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02:12, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Well of demons.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 1039 posts
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 07:45
  • msg #27

Re: Well of demons

Zaku opens the chest, carefully, inserting a key and twisting it.
Inside he finds a curious selection.
  1. First a set of supple black gloves, woven with Shadowfell thread.
  2. A necklace that is crafted in orum, and in the shape of a stylized sun.
  3. One gold necklace inlaid with diamonds and rubies (worth 400 gp)
  4. A jade bracelet worth 100 gp
  5. 62 gp.

player, 198 posts
HP 46/46 S 9/9 SV 12
AC 22/ F 17/ R 18/ W 16
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 14:48
  • msg #28

Re: Well of demons

Grock stared at the open tome. “Anybody want to grab that book? Education and reading weren’t really high priority on the slave ship I grew up on.”
Roland Esperus
player, 567 posts
Fri 12 Feb 2021
at 19:35
  • msg #29

Re: Well of demons

Saskan shudders in relief when the demon is slain. “Thank you for healing me. Where are...” He looks around and sees the bodies of his comrades and says, “No... they are all dead? Nothing can be done for them? I am not a healer. Far from it, but even I can see the death on them.” He crumpled to the ground in anguish and was quiet for a moment before collecting himself and saying, “This place is awful. Are you here to put an end to the evil within? If so, can I join you? I am weary and wounded but I can go on for a time.”

Roland strides up and puts his hand on the dragonborn's shoulder. "Yes, you are most welcome to join us, friend. How long have your companions been dead? Perhaps they could yet be revived. It is expensive, but possible."

His compassion for the fallen has made him oblivious to the other conversations for the moment.
player, 867 posts
Fighter, 31/57 10/12 (14)
AC 20 F 19 R 18 W 17
Fri 12 Feb 2021
at 21:13
  • msg #30

Re: Well of demons

Dral recovers from the encounter, gracefully accepting Zakuryu's words and welcome Saskan to the group. He eyes the treasure, but his main focus is the book.

"Who will carry this? I believe it should be Roland."
Zakuryu Mori
player, 84 posts
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 17:58
  • msg #31

Re: Well of demons

Zakuryu pocketed the coinage, and offered the other items to his allies with his free hand.  He was in this adventure mostly to avenge his previous companions, and it only seemed fair that he pass on the truly valuable items to those who had enabled him to return to this place.

"I do not know the worth of these items," he said, indicating the gloves and sun amulet, "...but they seem to be special.  If they are of use, please take them.  The ruby necklace is quite valuable, and this bracelet is worth a fair bit as well.  Help yourselves, my friends."

OOC: I vote we take a short rest, and continue back to the other path up north.  Also, is there any way to identify the gloves and amulet?
player, 199 posts
HP 46/46 S 9/9 SV 12
AC 22/ F 17/ R 18/ W 16
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 21:28
  • msg #32

Re: Well of demons

Grock will take the gloves and slip them on. He examines them in the light. With a sideways glance, the half Orc sized up the dragonborn. “You need a rest after taking a dirt nap?”
player, 20 posts
Sun 14 Feb 2021
at 08:54
  • msg #33

Re: Well of demons

Saskan responds to Roland’s question first and says, “I have no idea how long we had been lying there. I lost consciousness as we fought and am only alive by the grace of Bahamut and your own magic. They appear past the point of resurrection but I am not a trained healer like yourself.”

Saskan is shaky but defiantly says, “I can carry on for a while. I think time is of the essence but I will need to rest before too long to restore my full strength.”

OOC: I have very few surges left but I can stay clear of the fights for now.
Roland Esperus
player, 569 posts
Sun 14 Feb 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #34

Re: Well of demons

Roland stands. "Yes, several days would be too long for my skill. Perhaps someday we can restore them."

He walks over to Dral and takes the book, putting it in his sack. "I will bear it. We should not tamper with it much here. We rest for a few minutes, then press onward. Zaku, any recommendations on which way to go?"

Short rest. And, yeah, Roland takes the evil book and stows it.

We will follow Zaku's plan if nobody else objects.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:57, Wed 17 Feb 2021.
GM, 1044 posts
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 10:12
  • msg #35

Re: Well of demons

As you return back, you see the spirits nod at you and the Wizard raises her head.
"One down...and a restless soul salvaged...maybe you will succeed. Time will tell.."
Their eyes followed you as you headed west, seeing two ways forward, on due west and one northwest, which Zaku led you to.

You see a curious sight ahead of you. The door opens to reveal a 10-foot-wide room. Jet-black curtains hang from hooks set into the ceiling, forming a wall ahead of you.
The room is quiet. A soft wind gives a curious almost shimmering sound that fades quickly.
You will have to remove the curtains to learn more.
Roland Esperus
player, 574 posts
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 22:17
  • msg #36

Re: Well of demons

Roland moves into the chamber, just beyond the doorway. "Needs a new decorator," he quips. The tone is clearly bothering him, but he sucks it up and peers behind the nearest curtain.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:18, Fri 19 Feb 2021.
player, 201 posts
HP 46/46 S 9/9 SV 12
AC 22/ F 17/ R 18/ W 16
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 05:37
  • msg #37

Re: Well of demons

Grock stands back to see what happens when you look behind the curtain.
GM, 1045 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 08:23
  • msg #38

Re: Well of demons

As Roland peeks in, he notices something glimmer in the low light.He makes out nine square pillars, each with mirrors on all sides. From the door he can not make out anything nor see anything by the mirror nor it's purpose. That would require him to get closer.
Just to his left, he sees one mirror, luring him closer, as if part of the solution.

Roland Esperus
player, 575 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 18:46
  • msg #39

Re: Well of demons

Roland steps out and describes this to the others. "I propose we move in throughout the room and see what we can learn together. I'll head right; Dral, can you stay with me?"
player, 870 posts
Fighter, 31/57 10/12 (14)
AC 20 F 19 R 18 W 17
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #40

Re: Well of demons

In reply to Roland Esperus (msg # 39):

Dral does so, electing to stay somewhat ahead of Roland.
player, 24 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 19:29
  • msg #41

Re: Well of demons

Saskan stays behind Roland and Dral. He's still a bit worse for the wear and he knows most of his spells can be cast as easily from afar as from up close.
Roland Esperus
player, 576 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 19:31
  • msg #42

Re: Well of demons

Roland moves around the perimeter, moving the drapes and examining the mirrors more closely.
GM, 1046 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 08:08
  • msg #43

Re: Well of demons

Roland and Dral move rightway passed a mirror. As they walk closer, the mirror shimmers, and in a glimpse, just a small look, both Dral and Roland feels a curious spinning sensation in their stomach and see their vision blur.
Saskan who is behind sees something else; that they vanish before his eyes and appear farther ahead!
They land, near the pillar, hard.
They land before a large draped curtain hiding something, and has a depiction of the lord of the place. Baphomet.

Zaku and Grog feel differently, as the mirror they pass tries to draw them in, their feet being drawn over the floor but through will and ability they both escape the lure and draw, warning them of this mirror!

T1 -> T2 as per map. Both take 6 damage upon landing.
Mirror with M, tries to trap and lure but misses!

player, 871 posts
Fighter, 31/57 10/12 (14)
AC 20 F 19 R 18 W 17
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 23:16
  • msg #44

Re: Well of demons

"We are here," says Dral, loudly enough to be heard elsewhere in the room. "There is something hidden behind a curtain, but we will wait for you to join us."
Roland Esperus
player, 577 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 17:10
  • msg #45

Re: Well of demons

Roland blinks and catches himself, disoriented as he is after the teleporting. "Good idea," he says to Dral. He turns and looks around, trying to avoid looking directly into another mirror for right now. It was moments like these where he wished he was a trapsmith!
player, 202 posts
HP 46/46 S 9/9 SV 12
AC 22/ F 17/ R 18/ W 16
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 18:33
  • msg #46

Re: Well of demons

Grock holds his ground with a grunt. He snorts as the half Orc loads his sling with bullets and throws one after another at each mirror starting with the closest one until they break. “I ain’t going to be playing no tug of war today!”
player, 873 posts
Fighter, 31/57 10/12 (14)
AC 20 F 19 R 18 W 17
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 22:52
  • msg #47

Re: Well of demons

Aware that he is comparatively hardy, and that Roland is on hand to help him recover, Dral begins trying to determine if there is a safe or at least controlled way to move about.

He walks around the pillar nearest to him, trying to avoid eye contact with it or any other mirrors. If he manages that safely, he moves to the wall and tries to move to another part of the room without coming near any pillars.

He will use total defense if he can and will use iron will for a +2 to defenses if he's attacked and it would help.
player, 203 posts
HP 46/46 S 9/9 SV 12
AC 22/ F 17/ R 18/ W 16
Sun 28 Feb 2021
at 04:50
  • msg #48

Re: Well of demons

Grock threw a sling stone at the closest mirror to him.

22:49, Today: Grock rolled 27 using 1d20+9.  Sling attack closest M mirror 2.
22:48, Today: Grock rolled 24 using 1d20+9.  Sling attack closest M mirror 1.

GM, 1047 posts
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 08:39
  • msg #49

Re: Well of demons

The Mirror shattered before Grock.
The sound was so loud all could hear it, as a howling scream came out of the mirror, as a spirit left it, causing Grock to almost stagger back.
Something was within it, and now was free to do its own bidding.

Dral and Roland heard it aswell, but following that, still..heard nothing behind the drapes.
As Dral moves south(? around M?), he feels, even if not looking, a draw within it, but the hold of it, is not strong enough to take him in.
The mirror, the gate they came from, did not have the same effect, it appeared to be a way out, not in.

player, 26 posts
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 16:05
  • msg #50

Re: Well of demons

Seeing the path cleared before him, Saskan made his way to the others.
player, 204 posts
HP 46/46 S 9/9 SV 12
AC 22/ F 17/ R 18/ W 16
Tue 2 Mar 2021
at 07:31
  • msg #51

Re: Well of demons

Grock stayed back waiting to see if something else would come at them.
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