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10:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Regiment: Belisimar 9th "Gatekeepers" Mechanized HK Infantry.

Posted by Adeptus MunitorumFor group 0
Adeptus Munitorum
GM, 2 posts
What is death?
What is your duty?
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:08
  • msg #1

Regiment: Belisimar 9th "Gatekeepers" Mechanized HK Infantry

Regiment Breakdown
  • Post-Cataclysm World
  • Circumspect Commander
  • Hunter-Killer Regiment
  • Sappers Doctrine
  • Vanguard Doctrine
  • - Lost Home World

Characteristics: +3 to (WS, BS, Perception; pick 2), +3 BS, +2 Intelligence, -3 Strength, 1d5+2d10 Insanity

Talents: Resistance (Fear), Foresight, Technical Knock, Hatred (Servants of Chaos), Resistance (Cold) OR (Radiation) OR +100 XP

  • Resourceful
    + Characters from this world gain a +10 to Survival Tests to obtain potable food and water, and to Tech-Use Tests to jury-rig or repair equipment that is not overly advanced (as determined by the GM).
  • Sappers
    + Characters from this regiment gain a +10 bonus to Tech-Use and Trade (Technomat) Tests to construct or disassemble a structure.
  • Last Survivors
    - Each time a Squad from this regiment requests replacements, there is a chance that they may come from another regiment or not be available to this squad until later.

Skills: Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Surface), Survival, Security, Tech-Use, Trade (Technomat)

Favored Weapons: (Grenade Launcher, Missile Launcher)

Standard Regimental Kit:
  • One Combat Shotgun (Main Weapon) and four drums of ammo OR one lascarbine (Main Weapon) and four charge packs
  • One knife
  • One Good Quality Aegis-pattern Light Slabshield*
  • One flak vest and helmet
  • One 9-70 entrenching tool
  • One combi-tool
  • One data-slate
  • One microbead
  • One lascutter
  • One survival suit
  • One uniform
  • One set of poor weather gear
  • One rucksack or sling bag
  • One anointed toolkit
  • One mess kit and one water canteen
  • One blanket and one sleep bag
  • One rechargeable lamp pack
  • One grooming kit
  • One set of cognomen tags or equivalent identification
  • One primer or instructional handbook
  • Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply
  • One box of Snare Mines (6), per squad
  • One Best quality siege auspex, per squad
  • One Best quality lascutter, per squad
  • Six demolition charges, per squad
  • One Chimera troop transport per squad

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:46, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Adeptus Munitorum
GM, 4 posts
What is death?
What is your duty?
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 21:26
  • msg #2

Regiment: Belisimar 9th "Gatekeepers" Mechanized HK Infantry


Proximal to the Cadian and Agripinaa systems, the Belis Corona system has been ravaged continually by the forces of Chaos.  The lynchpin of their defense are the massive array of stations and fleet assets docked in orbit of the namesake planet of Belis Corona, but every planet of the system has been given over to the unending war against the Eye of Terror.

In centuries past, the planet of Laurentix had been a massive manufactorum, churning through the mountains of ore mined on the outer worlds to provide hardware to sustain the Imperial Navy.  Tragically, the planet fell to the influence of Chaos cults corrupting the forges of the world under the guidance of a Keeper of Secrets.  Even Inquisitor Cherone of the Ordo Malleus was nearly slain, left for dead after falling through the depths of the manufactorum mid-battle.  For several years the people of Laurentix put up a desperate resistance against a world filled with twisted engines of manifest hate, but inevitably the Inquisition chose Exterminatus as the only way to contain the influence of the dark gods, before they could engineer the war machines that might turn the tide of battle.  A final exodus was made, rescuing what survivors they could and evacuating them to the nearby world of Belisimar.

Unfortunately, the horrors that the survivors had seen had left them poorly adjusted to reincorporating into society.  Though any that were deemed to exposed to corrupting influences had already been expunged, so many citizens had spent their lives fighting and fleeing and scavenging among the ruins of their old world.   Those who remained were a danger to themselves, and to others, and so the joint Belisimar-Laurentix regiments were drawn from the survivors and their descendants to direct their restless impulses towards the good of the Imperium...


With the limited numbers of troops relative to a typical Imperial Guard founding, the Adeptus Munitorum had to give careful consideration to whom to lead the strike force.  The patient and cunning Colonel Ichabod Drusar, an avid medicae and self-titled psychologist, fought tooth and nail for the position.   Bearing ties to a Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus, he seeks to surgically apply his forces to maximum effect.  Frequently he opts to test and bait his enemies, drawing them in with probing actions before committing to their absolute destruction.  He frequently curries favor with allied regiments to stall for time, which often leaves his forces own overextended or short on supplies, but he encourages creative use of the tools at hand.


The Gatekeepers have unique live-fire trainings, using dummy rounds and a welding torch in the junkyards outside the imperial hives of Belisimar.  In a mock-up of capture the flag, they must use the scattered wreckage to build an impregnable fortress and try to simultaneously pierce the defenses of the opposing team.

In the field, the Gatekeepers mimic the defensive tactics of siege regiments like the Death Korps, using armor support to cover the construction of defensive lines, retreating when pressed, only to cut off the grasping hand of the enemy as it enters the choke points crafted in their line.   Against more cunning foes, they initiate thundering charges with heavy armor, pushing up their line and creating a gap in the enemy's defenses from which they can pivot, cutting to either side and hewing chunks out of the battlefield in the Emperor's name.


    Roll 1d5...
  1. Conscripted: Roll twice for your starting insanity, and take the lowest dice.
  2. Avenging a Loved One: Gain the Hatred (Mutants) talent.
  3. Voluntary Duty: +1 starting wounds.
  4. I Was There: Gain the Jaded talent.
  5. Rescued from the Horror: Start with an Adeptus Astartes Bolt Casing.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:48, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
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