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Playbook: Halfling.

Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 10 posts
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #1

Playbook: Halfling

The Halfling

I have kept the good things secret and safe. We're small, often we'll go unnoticed, but any bully will pick on the weakest folk they can find. That's where I come in. I lead danger away, sling rocks at it, taunt it, trick it, you name it! If they won't pick on someone their own size, then you can't expect me to play fair, can you?

We like to duck our heads, enjoy our pleasures and live our lives peacefully inside of our comfortable little nooks. Safety, security-- they're important, you know? So that's what I fight for, if you'll have me.

I am the Halfling, and my people are bigger than you think.

The Halfling is a troublemaker. You are tiny, underestimated, the underdog, and relatively unknown. The Halfling is the tricksy sort. You'll popup where they least expect you and you'll do much more than anyone else thinks you can. Play as The Halfling if you want to sneak around, if you want to play tricks on your enemies, if you like finding alternative solutions, or if your idea of a good time is partying and food.

Choose one or two, or make up your own:

Given Names
Aldrim, Adamanta, Donnamira, Drogo, Estella, Gilly, Robin, Rose, Reuel, Schuyler, Tanner

Hornblower, Muddyfoot, Proudneck

Choose one from each list:
 Twinkling Eyes, Large Eyes, or Piercing Eyes
 Clean Cut, Luscious Curls, or Hooded Face
 Sensible Clothes, Travel Clothes, or Sunday Best
 Hairy Body, Rotund Body, or Wiry Body

You begin with a +2 in Charming.
Assign +1, +0, -1 to your other stats however you like.

Choose one:

 Do Right
Stick by your friends and your word, and always do what's right.

 Get Some Recognition
Shake things up when people ignore or underestimate you.

 Have Fun
Everyone else is so gloomy all the time! Help ‘em lighten up a bit.

Halfling Core Moves:
All Halflings have the following Moves:

The Little Folk (Charming)
When you try to do something clever or sneaky while no one is looking, roll +Courage.
On a 7+, you do it, and no one will notice what you did until later.
On a 10+, they won't even think to blame you for it unless they know you quite well, or you personally tell them you did it.

Sting Like A Bee
(You can only Sting Like A Bee against those who are larger than you.)
When you Keep Them Busy by getting in close and get a 7+, choose one:

 You get them to chase you around, and you both leave the scene.
 You steal something small from them, and they don't notice until they need it or you taunt them with it.
 You get them talking - ask them a question from the Speak Softly list.
 You think fast - ask a question from the Look Closely list.

What Is A Halfling?
Choose the option that best represents your people:

 Clever Storytellers
Your people love to collect stories from afar, and they love to share.
You know just how to get someone to tell you what you want to hear.
When you Speak Softly over stories and games, you may take the 7-9result without rolling. If you also used Halfling Pipeleaf or an alcoholic beverage that does NOT impair Insightful nor Charming), take the 10+result instead.

 Determined Survivors
Your people have suffered many setbacks and tragedies, and they have never stopped you yet. You know exactly when to stand your ground and exactly when to bail. You are very good at both Get Away and Distract/Keep Them Busy. When you roll for one of those two moves and get a 6-, you can instead use the other Move as if you rolled a 7-9.

 Mischievous Tricksters
Your people love surprises, and they are natural tricksters. The pranks they play are legendary. When you Sting Like A Bee, choose two options instead of one.

 Traveling Nomads
Your people are travelers, never sticking in one place for long. When picking your Gear, choose one more option from each list-- you came prepared for anything.

Halfling Gear:
You start with a trusty handheld weapon (Melee) and a halfling packed lunch (2 Uses, Food, each Use feeds three people).

Choose what you brought to keep your friends safe:
 A sling (Ranged) with a pouch of bullets (2 Ammo)
 Poultices (2 Uses, Healing, Slow)
 Burglar's gear (2 Uses, Useful)

Choose the companion you brought on your journey:
 A traveler's carriage, cozy on the inside, which you have a Bond with.
 A riding spear (Melee) and a trained mount, common among your people--a riding boar, a riding dog, or a giant spider, your choice, which you have a Bond with.
 A couple friends (Choose two: Brave, Chef, or Fast-Talker), you have one Bond with each of them.
 Halfling pipeleaf (2 Uses, Slow, Drunk: Forceful) and some snacks (2 Uses, Food)

Choose the luxury you couldn't let go:
 Halfling pipeleaf (2 Uses, Slow, Drunk: Forceful)
 Another halfling packed lunch (2 Uses, Food, each Use feeds three people) and some snacks (2 Uses, Food)
 A bottle of elven wine (2 Uses, Healing, Drunk: Forceful)

What fell into your pocket on the way out the door? Choose one:
 A purse full of foreign coins (Precious, 1 Use)
 An adventuring contract, with all terms and conditions in writing (1 Use). You can Use this item to win an argument with another player.
 An address book, filled with family friends (1 Use). You can Use this item to find a friend in any town you go to. You have a Bond with them, write it now.

Halfling Pipeleaf (2 Uses, Slow, Drunk: Forceful)
Halfling pipeleaf is a particularly popular kind of tobacco, especially among wizards. When you share your pipeleaf with another (1 Use), Speak Softly with them as if you rolled a 7-9.

Initial Bonds
You start with 4 Bonds with the other members of the fellowship. Use these, or make your own:
_______ really enjoys the finer things in life.
I have mesmerized _______ with my stories.
_______ respects me, and I respect them too!
_______ dragged me from my home and on the road to adventure!
I once told a lie so good that _______ STILL thinks it's true.
One of these days, I’ll be as good at this adventuring business as _______ is.
I don't think _______ has noticed how much I like them.
_______ has my back when things get tough out here.
I've known _______ for all my life!
I will never lie to _______ .

Halfling Custom Moves:
Choose two of these Moves to further define what it means to be a Halfling:

A Friendly Face
You are small and easily trusted. So long as you show a friendly face, anyone not already actively hostile towards you will treat you as a friend, until proven otherwise.

Bottomless Pit
Whenever you Feast, you may Use as much Food as you like, and you heal an equal amount of damage. Anyone trying to compete with you can also Use one extra Food to heal an extra point of damage.

You are not 100% halfling. Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook.
You may also take an Agenda from the chosen playbook.
This Move cannot be Shared.

Lived in a Shoe
You can change size at will, shrinking down to the size of an apple or growing as tall as The Dwarf, but you usually stay at a happy medium you're comfortable in.

Small Target
When you Overcome an enemy by getting out of their way, on a 7+, you manage to get completely out of sight - your attacker loses track of you, and you escape from them. On a 12+, everyone loses track of you - tell us where you went, and you're there.

Talk Nonsense
When you Talk Sense by telling grandiose lies with a straight face, roll +Charming. When you Talk Sense and get a 10+, you may also Sting LikeA Bee.

The Courage of Halflings
You are never in Despair when rolling Charming, even if it is damaged.
This Move cannot be Shared.

Who's the Tough Guy Now, Tough Guy?
When you Overcome an enemy and get a 7+, you may Sting Like A Bee. When you could Finish Them, you may Distract/Keep Them Busy as if you got a 10+instead.

Halfling Advancement When you Level Up, choose an option from the list, then mark it off. You may only choose each option once. You also increase your Level by 1.
o Increase your Grace or Sense by 1 (to a maximum value of +3).
o Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum value of +3).
o Take another Halfling Custom.
o Take another Halfling Custom, or choose another Move from the list of What Is A Halfling? options.
o Share one of your Moves or Gear options with another player.
o Choose a player you have 3 Bonds with. They share a Move or one of their Gear options with you.
o You have Changed. You must be level 5 or higher to take this Advancement. When you Change, choose a Destiny you meet the requirements for and take its first Move.

Halfling Companions
Halfling Companions are those allies who are particularly likely to join arms with you. Many of them are available as Gear options - a Companion in your Gear will always heal, return to you, or be replaced by someone or something with similar skills when you Recover.

Halfling Brave: A more loyal and earnest warrior you will never find.
Stats: Loyal Beyond All Reason, Get Right In There

Halfling Chef: If you've got the food, they'll make it tasty.
Stats: Special Ingredients, Rations (Food, 2 Uses)

Fast-Talker: If you'll just listen, you'd understand...
Stats: Mixed-Metaphor-a-Minute, Natural Charm

Giant Lizard: Many find these massive lizards absolutely terrifying,
but halflings find their mobility to be second to none.
Stats: Wall Crawler, Creepy

Riding Goat: These large beasts are popular among both halfling war riders and halfling chefs.
Stats: Stubborn, Wild Charge

Riding Dog: Dogs are man's best friend, but only halflings can ride them.
Stats: Loyal Friend, Good Nose

Traveler's Carriage: Usually drawn by pony, these carriages are popular homes for the average nomad or merchant.
Stats: Home Sweet Home, Travel In Comfort

War Wagon: The War Wagon is a halfling carriage converted to war. Covered in spikes, it is mounted with a rock ballista and a kitchen, for that extra taste of home.
Stats: Rock Ballista, Spiked Armor, Built For War
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:11, Wed 27 Apr 2022.
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