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22:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 1407 posts
Sat 24 Jul 2021
at 22:13
  • msg #51

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Brother Ros looked thoughtful, and said, "We can send a priest up there for a time, at least until someone permanent is sent from Calandia.  I'll have to write to my superiors to get one sent there."
player, 313 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 00:42
  • msg #52

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Alvador cleared his throat. A couple of other things worth mentioning: I believe we worked well together. And the second: The Lady Pathwyn furthered that by being an effective and inspirational leader. Her sometime lightness of manner only slightly obscures her devotion to the good, the just, and the natural.
player, 267 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 01:06
  • msg #53

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Given Alvador's testimony about goodness and light, Hewney saw no reason to mention Pathyn's interest in hangings and dismemberings. They hadn't actually happened after all.
GM, 1408 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 01:54
  • msg #54

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"I do want to make certain that you are still willing to carry the books to Bragi University, that we can fulfill the request in Gwysol's will?" said Brother Ros.  "And perhaps I was remiss in not confirming this, are you all conversant in Karakulian?"
player, 268 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 01:57
  • msg #55

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"I speak it reasonably well. I wouldn't want to have to arrange a marriage in it, but I can order dinner and ask for the library."

He break into a little Karakulian.

"[Language unknown: Her beti, a a ar ngllsa. Ripl morema u ic in os]."
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:34, Sun 25 July 2021.
player, 314 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 03:16
  • msg #56

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

I can speak both the old and current Karakulian as an older child might. In reading the script, I am proficient.
player, 697 posts
Damage: 0%
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 03:18
  • msg #57

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"I'll just let someone else do the talking," Dak said.  He'd been glad Hewney had clarified that Karakulian was another language.  Otherwise he'd thought it would be something the locals eat that they should stay away from.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 378 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 03:33
  • msg #58

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"We can send a priest up there for a time, at least until someone permanent is sent from Calandia.  I'll have to write to my superiors to get one sent there."

"Thank you."

After witnessing Brother Ros' masterful use of divine magic in speaking to Gwysol's soul Pathwyn had a hard time imagining Brother Ros having superiors.  Then again she'd heard of priests of Atu not just conversing with the dead, but actually bringing them back to life!  That would be a superior priest indeed.

I believe we worked well together. And the second: The Lady Pathwyn furthered that by being an effective and inspirational leader. Her sometime lightness of manner only slightly obscures her devotion to the good, the just, and the natural.

Pathwyn leaned over and gave Alvador a big hug.

"I do want to make certain that you are still willing to carry the books to Bragi University, that we can fulfill the request in Gwysol's will?" said Brother Ros.  "And perhaps I was remiss in not confirming this, are you all conversant in Karakulian?"

"Yes Brother Ros, we're willing to take Gwysol's books to Bragi.  I believe it to be our Next Great Venture.  We will need a day or two before departing, though.  We need to get Gwysol's other belongings appraised and hopefully sold.  I also need to get some armor resized before we set off.  Not sure how long that will take."

"I speak and read Karakulian quiet well," she added.

"The cat, in on the table. The monkey is in the tree."

[Language unknown: "Fi plli, Ingdayera.  Nti u anyproare Eche ne se ac ieac any n notavevor."]
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:57, Sun 25 July 2021.
player, 315 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 05:05
  • msg #59

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Albador proves that at last one half-elf can blush.
GM, 1409 posts
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 12:06
  • msg #60

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"Then I will make arrangements for a ship leaving on the tenth," said Brother Ros.  "I may even be able to arrange for lessons in Karakulian.  Were there other matters of concern that came from the trip north?"

Current date Amaya 7
player, 698 posts
Damage: 0%
Sun 25 Jul 2021
at 13:18
  • msg #61

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"We'll have some time to look for Penrin," Dak observed, squeezing the hilt of his sword.

They'd have to avoid entanglements with the local authorities, but without any evidence, they had to take justice into their own hands.
GM, 1413 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 14:40
  • msg #62

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

With nothing further to add regarding the situation to the north, Brother Ros concluded their meeting, asking that they return on the evening of the ninth for the details of their journey.

Anything further in Shipton for the day and a half remaining that hasn't already been stated?
player, 269 posts
HP 15 of 15
Half elf and half awesome
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 16:07
  • msg #63

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Having no further business he can think of, or other activity  that entices him, Hewney will return to the Inn and purchase a (very) hot bath then hit the sack, as he is still very full from the berry Pathwyn had given him.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 379 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 18:30
  • msg #64

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Pathwyn opened her mouth to speak as Hewney departed, but she decided not to try to stop him.  He looked tired.  Maybe he'd been up partying late last night, or didn't sleep well for some reason.

"I want use Veja's divine Manavision™ to go look at the stuff from Gwysol's tower and the loot we got from Farnworth to see if any of it is magical.  At the very least, I suspect Eliphas' ring will be.  We should start selling some of that stuff off.  Cyrus might be interested.   After that we can split up and inquire about green cloaked newcomers to Shipton."
player, 699 posts
Damage: 0%
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 20:53
  • msg #65

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"I like that plan," Dak agreed with a nod.  "Especially the part about catching up to Penrin.

"Though, if he sees us first, he'll run.  Maybe we should find a mask or something that's common in town that wouldn't draw suspicion."

He tried to think if he's seen anyone with their face covered in some way.  It would also probably be good if he bought something to wear over his armor and to stow his cloak back at the inn.

"I'd also like to find something I could use as a light in the dark," he added to Pathwyn and Alvador.  "I know no one else needs it, but I do and I was thinking there might be something magic that could do it.

"Did either of you see anywhere where I might find something like that?"
player, 316 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #66

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Alvador says One suggestion: We look around in pairs. Splitting the party is chancy; atomizing it is risky. Less coverage per unit of time; more safety.
player, 701 posts
Damage: 0%
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 02:45
  • msg #67

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

"We'll all head back to the inn, then," Dak said, looking in the direction Hewney had gone.  "Once you've taken a look at what we have, we can buy disguises and pair up to look for Penrin."

He wasn't sure what she was looking for in what they'd kept from the tower, but as long as she wasn't trying to buy another gold shovel with their asil, he was fine with it.
Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 381 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 08:35
  • msg #68

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Pathwyn followed a priest to the room where the salvage from Gwysol's tower was stored.  She added their Farnworth loot to the pile.

"If there's anything you want checked for magic, please take it out now," she said to Dak and Alvador.

A big smile crossed her face.  The little elf couldn't conceal her joy at casting this spell.  She held her symbol of Veja in one hand and traced something out in the air in front of her with three fingers.

"suor tel'quiet linta Faer"

She carefully looked over the gathered goods with her divine-heightened senses.

OOC:  I think this is a list of everything.

Gwysol's ring
Eliphas' ring - ruby and black pearls (found on Damon)
small chest from apprentice's room
 apprentice's clothes
 apprentice's blade(?)
 apprentice's spellbook (does Alvador have this?)
food from the larder - hams, sausages, barrels and bottles
bundles of bed hangings containing dishware, silverware, and ornamental items
chest from Gwysol's bedroom (now full of Gwysol's books)
pouch full of coins from Gwysol's chest
chainmail (may or may not have been taken from the church guard in Farnworth)
battle axe
two longswords
ornate snuffbox and pipe
nice pearl
small diamond solitaire ring
Oil of Enchantment in engraved flask
player, 702 posts
Damage: 0%
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 00:33
  • msg #69

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Dak didn't have anything he believed to be magic, but was interested in seeing what she might find.
GM, 1420 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 00:48
  • msg #70

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 382 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 02:51
  • msg #71

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

First Pathwyn crouched down, then got on her hands and knees for a closer look at the pile of items.  She picked up the ruby and pearls ring first between her thumb and forefinger and looked at it from all sides.

"Ooooooooo..." she cooed, without really thinking about the sounds she was making.

It was beautiful and mesmerizing.  She could've looked at it all day if the spell lasted that long, but curiosity overwhelmed admiration.  She set the ring aside and rummaged through the dishware.  Unexpectedly, she plucked out a spoon.

"Magic spoon?" she said quietly to herself.

She gave the spoon a lick and then set it next to the ring.  She also picked out a plate and bowl.  She turned those over, looking at them from all sides and set them aside too.  Next, she took the flask into her free hand.  For a moment the priestess looked frustrated, but she freed up two fingertips from her holy symbol hand and nimbly twisted the cap off before peering inside.

"This one's magical, as we expected, but the flask blocks my view of it.  I wonder if it's made of something special.  Why intentionally hide a potion inside a flask and then engraved the word 'Enchanted' on it?"

It looked like alchemists were just as weird as wizards.  She recapped the flask and set it down next to the ring.

"So that's everything magical," she said of the ring, spoon, bowl, plate, and potion she set aside.  "Wait, no."

She pivoted on her knees and crawled one step to the chest that contained Gwysol's books.  She opened the chest and tried to determine if the contents or the chest itself or both were giving off the aura of magic.  She pulled the books out if necessary to determine what was magical.

"Alvador, will you please set your staff down near these?" she asked, pointing to the small collection of enchanted objects.

Pathwyn also took out her little box of wild strawberries and put one that she had changed into a Goodberry near the spoon.

She sat down crosslegged in front of the objects and stared at the items in fascination.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:54, Fri 30 July 2021.
player, 317 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 03:46
  • msg #72

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Alvador complies.
player, 703 posts
Damage: 0%
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 03:57
  • msg #73

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Dak was really interested in what a magical spoon did.  If Gwysol had been a bachelor, having dishware that cleaned itself seemed like a worthwhile expenditure of magic.

He was now having regrets about selling the dishware he'd been lugging around.
GM, 1421 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 04:16
  • msg #74

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Pathwyn na'Sylviis
player, 385 posts
Priestess of Veja
Shoots first
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 16:51
  • msg #75

Forhorns:  The Next Great Venture

Now that all Gwysol's books had been removed from the chest, Pathwyn stacked them neatly near the other mundane objects.

"This chest is magical too," she said as she stood up after what seemed like a long quiet period of sitting and staring at the chest, ring, staff, bowl, spoon, and plate.  "Some sort of plant enchantment.  Maybe that was why the other dog-faces all stabbed the one who opened the chest.  Two things are for sure.  This chest has stronger magic than everything else, and we aren't giving it to the library of Bragi.  We'll have to find a crate or something to put the books in.  They're less likely to get stolen in a plain crate anyhow."

She couldn't think of any plant spells that would cause sudden mass-stabbing.  Pathwyn thought back.  They'd been laughing about it too, those dog-face.  Or maybe part of their language just sounds like dogs laughing.  Pathwyn chuckled at that thought.

"Oh Dak, did you know your armor is enchanted?"
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