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Beginnings (IC)

Posted by Pro-ConsulFor group 0
player, 2 posts
Tech Ops
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #39

Re: Beginnings (IC)

"Interrogative - a band to do what?" Europa said meekly and softly.  She had processed the announcement by the %FIRST_OFFICER% [OPEN QUERY = Discover_Name] and suspected the might be listening.  Her feelings toward %FIRST_OFFICER% was negative, but after responding to Stego, she followed the instructions for now, strapping herself in.  Once done, she looked for an open data port nearby.  Only a fool would allow her near a computer connection, but Europa hadn't collected enough information on %FIRST_OFFICER% to assess a level of competence yet.
player, 10 posts
Combat Spec
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #40

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Lacking any kind of head, or really even neck, the blob like creature's eyes seem to slide across it's surface to look sideways at the two people sitting next to him for a few moments.

”I think he wants to ask for our help protecting him from the angry humans.”
Marcia Valeria
player, 19 posts
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #41

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia quickly uses the washroom herself, and sits next to the girl.  It looks hopeless, of course.  But many difficult problems that look hopeless have been solved with patience and planning and cooperation.  The first two, at least, she feels reasonably capable of providing.  She looks around for a speaker or camera, but the hard calculation in her eyes belies her bland expression as she tries to recall information and make calculations about her surroundings.."Theoretically," she asks the girl quietly, "how could the door to the crew compartment be opened from this side?"
GM, 51 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #42

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Stego chuckles, "yes, that is basically what I was thinking.  Humans are pack animals, they band together against other species." He keeps his voice low, such that only Europa and Argot can hear him easily.

The girl almost jumps out of her skin when Marcia asks her the question.  "Huh?!" she starts displaying a lack of presence.  "Um, let me see... there is no panel on this side, and I didn't see a panel on the other side..." lack of presence but aware.  "But it has to have an actuator in wall somewhere, so I guess we ... er, that is, someone could try and remove a wall panel and get at that," she says looking back and forth between the door and Marcia as she speaks.
Marcia Valeria
player, 21 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #43

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia considers thoughtfully and scans the room -- paying special attention to the wall panels and even the floor panels. Action leaves traces. Actions leave an impression.  It might caught threads on a hem, or dirt on a rug or gossip in the bathhouse. But it was impossible to move through the world without at least leaving a subtle wake. If there was a panel that moved to let people in...that should leave a mark. If she pays attention, she might notice a little scuff around the edges of a frame or a shine to the edges of the floor. Something to betray that the panel has a difference from the others.   After buckling in, she leans over to the girl and whispers, "If anything happens and they might release the gas, the plan is to run into the washroom and seal the door from the inside. Don't be frightened, it's just better to plan for an emergency while things are calm."
player, 13 posts
Combat Spec
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 08:06
  • msg #44

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Facial expressions, and even intonation, are very difficult to read off a blob of flesh, even it's eye like spots are not eyes and lack muscles around them to deform their shape in any meaning full way.  The words themselves however suggest a little bit of reproach for the presumed goal.

”The fastest way to make a pack aggressive is to treat it as if it is something separate or disconnected.  We would likely be better served by finding humans who have some need for us instead.”
GM, 56 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 02:12
  • msg #45

Re: Beginnings (IC)

"Your amorphous ability would be useful indeed," Strego says, keeping his voice low.  Looking at Europa, he adds, "I understand your people are cybernetic.  That would also have utility."  Europa nods noncommittally.  Looking around he nods his head towards Rurik.  "That one seems powerfully built," he says gauging the man's strength.  "But whom among the humans?"

Several rows away, the girl nods her understanding to Marcia, sitting in a seat with her feet up and hugging her knees.  Albius also nods, asking quietly, "have you an idea how to get out of here?"
Marcia Valeria
player, 22 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #46

Re: Beginnings (IC)

"I have the start of a plan," Marcia whispers, "Help me look for a panel that looks a little scuffed or dented.  There must be a door or access panel in the cabin somewhere. Perhaps one of the aliens can help us access it and rewire it."  She looks around the cabin carefully, her brown eyes have spark of resolve.  She can't give up, not when the girl is counting on her. Her sense of honor demands that she do her best to protect a child (even if the resourceful delinquent is likely quite capable!).
Rurik Vel
player, 14 posts
Valerian Heavy-worlder
Free Agent Explorer
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 17:47
  • msg #47

Re: Beginnings (IC)

With little choice, Rurik let himself be pushed forward to the exit door and then onto the ship. If there had been a viewport by which he could see the ship just before entering it, he did a quick visual assessment of it.

Three decks. They were being ushered into the middle deck. He looked around the deck with seats, trying to determine if this was just a cargo bay that had been converted for prisoner transport. Sensibly, the bridge would be forward on the upper deck. He vaguely recalled seeing some odd ship designs where things weren't placed 'normally', though.

Having found an unoccupied seat near the back, he assessed all the other prisoners. There seemed to be more than had been in the cell, so he evaluated them as best as he could. He wanted a head count, he wanted to know who was likely to be a help and who might be a hindrance, and he wanted to know what sort of ability they had.

At the announcement, he fastened his harness, but then looked around for where the vents might be that could emit the threatened gas, and attempted to figure out if they could be blocked with clothing or seat cushions or whatever was accessible in this room.

Grudgingly, he admired the arrangement--no guards in here to overpower or trick or influence or bribe. There was a weakness in that set-up, however, and he spent the time till lift-off trying to work it out.

One of the odd factoids that he'd picked up from watching too many spy-vids was that walls tended to be more vulnerable points that doors, since doors were usually sturdy and reinforced to prevent forced entry. It wasn't like he was expecting to be able to punch his way through a wall... certainly not the rear hull. Forward bulkhead? Maybe.

He also listened to the conversations the other prisoners were having, even closing his eyes to focus his hearing.

When he opened his eyes again, he visually examined the ceiling and the floor to see if there were any access panels. He then examined the seats in more detail. Did they have a metal framework? Were the buckles on the harness metal or plastic?

He wasn't familiar with this 'morph gas', but based solely on the name, it had to put people to sleep. Could they somehow catch/trap it to use on the guards when they came to get the prisoners? It might be worth examining the food station up front to see what was there. A plastic bag might be effective.
player, 14 posts
Combat Spec
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #48

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Rotating the eye like clusters away from the mouth that is still holding the conversation Argot manages to simultaneously watch those farther away and talk quietly to those nearby in a way few creatures are capable of, and none properly classed as humanoid.

”I have no doubt that the sensible humans will identify themselves in short order, or rather the senseless ones will do so by process of self elimination, hopefully without activating the gassing threat our captors are obviously reluctant to use.  Remain calm until we are underway and let them make the first move.”
GM, 57 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 16:05
  • msg #49

Re: Beginnings (IC)

The transport ship takes off from Noricum Prime with ease, the induction drive providing smooth acceleration with limited sensation.  But the atmospheric resistance is hard to miss, buffeting the ship somewhat and causing a distant but audible sound until the ship escapes its grasp.

The ship then settles into a stable and boring flight plan, effectively imperceptible to the passengers/cargo, making for the safe distance required to engage the Star Drive and make the jump.  After leaving the atmosphere some of the prisoners unbuckle, clearly they have interstellar travel experience, and soon enough the others follow suit and there is a general milling about again.

The girl looks to Marcia and says, "I can look around and see if anything looks scuffed up or such." she unbuckles herself and starts walking the perimeter of the room.
Marcia Valeria
player, 23 posts
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 21:50
  • msg #50

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia uses the general milling about as a distraction for her casual meander over to the group of aliens. Being casual doesn't seem to come naturally to her: even slouching Marcia carries herself with a deliberate dignity. A life of near constant, critical scrutiny had long since worn away anything like overt awkwardness or physical spontaneity. She lowers herself against the walls with a deliberate, smooth motion and an open handed, peaceful gesture. "I have made some observations," she offers quietly, 'regarding the placement of the cameras. If one of you happened to be strong or agile enough to shift the floor panels. It would be possible to access the space underneath without being seen." She pauses, glancing meaningfully from one to another. "If you were quiet or very, very fast, much could be accomplished. If any of you might be so inclined?"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:21, Mon 07 Mar 2022.
player, 15 posts
Combat Spec
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 22:20
  • msg #51

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Argot watches the human's approach, hardly subtle as it is, but doesn't seem annoyed by the interruption, or overly suspicious of her intent.

”I can probably manage something with the floor panels, but stealth and subterfuge are not really my specialty.”
Marcia Valeria
player, 24 posts
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 01:35
  • msg #52

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia tilts her head slightly, and is quiet in thought for several seconds are she considers what to say. "I do not trust that those around would be stoic in the face of too much noise. But if the panel can be removed relatively quietly, and one skilled in engineering or programming could access the wires underneath quickly. It may be possible to open the door before the gas was released. If you wish, I will speak to the..leader..of those men and see if he can convince them to act nonchalant. It may increase the time between opening the panel and a response from the guards."

She pauses and suggests to Argot, "if you could...slide under the may escape even if we are rendered unconscious. Perhaps you could even find some other way to release us if this plan does not succeed. Just so you are aware, the gas they release works by body mass. It may kill me if they release too much. I find it an acceptable risk. Please consider assisting the girl if that happens, she is younger than she thinks.

OOC: Sorry for the double post,  I have a long day tomorrow and may not be able to post again w/in 24 h..just want to keep the ball moving.
player, 16 posts
Combat Spec
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 03:21
  • msg #53

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Argot doesn't nod, or make any of the other expected gestures that even distantly humanoid aliens long since learned to mimic from humans, he simply keeps the eye clusters focused on the person he is talking to and replies in the same nearly monotone calm voice.

”I won't presume to speak for the reactions of others, but some distraction that falls short of the violence threshold might not be a bad idea.  Some kind of entertainment or mating ritual seems likely to do the trick.”
GM, 58 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 03:26
  • msg #54

Re: Beginnings (IC)

The girl is walking around the perimeter of the room as Marcia speaks with the non-humans, scooting quickly by the mohawk guy and his buddies when she gets close.  Mohawk makes a move, combination half-hearted grab attempt and rude gesture, and they three laugh when she scuttles away out of reach.

Stego nods at Marcia's suggestion, not quite comprehending apparently Argot's response.  Europa however nearly cracks her stoic facade, but simply raises both eyebrows with incredulity at the dralasite's suggestion.
Marcia Valeria
player, 25 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 17:04
  • msg #55

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia's lips thin at the girl being harassed by the punks. To those who read human expressions, she finds their behavior unacceptable and is angry.  The calmness in her voice is strained. "Unfortunately, I think that a 'mating ritual' would start a riot.  Human making rituals are not like..a holovid. More than two people engaging in mating rituals together are either extremely violent and distressing or involve highly skilled and practiced participants. Those people are not capable of the latter."

She watches the punks with a covert appraisal. "I may not be able to approach them at all. They may harass me too much to listen to me -- even if this plan could save their lives. I will make an attempt, if you like.  But I suggest you proceed to the seats I indicated and start.  I will tell Albius and the girl the plan and I believe they will amenable, but perhaps those that are not involved in prying up the panel could sit around them to further hide them from view?"
player, 17 posts
Combat Spec
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #56

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Amiable, in his unusual way, Argot half rolls half slides off the chair such that three thick testicle like limbs support his mass as a tripod that allows an easy and very steady gait making his head or body seem to float down the length of the walkway between seats rather than bob up and down like a walking humanoid with bones.

When he reaches the designated location of the panel he simply stops with one of the three limbs up against it which then begins to mold itself into whatever kind of hand shape might get some grip on the edges of the panel before he starts pulling on it.
GM, 59 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 02:52
  • msg #57

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Argot manages to pierce through the cheap construction of the floor with a resounding thump - only slightly muffled by the thin carpeting on it.  With his elasticity he is able to squeeze what amounts to a fat finger through the hole and get a decent grip on the panel.

Several prisoners heard the thump, evident by the way they looked in his direction.  Most of them seem savvy enough to ignore it.
Rurik Vel
player, 15 posts
Valerian Heavy-worlder
Free Agent Explorer
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #58

Re: Beginnings (IC)

OOC: Wasn't really sure Marcia was including Rurik in the group of 'aliens'. He certainly doesn't think of himself as alien.

One way or the other, however, he overheard Marcia's comments about being able to use someone with strength. That was certainly the one thing he had!

After making sure this wasn't some sort of ploy to trap him into something that would get him into even more trouble, he just stood there at first, with his back to what the blob were doing... effectively blocking anyone else's view. Then, when no one was watching, he took a small step backwards while maintaining his pose. He repeated this several times until he reached where the blob was doing something to the floor.

"Name's Rurik. I'm strong if you need assistance," he offers as a whispered aside without fully turning his head.
Marcia Valeria
player, 26 posts
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 17:21
  • msg #59

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia takes a seat where she can block the view of those who try to figure out their ploy.  She acts as though there is nothing amiss, talking casually and drawing the attention of those who might pay attention to Argot's efforts.  If no one else says anything, she will comment quietly. "If anyone should enter, it would be helpful if some stronger people could delay them.  Even a few seconds could make the difference between victory and defeat.  And of course, they would be the first out of this prison when the doors open..."

OOC: Sorry..should have paid closer attention. Work has been crazy with extra crazy sauce.. :(
player, 20 posts
Combat Spec
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 17:48
  • msg #60

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Even as the central mass of the blob like creature turns to focus its darkened sensory clusters on the nearby man speaking there is a quick sheering sound of metal being ripped from metal as the panel comes free.

As if to answer the question the floor panel swings around and is held up for him to take.
”Hold this, stand in the way.”

Without waiting for any kind of reply the bottom of the blob, or what might be a tentacle type limb or two begin to sink into the hole under the panel probing for a path of least resistance to follow into whatever hopefully important chamber lies beyond.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:49, Sat 02 Apr 2022.
Rurik Vel
player, 16 posts
Valerian Heavy-worlder
Free Agent Explorer
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 13:45
  • msg #61

Re: Beginnings (IC)

At the sound of twisting metal, Rurik quickly grabs the panel that the blob handed him, holds it behind his back with one hand while he begins a fake coughing fit as he scans those up front to cover up the noise. If they heard the noise, maybe they didn't quite register what it was.

Besides, if he's coughing, they might think he has some illness that they'll want to avoid.

In either case, he now had a potential shield to use, both as defense and as a weapon.

"Not... *cough-cough* ...used to this... *cough, cough* ...canned air. Maybe... *cough, cough* ...filtration system is broken. *cough, cough*"
Marcia Valeria
player, 27 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 23:42
  • msg #62

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Marcia glances at Europa trying to get her attention.  The machine-person seemed distracted, and Marcia wasn't sure if she was a skilled actress or having a glitch. She murmurs quietly, "Ready to start reprogramming when Argot is clear of the panel?"  Marcia's posture was as disdainful as any haughty matron from a popular vid -- if she seemed too interested in anything, it could draw the attention of the guards.
GM, 63 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2022
at 22:27
  • msg #63

Re: Beginnings (IC)

Argot can see, by moving himself in, that there is a space between the compartment and the outer hull.  It is unlit and crisscrossed with struts, pipes and other industrial looking things, and it is very tight.  He could certainly make his way in there, not so sure about the humans.

Europa looks up at Marcia.  "If the ship is networked and we can access one of the circuits, yes.  The food dispensers and other computerized equipment in here are not linked to the ship's computer," she says glumly.  She was in the transfer ship when the rest of you arrived, it is likely she tried hacking the electronics in this chamber already.
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