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, welcome to Tegel Manor

01:30, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tegel Wilderness.

Posted by The HostFor group 0
player, 68 posts
Half-human, F1/Cl 1
AC1, HP 10/10
Tue 10 May 2022
at 08:40
  • msg #85

Tegel Wilderness

In reply to Ereth (msg # 79):

Otis keep out of the light and his face turened away from it.

He replies to Ereth very simply, "No." Then Otis adds belatedly, "I'm Otis, martial defender of the woods and devout follower of Mielikki." He genuiely doesn't see the bow but does wave back over his shoulder.

When Cassandra mentions him by nmae Otis gives another wave back over his shoulder, not that any will probably see, but he does encourage with, "I see our companions on the road ahead of us, we'll catch them if we keep this pace."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:03, Tue 10 May 2022.
player, 13 posts
Human Paladin
AC 4, HP 10/10
Tue 10 May 2022
at 12:11
  • msg #86

Tegel Wilderness

The young soldier felt a mingled surge of hope and humility wash over him. ”My thanks for your kind words, Cassandra. Perhaps I am not so far from my appointed purpose as I believed.”

“I, like those in my family, follow Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. She has graciously blessed our line for many, many years now. I hope that I am able to prove worthy of her call.”

player, 51 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Tue 10 May 2022
at 13:43
  • msg #87

Tegel Wilderness

In reply to Otis (msg # 85):

Cassandra turns partially and responds to Otis and smiles at him, although he probably doesn’t see her smile as he is still avoiding looking toward the torch light and has focused his gaze intently down the road ahead of us. “Otis.  Thank you!  Martial Defender of the Forest.  I really like that. I’ve never heard of Miel-icky!”  She stumbles verbally over the pronunciation of the deity, but does her best to repeat it just as spoken by Otis.

After Trevion responds to her words of encouragement, Cassandra redirects her smile, which turns almost to a beam, toward Trevion and nods her head.

With Otis’ announcement, she turns fully back toward Otis and says, “Great!  I think we are all ready to move along again.  Please lead us on to our other two companions.”
player, 72 posts
Half-human, F1/Cl 1
AC1, HP 10/10
Tue 10 May 2022
at 14:11
  • msg #88

Tegel Wilderness

A single, positive-sounding word comes back from the shadowly twilight at the limit of the torch's influnce, "Sure!"
player, 56 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Wed 11 May 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #89

Tegel Wilderness

When the four companions led by Otis finally met up with Lotti and Ornwin, who were patiently waiting for them on the road toward Tegel Village, Cassandra let out an audible sigh of relief and exhilaration.

“I’m so glad we found you two and that y’all are ok!  You are ok aren’t you? I was concerned when we didn’t find you immediately when we finally made it up to the road.

Her enthusiasm quickly subsided as her thoughts drifted back to the lost carriage, coachman, and draft horses.  “We lost the horses and the carriage to the bog. Otis and Trevion did all they could do, but even with their strength and determination, the bog won out.”

“Thank you for scouting things out.  Did y’all have any success checking out the area up here?  Any idea where we should go now?”

Cassandra was so full of questions and letting Lotti and Ornwin know what had happened, she didn’t even think about introducing herself and didn’t even realize that the Dwarf and Half-Elf probably didn’t know which of her companions were Otis and Trevion, whom she had named but not actually identified or introduced.  And she didn’t even think to mention Ereth, who had suffered some sort of daze after the battle with the frogs.
player, 37 posts
dwarf fighter 1
HP 8/10 AC -4
Wed 11 May 2022
at 02:44
  • msg #90

Tegel Wilderness

In reply to Cassandra (msg # 89):

Ornwin says courteously, "We are well, so far, but now we must risk entering the strange village; so far all we have seen are its lights."
player, 29 posts
Half-Elf Ranger 1
AC 5 HP 15/18
Wed 11 May 2022
at 03:50
  • msg #91

Tegel Wilderness

Lotti points out to the lights on the horizon as Ornwin mentions them.

"I'm Lotti by the way, and this stout fellow here is Ornwin.  It's sad news about the horses, but I've heard drowning is euphoric in the last moments, so I guess that is better than the coach drivers outcome."

She looks to the half-orc and to Trevion since they seem to be the ones that would be into some heavy work.  With an educated guess she points to Otis, saying "Otis," and then to Trevion saying "Trevion." waiting for a nod from one or the other to see if she is correct.

Once a nod is given from either she says to Cassandra and Ereth, "So who are you two and what are your skills.  I'm a runner, Ornwin is obviously a dwarven heavy, and my guess is both Otis and Trevion are warrior types, but I don't think either of you fit that mold"
player, 18 posts
Human Paladin
AC 4, HP 10/10
Wed 11 May 2022
at 04:02
  • msg #92

Tegel Wilderness

Trevion smiles nods to affirm that Lotti has identified him correctly. ”Well met, Lotti. And well met Ornwin. I am glad to know you both.”
player, 109 posts
Human Prestidigitator
AC 10, HP 4/4
Wed 11 May 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #93

Tegel Wilderness

Ereth pauses, respectfully, as Trevion speaks, then makes his own response to Lotti, while nodding toward Ornwin as well, "My name is Artimus Ereth. I am a practitioner of the arcane arts. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:03, Wed 11 May 2022.
player, 59 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Wed 11 May 2022
at 04:40
  • msg #94

Tegel Wilderness

Cassandra laughs at the Half-Elf’s description of the Dwarven “heavy.”

“Well met, Lotti and Ornwin!” Cassandra says, as she makes a slight nod of the head to each.

In a more formal tone and using words that have obviously been memorized and rehearsed many times, Cassandra states: “My name is Cassandra, but you may call me Cass, for short.  I am a novice priestess of Eir, the Norse Goddess of Healing.  I was recently ordained and commissioned by my temple.  Although I am trained in basic combat with my heavy war hammer and, when needed, my throwing hammers - in honor of Eir’s liege-lord, Odin, I am less inclined toward killing others and much more focused on the healing arts.  I have basic first aid training and am somewhat familiar with effective medicinal herbs that can be cultivated or sometimes even found in the wild.  But I have been blessed by Eir to provide divine healing, blessings, prayers, and other clerical arts, as may be of benefit to others.”

“That being said, if I can ever be of assistance or if you ever need binding or healing, please do let me know.”

player, 43 posts
dwarf fighter 1
HP 8/10 AC -4
Thu 12 May 2022
at 02:13
  • msg #95

Tegel Wilderness

Ornwin remarks, "My kinsman Thunwin is also a priest who bears a warhammer, though he has no throwing hammers. They will likely prove useful."
player, 118 posts
Human Prestidigitator
AC 10, HP 4/4
Thu 12 May 2022
at 02:30
  • msg #96

Tegel Wilderness

Overhearing the dwarf's comment, Ereth thinks to himself for a moment and then speaks his thoughts out loud, "Hmm. Ornwin... and... Thunwin... Those names sound vaguely familiar to me. You wouldn't by chance be a member of the famous House of Unwin, would you?
player, 44 posts
dwarf fighter 1
HP 8/10 AC -4
Fri 13 May 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #97

Tegel Wilderness

Ornwin bows again and says, "Indeed I am, though I am so far the youngest and least known of that justly famous house."
player, 132 posts
Human Prestidigitator
AC 10, HP 4/4
Fri 13 May 2022
at 03:22
  • msg #98

Tegel Wilderness

Ereth is genuinely impressed to learn this. With a deep bow, he states in his most formal voice, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young Ornwin of the House of Unwin. I am at your service."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Fri 13 May 2022.
player, 41 posts
Half-Elf Ranger 1
AC 5 HP 12/15
Fri 13 May 2022
at 03:27
  • msg #99

Tegel Wilderness

"Yeah, well if it's any help Ornwin, you're the oldest and the best known one I know from that house.  Things are obviously on the up for you already.  Stick with me, we're going to be famous."

She considers where they are, standing on the road out in the middle of nowhere.

"We better get a leg on.  It looks to be about a 30 minute walk to the hamlet up ahead, and though I can't see the moon, or the stars, I'd guess we've still got a fair bit of the night to go, there's not even a hint of predawn light yet.  I don't want to know what else is out here, so it's a good idea for us to put some distance between this bog and the noise we made."

"Does anyone else have something to share before we make a move?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:27, Fri 13 May 2022.
player, 78 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Fri 13 May 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #100

Tegel Wilderness

In response to Lotti, Cassandra says: “Unless someone needs healing now, l agree with Lotti that it is in our best interest to head on to Tegel Village and a nice warm bath and bed at their inn as soon as possible for the remainder of the night.  We can continue introductions and get to know each other better as we head up the road.”

“I hope those lights you saw ahead are, in fact, the lights of Tegel Village.”

“Lotti, you are the Ranger and have night vision.  Makes sense for you to lead the way.  Ereth and I need to be in the middle - both for our own safety and for tactical spell benefit. What do you recommend as a marching order for the whole group? 

player, 44 posts
Half-Elf Ranger 1
AC 5 HP 13/16
Fri 13 May 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #101

Tegel Wilderness

"I can lead, though the road is wide enough for several people to walk across.  It's only you humans that will have difficulty with the dark Cassandra, ....Cass.

Otis and Ornwin can also see, so if we team up in double file, we'll all have someone to get to know, as well as someone who can see clearly and someone who isn't quite so clear sighted.

We're pretty exposed out here, and if anything comes for us, they can come from any angle, so I don't think a marching order is overly important right now.

Why don't you pair up with me and we can chat as we go."

player, 80 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Fri 13 May 2022
at 22:23
  • msg #102

Tegel Wilderness

“Perfect!  That works for me.”
player, 84 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Tue 17 May 2022
at 14:33
  • msg #103

Tegel Wilderness

In her walk and conversation with Lotti on the road to Tegel Village, Cassandra provides some of her background growing up in a small town, as an orphan, and being raised in the temple. Having met very few elves or half-elves, Cass is very interested to learn as much as she can about elves and their culture.  She is also deeply interested to know if Lotti was raised primarily by humans or elves (or both) and what impact that had on her becoming a ranger.
player, 52 posts
Half-Elf Ranger 1
AC 5 HP 13/16
Wed 18 May 2022
at 04:12
  • msg #104

Tegel Wilderness

As far as Lotti is concerned, there's really not much to tell.  "I grew up with a mum and dad, both half elves themselves, so I'm probably more half elf, than elf or human.  (Actually I'm not sure if half elves are sterile or not?  I'll change if they are). School books didn't really interest me, but the forest did.  Given I wasn't particularly talented at anything I was left to follow my nose and soon took to tracking and learning the ways of the forest myself.  I guess you could say I'm self taught, I've been in the forest all my life."  She shrugs, "I just know stuff from doing stuff I guess."
player, 98 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Wed 18 May 2022
at 04:51
  • msg #105

Tegel Wilderness

“Thanks for sharing, Lotti.  That must have been lonely - not being fully part of either the elven or human communities.  Did you and your folks spend much time with either group or did you grow up isolated from both?

I can relate, somewhat.  I never knew my real parents.  The couple that raised me, loved me, but I was never really part of their family.  They didn’t adopt me.  That’s why my focus in life has been on serving Eir and healing others - physically, mentally and emotionally.  I have a soft spot for those who are abused, mistreated, or outcast.”

player, 55 posts
Half-Elf Ranger 1
AC 5 HP 13/16
Wed 18 May 2022
at 08:41
  • msg #106

Tegel Wilderness

"Lonely?  No not at all I got the best of both worlds.  We mingled as we pleased.  Dad is a story teller, a bard, and mum can sing, so I guess we were welcomed where-ever we went.  I always had someone to talk to if I wanted, I've never found that to be a problem."

Suddenly aware Cassandra didn't really have a joyful story to tell of her youth, Lotti listened to her angle to understand her better.  "I'm sorry to hear your upbringing wasn't all roses, but as you point out, it has made you the person you are.  What a wonderful opportunity you have, think of the empathy you'll be able to share.  Perhaps down the line you could open an orphanage or something to catch those falling through the cracks."
player, 107 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Thu 19 May 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #107

Tegel Wilderness

“Lotti, please forgive me.  My story was not really as dreadful or as lonely for me as it sounds.  I was trying to be empathetic because I assumed, wrongly, how you must have felt growing up.  My story naturally comes out sounding depressing when I tell it.  But it was actually a very pleasant childhood.  I enjoy being alone and having time to myself to think and explore.

But I love your perspective on things.  It sounds wonderful growing up traveling and having all of the singing and story telling be a part of your life.  I see why you are so outgoing and so good interacting with people.  It comes naturally to you.  I have to work hard to be outgoing and to focus and be supportive of others. I try, but it doesn’t come naturally.

Thanks for sharing your story.  I hope, in time, you will be able to share some of the tales and songs you learned growing up!”

player, 206 posts
Human female C1/Th1
AC 6, HP 7/7
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 22:42
  • msg #108

Tegel Wilderness

Flashback...continuing the conversation on the Wilderness Road from Day 1...

"So, Brant.  What is your story?  You haven't said much so far since we lumbered out of the carriage and fought off those giant frogs.

You look like a capable fighter and the frogs were certainly surprised and scared when you leapt into the middle of the fray - seemingly from out of nowhere."

player, 43 posts
Human Fighter 1
AC 4 w/shield , HP 10/10
Tue 21 Jun 2022
at 03:46
  • msg #109

Re: Tegel Wilderness

What, my story?" Brant shrugs, then carefully pours a cup full of bourbon. "Common enough tale, really. Grew up dirt poor on a failing, family farm. One tedious year after another. Then one day a band of mercenaries blows through, burning the place to the ground, killing my ma and pa, and leaving me alone with a gut full of hate and revenge... only it was a mill,  not a farm. And my folks were fairly well off and didn't actually die. No mercenaries, either. But I sure got bored carrying around bags of flour all day.  My folks had enough of my whining, so they packed me off to town so's I could join the Watch. Learned how to swing a sword and not stab myself. But the routine... there's only so much pacing the streets and beating up thugs a man can handle. I swear, almost worse routine than the mill. So why not try adventuring, I thought. And here I am!" Brant beams a smile then raises his cup in salute. "Lechyd da!"
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