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07:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

LESP Offices.

Posted by SSOGMFor group archive 0
GM, 198 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 03:35
  • msg #1

LESP Offices

This should have facilities for everyone.
player, 27 posts
Teen Exoskelton-Pilot
Genius - All Hero
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 14:05
  • msg #2

LESP Offices

A. Location & Secrecy = 5. City Level: base hidden in plain sight – public Agency Building [CP Cost: 200 /$200k]
B. Installation = 4. Government Oversight: City sponsor has taken care details - set up the facility the way they think it should be. The agency (government) knows all about its location, features and accessibility. [CP Cost: 250 /$250k]
C. Size = 6. Gigantic: A large garage/shop, warehouse part of the Municiple Motorpool of police vehicles – sectioned off for use by LESP [CP Cost: 250 /$250k]
D. Structure = 2. Reinforced: All widows have been replaced with Plexiglas, and steel plating has been added to all walls and doors. [CP Cost: 100 /$100k]
E. Facilities
1. 2x Small Garage: This is one garage, large enough for one small vehicle like a motorcycle or sports car, and includes all the tools to do reloads, repairs or maintenance on the vehicle [CP cost: 100/veh '200', 2 veh/ $200k]
7. Manufacturing Shop: This includes a machine shop, paint booth and other tools of the trade to manufacture the parts one needs. For example, automotive parts or armor (to be installed in a garage), construction of weapons, or fabrication of one's super suit [CP Cost: 100 /$100k]
F. Accessibility = 4. Secret Passages and Slides: A network of secret passages and slides grants the hero quick access to his lair, and provides a quick exit away from the lair or to get out of the hideout quickly and unseen (for escape or easy travel out of the vicinity of the lair). [CP Cost: 15 / $15k]
G. Living Conditions
4. 2x Shared Bedrooms: Bunk beds in a large room; sleeps eight [CP Cost: 4 ‘8’ / $8k]
6. 2x Full Bathroom: Restroom and shower with running water and electricity {Men’s/ Women’s} [CP Cost: 3 ’6’ / $6k]
9. Small Kitchen: Stove, sink, refrigerator and maybe a microwave [CP Cost: 2 / $2k]
11. Lounge: TV, entertainment center, fireplace, miniature library, etc [CP Cost: 5 / $5k]
12. Gym: Weights, aerobic· machines, cardia machines, etc. [CP Cost: 50 / $50k]
H. Defense
3. Advanced Security System: The lair is monitored by cameras, infrared and ultraviolet sensors, as well as motion detectors and an external audio recording system. Any access to the lair requires a pass card, secret code (voice, numeric or both) or a handle fingerprint scan [CP Cost: 50 / $50k]
9. Manned Station/Security Guard: Police Government Agency Building - someone watching over the hideout the whole thing), Police can watch the security system and call the hero if anything unusual happens [CP Cost: 50 / $50k]
Total Cost: [CP Cost: 1,286 / $1,286,000]

{Ok.. this is NOT official I used the Rifter 37# Characteristics & Features of the Secret Base, article.  It is not official but it seemed a good way to define the minimum base a Government agency would provide - nothing fancy but at least adequate! Plus none of US is paying for it - just seemed a simple and available way to define the Free Base.  The Rifter article is actually rather useful and seems well written and not a AUTO-WIN button for players! This stuff is expensive!  The GM may OF COURSE ignore this completely or delete add stuff he wants}
This message was last edited by the player at 14:22, Mon 15 Mar 2021.
Lite Star
player, 27 posts
Eliza Knight
Power Suit Pilot
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 16:30
  • msg #3

LESP Offices

That seems to be a reasonable put together as being a section attached to the main police buildings.
player, 29 posts
Teen Exoskelton-Pilot
Genius - All Hero
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 16:48
  • msg #4

LESP Offices

In reply to Lite Star (msg # 3):

Plus none of the gear is specific to meta-humans if the Agency is dissolved... all that equipment is still useful to say a new special SWAT taskforce or other municipal needs.  They are not out anything with such a relatively 'cheap' facility!
Lite Star
player, 28 posts
Eliza Knight
Power Suit Pilot
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 17:43
  • msg #5

LESP Offices

We are coming to replace a team that was already in station.  And I dare say that the first LESP team also inherited the space from another team.
GM, 199 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 18:02
  • msg #6

LESP Offices

It's not attached to one of the precinct buildings. The building is formerly a firehouse, and still has the pole.
Chimp Man Z
player, 218 posts
Mutant Circus Freak
HP 10,0 SDC 343, CHI 40
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 18:09
  • msg #7

LESP Offices

Jacob is gonna love that!
player, 89 posts
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #8

LESP Offices

we should sleep here...tonight..I'm gonna get my stuff! :)
Chimp Man Z
player, 219 posts
Mutant Circus Freak
HP 10,0 SDC 343, CHI 40
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 18:24
  • msg #9

LESP Offices

The wiring is substandard, and the neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone.
On a side note, I am wearing a tee-shirt emblazoned with the flaming head of The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Mon 15 Mar 2021.
Lite Star
player, 29 posts
Eliza Knight
Power Suit Pilot
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 18:32
  • msg #10

LESP Offices

Going to need more than an old ambulance for transport....
Chimp Man Z
player, 220 posts
Mutant Circus Freak
HP 10,0 SDC 343, CHI 40
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 18:47
  • msg #11

LESP Offices

An MRAP or a SWAT van would work.
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 00:21
  • msg #12

LESP Offices

Everyone receives a communiqué through secure channels, in whatever method the individual hero has requested.
The State Department received a video from a previously unknown group described as The Force. This group claims to have stolen a deadly bacteriological agent (S-97) from the U.S. Army and to have planted it and a medium sized nuclear weapon somewhere on the East Coast.
The group threatens to detonate the weapon in such a way as to spread the bacteriological agent over an area with a 100 mile radius. The effect on those infected is too horrible to allow the public to learn what is happening as it would cause widespread panic.
The group has demanded $500 million in diamonds as ransom for not detonating the weapon. The ransom must be paid by the end of ten days or else.

player, 30 posts
Teen Exoskelton-Pilot
Genius - All Hero
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 01:36
  • msg #13

LESP Offices

Hikari reads the bullitin on the current case, "Hmmm.. this is seriously messed up!"

But his mind begins moving at its usual phenomenal speed, "Ok.. we need intel. ONE, intel on the parameters on this Bacteriological Agent S-97, ALL the details the full Details on its environmental tolerance heat cold, and virilance.  TWO we to know who would have access to knowledge of Army shipments of this S-97 agent and what bases it might have been stored at.  We also need to know if a counter agent has been developed and what Exact NBC measures are needed to protect ourselves from it.  THREE we need to find out from the Army a list of the missing shipments for this agent in the last 2 years ~ when and where they weren't missing, same goes for a nuclear warhead casing...all those have serial numbers and 'should' have trackers on them ~ we need to know how many have gone missing in the last two years when and where. FOUR we should query INTERPOL and our MI-6 intelligence resources about any terrorists whose MO is using S-97 agents if they have any records of it being used other places int he world.  FIVE we need to find out if this is the first time this group - The FORCE has acted before.  SIX we need to see that video the State department received to do some video examination to see if any clues can be discerned from the video!"

"We should also get in contact with the CDC..and see if they can liaison us a specialist in this kind of Bio-hazard to have on hand as a specialist on hand for best bio-hazard protocools!"

"We got a crap-ton of research to do... and very little time if were going to locate or track these miscreants!"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:39, Tue 16 Mar 2021.
Chimp Man Z
player, 221 posts
Mutant Circus Freak
HP 10,0 SDC 343, CHI 40
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 03:42
  • msg #14

LESP Offices

There is a genus of bacteria called deinococcus radiodurans, Jacob mentions as he reads through the message on his own phone.  It is so resistant to radiation, heat, cold, vaccuum, etc, that it has an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.  But, it doesn't not cause any disease known.  It's used primarily for research into curing cancer, and the regeneration of DNA damage from things like radiation.
Dressed in his CCPD LESP sweats, sans shoes, he is hanging by his tail from one of the support beams of the old firehouse, an old National Geographic in his hand.  His pistol belt, sans pistol and taser holsters and ammo pouches (replaced by extra handcuff pouches), looks only a little out of place around his waist, as does the badge hanging from his neck on its chain.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:12, Tue 16 Mar 2021.
player, 31 posts
Teen Exoskelton-Pilot
Genius - All Hero
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 04:01
  • msg #15

LESP Offices

Hikari turns around in the rolling chair he is sitting in from his laptop he has open on the meeting room table and looked expectantly at Jacob...

"I'm assuming you have a reason for bringing that up.. is there some further point your making Jacob?"

As usual he is not wearing any LESP uniform of any sort... today just his black turtleneck pullover sweather, over his dress shirt, slacks and casual loafers.  His college jacket is hanging on the back of the rolling chair.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:05, Tue 16 Mar 2021.
Chimp Man Z
player, 224 posts
Mutant Circus Freak
HP 10,0 SDC 343, CHI 40
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 06:58
  • msg #16

LESP Offices

Jacob begins to swing back and forth before letting go.  He somersaults through the air, then hits the floor lightly as he rolls up onto his feet.  He shrugs.  Just illustrating that there are bacteria that can survive a nuclear blast.  Whatever disease they plan to spread is likely attached to deinococcus radiodurans, or it's been spliced with DNA regenerative proteins.
He shrugs.  The question is, "What did they splice it with?"  The most common use for altered deinococcus radiodurans is to clean up radiation or heavy metals that have leeched into the environment.
player, 94 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 07:10
  • msg #17

LESP Offices

Having the gym to himself, Martin works out..dressed simply in shorts and a tank top, a blindfold tied around his eyes, the only sounds those of his breathing, of his bare feet moving across and against the floor, every movement controlled, every strike and parry, every breath measured, a sheen of sweat, welcome and desired as he lets the kata write itself,  free flowing, stream of thought in it's own way..

The sound of his cell phone breaking into his world, startling him, a sound, almost like a growl escaping his lips as he rips the blindfold from his eyes, moving to his gear and pulling out his phone, reading it, his heart racing until he forces himself to calm down..a towel plucked from a stack he'd brought in run quickly over his body, most especially his face as he puts his phone away, pulling on a pair of well worn sweats, his badge on a chain pulled over his head, the bag zipped and slung over a shoulder as he picks up his case, looking like one a musician that cared about his instrument would carry, the analogy not far from the truth as he heads for the room he knows the others will be in, not bothering to don his hood, having trusted these people with his back, he already trusts them with his face..

Arriving as quickly as he can, just in time to see Jacob's acrobatics, smiling in spite of the seriousness of the situation..

"It sounds like you already know more than we were told"

His statement made to both of them..
This message was last edited by the player at 08:14, Tue 16 Mar 2021.
player, 33 posts
Teen Exoskelton-Pilot
Genius - All Hero
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 09:55
  • msg #18

LESP Offices

Hikari looked up when the Master came in and smiled, "Greetings Master TaoZen... we were just doing some initial brainstorming."

Turning a serious look back to Jacob, "What your implying is that garden variety terrorists, do NOT mess with stuff like this without someone who REALLY knows what their doing... a scientist or virologist who knows the trade of Bio-Bacteriological Warefare.  There cannot be too many of those who are 'free agents' from International military's.  We should start a search of the notable ones who have also gone 'missing recently'.  I got to tell you... this is all Terrifying!  We HAVE to find these people FAST!"
player, 96 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 09:58
  • msg #19

LESP Offices

Martin smiles at the greeting, bowing slightly to show respect..

"Greetings to you, please, don't let me stop you"

He makes his way over to Jacob with a smile, offering his hand..
Lite Star
player, 31 posts
Eliza Knight
Power Suit Pilot
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 10:05
  • msg #20

LESP Offices

In the lounge Lite Star had been sat reading through the CCPD officer's hand book, brushing up on basic procedures as well as keeping up practice with using the suits hands to perform complex delicate tasks, such as turning pages of a book.  Head tilting to one side as the transmission came through.  Internally she winced, and shook her head, the though of what something like that could do was horrifying.
With a smooth movement Lite Star stood and walked through to the briefing room where the others were meeting.  The cushioned soles of the feet making her tread no heavier that some of the larger desk sergeants that walked the halls of other police installations.

"This sounds like an unpleasant one.  Also, if they have gotten this type of gear, we can presume that they may have other military ordinance, automatic weapons and the like."

Settling into a seat gracefully she looked to the others around.  The news seeming to have dampened her usual exuberant mood.

"Seems like we need alot of information from official routes, but I can get online and see if I can track down anything extra on the group, the S-97, or connected issues.

It was a matter of thought to connect the communications array securely to the internet and starting to work towards the shadier areas where tidbits of information might be lurking.  At the same time Eliza would form a message to send to her superiors, arrangements for disaster relief being put in motion before hand could never hurt.  If things went wrong a swift response could save lives.
Mystic Knight
player, 7 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 10:19
  • msg #21

LESP Offices

Mystic Knight had been in the gym, working out and going over defensive moves against groups of enemies. Her mace ever present in her hand. She was in full battle gear, including her armor. This set of armor has a hood with a squared, t-shaped opening leaving the eyes and mouth exposed, a squared nose guard protects the nose. Attached to the forehead area are two large colored feathers. The shoulders are pointy, quite short and fairly small in size. They're decorated with layered pieces of pointed leather. The upper arms are protected by chainmail rerebraces which sit nicely under the shoulderplates. The lower arms are covered by vambraces which have a layer of chainmail covering the outer sides. The breastplate is made from many vertical layers of leather and fur with squared edges and decorational pieces. It covers everything from the neck down and ending at the groin. The upper legs are covered by squared, half covering cuisses. The lower legs are protected by leather shin guards which have layers of pointed leather on the outer sides. Thin cloth pants are worn beneath this all.

Mystic Knight is never seen out of this armor, so her comrades would be fully used to it by now. Hearing the alert on her phone, she walks over to where it lay on top of her towel and check it. Growling a bit as she reads the message, she towels herself dry and heads to the briefing room to see what progress has been made so far.

"Do we have any contacts in the army that can verify what was stolen from them for us? Or can tell us anything about the break-in?"

Mystic Knight rests her mace on her shoulder as she speaks, looking around at the other team members and giving a smile and nod in greeting to each of them.
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