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Kingsguard at the Wedding: Facts and Clues.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
DM Heath
GM, 6462 posts
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 12:41
  • msg #1

Kingsguard at the Wedding: Facts and Clues

As you play guard for the reception and wedding ceremony, I will put facts and clues here so to help you remember. Refer back to this often as you go about your duties.


7:00 Meet Princess Esther privately for a few minutes

7:15 Meet Prince Remalus for a few minutes

7:30 Meet guests arriving at the gatehouse.

8:00-11:00 Guard duty. Look out for anything suspicious. Lieutenant Garand will help escort you. Commander Percival must be made aware of anything important.

11:00 Festivities end, septon arrives, and guests prepare for the wedding

11:30 Wedding ceremony commences

12:00 midnight: Guests depart.

(Optional: Find out information about the Syndicate and its members, some of who will be guests for the reception. This will help in tracking, identifying and gathering the 10 artifacts related to the Five Pillars: see here: )

This is the ORIGINAL MAP. Below under PLACES AND THINGS, the map will be updated as you explore, so this is the clean version to reference.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:33, Fri 18 Nov 2022.
DM Heath
GM, 6464 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 06:26
  • msg #2



King Lombard: King of this territory ("Lar-Tarambar"). Human. About 50 years old.

Princess Esther says: King Lombard never tried to make an alliance before, so this marriage was sudden about 30 days ago. Before, the King was going to let his son choose his wife.

Prince Romalus: groom to be. 20 years old. Speaks in low, informal speech. Hates formalities. Does not want to be heir or get married. Wants to leave castle and adventure. Prince Romalus is of average height, very athletic build. He has grown a slight moustache and beard. He is dressed in formal regalia armor. Instead of red and blue, it is red and black. His best friend since a child is Lord Damon.


Lord Damon is similarly dressed as Prince Romalus, but has darker skin and hair. He has purple tinges to his clothes, including a scarf. He seems to try to talk sense into Romalus about his duties.


Princess Esther: Bride-to-be. 20 years old. Daughter of King Zheklah (neighboring territory of "Linh-Zheklin"). Duty bound. Only daughter of her father. Understands need for political marriage. Her kingdom is in strategically sound position but is not a rich kingdom. Prior to this arrangement, she loved Jak, but broke it off with him for this arranged marriage. Jak became very upset and said if he could not have her, no one could. She suspects Jak might come to the castle to do something to interfere or stop the wedding out of jealousy and anger.


Anne: Lady in waiting for Esther, and closest confidante.


Esther's Bodyguards: Two soldiers dressed in her fief's green and yellow uniforms.

Commander Percival: Commander of the King's Guard. Human, about 40 years old. Formal and no nonsense.


Lieutenant Antoine: Your guide. Works under Percival. Very formal and polite. Human. About 30.


Jak: Former suitor of the princess. From wealthiest family in her fief. Great fighter--prefers dual wielding longsword and dagger. Age 22. Human. Average height. Turned down Commander of Guard position (due to vow of chastity required). Overuses contractions. A slight bit banal and plebian. Can drink most men under the table. Has mole on neck. Shaves head bald.

Jak may have some magical items that are small, possibly even invisibility.

Angus: Friend of Jak. Rogue. Shaved head. Has a temper and is a show off. No striking features except thick black eyebrows. SOme say he is like a mummer.

Angus: Has some magic items including ventriloquism, audible glamer and illusion related.

Librus: Fighter. Friend of Jak. Shaved head. Several battle scars on body, including several on back, big one on hand, and large burn on his right calf down to his foot.

Nom: Mage. Friend of Jak. Normally red hair but shaved. Carries wand made of cedar and has abnormally small and portable spellbook.

Nom Spells: Irritation and more.


This message was last edited by the GM at 08:14, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
DM Heath
GM, 6465 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 06:27
  • msg #3

Places and Things

This is the UPDATED MAP of CASTLE LOMBARD to show areas explored. See above for original map.


Guest room (south side of castle):

The guest quarters have been made up for the princess and her ladies in waiting.

The elegant room is decorated with tapestries, a bed, and a vanity with a divan.

It has a manakin for dressmaking (wedding dress) in it.

Prince's Room
Mirror image of the guest room but decorated in masculine. Suit of armor instead of manakin with wedding dress.

Table with unfinished chess game and four chairs.

Oak desk in one corner. Chairs lining the wall.

Divan couch along one wall.

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:44, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
DM Heath
GM, 6466 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 06:28
  • msg #4

Overheard and Other Intangible Clues


Romalus disclosed: "my older brother died several months back, leaving me next in line for the throne. I didn't want it. I don't want it. And I'm sure as the levels of the Abyss don't want to marry this princess. I was meant to be out fighting and exploring. But my father is a different man since my brother's death. He is more stern. He shouts orders. And now this marriage. He broke his promise to me that I can marry whomever I choose."

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:43, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
DM Heath
GM, 6487 posts
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 05:11
  • msg #5

Overheard and Other Intangible Clues

Bumping this as a reminder.
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