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[2] The Road to the Hollow.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Player, 1 post
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:55
  • msg #47

Tiwesdæg, 00.30 mins (New Moon)

Brett had been riding for, to him, like days, but it was really only one day. He feels like someone has dumped him head first into a vat of acid.

Heh, must have been only a short while since I've been on a horse and I'm already feeling bad. That doesn't say much. He thought, wincing at the pain each new thump against the saddle brings between his legs.

The sound of commotion as he got close brings a curse to his lips, "What in the..."

He sees the bear and the group of people and immediately perceives what is happening. Maybe a bit of help,, he thinks.

Getting closer and dismounting, he lets loose the reins of his horse to get even closer to the bear. Once in position, he stretches his hands forth and speaks the verbal words to evoke the spell. At the last second, he twists his hands vertical (a variation on the spell) and the jet of flame streaks across the ground toward the bear and upwards into the sky.

He remembered learning such a spell in the beginning and felt the pain that always accompanied it; the stretching and pulling of his fingers and thumb, but now it was nothing more than a pinprick.

Initial roll: 6 or 5 (not sure which). Damage:Burning Hands spell: 3, AC: 5(mine)

Player, 30 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:56
  • msg #48

The Road to the Hollow

Not time to rejoice, yet, but things were looking up: both elves were now sending little mage balls to hurt the bear, a rider came up from somewhere-- happily reenforcments for them rather than the bear!-- and, aye, good one, the man in the bushes had thought to add oil to the smouldering bear's coat and enjoin him to further roasting. And,what, the new man was magical too? There were almost more wizards in this clearing than he'd met in his entire lifetime!
Holding his sword in parry/defense mode, Karok lunged forward to try and light, afresh, the bush-man's patch of oil on the bear...

(Initiative: 4, Hit AC: 5. Damage determned by DM).

Game Master
GM, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:56
  • msg #49

Tiwesdæg, 1 hr 0 min 12 sec NM

Jhaelin pulls the boy away from the fight, gracing the lad with a healing wave at his touch. It is not enough to fully heal him, but enough to keep him from dying.

Karok swings again with his fire stick, striking the bear again. More of its fur singes, smoking the air with a burning stench. The bear comes down on all fours and backs away while taking a swipe at the dwarf. A claw rakes his arm, ripping away cloth, leather and skin(-2) as it moves back toward the wood line.

The boy's father gives up the fight against the bear and helps Jhaelin move Ronin away from the area. Durwe's magic missile strikes the bear, followed by a breaking vial of oil on its shoulder from the newcomer now one hand ax short of a prepared rogue.

Suddenly a new figure appears seemingly from nowhere, a human bringing with him a gout of magic flame from his fingers that rips across the ground and upwards into the sky. Flame lances the bear and ignites the oil, creating a grizzly scene. Before the bear can back farther into the wood line, a magic missile streaks across the edge of the pond from camp and strikes the bear dead. It slumps to the ground with a last huff of a grunt and smolders.

End of combat... good job guys. Sorry about the puns.

This message was last updated by the GM at 01:56, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:57
  • msg #50

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin lets the boy go with his father and turns to regard the tall young man with honey blond hair and deep blue eyes. He knows him... or, his father rather. He never knew Brett was studying the arcane arts. A fact he can not doubt, as witnessed by that incredible display of flame.

Jhaelin smiles and extends a hand in greeting.

"Brett... isnt it? Good to see you. I hope your father is doing well these days. We haven't spoke before, but I have seen you at meetings between your father and crusader Marin."

Jhaelin begins stomping some of the flamng grasses out.

"Nice bit of magic there," he says. "What brings you out here? Things okay in Falcarragh?"
Player, 31 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #51

The Road to the Hollow

So, the new-new guy was an acquaintance of Jhaelin's. Well and good. Karok considered him probably-validated. Now, the lurker-in-the-bush was less certain, but he DID join in the fight when he didn't have to, and WAS helpful...

Karok would think about that. Meanwhile he approached the smoldering bear gingerly, sword, ready, place it against his dead ursine eye, then slid it through to the bruinish brain.

Just to make sure.

Now, that the excitement was over, he registered the fact that his torch/shield arm hurt. And was bleeding. Ow.
Player, 2 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #52

The Road to the Hollow

Brett relaxes with that bit of magic having done its job. He glances over at Jhaelin with a brow raise. The voice seemed familiar, but not the figure.

Then he remembers.

"Jhaelin, Jhaelin, is it really you?" He calls out, his voice startled.

He moves away, his horse following him and notes that it was indeed Jhaelin.

"Haven't seen you in a while." Brett said. "What have you been doing? And yes Father is well. Busy as usual. Had to send me to a monastary to learn magic." And here Brett shrugs. "I liked the monastary fine except in the beginning where it was hard. I went to the Boars Head Tavern and Inn, met with Dalthor. He told me you were heading this way is all."

Brett's blue eyes glancing at the others and a smile appears at his lips. "I see you took on some companions." He finishes.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 17 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #53

The Road to the Hollow

With the fires out now, Jhaelin turns his attention to Karok and casts a cure light wounds spell on him. The warmth of the magic flows over the dwarf soothingly and the wound closes completely, almost as if it were never there, only a slight welt remains.

"Dalthor eh? You'll be looking for us then? You found us, and your skills would be welcome if you wish to travel with us. Come, lets be back to the camp and meet with my other friends."

Jhaelin picks up a hand ax and holds it out to the other newcomer to take. As he takes it, Jhaelin claps Karok on the shoulder.

"This is Karok. Soon you two meet the elves, Durwe and Tynia. And what would your name be sir? I take it, you decided to take up my offer."
Game Master
GM, 17 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #54

Tiwesdæg, 1 hr 10 min NM

The "new" party gathers at their camp and talk amongst themselves, getting acquainted and enjoying the night air. After a bit, the frogs join back to their constant croaking and creaking and even a couple of owls hoot away somewhere deeper in the wood.

The family in the other wagon are offered the meat from the bear and they busy themselves in taking it, stringing up meat to dry over the fire through the night.
Player, 3 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #55

The Road to the Hollow

Brett inclines his head toward the dwarf, and remembers his languages.

"I greet you Karok." He says in dwarven.

His eyes widen at the mention of elves, "Elves, really, Jhaelin? I would be honored to meet them."

He follows Jhaelin to meet these elves, feeling a bit hesistant about the meeting.

"They must have been the ones who used the other spells," he asked
Player, 5 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #56

Tiwesdæg, 11.50 (low sun)

Ordil had picked up his axe and looked upon the bear with a bit of regret. Perhaps using that oil was overkill, but it was quite a sight to see it go up in smoke. He saw that Jhaelin is quite distracted by the new guest, who in turn has taken interest in the elves, so he ambled over to Karok to properly introduce himself.

"Karok is it?" he said, sitting down beside the dwarf with a chunk of bear meat between his fingers. As he speaks more plainly, his provincial accent is more pronounced:

"Fast bit of thinking to use fire. My pa always said dwarfs were rigid thinkers, but he's been wrong about a heap of things in his time. Name's Ordil Longfellow, by the way" he extends a greasy hand and continues, "So now that we've killed this here bear together, I suppose I can ask how you ended up with this group and what're you all are after."
Player, 32 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:01
  • msg #57

The Road to the Hollow

Well, at least the one of the new guys knew the proper Tongue. "And greetings to you, man of magic," Karok replied in his native language, as they went back.

As they sat down Ordil addressed him and offered introduction. The dwarf gave him a long, sober look, then shrugged and took his hand, unmindful of the grease (though that may, well, have been symbolic for the man-- his word as slippery as his grip). Holding the clinch, he said, "Know this Bush-Spy: if you can join us and help us as you did in the battle with the bear, we may, perhaps, become friends. But betray us, and you'd better make certain I am slain, or you shall never take a safe breath again."

He held the man's gaze for a moment, and believed he might be wise enough to know that his new acquaintance was speaking the truth to him...

Then he let go. "I'm no great thinker," he went on, dealing with the questions Ordil had raised. "But I get ideas, sometimes. Like that the fire would probably make the bear let go of the boy."

"As to my joining this group, I come from a family of jewelers and gem-cutters. I have no great skill at that. I could have joined the army, and did for awhile, but, though an able enough warrior, it was clear that I would not get far, there, either." He shrugged again. "Not charming, not a leader, not a genius. So, this is me living out the Bards' tales. Only way I'm ever going to be more than a grunt or an apprentice."

"You got a fascinating story to match mine?"
Player, 6 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:01
  • msg #58

The Road to the Hollow

Ordil met the dwarf's gaze with little fear. Shaking hands with those who did not trust him was part of his job description.

"Why should I expect any different? You have your ways and I have mine and as long as we're after the same things I don't see it being a problem. And the same goes for you I suppose."

One down, five to go. Ordil was glad he spoke to the dwarf first. The fellow seemed practical and open to a working arrangement. He nervously eyed the cleric, still conversing with Bret, as his biggest obstacle.

As Karok brought up his past, Ordil became more serious in expression. He speaks more quickly, as if dismissing the question "Can't say I come from stock with a trade like that. Pulling fish up out of the river was just about the best it got where I come from. So I ran from there, spent some time on the caravans going here and there, and learned how to do what it is I do."

He takes another bite of bear and chews it over, watching the fire burn up in the night.

"And today has got to be the most interesting thing to ever happen to me in my life."
Player, 19 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:01
  • msg #59

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia moves over to where Jhaelin and the new person, Brett, was it Jhaelin called him.

"I am Tynia, Tynia Earthbound. Welcome." She said. Then turns to where Karok is, with Ordil, she speaks in dwarven to him. "That was a good fight, was it not?" She finishes. Though for her, the death of one so hardy as the bear brings sadness to her eyes.
Player, 4 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #60

The Road to the Hollow

Brett turns on hearing the sweet voice of the elf maid and his mouth almost drops. Boy, was she beautiful? was his thought. He heard her speak in dwarven and was able to regain his composure.

He moves over to where she is and bows. "I greet you lady," he said in elven, eyes on her face.
Player, 20 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #61

Tiwesdæg, 1hr 0 mins (N.M.)

Hearing the voice in her language, Tynia's brow rises. "Tynia Earthbound, greetings. And you know elven I see. That is good." she said then stares at him. At first he had that look of besottedness and she shakes her head. "Not to be rude or anything, but please do not look at me like that. I am not worthy of such a look." she finishes.

And she moves away from him.
Player, 5 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #62

The Road to the Hollow

Did he look like that? Brett thought watching as she moves away. He didn't think so. She was beautiful after all, in spite all.

But and he shrugs and moves to where Jhaelin was.

"So you have any idea of the state of things now?" He asked.
Player, 18 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:03
  • msg #63

Of law and order

Jhaelin regards Brett a moment before speaking.

"You have some work to do with your elven accent it sounds like."

He chuckles a bit, "It sounds so much more elven when it actually comes from an elf. But please, speak dwarven or common tongue so that I might understand you. I do not speak, nor pretend to know the elven language, though I am tempted to learn."

"The state of things? Yes, well we are set upon arriving in Falcon's Hollow tomorrow and find the herbalist Laurel. She is the one that put out a request for adventurers to help their situation. I doubt that the logging consortium is backing her, unless one of their own has become afflicted. Yes, the more I think on it, the more likely this is the case."

"It is called the black scour taint, a fungal infection that can cause great damage to a persons breathing, and leave heavy scarring to the skin. It is not usually fatal, except in the very young and elderly."

Jhaelin's eyes move the other wagon, where he can see the woman and young girl still working at the bear. The hide had been ruined, but every bit of meat could be used, as well as some bones. That poor woman in the back of the wagon. Will she make it, he wondered. Reigning in his thoughts, he then regards Ordil.

"Fishing is a great skill to have Ordil, you should not look down upon that. Heironeous, and the other gods, provide for us in time of need in many different ways. You are welcome here, as I believe Heironeous is providing and has lead you to us, but we warned. Your skills of survival, whatever they may be, will not be used upon us. You will not take from us and you will not break the law while with us. We will share and all here will count one with the other as friend."

"Is this acceptable to you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:03, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 6 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #64

The Road to the Hollow

Brett shrugs, "Well, it has been a while since I spoke anything but common. My elven and dwarven is a bit rusty, but I'm getting there."

He listens to what Jhaelin said, especially about the black scour taint. He remembers how he lost his grandmother to it when she was in her eighties. Brett always saw his grandmother as the strong one in the family; she being able to throw off any type of disease easily, but this, the black scour taint, she couldn't get rid of, and in the end, she could no longer fight it.

"Then there must be something as to what you say and I shall accompany you and the others."
Player, 33 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #65

The Road to the Hollow

"As I recall," Karok put in, "Jhaelin said there is a cure to the disease. The ingredients are mostly in this valley near Falcon's Hollow that is usually shaded by the mountains. I guess we're going to talk to the herbalist so we'll know what to look for."

He arose and sretched.

"Pardon me, I'm going to go over and carve some bear steaks off that big carcass. Anyone want to come with me who won't scare the family so badly?"
Player, 15 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #66

The Road to the Hollow

"And I am Durwe Ondosume."

Durwe remains pensive and quiet, not at all liking the addition of two more people to their group. He does not know them, nor does he come to put his trust in others so quickly as the young Jhaelin seems to. Perhaps it is just the way of the shorter life spanned races to be so quick to trust.

Silently, he hoped the roguish fellow would bristle, and perhaps not like Jhaelin's conditions and leave. Durwe awaits an answer and decides to press for it.

"Well Ordil? Is that acceptable to you?"
Player, 19 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #67

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin shifted on his feet, wondering what Ordil might be thinking...
Player, 7 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #68

The Road to the Hollow

Ordil sighed as Jhaelin discusses the requirements of his employment.

"Look here, friend. I won't be betraying anyone. That's five blades against one and even if I were the blackest-hearted bastard to ever take up the craft of adventuring, I'm not a fool. But just as you use the light as your tool, I use the shadow. So I'll serve your cause as best I can, but you've got to let me do that as I see fit. Can we trust each other to do that?"

Ordil hoped he could.
Player, 20 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #69

The Road to the Hollow

"That we can Ordil," Jhaelin says, extending his arm for the common grasp of friendship and bond of honor. "Welcome to our group of adventurers."
Player, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #70

The Road to the Hollow

Dûrwë nods his head approvingly with a smile, and echoes Jhaelin's sentiment, "well spoken, Ordil. Welcome to our camp and group."
Player, 7 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #71

The Road to the Hollow

Brett watches it all, a smile at his lips. His gaze on Jhaelin knowing the man made his decision regarding Ordil.

He made a move forward and the smile lightens.

"So, I take it we are continuing on, right?" He inquired of Jhaelin.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:07, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
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