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, welcome to Paragons of Chicago

13:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Plidinous Vogue.

Posted by GamemasterFor group 0
Danielle Archer
player, 103 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:58
  • msg #44

Plidinous Vogue

Danielle let everyone continue their conversations and introductions, but returned Becca's Big Damn Smile with one of her own when she addressed her. "Burblemeister? Love his name."

When Bex went in for the whisper, Whistler replied with her own stage whisper: "It sounds like persnickety, which means fussy. I think you're in the clear."

She gave the Chef a big smile, too, and ate her second chip when Jess made her subdued entrance. "Hiya, Jess!" Dani waved. "I'm Whistler! Welcome to the clubhouse. Great to meet another new paragon."
Ryan Cardier
player, 131 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #45

Plidinous Vogue

Raising one shifting arm in greeting to the newcomer, "Geo," he said by way of quick introductions.  Refocusing his attention on Reyna's point, he pondered a moment.  "Wait, I remember that address.  You're right, I never did reply.  All that was there was a single email address; nothing else.  I decided not to risk contact with people not willing to leave a not or anything at all.  I apologize; there were dozens like that though," Geo explained.  He had hated not reply but there had been a ton and no other information to go on.

He had studiously avoided/shifted to put off the imminent teenage hug.  Geo figured she'd just let it go (pun unintended) or she'd end up falling through him and get covered in sand.  Joys of not being solid.  For that matter, he was trying to ignore Becca's friends too; but that was mostly to give his brain time to adjust to whatever Becca's friends were.

Glancing back to Jess, he nodded after Whistler's comment.  "Apparently 'paragon' is what we're calling people with powers," he added absently.
Jessica Kowalski
player, 45 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 20:00
  • msg #46

Plidinous Vogue

Jess accepts Reyna's hand shake.  "Oh.  Good to meet you."  There might be a bit of relief there at not being the only newbie here.

Jess puzzles over the paragon label and explanation a bit.  She removes her hat in the process, revealing shoulder-length blonde hair.  "Paragons?  Sure, why not?  It's not like we were going to call ourselves mutants.  But... I don't know.  That sounds like you're expecting us to be superheroes."

Taking off her coat reveals a University of Iowa T-shirt.  "Anyway, what is this place?"
Reyna Devine
player, 55 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 06:59
  • msg #47

Plidinous Vogue

Reyna takes more kale chips from Chef Rumblesteak, "It is important to maintain a healthy diet to perform your best all the time," she agreed with the Chef after only a tiny start when she understood what he meant even though all he said was 'kerberble".

She smiled kindly at Geo, "Ah, that is okay.  I did not give you much to work with.  I bet you got a lot of random stuff in those pillars, but it was a good idea to start getting us all to meet.  Without them, it would have been a lot harder to find each other."  She smiled at the sand man.

"Business Cat was talking about us working together in case some of the people who manifest paragon powers decide to use them selflessly." She replied to Jess.  "I would be willing to help with that, but I am hoping for help with controlling my powers." She blushed at little bit as she tried to avoid looking at all the damaged furniture slammed against one wall.  She smiled at Daydreamer, "Daydreamer mentioned a group chat."

At Jess's question of what this place was, Reyna opened her mouth and then closed it and looked toward Daydreamer to explain where they are again.  She got it explained to her once, and she was still not really sure where they were.
Becca Gershwin
player, 285 posts
Attractive 3, Spacy
Wears a friendship bangle
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #48

Plidinous Vogue

Bex remained ready for the hug with Geo.

Whistler's reinforcement that persnicketed wasn't a bad word made Becca sigh with relief.  "That's good, at least!"

Jess asked the question of what the place was, and Bex smiled over at her.  "We're in an office building that's inside the tummy of my friend Plidinous Vogue, and he's a whale who swims around in the Neverwas, and also some of my other friends hang out here so when everybody was like 'we should have a place to hang out' I was like 'oh!  I know where we could go!'  So it's really safe here but there's no cell reception."

The commentary about superheroes and Reyna's comment about potential villains made Bex nodded quite solemnly.  From behind Jessica--nowhere in particular, just from behind her, depending on where the onlooker was relative to Jessica--came a duck, flapping its wings far too slowly to be airborne.  But there it was, airborne, wearing a bowtie.  And it appeared to just be... walking?  In mid air, despite the flapping of the wings?  In English, it looked to Jessica and went "quack."

"I think we can be friends with everybody, but Business Cat thinks sometimes people don't wanna be friends."  She gave Geo a side eye.  "So if you all are able to have super neat powers, then the chances are there's gonna be people who got 'em who don't wanna be our friends yet.  You know?"
Danielle Archer
player, 104 posts
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #49

Plidinous Vogue

Whistler snapped a finger-gun at Geo, Reyna, and Daydreamer in turn as they explained the "paragon" nomenclature -- and then went full sales pitch to the room. "If we don't get on the branding game then it's only a matter of time until some jerk calls us something nasty and it sticks. Ditto the superhero thing; a few of us being awesome in the public eye helps protect everyone from being rounded up and put in a government or corporate facility full of needles and..." She wiggled her fingers and affected a spoOoOOKy voice, "Proooofit maaaargins!"

Dani chuckled softly at her own antics, and stood up off of the beanbag with her hands akimbo. "Plus it's... Fun. And cool. And necessary, kind of? I met one guy already who was using his powers in a gang war. And what the hell are regular people going to do if someone like me, Geo, or Atlas wants them to start paying for protection? Call the cops to come... Die in a rockslide? Get the Bean dropped on them by a guy who can bench-press an airplane? Or, if anyone is like me, burn alive? If nobody plays superhero then, best-case scenario, Chicago gets occupied by the National Guard to speed up the 'put us all in a lonely box' timeline."

She cast a sidelong glance at Reyna. "Related: Cool as the banshee scream was -- and it was very, very cool -- learning to control it sounds like a really great idea."
Ryan Cardier
player, 132 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 14:48
  • msg #50

Plidinous Vogue

Geo nodded to Reyna.  "That was kind of the point.  It was a half baked idea but it sort of worked," he chuckled, giving a gravelly smile.

Ryan was no genius or scientist.  But he'd seen Star Trek; that was a start, right?  "We're in a pocket dimension?  Or alternate tummy reality?  Invisible space whale with an office in it's stomach.  All work just as well.  Doesn't particularly matter I guess.   Either way, Daydreamer here seems limited only by her imagination.  Which is substantial," he added with a friendly smile and a nod to the teenager.  Who was still waiting for the hug apparently.  He extended one hand, forming a fist as he concentrated to try and make it sort of solid like he did with the handshake earlier.

"I'm not as sold on the being superhero thing as Whistler here though I'm honestly shocked we haven't had 'paragons' abusing powers and breaking laws in a big way yet.  She's definitely right about the rest.  And I do want to help; do the right thing."  Shrugging his shifting shoulders, he looked at the others in turn.  "There is a text chain; Whistler, Becca and a some others set it up.  If you give the number of a burner or whatever, we can add you," Geo confirmed.

"I agree, we do need to practice, each in our own way.  If we're going to do this hero thing, it can't be sloppy.  People could get hurt."  His body rippled slightly as he shrugged.  "I don't know anything about fighting.  Whistler here almost certainly does.  For people like me, she should probably put a class together or something.  Take point on teaching us," he suggested slowly.  "For those who need practice with powers with safe targets, I'm probably a good choice.  I wasn't really bothered by Reyna's accidental sound wave so I'm a safe target.  I could, with a little practice I bet, probably make some kind of punching bags, for everyone to practice on too.  To make a rough human analog so we know not to go too far," he said, ideas just rolling off.  "If this space is always available and Daydreamer is fine with it, we can practice here.  If not, I can arrange something; long as you don't mind being underground."

"Sorry; I'm just spitballing here.  It's just things I've been thinking of for a while now.  I want to get started on all this.  The longer we wait, the less likely we'll be ready when the other shoe drops."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:24, Mon 05 Dec 2022.
Jessica Kowalski
player, 47 posts
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 07:13
  • msg #51

Plidinous Vogue

Jessica nodded, with varying degrees of understanding, as things were explained to her.  At least, until- "Duck!?" she shouts in surprise.  "Okay.  Buildings inside space whales.  Bull chefs.  Ducks.  Why not?"

Shaking her head, she flees for the safety of the next subject.  Looking at Whistler, she says, "I think you've been watching too many SyFy original movies.  Getting kidnapped by the government or a corporation and experimented on?  That kind of thing doesn't really happen.  Though, we have been trying to get some more people with paranormal abilities to come into the hospital.  I work at Stroger hospital, which I'm pretty sure is the leader in, uh, paragon healthcare and research.  Even if it's mostly just been me for the last three weeks.  We're trying to figure out what is going on, and if there are any side effects or long term issues from whatever is going on with our abilities.  Would any of you be interested in coming in?"

She should also probably address the whole superhero issue.  Turning to Geo, "Okay, I guess we haven't heard about any... supervillains, yet.  I hope that means that most people are good at heart.  I don't really want to see a real supervillain, killing people with their abilities.  I guess it would be better if there was a superhero available to stop them.  Though I'm not sure I like the idea of solving things by punching people."

Jess shakes her head again.  "Seems I'm thinking out loud, too.  I'm not sold on being a superhero, I think I can do more good as a doctor.  But... maybe some practice could be good, if something came up.  If I had to deal with violent patients...  I don't know anything about fighting, either.  I could help with general fitness and body control, and I might make a decent punching bag.  I'm pretty tough- oh!  Yeah.  I should show you my abilities."  She gets taller - no, her torso is stretching and elongating at the waist.  It then goes horizontal, her body stretching in a wide loop around the people present, her top half coming to a rest above her lower half.  "I'm stretchy and rubbery.  I'm not entirely sure what all I can do now"
Reyna Devine
player, 58 posts
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 15:57
  • msg #52

Plidinous Vogue

Biting her lip nervously, Reyna nodded in agreement with Whistler, "Oh yes, I do need to learn to control my powers.  It is so very easy for them to accidentally come out." She shyly gestured at the wreckage of furniture to Jess, who missed that loss of control. "I don't need someone to aim at, what I probably need is some type of training in control stress reactions or just getting better at recognizing when my power starts flowing through my voice."  She visibly stopped talking and swallowed back the next words.  She knew that if she went on too long of a rant, that her voice would take on a hypnotic quality, but she wasn't sure what that point was.

As talk of becoming heroes started to be discussed more, she nodded at Becca, "Most people would prefer to become friends, but sometimes because of unfair treatment they become desperate and angry. They feel like the only way to survive is too turn to crime.  There are many studies out that show that most crime is committed because of economic reasons and turning to crime is the only way some people can see as a way to feed their loved ones.  So we should practice de-escalation techniques just as much as fighting techniques. This is one of things good police use a lot, how to de-escalate situations so that no one gets hurt." Reyna took a quick breath as she continued, "Also we should make sure that everyone knows that if they surrender they will be treated with respect.  If people know that it is safe to surrender to us, they will be more likely to surrender instead of fight to the end."

Reyna's voice was starting to take on a hypnotic quality to it when she suddenly stopped talking and looked at her watch, "oh!  I need to be going.  I have to get to rehearsal!"  She pulled out her phone as she turned to Becca, "Lets get me setup on the group chat.  And we can plan on a meeting time with everyone later when we will all have plenty of time to discuss the idea of becoming heroes or paragons more fully."  Reyna nodded her head excitedly to meet up with the others again, but also feeling like she was going to have to rush to get to rehearsals in time.
Becca Gershwin
player, 286 posts
Attractive 3, Spacy
Wears a friendship bangle
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 16:22
  • msg #53

Plidinous Vogue

Bex listened to everybody and finally just started nodding about halfway through Geo's commentary, and she kept it up through Jessica's and Reyna's.  "I think we can find somewhere here that can be used for practicing, yup!  And we can practice deescalation stuff too, that's totally fair."  Bex pulled her phone out to give the deetz to anybody who desired them.

"Also, as a doctor you may be able to help one person at a time, you know?  But as you start to apply yourself and increase your reach, you can impact more and more people.  It's like with Tiktok!  Anyways, how long has Stroger Hospital been researching superheroes?"
Danielle Archer
player, 105 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #54

Plidinous Vogue

While everyone continued discussing, Whistler finally turned her attention back to Roger and held her finger out for the duckling to come get his little headpet if he wished. Imaginary or not, that critter was too damn cute. She watched with obvious delight when Jessica extended herself around the room, too.

When there was an opening for her to weigh in, Dani held up the index finger of her free hand. "Point of clarification: I meant people who want to do the superhero-slash-paragon thing should get involved; pressuring anyone who doesn't would be pretty messed up. The idea is that some of us, the willing, can build public support and potentially help the city deal with any paragons who don't have the north-iest moral compass. And, Doc, while the US and corporate interests both have long, sordid, matter-of-public-record histories of inhumanity and unethical human experimentation that I could argue that point on -- not from an educated standpoint, I just go on late-night wikipedia dives a lot -- I'll instead offer this: As far as we know, there have never before been individual people who can lift planes, imagine life into existence, create a mountain, or disintegrate steel with nothing but our bodies and willpower; it is probably unwise to assume that the response will be... Chill.

"Anyway, that beside, I'll swing by Stroger sometime this week for you to take blood or whatever else, Let's also go ahead and get a plan going in the group chat for a self-defense and self-control day! Those are good for everybody to work on, and we can meet anyone new."

Danielle took her burner out to check the time when Reyna mentioned rehearsal, and her brows went up. "I have to boogie, too, actually! It was great to meet you Reyna and Doctor Jess! Great to see you both again, Geo and Daydreamer!"

Dani pocketed her stuff and headed for the Trader Joe doors, ducking under Jessica's gummy tummy but took a casual pace in case anyone needed to stop her for anything.
Jessica Kowalski
player, 48 posts
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 06:38
  • msg #55

Plidinous Vogue

Jess starts walking around the group as her tummy starts to retract.  The two halves are going to meet about half-way around.  She looks pretty stable as she does so, but that's only from years of gymnastics.  "Well, it's only been two, three weeks now?  I went rubbery a week or so before Karl Brennan had his big debut, right at the hospital.  So we're not that specialized, but that still more than most places could claim.  Oh, and we've been calling them paranormal abilities.

"Hmm.  All things considered, we can probably get everyone seen as walk-ins.  We didn't expect to find so many, so quick, so we don't have a system set up yet.  You said there's a text chain?  I can get something set up and pass along the details that way."

Back in a normal human shape, she takes a moment to adjust her t-shirt; it didn't settle quite right as she retracted.  She looks to Geo and Daydreamer, the only two left.  "I just got here, and I've already got a reason to head out.  I was hoping to get to know some other people like myself better, but I guess that will have to wait.

"I know there are ways to do anonymous network things with my phone, but I've never been into computers enough to figure it out.  I guess I'll need to buy a prepaid phone...  Are you 'posts of 12'?  We could meet up later once I've got a new phone?"

Ryan Cardier
player, 133 posts
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 14:56
  • msg #56

Plidinous Vogue

Geo shrugged his shoulders.  "Practicing on stuff is best, sure.  But sooner or later, if you do get involved in this superhero thing, even peripherally, you're likely to use your powers on a person.  Better to know how much you need to pull your punch before you need to use it.  Benchmarks, limits are important," his gravelly voice responded.  It was why he had pushed and wanted to train with someone who knew what they were doing.  He didn't really want to fight anyone anyway but he'd rather be able and make certain he wouldn't accidentally kill anyone.

"Friends is great and all.  But what do we do if there is a fight because they aren't nice and they surrender or we're forced to stop them or whatever?  I know you said you were studying powers and stuff but...where do you put someone with the power to smash open a wall?," he asked, half to himself.  "I'm not expecting an answer right now," Geo added quickly, placating gesture with his hands.  "It's just I tend to think about 'what next' or 2 or 3 steps down the line.  It was kind of important in my job; kind of bleeds over into everything else I guess.  Anyway, just something to consider," sandy shoulders just shrugged.

He nodded to the new woman and back to Whisper.  "Solid point.  It's one reason I look like this," a vague gesture to his shifting particulate form, "and not like the normal looking me.  Trust is a hard thing and I'm just not there yet.  There's been some vague threat like photos and such and I worry about people I care about.  But I swear, as soon as I'm ready to be seen and trust, I'll give you the hug," he added the last with a rough half-smile towards Becca.

"Oh Whisper!  Something I figure you should know if you didn't already.  One of the messages I got said the MMA fight tonight will also have some powered matches.  Or at least hinted at it really strongly.  No idea how that'll work or go but figured you, maybe Karl, should know."  He gave a nod and wave to the departing pair, after making sure the various phone numbers were shared.

"You can count me out on the testing.  Sorry; that's just not going to happen.  No offense but I just met you and I certainly don't trust anonymity of a hospital or government.  Not to mention; don't really have any blood or anything like this anyway.  And yeah, that was me.  It was a half baked idea to find others and get people like us talking," he said with a little shrug.  "Mostly worked.  Glad you made it though," Geo offered with a nod and smile.  "Sure; glad to.  If you don't want the burner tracked, take out the battery and card and all that.  It's what I do.  Keep my lives separate.  Tonight's a bit busy, being New Years and all.  Otherwise, let me know."

Sorry for the delay.  RL been busy.

Becca Gershwin
player, 287 posts
Attractive 3, Spacy
Wears a friendship bangle
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #57

Plidinous Vogue

Becca stared at Ryan.  "The hug will be ready," Becca promised ominously.

Listening to everybody, she nodded!  "I don't think I'm gonna go to the hospital either, my mom doesn't trust hospitals.  But I appreciate the invitation!  You're always welcome here!  And whenever you're ready for the group thread, here's my number, just text me and I'll get you added in!"  Bex started out towards the portal.  "It was really nice to meet you both!  I hope to see you both again soon!"

Pausing by the doors, she flashed them both a big smile.  "Happy New Year!"
GM, 814 posts
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #58

Plidinous Vogue

As the five emerge from the glass doors in Millennium Park, they find a large crowd gathered around, complete with representatives from local media and a strong police presence keeping the crowd away from the doors.
Reyna Devine
player, 60 posts
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #59

Plidinous Vogue

Reyna nodded at Jessica, "I will see about dropping by," she responded to the request for testing. They needed to find out what was going on and running tests was the first step.  Better they do it, then someone else who might have different motives.

She waved to everyone as she pulled on her winter coat and just before she stepped out, she flipped up the hood of her coat.  As she stepped forward, the doors slide open and she stepped out, stopping dead in her tracks at the huge crowd and all the flashing cameras as questions started to be thrown out at her.  She immediately spun around and charged back through the doors, "Umm... Becca!  Can you move the door??   There are hundreds of media people outside!"  She called out in a bit of a panic!  She was hoping to keep her identity secret.  If she tried to walk through the group, she would definitely be outed!
Danielle Archer
player, 108 posts
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #60

Plidinous Vogue

Whistler clocked Reyna's hesitation, but her stride didn't falter for an instant.

"Happy New Year!" she tossed back to Bex and the group in general. "You know how to get in touch if you need me! This might also give you all a chance to duck out. No promises, but it's the best I got that doesn't put anyone in danger."

Then, unflappable as ever, Danielle walked out of the sliding doors and waved to the curious crowd. Just a quick wave, though, then the whine of pressure and heat built around her and Whistler launched off the ground on a pillar of roaring fire from her palms and soles.
GM, 817 posts
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #61

Plidinous Vogue

The crowd gasps as Whistler blasts off, and the majority of their heads and cameras turn to follow her as she flies away.
Ryan Cardier
player, 135 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 01:20
  • msg #62

Plidinous Vogue

That's what he'd been afraid of was his first thought when Reyna quickly popped back in after barely more than a peek.  And it was only going to get worse too he figured.  And with some of them worried about being identified and some of them not, it was going to get challenging to meet.

Glancing at Becca to see if she could, Geo offered an option as well.  "I can, sort of, hide people and get folks away if needs be.  Would only take a few minutes to bring you anywhere in the city and drop you somewhere secluded.  In some bushes, in an alley behind a dumpster; heck even in a basement."  He paused.  "Uh, though if you're claustrophobic, that might be a thing.  And it'll be pitch black unless you use a flashlight or you phone," he added as a warning.  "I'd need maybe 60 seconds before you stepped out but otherwise, it's no problem.  Up to you," he offered with a sandy shrug.
Becca Gershwin
player, 288 posts
Attractive 3, Spacy
Wears a friendship bangle
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #63

Plidinous Vogue

Bex blinked a few times.  "I might be able to ask Plidinous to move the entrance, but then what if people get confused?"  She made a face.  "It sounds like Geo's got a way out though!  I'll just go with Smeddly.  It was great to meet you all again!"

A gnome appeared from behind Becca, unhinged his jaw, and created a Becca-sized portal.  Bex walked through, and then the portal inverted and 'swallowed' up Smeddly afterwards.
Reyna Devine
player, 61 posts
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 02:03
  • msg #64

Plidinous Vogue

Reyna eyes widened in surprise as Becca stepped into the the gnome's mouth and then disappear inside as the gnome seemed to swallow itself. She turned toward Geo and Jessica, "That was slightly disturbing."

Shaking herself of the image of how Becca left, she turned to face Geo, "I will take you up on the offer of help avoiding the crowds." She smiled at the sandman, "I just need to be dropped off at the edge of the park and that should get me free of the crowds.  How does it work?"  She took up Geo's offer of help getting out of the park unnoticed. "I am going to have to come with a disguise before the next time I come here." She thought out loud with a tone of excitement at the prospect of making a costume as she waited for Geo to explain how he was going to get her out of here in a manner to preserve her identity.
Ryan Cardier
player, 136 posts
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #65

Plidinous Vogue

Geo nodded in agreement with the woman about Becca.  She seemed crazy powerful and hard to pin down; not to mention far from logical which was hard for him personally.

"I woud suggest farther away from the park edge, in a place where there are specically no cameras," he countered but would leave it up to her, and the doctor as ll assuming she needed transportation.  "I'm thinking we need to move the door to somewhere less inconspicuous but maybe it's just me," he said with a rippling shrug.

As he spoke his sand form swelled and condensed, turnnig him from into a more solid rock form.  His voice deepened and definitely sounded more like gravel and rock now.  "Well, I would go out first.  Make a dome or something to hide the door and us from view.  Plenty of material to work wit out there.  Shouldn't take a minute.  Then you step out.  I lowed the ground, make a kind of hole for us, reseal the ground and put the dome back.  Then I just kind of move through the ground.  Will be like being dragged for you I guess?  I fully admit, I've never tried this with other people before but it should work.  You'll be in a tunnel the opens in front and collapses behind.  So it'l be dark unless you turn on a light or something.  But it'll be fast," he offered with a stiff shrug of one rocky shoulder.  "I've been getting around the city like this for a couple weeks now.  Can get to anywhere in the city within a minute or two at most really.  I usually go deep to avoid infrastructure, popping up where I need.  I tend to go a lot slower when just below the surface.  Easier to 'see' hat way," Geo went on, doing his best to explain.
Reyna Devine
player, 65 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 18:09
  • msg #66

Plidinous Vogue

Reyna smiled at Geo, "Oh, I bow to your experience.  I was just trying to make things easier for you," the petite brunette shrugged her shoulders as she bounced a little bit on her toes. "Hopefully, Becca is able to move the door to someplace else."

She looked at Jessica to see if she was ready to go as well and then turning toward Geo, "I am ready to go when you are." She held up her phone to show that she was ready to be in the dark. "I am heading toward the theatre district on N. State Street if that helps you at all."
Ryan Cardier
player, 138 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 01:46
  • msg #67

Plidinous Vogue

"Sounds good.  If you need transport around the city, let me know.  It's quick and easy for me so no problem.  You've got my number now.  I'll try to check it regularly.  Anyway, give me a 60 seconds and then come on out," Geo's grinding rock voice said as he stepped outside.

Once there, he did as he'd said and walled off the door.  Once the two women stepped out, he made sure they were ready before finishing his exit steps.  Sinking the trio into the earth, Geo sped off to take them wherever they needed to go...

Short post as requested to move us along.

GM, 843 posts
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 17:29
  • msg #68

Plidinous Vogue

Ryan transports Reyna and Jessica safely away from the doors. The three then part ways...

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