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20:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45.

Posted by GameMasterFor group 0
GM, 144 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 23:00
  • msg #1

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45

Breakfast will be pretty much the same as yesterday.
Cordelia will put in an appearance at around 8:30 should anyone wish to speak to her.
The day is otherwise yours to do with as you wish.
GM Note:
The Trump users will have a better day today, although their start may be a little rough. Rhiannon's will be the worse as she's closest to the highest energy sources, so when she wakes and transitions from unconscious blocking to consciousness blocking, she'll get hit with the most severe effect, however the upside for her is that because she's had to deal with the highest energy sources her shielding is stronger so she suffers less when in proximity to a high energy source. Conversely Cassandra will have the least issues when she wakes but will have more problems when close to a high energy source, such as Cordelia. Natalie will be somewhere in the middle.

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:01, Wed 31 Aug 2022.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 42 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 14:36
  • msg #2

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45

Cathal flipped through his sketchbook while he finished brushing his teeth.  He had spent a good part of his evening sketching out his room from several different angles.  He was no great artist and had no skill in the trump powers that several of the others possessed, but he thought his work was passable.  Either way, he knew it would help him to memorize his quarters in preparation for their attempt at the Pattern.

He finished and then on his way out of the door, he grabbed a worn backpack with his camera inside it and his earmarked copy of Zelazny's omnibus to loan to Cormac.  He walked towards the dining hall to grab breakfast and tea with the intention of borrowing transportation from Cordelia to explore the town and countryside.  Cathal never was one to go on vacation and just stay in the hotel.
Natalie Horn
player, 50 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 15:47
  • msg #3

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45

Natalie spent part of the night before rearranging her room to bring it into greater harmony with her own energies and those of the new world around her. It was a method to not only attune the room's energies to her own and to the world's, but also attune herself to both room and world. As was her habit, she rose at first light and ran for ten miles before returning to the mansion for a shower and breakfast. She felt a tiny wrongness in her room's energies when she entered it after her run, and adjusted the position of three items before turning on the shower. A second wrongness, another adjustment. Natalie did this several times, making certain the energies were harmonious even when their flow changed. Satisfied, she finished her ablutions and headed downstairs to the dining room. She saw Taurean in the hallway en route. "Good morning, Taurean. Do you know of any smart devices able to facilitate real-time translation of local languages?"

gm note:
So where did you choose to run? As previously noted the perimeter of the estate is 6m. If you run 'inside' the perimeter wall the ground is relatively even. Outside the wall is a different matter, especially along the southern section, and specifically a half mile stretch in the southwest corner, where if you try and run you'll break you leg or ankle.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:05, Thu 01 Sept 2022.
Cassandra Troy
player, 53 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 16:50
  • msg #4

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45

Casaandra woke around 8 am. "What to do today" she pondered aloud to herself.

"Maybe I'll go shopping and then explore the grounds a bit more in the afternoon."


As she selected her jewelry for the day she considered her options for the afternoon ' where to explore first that's the question' "Perhaps I'll attend breakfast and ask Cordelia for some good painting areas." She nodded to herself 'Shopping after breakfast and then exploration and painting'

She put her last earring in and headed down for food.
Cormac Camerilli
player, 8 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #5

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45

Cormac had spent the night before memorizing his room in minute detail. As an added precaution he turned the lights out and felt along the walls and furnishing to give a sense of the spatial dimensions and where everything was. In his opinion he was as ready as possible to hop here from the pattern as Cordelia indicated they would need to do. Of course he would work on it a bit more later but for now breakfast was calling and with it, hopefully, some answers to pressing questions.

Reaching to his desk he picked up and studied the spell rack for several long moments. Something didn't feel right in this place. At least not as it had from his birth world. He was wondering why and there was only one person who could have the answers to that. Pocketing the rack he made his way to the kitchen to find some of his new cousins waiting.

"Good morning everyone," he said by way of greeting, nodding to each in turn. "Has Cordelia come down yet?"

Gathering up some breakfast for himself he continued.

"Anyone have any exciting plans for the day?"

He was likely to be at loose ends himself depending on Cordelia and how helpful she was willing to be.
Natalie Horn
player, 51 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 18:24
  • msg #6

Day 2 - 05 Jux 45

Natalie greeted Cathal, Cormac, and Cassandra as they passed her just outside the dining room. "Good morning," she replied to Cormac's query. "I've yet to see Cordelia, but I only just came from showering after my run. Apart from Taurean and a few members of staff whose names I don't recollect ever hearing, you're the second person I've bumped into. Oh, wait... I see Cassandra coming this way down the hall."
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