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18:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Patriots of Trozan

Posted by DMFor group 0
Korin Redbeard
player, 8 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 03:38
  • msg #40

Patriots of Trozan

Neo Shadowcloak:
The woman with baskets was involved with this theft?

"Maybe, maybe not," Korin says frowning. "Certainly it seemed oddly coincidental, though. I would like to ask her what happened. "

Neo Shadowcloak:
We should..." The kuduk stops speaking mid-sentence, noticing the elf walked toward them. "Do you know him?" he asks the dwarf, gesturing with his head.

"No, but he seems headed our direction and coming from the Mithral Claw no less," Korin responds to Neo. He falls silent, observing the elf, waiting to see if the elf passes them by or greets them.
player, 9 posts
Elf - A bit odd,
but good with swords
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 03:46
  • msg #41

Patriots of Trozan

"Who else knew about this book donation?" Aendyr asked, but he could already feel himself losing interest.

The coolest part of this caper had been the sneezing dust, that stuff was trick.  It totally kept Khandus from casting any spells, and disabled Keyon for a little while too.  Maybe he could get his hands on some of that stuff.  Would pepper work?  That made people sneeze, or so he'd been told.  Maybe he should grab some pepper and test it out.  Sure would come in handy to keep witches from turning him into a frog or some-such.  Haha!  They'd never see that coming.

Aendyr chuckled to himself.

The two men looked at him.  This was no time for chuckling.

"Oh, sorry.  I was just thinking about a funny joke."  Think fast man, think!  Got it.

"A man walks into a library and asks for a book on how to commit suicide.  The librarian shrugs.  'Sorry', he says.  'The first guy to check it out never brought it back.'"

Aendyr chuckles again.

"See?  Pretty funny."
player, 13 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 13:40
  • msg #42

Patriots of Trozan

Meridian accepts the guards response. So long as he can get back timely, he is happy to give his version of events to the guards. He asks, "Do you mind directing me to the nearest guardhouse? I am new in town."

Then, he heads off in the direction provided with every intent of giving a brief but full and accurate report on what he observed and then hastily returning to the Mithral Claw. Should he pass any of the others, he mentions to them that the guards will not permit their return until they give a report.
Neo Shadowcloak
player, 10 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 22:42
  • msg #43

Patriots of Trozan

He falls silent, observing the elf

Neo, takes a half step back from the dwarf; his hands fall to rest on the hilts of his dagger.

Making no attempt to disguise his action, the kuduk looks all around, to see if he notices any other people heading toward the pair.
GM, 144 posts
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 01:44
  • msg #44

Patriots of Trozan

In front of Orm's Pottery

"Now you don't want to be doin' that out here on the street," said the approaching elf, his hands open.  "Not wit' the guard all on alert and all.  Lissen, I seen you come out of the Claw, an' the guards ain't been that nice to me, mebbe there's something you'd be interested in knowin'?"

Guard House

The guard at the Mithril Claw had given directions to Meridian that were pretty easy to follow, up the road across from the main entrance to the palace.

Here, too, led the path followed by Aendyr and his new companions--Khandus and Keyon, neither of whom had seemed amused by Aendyr's joke.

Lorand and the guards who had brought him here were no longer in view, but the guardhouse, just inside the gate, was easy enough to reach.  Glassee walls lined the path, perhaps to allow for identification or even a visit with the accused under the watchful eyes of the guard.

Finding the number of people who were willing to make statements about the theft, guards set up four places, one guard at each to take the stories as provided by Meridian, Aendyr, Khandus, and Keyon.  Additional witnesses were kept just outside, in order to try to keep things orderly.
Korin Redbeard
player, 9 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 02:01
  • msg #45

Patriots of Trozan

"Sure. I still haven't had breakfast yet and would be happy to buy you breakfast," Korin offers, "though if you're in a hurry we could talk here or take a walk."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:03, Mon 12 Apr 2021.
player, 11 posts
Elf - A bit odd,
but good with swords
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 03:41
  • msg #46

Patriots of Trozan

Aendyr needed to find chums with better senses of humor.

When they passed the glass walls Aendyr was fascinated to the point that his feet stopped moving for a few seconds so he could gawk.  The clearness of the glass was a marvel.  They must cost a fortune!  He had a strong urge to smash one of them.  Shattering glass was a visual and auditory delight.  Normally, Aendyr's impulse control was very poor, but smashing a glass wall in a guardhouse would surely get him in WAY more trouble than it would be worth.  His mother would be proud of his self control this day, but he sighed anyhow.

It wasn't just the building that was impressive.  These city guards were very well organized and efficient.  They had been remarkably prompt in showing up to the scene of the crime, and now they were handling the investigation with a level of professionalism unrivaled in his experience.

He waved goodbye to Khandus and Keyon as the guards split them up.  He had this funny feeling it'd be the last time he saw them.  Not that ill fate would befall any of them, just that paths diverge.

"Hey before we start, I'd like to know.  Who makes your glass?" he asked the guard.
Neo Shadowcloak
player, 12 posts
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 05:37
  • msg #47

Patriots of Trozan

Neo's hands continue to rest on the hilts of his daggers as he surveys the street for anyone else approaching.

though if you're in a hurry we could talk here or take a walk.

Speaking quietly to the dwarf, he says, "Not here,'s too open...let's find a more private spot."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:29, Thu 15 Apr 2021.
Korin Redbeard
player, 10 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 11:23
  • msg #48

Patriots of Trozan

"Would you be willing to take your hand off your daggers," Korin appeals to Neo in a low voice. "I think it's pretty unlikely that anyone is going to try anything overt, here in public. I think it's a lot more likely especially with things riled up as they now that someone will notice, get concerned and call the guard to come have a talk with us. Now you wouldn't want that, would you?"
GM, 146 posts
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 11:39
  • msg #49

Patriots of Trozan

In front of Orm's Pottery

"That's fine, that's fine," replied the elf, "but I'm all right.  'Sides, they're not lettin' anyone in the Claw til they finish investigating.  Though we can go to the Boar's Head, if you want."

Guard House

The guard with Aendyr replied, "That's Crandel's work.  Now, about what you saw, if you would begin with how it started."
player, 14 posts
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 14:00
  • msg #50

Patriots of Trozan

Meridian gives a brief, fact-based report, telling the guards who he saw in the room, how the thief came inside, what he was wearing, and so forth, ending at his arrival at the bath house. Meridian expresses some doubt that Lorian is the perpetrator, as it would be one of the dumbest capers in history, to commit the act in front of so many people. Yet, it is not his business, and he is more concerned with getting to his appointment timely.

He reminds the guard that he needs to get his gear and asks for some verification that he has given his report that he can give to the guards at the Mithral Claw so that he can go about his day.
Qrox Nahl
player, 6 posts
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 18:10
  • msg #51

Patriots of Trozan

Meridian must be thinking he's being stalked by the large lizard that was eating breakfast.  Everywhere the man goes, the lizard seems to be casually following the elf.  Qrox feels silly but the elf just ends up going everywhere Qrox needs to be, just a little quicker.

When arriving at the gatehouse, the lizard priest waits till being called to make a report.

When called, Qrox very politely relates just the basics of what was observed and does not add any extra details or opinion.
Korin Redbeard
player, 11 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 23:39
  • msg #52

Patriots of Trozan

"Boar's Head it is," Korin says. "I'm buying for you too Neo if you want anything."
GM, 148 posts
Tue 13 Apr 2021
at 00:25
  • msg #53

Patriots of Trozan

The Boar's Head

Their new companion led Korin and Neo to a restaurant near the city walls. This one featured a signboard with a boar's head on a platter, apple in mouth with the Trozanese legend "Boar's Head"  Looking about, the place was quite large--perhaps enough tables for 120 diners, though there was just a small scattering of people present, most of whom seemed to be nearly finished with their breakfast.

A waiter took them to the table and asked for their orders, offering bacon, cooked beans, sausage in a sauce, and cold meats for food and ale at a shop-bit a pint, dwarven ale for a dragon, light beer for five freeholders, and dragon's breath beer for four freeholders.

Their elven companion had become fairly quiet, and said,  "An ale and sausage in sauce for me."

Guard House

In their turns, Khandus and Keyon were taken out, and their words "That's him," could be heard.

Qrox, likewise, when his statement was complete, was asked to come to the glassee wall, and confirm the identification.

The guard with Meridian said, "What is it that makes you have doubts?"
Qrox Nahl
player, 8 posts
Tue 13 Apr 2021
at 01:55
  • msg #54

Patriots of Trozan

Qrox stands very still, flicks its tongue, sniffs the air.

"This man was arrested from the bathhouse, but not the one that disturbed my breakfast, may I go now?"
Neo Shadowcloak
player, 13 posts
Tue 13 Apr 2021
at 02:07
  • msg #55

Patriots of Trozan

Would you be willing to take your hand off your daggers?

After one more look around, satisfied that the elf is on his own, Neo nods, and drops his hands. "Of course. The last thing I need before re-joining is a run-in with the local militia."

Neo follows that elf and Korin to the Boar's Head. He watches for anyone following them the entire way.

He scrambles into the chair, sitting on his pack.

"I'll have bacon, beans, and sausage...and a large mug of tea, please."

He waits for the server to leave, before asking the elf, "I'm Neo. So, what's your name, and why did you search us out in that crowd?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:30, Thu 15 Apr 2021.
player, 16 posts
Elf - A bit odd,
but good with swords
Tue 13 Apr 2021
at 04:32
  • msg #56

Patriots of Trozan

"Now, about what you saw, if you would begin with how it started."

"It all started with breakfast," Aendyr began.

He described the scene in the Mithral Claw, the chubby old man, and the sneezing powder. He told about himself, the dwarf, and the kuduk rushing out after the thief, and the thief knocking down the herb woman.

"...That guy zipped through the crowd like a pro.  He was quick and agile, way lighter on his feet that he looked, that's for sure..."

He described following him down the side street where Aendyr lost him, then hearing people shouting about theft at the bathhouse not far off.

"...When the guards dragged Lorand out of the bathhouse he was wearing slightly different clothes than the thief, and he sure didn't move as gracefully.  That's why I think the thief was in disguise or using an illusion.  Lorand is being framed."

If they trot Lorand out behind the glassee wall to identify him, Aendyr will confirm that yes, the thief looked like that guy, but he'll repeat his reasons for thinking the real thief was trying to look like Lorand.
Korin Redbeard
player, 12 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Tue 13 Apr 2021
at 11:36
  • msg #57

Re: Patriots of Trozan

"Bacon and sausage, make that a double helping of bacon. I'd like an ale too," Korin says to the waiter.

"This looks like a solid establishment," the dwarf says approvingly. "Do you come here often?"

"Appreciate you meeting with us for breakfast, especially me being a dwarf," Korin says. "I've heard some elves find dwarves loud and uncouth so I'm limiting myself to one ale out of consideration."

Neo Shadowcloak:
"I'm Neo. So, what's your name, and why did you search us out in that crowd?"

Korin nods, looking at the elf, eyes black eyes curious.
GM, 150 posts
Wed 14 Apr 2021
at 02:01
  • msg #58

Patriots of Trozan

Boar's Head

The elf had waited until the food had been served and the waiter had gone away from the table before speaking again.

"Name's Jhaeros, and ... well, you seem likely folk, what notice things.  And I'm not wantin' to get myself stuck here in the city, I'm needing to get back home.  So, there's something I know what might help find the thief.  The real thief, not Lorand.  See, just as the bells were ringing, I see this chubby fellow standing on the street, looking into the Mithril Claw.  Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag, and there was a little tag fall out of his pocket."

Guard House

As each of the witnesses was led over to the glassee wall to identify Lorand, they could see that the man looked just like the thief, with the exception of the different clothing; the only problem with this being that losing the thief in the crowd and the fuss at the bath house had occurred far too close together in time for the distance .

"Please, let me talk to you, I beg of you," said Lorand.  "This is all some mistake ... some terrible, terrible mistake."

"That's enough of that," one of the guards said, pulling Lorand away from the window.  "They're not here to visit you, just to make the identification."
Neo Shadowcloak
player, 18 posts
Wed 14 Apr 2021
at 04:14
  • msg #59

Patriots of Trozan

and pulled out a bag, and there was a little tag fall out of his pocket

Neo stops shovelling beans into his mouth at the mention of the bag, his spoon hangs frozen, dripping into the bowl.

"I trust you picked up that little tag, Jhaeros?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:31, Thu 15 Apr 2021.
player, 19 posts
Elf - A bit odd,
but good with swords
Wed 14 Apr 2021
at 15:57
  • msg #60

Patriots of Trozan

Aendyr wonders what will happen to Lorand, but it's not really his problem anymore.  He shrugs.  He's already pretty much already forgotten about the book.

"Well if that's everything, I've got a breakfast to get back to," he says to the guard intent to make his way to the Mithril Claw.
Korin Redbeard
player, 13 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Wed 14 Apr 2021
at 16:58
  • msg #61

Re: Patriots of Trozan

Neo Shadowcloak:
and pulled out a bag, and there was a little tag fall out of his pocket

Neo stops shovelling beans into his mouth at the mention of the bag, his spoon hangs frozen, dripping into the bowl.

"I trust you picked up that little tag, Jhaeros?"

"and you want us to buy it from you?" Korin adds before chuckling. "I think you mistook the reason for our pursuit of the thief. I felt somewhat outraged and, foolishly perhaps, thought I would be quickly able to caught the vagabond and return the tome. He turned out to be much quicker than I would have guessed. But personally, I have no stake in the matter  and frankly have other business to attend to. I neither know the book owners nor this Lorand fellow accused of stealing it. It was mere happenstance we were in the tavern that morning and I've never been to this city before."

"Lorand would probably be very interested, especially if he's innocent. The book owners might if the book remains missing and the clue leads to the book being found. A reward, in essence, but I think they would want the book found. I would say your best bet is with Lorand, though. I'm not sure why you would need to talk to us, unless you are reluctant and unable to approach him for some reason? Need a middle man of sorts?"

Neo Shadowcloak
player, 19 posts
Thu 15 Apr 2021
at 00:33
  • msg #62

Re: Patriots of Trozan

"Or do you want to do the right thing, without getting involved? Can't say I blame you for wanting to avoid dealing with the courts."

The kuduk notices his dripping spoon and returns to eating his meal while listening to the elf.
Thu 15 Apr 2021
at 00:45
  • msg #63

Patriots of Trozan

"Well, with Lorand in jail, I can hardly go talking to him, though if you're interested--might be nice to show up those guards, solve the theft, right?"  Jhaeros paused to take another bite, and then a drink before looking to Neo.  "Of course I picked up the tag--only to return it to him, you understand."

Jhaeros pulled out a tag, which had the words "Neville's Pawn Shop.  Item# 219.  20 Mth Bear 1287" written on it.

"Before I get the chance,, he goes into the Claw, and throws some dust at these two guys ... one of them was Keyon, he's an avantar of Peren, he is.  Not high up, mind, but he might be goin' places.  Oh, where was I?  Anyhow, he dusted the mage and Keyon, stole their tome, rushed out the door, just like you know.  Now here's where things start gettin' strange.  I don't see how they arrested Lorand at the bath house; I followed that thief all the way down to Frog Street before I lost him in the crowd, and then as I was heading back, I saw Lorand being taken to jail.  I don't understand it; Lorand don't know how to teleport, so how in Peren's name could he be in two places at once?"

With that, Jhaeros gave Neo a triumphant look, and then went back to eating his food, the tag still on the table.

"Very well," the guard said, "you'll need to stay in town until we have the trial tomorrow.  Staying at the Mithril Claw, right?"

As Aendyr made his way back across town, his companions on the way from the bath house--Khandus and Keyon--had departed elsewhere, and upon arrival at the Mithril Claw, he found two guards blocking the entrance still.  All told, it was still before eight bells, however.
Korin Redbeard
player, 14 posts
1st Level Dwarven Avantar
AC: 3, HP: 13/13
Thu 15 Apr 2021
at 02:08
  • msg #64

Patriots of Trozan

Korin returns to his food as well, forgetful for a time of the events. "Do either of you all know where this shop is?" he says gesturing at the slip of paper. "So you don't want anything from us?" he asks Jhaeros.
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