, one as a gift to the guard sitting the lonely post at the bottom of the stairs.  It all goes into the backpack.  At the top of the stairs he lights a lantern.
 Then it's down the long, long hypnotic stairway.

  At the bottom he drops off the bottle to the thankful guardsman and continues on until he finds the great doorway.  He unlocks the door and slips in.  He looks around, half expecting an ambush.  Seeing none, he slips inside, closes and locks the door once again and sis down to wait.  The place he chooses gives him a good view of the door with the wall at his back.

  With the eerie blue light from the Pattern he doesn't need the lantern to read, so he puts it out to not waste the oil.  He cuts a few slices of cheese, meat, and bread, opens his bottle of mead, and settles in to read and wait.
player, 1310 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18
Thu 4 Nov 2021
at 23:34
  • msg #47

The Pattern Room

Ariadne got up early, painfully so in her opinion.  As she watched the sun rise, she smirked wryly and decided that sunrises were things best seen at the end of one's day of activities, not the at the beginning.  But here in Amber, where, with the exception of magic, the tech level was firmly in the dark ages, she had adapted to the "rise at sunrise and sleep after sunset" mindset of traditional medieval times, where any light sources were harder to some by than simply flicking a switch.

She dressed in her modified riding outfit, sturdy but feminine trousers, leather vest over a tunic, and a short cape, with sturdy but comfortable boots.  Her colors were mostly black, with splashes of purple here and there.   Her look was tough but feminine, which described her fairly well.  She had her custom made hand axes, suitable for throwing or hand combat, as well as a thin sword, a few daggers tucked here and there, and a leather pouch with her cell phone.   The battery was almost out of power after a week and a half here in Amber, despite it being off most of the time.   She'd invested the year before in a top of the line smart phone, and was glad of it now.

It was said that items carried during a Pattern Walk, especially items that were important to the person walking, might be influences or enhanced by the Pattern.  It was an intriguing idea, but not something she was going to rely on.  Frankly, if she could get through the day without spontaneously combusting, she'd be thrilled, thank you very much.

She headed out the door of her rooms, but stopped and hesitated.

Looking back, she stared at the wardrobe that contained her mother's fancy battle axe.  It was an incredibly beautiful and well balanced weapon, but the last time she'd taken it out, it had reacted to everyone, perhaps to other magics going on, and had caused all kinds of drama.  And more drama wasn't what she needed today.

With a little regret, but not enough to go back, she left the room and headed out towards the Pattern room.
player, 2353 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 17
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 20:31
  • msg #48

The Pattern Room

Knocks at Ariadne's door with Jon. Hoping to catch her before she heads down to the Pattern room.
player, 1311 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:17
  • msg #49

The Pattern Room

Ariadne frowned at the knock at the door,  wondering if some servant wanted something.
She opened the door,  and blinking in surprise when she saw Jade.
She smiled
"Good morning,  cousin.  How are you doing today?"
player, 2354 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 17
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:27
  • msg #50

The Pattern Room

"Hello Ariadne ! Your looking lovely today. Were here to escort you to the Pattern Room, and I am here cheer you on. Even though we both know you can do it !"

Jade gives a beaming smile to her cousin.
player, 1313 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:38
  • msg #51

The Pattern Room

Ari chuckled
"So it's a dangerous journey,  eh?  I appreciate having your protection,  Jade."
She grinned and winked playfully
"Okay, let's head out.  I've got my phone,  some of the hand axes I had made the other day, my fencing sword, and my daggers.  Anything else you think i need?"
player, 2355 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 17
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:41
  • msg #52

The Pattern Room

"Hmmmm, how about your mom's Ax ?"
player, 1314 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:49
  • msg #53

The Pattern Room

Ariadne paused and smiled wryly.
"Well, i was thinking about that.  After that weird reaction we had the last time we were all here, when all that magic went all wonky.   I still don't know much about magic.   Heck,  I'm still dealing with the idea that magic even exists,  so I'm not sure if we should risk it.  And I'm not sure if the axe already has magic. that might be affected by the Pattern."
It's obvious that Ariadne is, even now, still going back and forth about whether or not to bring her mother's axe with her.
player, 2356 posts
HP: 17 Wounded 17
XP: 6 Appearance 11
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:52
  • msg #54

The Pattern Room

"Trust me the Pattern has magic all it's own and besides I think it wants to bond with you. It was just an unusual one off situation."

Jade tilts her head, "It's up to you but it is a beautiful weapon and we kind of are at war."
player, 1315 posts
Road weary Human
Novice Amberite HP 18
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 21:55
  • msg #55

The Pattern Room

Ariadne looked back at her wardrobe,  where the axe was hidden.
"So, you think i should carry it?"
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